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Dear Md Moinul Alom Shovon,

Thank you! You have successfully submitted your article "Study of Solid State Transformer (SST) for Modern Smart Grid" 
for the Int. J.
of Power and Energy Conversion.

Your submission code is IJPEC-128779

Please use this code if you contact us regarding your submission.

We will now check over your submission to verify that all is in order. If everything is ok, you will receive an automatic submission
acknowledgement email and your article will proceed to the peer-review stage.

If your article does not pass our screening process, we will contact you directly.

It will take several months to review your article. If your article does not appear to be under review 5 months after submission, please
contact the editor of the journal.

If you encounter any problems, you can contact us at [email protected]

We thank you for submitting your article and for your interest in Int. J. of Power and Energy Conversion (IJPEC).

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