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DIRECTIONS: For each of the sentences below identify the part of speech of each word. Also, indicate the
main functions of the noun (subject, object, object of the preposition).
*note: determiners specify the nouns. Members of this special class are definite and indefinite articles, possessives, and quantifiers and
demonstratives. In this exercise call the determiner by its specific name:
(Hundreds of ) (those) books
(quantifier) (demonstrative)
1. The most common first language in the world is Mandarin Chinese, but it is widely
spoken only inside of China.
The – article is - verb only - adverb
Most – adverb Mandarin - adjective inside - preposition
Common – adjective Chinese – noun (pred. nominative) of - preposition
First – adjective but - conjunction China – noun (obj. of prep.)
Language – noun (subjective) it – pronoun (subject)
in = preposition is - verb
the – article widely - adverb
world = noun (obj. of prep.) spoken - verb
2. Almost half of the world's population speaks one of the Indo-European languages.
Almost – adverb one of - quantifier
Half of – quantifier the - article
The – article Indo-European - adjective
World – noun languages – noun (object)
Population – noun (subject)
Speaks - verb
3. English is the most popular in this group, and its popularity is growing.
English – noun (subject) this – Demonstrative adjective growing - verb
Is – verb group – noun (obj. of prep.)
The – article and - conjunction
Most – adverb its - pronoun
Popular – adjective popularity – noun (subject)
In – preposition is - verb
4. If second-language speakers are included, English is the most common language
in the world.
If – conjunction English – noun (subject) language – noun (pred.nom.)
Second-language – adjective is - verb
Speakers – noun (subject) the - article
Are – verb most - adverb
Included – verb common - adjective
5. Linguists have identified over four thousand languages.
Linguists – noun (subject four thousand - quantifier
Have – verb languages – noun (obj. of prep.)
Identified – verb
Over - preposition
6. Some languages are relatively new in human history.
Some – quantifier in - preposition
Languages – noun (subject) human – noun/adjective
Are – verb history – noun (obj. of . prep.)
Relatively – adverb
New – adjective

7. Others were used for thousands of years and then mysteriously disappeared.
Others – pronoun and - conjunction
Were – verb then - adverb
Used – verb mysteriously - adverb
For – preposition disappeared - verb

Thousands of – quantifier
Years – noun (obj. of prep)

8. Over four thousand languages and dialects are currently being used, but many
have no written form.
Over – adverb currently – adverb no - adjective
Four thousand – quantifier being – verb written - adjective
Languages – noun (subject) used – verb form – noun (object)
And – conjunction but - conjunction
Dialects – noun (subject) many - pronoun
Are – verb have - verb

9. Linguists have given writing systems to some of these languages.

Linguists – noun (subject) to - preposition
Have – verb some of – quantifiers
Given – verb these – demonstrative - adjective
Writing – adjective languages – noun (ind. Object)
Systems – noun (direct object)


EXERCISE 1: Read each of the following sentences statements: Write P if it is a phrase - Write C if it is
a clause
1. At the table with my friends. (P)
2. When you come to visit me next year. (C)
3. Because you have decided that he is wrong. (C)
4. During the next century. (P)
5. When the next century comes. (C)
6. Human cloning is a frightening phenomenon. (C)
7. Come here. (C) (command – You subject understood)
8. Skiing is fun for some people. (C)
9. Snow skiing. (P)
10. We are at the beginning of a new semester. (C)
11. The beginning of a new semester. (P)
12. To laugh is good for the soul. (C)
13. Laughing is good for the soul. (C)
14. Lost in the night. (P)
EXERCISE 2 – Phrases within sentences have different functions:
1.The children from India never eat beef in the cafeteria.
The children – noun phrase – subject
From India – prepositional phrase - adjective phrase
Never eat beef – transitive verb (beef = object)
In the cafeteria – prepositional phrase – adverb
The cafeteria – noun phrase – object of preposition

2. When we win the lottery, we will take many trips around the world with our friends.
The lottery – noun phrase – object
Win the lottery – transitive verb (lottery = object)
Take many trips – transitive verb (trips = object)
Many trips – noun phrase – object
Around the world – prepositional phrase – adverbial phrase
The world – noun phrase – object of preposition
With our friends – prepositional phrase – adverbial phrase

Our friends – noun phrase – object of preposition

3.The boy in the green suit goes to the park in the afternoon.
The boy – noun phrase - subject
In the green suit – prepositional phrase – adjective phrase
Goes to the park – intransitive verb
To the park – prepositional phrase – adverbial phrase
In the afternoon – prepositional phrase – adverb phrase
The afternoon – noun phrase


DIRECTIONS: Please study the information sheet on word order placement carefully before you complete
this exercise. Then, read each sentence carefully and find the mistake in the word order. Correct the error and
rewrite the sentence below it.
1. The Army Corps of Engineers needs to move very soon the barge to Jacksonville.
The Army Corps of Engineers needs to move the barge to Jacksonville very soon.
2. The careful little child lifted gently her day-old baby brother.
The careful little child gently lifted her day-old baby brother.
3. I gave the book yesterday to my little brother.
I gave my little brother the book yesterday.
I gave the book to my little brother yesterday.
4. Why do you come from work home always so late?
Why do you always come home from work so late?
5. Rush hour traffic generally is so awful that if I wait forty-five minutes, I usually can get home
in twenty minutes. If I leave right at 5 p.m. the office, I always am an hour and a half on the
Rush hour traffic is generally so awful that if I wait forty-five minutes, I can usually get home in twenty minutes. If I leave
the office right at 5 p.m., I’m always on the road an hour and a half.
6. I never will get that university scholarship now.
Now, I will never get that university scholarship.
I will never get that scholarship now.
7. Our agency finds for couples who need a home occasionally children who want to adopt.
Our agency occasionally finds children who need a home for couples who want to adopt.
8. The next Tour de France goes always through Carcasonne west and then heads to the chateau
country north.
The Tour de France always goes west through Carcasonne and then next heads north to the chateau country .


I. Complete the ads by choosing the correct the words in parenthesis.


1. FOR RENT: Live (comfortably) in this ( cozy) apartment. (Cheap) renting makes it a (perfect) home for
one student.
2. FOR SALE: Woman's bicycle: I'm asking the (incredible) low price of $65 for this (new) five-speed
bicycle. I've (hardly) used it. Don't miss this (terrific) bargain.
3. PUPPY: Free to a (good) home. Skipper is a (beautiful) and friendly puppy. He behaves (well) with
children, and he is very (obedient). We are moving very soon, so Skipper needs a new home
II. Complete each conversation with the comparative form of the word in parentheses.
1. A: How do those shoes fit?
B: They're very loose. I need a smaller size.
2. A: Did you pass your driving test?
B: Yes, I did. It seemed much easier this time.
3. A: I'm out of breath.
B: Then let's walk a little more slowly.
4. A: You look great. What happened?
B: I'm watching my diet more closely, and I'm exercising more regularly.
5. A: Could you keep the noise down? I'm trying to work.
B: Sorry. We'll talk more quietly.
6. A: I feel awful. I'm staying home from work.
B: Good idea. Your cold seems a lot worse today.
7. A: Which teams plays the best?
B: The Knicks. They've won every game this season.
8. A: How was dinner at the Country Inn?
B: The food was delicious, but dinner was much more expensive than it used to be.
9. A: Tom's English has improved at lot.
B: I know. He's studying a lot harder this year.
10. A: It's 9:30. How come you're so late?
B: Your place is farther than I thought.
1. Bruce gets silly when he's tired. Last night he studied until midnight.
(It got late. He became silly.)
The later it got, the sillier Bruce became.
2. Sylvia studied hard for her French course last semester.
(She studied hard. She spoke fluently.)
The harder Silvia studied, the more fluently she spoke.
3. Greg takes good care of his garden.
(He often waters his tomatoes. They get big.)
The more often Greg waters his tomatoes, the bigger they get.
IV. Read the paragraph. You will find six errors with the comparatives and superlatives.
Correct the errors.
I think today has been the worst day of my life. My car broke down on the Expressway during rush hour this
morning—the busiest time of day. I sat there for an hour waiting for a tow truck. The longer I waited the more
nervous I got. I was a wreck when I got to work. Of course, this was the day we were closing the biggest deal
of the year. My boss called me five times about one letter. And more frequently he called, the worse I typed.
My next worry is the repair bill for the car. I hope it isn't as expensive as the last time.

1.were 1. were … FOR THE SENTENCE

2.were 2. were … 1. vote
3.was 3. were … 2.have 4. was … 3.was
5.was 5. was … 4. leads
6.span 6. were … 5. consists
7.are 7. was … 6. is
8. are 8. was … 7. Isn’t 9. were … 8. are … plan … remains 10. was … 9. confirms
10. is
11. has
SENTENCES ABOUT YOUR There are correct sentences
ENGLISH CLASS (possible 1. … is … has
subject/verb agreements) 2. Correct
1. are … 3. students
2. is … 4. neither does he
3. is … 5. belongs
4. is … 6. was rotten
5. is … 7. are notorious
6. is … 8. … for advice
7. am … 9. Correct
8. are … 10. … people who were on the street.
9. is …
10. is …


1. The patient's arm bled for three hours without stopping when he finally arrived at the emergency room.

The patient’s arm had been bleeding/ had bled for 3 hours when he finally arrived at the emergency room.
2. By the time the shuttle returns to the launching pad, it will circle the earth twenty-one times.
By the time the shuttle returns to the launching pad, it will have circled the earth twenty-one times.
3. Up to now, only one of the students have received a scholarship.
Up to now, only one of the students has received a scholarship.
4. Every evening, the cat is chasing the dog around the garden.
Every evening, the cat chases the dog around the garden.
5. My family has been living in this house for 100 years at this time next autumn.
My family will have been living in this house for 100 years at this time next autumn.
6. That old drunk has benn given his money away for the last fifteen minutes. Are you thinking that we
should call the police?
That old drunk has been giving his money away for the last fifteen minutes. Do you think we should call the police?
7. The carpenter was stepping on a nail when he was walking across the street.
The carpenter stepped on a nail when he was walking across the street.
8. By this time next year, Celia is going to sailing across the Atlantic by herself.
By this time next year, Celia is going to be sailing across the Atlantic by herself.
9. After the banker has written the check, he sent it to his lawyer.
After the banker had written the check, he sent it to his lawyer.
10. What can you see through the telescope? I am seeing the rings of Saturn at the moment.
What can you see through the telescope? I can see the rings of Saturn at the moment.


1. I was in N.Y. two weeks ago.
2. The phone was ringing while I was doing the dishes. I dried my hands and answered it.
3. I graduated in 1933.
4. In 1911, she tried to get a job as a dancer.
5. She met my father, and he bought a farm that same year.
6. She will have had a happy life by the time she retires.
7. During the train ride, she met my father.
8. She found a job in a dress shop while she was in the city.
9. Bertha had begun to give her dance lessons when she broke her arm.
10. She had been planning to open her dress shop since 1921.
11. She knew that saying yes to Julian would change her life.
12. In 1911, she tried to find a dance studio.
13. For over 60 years, Bertha has been giving opportunities to dancers.
1.You had better drink a lot of water.
2. I ought to wear clothes.
3. While I was going to school, I was working( or I worked) in a factory.
4. When I entered the U.S. for the first time, I had a difficult time.
5.As the teacher was teaching, the children were falling asleep.
6. During elementary school, I was a good student.
7. When I moved to the U.S., I had been studying English for a few years, so I could speak a little.
8. She got on a train on June 3rd.
9. He must have gotten a cold./ He must have cold.
10. He will be moving his car every two hours.
11. She has written three papers so far.
12. I have begun. I have ended. I have started. I have stopped.
13. I have learned it.
1.There isn’t any Korean food in the restaurant.

2. Each customer enjoyed the meal.

3. Much progress was made in the 20th century.
4. I have a few friends, so you can feel sorry for me.
5. I continue studying to improve even more.
6. Everyone enjoyed the meal. (OR) Everyone enjoys the meal.
7. A number of customers are paying money.
8. There are a few waiters in the restaurant.
9. There are a few menus in the restaurant.
10.There is a little tea in the pot.
11. There is a great deal of food in the kitchen.
12.There is quite a bit of food.
13. There is lots of rice in the kitchen.
14. Most of the people are enjoying the meal.
15. All of the employees are working hard in this restaurant.
16. All of the people like Chinese food. (OR) All people like Chinese food.
17.The Chef uses any French food, but she uses plenty of Chinese food.
18. Many people make (OR made) reservation.
19. The little boy eats a little food.
20. The number of waiters who wants to rest is a few.
21. Most of the customers ate a lot of food, but few customers ate a little food.
22. In the restaurant, they don’t have any flies.
23. There isn’t much international news in the local paper.
24. There is a lot of food in the kitchen.
25. There are several lanterns on the ceiling.


1.America has fewer traffic accidents than Korea.
2. I have seen so many wild animals like deer, geese, swans, pelicans and foxes.
3. The air is cleaner than in Korea.
4. Why don’t we go to the movie instead of going picnicking?
5. We are supposed to have a sunny day.
6. He had better not stay overnight in his friend’s house tonight because we are going to visit your parents (OR
parents’house) tomorrow.
7. Iran has 2500 years of history. Two thousand five hundred years is a long history.
8. The computer system in the U.S. is stronger than the computer system in Iran.
9. There are more job opportunities here than in Iran.
10. Iran has a public transportation system as good as the U.S. has.
11. The education in the U.S. is better than my country’s system.
12. In Mexico, there is more pollution than in the U.S.
13. He was supposed to come two hours ago.
14. My mom has to buy me the same doll she bought to my sister.
15. My sister used to say that my mom loved us more than my dad did.


1.For example, Silvia compared three cereal brands: Quaker, Life and Crispix.

2. These two boxes have the same size, but Kellogs contains more mineral.
3. General Mills has more ingredients than Kellogs.
4. Frosted Flakes has lower amount of sodium than Total and Bran Flakes.
5. Danon contains more sugar that Yoplait.
6. First, the ingredients in each product are the same.
7. Pantene has fewer ingredients than Loreal.
8. Stonyfield Farm has fewer calories than the other two.
9. The Yoplait’s bluberry is the tastiest of the three.
10. Starkist is as heavy as Seanet and Jewel’s.
11. She always uses Dove.
12. Loreal is more expensive than the others.
13. It has as many calories as Jewel’s.


1.Stony Field Farm has fewer calories than the others.
2.She recommended Yoplait because it is the cheapest.
3. Tide cleans as well as Cheer.
4. Starkist has as many calories as the others.
5. Its flavor is the worst of all. (OR) Its flavor is worse than the others.
6. Sonia recommended Seanet because she watches closely her weight.
7. She said that powder cleaner cleans as well as the liquid cleaner.
8. I think that BHC is a good place to study.
9. When I was in my country, I was thinking that I would go to the U.S.
10. We have had fewer exams than our friends.
11. I was touching the vase when suddenly it fell to the ground.
12. Most of the students had difficulty understanding when they first came to the U.S.
13. We had already sent many letters before the deadline came.


1.My husband and I were discussing about buying a new car.
2. Peter apologized for coming late.
3.I miss being in St. Louis.
4. The little girls are capable of playing tennis.
5. The young man is guilty of stealing a car.
6. Reading I book is better that Reading II book.
7. The teacher suggested going to an Indian museum last Friday.
8. He bought a car; now he must learn to drive.
9. Even though it is raining, they are going camping.
10. While running in the park, the children were also shouting.
11. Now that the summer is coming, I will do many activities outside.
12. I kept reading the book even though my mother called (OR had called me).
13. My mother hates violence on TV.
14. I won’t get through eating dinner before 2.
15. I never put off doing my work.
16. I will never finish learning English.


1.Students are supposed to catch what the teacher says in class.
2.I come here to study English, and now I want to study chiropractic.

3. Even though it is cold today, I will swim in the pool.

4. I am the only man in Grammar II; the others are women.
5. I came here because I wanted to study English.
6. It stopped raining, so we wanted to go out.
7. I started studying to become a good doctor.
8. I can’t stand not helping other people.
9. I’m excited about going dancing this weekend.
10. I’ll be living here until my English is better.
11. I like ice cream, whereas my sisters like chocolate.
12. I wish that it stopped raining. (OR) I hope it stops raining.
13. Sometimes I put off doing my work.
14. I start thinking in taking academic classes.
15. The teacher is not sitting down explaining her math lesson.
16. Now that I found the road, we return home (OR) we will return home.
17. The last time that I watched a Spanish movie it was six months ago.


1.I used to go camping when I was a boy scout.
2.We didn’t have gas burner, so we picked up some branch to make fire.
3. I will go dancing.
4. The soldier stopped fighting because the enemy ran away.
5.I didn’t mind waiting to go camping because a typhoon came to my town.
6.I hope that the teacher will give a little homework tomorrow.
7. Even though I sent the letter five days ago, it hasn’t arrived yet.
8. Since it is too expensive to by a new car, I decided to buy a used one.
9. I used to ride a motorcycle more often than I do now.
10. Motorcycles are very useful in traffic.
11. Fathers are usually taller than mothers.
12. My friend has four children. Each one is different from the other.


1.I put my books on that desk, the top of which is covered with dust.
2. My friends whose parents are on vacation do everything for themselves.
3. The Putnam Museum, located in the Quad Cities, is rather small.
4. I gave the woman who found my purse 10 dollars as a reward.
5. Yesterday, I drove past the house in which I lived when I was a child.
6. My sister ripped the seam out of the dress that she borrowed from me.
7. We must take our responsibility for recycling seriously, which will help us preserve the environment.
8. His family decided to move to Costa Rica, the country in which their relatives live.
9. April is the month in which we hold the International Festival.
10. The Beatles, who are still popular today, sang rock songs in the 60’s.
11. Tennou is like an emperor for the Japanese.
12.Chinese was too difficult for common people that they couldn’t read.
13. I look forward to seeing my family.
14. I like the cause/effect essay that you wrote.
15. Benito Juarez was assassinated by the powerful and rich people of Mexico who disagreed with his ideals.


1.She asked if Sue wanted to go to a movie Saturday night.
2.She replied saying thanks and that she would rather do her math homework then.

3.I recommended Jane not go to the head of the department.

4.It is essential that I not be with tomorrow.
5.It is necessary that everyone be here at 8:00.
6. It is vital that no one else know about the secret government.
7. It is imperative that he return home immediately.
8. The governor proposed that a new highway be built.
9. Anne asked Sue if she wanted to go to a movie Saturday night.
10. She asked me what that was. I replied that it was a documentary on sea turtles.
11. I told her that there was a show at 8:00 that I had been waiting to see.
12. A procrastinator is a person who postpones doing things.
13.Bob is a kind of person to whom people can tell things.
14. Your career should focus on a field in which you are genuinely interested.
15. People who outlook on life optimistically are usually happy people.
16. After people get married, woman and man should share housework equally.
17. She said us that her parents wanted people with the same background. OR She said us that her parents needed
people with the same background.
18. She answered that having a good relationship between the couple was important.
19. She asked me why I wanted to see that.
20. She asked me what that was.

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