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Digital Immersion

a reality.
Without a doubt, Digital Transformation is part of
the social, political and especially business
language. Digital Transformation it is absolutely a
TANGIBLE reality for any organization.

A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
Digital Immersion
The basis of Digital Transformation

Has your organization

already started its
“Digital Transformation Journey ”?
According to the IDG report “ State of Digital Business Transformation” (2019),
only 48% of companies have adopted a “1st Digital Approach”, and 24% are in the
implementation phase .

As an organization, whether public or private but more intensely in private

organizations, enduring over time is an essential goal along with maximizing
profits. To this end, and given the current conditions in all sectors of activity,
planning and starting the "Digital Transformation Journey " is a basic need,
which does not admit any further delay.

Digital Transformation implies,

besides the extensive use of technology,
a change in culture
of the companies .
According to the IDG report " State of Digital Business Transformation" (2019),
of the 8 main factors identified as challenges by the respondents, 3 originate
from people , 3 in technology and 2 in other aspects. The management of
cultural change (people factor) and the adequacy of the workforce, therefore,
must be weighted, at least, equating to the management of technological
change, or even more .

A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
Digital Immersion
The basis of Digital Transformation

Within the digital ecosystem,

people are the fundamental pillar
which supports the rest.
Companies, Organizations, Institutions and Technology, rest on the pillar of
people, therefore "Digital Transformation is only possible through People"

A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
Digital Immersion
The basis of Digital Transformation

Digital Immersion
of people,
the basis of the
digital of the
Having teams with the right knowledge, competencies and skills is essential for
the "Digital Transformation Journey " to be quickly adopted in the organization ,
ensuring the success of the Digital Strategy .

Leveraging the Transformation with professionals outside the organization who

act as catalysts is as important as implementing a Digital Immersion program
for the people who make up the organization , since they are the ones who "live
the culture" in addition to being responsible for supporting the organization. all
internal and external processes of the organization.

Digital Immersion
by GTA
To help you Lead the "Digital Transformation Journey " of your organization, and
start your Digital Immersion as a professional, whatever your field, we have
designed a set of career paths to help you choose the training and certification
that best suits your interests.

A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
Digital Immersion
The basis of Digital Transformation

The Professionals with the best future

Today's work environment, which encompasses professionals and organizations,

is highly competitive and volatile. According to the report "EMERGING
TECHNOLOGIES' IMPACT ON SOCIETY & WORK IN 2030" (2020) report by Dell,
85% of the jobs that will be available in 2030 have not yet been invented.

The prediction of professions that

will disappear in the coming
years, although imprecise due to
the volume of predictions from
different institutions, becomes a

According to the “Future of Jobs

Report 2020” by the World
Economic Forum, these are the
professions that are in demand
and those that are in decline.

View Report

For this reason, the debate

between whether a generalist
professional is better than a
specialized one, or vice versa,
finds the answer in the T-Shaped
professionals .

A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
Digital Immersion
The basis of Digital Transformation

What characterizes a
T-Shaped professional ?

T-Shaped Professionals are fundamentally characterized by having general

knowledge in different areas , but being specialized in one in particular .

For this reason, they are professionals who , although they have very specific
knowledge, skills and competences in a field, can , in the same way , contribute
and collaborate in fields that are not their specialty .

A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
Digital Immersion
The basis of Digital Transformation

Digital immersion

At GTA we have considered all of these factors and created the "Digital
Immersion Leader" certifications .

As a professional , these certifications qualify you to lead the Digital

Transformation in your organization .

As an organization you need qualified professionals to lead the necessary

changes in the multiple areas in which Digital Transformation has an impact.

"Digital Immersion Leader" certificates are awarded automatically from our

Believe ® platform and at no extra cost to the professional or the ATP (Accredited
Training Provider) .

There are different career paths, depending on the specialty certificate that the
professional has obtained.

Find out which certifications automatically provide a "Digital Immersion Leader"


A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
Digital Immersion
The basis of Digital Transformation

Certified Digital Transformation Professional

Certified Cyber Security Management Professional (ISO27032)

Certified Devops Master Professional
Certified DEVSECOPS Master Professional
Certified DEVOPS Master Professional – Theory to Practice
Globalization, emphasized by the Digital Transformation of organizations, positions us in a
highly competitive world in which "Time to Market" is a key element for any organization.

In this context, reducing the delivery times of digital products and services to a minimum
is a primary need, without affecting in any way the quality of them.

Certified Digital Transformation Professional

Certified Cyber Security Management Professional (ISO27032)

Certified Scrum Master Professional
Certified Kanban Facilitator Professional

Digital Transformation demands adaptability and flexibility unprecedented in the history

of organizations.

The delivery of projects in a rigid way and with high times until we can begin to observe
results and be able to adapt, is totally incompatible with the current paradigm.

Being Agile is not being faster, being Agile is being more adaptive and allowing
corrections and updates in earlier phases of the project.

A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
Digital Immersion
The basis of Digital Transformation

Certified Digital Transformation Professional

Certified Cyber ​Security Management Professional (ISO27032)

Certified Risk Management Professional (ISO31000)
Certified Business Continuity Management Professional (ISO22301)

In a business strategy oriented to Digital Transformation, it is essential to establish

frameworks for the detection, treatment and management of the risks to which
organizations are exposed.

Adopting the appropriate measures, identifying the possible scenarios of affectation that
impact on the objectives and digital strategies becomes an obligation, an inescapable
aspect to safeguard the regular operations of the business in a context of transformation
and digital operation.

Certified Digital Transformation Professional

Certified Cyber Security Management Professional (ISO27032)

Certified Cloud Computing Professional

To a large extent Cloud Computing can be considered as a core element, as far as

technology is concerned, of Digital Transformation. The need for ubiquity and immediate
access anytime, anywhere to our organization's information is critical.

Knowing the different options of Cloud Computing Architecture and Design, will allow
organizations to make decisions both in their role as a consumer of services and products
in the cloud, as a provider of their own products and services.

A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
Digital Immersion
The basis of Digital Transformation

Certified Digital Transformation Professional

Certified Cyber ​Security Management Professional (ISO27032)

Certified Risk Management Professional (ISO31000)
Certified Emergency Management Professional (ISO22320)

As Digital Transformation is part of an organization's strategy, which will be part of the

activities, processes or services of the regular operation with which it will serve its
customers and achieve its business objectives, it implies being aware that not all risks can
be controlled.

It is necessary, therefore, to be prepared with the appropriate procedures and according

to the context of the organization to respond to incidents within the framework of
disruptive events that can become a reality at any time.

Certified Digital Transformation Professional

Certified Cyber ​Security Management Professional (ISO27032)

Certified Design Thinking Professional

Digital Transformation requires organizations to make an extra and constant effort in the
innovation of their services and products, which allows them to obtain a competitive
advantage in a global and highly competitive market.

Therefore, having professionals qualified to lead the mechanisms and methodologies

that have proven effective in many large organizations globally and for many years, will
provide organizations that have these professionals with an added value and a differential
advantage with respect to their competition.

A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
Digital Immersion
The basis of Digital Transformation

Certified Digital Transformation Professional

Certified Cyber Security Management Professional (ISO27032)

Certified Service Management Professional (ISO20000)
Certified IT Corporate Governance Professional (ISO38500)

If Digital Transformation is an approach that is based mainly on strategy and is supported

by technology, it undoubtedly raises the need to define, design and implement an
adequate framework to guarantee the deployment and application of the plans, policies,
guidelines, processes and other aspects that define the strategy to achieve organizational
objectives incorporating information technology as a strategic asset capable of achieving

By definition, IT governance allows the establishment of a framework that is in line with

and, above all, compatible with the need for a Digital Transformation in the organization.

Certified Digital Transformation Professional

Certified Cyber Security Management Professional (ISO27032)

Certified Service Management Professional (ISO20000)

In the context of Digital Transformation, the various aspects of a company become, and
precisely are "transformed" with the use and application of digital technologies to
propose and deliver increasingly useful, valid and simple solutions.

This approach does not make the company lose the need for a perspective based on
services, on the contrary, the power, especially since there is still a client who demands
services with the quality guarantee that this requires.

In short, this means a commitment to digital services with guaranteed quality and added

A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
Digital Immersion
The basis of Digital Transformation

Certified Digital Transformation Professional

Certified Cyber Security Management Professional (ISO27032)

Certified Data Privacy Management Professional (GDPR)

If we consider it important to safeguard the information that flows in the organization,

even more, in a context in which the use of digital technologies is widespread, we cannot
leave aside, the management and above all, the protection of personal data, because it is
first of all an aspect of regulatory compliance, and because, most importantly, to be a
guarantee of respect for the information entrusted to an organization by customers,
workers, suppliers and other stakeholders.

In a context of Digital Transformation, the reputational value of an organization enhances

regulatory and legal compliance, but above all the respect for the personal data
entrusted to it.

Certified Digital Transformation Professional

Certified Cyber Security Management Professional (ISO27032)

Certified Information Security Management Professional (ISO27001)

With the massification in the use of digital technologies as part of this global impulse of
Digital Transformation that has motivated to develop relevant change processes in
companies, in people and in society.

It is necessary to be aware of the threats of failures, losses or damages in general, which

can cause us (as a company, as people or as a society), the exposure or over exposure
that our information can inevitably suffer from all this maelstrom of technological need in
the context of a super wave of Digital Transformation. Ensuring the security of information
by addressing the risks that can affect it is certainly a must!

A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
Digital Immersion
The basis of Digital Transformation

Certified Digital Transformation Professional

Certified Cyber Security Management Professional (ISO27032)

Certified User Experience Professional
Certified Customer Experience Professional

The Digital Transformation has as its ultimate objective to provide the best consumer
experience to users so that our organization becomes their preferred option.

Designing innovative and memorable experiences, along with improving communication

and interaction with end users provides organizations with a competitive advantage.

Certified Digital Transformation Professional

Certified Cyber Security Management Professional (ISO27032)

Certified Blockchain Professional

The rapid pace of the global economy has forced traditional business models to adapt or
be replaced. Through Digital Transformation, organizations from various sectors seek to
save time and money, secure their business information and offer the best possible
product or service.

Blockchain is one of the disruptive technologies that is driving the Digital Transformation
of organizations today. This technology can be used to make transactions, store
information and money quickly, securely and privately, ensuring the integrity of
information with a higher level of security.

A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
Digital Immersion
The basis of Digital Transformation

Certified Digital Transformation Professional

Certified Cyber Security Management Professional (ISO27032)

Certified Business Process Management Professional (ISO19510)
Certified Lean Management Professional

Taking into consideration that the Digital Transformation approach is developed on the
basis of the components of the organization, since it promotes diverse changes within it,
among which stand out, changes in chains or value streams for the delivery of digital
products or services. It undoubtedly makes the management and improvement of
processes (BPM and Lean Management), one of the fundamental pillars on which
changes in processes will be defined as part of this transformation.

The process-based management and improvement approach ensures a high degree of

adaptation and flexibility of the operational and management dynamics that allows the
organization to align all its components towards a vision of change, or transformation
according to its needs and objectives, considering the majority use of digital technologies
for the delivery of products and services, without losing sight of the value to the

Certified Digital Transformation Professional

Certified Cyber Security Management Professional (ISO27032)

Certified Big Data Professional

Digital Transformation aims to guide organizations towards the customer, putting this at
the center of the entire universe of the organization. In order to know our client we need
to have access to information from different sources, bring it together and process it, to
be able to make decisions with a "Customer Centric" mindset.

Nowadays we could consider data, Big Data, as the Oil of our days. The main global
organizations (Google, Amazon, etc.) base their entire business on Big Data, which allows
them to know and profile their customers and users, and thus have an optimized offer at
user level. Digital Transformation, and the other technologies that arise around it, would
be a utopia without Big Data.

A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
About Us
GTA (Global Trust Association®) is an independent startup, with
the aim of providing tools to the training industry so that through
professional certifications, both professionals and organizations
can obtain greater recognition and value, enhancing talent.

Through our rigorous certification scheme aligned with ISO/IEC

17024, GTA ensures that professionals who pass our certification
exams actually have relevant knowledge regarding each subject

After passing the audits by BSI (British Standards Institution)

GTA has the ISO 20000, ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certifications
supporting its accreditation, management, support and attention
processes, the management of certification exams and
professional training through its digital platform, the
development of content, exams and training structures of a
professional nature.

A-PD-01.02.04 | BR04_EN_220810_v4.0
[email protected]

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