Secondary Level Prevention

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COVID-19 can be prevented through pharmaceutical (i.e., vaccination) and non-pharmaceutical

interventions (e.g., masking, physical distancing, hand hygiene). All of these preventative measures are
important to protect individuals from acquiring and transmitting the SARS-CoV-2 virus and should be
done in conjunction with one another.


Getting vaccinated and boosted is the best way to reduce your risk of symptoms, especially becoming
severely ill, if you get COVID-19. But right along with vaccination are steps you can take to both avoid
getting infected and help prevent spreading the virus to others.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19:

 Maintain a safe distance from others (at least 1 metre), even if they don’t appear to be sick.
 Wear a mask in public, especially indoors or when physical distancing is not possible.
 Choose open, well-ventilated spaces over closed ones. Open a window if indoors.
 Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
 Get vaccinated when it’s your turn. Follow local guidance about vaccination.
 Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.

Stay home if you feel unwell.

If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance so your
healthcare provider can direct you to the right health facility. This protects you, and prevents the spread
of viruses and other infections.

Keep good hygiene

By following good respiratory hygiene you protect the people around you from viruses that cause colds,
flu and COVID-19.

To ensure good hygiene you should:

 Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with either an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and
water. This eliminates germs that may be on your hands, including viruses.
 Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Dispose of the used tissue immediately into a closed bin and wash your hands.
 Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently, especially those which are regularly touched, such as
door handles, faucets and phone screens.

Wear a masks properly

Properly fitted masks can help prevent the spread of the virus from the person wearing the mask to
others. Masks alone do not protect against COVID-19, and should be combined with physical distancing
and hand hygiene. Follow the advice provided by your local health authority.

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