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BSN 1Y2-6



Subjective: Risk for Nursing care •Provide bed •Reduces Patients with
Disturbed planning goals cradle. Keep discomfort and diabetes include
Her diabetes is Sensory for patients with hands and feet potential for effective
controlled by Perception. diabetes include warm, avoiding dermal injury. treatment will
diet and insulin, Patients taking effective exposure to cool be normalize
also states that insulin or oral treatment to drafts and/or hot blood glucose
she has had hypoglycemic normalize blood water or use of a levels and
lower back and agents are at risk glucose levels heating pad. decrease
wrist pain for the for the and decrease complications
past month. development of complications using insulin
hypoglycemia. using insulin •Monitor vital •To provide a replacement, a
Too little food or replacement, a signs and mental baseline from balanced diet,
excessive balanced diet, status. which to and exercise.
physical activity and exercise. compare The nurses will
also exacerbates The nurse should abnormal stress the
this stress the findings. importance of
complication. importance of complying with
complying with •Schedule and •To provide the prescribed
the prescribed cluster nursing uninterrupted treatment
treatment time and rest periods and program through
program through interventions. promote restful effective patient
effective patient sleep, minimize education.
education. Tailor fatigue and Teaching is
your teaching to improve tailored to the
the patient’s cognition. patient’s needs,
needs, abilities, abilities, and
and •Keep the •Helps keep the developmental
developmental patient’s routine patient in touch stage. Stress the
stage. Stress the as consistent as with reality and effect of blood
effect of blood possible. maintain glucose control
glucose control Encourage orientation to on long-term
on long-term participation in the health.
health. activities of daily environment.
living (ADLs) as

•Protect the •Disoriented

patient from patients are
injury by prone to injury,
avoiding or especially at
limiting night, and
restraints as precautions
necessary when need to be taken
LOC is impaired. as indicated.
Place bed in low Seizure
position and pad precautions
bed rails if the need to be taken
patient is prone as appropriate to
to seizures. prevent physical
aspiration, and

•Evaluate visual •Retinal edema

acuity as or detachment,
indicated. hemorrhage,
presence of
cataracts, or
paralysis of
muscles may
impair vision,
therapy and/or
supportive care.

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