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1.1 Performance evaluation is a continuous process at our Organization with at least one (1)
formal appraisal conducted each year.
1.2 The purpose of the performance evaluation is to communicate to employees ‘‘how they
are doing,’’ identify areas of needed improvement, make specific plans for the emplo
development, and acknowledge the employee’s contributions.

Performance evaluation applies to all employees of the Organization.

3.1 Human Resources is accountable for ensuring that each manager is notified at least two
(2) months in advance of appraisal dates for the manager’s employees;
appropriate forms and information; and completes and returns the performance appraisal form
by its due date.
3.2 All managers who have one or more employees reporting to them are accountable
conducting at least one (1) formal evaluation of performance with each employee each year
and submitting the completed Employee Appraisal forms to Human Resources by their due
3.3 Human Resources is accountable for maintaining in the employee’s personal file and all
completed evaluation forms.
3.4 Human Resources is accountable for ensuring that every manager required to conduct an
employee performance appraisal has received training in t
interviewing and for providing the forms necessary to implement this policy and procedure.

4.1 Anniversary Date—The employee’s date of hire, last p
whichever is most recent.
4.2 Standards—Statements of the results achieved when the job is
4.3 Objective—A broad statement of desired result.
4.4 Appraisal or Evaluation—A comparison of desired results to actual results.

5.1 Employee Appraisal forms

6.1 Employee performance evaluations are to be based on:
6 . 1 . 1 P o s i t i o n D e s c r i p t i o n s — I t i s t h e m a n a g e r ’ s a c c o u
employees reporting to him/her have an up-to-date written d
6.1.2 Standards of Performance and/or Objectives—It is the manager’s accountability to
ensure that each employee reporting to him/her has annually developed stand
performance and/or objectives. Standards of performance and/or objectives a
requirements of the position; are to include a specific measure and completion date;
and are to be written and reviewed with the employee at the time the em
begins the job and at each subsequent appraisal. Any disagreement an employee has with a standard or objective i
noted. Written copies of standards and/or objectives are signed by the employee and
the manager.
6.2 All managers must monitor their employees’ performance throughout the year.
6.2.1 At least once a quarter, managers should conduct an i
appraisal with all employees reporting to them.
6.2.2 Each review should include how the employee is perform
objective, any barriers the employee is encountering, and any assistance required of the
6.2.3 If there are any serious performance problems, the manage
Employee Appraisal form to so note them.
6.2.4 Once a year a formal performance appraisal is conducted.
6. 2.4. 1 At t he annua l appr aisa l, t he emp loyee and t
employee’s performance to standards or objectives; identify any performance gaps;
develop plans to close those gaps; review and, if necessary, revise the standa
and objectives; and complete and sign an Employee Appraisal form.
6.2.5 All completed performance evaluation forms are reviewed and signed by the person
to whom the appraising manager reports and are then submitted to Human Resources.
6.2.6 All performance evaluations must be completed within on
employee’s anniversary date.
6.3 Performance Ratings
6.3.1 The annual performance appraisal requires the manager to rate the emp
overall performance during the preceding appraisal period (within one
p r e v i o u s a p p r a i s a l o r f r o m t h e e m p l o y e e ’ s e n t r y i n t o
appropriate). The performance ratings are: Outstanding—Outstanding overall performance. The employee consistent
performs all tasks at a high level of competency and far exceeds the requirements of
all standards of performance and/or objectives. Above Average—High level of overall performance. The employee
demonstrates excellence in the position and frequently exceeds the requirements of
standards of performance and/or objectives. Good—Good level of overall performance. This is
e x p e c t e d o f a t y p i c a l e m p l o y e e i n t h e p o s i t i o n
requirements of standards of performance and/or obj
exceeds some of them. Below Average—Minimum level of acceptable overall p
e m p l o y e e n e e d s i m p r o v e m e n t i n o n e o r m o r e a r e a
requirements of standards of performance and/or objectives.
6. 3. 1 . 5 U ns a t i sf a ct o r y —U n sa t i sf ac t or y l e ve l o f ov e r al l p e r f o r m a nc e. Th e em pl o
does not meet the requirements of standards of performance and/
and/or requires constant direction and supervision.
6.4 Corrective Actions
6.4.1 In situations where an employee is performing at Below Average or Unsatisfactory
levels, the manager is accountable for submitting a specific improvement plan with th
appraisal and reviewing performance to that plan, in writing, at least once a quarter, until
performance is rated at least Good or the employee is no longer in the position.
6.5 Transferred and Promoted Employees
6.5.1 If employees are transferred or promoted to a new position or are to report to a new
manager within three (3) months of their last appraisal, no appraisa
transfer or promotion is required. If it has been longer than three (3) months since the last a
manager conducts a final appraisal at the time of transfer or promotion and submits
the completed Employee Appraisal form to Human Resources. Evaluations are not required for transferred or promoted emp
have been in their current assignment less than three (3) months. Whenever an employee is transferred or promoted, the new manager reviews
the standards of performance and/or objectives with the employee at the
transfer or promotion.
6.6 Employee Disagreement
6.6.1 In the event employees disagree with their performance evaluation
resolve the disagreement with the manager conducting the appraisal, employee
attach a written and signed disagreement to the completed appraisal form or request an
interview with the person to whom their manager reports, the senior vice presid
operations, or the Human Resources manager.
6.6.2 In the event a written disagreement is attached to a completed eval
completed evaluation must be signed by the person to whom the appraising mana
reports and the Human Resources manager.
6.6.3 An employee may always use the grievance procedure (see 7.1 Grievance Policy
and Procedure).

7.1 Grievance Policy and Procedure
7.2 Compensation Policy and Procedure

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