Comparison of The Efficacy and Safety of 2 Different Antiretroviral Regimens in Tertiary Care Hospital: A Retrospective Observational Study

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National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Comparison of the efficacy and safety of 2 different antiretroviral regimens
in tertiary care hospital: A retrospective observational study

Reshma S R1, Mangala Gowri S R2, Vaneeth Agarwal1, Narendranath Sanji1, Navin Patil3, Dinakar KR1,
Keerthisagar J1
Department of Pharmacology, JJM Medical College, Davangere, Karnataka, India, 2Department of Physiology, MES Medical College,
Printhalmanna, Kerala, India, 3Department of Pharmacology. Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka, India
Correspondence to: Mangala Gowri S R, E-mail: [email protected]

Received: November 09, 2016; Accepted: November 18, 2016


Background: Highly active retroviral therapy has reduced the morbidity and mortality of HIV infection. Although many
regimens have reduced the plasma virus load in patients, there are many cases of long-term toxicity, adverse effects,
and drug resistance. Aims and Objective: To compare the efficacy and safety between combination of stavudine
lamivudine nevirapine (SLN) and stavudine lamivudine efavirenz (SLE) (antiretroviral regimens) in tertiary care hospital.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted in the anti-retroviral therapy (ART) center of CG
Hospital, a tertiary care center at Davangere. Data were collected for the duration of 12 months (June 2012 to May 2013).
The study was conducted after obtaining the permission from the institutional ethical committee and incharge officer.
Prescriptions of the patients were collected, and relevant information was entered in the preformed pro forma and analyzed.
Results: In total of 144 cases, 94 patients received combination therapy of SLN whereas 50 patients received combination
therapy of SLE. To compare the baseline parameters such as CD4 counts, weight and hemoglobin with post-treatment values
Dunn’s multiple comparison test was applied. To compare the changes in the parameters between the 2 therapies unpaired
t-test was applied. There was a statistically significant improvement in CD4 counts in both the therapies but between
group comparisons showed no statistical difference, inspite of clinical improvement more pronounced in patients receiving
SLN combination. Hemoglobin levels have improved significantly post therapy in both the groups. Conclusion: In this
study, there was clinically significant improvement in all the parameters considered for analyses in patients receiving SLN
compared to SLE therapy but fails to show statistical significance.

KEY WORDS: Antiretroviral Regime; CD4 Count; Hemoglobin %

INTRODUCTION AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), the prevalence of

HIV in India is 0.29% with total burden of 2.27 million
According to UNAIDS 2010 report on the global AIDS HIV-infected patients. However, there has been decrease
epidemic, there are 33.3 million people living with in the incidence of new HIV/AIDS cases in India after the
HIV/AIDS in the world. As per the recent report of National introduction of a free ART program by NACO since April
Access this article online
Website: Quick Response code Combined retroviral therapy has dramatically changed
the course of HIV disease by reducing its morbidity and
mortality.[1-4] Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART)
DOI: 10.5455/njppp.2017.7.1131318112016 is effective in reducing the plasma viral load and in
prolonging AIDS-free survival.[1,5,6] The availability of potent
non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI)

National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology Online 2016. © 2016 Reshma S R and Mangala Gowri S R. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, allowing third partiesto copy and redistribute the materialin any medium or for mat
and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.

2017 | Vol 7 | Issue 3      National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 306
Reshma and Gowri Comparison of 2 different antiretroviral regimens

based regimens may have several advantages for initial and Data were collected for the duration of 12 months (June 2012
prolonged therapy, fewer drug interaction, central nervous to May 2013). The study was carried out after obtaining
system penetration and more convenient administration with the permission from the institutional ethical committee.
good adherence as they are given as 2 tablets twice a day, Permission was also obtained from officer incharge of
modestly priced, do not require food restrictions and safe ART center to access records. Prescriptions of the patients
during pregnancy. were collected, and relevant information was entered in the
preformed pro forma and analyzed.
Due to prolonged use of antiretroviral agents with incomplete
viral suppression leads to the formation of drug-resistant
Study Population
viruses because of the extensive mutation rate of viruses.
This is a major contributory cause of treatment failure.[7,8] Patients eligible for inclusion in this study were those seen at
This is a serious challenge in current clinical practice. the HIV Clinic between January 1, 2010, and September 30,
2012. We have included patients all the age groups. For
Since April 2002, fixed dose combination pill with 3 inclusion in the study, patients had to be antiretroviral (ARV)
antiretroviral agents - stavudine, lamivudine, and nevirapine naive and receiving their ARV medication through the
has been used in developing countries.[9] The World Health Government HAART Program. Only patients who initiated
Organization (WHO, 2010 revision) guidelines recommend treatment and compliant to a particular regimen for 6 months
initiation of antiretroviral therapy with two NRTI (zidovudine were evaluated. The patients excluded from the study are
or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate with lamivudine [3TC] who initiated treatment with unreliable information on ARV
or emtricitabine [FTC) and a NNRTI (efavirenz [EFV] or history and baseline characteristics in such cases. Other
nevirapine).[10] Randomized clinical trials conducted in patients excluded were those who were already in a second or
developed countries provide evidence that these regimens are subsequent HAART regimen on admission and whose CD4
safe and effective.[11,12] Efavirenz has recommended as one values were not known at baseline.
of the first drugs of choice and nevirapine as an alternative
agent in initiation of antiretroviral treatment. In resource- Study Setting
poor settings, WHO has recommended nevirapine as one
of the first drugs of choice in initiation of antiretroviral Outpatient at ART center of CG Hospital, a tertiary care
treatment. Although used since long non-randomized studies center at Davangere.
of both efficacy and tolerability of efavirenz and nevirapine
in all possible therapeutic background are limited. Efavirenz- Sample Size
based HAART is still expensive in low and middle-income
countries like India. Nevirapine is highly preferred over During the period of 12-month (June 2012 to May 2013),
efavirenz by patients and treating consultants due to low a total of 505 case sheets of patients diagnosed to have
cost and availability as fixed dose combination in tertiary HIV-infection were collected.
care hospital. Adverse drug events are an important concern
in ART. They can cause significant patient morbidity Informed Consent
and are potentially fatal, are a common cause of drug
discontinuation. Several systematic reviews reports a greater Informed consent of the patients was taken, and data obtained
frequency of liver and skin toxicities associated nevirapine were kept confidential.
compared to efavirenz and greater frequency of CNS toxicity
associated with efavirenz compared to nevirapine. A number Statistical Analysis
of deaths attributed to toxicity was rare for both the drugs.
In this study, data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics.
Nevirapine will likely continue to be an important drug
Analysis to check for the changes after 6 months of treatment
for the management of HIV-infected individuals and CNS
in parameters such as weight, hemoglobin, and CD4 counts
associated side effects objective of the present study compare
was carried out. Paired t-test was applied to compare body
the efficacy and safety between combination of stavudine
weight and hemoglobin levels before treatment and after
lamivudine nevirapine (SLN) and stavudine lamivudine
6 months of treatment. Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank
efavirenz (SLE) (antiretroviral regimens) in tertiary care
test was applied to compare CD4 counts.

Table 1 shows, as per objective of this study, we have
Study Design
divided patients into 2 treatment groups. Group A received
A retrospective cohort study was conducted in the ART combination of SLN and Group B received combination of
center of CG Hospital, a tertiary care center at Davangere. SLE. In this study, total of 144 case records were evaluated. Of

307          National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2017 | Vol 7 | Issue 3
Reshma and Gowri Comparison of 2 different antiretroviral regimens

those 94 cases had received SLN regimen whereas 50 cases The main efficacy parameter in our present study is the
received SLE combination therapy. Of 94 cases of SLN response to treatment which can be evaluated by knowing
regimen, 16 cases belong to pediatric age groups (≤14 years) the increase in CD4 counts when compared to baseline and
of which 9 were males and 7 were females. Remaining improvement in the Hemoglobin (Hb %) and Weight. Safety
78 cases were of age group between 15 and 65 years of parameter we were looking for was the Hb % if it is reduced
which 18 were males and 60 were females. Likewise patients then the patient may be suffering with adverse effect due to
receiving SLE combination had similar demographic data. treatment regimen that is anemia. Comparison of efficacy
Out of 50 patients of SLE treatment group, 4 cases belong and safety of 2 different HAART regimen were carried out
to pediatric age groups (≤14 years) of which 2 were males in this study.
and 2 were females. Remaining 46 cases were of age group
between 15 and 65 years of which 13 were males and 33 were All the parameters measured are expressed in Median with
females. interquartile range (IQR). Table 3 shows, In Group A,
baseline CD4 count is 162.5 (82.25-270) when compared
Females were more in both the groups. Community factors to 6 months after treatment 303 (197-455) which was
may have played the role as males might have more social statistically significant with the P < 0.0001. In Group B,
stigma compared to females and females may be more aware baseline CD4 count was 111 (70.75-206.3) when compared
of the disease in terms knowledge attitude and practice in to 6 months after treatment 235 (162-370) which was
receiving the treatment in timely manner. statistically significant with the P < 0.0001.

Table 2 shows, according to disease control and prevention Another efficacy parameter assessed was the weight (kg).
classification, disease can be divided into mild, moderate and In Group A, 42 (32.75-50) after treatment compared to
severe based on baseline CD4 counts. In Group A, 4 patients 45 (37-52) at baseline which was statistically significant
have >500 cells/mm3 when compared to 34 patients with (P < 0.0001). In Group B, 44.5 (37-50) compared to
CD4 counts between 200 and 499 cells/mm3 and 54 patients 40 (35-45.25) at baseline which was statistically significant
with cells <200/mm3. Where as in Group B, 1 patient have (P < 0.0001).
CD4 count >500 cells/mm3 when compared to 12 patients
between 200 and 499 cells/mm3 and 37 patients with cells Hb % which we have considered as efficacy and safety
<200/mm3. parameter showed significant increase that is median and
IQR 11.18 (9.8-12.12) after 6 months of Group A treatment
Table 1: Baseline data when compared to baseline value 9.35 (8.11-11.18) which
was statistically significant (P < 0.0001). Similarly, Group B
Age SLN (Group A) SLE (Group B)
values were 8.7 (7.7-10.2) at baseline when compared to
Total Males Females Total Males Females 10.6 (10.2-11.7) after 6 months of treatment which was
≤14 years 16 9 7 4 2 2 statistically significant (P < 0.0001).
15‑65 years 78 18 60 46 13 33
SLE: Stavudine lamivudine efavirenz, SLN: Stavudine lamivudine The difference between the 2 groups that is patients receiving
nevirapine SLN and SLE were compared using unpaired t test in terms
of efficacy and safety, but there was no significant difference
Table 2: CDC Classification between the groups. Hence, both the treatments are equally
efficacious with better tolerability.
CD4 SLN (Group A) SLE (Group B)
counts Total Males Females Total Males Females To address the query of the magnitude of response to
>500 cells 4 2 2 1 1 0 treatment in severely ill patients between the groups, we
200‑499 cells 34 8 26 12 4 8 have considered the patients who have poor baseline CD4
<200 cells 54 16 38 37 10 27 counts that is <200 cells/mm3 and their response to treatment
SLE: Stavudine lamivudine efavirenz, SLN: Stavudine lamivudine in terms of 3 different parameters, i.e., CD4 counts, weight
nevirapine, CDC: Disease control and prevention and Hb%. Comparing efficacy and safety of 2 regimen

Table 3: Comparing the parameters between Groups A and B

Parameters SLN (Group A) SLE (Group B)
Baseline After treatment P Baseline After treatment P
CD4 Counts 162.5 (82.25‑270) 303 (197‑455) <0.0001 111 (70.75‑06.3) 235 (162‑370) <0.0001
Hb levels 9.35 (8.1‑11.18) 11.18 (9.8‑2.15) <0.0001 8.7 (7.7‑10.2) 10.6 (10.2‑11.7) <0.0001
Weight 42 (32.75‑50) 45.00 (37‑52) <0.0001 40 (35‑45.25) 44.5 (37‑50) <0.0001
SLE: Stavudine lamivudine efavirenz, SLN: Stavudine lamivudine nevirapine

2017 | Vol 7 | Issue 3      National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 308
Reshma and Gowri Comparison of 2 different antiretroviral regimens

in severely ill patients with HIV infection (CD4 counts NVP, 3TC and d4T. However, toxicity may be increased in
<200 cells/mm3). the once-daily NVP regime. Additional trials of sufficient
duration are required to provide better evidence for the use of
As shown in Table 4, in severely ill patients of SLN groups this combination as a first line therapy. Ideally, trials should
baseline CD4 counts were 98 (50.5-42.3) when compared use standardized assessment measures especially with respect
to 221.5 (157-315.5) after treatment and in SLE groups to measuring viral load so that results can be compared and
baseline CD4 counts were 85 (61-129) when compared combined in meta-analyses.[15]
to 202 (151.5-252) after treatment. Unpaired t test was
applied to compare difference between the 2 groups in They also suggested that additional trials of sufficient
response to treatment. There was no statistically significant duration are required to provide better evidence for the
difference between 2 treatment groups. Likewise Hb % and use of SLN as a first line therapy. Ideally, trials should use
weight between 2 groups were compared, and there was no standardised assessment measures, especially with respect
statistically significant difference between the 2 groups. to measuring viral load, so that results can be compared and
combined in meta-analyses. Assessment of fixed-drug dosing
is required in the context of a trial. Clinical studies assessing
the rate of adverse events, and resistance of the SLN regimen,
continue to be required to better inform practice (Siegfried
In this study, there was no significant between the 2 groups in
et al., 2011).
terms of efficacy and safety, i.e., CD4 counts increased in both
the groups to a similar extent compared to baseline values.
Motivating the community health-care systems to work in
Likewise weight and Hb % showed similar improvement
combined approach for early diagnosis of HIV and instituting
in both treatment groups. However, there was clinically
treatment with triple regimen will help in reducing the
significant improvement in all the parameters considered for
disease burden. The responsibility of community health-care
analyses in patients receiving SLN compared to SLE therapy
system does not end here as it is the compliance that matters
but fails to show statistical significance.
the most for the successful drug therapy. Community health-
care workers must be appointed to check for compliance and
An observational non-randomized study done by Patel et al.
enquire about difficulty in taking medications. Psychological
in India taking nevirapine and efavirenz based HAART
reassurance will make the patient more adherent to the
regimens showed comparable immunological response in
naïve HIV 1 infected with more rash and hepatotoxicity with
nevirapine and CNS side effects with efavirenz. In developing
countries like India, nevirapine is a good alternative to CONCLUSION
efavirenz with comparable immunologic effectiveness.
Side effect profile must be kept in mind while choosing any HIV is a communicable disease which can be controlled by
NNRTI based regimen.[13] early diagnosis followed by institution of triple HAART in
timely manner, watching for compliance by community-
A randomised open-label trial done by F van Leth et al. based approach and good social environment to cop up with
concluded that antiretroviral therapy with nevirapine or the disease. Comparing the response in severely ill patients
efavirenz showed similar efficacy, so triple-drug regimens to treatment between the 2 regimens, an increase CD4 count
with either NNRTI are valid for first-line treatment. There was observed in both the groups to similar extent. Hb%
are, however, differences in safety profiles. Combination of and weight also have shown a similar response to treatment
nevirapine and efavirenz did not improve efficacy but caused of both the regimen. Thus, we can suggest that investing
more adverse events.[14] on expensive efavirenz regimen and preferring it over
nevirapine-based regimen will do little good. Nutritional
Meta analyses done by Siegfried et al. concluded that the supplementation with good rest for the patients will make a
combination of nevirapine, 3TC and d4T is as efficacious as great impact on health outcomes as we show there was an
a combination of efavirenz, 3TC and d4T. Once-daily NVP improvement in Hb% and weight in our study, but still the
with twice-daily 3TC and d4T is as efficacious as twice-daily patients were anemic and underweighted. Providing social

Table 4: Comparing parameters in severly ill patients

Parameters SLN (Group A) SLE (Group B)
Baseline After treatment Baseline After treatment
CD4 counts 98 (50.5‑42.3) 221.5 (157‑315.5) 85 (61‑129) 202 (151.5‑252)
Hb levels 9.2 (7.8‑11.03) 11.20 (9.6‑12.20) 8.75 (7.7‑10.25) 10.9 (10.2‑11.8)
Weight 40 (32.75‑50) 45 (37‑51.75) 40 (35‑46) 45 (37‑50.5)
SLE: Stavudine lamivudine efavirenz, SLN: Stavudine lamivudine nevirapine

309          National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2017 | Vol 7 | Issue 3
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