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Listening 1

Listen to the weather report. What’s the weather like today in these cities?
Check () the correct information.

Cold Hot Raining Snowing Sunny Windy

New York □ □ □ □ □ □
Rio de Janeiro □ □ □ □ □ □
Tokyo □ □ □ □ □ □
Listen again. Write the temperature in each city.
New York _________°C Rio de Janeiro _________°C Tokyo _________°C

Listening 2

Listen. Circle the time you hear.

1. a. 3. a.

b. b.

2. a. 4. a.

b. b.

Listen again. What part of the day are the people talking about?
Check () Morning, Afternoon, or Evening.

Morning Afternoon Evening

1. □ □ □
2. □ □ □
3. □ □ □
4. □ □ □

Listening 3

Listen to the conversations. What are the people talking about?

Number the topics from 1 to 3.
_____ friends _____ school _____ work

Listen to the conversations again. Correct the false information.

(In some sentences, two words are incorrect.)
1. a. Angie has a new apartment. 3. a. Diana goes to Emily’s school.
b. She takes a taxi to work. b. Diana lives far from Emily.
c. She works five days a week. c. Emily and Diana talk on the phone
every afternoon.
d. She works Sunday to Friday.
d. Emily doesn’t know Eric.
2. a. Carlos is taking an English class
this spring.
b. He has class on Mondays and Tuesdays.
c. His class is in the afternoon.
d. He gets home after 2:00.

Listening 4

Look at the pictures. Melissa is shopping for things for her new house.
What do you think she needs?

B Listen to the conversations. What room is Melissa shopping for?

Number the pictures from 1 to 3.

C Listen again. What does Melissa need? Check ( ) the things

in the pictures in part A.

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