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One Hundred and Eight Photos of Divinity Page 1 of 109


Sometime ago Swami Narayanananda, a disciple of Param Pujya Sri

Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj, was asked what she learned during the 18
wonderful years that Swamiji permitted her to be in his presence. After thinking of
the vast ocean of knowledge and universality of Sri Guruji Maharaj, the reply was
that God is greater than we can ever imagine, because until we experience God
directly our idea of God remains confined to the conditionings and limitations of the
human mind.

Many devotees have referred to Most Worshipful Sri Swami

Krishnanandaji Maharaj as having a multi-faceted personality. As the
radiance of a diamond is visible through its exquisitely cut surfaces, the many ways
that Sri Swamiji Maharaj radiated divinity may be described as multi-faceted.

But there is much more. Param Pujya Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj was
and is Pure Being, Pure Awareness and Pure Bliss. As God appears as all this variety
of manifestation and yet remains unchanged, Swamiji reflected the entire universe
within His Being while remaining always the same Absolute throughout.

Param Pujya Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj left his mortal coil on 23
November, 2001, but Swamiji has not left us because Swamiji was always
everywhere, and that has not changed. Swamiji is right here, right now, always.

This pictorial is being released on the occasion of the first anniversary of the
Mahasamadhi of Most Worshipful Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj as a reminder
that God walks among His own creation and showers blessings eternally. May the
blessings of Guruji Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj be upon us always.
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Each photo is followed by a sentence from one of Swamiji's books.

1. A Jivanmukta is a sage who is liberated from bondage even while

living with a body. - Moksha Gita -
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2. The highest form of intuition is the recognition of the Self by itself

in all things. - The Philosophy of Life -
One Hundred and Eight Photos of Divinity Page 4 of 109

3. God-realisation is an integrated consciousness where we gain

everything and lose nothing. - The Mandukya Upanishad -
One Hundred and Eight Photos of Divinity Page 5 of 109

4. Philosophy is, therefore, the great art of the perfect life, a life
where the common notion of it is transcended, and the Supreme
Being, which is identical with existence itself, is realised.
- The Philosophy of Life -
One Hundred and Eight Photos of Divinity Page 6 of 109

5. Thus a philosophical insight is an awakening of a new light from

within, with whose aid one can illumine the dark corners of the
earth, and endeavour to see things in their true colours, rather
than be carried away by their chamaeleon-like shapes and
presentations. - The Philosophy of Religion -
One Hundred and Eight Photos of Divinity Page 7 of 109

6. The magic works by a single stroke of mental effort, and this

magic is the realisation of Truth. - The Ascent of the Spirit -
One Hundred and Eight Photos of Divinity Page 8 of 109

7. Here comes the knowledge that the experiencer, the experiencing

process and the experienced object or condition are all one.
- A Short History of Religious and Philosophic Thought in India -
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8. What we call the spiritual way of living is the way of God, the way
of the Absolute, the way of the Tao, as they call it.
- The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita -
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9. A Guru is one to whom we can open our heart wholly, and there
should be no kind of hesitation or reservation in his case.
- Yoga as a Universal Science -
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10. What man needs is not philosophy or religion in the academic or

formalistic sense of the term, but the ability to think rightly.
- Resurgent Culture -
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11. There is really no such thing as renunciation of anything, because

nothing in the world really belongs to you. - Sadhana The Spiritual Way -
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12. The universe has no reality independent of its Universal Knower.

- The Realisation of the Absolute -
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13. The spiritual way of life is perhaps the most intriguing and
enigmatic of all arts and sciences. - The Ascent of the Spirit -
One Hundred and Eight Photos of Divinity Page 15 of 109

14. It is essential to arrange the pattern of our thinking in such a way

that we centre it in itself, so that thought thinks itself rather than
it thinks something outside. - Sadhana The Spiritual Way -
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15. This Pure Consciousness is the same as Pure Bliss, the source of
Power and the height of Freedom. - The Realisation of the Absolute -
One Hundred and Eight Photos of Divinity Page 17 of 109

16. The object of perception should be included in the process of

perception itself. - Your Questions Answered -
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17. Yoga is a process of rejoicing.

- An Introduction to the Philosophy of Yoga -
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18. The Jivanmukta-Purusha, the one liberated while living, during

this state of spiritual expansion, sees no difference between the
different types of activities in the world, because, from his
standpoint, all movements are movements within the Absolute.
- The Philosophy of the Panchadasi -
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19. The Jivanmukta rests in the All-Blissful Brahman and yet lives
like man in order to be of help to him. - Moksha Gita -
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20. When you try to understand things in terms of the Spirit, you will
realise that all things assume a uniform meaning, even as the
sunlight is equal to all objects. - The Ascent of the Spirit -
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21. It is a psychological secret that if you strictly believe that what you
want has come, it should come and it has to come, because your
resolution touches the object that you need and it gravitates
towards you immediately. - Sadhana The Spiritual Way -
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22. Thus, if the effect, which is consciousness or intelligence, is to be

embedded in the cause, which is matter, it has to be present
everywhere. - The Philosophy of Religion -
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23. Appearances do not exist in the Absolute even as its adjectives, for
it can have no adjectives other than itself. - The Philosophy of Life -
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24. The world is one, knowledge is one, the aim of humanity is one,
and we need not dub ourselves as religionists, creedists,
philosophers, spiritualists, Mahatmas, Sadhakas, etc.
- Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals -
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25. We need not be too eager to cherish either a fanatical adherence

to what is ours or contempt for what is alien.
- Studies in Comparative Philosophy -
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26. For me there is only One Thought and every thought is included in
it. - My Life -
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27. Our life is a beautiful pattern of various threadworks woven

dexterously by an expert Maker of all things, such that one cannot
easily or intelligibly comprehend how it is made or why it is
made. - The Secret of the Katha Upanishad -
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28. True mysticism deals with the Truth that ranges beyond and
determines all rational processes of knowing. - Interior Pilgrimage -
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29. The delight of the Self is the delight of Being.

- The Realisation of the Absolute -
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30. Identify yourself with that which is everywhere.

- A video clip on Swamiji’s website -
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31. Nonconformists did build this art of life,

Not moral masons who the stones well count.
- The Epic of Consciousness -
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32. The object of meditation is the final choice that you make in this
world. - Sadhana The Spiritual Way -
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33. Being is truth in the transcendent sense without reference to

anything else. - The Realisation of the Absolute -
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34. The philosopher-aspirant who is possessed of a flaming passion

for integrating himself in Existence does not have the dull
patience to linger on with the slow process of progressive self-
transcendence through the channels of the different degrees of
reality. - The Realisation of the Absolute -
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35. The universe is something like a powerful radar system that is set
up from all sides to record every action and every event that may
take place anywhere, even of the least intensity or momentum.
- The Yoga of Meditation -
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36. Swami Sivananda's dream was the integration of the human

personality for the purpose of social integration, and finally, what
you may regard as cosmic integration, - which is virtually the
realisation of God Almighty. - Your Questions Answered -
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37. When God touches us, we cease to be human beings and we do not
think as intellects or minds at that time.
- The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita -
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38. The Virat exists as an eternally active Cosmic Art of dynamic

Dance of heightened bliss-infinite, which goes by the name of
creation of a universe of panoramic expressions of gorgeous
beauty and a variety of experience in the indivisible delight of
Self-recognition and Self-union in everything; - everything is
everywhere, every time, in every form. - Interior Pilgrimage -
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39. The realised soul is all the while happy, and is highly exhilarated
due to the immense realisation that he has, the clarity of
perception that he has attained, and the absolute bliss that he is
experiencing. - The Philosophy of the Panchadasi -
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40. Beauty is the characteristic of that object which is placed in the

proper context of the visualising consciousness.
- To Thine Own Self be True -
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41. Yoga is a systematized process of establishing permanent

friendship with Nature in all its levels, - friendship in the
physical, vital, mental, intellectual and spiritual levels.
- The Yoga System -
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42. The universe is a vast field of psychological experience of

multitudinous centres of individuality for working out their
deserts by way of objective experience. - Resurgent Culture -
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43. The state of Jivanmukti is one in which desires cannot have any
place because the Jivanmukta is in a definite condition, wherein
established, he practises spontaneously the law of the Absolute.
- The Philosophy of the Panchadasi -
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44. The way to ultimate spiritual freedom in the Absolute is to

maintain a perpetual consciousness of it.
- A Short History of Religious and Philosophic Thought in India -
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45. The object of meditation is the degree of reality aligned to our

state of being. - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Yoga -
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46. The sage is without hatred, and loves all.

- A Short History of Religious and Philosophic Thought in India -
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47. With hands and feet spread everywhere,

With eyes and heads and mouths and ears,
As infinite encompassing,
All worlds at once it envelops.
- The Song of God Almighty -
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48. The contemplation of the Absolute is the highest form any

religion can take. - A Short History of Religious and Philosophic Thought in India -
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49. The true nature of God and His creation cannot be intellectually
comprehended, for logic is a proud child of the dualist prejudice.
- The Philosophy of Life -
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50. God is here, and not in the heavens above.

- An Introduction to the Philosophy of Yoga -
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51. You will find finally that there is nothing so difficult as God-
experience, and yet nothing so simple as attainment.
- The Problems of Spiritual Life -
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52. The love that you feel in respect of an object is in fact the love
that you feel towards that which is called perfection and
completeness. - The Brhadaranyaka Upanishad -
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53. The love that God has for man is a million-fold greater than the
love that man can imagine in himself in respect of God.
- The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita -
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54. When one is in a mood of meditation, one is practising true

religion, but by so doing one does not belong to any particular
religious cult. - The Philosophy of Religion -
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55. The Incarnations are universal beings and they are super-
human in their knowledge and power.
- The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita -
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56. The term ‘God’ is not a concoction of the theological brain; it is a

scientific fact. - Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals -
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57. There are not many actions taking place in the universe; only
one action is taking place, regardless of who is appearing to do
it. - Your Questions Answered -
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58. The whole point about the religions is that they are like many
roads leading to one peak of a mountaintop, where they will all
merge into one single spot. - The Problems of Spiritual Life -
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59. If this infinitude that is at the base of these finite forms is to be

understood, realized and made part of one's own being, then the
realization accrues. - The Brhadaranyaka Upanishad -
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60. I feel, this is not a man’s prayer to God; this is a Superman’s

dedication to the Almighty, a great protective measure, a
solacing force and a redeemer from every difficulty and trouble
in life. - Daily Invocations -
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61. In the final stage of worship, the soul of the devotee itself
performs the worship by offering itself, by surrendering
itself, in an intimate union of itself with its Beloved.
- Yoga as a Universal Science -
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62. By some mystery of the workings of Nature, as it were, divine

hands begin to operate and grace descends and we are
brought in contact with a proper Guru or a teacher.
- The Essence of The Aitareya and Taittiriya Upanishads -
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63. The myths of religion, therefore, constitute active meditations of

the religious consciousness on the higher realities of life, and
even fables and fairy tales which we enjoy in leisurely readings
cannot be considered as empty of some realistic content,
because vacuous ideas cannot arise from the mind, all ideas
being ultimately rooted in a vivid or faint expression of some
degree or percentage of reality. - Essays in Life and Eternity -
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64. The pinnacle of Yoga is the absorption of the mind in the object
of its concentration. - The Yoga System -
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65. There is eternity masquerading in this mortal frame of the

human individual, the great fact of the universe which is
peeping through every pore of our perceptional faculties.
- Your Questions Answered -
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66. One has to be friendly with every stage of creation, and Yoga is
nothing but this establishment of amity and friendliness in every
level of creation. - Yoga as a Universal Science -
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67. The Absolute Itself is shining as the mind through the mirror of
space-time, and so there is no such thing as mind independently,
even as there is no such thing as the light of the mirror.
- The Problems of Spiritual Life -
One Hundred and Eight Photos of Divinity Page 69 of 109

68. The heroic leap of the individual into the unknown is the
expression of the want of a superior joy. - The Realisation of the Absolute -
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69. We are nationals of a psychic world, more properly than the way
in which we belong to the physical world of social beings.
- An Introduction to the Philosophy of Yoga -
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70. Only the Absolute can be, and is, and Liberation is the
consciousness of the Absolute. - Essays on the Upanishads -
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71. The relativity of the cosmos implies the existence of worlds

within worlds and worlds interpenetrating one another without
the one necessarily being conscious of the existence of the other.
- Essays in Life and Eternity -
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72. Knowledge itself is the highest end of life and not simply a
means to an end. Knowledge is identical with the highest
perfection. - Mundaka Upanishad -
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73. It is easier to receive the grace of God than anything from the
market place. - The Problems of Spiritual Life -
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74. If you know the meaning of what the Self is, then you will
automatically know how to go there. - Your Questions Answered -
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75. Meditation on the Eternal Being is the supreme form of love.

- The Realisation of the Absolute -
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76. The Guru is not a person, he is not a man or woman; he is a

principle which represents a power behind and beyond the
visible framework which you call the body of the Guru.
- Self Realisation, Its Meaning and Method -
One Hundred and Eight Photos of Divinity Page 78 of 109

77. His behaviour is ununderstandable even as Brahman is

inscrutable, for he is Brahman itself. - Moksha Gita -
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78. The malady of the age is not absence of philosophy or even

irreligion but wrong thinking and a vanity which passes for
knowledge. - Resurgent Culture -
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79. But by the purity of your purpose and intention, if it is possible

to expand your love to the dimension of the Supreme Creative
Principle, you will be the highest, most blessed person.
- An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra -
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80. The universe is an idea ultimately - one thought.

- The Problems of Spiritual Life -
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81. This is the ultimate union of the soul with All-Being and this is
the final stage, practically, of Samapatti, where the river has
entered the ocean and does not any more exist as the river.
- An Introduction to the Philosophy of Yoga -
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82. Prayer is an affirmation of consciousness for rousing itself to a

dimension higher than its own self. - The Problems of Spiritual Life -
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83. There is no world even now and the quesion of seeing the
world, or nor seeing the world, does not actually arise.
- The Chhandogya Upanishad -
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84. Who seeks to know what truth do things enshrine

Would know that Self is dearest all things hold.
- The Epic of Consciousness -
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85. All this that I am speaking about myself will look that I am a
somewhat curious person, interesting, humorous, joyous, child-
like and serious when it comes to the fact of the Love of God as
the goal of life, whatever its meaning be to different people.
- My Life -
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86. The Infinite is not inside or outside, It being everywhere.

- An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra -
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87. Swami Sivananda, with the stupendous experience of one who

has dived into the core of life, teaches that the one Brahman
appears as the universe in all the planes or degrees of its
manifestation, and, therefore, the Sadhaka has to pay his
homage to the lower manifestation before he steps into the
higher. - The Philosophy of Life -
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88. When we have knowledge of a thing, we are not bound to that

thing, we have a control over that thing. - Vaishvanara Vidya -
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89. When you enter the consciousness of the Absolute, you will not
see the world, in the same way as when you wake up the dream
world vanishes. - The Problems of Spiritual Life -
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90. The Jivanmukta melts himself in Brahman even as ice melts into
the ocean of water. - Moksha Gita -
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91. Compassion is the process of the Self-fulfilment of the essential

Spirit through a spontaneous outflow of itself towards egoless
conscious beings. - The Realisation of the Absolute -
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92. ...and to me now there is only one philosophy and one religion. I
do not any more see many philosophies and many religions; they
just don’t exist for me. - My Life -
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93. As the dream-world vanishes in waking, the waking

world vanishes in the experience of the Absolute.
- A Short History of Religious and Philosophic Thought in India -
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94. The love for the Eternal is the essential passion that burns in the
heart of all things. - The Realisation of the Absolute -
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95. The philosophical foundations and the religious consequences

of the analysis lead to the need for a meditation on
consciousness as the quintessence of the whole adventure.
- The Philosophy of Religion -
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96. A person who meditates in this manner on the supreme self-

consciousness prior to the perception of every kind of object, of
even space itself, such a person is superior to that extent, and he
has freedom to the extent of the realm of self-consciousness.
- The Chhandogya Upanishad -
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97. The path of Yoga is a journey towards the attainment of

perfection. - The Struggle for Perfection -
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98. The Great Absorber known bestows blessings,

And knower reigns as All-Absorbant God.
- The Epic of Consciousness -
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99. To get a Guru is as difficult as getting God. And once

you get a proper teacher, then you are on the path.
- The Essence of The Aitareya and Taittiriya Upanishads -
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100. Harmony is nothing but your adjustment with the cosmos.

- Yoga, Meditation and Japa Sadhana -
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101. The relationship between the Guru and he disciple is not

physical, social or personal but spiritual and, so, eternal, till the
salvation of the disciple. - Interior Pilgrimage -
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102. The seeking of the meaning implicit in life's processes is

philosophy. The working out of philosophy in one's life is the
practice of Yoga. - The Struggle for Perfection -
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103. Every speck of space, every atom of matter, can be

regarded as a vehicle which reflects one face of God.
- The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita -
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104. Realisation is not an actual "becoming, but an unfolding of

consciousness, an experience of Truth, Truth that already is,
Truth that is eternal. - The Realisation of the Absolute -
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105. The nature of one's aspiration for the ultimate realisation

through Yoga is perhaps the most important conditioning factor
in the practice. - Yoga as a Universal Science -
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106. You are going to be blessed because you are honest and sincere
and true to yourself. - To Thine Own Self be True -
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107. It (Moksha) is the Freedom attained by knowing that we are

always free. - The Realisation of the Absolute -
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108. The realisation of Brahman is itself the liberation of the soul.

- An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra -

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