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The Plastics Experts.

The AGRU success story already spans seven decades. Founded in 1948 by Alois Gruber sen., the
company is now counted among the most important comprehensive suppliers for piping systems,
semi-finished products, concrete protective liners and geomembranes made of engineering plas-
tics. The fact that we provide everything as a single source supplier distinguishes us from many
competitors. We process exclusively high-quality thermoplastic materials. And when it comes to
problem-solving expertise for material selection and installation, we are your best partner.

Universal scope of applications

AGRU semi-finished products made of thermoplastics are an excellent and durable solution for
modern, premium apparatus and tank construction, and for manufacturing wear-resistant products.
In the chemical and heavy industries, and in plant construction. A variety of requirements exist for
semi-finished products in terms of acid and alkali resistance, application temperature and low static
charge in areas with a risk of explosion. Users can work with various processing methods, including
diverse proven joining technologies such as extrusion welding, hot gas welding, and butt welding.
Customer satisfaction is the first priority for AGRU. Technical consultation, seminars, welding training
and expert on-site instruction form the foundation for achieving this.

AGRU maintains a quality management system according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard, as well
as an environmental management system according to the ISO 14001:2015 standard and the safety
and health management system according to the ISO 45001:2018 standard. Additionally the prod-
ucts comply with international standards and are monitored and evaluated by independent testing
agencies on a regular basis.

The start-to-finish attention to quality ensures that the products meet the strictest technical specifi-
cations and ensure the safe operation of equipment and tanks. Several AGRU Semi-finished prod-
ucts comply with the EU-Regulations No. 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come
in contact with food.

The Plastics Experts. 2

Chemical-resistant sheets,
pipes, bars, and welding rods
The semi-finished products made of thermoplastic materials from AGRU are distinguished by their high acid and alkali
resistance. This results in lower life cycle costs due to extended maintenance intervals and the long service life of the
products. Our comprehensive programme of semi-finished products provides solutions for a temperature range from
-190 °C to +260 °C. Consistent high quality ensures the reliability and long service life of all our components.

Highest media resistance

A stable polymer is for each chemical application available
Optimised price-performance ratio for each application
• thanks to consultation and material recommendations by The Plastics Experts
• due to the operational reliability provided by AGRU solutions
• resulting from longer-than-average service lifetime

One stop shopping

Comprehensive semi-finished product portfolio and extensive stock-keeping
Since all semi-finished products are manufactured in-house, we can
• deliver a broad range of products for diverse applications
• fabricate custom parts for specific customer needs
• process special materials (flame retardant, electrically conductive)

Consistently high quality

Raw material specifications, cutting-edge production & quality assurance
Reliable products with consistent properties
• monitored by ISO-certified quality and environmental management systems
• due to conformity to national and international standards
• ensured by regular audits and external monitoring

Fabric backings
Chemically resistant fabrics made of various materials (polyester-, synthetic- and glass fabric)
We provide the optimal long-lasting solution for each application
• through our production including PE, PP, PVDF, ECTFE, FEP, and PFA fabric backed sheets
• thanks to the high acid and high hydrolysis resistance of the synthetic fabric
• due to easy handling provided by thermoformability
• because AGRU utilises a proven method for the embedding of the fabrics in the plastic material

Sheets, round bars, and welding rods

Semi-finished products made of thermoplastics are an excellent AGRU material pyramid

and durable solution for modern, high-quality apparatus and tank
construction, and also for manufacturing wear-resistant products. The respective industrial application determines which material
In the chemical and heavy industries, and in plant construction, a provides the optimal cost-effectiveness and operational reliability.
variety of material requirements exist. These include resistance to The Plastics Experts will help you selecting the best polymer for
acids and lyes, resistance in a wide temperature range, low static your application. AGRU semi-finished products made of PFA and
charging in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX) and many FEP are resistant to even the most aggressive media, meaning
other demands. that almost every corrosion problem can be solved.

The AGRU product range is distinguished by a unique variety of

products and materials. All our sheets, round bars, welding rods,
and liner pipes are available in everything, from standard up to nce
high-performance plastics. Solutions and finished parts for any
-p erfo
application can be realized with our pressed and extruded sheets,
PFA ra - high
fabric backed sheets, round bars and hollow bars, fabric backed
, Ult terials
pipes, and welding rods made of PE, PP, PVDF, ECTFE, FEP, and ma
PFA. In addition to our standard portfolio, many specialised prod-
ucts are also available upon request. anc
PVD form
ECT F, h -
DVS codes provide information about established joining methods Hig terials
and welding parameters. Users can choose from various proven FE ma
methods, such as extrusion welding, hot-gas welding and butt

welding. Also for machining, thermoforming and tank construc-
tions established procedures are available.
PE, rd mat
PP nda

The Plastics Experts. 4

Since 2019 AGRU is producing Semi-finished products made of The main technical advantage of PE  100-RC is that it is significantly
PE 100-RC black as a standard. PE 100-RC is characterized by more resistant to crack growth. This is reflected by the failure
high toughness and very good chemical resistance, and can be time measured by the FNCT („full notch creep test“), which is
used from -40 °C to +60 °C. Other characteristics of semi-fin- >8760 h compared to 300 h for PE 100 materials. Semi-finished
ished products made of PE 100-RC black include the following: products made of PE 100-RC materials therefore exhibit signif-
• good resistance to wear icant advantages for applications with media that cause stress
• very good electrical insulation cracks. As a result, it is possible to develop new applications
• high vibration damping involving PE 100-RC and to increase the service life considerably.
Furthermore expensive materials can be avoided.
For decades now, semi-finished products made of PE 100 and
PE 100-RC black have proven to be reliable when used outdoors. Electrically conductive polyethylene (HDPE-el ESD) is a mate-
The addition of special carbon black types (approx. 2 %) ensures rial that conducts electrical charges, because conductive particles
light and weather resistance. Semi-finished products made of (carbon black) have been added. Semi-finished products made
PE 100-RC black are unaffected by natural UV radiation. of this special material have integrated stabilisers that counteract
the effects of natural UV light and are therefore also suitable
The development of polyethylene materials and their use as for outdoor applications. Due to their special electrical proper-
material for semi-finished products has reached its current peak ties, these semi-finished products are particularly well suited for
with a design stress (minimum strength) of 10 N/mm2 in terms transporting highly flammable media or dusts. HDPE-el ESD can
of mechanical stress resistance. In recent years, further devel- also be used in areas where sparking from electrostatic charging
opment has focused on „resistance to stress cracking“. These needs to be prevented due to explosion protection requirements.
raw materials are referred as „PE 100-RC“. The development of
the PE 100 type into a „RC“ material is not only being used in To comply with purity requirements, AGRU offers sheets made of
benefiting the pressure pipe sector, but also tank construction. natural HDPE as well.


black black natural black
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
Extruded sheets
2000 x 1000 2 - 40 3 - 10 3 - 20
3000 x 1500 3 - 50 3 - 25 5 - 15
4000 x 2000 3 - 40
Pressed sheets
2000 x 1000 10 - 120 10 - 80 25 - 60
4000 x 2000 15 - 60 15 - 60
Polyester fabric-backed sheets
3000 x 1500 4-5
Round bar 15 - 640 50 - 160
Welding rod round, 3 kg roll 3-5 3-5 3-4 3-4
Welding rod round, 10 kg roll 3-5
Welding rod triangular rounded, 3 kg roll 5x3
Other dimensions available on request

PP is the ideal material for the use in pickling plants, the chemical
industry, and also for extremely aggressive waste water, as chemi-
cals are used at high temperatures in these areas. The AGRU
product range includes various PP polymer types:
Polypropylene (PP) is a semi crystalline thermoplastic similar to
• PP homopolymer (PP-H), which is made up exclusively of
HDPE, but with higher stiffness, strength, and hardness levels. It
propylene molecules.
is also characterised by a very good chemical resistance. Polypro-
• PP random copolymers (PP-R), a polypropylene in which
pylene can be used in temperatures up to 95 °C. However, below
statistically distributed ethylene monomers are integrated into
freezing point PP is very sensitive to impact (outside temperatures
the molecular chain.
below - 5 °C should be avoided). Semi-finished products made of
• PP copolymer (PP-C, PP-B), a polypropylene block copolymer
PP are also characterized by the following:
in which ethylene monomers in block form are integrated
• a low density of 0.91 g/cm3
into the molecular chain.
• relatively high surface hardness
All three polypropylene types are thermally stable, perfectly
• electrical insulation properties
compatible, and can be easily welded by all standard welding
• high creep strength
procedures according to DVS 2207. Semi-finished products made
of grey polypropylene are not UV-stabilised and therefore need to
be protected accordingly.

Low-flammability polypropylene (PPs) is a PP homopolymer,

which is equipped with a flame retardant. Consequently, PPs can
be classified as a material with higher flame resistance according
to DIN 4102 and UL94. Low-flammability and electrically
conductive (PPs-el ESD) polypropylene is made of PP copolymer
and is equipped with both flame-resistant and electrically conduc-
tive / anti-static properties. The surface resistance is ≤106 Ohm,
which means that electrostatic charging is prevented. Semi-
finished products made of polypropylene natural and white
(made of PP-H) complete our extensive range of PP semi-finished

PP-H grey PP-R grey PP-C (B) grey PP natural PP white PPs grey PPs-el black
RAL 7032 RAL 7032 RAL 7032 RAL 7037
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
1000 x 620 40 - 120
Extruded sheets
2000 x 1000 1 - 40 2-6 3 - 10 3 - 20
3000 x 1500 3 - 40 3 - 20 8 - 25 6 - 20 3 - 20 4 - 15
4000 x 2000 3 - 40 40 - 50
Pressed sheets
2000 x 1000 10 - 60 70 - 120 10 - 60 25 - 40
4000 x 2000 15 - 60 15 - 60
Polyester fabric-backed sheets
3000 x 1500 3-6
25000 x 1500 3-4
Glass fabric-backed sheets
3000 x 1500 5
Round bar 15 - 640 70 - 150 20 - 100
Welding rod round, 3 kg roll 3-5 3-5 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4
Welding rod round, 10 kg roll 3-4
Welding rod round, 1 m bar 3-4
Welding rod triangular rounded, 5x3/
3 kg roll 6x4
Welding rod oval, 3 kg roll
Other dimensions available on request

The Plastics Experts. 6

Fluoropolymers (PVDF, ECTFE, FEP, and PFA)
Highest corrosion resistance in the plastics sector
Depending on the application temperature, media and concentration, a number of fluoropolymers are available. These
can be used as structural materials or as corrosion protection lining. In addition to the polymer, the type of installation
plays a role in determining the maximum operating conditions.

Almost unlimited chemical resistance 300

• thanks to partially and fully fluorinated materials Special steel grade, ceramics technique
• fluorination provides extremely high corrosion resistance

• for each kind of chemical, we have the ideal material 200

Temperature in °C
Developed for extreme temperatures

Bonded on steel
100 DF
• outstanding temperature stability between -190 °C ,P

or FRP
and +260 °C lex FEP
• excellent low-temperature flexibility
• exceptional weathering resistance and resistance to sunlight PE / PP / PVC
mild strong
Concentration and aggressiveness of media

Ideal for high-purity applications

The minimal leach out behaviour of PVDF and PFA is achieved by
using carefully selected raw material and optimised production
processes. Semi-finished products from AGRU are therefore ideal
for applications with ultrapure water and highly purified chemi-
cals, and for cleanroom use.

Self-cleaning surfaces
Fluoropolymers are distinguished by their extremely low surface
tension and thus their antiadhesive qualities. As a result of their
surface tension, fluids have the tendency to minimise their
surface area and try to revert to a spherical shape. They there-
fore pearl off the hydrophobic surface of fluoropolymers, taking
dirt particles with them. This makes it possible to empty tanks
and pipework with a minium of residues, which ensures an easy
cleaning process.

High-end materials
Product range


Flex ESD
AGRU PVDF is a highly crystalline, non-reinforced plastic that [mm] [mm] [mm]
combines good mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties Extruded blocks
with an excellent chemical resistance. In addition, it possesses
1000 x 610 10 - 100
good radiation resistance, which makes it ideal for high-end
applications in the semiconductor, pharmaceutical, life science, Extruded sheets
and photovoltaic industry. 2000 x 1000 2 - 20
2440 x 1220 3.18 - 25.4
PVDF can be processed without additives, which gives it excel- 3000 x 1500 3 - 10 3-8
lent leach out behaviour. PVDF is manufactured under controlled Pressed sheets
purity conditions using carefully selected raw materials. Areas of 2000 x 1000 10 - 40 10 - 40
application for these products include pipeline systems, storage
Polyester fabric-backed sheets
and transportation tanks, and apparatuses requiring high media
2000 x 1000 2-5
purity and leaching behaviour standards.
3000 x 1500 3-4
PVDF can be equipped with electrically conductive particles 25000 x 1000 2-3
especially for the electrical industry and explosion-proof areas. 25000 x 1500 2-4
The conductive PVDF-el ESD (electrically conductive or electro- Fabric backed sheets SK+
static discharge) can be manufactured in sheets, rods, pipes, and 3000 x 1500 3-4 2.3 3-4
welding rods and has a lower surface resistance, which in turn 10000 x 1500 3-4 2.3
prevents electrostatic charging.
Round bar 10 - 340 20 - 200
Hollow rod 25 - 45
PVDF Flex is an excellent alternative to well-known, conventional
fluoropolymers. When it comes to processing, important ratio- Welding rod round 3-4 3-4 3-4
nalisation effects can be achieved through increased flexibility, Welding rod triangular 5x3
especially in the case of bonded to steel linings, but also in the Pipe (5 m) 32 - 250
case of confined spaces or small radii. HV-Liner
Pipe (5 m) 20 - 400 32 - 250
Bend 20 - 200
Tee 20 - 200
Reducer 63 - 160
Other dimensions available on request

The Plastics Experts. 8

ECTFE possesses a unique combination of properties that are the
Extruded sheets
result of its chemical structure, which consists of a copolymer
with ethylene and chlorotrifluoroethylene arranged alternately. 2000 x 1250 4 - 15
ECTFE demonstrates excellent resistance to the corrosive influ- 2440 x 1220 3.18 - 25.4
ence of heat, strong radiation, and weathering. The material has 3000 x 1500 2.3 - 3
high impact resistance and shows almost no property changes in Pressed sheets
a wide temperature range, making it particularly well-suited for
2000 x 1000 10 - 40
demanding industrial applications. Furthermore ECTFE is known
Fabric backed sheets SK+
for its good permeation barrier for many chemicals. Its excel-
lent welding properties and thermoplastic formability also make 3000 x 1500 2.3 - 3
simple and cost-saving processing possible, both in the workshop 15000 x 1500 2.3 - 3
and on-site. Compared to PVDF, ECTFE has a better chemical Glass fabric backed sheets GGS
resistance, especially when exposed to lyes. 3000 x 1500 2.3 - 3
15000 x 1500 2.3 - 3
Round bars 20 - 100
Welding rod round 3-4
Pipes SK+ (1 m / 5 m) 20 - 160
Other dimensions available on request

FEP, which is a fully fluorinated thermoplastic, offers outstanding
Extruded sheets
corrosion resistance. It performs reliably over the enormous range
of temperatures between -190 °C and +205 °C, and can there- 10000 x 1250 2.3
fore be used in numerous industrial applications. Flexibility, ther- 15000 x 1250 1.5
moformability and optimal welding properties ensure that AGRU Glass fabric-backed sheets GGS
FEP products can be manufactured reliably at low costs. 2000 x 1250 0.8 - 2.3
10000 x 1250 2.3
15000 x 1250 1.5
Welding rod round 3.5 - 4
Pipes (5 m) 32 - 160
Pipes GGS (1 m / 5 m) 32 - 160
Other dimensions available on request


[mm] [mm]
PFA is the highest grade plastic in the AGRU portfolio. It is suit-
Extruded sheets
able for an extremely broad spectrum of applications, thanks to
its resistance to almost any medium and its temperature range 20000 x 1250 1.5
of -190 °C to +260 °C. This means it can be offered as a solu- 10000 x 1250 2.3
tion even for extreme chemicals at high temperatures. The prod- 2000 x 1250 2.3 - 10 4 - 10
ucts made of PFA are also available in HP (High Purity) quality. 2000 x 1150 15 - 20 15 - 20
HP quality means it can be used for applications in the semicon-
Glass fabric-backed sheets GGS
ductor, pharmaceutical, and food industries that require high
purity levels. 2000 x 1250 0.8 - 2.3
10000 x 1250 1.5 - 2.3 2.3
Round bars 20 - 100
Welding rod round 3.5 - 4
Pipes (5 m) 32 - 110
Pipes GGS (1 m / 5 m) 32 - 110
Other dimensions available on request

Even thicker machined due
to extruded blocks

Extruded blocks
Especially for the production of special machined parts, AGRU
can now manufacture blocks with a thickness of up to 120 mm
in addition to solid bars and press sheets. Usually, thick compo-
nents are manufactured in one pressing process, but the new
AGRU blocks are produced in a continuous extrusion process. The
typical applications of thick blocks are mainly in the mechanical
production of special parts, which are used in industry and in
container, apparatus and pipeline construction.


40 - 120 mm
1000 x 620 mm 40 - 120 mm
(on request)
Thickness [mm]
1000 x 610 mm 10 - 100 mm
Thickness [mm]
Other dimensions (up to 3000 mm length), types (PP-RCT, PE-el, PE 100-RC)
and colors (black, white, natural) on request.

All product details in one view

• Extruded blocks in PP-R and PVDF up to 100 mm thickness
available from stock
• Standard format of blocks 1000 mm x 610 mm (PVDF) or
1000 mm x 620 mm (PP-R)
• Special lengths up to 3000 mm possible
• Cost-effective manufacturing of special parts
• PE types and other special materials and colors available on

The Plastics Experts. 10

Custom tailored solutions
Technical application consultation
Often it's nothing more than an idea on a piece of paper brought
to us by a customer that AGRU's expertise in plastics technology
turns into reality. AGRU design teams are constantly working
on the realisation of customer wishes. Ultimately, the economic
efficiency and technical feasibility is determined by the choice of
material, since it must fully meet all the requirements in the areas
of chemical resistance, temperature stability as well as physical
durability. That's why the selection of the optimal material for
the specific requirements of an application is one of AGRU's core
competencies. Thanks to the extensive experience of our applica-
tion engineers at AGRU, we create custom-tailored solutions that
are perfectly adapted to the operating conditions.

Machining expertise
Whether in the construction business or for semiconductor
production: Intelligently machined plastic parts from AGRU are
used everywhere. A key factor for success is certainly the seamless
process chain, consisting of our own fabrication with numerous
technologies found in-house and our worldwide logistics capabil-
ities. With the combination of expertise, automated technology,
and careful manual craftsmanship, we engineer products that are
among the best in the industry. The necessary drilling, turning,
milling and welding operations are done on state-of-the-art
machining centres.

In direct collaboration with our customers, we create state-

of-the-art plastic solutions that reflect the latest technological
developments in design, functionality and economic efficiency.

Plant construction
AGRU semi-finished products are ideal construction materials for custom-built

Applications equipment. Because they are low in weight and easy to process, it is possible to
realise very complex geometrical forms with them.

Tank construction
Tanks for different chemicals can be made quickly and reliably
using AGRU semi-finished products. The comprehensive product
range offered by AGRU provides significant advantages, because
in addition to semi-finished products, pipes and diverse fittings are
also used to construct a complete overall system. The operating
conditions, such as the chemicals and temperatures involved, also
play a significant role in the process.

The advantages of an AGRU solution are obvious:

• low tank weight in comparison to steel
• high chemical resistance
• easy processing of the semi-finished products
• variety of materials

Finished parts
As a leading company in the plastics industry, AGRU manufac-
tures semi-finished products and also machines them as needed
to create a final product. Much expertise has been gathered, in
particular in the area of special parts for piping systems. Thus
AGRU fabricates fittings up to an outer diameter of 2500 mm in
its own CNC machining department.

The Plastics Experts. 12

Lining material
FRP dual laminate
Tanks made of fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) are lined with fabric
backed sheets to maintain chemical resistance and leak-tightness.
Such tanks, boilers, reactors, and scrubbers are then suitable for
operation under vacuum and pressure up to 180 °C (depending
on material and chemical).

Plastic sheet
with fabric backing

FRP reinforcement

Steel lining (fully bonded)

A fully bonded lining made of fabric backed sheet materials
applied to steel provides a long-term chemical resistance at
temperatures up to 120 °C (depending on material and chemcial)
for storage and shipping containers, reactors, centrifuges and
related equipment.

Plastic sheet
with fabric backing

Steel container

Fixpoint lining
AGRU PFA sheets can be fastened to steel tanks by using mechan-
ical fix points such as clamps, bolts, or screws. This PFA lining
system is mainly used for flue gas applications and desulphu-
rization systems at temperatures up to 260 °C.

PFA cap
Threaded bolt
PFA sheet and weld
Steel tank Washer

Hexagonal nut

Fabric backing systems

Excellent bonding with steel tanks and fibre-reinforced plastics

The great variety of materials (PE, PP, PVDF, ECTFE, FEP, and PFA) as well as different backing systems (polyester, glass, synthetics) make
it possible to realise solutions in a wide temperature range. We always have the best material for the respective task, whether for lining
steel tanks or for dual-laminate constructions. The decisive factors for linings are the choice of fabric and the bond achieved between
the plastic and as well as the bond with the FRP or steel tank surface.
• optimised price-performance ratio for each application and long-lasting solutions thanks to acid-resistant fabrics made of different
• easy handling due to the thermoformability of the fabrics
• consistent fabric backing quality and optimal bonding between fabric and plastic thanks to proven fabrication processes


Polyester fabric • most economical and proven solution
• available for PE, PP, and PVDF

GGS • available for all materials

Glass fabric • extreme temperature stability
• good thermoformability
• good bonding strength

SK+ • very high hydrolysis resistance

Optimised • top resistance against acids
synthetic fabric • high bonding strength at high operating temperatures
• available for PVDF and ECTFE

The Plastics Experts. 14

HV-Liners and fabric backed pipes
Custom-tailored piping systems for any application
AGRU offers special liner pipes for FRP applications. Whilst the FRP structure provides the necessary stiffness, the liner pipe provides the
chemical resistance for the application. That way custom-tailored pipes can be produced for any application:
• high bonding strength between the laminate and the FRP-resin system (DIN 16964) > 5 N/mm²
• flangeless FRP pipe connections minimise maintenance costs
• low weight of the entire piping system
• saves material costs compared to solid-wall piping

HV-Liner The PVDF HV-Liner from AGRU is an economical alternative to

traditional fabric backed pipes. The surface-treated PVDF pipe
has a three-dimensional surface structure which provides an
optimal bonding to the FRP structure. The piping systems are
available in PVDF, PVDF-FLEX, and PVDF-el ESD. The pipes can
be produced in diameters from 20 – 400 mm.

AGRU is now able to apply the special surface treatment of

the pipes also to injection moulded fittings (OD 20 - 200 mm).

SK+ and GGS The fabric backed pipings are available in ECTFE, FEP and PFA.
laminated pipes AGRU GGS glass fabrics are the standard for FEP and PFA. For
ECTFE, SK+ is the preferred solution.

Immersion test AGRU SK+ AGRU SK+

Fabrics were immersed directly (no polymer layer) Polyester fabric backing
Glass fabric backing

A: Boiling water (100 °C) B: 20 % HCI at 40 °C

Normalized tensile strength (-)
Normalized tensile strength (-)

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time of immersion (months) Time of immersion (months)

Your distributor

Subject to errors of typesetting, misprints and modifications.

Illustrations are generic and for reference only.


agru Kunststofftechnik Gesellschaft m.b.H. T. +43 7258 7900

Ing.-Pesendorfer-Strasse 31 F. +43 7258 790 - 2850
4540 Bad Hall, Austria [email protected]

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