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Petitioner, v. JERRY SAPLA Y GUERRERO a.k.a ERIC


NATURE OF THE CASE: an appeal to the decision of the Court of Appeals.

DOCTRINE: If the process of gathering evidence against the accused is tainted by a violation of
the accused rights against unreasonable searches and seizures, which is a most cherished and
protected right under the Bill of Rights, the evidence procured must be excluded, inevitably
leading to the accused acquittal. (Exclusionary Rule)

A tip is still hearsay no matter how reliable it may be. It is not sufficient to constitute a probable

FACTS: The accused Jerry Sapla in the information filed that he was found around 1:20 in the
afternoon on January 10, 2014 at Talaca, Agbannawag, Tabuk City, Kalinga having in
possession the four bricks of Marijuana Leaves and transporting such without permit or authority
from any appropriate agency through a passenger jeepney with plate no. AYA 270.

In the trial, the prosecution established that on January 10, 2014 at 11:30 in the morning, the
RPSB office received a phone call from a concerned citizen that a certain male individual would
be transporting a marijuana from Kalinga to Isabela which PO2 Mabiasan relayed to its deputy
commander PSI Ngoslab and PO3 Labbutan coordinated as well with PDEA. Another text
message was received by the RPSB hotline which states the shirt of Jerry Sapla, the blue sack
and along with its vehicle and plate number. Due to this, a joint check point was strategically
organized at Talaca Command Post. It was then that, Sapla was arrested and was informed of
his cause of his arrest in Ilocano dialect.

On January 9, 2017, the RTC Judge convicted accused for violation of Section 5 of RA 9165
and found guilty thereof. He was charged to suffer penalty of Reclusion Perpetua and pay fine
of Five Million Pesos. The accused appeal to the Court of Appeals but it was denied. The CA
found that the search and seizure was without warrant, the same was lawful as it was a valid
warrantless search of a moving vehicle. Hence, this petition.

Issue: Whether the mere reception of a text message from anonymous person to suffice to
create a probable cause that enables the authorities to conduct an extensive and intrusive
search without warrant.

Held: No. The Court already held that law enforcers cannot act solely on the basis of
confidential or tipped information. A tip is still hearsay no matter how reliable it may be. It is not
sufficient to constitute a probable cause. The court finds error in the RTC and CA’s holding that
the search and seizure conducted by the authorities is a valid warrantless search of a moving
vehicle. In this type of search, the vehicle is the target and not a specific person. According to
jurisprudence, warrantless search and seizure of moving vehicles are allowed in recognition of
impracticability of securing warrant under the said circumstances as the vehicle can be quickly
moved out of locality or jurisdiction in which the warrant may be sought. Peace officers,
however, are limited to routine checks where the examination of the vehicle is limited to visual
inspection. Such warrantless search has been held to be valid only as long as the officers
conducting the search have reasonable or probable cause to believe before the search that they
will find the instrumentality or evidence pertaining to a crime. A tip is not considered as probable
cause to do an extensive search. The court explained that “no overt physical act could probably
attributed to accused as to rouse suspicion in the minds of the arresting officers that he had just
committed, was committing or was about to commit a crime. Since there was no valid search
and seizure that took place. Hence, the gathered evidence or the Marijuana cannot be admitted
to court then the prosecution with no left evidence to support conviction of the accused Sapla.

The Supreme Court reversed the decision of the Court of Appeals.

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