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College of Liberal Arts

Department of Social Science

Ayala Boulevard, Ermita, Manila

The research-paper entitled


passed to

Prof. Argen D. Rivas

In accomplishment in fulfilling in partial requirements of

Reading in Philippine History


passed by




(Bachelor of Construction Engineering Technology 2C)

December 06, 2019

The research’s main goal is to recognize the impact of Heritage Tourism in Malolos, Bulacan.
The study specifically seeks and ensures the following questions about the history/origin, heritage
tourism activities, to identify the benefits of tourist destination and heritage tourism to the people of
Malolos, Bulacan and determine the success of heritage tourism in Malolos, Bulacan. The researchers
will be used correlational research design as a method of this study. This is a non-experimental research
development methodology which lets researchers build a relationship between two closely linked
variables. We used this type of method to identify how the history/origin, activities of tourist destination
and heritage tourism benefits to the success of heritage tourism in Malolos, Bulacan.
Bulacan’s provincial capital has an important place in the history of the Philippines, especially
when one mentions that it is the most popular landmark: the Barasoain Church, which was the site of the
"First Philippine Republic. The Malolos Cathedral convent operated as the presidential palace of Emilio
Aguinaldo, the first Philippine president. The first draft of the constitution contained basic civil rights,
church and state separation, and the creation of a national assembly that would serve as the republic's
legislative arm. The neighboring convent houses Museum of the Republic of 1899, with five galleries
centered on the events that led to the establishment of the "First Philippine Republic. Malolos is thus
known as "the birthplace of Asia's first constitutional republic. It was the point where the first
constitution of the Philippines was assembled. Now considers the Diocese of Malolos as the
ecclesiastical center. The cathedral is the center of Malolos ' own capital. Cultural enrichment of the
people in the area of the church and the visitors who attend the temple, enhanced cultural importance,
and citizens put greater emphasis on their community values.
Based on the results, Bulacan is marginally pleased with the services and amenities offered on
the site by the tourists visiting cultural and heritage sites in Malolos. Nonetheless, measures to increase
visitor experience should be seen to raise marketability and sustainability. The state or appearance
characteristics of heritage sites can also be related to the tourist's experience as it can determine if the
visitors visit the site frequently, their regular group of travelers and from which sources they learned
about the location.
KEYWORDS: Heritage Tourism, Correlational Research, Tourist Destination, Cultural
Tourism has been in great development as the 21st century continues to unfold due to modern
developments to connectivity and transportation; rendering tourism as convenient as going from state to
state, region to region or country to country.
The 2009 Tourism Act notes that one of its aims is to encourage events and programs that
promote awareness of tourism, conserve the diverse cultures and heritage of the community, and instill a
sense of tourism history and culture among the youth and residents.
Heritage tourism contains elements of the living tradition, origins, and natural history of the
place which is the value and steward of the community for the future. Such elements are community or
region-specific and can contribute to pride, stability, growth, and economic development. In rural
settings, heritage and culture are particularly critical. Heritage tourism is a unique sector, because supply
usually precedes demand; supply typically precedes supply in most other industries, including certain
types of tourism.
The stock of heritage involves material objects, most importantly historical buildings, cars, cities
and towns, rural cultural environments, cemeteries and memorials, historical sites, galleries and mobile
pieces. It is certainly outside our futures. For years, the heritage sites have shown us how important
history is and is an example to us all. History certainly gives us the curiosity of how people have lived in
the past and, at the same time, the feeling of being grateful for the freedom and peace that we now have.
Located 42 kilometers north-east of Manila, Malolos City is the province of Bulacan’s urban,
residential, commercial, educational and historic hub. Concrete churches, bridge, and hispanized houses
(Bahay na Bato) were designed by the turn of the 19th century. It was in 1898, as the birthplace of the
first Asian republic, that the Democratic Congress, also recognized as the Malolos Congress, met within
the Barasoain Church with the foundation of the Malolos Constitution. The Basilica Minore, recognized
as the Presidencia, was General Emilio Aguinaldo's official residence, the Philippine Republic's first
president, and the Barasoain Church became Congress's session hall.
For decades, Malolos city has been written in the history every Filipino. It is a city that endured
the most glorious moments of the nation and nurtured many of its courageous heroes. However, as some
main buildings have been turned into private residential neighborhoods, there is only a handful left to
see and meet the current generation owing to the complexities of modernization and lack of clear
maintenance procedures.
Tourists visiting a spot will find the place interesting if they are met with a need or want by a
certain aspect of the venue. To order to be a successful tourist spot, visitor experience should be given
immense importance for the attraction.
Tourist satisfaction should be given great consideration as visitors who consider their money not
worth the experience that prefer other tourist places to visit and should therefore also look at facilities
and services offered in a destination.
To order to achieve their happiness, visitor desires should always be remembered as happy
visitors are most likely to become faithful and will inevitably return trips to the site and this may draw
more prospective tourists in the future.
Malolos is Bulacan's capital city recognized for its heritage sites as part of this area has a history
that has led to our independence. We need to learn the value of heritage tourism to the society and to the
nation itself in our research as tourism learners. In Malolos city, we focus specifically. We will conduct a
research which entitled: “The Heritage Tourism in Malolos, Bulacan”. This study aims to show the
history/origin, activities, benefits and success of the heritage sites in the said place.
To better understand the study, the following words are hereby defined:
Cultural heritage. From the point of view of culture, literature or study, a collection of temples,
houses and archeological sites with excellent universal value.
Cultural tourism. Experiential tourism focused on the creative and visual arts and festivals
participating in and relaxing it.
Heritage tourism. Visiting favorite locations, historical sites, structures or landmarks.
Experiential tourism, as described by Hall and Zeppel (1990), in the context of finding an experience
with nature or feeling part of the history of the area. In its broader meaning, the term "heritage" is
generally associated with the word "heritage," that is, something that has been passed from generation to
generation. Because of its role as a carrier of past historical values, heritage is seen as part of a society's
cultural tradition.
Tourist. Individual traveling more than 80 kilometers from his / her home for entertainment
purposes (World Tourism Organization, 2007).
Tourist destination. A regional group that meets and remains with visitors. It can be a town,
region, district, state, nation, country or continent.
Tourist satisfaction. Significantly tied to customer loyalty, repeated visits and positive social
interactions (Beeho and Prentice 1997).
Cultural/heritage tourism gives visitors and locals, as well as states, many advantages. Next,
cultural/heritage tourism in towns, counties, and municipalities preserves social, economic, and natural
resources. Third, it educates local/regional history and traditions for locals and visitors. Citizens will
be better informed regarding local/regional history and traditions that can be communicated with visitors
by research and development of heritage/cultural destinations. Third, cultural/heritage tourism is
building communities closer and stronger. Knowledge of identity offers cohesion and meaning to
societies that instill confidence in their members, reinforce principles of citizenship, build community
pride, and improve quality of life. Second, it maintains a community or region's financial and political
viability. Economic benefits involve creating new jobs in the travel industry, cultural events and
transportation-related establishments; economic diversification in the service industry (restaurants, 9
hotels / motels, bed and breakfasts, tour guide services) manufacturing (arts and crafts, souvenirs,
publications) and agriculture (specialty gardens or farmers’ markets); encouraging small business
ownership; higher property values; improved retail sales; and substantial tax revenues. [1]
Research shows that fulfillment can influence the loyalty of consumers and contribute to referral
of goods or services to others. This may refer for tourism. Hence, researching that aspects are important
for visitors is critical. In comparison, visitor happiness typically leads to higher rates of tourist
attendance, engagement and maintenance of purchases, which in turn helps to accomplish economic
goals such as rising tourist numbers and profits. These causes, among others, are the explanations why a
topic worth studying as note is tourist satisfaction. [2]
Tourist experience is essential for positive destination marketing as it impacts destination
preference, product and service use, and return decision. [3] It is necessary to assess consumer
fulfillment with each destination attribute since consumer unfulfillment with one of the attributes
contributes to disagreement/satisfaction with the destination. [4]
Since Bulacan's Barasoain Church is said to be 131 years old and still intact, it can be said that
people are paying real attention to saving this heritage site in Bulacan province. If this activity continues
to take effect, the heritage site of the Barasoain Church will live longer.
It is very important to preserve heritage sites and structures. Not only for the tourism industry's
sake, but also for the people of the community to keep them aware of the environment, rituals, practices,
culture, and way of life of one's location. As well as the really important details that should be regarded
directly as a person to know as a problem.
This study will be conducted to make the city of Malolos as a Heritage Zone or Historic Center,
and to be one of the most visited places not only because of the culinary offerings but also because of its
sceneries of the city to enable them to develop strategies for potential future tourists. This research will
allow them to decide which facilities or resources should be developed or prioritized in order to further
develop their tourism industry and will also act as a reference to which further focus, and
improvement should be paid in tourism-related areas. In addition to this, there has been a specific
research on the relationship between tourist experience and tourist destinations in Malolos City, Bulacan
rendering this analysis useful in recognizing tourist preferences and encouraging tourism planners to
further grow the tourism industry.
Tourism industry in Malolos Heritage. The study can help Malolos' heritage industry develop.
In terms of the cultural heritage destination that came from Malolos, it can also help the industry to be
more recognized and attractive.
Tour Guides of the Heritage Tourism of Malolos. The study can help the tour guides of the
heritage tourism of Malolos to know the image currently held by its targeted customers and how to
affect their intention to visit through effective communicating strategies.
Local Government. Malolos' local government unit will be aware of the actions they can take
on how to improve and develop the tourism industry of Malolos. Local government can implement city
promotion related programs.
Local Community. In this study, the local community is beneficial because it can help them to
enhance their value, image, and identity of Malolos heritage structures and historical sites. They may be
acquainted with the culture with which they are not yet familiar
Stakeholders of the Tourism Industry. Malolos, when it comes to Heritage Tourism, Bulacan
has a lot of potential. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to have many local or foreign visitors.
Bulakenyos. This research will give the best for Bulakenyos through opportunities to learn about
tourism. That tourism attracting people and businesses creating employment that everyone will benefit.

Malolenyos. Gives them a chance to recognize Malolos City as a historic site. Gives them a
sense of belonging in their heritage.

Tourist. Tourists that has not yet experience will have insights about the rich culture and history
of events in Malolos, Bulacan.

Future Researchers. This study serves as their reference if they planned to do a research in near
future, to improve their want to pursue and their advocacies to promote cultural awareness to help
preserve local culture and traditions.
The authors agree that the idea or interest of the citizens regarding preservation in the heritage
sites and their effect on tourism in the city needs to be evaluated. This chapter outlines the methods used
in this study's data collection.

The researchers will be used correlational research design as a method of this study. This is a
non-experimental research development methodology which lets researchers build a relationship
between two closely linked variables. We used this type of method to identify how the history/origin,
activities of tourist destination and heritage tourism benefits to the success of heritage tourism in
Malolos, Bulacan.
Time and Place of the Study
The study was conducted on November 2019 to December 2019 on selected tourist destinations
in Malolos, Bulacan namely Barasoain Church, Museo ng Republic, and Cathedral of Malolos.

Data Gathering
The researchers will conduct a study about the heritage tourism in the country which are the
Cathedral of Malolos, Barasoain Church, and Museo ng Republic in Malolos, Bulacan through available
form in-house source. The source like outside the organization’s sources of such data include external
secondary data which they are available such sources include published report, library, computer, data
books etc. The information will get here will serve as reference data for the primary source and
secondary source of this study.

Data Analysis
To assess and to analyze the gathered data, the researchers will use collected information
in libraries, museum archives, and web pages which provide information about the heritage tourism of
Malolos, Bulacan in the data gathering to make this research more comprehensible.
The research's main goal is to recognize the impact of Heritage Tourism in Malolos, Bulacan.
The study specifically seeks and ensures the following questions:
1. The history/origin of Heritage Tourism in Malolos, Bulacan.
2. Identify the tourist destination and heritage tourism activities in Malolos, Bulacan.
3. Identify the benefits of tourist destination and heritage tourism to the people of Malolos,
4. Determine the success of heritage tourism in Malolos, Bulacan.


The main objective of this study was to determine visitor’s experience with respect to their trip to
a heritage site and traditional tourist spots in Malolos, Bulacan.

Specifically, it aimed to:

 Create a thorough understanding of visitor happiness with their Malolos, Bulacan encounters.

 Determine visitor experience with respect to their population and human activities.
The origin of the name of the Bulacan comes from the word “bulak” or cotton, because some
cities in the Bulacan province were well known for the textile and silk weaving industries. While other
hypothesis has said that the name of Bulacan came from the word “burak” or deep mud because there is
a place nearby called "Burakan” that can be obtained a soul for production and planting." (Venercon
Bulacan is on Central Luzon's southwest side. It is bounded by Nueva Ecija province on the
north by Aurora and Quezon provinces on the east by Manila Bay Metro Manila and Rizal province on
the south and Pampanga province on the west (Central Search 2013). Bulacan is indeed one of
the most culturally and historically diverse provinces in the nation. About every one of the three towns
in Bulacan (Malolos Town, Meycauayan, San José del Monte City) and 21 municipalities are recognized
to someone or something.
Malolos is one of the country's most historic sites. Since the Barasoain Church is founded in the
province's town of Malolos, the town profile will also be mentioned in this study. Malolos originated
from the term "paluslos" which implies water flowing through a stream that passes through Malolos.
The city was founded in 1673 when the first church in the city was built by the Augustinian evangelists.
Back then, Bulacan's propagandists launched their campaigns against Spain that took place in this town
of Malolos until Marcelo H. Del Pilar founded a newspaper called Dyaryong Tagalog and saw the
propagandists' risky journey taking place in the town of Malolos.
Malolos – Bulacan's provincial capital – has an important place in the history of the Philippines,
especially when one mentions that it is the most popular landmark: the Barasoain Church, which was
the site of the “First Philippine Republic.” Barasoain Church, built during the Spanish period, has been
around for decades and is renowned for its intricate ceilings and wall paintings and for being
commemorated on the Ten-peso bill (now depreciated). It was also a venue for the 1898 Malolos
Convention. It was the point where the first constitution of the Philippines was assembled.
The first draft of the constitution contained basic civil rights, church and state separation, and the
creation of a national assembly that would serve as the republic's legislative arm.
Cultural enrichment of the people in the area of the church and the visitors who attend the
temple, enhanced cultural importance, and citizens put greater emphasis on their community values.
People still have a total desire to maintain the common traditions that the community has since:
collection of principles, rituals, activities and ways of thinking that they may have come to share with
each other by being and working together. In other terms, history is the very significant reason that
makes things easier for tourism. Culture is the way of people to communicate with each other without
any questions.
Increasing sales of souvenir objects like rosary, or any spiritual souvenir products, tourist
expenditure provides the revenue needed to preserve and operate Barasoain Church, and the city became
more popular due to tourism.
The neighboring convent houses Museo ng Republic ng 1899 (Museum of the Republic of
1899), with five galleries centered on the events that led to the establishment of the “First Philippine
The most important are these three major national events: (1) the First Congress of the
Philippines; (2) the adoption of the Malolos Constitution in 1899; and (3) the election of two presidents
of the Philippines: General Emilio Aguinaldo, President of the First Republic, and President Joseph
Estrada, President of the Philippine Republic.
A rich collection of historical data, including records and objects describing how the Malolos
Convention was held in 1898, fills the building, which was originally used as a convent.
The museum features immersive and electronic displays that enable students and tourists to
know more about the Philippine Revolution and revolutionary politics.
Crossing the river Malolos along Paseo del Congreso Ave, we entered the magnificent
Cathedral of Malolos, also known as the Basilica Minore dela Nuestra Señora de Inmaculada
Concepcion in Spanish or Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception in English, a
Neoclassical church built between 1814 and 1817.
The Malolos Cathedral convent operated as the presidential palace of Emilio Aguinaldo, the first
Philippine president. Malolos is thus known as "the birthplace of Asia's first constitutional republic."
The Malolos Cathedral was the government's very headquarters under Aguinaldo's presidency.
The chapel was the building's neo-classical and baroque architectural style. A hundred years ago, the
temple was burnt down and rebuilt twice.
The cathedral now serves the needs of the city's faithful people and an instrument of offering the
grace of God. Now considers the Diocese of Malolos as the ecclesiastical center. The cathedral is the
center of Malolos ' own capital.
The province's tourist destinations are not only renowned for their attractiveness, they have also
played an important role in the development of the Philippines and have a lot to offer and can be a place
for various special occasions
Above mentioned heritage sites, there is a historical, cultural or religious connection between
most of the sights and events to see. Although a few sites with links to history have been mentioned
above, there is still a lot more to it. In addition, in September 15, 2001, the Philippines National
Historical Commission designated Malolos City as a Heritage Zone or Historic Center. This study will
discuss how these heritage sites contributes or influence the people in determining the success of
heritage tourism in Malolos, Bulacan
In this chapter, data analysis methods, study results and a discussion of the findings have been
presented. Findings from this study have been found out the recognize the impact of heritage tourism in
Malolos, Bulacan. based on. In addition, the history/origin, activities, benefits and success of the tourism
increase of the historic value of Malolos, Bulacan has been explored.
Over the past several decades, we have seen how fast a change affects us especially in our
cultural heritage. From a restricted, historical monuments, environment, society etc.
Malolos Bulacan's provincial capital has an important place in the history of the Philippines,
especially when one mentions that it is the most popular landmark: the Barasoain Church, which was the
site of the "First Philippine Republic". It was the point where the first constitution of the Philippines was
assembled. The first draft of the constitution contained basic civil rights, church and state separation,
and the creation of a national assembly that would serve as the republic's legislative arm. Cultural
enrichment of the people in the area of the church and the visitors who attend the temple, enhanced
cultural importance, and citizens put greater emphasis on their community values. The neighboring
convent houses Museum of the Republic of 1899, with five galleries centered on the events that led to
the establishment of the "First Philippine Republic". The most important are these three major national
events: the First Congress of the Philippines; the adoption of the Malolos Constitution in 1899; and the
election of two presidents of the Philippines: General Emilio Aguinaldo, President of the First Republic,
and President Joseph Estrada, President of the Philippine Republic. The Malolos Cathedral convent
operated as the presidential palace of Emilio Aguinaldo, the first Philippine president. Malolos is thus
known as "the birthplace of Asia's first constitutional republic". Now considers the Diocese of Malolos
as the ecclesiastical center. The cathedral is the center of Malolos ' own capital.

Strength and Weaknesses of the Study

This study focused on evaluating tourist experience with the areas they visited in the city of
Malolos, Bulacan on nature and culture. Nevertheless, this research does not include a correlation of the
experience of the visitors with other tourist attractions.
The study provides data on heritage sites in the said city based on tourism-related qualities and
allows the beneficiaries the opportunity to study the places they need to develop in order to expand the
city's tourism and offer visitors a great experience.
Based on the results, tourism-related institutions with visitor-oriented services and amenities will
gain a thorough understanding of what visitors in a tourist spot find to be acceptable.
There have been a few researches done in the realization of this project the researchers therefore
suggest to potential researchers that this study "The Heritage in Malolos, Bulacan" be strengthened more
by going and visiting Malolos ' destinations and heritage to give the best outcome. We hope to continue
to preserve and improve the tourism in Malolos for the benefits of the people in it. Bulacan is regarded
as a thriving province built by tradition and bravery to enlighten the citizens that the city of Malolos.
In recognition of this analysis of historical sites, it may be a possible reason or means of
supporting or expanding to the world that all historical buildings or structures are very significant
because they have been part of the past and, mainly, these structures are formed of deep historical stories
that we need to tell with the present and the future.
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