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Syllabus Current Electricity

* Mark questions are more than one option correct type.

---------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-1 -------------------------------------------------------------
1. In the given circuit of figure, with steady current, the potential drop across the capacitor must be:

(A) V (B) V/2 (C) V/3 (D) 2V/3

[Tagging : Gamma]
1.(C) At steady state, no current will flow in middle branch.
Current in loop PQST

Now in branch ATSC

Potential across capacitor

2. ABCD is a square (figure), where each side is a uniform wire of resistance A point E lies on CD
such that if a uniform wire of resistance is connected across AE and constant potential difference is
applied across A and C, then B and E are equipotential.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

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2.(D) Balance wheatstone bridge will be between A and E


Length will be proportional to resistance, so

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3. All bulbs in figure are identical. Which bulb lights more brightly?

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

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3.(A) Maximum current will flow in 1, so maximum power will be across 1.
4. In the adjacent circuit, AB is a potentiometer wire of length 40 cm and resistance per unit length
As shown in the figure, the free end of an ideal voltmeter is touching the potentiometer wire. What
should be the velocity of the jockey as a function of time so that reading in the voltmeter varies with time

(A) (B)
(C) (D)
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Moving from D to C

*5. Four lamps are connected in the way shown in the figure. When switch is open and switch is on
position-2, lamp-b is the brightest, and lamp-c and lamp-d are the dimmest and are of the same
brightness. Now is closed and on position-1. In this position choose the correct options.

(A) The lamp that is brightest is a (B) The lamp that is brightest is b
(C) The lamp with least brightness is b (D) The lamp with least brightness is d
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We can assume values according to given condition
First situation,
Now is second situation circuit will be

*6. In the figure shown, then at steady state:

(A) The potential difference across is 5V

(B) The potential difference across is 2V
(C) The potential difference between points a and b is –4V
(D) The potential difference between the terminals of 15V battery is 9V
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At steady state

Now, branch c – b

Voltage across

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Voltage across

Potential difference across cell = E – ir
= 15 – 3 × 2 = 9 volts
*7. A voltmeter reads the potential difference across the terminals of an old battery as 1.40 V while a
potentiometer reads its voltage to be 1.55 V. The voltmeter resistance is Then:
(A) The e.m.f. of the battery is 1.4 V
(B) The e.m.f. of the battery is 1.55 V
(C) The internal resistance r of the battery is
(D) The internal resistance r of the battery is
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V = 1.4 V

… (i)

I × 280 = 1.4

Putting ‘I’ in equation (i)

8. Find the reading of ideal ammeter (in Ampere).

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9. A 5m potentiometer wire having resistance per meter is connected to a storage cell of steady e.m.f.
2V and internal resistance A primary cell is balanced against 3.5 m of it. When a resistance of
is put in series with the storage cell, the null point shifts to the centre of the last wire, i.e., 4.5 m.
What is ‘n’?

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After connection is made

10. Two capacitors are connected with battery and resistance as shown. is initially uncharged
and charge on both plates of is Switch is closed at t = 0. At time ‘t’ charge an left plate of
is Q and force between both plates of is ‘F’ and energy stored in the capacitor is U. (Given
and separation between plates of is d)

Column I Column II Column III

(Energy stored in capacitor ) (Charge on left plate of ) (Energy stored in )
(I) (i) CE (P) 0

(II) (ii) (Q)

(III) (iii) (R)

(IV) (iv) (S)

(I). If and at t = RC ln 2.
(A) (II) (iv) (P) (B) (III) (iii) (P) (C) (II) (iii) (S) (D) (II) (iii) (S)

(II). If then at time t = RC ln 2.

(A) (II) (iv) (P) (B) (IV) (ii) (S) (C) (II) (iv) (S) (D) (IV) (ii) (P)
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10. (I) – (D), (II) – (A)
On net charge is so charge will be present on the outer surface of
Charges given initially will remain forever as battery can’t charge them
We can ignore them when analysing Q given as a function of time

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Loop rule :

At time RC ln 2

Q given

Situation of

Here is Q initial and is Q given

Energy is stored in field

independent of


For : QE

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---------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-2 -------------------------------------------------------------
11. Under what condition current passing through the resistance R can be increased by short circuiting the
battery of emf The internal resistances of the two batteries are respectively.

(A) (B)
(C) (D)
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*12. Two identical moving coil galvanometer have resistance and full scale deflection at current.
One of them is converted into a voltmeter of 100 mV full scale reading and the other in to an ammeter of
1 mA full scale current using appropriate resistors. These are then used to measure the voltage and
current in the Ohms law experiment with resistor by using an ideal cell. Which of the
following statement(s) is/are incorrect?
(A) The measured value of R will be
(B) The resistance of the voltmeter will be
(C) The resistance of the ammeter will be (round off to 2nd decimal place)
(D) If the ideal cell is replaced by a cell having internal resistance of then the measured value of
R will be more than
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Measured resistance

*13. A metal sphere of radius a is surrounded by a concentric metal sphere of inner radius of b, where b > a.
The space between the spheres is filled with a material whose electrical conductivity varies with the
electric field strength E as where k is a constant. A potential difference V is maintained between
(A) Current is where (a < r < b)
(B) Current is where

(C) Potential difference between spheres is where I is total current

(D) Potential difference between spheres is where I is total current

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*14. Two light bulbs shown in the circuit have rating A(24V, 24W) and B(24V, 36W) as shown in figure.
When the switch is closed?

(A) The intensity of light bulb A increases (B) The intensity of light bulb A decreases
(C) The intensity of light bulb B increases (D) The intensity of light bulb B decreases
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14.(BC)Before switch is closed current remains same in both the bulbs

Intensity of bulb ‘A’ is brighter

After the switch is closed

More intensity
*15. Five cells have been connected in parallel to form a battery. The e.m.f. and internal resistances of the
cells have been shown in figure. A load resistance R is connected to the battery.

(A) Maximum current flows through the cell of emf

(B) Maximum current flows through the cell of emf

(C) The current through the resistance R is

(D) The current through the resistance R is

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[ should be maximized (16r)]

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16. Consider the circuit shown in figure. The circuit is in steady state. Find.

The value of is:

(A) 7/9 A (B) 14/13 A (C) 14/3 A (D) 17/22 A

… (i)

… (ii)

17. The potential of point B is:

(A) 27/34 V (B) 46/13 V (C) 1/2 V (D) 61/49 V
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18. The charge on capacitor is:

(A) (B) (C) (D)
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19. Find equivalent resistance across AB.


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20. In the given infinite grid each node to node connection has resistance R, Find equivalent resistance
between A and D.

On superposition current

Applying Loop Rule

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---------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-3 -------------------------------------------------------------
21. A constant 60 V d.c. supply is connected across two resistors of resistance What is
the reading of the voltmeter, also of resistance when connected across the second resistor as
shown in figure.

(A) 12 V (B) 15 V (C) 20 V (D) 30 V

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22. What is the charge stored on each capacitor in the circuit shown below?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

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23. Two bulbs one of 200 volts, 60 watts and the other of 200 volts, 100 watts are connected in series to a
200 volt supply. The power consumed will be:
(A) 37.5 watt (B) 160 watt (C) 62.5 watt (D) 110 watt
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24. In the diagram resistance between any two junctions is R. Equivalent resistance across terminals A and B

(A) (B) (C) (D)

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*25. In the figure shown, voltmeter is not ideal. If voltmeter is removed from and then put across
What will be the effect on current I? Given

(A) Decreases
(B) Remains same
(C) Increases
(D) I would have been same if voltmeters were ideal
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*26. Figure shows a balanced Wheatstone bridge.

(A) If P is slightly increased, the current in the galvanometer flows from C to A

(B) If P is slightly increased, the current in the galvanometer flows from A to C
(C) If Q is slightly increased, the current in the galvanometer flows from C to A
(D) If Q is slightly increased, the current in the galvanometer flows from A to C
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If P is slightly increased, potential of C will decrease.

Hence, current will flow from A to C. If Q is slightly increased, potential of C will increased, hence
current will flow from C to A.
*27. Figure shows the net power dissipated in R versus the current in a simple circuit shown.

(A) The internal resistance of battery is

(B) The emf of battery is 2V
(C) R at which power is 5W is
(D) At i = 2A, power is 3.2W
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‘I’ current corresponding maximum power is 5 Amp.

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(maximum power transfer theorem)

By P = VI
V = 2 – 2 × 0.2 = 1.6 V
P = 1.6 × 2 = 3.2 W
28. Initially all capacitors are uncharged and switch S is open. Now S is closed and steady state is allowed to
reach. If charge on capacitor in steady state and charge on capacitor in steady
state, find value of

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28.( )



29. The potential difference for the circuit shown in figures is Find the value of x.

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29.(9) Junction scale at point ‘P’

By loop law

30. The potentiometer arrangement is show in figure, has wire of uniform cross section and resistivity and of
length 10m and resistance In the secondary circuit battery of emf 3V and internal resistance
and battery of emf 2V and internal resistance are connected with some resistance ‘R’ shown in
the figure. (internal resistance of batteries in secondary circuit are not shown in figure).

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Case A:
When a connected to and b connected
Case B:
When a connected to and b connected
Case C:
When a connected to and b connected
Column I Column II Column III
(i) Case – A (I) (P) 1 = 2.5 m
(ii) Case – B (Y) (Q) 1 = 1.25 m
(iii) Case - C (Z) (R) 1 = 0 (balance point is A)
(S) Can’t be balanced
(I). Choose the incorrect combination from below:
(A) (i) (X) (P) (B) (i) (Y) (P) (C) (i) (Z) (P) (D) (i) (X) (S)
(II). Choose the correct combination from below:
(A) (ii) (X) (P) (B) (ii) (X) (Q) (C) (ii) (Y) (S) (D) (ii) (Y) (R)
(III). Choose the incorrect combination from below:
(A) (iii) (X) (R) (B) (iii) (Y) (R) (C) (iii) (Z) (R) (D) (iii) (X) (S)
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30. Current in primary circuit

V = 0 volt
(For all values of R)

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(I).(D) Case A

(X S)
(II).(C) Case B
To obtained balance point higher potential of primary circuit should be connected to higher
potential secondary circuit
Can’t be balanced
(III).(D) Case C


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---------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-4 -------------------------------------------------------------
31. In the circuit given in figure, switch S is at position 1 for long time. Find the total heat generated in
resistor of resistance when the switch S is shifted from position 1 to position 2.

(A) (B) (C) (D) None

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31.(C) At position 1, energy stored in capacitor

After switching to position 2

of total energy is lost in

So heat generated

32. Assuming all bulbs are identical, rank the brightness of the bulbs, from brightest to dimmest.

(A) A>D=H>B=C>E=F=G (B) A>B=C>D=H>E=F=G

(C) A>D=H>E=F=G>B=C (D) All have equal brightness
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32.(A) Brightness × power × current in each bulb.
33. In the figure shown, battery 1 has emf = 6V and internal resistance Battery 2 has emf = 2V and
internal resistance The wires have negligible resistance. What is the potential difference across
the terminals of battery 2?

(A) 4V (B) 1.5 V (C) 5V (D) 0.5 V

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Terminal voltage across cell 2 is

34. In the figure shown the power generated in y is maximum when Then R is:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

[Tagging : Beta]
34.(D) Internal resistance of cell can be taken as R + 2

By maximum power theorem


*35. Given that the current through resistance in the network shown is zero.

(A) The value of E is 42V (B) The value of E is 36V

(C) The resistance r is (D) The resistance r is
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Current in is ‘D’ ie. has ‘0’ current.

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(Wheat stone bridge)

36. In the given diagram length of potentiometer wire AC is 10 m and resistance is R. Internal resistance of
cell E is negligible. Experimental cell V is balanced at balancing length of the l = 5m. Find new
balancing length in metre if wire AC is replaced by another wire of length 20 m and resistance 4R.

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37. Find the reading of ideal voltmeter (in volt).

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38. Find the potential difference (in V) between points A and B shown in the figure.

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In loop AFBCD

… (i)
In loop DABC

… (ii)
On solving (i) and (ii)

39. Figure shows an experimental setup for a potentiaometer, point R is null point (no deflection of
galvanometer) is primary source. Match the following: [The resistance box has a finite]

Column - I Column - II
(A) If only emf of battery is increased (P) Point R will shift to left
(B) If only resistance of rheostat is increased (Q) Point R will shift to right
(C) If resistance box is connected and switch is closed (R) Point R may shift to left or right
(D) If an ideal battery is connected in series with (S) R does not shift
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39. (A) – (P), (B) – (Q), (C) – (P), (D) – (R)
(A) If ‘ ’ is increased P.D. across wire PQ will increase. So on lesser values of ‘l’ balance point
will increases
(B) If resistance of sheostate is increased P.D. across wire PQ will decrease so ‘l’ will increase.
(C) Resistance box is connected and switch is closed. So ‘l’ will shift to left as potential drop will be
E – ir.
(D) Depending upon the polarity of ‘E’ ‘l’ may increase and decrease

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40. In the circuit shown, current through the resistance is and current through the resistance is
Find the ratio

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40.(9) In loop AEBHCDA

2 2
I  4kr E
In loop BHFEB

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---------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-5 -------------------------------------------------------------
41. Three copper rods are subjected to different potential difference. Compare the drift speed of
electrons through them. Assume that all 3 are at the same temperature.
Length Diameter Potential difference
(i) L 3d V
(ii) 2L d 2V
(iii) L 2d 2V
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
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42. A hollow conducting sphere of inner radius R and outer radius 2R has resistivity ‘ ’ as a function of the
distance ‘r’ from the centre of the sphere The inner and outer surfaces are painted with a
perfectly conducting ‘paint’ and a potential difference is applied between the two surfaces. Then, as
‘r’ increases from R to 2R the electric field inside the sphere.
(A) Increases (B) Decreases
(C) Remains constant (D) Passes through a maxima
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so in dependent of r.

43. Given that 5.0 A passes along the branch from C to B in figure. What is the voltage of point A.

(A) +14 V (B) 16 V (C) –3 V (D) +3 V

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43.(A) Let potential at A be V

Junction rule at C,

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V = 14 volts
44. In a meter bridge shown in the figure the balancing length ‘x’ was found to be 40 cm. When another
resistor of resistance ‘y’ was connected in parallel with ‘R’ then NULL point N shifts by 10 cm.
Find the value of y/2.

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45. An ideal battery of emf is used in the primary circuit of potentiometer. The length of
potentiometer wire AB is 5 m and resistance (having uniform resistance per unit length) and all
other connecting wire are having negligible resistance).

Two unknown cells of emf are used in the secondary circuit. It is given that
are the internal resistance of respectively. Balancing length for alone is l. When
are connected in series, the balancing length obtained is 3l, when is connected in series with
is balanced, the balancing length again is l. When switch s is closed (shown in the figure) the
balancing length obtained is 40 cm. Then match the following.
Column - I Column - II
(A) The value of is (P) 1
(B) The value of (Q) 2
(C) The value of is (R) 4
(D) The value of is: (S) 8
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45. (A) – (Q), (B) – (R), (C) – (Q), (D) – (S)
For figure
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Balancing length (l)

Where is connected in series with ‘ ’

46. Due to disturbance, the meter scale of meter bridge is displaced slightly such that left hand of meter
bridge wire coincides with 2 cm mark. If measured balancing length is 42 cm and standard R resistance is
Find X (unknown resultant)?
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47. Two metal balls of the same radius a are located in a homogeneous poorly conducting medium with
resistivity Find the resistance of the medium between the balls provided that the separation between
them greater than the radius of the ball.

47.( )

Concept: Principle of superposition.

Consider a single sphere of given radius ‘a’ charged to potential v. Now consider a spherical surface at
infinite distance which has potential zero. Now we can calculate the electric field at any point and from
that we can calculate the current density with Now we can integrate over any spherical

shell to get the net current I (which turns out to be )

Now suppose the previous arrangement is not there and consider another sphere, charged to
potential –v and follow the above argument. The current will be exactly equals in magnitude but
Now consider superposition of these two. Now the net result is, a current I is emerging from
sphere at potential v and entering into negativity charged sphere. The sphere at infinity, kept at
zero potential does not matter. We previously calculate relation between I and v.

Net current between A and B by principle of superposition

48. In a series grouping of cells, current in the external circuit is I. The polarity of how many cells should be
reversed so that current becomes 1/3rd of earlier value.

48.(1/3) (This was original current in circuit)

Let us reverse some n number of cells, such that current becomes 1/3 rd

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49. In the show circuit the resistance R can be varied:

The variation of current through R against R is correctly plotted as:

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

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i = 0 in loop

50. In the circuit shown, find current through AB.

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I = 15 Amp

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