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SUBJECT : Subject Pronouns and Verb “ To Be “

A) Fill in the blanks using “HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY”:

cat and horse………… Mary…………… Tom ……………

Jack and I ………….. books …………. sister ………….
You and Dave ……….. plane …………. sunshine ……….
cheese ……………… cactus ………… parents …………..
Pamela ……………… news ................ scissors ...................
geese ……………. flowers ………… piano …………….
school …………. daughter ………… milk ……………
children ……….. sugar ……….. feet …………..
bicycle ………… Ann and Kate ………. tennis ………….
son ……………. mice …………… sky …………….
shop ……………. buses ………….. papers …………
Mr. Green …………… brother-in-law ………….. picture ………..
friendship …………. dolphin ………… The Riggs family ………..

B) Fill in the blanks using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”:

1. It ……………. an onion. (+) 11. İzmir ………….. a city. (+)

2. Jasmine ……….. a student. (-) 12. He ……… a postman. (+)
3. We ……….friends. (+) 13. It ………. nine o’clock. (+)
4. I ………. hungry. (-) 14. Manhattan …………. an island. (-)
5. Mark ............. 20 years old. (+) 15. Mr. Richards …… a lawyer. (+)
6. A bee ……….. a big insect. (-) 16. I ………..ill. I …………. happy. (+ / -)
7. Newsweek ………… a magazine. (+) 17. London ……….. a big city. (+)
8. I …………. a professional football 18. Dave and Adrian ………… sisters. They ……..
player. (-) brothers. (- / +)
9. I know you. You ……. in my class. (+) 19. New York ………. near to New Jersey. (+)
10.Cows ……… insects. They ……. 20. Susan and I ……….. teachers. We ………..
mammals. (- / +) students. (- / +)

C) Fill in the blanks using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”:

1. Germany, England, and Spain ………… cities.

2. A lemon ……….. sweet. It …….. sour.
3. Copper ……….. cheap. Diamonds ………… expensive.
4. Airplanes …….. slow. They ………. fast.
5. Ice cream and candy …….. sweet.
6. Today ……… cloudy. It …….. bright.
7. My brother ……… married. He …… single.
8. I ……… from Turkey. I …….. from Canada.
9. Maths ……… hard. It ……….. easy.
10. Mariah … a beautiful girl. She ……… ugly.
D) Rewrite the sentences by using “ IS, ISN’T, AM, AM NOT”:

1. London aren’t a country. …….London isn’t a country……………..

2. The United States aren’t a city. …………………………………………….
3. An elephant am not a small animal. …………………………………………….
4. English and Turkish isn’t sister languages. …………………………………………….
5. Mercedes aren’t a bike. …………………………………………….
6. Is I a student ? …………………………………………….
7. Mrs. Stuart aren’t a poor woman. …………………………………………….
8. Cigarettes isn’t good for people. …………………………………………..
9. The North Pole am not hot. …………………………………………..
10. Simon are from United Kingdom. …………………………………………..

E) Complete this postcard by using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT , ISN’T,AREN’T”:

My name ….is….. Jack, and this ….is… Sue.
She ……. my sister. Sue …….. twelve years old and I …… sixteen.
We ……. adults. We …….. students. We ……… Canadians. We ………….
We ……….. from Chicago. Chicago ……….. in the United States.
Best regards,

F) Write short sentences:

(Chris, 9, student, short, not Chinese)
…..Chris is nine years old. He is a student. He is short. He isn’t Chinese…….. .

1. (Leonard and Mike, 25, firemen, tall, American)

2. (Patty and Brian, 12, not electrician, short, not Turkish children)
3. (Natalie and I, nurse, not tall, French)
4. (Mark, 19, accountant, short, British)
5. (Cengiz, 23, lieutenant, not blonde, Turkish)

G) Build up sentences:

1. Mike / drummer (-) …..Mike isn’t a drummer…………...................

2. Charlie and Chris / policemen(+) …………………………………………………..
3. Danny and Rick / singers (-) ………………………………………………….
4. Salem and Lucky / puppies (+) ………………………………………………….
5. Rome / London / cities (+) ………………………………………………….
H) Choose the best answer:

1. Maggie and Carol …………… good friends.

a) am b) are c) is d) isn’t

2. Sue ………. a science teacher.

a) are not b) is c) are d) am

3. Mark Steven ………….. a student at Kennedy High School. It …….. an old school.
a) am / is b) are / is c) is / am d) is / is

4. Margarita ……….. from Spain. I ………….. from Turkey.

a) is / am b) are / is c) am / is d) is / are

5. You and I ……………… at the same age.

a) am isn’t c) are d) is

I) Change the sentences into questions:

Example: I am an engineer. ……Am I an engineer?……….

1. You are ill. …………………………………………………..

2. Linda is a pretty girl. …………………………………………………..
3. Belinda is a singer. …………………………………………………..
4. Nick is an actor. …………………………………………………..
5. We are good friends. …………………………………………………..
6. He is an officer. …………………………………………………
7. It is an eraser. …………………………………………………
8. You and Eddie are partners. …………………………………………………
9. Rosie is angry. …………………………………………………
10. Jack and I aren’t good swimmers. …………………………………………………

J) Give a short and a long answer:

Example:  Is it a car? …No, it isn’t.

What is it? …It is a house…….

1)  Is it a fish? …………………….. 8)  Is it Saturn? ……………………..

What is it? …………………... What is it? ……………………

2)  Is it a river? ….……….…. 9)  Is it a mountain? …

What is it? …………………….. What is it? ……………………….
3)  Is it a radio? …………………….. 10)  Is it a CD player? ……………..
What is it? ……………………… What is it? ……………………….

4)  Are these tomatoes ? …………… 11)  Are these farms? …………….

What are they? ………………………. What are they ? ……………………

5)  Are these pencils ? ……………… 12)  Is this a motorcycle? ………….

What are they? …………………………… What is it? ..………………………..

6)  Is it a school bus? …………….. 13) Is it a bottle? …………………

What is it? …………………………. What is it? …………………………

7)  Is it a horse? …………………. 14)  Are these tables? ………

What is it? ………………………… What are they ? …………………

K) Give long answers:

Example: Are you a scientist? ………Yes, I am a scientist.………………

1. Are you a student? Yes, …………………………………………….

2. Is Tom in the park? No, ……………………………………………..
3. Is it a poetry book? Yes, …………………………………………….
4. Are Mary and John friends? Yes, …………………………………………….
5. Am I an executive ? No, ……………………………………………..
6. Is Thomas fifteen years old? Yes, …………………………………………….
7. Are your earrings expensive? No, ……………………………………………..
8. Is ice cream hot ? No, ……………………………………………..
9. Are lemons yellow and sour? Yes,……………………………………………..
10. Are Andy and Jack girls? No, ……………………………………………..

L) Build up questions and give answers:

Example: engineer / William Is William an engineer? Yes, he is an engineer. (+)

1. good rider / Steve …………………….…… ? ….…………….…………(+)

2. lazy students / Mark and Lucy …………………………..? …………………..………(- )
3. soup / hot ……..………………….…? ……......…………………(+)
4. the baby / asleep ……………………………? ………………..………... (- )
5. basketball team / L.A. Lakers ……………………………? ...………………………...(+)

M) Answer these questions:

1. Are trees green or gray? ………...……………………………………

2. Are clouds brown or white? ………………………...……………………
3. Is it an English or French dictionary? (French) ……………………………………………
4. Is it a sports car or a classic car? (classic) ……………………………………….……..
5. Is Egypt in Europe or in Africa? ……………………………………….……..
6. Is it a butterfly or a bee? (butterfly) ……………………………………….……..
7. Are they skirts or pullovers? (pullovers) ……………………………………….……..
8. Is he an outlaw or a guardian? (outlaw) ……………………………………….……..
9. Is your father young or old? (old) ……………………………………………...
10. Are we army officers or police officers? (army) …………………………………………..

N) Read the passage and answer the questions:

Sophia: I am Sophia Berger. Are you Jordan Turner?

Jordan: Yes, I am. Are you English?
Sophia: Hector is. I am French. Are you from the United States?
Jordan: Yes, I am. Hector, are you from London?
Hector: Yes, I am. Are you from California?
Jordan: No, I am from New York City. Is London a big city?
Hector: Yes, it is a big city. Sophia, are you from Lyon?
Sophia: Yes, I am from Lyon.
Hector: Is Lyon near Florence?
Sophia: No, it isn’t. Florence is in Italy.
Hector: Oh, isn’t it in France? I am a real fool.
Jordan: No, Hector. Of course you are not a fool! Are you and Sophia students?
Hector: I am a student. She is an actress in France. We are tourists in the United States.
Sophia: Are you a student, Jordan?
Jordan: No, I am not a student. I’m a lawyer. I am on a holiday.

* Give long answers. If the answer is negative, then give the right answer:

Example: Is Sophia from Paris? …No, she isn’t…… She is from Lyon…………….

1. Is Jordan from California?……………………………………………………………..

2. Is Florence in Italy? ……………………………………………………………..
3. Are Sophia and Hector students?
4. Is Hector from Manchester?
5. Is Sophia a dancer?…….. …………………………………………………………….

Write True or False:

1. …..T… Hector is English. 6. …F Sophia is from the United States.

2. ……… Hector isn’t from Manchester. 7. … … Jordan is from New York City.
3. ……… London is not a big city. 8. …….. Florence is in Italy.
4. ……… Hector is a student. 9. …….. Jordan is a teacher.
5. ……… Sophia is an actress in London. 10. ……. Sophia and Hector are tourists.
VERB TO BE : am,is,are

Hello! My name _____ Carl.I _____ from

Australia. I _____ 13 years old and I _____ a
student at a secondary school.My father _____ a
teacher and my mother _____ a nurse.My father
_____ 45 years old and my mother _____
42.We live in the city center.Our house _____ a
small flat but it _____ new and modern.My
grandparents live with us.They _____ retired.

This boy _____ Peter.He _____ my best

friend.He _____ a student at highschool. He
_____ 15 years old.

His parents _____ lawyers.Their office _____ on Curry Street.They live in the city center.Their
house _____ very big and it has got a big garden.We _____ always together after school.

These _____ Michael and Joseph.They _____ twin

brothers.They are 16 years old.They _____ both short
and slim.They _____ in the same class.They _____
always together.They _____ from London.Their
favourite football team _____ Liverpool and their
favourite singer _____ Madonna.Michael's hair _____
blonde and wavy but Joseph's hair is dark and
straight.Michael _____ good at Mathematics and
Joseph _____ good at Physics.They _____ both
interested in seeing new places and camping.Their
house _____ in the country.It _____ a small
cottage.Their father _____ a bus driver and their
mother _____ a shop assistant.They _____ very
happy together.
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