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Mind Action

1. What is the concept of Aerobics?

a. It is a continuous process that leads to the awareness on the importance of the holistic
wellness that focuses on the mind and body.
b. It refers to exercises or activities done regularly for a prolonged period, and which
demand large amount of oxygen.
c. It speaks about the individuals’ healthy practices which takes a lot of consistency and
progression on physical activities, exercises, and eating habits.
d. These are exercises use resistance to induce muscular contraction that shapes,
strengthens, and builds endurance to the body muscles.
2. He is considered as the Father of Aerobics.
a. Kenneth Cooper
b. James Naismith
c. William G. Morgan
d. Friedrich Jahn
3. The physical education teacher divided the class into four groups. The first group was
tasked to execute Skiers Jump. How is it being executed?
a. Jump with one foot forward (8-12 inches apart). Repeat with the reversed position of
the feet.
b. Jump and land feet apart, shoulder-length, and return to a basic bounce.
c. Jump side to side, bend knees slightly as you land.
d. Jump on both feet and land on balls. Keep feet, ankles, and knees together.
4. The physical education teacher lets the students jump with one foot forward (8-12 inches)
and repeat with the reversed position of the feet. This kind of jump is called ______.
a. Straddle Jump
b. Skiers Jump
c. Basic Jump
d. Scissors Jump
5. Based on research, the following are benefits from participation in aerobic programs
except. Based on research, the following are benefits from participation in aerobic
programs except.
a. Promotes strong and healthy bones
b. Provides insignificant protection from heart disease
c. Improves intellectual capacity and increases one’s productivity
d. Promotes better and more effective sleep
6. It is the ability to move against a resistance.
a. Agility
b. Balance
c. Strength
d. Flexibility
7. It is the ability to assume and maintain body position, whether static or moving.
a. Agility
b. Balance
c. Strength
d. Flexibility
8. Exercises such as Shoulder Girdle and Spine and Pelvic Girdle improves______.
a. Agility
b. Balance
c. Strength
d. Flexibility
9. It is the ability to move one’s body in different levels or in space and in different
a. Agility
b. Balance
c. Strength
d. Flexibility
10. It is a series of learning stations where you perform familiar activities to improve your
physical fitness or skills.
a. Physical Fitness Test
b. A Circuit
c. Work out
d. Physical Education Training

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