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ey opt mize ton of DFA-based peltern matchers t) Ftrst olgerittom cowstancls a DEA {rom a vegan expression, witheuk commtaactingy am intenmedsote NEA: use ful in a lex Compiler. + a) Second algo wunimizes He no of stodes of omy, DEA by canmeb ins ng states thak have Ha Some {dtr beba vioun ° 2) sind algpittim produces more combact rebresemtatin ck troustion table thaw que standard aD table- tee 6 OTe denecthy Krom a rte, we constanct AAs sywlan tee amd ten commpuke -four funcHons | nullable, firstpes, Lastpes , ond Alisspos of febbos- y nuoble (0) is tae ker a sywtay tree node 4 if & only, he He subexpression represented by on faz € in its he . a fivsthes(n) 1s Pe set of bositions in Me subtree rested ok un khek correspond to the frst symbol of oct Joost one string in the Janrquegh 4 the subexpbres sion seoted at n- . laxtbos(n) is the set of, pesitiowm in the subtree rooted ok n dk corre spond tp Wa dose “saya bot of ok deat one string in He hengunsge of, Hua. subexpression yooted abn. 4 Follewpos(p) for & position f, is He Stt of positions qin the entire syntax tree anch Arok fhens is some string XE UR= On in Lor dt) tach Het for rome ¢, thane ig a way f explacy He wembenship of x in L(t) by matching G_ to position p of. He, gyntax tee Ord aizy to foSition q- 3 (al [b)* a bb tee 163 ® hfe 8 18H 165 $1,233 [SR 3b 3 veal Joy ue? $123 "4 Nope n nullable (ny 7 BLL 25 135 ; Sf er. ae i (ud pecuas eS tes Jan Pu ovnode n= ¢,/¢, | nublable(Cr)or |-frstpes (c,) nullable Co) U-firstps Ce) A catnoda N= CC, [nublableccijend Eaubleble 6) first Pos (G) 0 Aivst bos (G) £3 as Pb L2s \ ae A stirnede ne ¢)* follow tos — itn is a cak-node with deft “chalel c aml sight chihl G , Hon fpr even, pevtiew 7 Ton laatpos CC), ell positions in Aerstpos (¢s) an2Q in fptlowpos (1) - Q. sf n ig a Star-node, omd i is a positon an Losrpos (M)> Hen att Dane! m first bes (0) ane in Actors pes Uy) ee iss Cire rsd. {4}. iss 1% positon on Direc ted pop fp« fell fos inihalize Dsiwtes to contun only the unmarked state fivstbos (mo) , where Mo is the root ok Hee sywhax tree, i aH tor vat ; t while (there Is on { Unmarked state S in Dstates) mark Sj fox (each imbuk symbst &) ‘ Jat U be the union of Agsblerpes(p) bar oll b in S thet. corres bead +o a; 1h, (U is net i” Dstates ) add Vos ow Unmarkod state ty Deletes 5 Darran ($4) = Uj

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