DLL - English 3 - Q1 - W4

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: RACHEL E. SIOJO Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: September 12-16, 2022 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Demonstrates understanding of concepts of nouns and adjectives for identification and description
B. Performance Correctly names people, objects, places and things through theme-based activities
C. Learning Use common and proper nouns in a sentence. EN3G-If-2.2 Weekly Test
II CONTENT Into the World Full of Proper and Common Into the World Full of Proper and Common Into the World Full of Proper and Into the World Full of Proper and Common
Nouns Nouns Common Nouns Nouns

Leareners are expected to use common Leareners are expected to use common Leareners are expected to use Leareners are expected to use common
and proper nouns correctly. and proper nouns correctly. common and proper nouns correctly. and proper nouns correctly.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide English 3, Module 6,
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Text book
4. Additional Laptop, pictures, copy of the story, chart Laptop, pictures, copy of the story, chart Charts, laptop,powerpoint.
Materials from
B. Other Learning
What I Know What is It What I Can Do Assessment

Directions: Read and understand each Common noun names a kind or type of Direction: Write a sentence using Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the
question carefully. Choose the letter of the persons, places, things, or ideas. It is proper and common nouns for the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
best answer. Write the chosen letter on a usually not capitalized unless it begins a following pictures below. separate sheet of paper.
separate sheet of paper. sentence or is part of a title. 1. Mc Steve is a proper noun. Use it in a
1. It is a word or a group of words that is Proper noun names a particular person, sentence.
used to name a person, place, thing, or place, thing, or idea and begins with a a. Mc Steve plays basketball every
idea. What is it? capital letter. Saturday.
a. adjective b. noun c. pronoun Examples: b. Mc Steve played basketball every
2. The name of our province is Davao Saturday.
Oriental. The underlined word is an c. Mc Steve playing basketball every
example of ________________________. Saturday.
a. proper noun b. common noun c. verb 2. Which sentence is correct?
3. Mrs. Nancy Sumagaysay is beautiful. a. Parents loves to read in the library.
What is the noun in the sentence? b. Ann loves to read in the library.
a. beautiful b. Mrs. Nancy Sumagaysay c. c. Children loves to read in the library.
none 3. Which sentence is correct?
4. How should a proper noun be written? a. My book are on the table.
It should start with a _________. b. My book were on the table.
a. capital letter b. small letter c. bold letter c. My book is on the table.
5. The people in Philippines celebrate 4. The methodist quoted a verse from the
many holidays. The word holidays is an bible. Which word should be capitalized?
example of _______________. a. Verse b. Bible c. Methodist
a. proper noun b. common noun c. mass 5. Filipinos live in the pilippines. What is
noun the correct way of writing the italicized
a. philippines b. Pilippines c. Philippines

WHAT’S IN What’s More Additional Activities

Activity 1
Directions: Read the passage carefully. A. Directions: Identify the nouns in the
Underline the nouns found in the passage. following sentences. Underline the
common nouns and encircle the proper
1. The people in Japan celebrate many
2. Many groups work together to build
these giant sculptures of snow.
3. Do you recognize any of the statues or
4. Many villages are colorful.
5. Different flowers bloom on different
seasons of the year.
B. Directions: Identify the proper noun for
each sentence and write them correctly
when found incorrect.
Example: What time should jolina call?
1. elizabeth is happy. ______________
2. “Everything I need to make the spaghetti
sauce is right here,” nanna said.
3. How much money did you spend during
vacation in davao city? ___________
4. Aren’t you glad that tomorrow is
saturday? ____________
5. My sister precious memorized the song
well. ____________

Activity 2
Directions: From the passage “The
Farmer” in the previous page, answer the
questions below. Write the letter of your
chosen answer.
1. Who is the main character in the story?
a. Mang Ambo
b. Mang Efren
c. Mang Eddie
2. How many children does Mang Efren
a. 6 b. 5 c.4
3. Why does Mang Efren work hard?
a. just to enjoy
b. to earn money for the needs of his
c. the story does not tell
4. What day does the family go to church?
a. Friday b. Saturday c. Sunday
5. Where does Mang Efren sit when he
takes a rest?
a. under the tree
b. at the shaded part of the farm
c. on the table


Direction: Replace the italicized proper

nouns in the sentence with a common
Example: Mr. Satinitigan awarded Mary
Ann for the best reading corner.
 The supervisor awarded the teacher for
the best reading corner.
1. Ana likes to use Mongol in sketching
different flowers.
2. Angeline wrote the song.
3. Peter plays basketball together with his
father every Saturday.
4. My youngest brother drinks a glass of
Nido every morning.
5. I use Colgate in brushing my teeth.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of Learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

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