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“Acceptance of Technology as a medium of learning”


Name: Miss Pallavi STUDENT NAME: Megha Bhola

Designation: Assistant professor UID: 21MBA1271

Chandigarh University MBA-Batch 2021-23

Chapter 1



S. No. Topic Page No.

1. Introduction to the company

2. Vision, Mission and Team Members

3. Objectives of the study

4. Analysis of the sector and the project report of the

internship programme

5. Products and Services provided

6. The History, Vision and Mission of the company

7. Problems identified during internship

8. Need for the study undertaken and recommendation

9. References

Introduction to the company

TalentServe was incorporated on 16th July, 2016. It is a Private Limited and non-government

company. TalentServe India Private Limited registered at Registrar of Companies, Mumbai. The

company started its operations in 2021. The company was founded by Meghaa Worah, Dilip Worah

and Nittin who are alumni of Symbiosis, IIM and IIT respectively. Dilip Worah is the longest serving

director appointed on July 16, 2019. Meghaa Worah was appointed on February, 2022. TalentServe

is an edtech company engaging with Millions of Students all around the world and give a 360-degree

solution to the needs of Career, Education, work and Corporate sector. TalentServe is providing

different career opportunities in different fields including Media, Marketing, Search Engine

Optimization(SEO), Human Resources, Operations, Business Analytics, Technology and Social

work. They are working with millions of students around the country in order to help them in

Developing stronger abilities so that they can remain competitive in future. TalentServe is providing
one shop for all educational and corporate needs, they improve the quality of education and job

opportunities for job seekers, students and working professionals.

Vision of the Company

Advancing the quality of education and job opportunities for the students, job seekers and working

professionals by giving them one stop solution for all their educational and corporate needs.

Mission of the Company

We aim for ending all your corporate requirements in just one convenient visit here. All you need to

do is focus on your goals. We share with you our best services to align our efforts by achieving your

trust and create a social impact.

Team Members

Services offered by the company

Company offered three plans i.e., Starter pan, Grow plan and Pro plan. The starter plan is the smallest

and cheapest product of this company.

Product Type of TalentServe

The Problem Company is solving

Pricing Plan of TalentServe

Starter Grow Pro

₹1498 + GST ₹8111 + GST ₹51999 + GST

Starter Plan

15 Days Subscription

1200+ Mins of Training

Resume and Portfolio Building

1 Live Project 2 Live Interactive Sessions

Unlimited Job Interviews

Certificate Of Completion

Grow Plan

60 Days Subscription

4000+ Mins of Training

Resume and Portfolio Building

Mock Interview Session

3 Live Projects

10 Live Interactive Sessions

Unlimited Job Interviews

Pre-Recorded Sessions

Certificate of Completion

Pro Plan

120 Days Subscription

10000+ Mins of Training

Mentoring by Industry Experts and Mock Interview Sessions

6 Live Projects with Paid Internships

36 Live Interactive Sessions

Unlimited Job Interviews

Exclusive Job Interviews

Pre-Recorded Sessions

Interaction with TEDx Speakers, IIT, IIM alumni

Certificate of Completion

How interns are enrolled with TalentServe

Careers Opportunities available at TalentSeve:

TalentServe provide different career opportunities including:





Human Resources



Business Analytics


Social Work

Problem identified for project

“ Acceptance of Technology as a medium of learning”

Objectives of the study

To study the reasons behind non acceptance of technology

• To study the factors affecting the less availability of internet in remote areas

• To study the perspective of people regarding learning through technology

• To know which strategy we can use to increase the sales.

Need of the study

To study why people are reluctant to use technology as a medium of learning.

Significance of the study

In today’s era, we have access of technology and there are a lot of people don’t have enough time to

learn physically. Technology provides a way to learn while sitting at anywhere. People have a very

good opportunity to learn using technology.

Introduction to the industry

In order to be successful in our daily lives, students need ways to gain expertise and build a strong

and meaningful relation with its peers and mentors. The journey begins with a foundation of

knowledge and skills and that can be developed and enhanced throughout our lives. Fortunately,

advances in technology provides a new way to learn. Advances in technology give rise to the EdTech


EdTech i.e., Educational Technology is a combination of two words i.e., Education and Technology.

It means a software or technology that is designed to enhance the way of providing education. EdTech

industry has totally changed the way of learning. Unlike traditional way of teaching in which we have

to go to schools and tuitions physically for education, EdTech industry provides a way in which we

can learn and access the education content with the help of technology. There are many well-known

EdTech platforms like TalentServe, Blackboard, Byju’s, Vedanta, Unacademy etc.

During Covid, EdTech platforms helped the both the students as well as the teachers. The teachers

are able to teach the students while sitting at home and students can easily learn the things and access

the study material online. As I am a student of MBA and during covid a well-known EdTech platform

Blackboard plays a very important role in our education. From daily lectures to assignments, from

tests to discussion, everything was made possible due to that EdTech platform. We got the quality

education during pandemic while sitting at home.

If I talk about 2020, when pandemic started, schools and colleges shut down, global education moved

online. In 2020, Indian startups raised about Rs. 78,678 crores and more than 20% of this went into
edtech. In 2021, as the pandemic dragged on, the number is more than doubled to Rs. 36,447 crores

and Unacademy. UpGrad, Vedantu became unicorns. In 2020-21, Byju’s acquired many EdTech

start-ups including White Hat Junior, Aakash, Toppr, Gradeup, Epic, HashLearn etc. and became the

first mover advantage in the industry with 4 billion.

Revenue Model of EdTech

To provide access to their platform, The EdTech Companies use any one or more combinations of

five types indicated below.

Course Subscription

Pay per session per module

Content Sharing

Freemium upgrades

Advertising Commission

EdTech Market Size

If I talk about India, the market value of K-12 i.e., Kindergarten to 12th is approx. 91.58 billion and

the total market is about 221 billion. It is expected that the size of the EdTech industry will reach to

821 billion. At present, the Test Preparation market is about 63 billion and it is expected to reach

about 315 billion by 2025.

EdTech Value Chain

The value chain of EdTech includes 5 components:

• Devices that use technology i.e., AR and VR Devices

• Course Content

• Application based segregators i.e., distribution

• Assessment and testing

• Institution Management

Devices that
and Testing

Course Institutional
Content Value Management

SWOT Analysis of EdTech Industry

Strengths Weakness

1. Flexible Learning
2. Cost- effective 1. Commodification of education
3. Ease of access 2. It cannot be a substitute of traditional
4. Skill Development education.
5. Industry Academia Interaction 3. Lack of critical inputs from teachers
6. Brings better governance and 4. Less transparency
coordination 5. Privacy and security of data issues.

Challenges Opportunities

1. Adaptive Learning
1. Non-availability of robust connectivity or
bandwidth in rural areas. 2. Digital Communication
2. Stiff Competition 3. Personalized Learning
3. Misalignment approach of Global vs local 4. New Job Opportunities to tech savy people
4. Problem of retaining customers 5. Support of Government for transformation in
education sector.
5. More spending and high acquisition cost of

Chapter 2

Research Methodology

As the research is on the EdTech sector, so firstly study of the people who use technology as a medium

of learning is being conducted.

Based on the topic objectives were set and to arrive at the opinion on objectives, Questionnaire having

18 questions was filled by 100 respondents who uses technology.

Topic Chosen for the study


Period of Research

45 days

Problem statement

In this current era, technology plays a very important role in everyone’s life. If I talk about education

sector, Technology plays a very crucial role. During Covid-19, we all realise the importance of

technology in education because if technology was not there then we all have to face a lot of illiteracy

problem. But there are still a lot of people who do not have access the technology or who do not prefer

online mode of learning.

Objectives of the study

• To study the reasons behind non acceptance of technology

• To study the factors affecting the less availability of internet in remote areas

• To study the perspective of people regarding learning through technology

• To know which strategy we can use to increase the sales of edtech companies.

Research Design

Type of Methodology: Descriptive Research

Descriptive Research make use of surveys and fact- finding enquires to gather information and

describes the characteristics of the population studied. It mainly focuses on the nature of

demographic segment and describes the “why factor” i.e., why a certain thing happened.

Sampling Design or Procedure

Sampling procedure is the procedure by which we choose the respondents. Sampling is of two



Probability Non- Probability

sampling Sampling

In this study, I choose the Probability sampling. Probability sampling is based on the “randomness”

which means samples can be choose from the larger set of population randomly. Probability

sampling has the following types:


Simple random Systematic Stratisfied Cluster

Sampling Sampling Sampling Sampling

For this study, I choose the Simple random sampling in which each and every person gets an equal

chance for being selected. For example, I have to select 100 students out of 1000 randomly who

uses technology as a medium of learning. In this case, population is 1000 and the sample is random

and every student gets an equal chance of being selected.

Sampling Design Non- probability Sampling

Sampling technique Simple Random Sampling Technique

Sample unit Students who use technology as a medium of


Sample size 100

Area of study Jammu and Kashmir

Data Collection

Data collection means gathering information from the sources in order to find a solution of research

problem. Data can be classified into two ways:

1. Primary Data

2. Secondary Data



Primary Data: Primary data is the raw data which means it is gathered first handed directly via

questionnaires, experiments or observations. It is further classified into two types :


Qualitative Quantitative

Qualitative Primary data collection: Qualitative data collection does not include any numerical data

and includes data which is not quantifiable. Common methods to collect this type of data includes

observation, interview, schedules, questionnaire etc.

Observation method

Interview method

Questionnaire method

Schedule method

Quantitative Primary data collection: This type of data collection includes numerical data which

is based on mathematical calculations. It basically provide the answers of questions like when, where,

who, what and how many? It involves close-ended questions, mean, median, mode, regression,

correlation, etc. It includes two statistical analysis:

1. Descriptive

2. Inferential

Some of the common quantitative research methods includes:

Correlational method

Experimental method

Casual comparative method

Survey method

Secondary Data

Secondary Data is also known as second hand data because it is easily available that means we don’t

have to do hard-work to collect this data as we do in primary data. We can collect this data easily

from newspapers, company’s website, journals, books, third party companies etc.

Research Instrument

In this study, I choose the primary data collection. I use the questionnaire method of primary data


Open Ended Questions: In this study, the respondents have the chance to share their own opinion.

In Open ended questions, the respondents have the full freedom to write their views or opinions.

Close Ended Questions: In this study, there are mostly close ended questions because people usually

don’t want to write anything instead of it they can choose an option.

Limitations to the study

1. People are reluctant in filling questionnaires.

2. Most people do not give honest answers

3. Performing the research on this level, I cannot reach people from every state.


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