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Table of Contents

Title Page
Copyright Page


Chapter 2 - INDECISION
Chapter 3 - DECISION


Appendix II - GLOSSARY
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Barker, Raymond Charles.
The power of decision : a step-by-step program to overcome indecision and live without
failure forever / Raymond Charles Barker.
p. cm.
Originally published in 1968 by Dodd, Mead.
eISBN : 978-1-101-48603-0
1. Decision making. 2. Conduct of life. 3. Subconsciousness. I. Title.

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As I look back now, these many years later, I wonder: Who would have
thought that a decision made on an autumn day in New York City in 1968
would change the course of my life to the amazing degree that it has? As I
write this foreword to the reissued classic The Power of Decision by
Raymond Charles Barker, I realize that decision pole-vaulted my life to a
new level of success and happiness, and a passion for living, unknown in
my younger years. It was because of this decision that I became a teacher
and a Doctor of Divinity, teaching the principles contained in this book you
now hold in your hands.
In September 1967, while on a visit to New York City, I attended a
lecture by Raymond Charles Barker. A friend had heard Dr. Barker speak at
New York’s Town Hall theater and was certain I would revel in hearing his
message of deep inspiration and practical spiritual wisdom. I was greatly
impressed. That lecture prepared me for the decision that was to come.
The experience of my earlier years before meeting Dr. Barker was, for
the most part, miserable. I believed then that God, and everyone else, would
make all decisions for me. I believed I was inadequate to the task of
knowing what I wanted and acting on well-thought-out decisions. Simply
put, I had misplaced faith that God would provide or that wiser people than
I were in charge, and any involvement on my part had no relevance.
I was living the statement in Dr. Barker’s book that came to mean so
much to me:
Indecision is actually the individual’s decision to fail.
I was very skilled in proving the truth of that teaching. My lack of
participation in the decisions of my life was, in fact, a decision, in its own
right, to fail.
The decision that changed my life, in February 1968, was a commitment
on my part to meet this great man and convince him of the merit of my
becoming his student. I decided I would do whatever it took to attend his
classes and lectures, even though I was living in Los Angeles at the time.
Dr. Barker became my mentor, teacher, and professional prayer
counselor, and ultimately, my dear friend, and was so from February 1968
through the remaining twenty years of his life. My decision to master the
teachings and follow the counsel of this man gave me then, and still gives
me today, the greatest of life’s gifts. I am further encouraged that more and
more people are realizing the ageless wisdom contained in Dr. Barker’s
books, not only about the power of making decisions, but also about
spiritual wisdom for all of life’s experiences that those decisions affect.
In the years from 1968 to his death in 1988, I had the opportunity to
interact with Dr. Barker in many different settings, and I observed that he
always remained the master of spiritual principle that he was in the pulpit or
in class. For example, as we cruised once to Bermuda, I watched him “hold
court” on deck, speaking spiritual truth to all who passed by. I visited him
in his Upper East Side condominium in Manhattan, where he had a
panoramic view uptown, downtown, and westward from his thirty-fourth-
floor apartment. However, what he really loved was the opulence of living
over a Rolls-Royce dealership. I attended the theater with him one evening,
and remember him saying, “Lloyd, you’ll never know how many people
decide to go to a baseball game, to the theater, or to the opera and
completely forget about what ails them. As they are entertained, they make
an unconscious decision, in that moment, to be healed.”
A master of the spiritual techniques of manifesting a greatly satisfying
life, Dr. Barker insisted on a no-nonsense approach to decision making. He
spoke with spiritual authority and appreciated that authority when hearing it
from others. He was precise, orderly, and punctual. Anyone in his presence
knew that this man had it all figured out. All his students were inspired to
emulate his techniques of success. He had no time for timidity, but he had
devotion and commitment to anyone who practiced his teachings and
decided to succeed in life.
His stature as a powerful sage of absolute faith and understanding about
how life works and how we are to work it is how I will remember him,
always. I strive in my own teaching to call forth the spiritual authority that I
learned from this great man. He never beseeched; he announced! I learned
from my mentor, Dr. Barker, to go directly for the spiritual principle when
dealing with any life matter. He did not, and I do not, tolerate excuses. I
hear his voice admonishing me, “The Universe waits for no one. Go forth
and pronounce the ultimate Truth.” I learned how to make powerful,
positive decisions by following the teachings of my teacher, who can now
be your teacher as well.
I am certain your decision to acquire this book will do no less for you
than it has done for me these many years. I wish you countless
demonstrations of success in your own life, based on skillful and spiritually
powerful decisions.



Would you like to be more enthusiastic about your life and more effective in
your efforts? Would you like to know how to enjoy more success in your
work and in your relationships? If doubts hold you back, wouldn’t it be
exciting to know how to let those doubts go, once and for all?
You hold in your hands a book that will inspire you to live the most
fulfilling life you have ever imagined. You will learn life skills that will
support your success in every endeavor, whether personal or professional.
Even after reading only the first chapter, you will know that whatever
challenges have thwarted you in the past, there is a positive way through
them now.
The Power of Decision was first published in 1968. Its author, Dr.
Raymond Charles Barker, was a gifted teacher, minister, and speaker, who
filled New York’s Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center every Sunday
morning. This book is more than a set of lessons in how to make better
decisions. It is a manual for you—the choice maker, the constructor of your
fulfilling life, the manager of your own mind—to become the powerful,
productive, happy person you were born to be. In the first chapter, Dr.
Barker tells the reader:
You are Intelligence, capable of knowing the right idea at the right time
to make the right decision.
This book, a classic in Mental Science, has sold many thousands of
copies since its first publication. It has been used in universities, churches,
business seminars, and Master Mind groups, and by countless individuals to
assist them to live the life they really want to live.
No matter whether you consider yourself religious, spiritual, agnostic,
business-oriented, family-centered, a seeker, a leader, a builder of
relationships, or any descriptor you prefer, this book will be useful to you as
you create your life of choice. Dr. Barker explains that you, and you alone,
are responsible for your level of satisfaction. He writes:
Intelligence created you and set you free on a path of self-discovery and
Dr. Barker describes how we create our own experiences, whether we are
aware of this creative activity in ourselves or not. That which we are
experiencing, we have created through the law of cause and effect. In
forceful and direct language, Dr. Barker admonishes us to watch our alibis,
stop glorying in our martyrdom, refrain from indecision, and cease being
satisfied in complacency. He does not let us off the hook of our own
thinking. But he also does not leave us awash in what not to do.
Here are some of the life skills you will learn in this book:
How to let go of problems
How to let go of guilt and remorse
How to manage your inner creator, your subconscious mind
How to accept self-determination
How to create your own good in abundance, health, love, and
creative work
How to seek out new ideas that are fascinating to you
How to decide on greatness
How to operate within the success process
How to change the world
New to this edition are several features that make this classic even more
enjoyable and useful. A foreword has been added, written by a student of
Dr. Barker’s, a doctor and minister in his own right, Lloyd George Tupper.
The Reverend Tupper shares stories about his beloved teacher that make the
personality of Raymond Charles Barker come to life.
We have also added a glossary at the end of the volume, defining some of
the metaphysical terms that Dr. Barker uses. Although The Power of
Decision has been read and put to good use by people with no previous
experience in Mental Science, we felt that a glossary would add depth to
these powerful concepts.
Finally, we have included an appendix with applications of the ideas in
The Power of Decision so that you can put these concepts to use
immediately in your personal or business life. “Your Success Plan” has
practical, step-by-step suggestions to apply Dr. Barker’s life-changing
lessons to your own life decisions. The appendix was written by Professor
Pamela Grey, who has taught Dr. Barker’s book at the university level for
years, and the glossary was written by Reverend Karyl Huntley.
We hope this book changes your life for the better. The truth is that there
are great, life-changing, empowering ideas already within your mind. They
are planted there just for you; they are YOUR ideas, and they are good for
you and good for the world. They are part of what makes you the
individual, unique, unrepeatable wonder that you are. There are ways to
become aware of these ideas, and then there are ways to courageously
decide to bring these ideas into the world. The Power of Decision will show
you how. In the words of the author:
You are the right person, in the right place, to create a right world for



Twenty-one years ago I gave a series of lectures at a seminar on the subject

“The Power of Decision.” Those attending found the ideas presented to be
extremely helpful. So I made the decision to write this book and to give it
this title.
I am certain that the principles and ideas explained in these pages will
help many people to clarify their thinking and to make correct decisions. In
my own life, I have proved them to be true. Too few people are living the
life they really want to live. Life can be lived fully and richly. It all depends
upon the decisions the person makes. Right decisions await your discovery
of them. They are already in your mind. This book will help to reveal them
to you.
Chapter 1


THE individual’s ability to act unintelligently in a universe of Intelligence

is amazing. Unintelligence functioning in human consciousness produces
wrong decisions. As a result of these wrong decisions, people limit
themselves with sickness, financial strain, family quarrels, and frustration,
all of which are unnecessary. The power to make right decisions is yours,
and this book will reveal to you methods for creating a healthy mind that
will cease making erroneous decisions.
Modern science proves the universe, the cosmos, to be an arena of
Intelligence wherein Intelligence, left to its own devices, will act and react
intelligently. Science finds cause in creation by seeking the creative process
as it functions in a framework of Intelligence known as order premised
upon law. This creative process individualized in man is his capacity for
right decisions.
The Infinite Mind could not act unintelligently. The cosmos would not be
the visibility of total idea, law, and order if the Infinite ever knew an instant
of confusion. Cause is never indecisive, never disturbed, and never
defeated. It continues to act intelligently as law and order no matter what
we do with our lives. Time and space forever remain the same as we move
through them. Man may be limited, but the universe is not.

Intelligence Created You

Any creation of an Infinite Intelligence would have to be intelligent. Also,

the purpose, the plan, and the process of coming into being would
necessarily be intelligent. We are an intelligent result of an Infinite Mind
acting with purpose, in ways of Intelligence, to express Itself as Intelligence
in a universe of Intelligence. Law and order are as inherent in an individual
as they are in the universal scheme of things.
The newborn child is the result of Intelligence. For months, the
Intelligence in the mother’s subconscious mind has been at work to bring
this child into the world. It emerges into a world of possibility and
flexibility to think and feel its way through its life span. It is equipped with
Intelligence, and this Intelligence will unfold and evolve as the child is
trained in intelligent ways to act and react in living. We think of the
newborn child as being cute, but rarely as being Intelligence in action.
Every child individualizes the Infinite Mind.

How Problems Are Born

The manifest universe is the continuous operation of a First Cause, which is

Mind. We are also a continuous operation of this First Cause as Mind in
conscious action. Our conscious and subconscious Intelligence, acting in
and on the universal subconscious of the cosmos, has total power for self-
expression and self-evolution. There is one God, one Mind, one Cause, and
one Intelligence, and we individualize this. Unto us is given the totality of
Mind for our use and for our distribution of Its ideas into form.
Troubles result when an unintelligent factor is introduced into a field of
intelligent activity. Worry is an unintelligent factor, as are fear, hate, and
resentment. This list could include all the negatives known. Here is the birth
of the problem. Worry is the gestation period during which a negative
situation is produced by our thought and appears in our experience as a
The Universal Mind, being impersonal, not knowing what It creates yet
knowing how to create it, remains undisturbed by the unintelligent creations
of our thought which temporarily exist within it. God is undisturbed by our
wrong decisions, which are our unintelligent actions in a Universal Mind of
Know Yourself as Intelligence

After you read the next sentence, pause and then speak it aloud. I am pure
Intelligence, always acting intelligently. Does your mind instinctively react
with a no? Does this statement go against all your present self-conclusions?
If it does, then you need the instruction in this book. Mind and what It
creates are one. Jesus said, “I and my Father are one” (John 10:30).
You were born out of Intelligence, as Intelligence, to express Intelligence.
Worry, fear, disease, argument, and frustration are not your normal heritage.
These are abnormal, unhealthy uses of mind and emotion which you have
wrongly assumed to be necessary to your everyday living. Your rebuttal that
these negative states are normal because everyone has them does not make
them so. All the sickness in the world cannot disprove health as normal. All
the sorrow in the world does not prove joy to be abnormal. It is obvious that
health, joy, plenty, love, and self-expression are the normal modes of living.
The fact that you and every other living soul want health, wealth, joy, and
self-expression indicates that their possibilities are already in you, or you
could not seek them in your world of experience. If they are within you,
how did they get there? Mind individualized these potentials in your
consciousness because, only as you express these needs, are you expressing
life intelligently.

A New Self-Awareness

I am pure Intelligence, always acting intelligently. If you can say this

without subconscious rejection of the fact, you are well along on the
pathway of spiritual understanding. If the central idea involved here causes
no conflict in your acceptance of yourself as Intelligence, then you are
ready to live effectively. You cannot go beyond your own self-accepted
image. As long as you underestimate yourself, you cannot succeed in life.
No person is stupid. Stupidity is only a misuse of Intelligence in
nonintelligent ways. Everyone, including you, is Mind in action, with the
potentials of greatness awaiting the individual’s demand that they shall
come forth out of the depths of consciousness and begin creative action.
To develop this new consciousness of yourself as Intelligence, use the
following spiritual treatment, both silently and audibly. It will awaken the
dormant possibilities within you and start their activity.
There is one Cause, one Mind, one Source. I am, because this Cause
created me out of Itself in order to express Itself as me. This Cause,
being pure Mind, created me as pure Mind in action. God knows me
as an intelligent vehicle of Its great ideas. Therefore, I now know
myself as the Mind of God in expression. I am an alert, vital
individualization of the Infinite Mind. I am Intelligence, Wisdom,
and Knowledge. Every idea I need is already within my
consciousness. These ideas are now activated in my thought, and I
am fully aware of them. Henceforth and forevermore, I shall make
right decisions.

No Self-Argument

Your human mind may refute this with the argument that you have done
your best through the years, yet you have made many wrong decisions. No
one has ever done his best. The greatest creative minds, producing
masterpieces in art, literature, dance, music, and the sciences, have never
been satisfied with their works. Never judge yourself by what you have
done. Judge yourself in terms of what you will do. You are not the past. You
are the present becoming the future. You are a potential of Mind and this
Mind knows only the now. It never sits in judgment on anyone, keeps no
records, and knows only the good of you.
The concert pianist may play a round of golf. The onlooker sees him as a
golfer; his friends know him as a pianist. The fact that he is a golfer does
not refute the fact that he is a pianist. The fact that you have made mistakes
does not negate the fact that you are Intelligence in action. Every person
living has made mistakes. Those who proceed with living never waste time
licking their wounds. New ideas take them the next step of the way.
Separate in your thinking the golfer from the pianist. The next concert
will reveal his genius at the piano. Separate yourself from your past wrong
conclusions, for these are no longer what you are. You are Intelligence
making right decisions, for you are directed by right ideas, ideas that are
functioning in the now, this day, this hour, this minute. Life never made a
problem person. It made a person capable of handling problems.

You Are Not the Problem

You are not now, nor have you ever been, the problem. You are the person
who sees the problem in order to activate the idea necessary to solve the
problem. Ideas, not physical bodies, solve problems. Mind and emotion are
the essentials of life, and you are mind and emotion. You are never the
office, the thing, or the situation. You are Intelligence, capable of knowing
the right idea at the right time to make the right decision. Your right ideas,
activating right decisions, sound the death knell to all negatives. Evil cannot
linger on the pathway of the right-minded, up-to-date thinking individual.
“The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more
unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18). That scripture defines you as you
really are. The universe is undisturbed by human stupidity and ignorance of
what the individual really can be. The universe is never in a hurry. It is law
and order. It waits for the individual to come to his senses and know himself
aright. Once you know yourself as Mind, you forevermore control your
experience through ideas, and not through the manipulation of material
events. Thinkers change the world, and you are a thinker.

Watch Your Alibis

As a thinker, you determine your experience. There is nothing to oppose

you but your own subconscious patterns of inferiority and frustration. Make
mental notes of your alibis and excuses for your mistakes. These will reveal
to you the patterns in your subconscious mind which need to be negated by
you. The Spirit within you wants you to see yourself as you have created
yourself. Seeing your own self-creation, you can then, through mental
treatment, gradually whittle away your deeply rooted failure patterns and
replace them with a new self-acceptance concept that will cause you to
create what you want in your world.
Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science, wrote, “there is no sin
but a mistake, and no punishment but an inevitable consequence.”1 God can
only do for you what you do for yourself. You may be one of those persons
who thinks he cannot help being what he is. Wake up right now to a great
fact of life. You and you alone are responsible for your life.
Intelligence created you and set you free on a path of self-discovery and
self-decision. Your problems are unintelligence functioning in a field of
Intelligence. They hurt because they are abnormal and unnecessary. Most
people hug their problems to their bosoms. They place the tentacles of
worry and fear around the problem so that it cannot go away. They give
their whole attention to it. They think it and feel it. Then they re-think and
re-feel it. These people glory in their martyrdom and believe themselves to
be made virtuous because of their sufferings.

Problems Do Not Improve You

When you know the truth, you are set free from the untruth. When you
know yourself as evolving, expanding Intelligence, you set yourself free
from your former patterns of unintelligence. You no longer blame the
world, the nation, or your family. Most certainly you do not place the blame
on God. Neither do you wallow in self-pity, self-deceit, or self-depreciation.
Jesus was not interested in the past causation in the mind of the man at the
Pool of Bethesda. He said to him, “Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk”
(Mark 2:11), and the man did just that. Instantly, the man was cleared of
years of negative thinking, years of worry and defeat. It was a new man
who went on his way rejoicing in his health. You can do the same thing
when you reconceive yourself as Intelligence in action. Everything creative
responds within your mind when you give it intelligent decision. All
improvement is dependent upon you seeing yourself as being greater than
you are. Then your potentials stir within you and your creative capacities
unfold. By your own inner self, you are led aright, and you glimpse the you
that you are going to be.
Cause and Effect

An unintelligent use of mind can only produce an unintelligent result. You

do not blame the sun for the shadow. The sun is not causing the shadow; an
object or person blocking the sun causes the shadow. The shadow is the
result of an obstruction. Your problem is the result of an obstruction in your
own thinking. You are not letting life flow through you in the way life really
works. Divine Intelligence has never created a problem for any of its
creations. Like the sun, It is forever Itself, forever giving of Itself and
unaware of the misuse that we are making of this great gift. Standing with
your back to the sun, you can watch your shadow; standing with your face
to the sun, you see it not. Not seeing your shadow, it has no existence in
your awareness. Therefore, it has no reality in your experience.
Problems are the shadows created by man when he refuses to face the
light of Intelligence and therefore makes wrong decisions and abides in the
halls of worry, confusion, and defeat. The problem could not exist if you
did not exist to create it and experience it. Shift your attention from your
concern with the problem, and give this same amount of thinking and
feeling to your awareness of yourself as Intelligence in action. Then a right
idea will happen in your thinking, and you will triumph over the enemies of
your own preconceived wrong ideas. You are a new cause bringing forth a
new effect. The new effect is one you like and one which benefits you, for it
was born in Intelligence and was nurtured by your own intelligent planning.

Will It Work?

The critic says that this method of redirected mental action is too easy. He
feels that a more profound system would work better. This is due to the
false concept that profundity is indicative of spirituality. It is not true that
the more highly we educate the intellect, the fewer problems we shall have.
There would not be a problem on the face of the earth today if this were so.
There are more people living now with more knowledge and more know-
how than ever before in the history of this planet. Our problems have not
lessened. They have intensified.
The simplicity of Jesus was superseded by the complexity of Paul. The
simplicity of the Nazarene was interpreted by the scholars and, in their
many interpretations, the clear, correct original instruction was lost. Jesus’s
concept, change your thought and thereby change your experience, was lost
in the theological systems guaranteeing a future heaven and a future hell.
Today was lost in tomorrow. The past was hallowed and made good when
so little of it was really good. The right-thinking message of Jesus is a today
technique for a today world.
Yes, this teaching will work. As you introduce creative new ideas into the
universal Intelligence that is Mind, you bring forth what you want, when
you want it.

Have What You Want

There is nothing wrong in having what you want, provided it is moral and
harms no other person. There is no virtue in self-deprivation. Western
nations now state that there is no virtue in poverty. They are seeking to wipe
out poverty, to give all people the ways and means to have full and creative
lives. The day is past when theology can proclaim that the poor are nearer
the Kingdom than the rich. The Divine Economy is premised on a Divine
Equality. Each person is endowed with Intelligence to act in ways of
Intelligence to bring forth his individual world of plenty and peace.
Although an idea, system, or philosophy is profound, it is not necessarily
true. Nothing is true unless it works. And it has to work for you, not for
someone else. Your mind, being the center and circumference of your
experience, can and will create what you want, when you think and feel
what you want. As long as you are thinking and feeling what you do not
want, your mind will continue to create your private self-accepted hell on

Reverse Your Mental Image

I am writing this book for those people who want to create their own good
and not have it created for them by others; they are willing and able to
accept the responsibility for their own mental actions. They refuse to dodge
the alibis induced within their own consciousness. They face themselves,
correct their own thought, and create their own heaven on earth. They have
made the decision to be the creative centers of their own experiences. They
no longer have blame or censure. They do not believe as others believe.
They reverse their thinking and make certain it agrees with the goals of
their decision. They hold fast to the line. They do not waver. They know,
and what they know causes their good to happen.
You can do this. You may say that you cannot, but you can. During the
past fifty years of my teaching the Science of Mind, I have seen with my
own eyes the improved status of hundreds of persons who faced up to
themselves and corrected their mental procedures. The chronic invalid who
decided to be healthy. The chronic failure who decided to be a success. The
chronic lonely soul who decided to open the communications of love and
let himself be loved. All kinds of troubles have been met, faced, and solved.
What about the failures? Of course there have been hundreds of failures.
No Science will work unless the person applying it follows the laws of that
Science. The half hearted in any field accomplish little. Those whose
enthusiasm wanes soon adjust again to their own complaints. No single
medicine cures all who are ill of the same disease. Only the curable can be

Unfinished Business

Creation is continuous. We exist in a continuum of creative process.

Modern thinkers would like to believe that God has gone out of business.
This is an impossibility. The Infinite Mind has to be an Infinite Process.
Being Infinite, it cannot be limited by Its own creation. It cannot be
conditioned by person, situation, or limitation. These factors are man’s
creation and they exist temporarily in the Infinite as does the wave on top of
the sea. The sea remains itself as the wave appears and disappears. The
Mind of God is eternal Cause in an eternal Process of thinking within Itself,
upon Itself, creating ideas of Itself which It projects into form through the
Law of Itself. The Infinite is forever in the process of Self-Discovery. This
Self-Discovery, individualized in man, is called evolution. We are the
Infinite unfolding Its newly discovered aspects. Into our consciousness is
pouring, at every instant, a flood of new ideas born of the Spirit, the Infinite
Mind. These are the living waters which, Jesus said, if we would drink
therefrom, we would never thirst again. There is no more indecision when
the inner fount of ideas is sought and found, praised and explored.

The Five Senses

We seek too little within ourselves for right ideas and correct answers. We
accept the testimony of our five senses as being the reality of life. Yet every
mystic and teacher, every religion and philosophy, have explained with care
that the factual world should always be questioned. Because a thing is a fact
does not mean it is a reality. The search for ideas from within your own
consciousness brings satisfaction. It keeps you evolving in consciousness
and unfolds the new, the fresh, and the different. It is progress.
The repetition of that which is known is not progress. What you know
indicates what is still to be known. No person has ever known enough.
Jesus told his followers that they would be led into all Truth and do greater
works than he did. His was an awareness of the eternal evolutionary process
of ideas unfolding in man, as man. The accumulation of things and the
arrangement of situations leads to false security. These please the senses
and lull the creative demands that arise from within. They proclaim that all
is well on the surface, while underneath in the depths of man’s
consciousness retrogression proceeds. Consciousness must be fresh if
decisions are to be right.

Nourishment for the Mind

New ideas are as essential for the mind as food and water are for the
physical body. You cannot progress on the basis of the ideas that are now
directing your thinking-feeling nature. You can stand where you are, amidst
the demonstrations of your past causation, and watch the cracks appear in
the mortar of your accumulations. You can run hither and fro to patch up the
present to hold it as it is. But Life will always win out in the long run. Only
new ideas, arising in consciousness from the inner fount of the Infinite
Mind, will make certain your pathway in progressive revelation.
You need new ideas, new motivations, and new horizons of
accomplishment. I need them as much as you do. Life has already given
them to us through the unfinished business of the Infinite Mind. They await
our attention. They are seeking us as open doors through which they can
appear in material form. They need us as much as we need them. Use the
following spiritual treatment to welcome new ideas into your awareness:
I exist in and am forever one with the Infinite Spirit, the Infinite
Mind. This Mind is forever evolving new ideas of Itself, and these
ideas are in my consciousness now. I am the means by which they
appear. These ideas I now welcome. All subconscious opposition to
them is now negated in my mind. I want, need, and have God’s fresh
ideas. They are my mental nourishment. They give me new
directions. They lead me to right decisions.

Reject What You Do Not Want

The decision to let go of that which has completed its course in your
experience is even more important than the decision to welcome new ideas.
You cannot walk forward by looking backward. New wine cannot be put
into old bottles, for the Bible states that the old bottles will break. You
intuitively know what should depart from your life. Every once in a while, a
flash in your consciousness informs you of a once-alive idea that is now
dead. The human mind dislikes change and puts off until tomorrow what it
should release today. Decide right now on the ideas and situations that are
no longer of benefit to you. Make a list of them. These are impediments on
your pathway of success. Until they are dismissed and the consequences of
their release are completed, your new ideas cannot appear in mind.
The power of the word no is tremendous. What you mentally say no to
will begin to depart in ways of order and in ways of peace. The failure to
say no to completed situations eventually results in disrupting conditions
that are unpleasant and unnecessary. The word no declared in mind
eliminates all congestion. It is clear and direct to the point. The
subconscious mind knows the word no as a law of elimination. It acts upon
it to release those ideas which no longer have creative life in them. The
subconscious mind, having within it all subjective Intelligence, proceeds to
eliminate the idea which is cause and the effect which is the problem. It acts
in intelligent and right ways to do this.

How to Do It

Try it. Take one problem that you want to solve. Make certain that you
really want to be rid of it. Say aloud that you want to be rid of it, that it
cannot continue in your life. Declare that this decision is final and
irrevocable. Mentally picture yourself as no longer having the problem. Get
the feeling that the problem is gone and shall never return. Stay in this
mood for several minutes. Then change your whole trend of thinking to
something creative and interesting. Think something that is pleasing to you.
The rest of the day or evening, watch your thought so that you do not
interfere with the subconscious process of elimination of that old condition.
Every time you begin to re-think the problem, stop and shift your attention
to the fact that it no longer exists in your world. Never worry about it again
or you will be reclaiming it, reactivating it. Always, your momentary
consideration of it must be that it has gone and can never return. It is dead
and buried. More than that, it has no existence in you or your affairs. Before
going to sleep at night, thank the God you believe in that the problem has
disappeared. The next day, keep up this creative process. Say to your
subconscious mind:
My subconscious mind is a function of the Universal Mind. It obeys
my word and acts upon it. I have declared the dissolution of this
condition. I now reaffirm my decision. I no longer want, need, nor
have this negative situation. It has gone into nothingness. It no
longer has power over me. I recall it to mind no more. I am free,
praise God, I am free. Indwelling Mind, you have now given me my
freedom from it.

Intelligence Is Inviolate

Thank God the universe is foolproof! Many have sought out inventions to
upset the cosmic order, and all they have done is to destroy their own peace
of mind and comfort. Unless your thinking is premised on the Intelligence
of Life Itself, you will continue in the valley of struggle and strain. You will
create your problems through wrong decisions, and your frustrations will
multiply. All of this is unnecessary.
There is one Mind in continuous creation, and you are a resident in It. It
created you in order to act through you. It has given you the equipment you
need to live effectively and with a minimum of trouble. But you have to
think as the Universal Mind thinks. You have to work mentally and
emotionally as It works.
There is one basic mental Law. What you place in your subconscious
mind must appear as your experience. Your subconscious mind acts as a
Law of Creation. Why it does this, no one knows. It is automatic and
impersonal. It functions this way in every person, regardless of race, color,
or creed. It is not dependent upon intellect, knowledge, reason, or wisdom.
It is a Law and It is inviolate, just as the Mind which functions through It is
inviolate. To the metaphysician, this Mind and this Law are the two
fundamentals of living.
In other words, what you think, you think into your subconscious mind.
This mind accepts your thought and acts upon it. It cannot do otherwise. It
is its nature to act this way. You cannot think and feel negatively over a
period of time and have positive situations maintained in your experience.
The Law of the Subconscious can only bear the kind of fruit based on the
seed ideas you have given it. Jesus said you could not gather figs from
thistles; Paul called this sowing and reaping. The Hermetic Teaching stated
that what goes in must come out. All are saying the same thing.
Decide to Control Your Life

If you decide to take control of your life and determine what will take place
in your everyday living and creative planning for the future, you need the
knowledge just presented. Your control depends upon your conscious
awareness that your individual subconscious mind is a law of cause and
effect. Nothing has ever happened to you or taken place around you that
was not the result of your subconscious mind. That is a big statement, but it
is true. You may mentally argue that it is not so, but eventually you will
realize that it is so.
You were born as Intelligence in a universe of Intelligence to unfold,
evolve, and create as Intelligence. Unfortunately, the world does not believe
this. So we spend the first eighteen years of life having knowledge
crammed into us. Our value to the world is based on how many facts we
know. We are not considered as Intelligence; rather we are considered as
humans who need to be made intelligent. As adults, we assume we are
intelligent for we have diplomas to prove it.
All along this pathway, we have been pure Intelligence awaiting our self-
awareness as such. Growing up, we have known ourselves as the child, the
teenager, the young adult. We have been conditioned to think of ourselves
as name, career, bank account, and social position. I agree that much of this
is necessary, but not as necessary as we have made it.
You are greater than you think you are. You hold the key to life in your
mind. You can act intelligently in a universe of Intelligence. You can decide
what shall go into your subconscious mind. You can think what you want
and thereby have your subconscious mind produce what you want. You can
control your present experience and plan and determine your future.
Thousands have done this. Other thousands are now doing this. Why not
join their ranks and become what you want to be?

The Danger of Procrastination

The present moment is the time for decision. In fact, you are making
decisions all the time. In the next chapter, I will show you that indecision is
actually a decision. It is a decision to fail. Right now is the time to move
from the level of unintelligent day-by-day drifting to the level of decisive
mental action.
I have said earlier in this chapter that all problems are the result of
unintelligent thinking and feeling in a field of Intelligence that must assume
what you are thinking and feeling is what you really want to have as your
experience. In any problem, a new train of ideas is the beginning of the
cure. But the new ideas must fascinate your attention. Old ideas have a
tremendous hold in your subconscious mind. They are familiar territory.
They require no great mental effort to keep them activated. You rethink
them with ease. You have already convinced your subconscious mind that
they are valid and warrant its continued operation of them.
Such comfortable states of consciousness are hypnotic and should be
avoided. It takes courage to shake off the routines of comfort and start
adventuring with the control of your own life. Here is where the important
role of decision comes in—the decision to stay as you are for you are at
home in your present limitation, or the decision to be uncomfortable for a
while and gradually enjoy new horizons of living. The Law of Mind leaves
you free. Free to stay as you are and keep on patching up the present and
living in a false hope that tomorrow will be better. Free also to grasp the
reins of your mind and emotions and emerge from the cocoon of the usual
into the wide new world of the unusual.

Ideas Are Fascinating

I assume that, having read this far, you have decided to act as Intelligence,
to remove the negatives that are limiting you, and to proceed in life under
the law of your own thought, in directions you choose for yourself. The
metaphysician finds ideas more fascinating than things because ideas
produce things. His or her interest is in controlling cause, thereby
controlling effect. The practice of this Science is not sitting around
daydreaming of what you want. That produces nothing but delusion. I am
not teaching delusion. I am explaining how your mind is working, has
always worked and will always work. Ideas determine your life. They are
cause. You are a thinker of ideas. You can select the ideas you want and
proceed to think them. As you think them, your subconscious mind accepts
them and produces situations like unto them. No one can do your thinking
for you. You are the only thinker in your experience. The responsibility for
your choice of ideas cannot be dodged. You may say that you cannot help
thinking the ideas that are now fascinating your consciousness. You may
say that everyone else is thinking these same ideas.
If Jesus had thought the ideas that the people of his day were thinking,
we would never have had the clear instruction and proof, which he gave us,
of the value of new ideas. This man did not think sickness was necessary.
He was a spiritual rebel, a courageous individualization of Life. He thought
what he wanted to think. He chose the ideas that would function in his
consciousness. He did not conform to the world thinking around him. He
stood in his own clear knowing, and this clear knowing improved the world.
Ideas are fascinating if you seek out the kind that fascinate you.
Humdrum ideas need to be discarded. A new central idea that is possible,
strong, and creative is needed to hang your lesser ideas upon. This
fascinating idea should not be based on past experience. It is a future idea to
be thought in the now. It should be one that will make you happier,
healthier, more prosperous, more loving, and less frustrated. This idea is
already within your mind, waiting for you to awaken to it, grasp it and think
it. Not based on things which have gone before, it causes fresh and exciting
new aspects to develop in your life. It invites your consideration to grow in
consciousness by experiencing something new, something greater than has
ever happened to you. The Infinite Mind invites you to become a new
person in a new experience. Only when you are this are you fulfilling your
high calling in Mind.

Unlimited Possibilities

I reaffirm my faith in the individual and his ability to determine his own
experience through right decision, followed by intelligent mental-emotional
action. When any individual realizes that he or she individualizes the
totality of possibility, he or she is then able to be what they want to be and
to have what anyone wants to have. As long as people believe themselves to
be heirs to the flesh and the problems thereof, they are in bondage to old,
outmoded beliefs.
Man was not born to suffer and to sin. You were born of Intelligence to
soar the heights. A perfect Mind could not create out of Itself anything but
Itself. As the cosmos bears witness of a pervading Intelligence, so does man
when he lives on the high levels of his consciousness. These high levels are
in all people and instantly available as the individual turns in thought to
them. They were planted in man from the beginning of time. They are
untouched by human experience. They await man’s recognition of himself
as the heir of Mind functioning in the unconditioned arena of time and
You are not an observer of the universe. You are a vital participant of the
universe. Let no one ever again tell you of your unimportance. God did not
make a mistake when you were born. Intelligence created you to live in
these times because you are equipped to meet the challenges of these times.
You are the right person, in the right place, to create a right world for
yourself. All the resources of the Infinite are already yours. They need you
as a means of self-expression.
You are the result of your past decisions. You will become and
experience the result of your present decisions. Join me in deciding on the
side of greatness.
Chapter 2


SUCCESS and failure are results of the use of mind. Every success-
motivated mind has been a decisive mind. Every failure-motivated mind has
been an indecisive mind. Only the dreamer who acted with decision on his
dream brought forth something new and valuable. It takes as much hard
mental work to fail as it does to succeed. Failure is actually a success
negative. It is the result of consistent negative patterns in the subconscious
mind. Worry always begets indecision.
Your only tools in life are your mind and emotions. The most successful
people in all fields of activity use the same mind and the same emotions
that you are using. The genius does not have more mind than you do. He
consciously or subconsciously knows how to use his mind to get the results
he wants. The same is true of his use of emotions. He knows what he wants
to do and assumes that he can do it. This assumption is his decision.
You think and feel. How you think and feel determines your place in life.
As you are the only thinker in your mind, you can decide how you will
think and how you will feel. It is as simple as that. Your decision, right or
wrong, gives direction to your subconscious mind, and you are on your way
to your end result. Life responds to your decision by corresponding. All the
ideas you need reveal themselves in right order and sequence once you have
arrived at a decision.
Every important event in your life has taken place because of a decision
made by you or by someone else. Review some of these important times in
your experience and you will note the truth of my statement. No great event
happens by chance. It is caused by the decisive thinking of a person or
persons. A decision alerts the subconscious energies that a sound and solid
idea is being accepted by the conscious mind. Upon that acceptance, the
law of consciousness acts and a new event or situation is born.

The Will to Fail

Indecision is actually the individual’s decision to fail. Many people are

indecisive all their lives. From the cradle to the grave, they annoy relatives,
friends, and business associates with the constant question, “Tell me what I
should do.” Their subconscious indecision pattern is strong and clear. They
seem powerless to break it. They can, but they do not know that they can.
Also, they do not realize how disastrous this indecision pattern can be.
Usually, this pattern is subconsciously established in the first six years of
life. Parental domination or a similar home situation does not permit the
child to make his own decisions. This overprotection initiates the lifelong
habit of dependency upon other people to solve his problems.

Stop Asking for Advice

The chronic advice seeker is a sorry soul. The inability to accept the
responsibility of running your own mind may well be the major sin of life.
It is a pattern that can be broken. I have known many people who have done
this. Not easily, but with wise counseling, they saw themselves in a new
light. They accepted the first principle of individuality, which is self-
Freedom of mind action is your birthright. It remains your latent potential
if you are an indecisive person. It can always be activated. You were born to
be you. Your consciousness is fully equipped to express you. But you have
to realize that you can be you. Otherwise, you are a potpourri of other
people’s decisions. You are a second-place person getting from life a small
portion of the good that is possible. Leaning on the consciousness of others,
you are not being what you can be. Eating three meals a day in restaurants
will never make you a cook. Not until you enter your own kitchen and use
its equipment can you start to cook. The first results may not be very
inspiring, but at least you are now cooking.
All intelligence abides in your consciousness and awaits your call upon
it. You may say you do not know what to do. But at the center of your mind
is the clear decision you should make. It is right there. It can be found
instantly when your mind turns to it. “Seek, and ye shall find” (Matthew

The Answer Is Within

The world of other people’s decisions is not your world. No matter how
wise and kind these people may be. No matter how much they love you and
care for you. They are only maintaining your childhood pattern of
indecision, the pattern of leaning on other minds rather than on your own.
God made your mind for you to think your thoughts and not someone else’s
Why this apparent need for you to make your own decisions? You seek
your own success and this success comes when you use your own
resources. Every successful person is a success because he used ideas that
arose within his own mind. Original thinking does not come from another
person. It happens in your own mind. Fine ideas can be transmitted to you
from others, but originality awaits your own self-discovery. It is already in
your consciousness, planted there from the beginning. You are spiritually
equipped to be an original thinker. Declare that you are and interesting ideas
will come to your mind. These will not fit your usual patterns of thinking.
They will make you uncomfortable. But do not reject them. They beckon
you to areas of new successes. They invite you to be a prospector of gold
mines of new events. You glimpse the maturity of self-knowing, and you
leave the immaturity of seeking help.

The Universe Is Decisive

The originating Mind of the cosmos knows what It is doing, and It does Its
work well. It has a mathematical accuracy of law and order. It cannot have
any self-argument, and It is never indecisive. It asks no questions. It leans
on no one. It proceeds in Its business of creating the new, the better, and the
different. It cannot stagnate nor can It be defeated. All is in order in the
universe. You may call a hurricane disorder, but the meteorologists know it
as order. They are aware of its beginning, its course, and its ultimate end.
They chart it accurately and well. To them, it is an orderly phenomenon as
cause, process, and conclusion.
You exist in and are a part of this originating universal Mind. All of Its
law and order is instantly available to you. In fact, this Mind is already in
your consciousness awaiting your awareness of It. You are never apart from
It. You may unconsciously isolate yourself from It, but It cannot isolate
Itself from you. It is and you are that which It is. There is but one Mind,
and you are a thinker in It. All of Its ideas are your ideas. Its forward
proceeding action of constant creation and the maintenance of that which It
has created are right now functioning in your mind. The following spiritual
treatment will aid you in being aware of It and thereby receiving benef its
from It.
There is one originating Intelligence, Mind, and Spirit, and I am Its
action, Its outlet, and Its process of revealing Itself. It knows me as
Itself, and I know myself as It. Therefore, I am never indecisive. I
always have the right idea at the right time. Infinite Intelligence in
me knows what to do, and this knowledge is mine at every instant.
Original thinking pervades my consciousness, and I am correctly
decisive regarding all matters. I know what I need to know at the
instant I need to know it. The results of this correct knowing of
original ideas bring forth new and improved situations in my life.
For this I am glad.

Let There Be

The Bible opens with the allegorical description of many decisions on the
part of the Causative Mind. I suggest that you read again the first chapter of
Genesis. There is not a single sentence of hesitation in it. It is clear and
direct. The writer is telling, by means of an ancient poetical form, a concept
of the way the Infinite Mind creates out of Itself. It does this by first
forming clear, definite ideas of that which It wants as form. It next declares
these ideas into form by stating, “Let there be,” and the form appears. This
Creative Mind is all in all. It has no one to whom It can turn for advice. It
knows within Itself what It wants and proceeds to bring it to fruition. It
wastes neither time nor energy. It decides and acts upon Its decisions.
This cosmic originating process is not an ancient one used only once. It is
the correct way of thinking both universally and individually. What God
does on the grand scale of the cosmos you can do on the plane of the
particular. In fact, the only success process is this process. Few successful
people ever realize that they are using a spiritual means to achieve their
goals, but they are. They would shout no if you told them this, but the truth
remains that there is only one success process. Know what you want, decide
it shall happen, and act upon the decision. Your conscious mind makes the
decision and your subconscious mind acts upon the decision.

Give It to Your Subconscious

In your subconscious mind is the creative process of the ages, the process
which every successful person has used. It cannot refuse to service you. It
has no favorites, and it knows no limitations. It awaits your demand that it
act. Upon your demand, it proceeds to fulfill this demand without stress or
strain. The mental machinery of your subconscious mind moves into action
in orderly ways and draws upon resources far greater than the conscious
mind could ever know. No wonder that modern metaphysicians call this
function of mind God. They sense the magnitude of its ability and they use
this tremendous creative potential to produce what they want in life.
All of this is already in you. The great use it. The non-great do not, so
they remain the non-great. Decide upon some thing, situation, or condition
that you want right now in your present life. Be definite in this decision. Do
not limit your decision by investigating the probable reasons why it will
never happen. That is the detour to nothing. All false speculations of defeat
have to be ruled out of your consciousness. If they enter into the decision
for even a fleeting moment, the decision is robbed of authority and the
subconscious mind cannot act upon it. You do not need to know how the
final result will come to pass. That is the function of the subconscious. It
has ways and means that, if they were known, would stagger the intellect.
Say to your subconscious,
This is my decision. I now authorize you to accomplish this. I have
total confidence in your abilities and resources. I authorize this
without any reservations. I do not place this demand in a framework
of time or condition. It is a free demand now established in my
subconscious mind. This mind now has it clearly.
Then relax and let your subconscious have free reign, Keep clear of all
doubt. Keep clear of all worry. God, in your subconscious as your
subconscious, is the power and the mind that accomplishes your desire. Let
God be God, and keep your hands off the process.
Your subconscious will reveal to your conscious mind directions to take
and ways to proceed. Idea will follow idea in perfect order and sequence.
You become the observer of the creative process now taking place in you.
From the observation point in the conscious mind, you watch what you
wanted to have happen, happen. You are under no strain. You are the
observer and the participant.

Adult or Child?

To be an effective adult requires you to make decisions. If you are not going
to make decisions and continue to falter through life, then you had better
accept yourself as infantile. Face it and admit it to yourself. The height of
your body or the date on your birth certificate have nothing to do with your
mind and emotions. Paul wrote, “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I
understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put
away childish things” (1 Corinthians 13:11). He had accepted himself as an
adult. His decisions were many, and they were one of the primary sources
for the spread of the ideas of Jesus.
If you have trouble making up your mind because you are afraid of
making a mistake, then you are still the immature child. Children are afraid
of making mistakes because of their strong emotional need to please their
parents. The adult who is indecisive is a person who is still subconsciously
afraid that what he or she may do will not please some past symbol in his
mind. Too often, the past still rules the present. Usually it is so camouflaged
in the subconscious that the individual is completely unaware of it.
I often ask myself this: “Will my decisions today be based on today’s
experiences guided by the wisdom of the past, or will they be determined
only by past memory patterns?” If the latter, I will make erroneous
conclusions. You have to be a today person in a today experience to have
the fullness of life in the here and the now. The mature adult is usually able
to do this. The immature adult continues in the valley of questions, doubts,
and worries. His day lacks lustre, his hours have no fascination in them, and
he wearies in his supposed well-doing. His problems absorb his attention,
their emotional importance expands, and he is most unhappy in his home,
his job, and his social relationships. So he becomes an advice seeker,
hoping that his fellow man can deconfuse his confusion.
This person needs to make a decision of his own. It may be a wrong one,
but all of us make wrong decisions. The mature mind accepts the result of
his error and minimizes any self-guilt. He proceeds on his course and makes
more decisions, the majority of them being right ones. But, when the adult
who unconsciously goes back to his childhood for parental approval makes
a wrong decision, he loads himself with more guilt and remorse. He accepts
himself as a probable failure. He distrusts his own abilities. He is a very
unhappy person.
Check your guilt load and begin rationalizing it away. No one ever makes
a mistake on purpose. Mistakes are not consciously planned. They may be
subconsciously planned, but even these can be freed of their emotional
importance. The lower your guilt load, the greater your mental health. You
may ask if all guilt can be consciously known. No. But all your guilt does
not need to be known. Years of psychological analysis might be necessary
for you to become aware of only ninety percent of your guilts. Only the
guilt that is preventing you from being a whole present person needs to be
known. Once you are alert to this fact, your intuition will gradually show
you the areas where you need to do some rationalizing.
No power anywhere sits in judgment on you. The universe is
unconcerned with your mistakes. You are your only judge, and the faculties
of your mind are your only jury. Realizing that you did not err with
deliberate attempt or purpose will often clear the guilt. Each guilt
recognized, rationalized, and emotionally released of power will assist you
to decide rightly. The following spiritual treatment will help to release your
There is one Mind, one life, one Spirit, and I individualize It. This
Mind, Life, and Spirit is always thinking of me in terms of Itself. It
never sits in judgment, and It has no condemnation. The goodness of
life is the goodness of God. I now release all emotional power from
any and all guilt in my subconscious mind. I am set free of all self-
judgment and self-condemnation. I know myself as God knows me.
I am free of all past errors. I am free to move forward in life. Now I
make right decisions. God honors my thought and acts upon it. I
prosper in all my affairs. I am free.

The Universe Is All Right

The universe is a success. It has never been defeated and never will be.
Some wit has said that the only mistake God ever made was to invent man.
You and I know this is not so, but many times I have wondered about it.
The universe that the scientist studies is a success. The cosmic order is a
magnificent display of an infinite Intelligence thinking mathematically.
Unconditioned by time or space, the cosmos continues its successful action.
Though man can destroy himself, the cosmos remains untouched by his
destruction. A raging forest fire on a mountainside can destroy a thousand
trees. Five years later, you will find small trees, self-seeded, coming up on
that barren location. Ten years later, a new forest is well under way. The
Creative Process cannot be defeated. It will always win out.
Self-defeat is easy to accomplish. Indecisiveness has a great deal to do
with self-defeat. The man God made is intended to succeed. He is mentally
and emotionally equipped to do so. It is too easy to blame the first six years
of life for all our later problems. A right decision concerning the present
and the future may be all that is needed to turn a failure-prone person into a
success-adventuring person.
Often I have watched a party of four people seated in a restaurant reading
menus. They seem to have quite a time deciding on the main course. One of
them will turn to another and ask, “What are you going to have?” The
friend replies that he is going to have the roast beef. At once, the questioner
puts down his menu and says, “I’ll have that too,” thereby avoiding his own
decision. This may seem like a trivial illustration, but it is not. It reveals
how easy it is to fall into the habit of having other people decide matters for
us. Such a person has, without realizing it, lessened his individuality.
A woman in her forties came to me for counseling several years ago. Her
problem was indecision. She was unable to walk into a store and select her
own clothes. For over twenty-five years, she had tried, but, as she said, “I
only waste the sales girls’ time.” Her husband had to do all the shopping for
her clothes. Instantly I knew what was the matter. I said to her, “Since you
were a small child, you were never allowed to pick out your own clothes.
You had a domineering mother who wouldn’t let you decide on anything.”
Her face lighted up and she said, “How did you know that?” I continued by
saying, “So you made your husband into your mother.” This she did not
like, but she did see the point. After several sessions of counseling, she was
able to break this pattern and is now able to do her own shopping. The
adjustment in her subconscious mind was not an easy one, but she finally
made it.

Individuality Necessitates Responsibility

Individuality necessitates decision. Individuality means that you have to be

you. No matter how much people may love you, they cannot be that which
you are. The Spirit individualizes Itself in every person. The inability to
make decisions indicates that you have not accepted yourself as an
independent individual. Many people never accomplish this self-
acceptance. They lean on others all their lives. These are chronic failure
people. They have not accepted the responsibility of being. They have
dodged the very reason for their existence to be that which they are and not
to be an accumulation of other people’s opinions.
The major difference between mankind and the animal kingdom is free
will or volition. Man is able to think, choose, and decide. He is only
partially directed by instinct. The indecision pattern is an unconscious
abrogation of individuality. It is turning your mind over to others when the
purpose of your mind is for your own self-government. It is your mind. It is
the gift of God in you. It contains the potentials of a full life and an
expanding experience. Herein is your uniqueness, your individuality, your
ability to be you—the you that you can be.
The chronic failure person does not realize what he is doing to himself.
He is unaware of self-causation. He has built a subconscious alibi
mechanism to explain himself to himself. He is the man who thinks he
never got any breaks in life. The firm he works for does not appreciate him
and promotes other men to better jobs while he stays in the same routine
work year after year. Or, he may be another man who cannot hold on to
jobs. His reasons are equally exterior to himself. Only through the
repetitious rehearsals of their alibis can these people manage to live with
some peace of mind. Always their difficulties are outside of themselves;
things, situations, and events happen to them, so they think.
But situations, events, and things do not just happen to anyone. They are
caused by the individual experiencing them. “For as he thinketh in his heart,
so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). Modern psychology has proven the validity of
this Bible statement. You project yourself on the screen of life. You are the
cause to your own experience. Situations, events, and things proceed from
your consciousness to appear on the screen of life. The screen of life is as
impersonal as the motion picture screen in a theater. One week a tragedy
may appear on the screen and the next week a comedy may be shown. The
screen does not know what it is showing to the audience. It only knows how
to show it. A motion picture scene wherein a man is shot puts no hole in the
screen. It remains what it is.
In your own life, you are the projector of your consciousness on the
screen of experience. A child may bump his head on a door and kick the
door, seeming to place blame on it. An adult does not do this. He knows
that it was not the door’s fault. Something in his thinking caused him to
bump his head on the door. The failure-prone person needs to accept the
responsibilities of life, to stop blaming the world, and to seek within
himself for negative causation. “Why did this happen to me?” is usually
unanswerable. “Why did I cause this to happen?” usually leads to an
understanding of the cause of the problem. Every mystic, savior, and saint
has told his followers that the inside of man is the explanation of the outside
of man. These wise minds had found a truth and were explaining the truth
they had found. They knew with intuitive certainty that it was truth. The
inside of the individual is the explanation of the outside of the individual.
All spiritual disciplines were to put the inside man in order and give him
right directions. Right ideas arise in our consciousness. If decided upon and
acted upon, they bring forth right results. Right ideas in our consciousness
ignored become wrong ideas and bring forth incorrect decisions with
unpleasant results.
The outside man senses effects and usually believes them. His sight,
hearing, smell, taste, and touch confirm his correct conclusions. He explains
himself to himself by the material facts he observes. Metaphysicians and
psychologists do what the great spiritual thinkers did. They know that the
interior world of mind is true cause and the external world of affairs is an
effect world. External facts betray internal ideas, moods, feelings, and
motivations. Paul wrote, “Be not conformed to this world” (Romans 12:2).
Jesus said, “Ye are of this world; I am not of this world” (John 8:23). These
are but two of many such statements by great thinkers.
This does not mean a withdrawal from the world of facts. It most
certainly does not mean to deny its existence. The outside world is
wonderful when you are not fooled by it. When you really know that your
inside world is cause to your outside world and that you have full control
over your consciousness of cause, you have true freedom of both thought
and action. You think what you want and you want what you think. The
world conforms to original thinkers. They never conform to it. The material
world rearranges itself to accommodate what a Thinker wants, and it does
so as a Thinker is thinking and deciding. There is no delay. The
subconscious law of mind knows no procrastination. It acts instantly on all
conscious mind decisions.
There is so much greatness to be known, thought, and experienced that I
am amazed everyone is not seeking it and experiencing the great good
which automatically accompanies such sound contemplation. The Psalmist
wrote, “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be
glad in it” (Psalms 118:24). For those who can reach out to great ideas and
contemplate them as being so and decide that they shall be so, the
experiencing of an abundant livingness is theirs. These people cannot be
defeated. There is no interior causation to cause external defeat. Certainly
they use the facts which their five senses reveal to them, but they see a
larger idea than the one reported by the senses. They are working in a wider
arena of mental action, an arena which sees beyond sight. It knows beyond
facts. It expects beyond the usual limitations. Such men and women are a
joy to God and a great blessing to their fellow man. They keep the light of
Truth alive and let It shine through an ever-expanding field of creative

The Light of the Mind

“That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the
world” (John 1:9). This statement implies that you have this Light. You can
reach out for the greatness I have mentioned by reaching within your own
mind to find the generic ideas placed there by the Infinite Mind. They are
already yours. You need not supplicate a deity to have them. You need not
fast to know them. No single church can give them to you. They are
universal, impersonal, and instantly available. They are the Light of your
life. They are the answer to your every need. They have the capacity to
fulfill your every good desire. Ideas, not facts, are the hope of your world,
and these ideas are already resident in your present mind.
The way out of trouble is a way into the mind. It is not a way of facts. It
is a way of ideas. Every idea you need is instantly available at the moment
you need it. The Infinite has never deserted anyone. Supply has always
preceded demand. The revelation of new idea; is a constant mental process
in which your mind is forever immersed. These ideas are your property by
right of your being you. This is the “inheritance incorruptible” mentioned in
the Bible (1 Peter 1:4). It is not merely the property of the good. It indwells
saint and sinner alike, but the saints are those wise enough to sense it and
draw from it. You can join the ranks of the wise by contemplating yourself
as cause. Such contemplation causes your next right idea to appear in your
consciousness. Decision upon this right idea guarantees its execution in the
material world by means of the law of the subconscious mind.
We would be living in a grand Utopia today if every great idea that arose
in men’s minds had been followed by decision and right action. Too many
great ideas have been meditated upon and then discarded. Usually the
thinker discards them for what seem to him to be plausible reasons. No
great discovery in history has been based on plausible reasons. Automobiles
were implausible in 1900. Radios were implausible in 1910. Transatlantic
planes were implausible in 1920. Yet thinkers let such ideas arise in their
consciousness out of the well-spring of the Infinite Intelligence. We should
all be grateful that these thinkers decided to try the ideas they had. Every
scientific mind has made the implausible plausible.

You Are Cause

You are cause because you can think. The only creative process there has
ever been, is now, or evermore shall be is thinking. You can let new ideas
happen in your consciousness as easily as you can do any of the routine
things in your daily life. New ideas happen to the people who want them to
happen in their consciousness. They do not happen in the minds of people
who are content with themselves as they are. They do not happen in the
minds of those who worship the past. The Infinite Intelligence seeks to
release Itself in original ways in every man, woman, and child. It has no
favorites and seeks no favors. All It requires is for the person to be
interested in new ideas and to be willing to act upon them through right
decision. You can be that person. Even as you read this page, a new idea
can dawn in your consciousness.
The Infinite Mind can only give you an idea. It has nothing else to impart
to you, Its beloved consciousness. If you need things, It gives you the ideas
to cause the things to manifest for you. The Infinite is the Thinker, leaving
man to be the Producer. This man is you. You are the means by which the
Infinite acts upon the plane of the particular. In you, through you, and as
you, the Creative Process seeks outlet. You can never be what you were
intended to be until you welcome this Process and reach out for the
unlimited possibilities. It offers to you. You were created to think, feel,
decide, and act upon the decisions.

Original Ideas

Original ideas are the result of an immaculate conception. They are not
from material sources. They do not arise out of past experiences. They are
born in the Infinite Mind and are reborn in your consciousness without the
aid of any other person. They just happen in you when you have
consciously or subconsciously prepared the consciousness in which they
could happen. These ideas are completely pure. As yet, they have not been
adulterated by doubt or material speculation as to how, why, or when. The
person who can recognize their purity and watch his thought to maintain
this purity can then arrive at an acceptance of them, decide upon them, and
experience their extension into the world of form.
I will never know how many original ideas that entered my mind were
adulterated by my doubts. The world thinking has taught us to be wary of
new ideas. It says to us that the better course is to wait and see. Many a
great experience has been lost because we listened to the opinions of the
masses. Yet the opinions of the masses have never caused progress.
Progress happens when leaders arise with new ideas. These men and
women are undaunted by material beliefs and material situations. They
maintain the purity of the new idea and proceed with their decisions about
it. They know that what they know is right, so their subconscious minds are
able to project the new ideas into their experience. Every benefit to man has
come through just this process of the aware mind, undisturbed by material
reasonings, proceeding to express an idea that arose within itself.
Ideas exist in a timeless, spaceless continuum. Total potential is in their
make-up. They have nothing in them to limit their full expression. They
come to your mind, which is time-space conditioned. There they are put in a
framework of past, present, and future. This is where mental adulteration
starts. The idea is a now conception. Held in mind as a now conception, its
potentials can be used, exploited, and enjoyed. Too often they are weighed
in the balances of the past and the future and their essence is lost.
Can you think of yourself as a timeless, spaceless continuum? If you can,
you have a very expanded consciousness. You are a rarity. Average people
are absorbed in a time-space consciousness. Their preoccupation about their
age is evidence of this. They are either too young or too old. They dread the
term middle-aged. They do everything possible to resist the aging process.
They have been told by their churches that they will live after death, but
they do not believe it, even on Easter Sunday morning. The idea of death
frightens them.
You are a timeless, spaceless individualization of life. You function in a
time-space arena and are usually fooled by it. Without realizing your
infinity and eternity, you take original ideas and place them in limits. You
hope they are so, rather than knowing they are so. Every idea in your
consciousness has possibilities that can be explored. Old ideas seen from a
new angle reveal new possibilities. A thousand clergymen on a Sunday
morning can use the same Bible text; perhaps a hundred and fifty different
denominations with creeds opposed to one another, but the same text is
used to support the sermon. Through this wide spectrum of varying beliefs,
each clergyman will find an original idea to expound. Here is one idea, and
an old idea at that, still giving evidence of originality when functioning in
varying minds.
Ideas never get stale, but people do. Ideas are eternal and their
possibilities are infinite. You place upon them your own subconscious time-
space limitations. The more you can envision yourself as a spiritual
creation, the designed projection of the Infinite Mind, the less limits you
place upon ideas and the more you leave them free to bring forth new
experiences. I cannot stress too much the need for you to reconceive
yourself as a continuous process of life throughout eternity. You, as
individuality, did not suddenly appear on a certain day to be nothing on
another certain day. You have been, are now, and shall always be you. Arise
from the human mind delusion of birth certificates and death certificates
and walk free from the horrendous conclusions they have evoked in your
consciousness. Then, immaculate ideas will find a welcome in your
consciousness, for they know you will accept them and have fuller
expansion of living by means of them. They are food to the mind and
substance to the emotions.
The Mind of God is a well that never runs dry. All of Its ideas are
instantly available to you. Idea follows idea as day follows night. Ideas seek
you out. They need you for their own self-expression. Your use of them
guarantees your full self-expression. Think of your mind as the birthplace
of God’s intentions. Think of its grandeur, its magnificence, its magnitude.
Your mind is a center of Divine activity. Forget the speculations of neurosis,
inferiority complex, and negative patterns. See your mind from the higher
side of life. Know your mind as the Infinite knows it. It is a place of birth,
not of death. You are the deciding factor in your consciousness; therefore,
in your entire world of experience. Know yourself as God knows you. God
loves you because God loves Itself.
Chapter 3


DECISION is the most important function of the individual mind. No

creative process can begin until a decision is made. I could not write this
chapter until I had arrived at the decision to do it. I am writing this on a lazy
summer day when the outdoors invites me to many pleasant things. I have
been sorely tempted to move from my typewriter and relax with friends.
But I have decided that this chapter shall be written, and it shall be written
Having made the decision, every right idea will flow into my
consciousness. Each idea will reveal itself at the instant I need it. The
writing proceeds, but it could not proceed without my having decided. The
creative process awaits your decision and your calm acceptance of the
necessary work on your part following the decision. Idea follows idea as
you proceed in the work of bringing to pass that which you decided would
now be.
You are able to accomplish anything you really want to accomplish. The
Infinite is yours to explore and the Infinite is never dull, stale, or
commonplace. To say you do not know what to do, or you do not know
what you want, is to negate the Infinite Intelligence which is individualized
in you. What you are really saying is that you are too lazy to determine your
own experience, or you think another person is better equipped to determine
your good.
No one else on earth is better equipped to determine your good than you
are. The universe has no favorites and God knows no special person. Others
may have more factual knowledge and more experience. They have this
because of their own decisions. Consciously or subconsciously, they
decided to think new ideas, read new sources of ideas, and execute definite
plans based on the new ideas they had assimilated. They know more
because they decided to know more. You can do likewise.
Explore ideas as the mariners of old explored the seven seas. They were
impelled by an inner fascination with that which was unknown but could be
known. They risked great physical dangers and underwent great
deprivations. These you will not need to face. Your decision to explore new
realms of mind will not take you away from your comforts of each day
unless you let your comforts coddle you into only existing rather than
actually being. You were created to be. And to be, you have to emerge from
the cocoon of complacency and dare to venture in consciousness across
uncharted seas of mind.
Even as you read this book, there are people everywhere who have
decided to expand their lives. They have decided to be well and not sick.
They have decided to prosper and not continue in financial limitation. They
have decided to give and receive love. They have decided to be themselves.
As a result, they have right ideas revealing themselves in their minds to
accomplish their decisions. These people are willing to be temporarily
uncomfortable in order to achieve expanded consciousness and reach new
Such people make contributions to the world. They do not wait for others
to create the new, the vital, and the futurative. They do it. They are willing
to change consciousness. They consciously or unconsciously realize that
they are important to the grand scheme of Life. They may never acquire
fame or fortune, but they have the sense of well-being which accompanies
all creative activity. You belong in their ranks.

The Invisible You

The real you is not only invisible, it is also immeasurable. In my class

instruction in the Science of Mind, I use the following illustration to make
the students realize that they inhabit a larger arena than that which the five
senses reveal. I ask the reader to try this experiment. Close your eyes and
take a moment to relax your body as completely as you can. Place your feet
flat on the floor. Sit in a comfortable position. Let your hands relax, and be
at peace. Think of yourself as being unlimited, spaceless. You are aware of
your body wherever your clothes bind you, or the chair makes itself aware,
or the floor beneath your shoes seems certain. Think of your forehead, your
nose, your ears, the backs of your hands. Can you tell where the skin is and
space begins?
Note the sides of your face and see if you can sense where the skin is.
Where is the bottom of your chin? In this relaxed position, it is almost
impossible to define yourself as body, meaning outline and limitation. You
realize that you are not just body, you are consciousness, you are idea. You
seem to extend into infinity, and you really do. You glimpse that you are an
activity of thought and feeling moving through and participating in a
continuum of Mind.
As you practice this simple exercise, you lessen the hold of the body
consciousness that has been engrained in you by experience. You sense
what the Ancients called the invisible and eternal self. That which you
really are because you have always been it. This correct self-awareness is
unconditioned by time or space. It knows no limitation. It only knows
expansion, the unfolding of consciousness unrestricted by past experience.
It has not mortgaged its future. It trusts in the Infinite Intelligence and Its
ceaseless activity of ideas.
You may say that this is interesting but not practical. But it is practical.
Every improvement in the lot of mankind has come about because someone
expanded his consciousness. Some individual saw beyond the limitations of
the now as known in time to the now as known in eternity. Some man or
woman saw that that which would be already was. As idea, it was present.
Therefore, as form it could become present. This is true thinking. This is
creative consciousness and it can be yours.

You Are Consciousness

To say I am consciousness is to state what you are as individuality. It is self-

definition in the timeless, spaceless sense. It has neither name nor number.
It needs neither location nor means. It is completeness. It includes all
process but is not process. It is pure being. It opens the trap doors to infinity
and eternity. It knows no dimensions and does not need them. It operates by
means of them, but is never conditioned by them. It is the you that you are.
It is not the you that your educated consciousness has taught you as being.
It is what you are in God.
This pure self-awareness is not intrigued by past, present, and future. It is
aware of these lines of demarcation only as measurement, never as fact or
limitation. This is not a self-concept. It is a glimpse and a sense of that
Concept which you are in the larger Mind of the Infinite. It is the infinite
and immeasurable you. Suddenly you are all in all. You are in all, through
all, as all. In this understanding, the word impossible is unknown, for all
knowledge and all process is yours. Whatever needs to be done is done in
consciousness, for here alone is cause. Cause cannot be conditioned by
effect, for cause is law unto effect. Consciousness is. All else is secondary
to it. It is Spirit, and it is Truth.
As unconditioned consciousness, you are Spirit and you are Truth. To
know this is the most valuable idea that can ever be known. Every spiritual
system was founded by one who knew this and groped his or her way
toward it. We are still doing this today. We still sense the magnitude of true
consciousness only in part. We sense it, and this the materialist does not. He
is so busy with his world of effects and his manipulation of them that he
cannot lift his sights to a larger horizon. If he were to read this far in this
book, he would cast it aside and pronounce it to be impractical
metaphysical rubbish.
I know hundreds of people who have proven this larger I am
consciousness concept to be the turning point in their lives. It reversed their
whole basis of making decisions. They ceased their worship of the past.
They ceased their fear of the future. They cancelled out all fear of death.
They decided to be cause to their world because they now realized that they
were their world. They were no longer people experiencing life. They were
Life experiencing itself. They were their own saviors and their own saints.
They needed no messiahs. Knowing themselves in God, as God, they
placed no lesser gods before themselves.
Not so the materialist. He needs his other gods. He needs another to show
him the way, to promise him salvation. He needs a heaven and a hell to
frighten him into behaving with sense. He needs to believe that Someone
else is greater than he is. He needs another person’s model, pattern, and
I am consciousness frees you from all this. It causes you to emerge into
the larger consciousness wherein you are the All, and the All is what you
are. You are willing to be your own heaven and your own hell. You know
you are your only redeemer out of the old into the new. You seek not
heaven by another man’s route. You are the heaven you seek and you
awaken unto it, realizing your eternal experience in it. It has never left you,
but you have closed your eyes to it. Now your eyes of perception are open,
and that which you never left is seen. At night when you sleep, you dream
the dream. In the morning, you awaken to the bed and the bedroom you
never left. The dream may have been pleasant or horrendous, but you never
left the bedroom nor the bed.

You Are Measureless

The whole world of facts shouts at you what you cannot do. It says that you
are a victim of the times. It measures you in words of success and failure,
health and disease, friends and enemies. It is emphatic about your age, your
life expectancy, and finances. It affirms you as body, bank account, and
ultimate death.
I am consciousness reverses all this. You know this is not so. You know
yourself as pure awareness beyond the limits of time, space, and
measurement, yet functioning in these arenas with ease and fulfillment.
Ideas create facts, and you are now idea-minded. Intuition gives you the
idea. You think the idea. The thought you think causes subjectivity to create
the fact. No fact can appear in your experience unless you have accepted
the idea and thought the thought. Knowing this, you order your experience
and live in its freedom. You do not measure yourself with the measurements
of fact and intellect. You see yourself as a becoming process, as that which
yet shall be. In the Infinite, there is no measurement for there are no
comparisons. The Infinite is your existence, and you encompass its
Think back to the exercise I suggested to you at the beginning of this
chapter. Again shut your eyes, relax, and seek to determine where the skin
on the sides of your face is. Note that you actually cannot measure the place
where skin ceases and space begins. You cannot decide, for there is no
decision to make. There is only the question to be contemplated and the
truth to be observed. For the moment, you cannot measure this fact about
yourself. Here is a place where you are measureless. Your consciousness is
beyond measure. You can measure facts by taking examinations.
Examinations have never proven what the individual knew on any given
subject. The very word examination invokes a fear which negates it as a
valuable tool.
At the center of your consciousness is a purpose, but not a plan. The
purpose is that of the Infinite Mind aware of Itself, thereby having
consciousness. This consciousness is the purpose of your being. It is why
you are what you are as consciousness. It has nothing to do with what you
are at the fact level. This you have self-determined and experienced. Your
real purpose is you as consciousness intuitively directed by ideas, free to
move in consciousness, as consciousness, experiencing endless fields of
consciousness. When you decide that this is what you really are, the
purpose is known to you and you perceive yourself as a continuum of
thought and feeling directing your experience world with volition. You plan
your own plan, for there is no one to plan it for you. You select the ideas for
your own experience, for besides you as the selector, there is none other.

Trap Doors in the Mind

Intuition has too long been used at the material level only. People claim that
their intuition helped them to select the right horse at the racetrack, or the
right marriage partner, or the right stock to buy. If these selections turn out
all right, then they are claimed to be the results of intuition. If they turn out
wrongly, they are considered the results of bad judgment.
True intuition does not deal with getting. It deals with self-awareness. It
is not the Infinite seeking to give you more things. Most of the readers of
this book do not need more things. They need a larger sense of self. They
need to know what they are as pure consciousness. Only then can they
make correct decisions, based not on facts, things, or good judgment. These
are for those who are not yet able to see that consciousness is reality, and
that we move as consciousness, through consciousness, exploring
consciousness, and thereby experiencing consciousness. This is not
negating the material world. It is seeing the material world as consciousness
temporarily locked up in form, but never limited to the form in which it is
There is a trap door in your mind. When you open it by knowing yourself
as I am consciousness, new perceptions enter your arena of thinking. They
are not perceptions of yourself as you are. They will not lead you to greater
outer accomplishments, though these will automatically follow. They will
lead you to a higher level of knowing where ideas are factual and things are
not Intuition is the process of self-awakening. It gives you glimpses of a
larger life, a greater mind, and a deeper reason for being. We have lived too
long in the belief of existing as well as we can, physically and comfortably,
until death doth us part. Intuition has nothing to do with this that I have
mentioned. It is God in man, as man, knowing Itself as God, not knowing
Itself as man.
Intuition reveals what you always have been. Its revelations seem new
and strange. I sometimes call this instruction the Science of Remembering.
It is a way of recall. It is knowing what always has been, is now, and always
shall be. Intuition reveals concepts that were before a physical universe
began. To us, they seem new and startling because we are so sure of the
physical now and uncertain of the physical future that we cannot accept
consciousness as continuity. To us, the past is the past, the present is the
present, and the future is the future. In pure consciousness, such
delineations are non-existent. They have no meaning; in fact they do not
exist. You are, you have been, and you will be. The mystic trusts the
process and proceeds in his unfoldment of consciousness without fear. He
has faith in the creative process of mind.
Intuition will not make you rich or happier. It will not bring you health if
you are sick. That is not its function. It will lead you into yourself for an
exploration of yourself from a higher viewpoint. It is a great givingness of
conceptions. It cannot be wheedled, cajoled, or threatened. It never
functions under tension. Its atmosphere is peace and self-acceptance. Its
purpose is not to make you a better person, nor to save your soul, nor to
redeem your sins. Such theological assumptions have nothing to do with
this instruction. Intuition is the process by which you become aware of
yourself not as self, but as the allness and the fullness of Being.
Play your hunches if you wish. Often they lead to right results. They are
usually a subconscious knowing which reveals itself to the conscious mind.
But intuition is not this. Psychology states that what you are is the result of
what you have been, and that this usually determines what you will be. This
instruction does not negate this. It is true for the person who is living the
usual life and not interested in much else than success, health, and
happiness. At that level, the psychologists are correct. But intuition is
another thing. It deals with the total man, not the man of parts divided into
past, present, and future. The Infinite, being all, is not divisible. You as the
consciousness of the Infinite are seeking to know yourself not as divisibility
but as unity. The whole person leaves aside the person to see himself as the
All. Such intuitive perception is not only for the mystics and sages. It is for
you as well. It leads to total freedom from struggle, strain, and fear. It is

Stop Defining the Future

To utter finalities regarding the future is nonsense. Evolution with its

steadfast unfoldment, its law and order, will take place no matter what your
peculiar opinions may be. The Infinite is not going out of business, no
matter what the mind of man concludes, prophesies, or speculates. It will
continue to be Itself. A question that is asked of me several times a week is,
“Do you believe in life after death?” Of course I do. Knowing myself as
consciousness, I have ceased to know myself as merely body and sensation.
What dies? Certainly it cannot be consciousness that dies, for consciousness
is independent of the body, even when it is using body. Dreams are
independent of body. They have no conscious connection with it.
The future is an unfoldment of consciousness, an unfoldment of ideas,
revealing to me what I really am. This consciousness has its own means of
functioning on all planes. The Intelligence that produced my present body
will take care of me when I leave it. It knows how to fulfill me as Its
consciousness through all time and in all space. Being will keep right on
being. I exist in this Being, as this Being. Being an individualization of It
now, I shall never be less. I can only be more of It for the trap door of
intuition will never close, and I shall always be more aware of myself as
consciousness. Therefore, the physical body, enjoyable as it is, is not a
necessity to my forward moving. I am consciousness has neither beginning
nor end; it only has continuous unfoldment.
Life can only be to me what I am to it. Knowing myself as all Life, not
just a fraction of It, I am set free from the delusion of beginnings and
endings. Appearance and disappearance at the level of the senses does not
mean beginning and ending of consciousness. It denotes the way
consciousness works. The consciousness which can cause appearance and
disappearance at the level of the senses uses this means as a form of self-
expression. But this form is one of untold numbers of forms. The tomato I
ate yesterday did not stop the creating of tomatoes next spring. To me, it
was the appearance and disappearance of the tomato. To the creative
process, it was the logical culmination of its creation of that particular
The human body, like the tomato, is subconscious intelligence operating
as form. But you are not only subconscious intelligence; you are also
conscious intelligence. Subconscious intelligence appears and disappears at
the form level. Conscious consciousness is never seen, never measured, and
has no form. This is what you really are. This produces form, but is never
imprisoned by the form it produces. Knowing this, you are functioning at a
level where death is unknown as a finality, but is observed as a part of the
continuous progressive unfoldment of ideas.
Your decisions regarding the near or distant future should always have a
loophole in them. They should never be final. Place no false mortgages on
the great business of living. Expect the unexpected. There is nothing wrong
with creative optimism. It is using Mind as Mind intended Itself to be used
—that is, for the production of something better than that which has gone
before. You are the individual who yet shall be. You are potential. You are
not the individual of the now. You are the becoming person, and you do this
by realizing that you are consciousness. The more this point is driven home,
the more you will see yourself as limitless. Individuality is limitless because
it is the individualization of that Cause which is forever free.
All definitions are temporary in meaning. The only power they have is
that of the instant. They have this power only because of your belief. We are
always redefining ourselves, thus reaffirming our limitations. A definition is
a fence. It is a wall we build around a concept, thinking it to be a truth. A
truth can never be defined. It can only be experienced at the level of our
present consciousness. Your definition of an opera after first hearing it will
be quite different from your opinion after hearing it twenty times. The spirit
of God in you cannot be defined in the dictionary sense, for consciousness
is always beyond definition. It is that which at the instant is. By its very
nature, it can never remain the same. Nothing in your real being is constant.
You as consciousness are not the same you who read the opening page of
this chapter. This is not because you have agreed with the ideas presented.
In fact, you may have disagreed heartily with these concepts. Your very
agreement or disagreement has changed your consciousness.


By this time, you may be asking what all this has to do with making
decisions. Will it help you to select your next home? Will it help you in
making decisions in your business? It most certainly will do just that. Any
ideas that shift your attention from effect to cause clear consciousness. I
have been explaining what I believe you to really be. You have to be more
than that which you think you are. There must be more to life than paying
bills, raising families, and achieving some material success.
For thousands of years, religion and philosophy have been seeking
answers to the above ideas. Both systems of thought have raised up great
minds to wrestle with the problems of life. Great enlightenment and
enrichment have come from those men and women who sought to see
mankind in a larger framework. A few of them glimpsed the individual as
he is in the Infinite Order and proclaimed his possibility. Others saw man
entrenched in materiality and placed their attention on his errors of
omission and commission. They sought ways and means of making
mankind good. From their theological and philosophical systems have come
most of today’s traditional thinking.
They state that the individual makes mistakes, or wrong decisions,
because it is his basic nature to do so. With this, I cannot agree. I am certain
that our basic nature is of a higher level than making wrong decisions.
There is something of God in every person. I call this Individuality. Again, I
return to the premise, I am consciousness. This is a definition of you that is
beyond the frame of reference known as good and evil. It is the
uncontaminated you. It is you as potential. It is not you as an accumulation
of experience that includes good and evil. It is the you who moves through
experience but is untouched by the problems and the decisions of
Great spiritual thinkers have stated that the world we live in from the age
of one to one hundred years is an experience world, but not a final world.
Most religions declare this. I am certain this is so. Therefore, I explain my
ideas that, as you enlarge your self-concept and see yourself in a larger
picture, you are wiser and your decisions will be wiser. First of all, you will
cease your worrying over wrong decisions. If this book does nothing more
than that, it shall have a valuable reason for being written. We have wept
too long over the past and what it might have been had we been wiser. This
is not only useless contemplation, it is a negative one and, therefore, places
further negation in the subconscious mind for it to digest and probably

Wrong Decisions

Any wrong decision you have ever made will become unimportant when
your attention is shifted from it to a creative reason for living right here and
now. The adult mind, proceeding with the business of living, is forced by
the necessity of thinking in the now to forget the mistakes of childhood.
You know that you cannot go forward by thinking backward. Experience
has taught you a great deal, and you use the wisdom of that experience to
handle the affairs at hand.
New ideas are always as near as your next thought. Mind is
inexhaustible, and you are an individualization of Mind. You are an adult
person in an adult world, and your thinking must be that of the adult. Every
moment of your waking hours, you are making decisions. Most of these
will be right; a few of them may be wrong. Over a period of time, you may
discover that the decisions which you thought were wrong were actually
right. Often the mist of material thinking be-clouds our sense of values.
Time clears our vision and we see things as they really were.
No power is sitting in judgment on any person. In the older systems of
thought, we eased our guilt load by believing that God would punish us
later for our errors. Now we see that this is not so. All guilt is self-guilt.
There are no records being kept except in our own subconscious memory
field. There is no deity to judge or punish. There is only Life proceeding,
and those who can minimize their mistaken decisions proceed with Life, as
Life. The larger your understanding of yourself as consciousness, the freer
you are of guilt. You place your attention on bringing to pass your next right
action. Your optimism is undisturbed. You have learned from your
mistakes, but are not stymied by them. This is the way of progressive order,
the way of creative thinking.

Goal Decisions

Man does not live by bread alone; he lives by making decisions. In my

many years of counseling people, I have learned a great deal about the art
and the science of making healthy decisions. Most of the people who have
consulted with me were in problems. These problems were mainly the
result of wrong decisions. Always they ask, “Why did I do it?” Psychology
has the answer to that one, and the explanations of the psychologists are
helpful. But there has to be more than an explanation of why a negative
situation happened. There has to be hope. Unless I can revive a hope in
these people, I cannot help them.
Hope is a spiritual potential in everyone’s mind. Too many people use it
as a fantasy, as a delusion, as a means of dodging the decisions that need to
be made at the moment. But many times I have noted that people in trouble
need to have the potential of hope revived in their consciousness, while still
realizing that the decisions of the present cannot be avoided. The hope
revived clears their negative considerations a bit. It lessens their questions
regarding their trouble. It starts them thinking ahead with some optimism,
slight though it may be. It quickens the spirit within them and lets light
begin to lessen their darkness.
There has to be an expectancy of approaching good for a mind to be
healthy. Tomorrow has to be interesting in order to live creatively. The
depressed person does not know this. The attention is fixed upon why he or
she is in the problem. The creative thinker’s attention is fixed on how to get
out of his problem. It might benefit the reader of this book to pause and find
out which attitude is his. It is obvious that there are no final problems.
There is always a solution to any situation. This is not only a platitude; it is
a truth. Every remedial science and art is premised on this truth. There is
always a way out. Many never find it because of their negative, defeated
attitudes. Every remedial science and art has its failures as well as its
successes. Many will read this book proclaim it valuable, and profit by it
not at all. Others will assimilate the ideas in it, with which they are in
accord, and find them very useful in making decisions.
Mental expectancy is the key to mental health or mental depression.
Behind all this is the fact of the long-range goal. Does the person have one,
or doesn’t he? Upon this question hinge the results that the person can have
from a remedial science or art. Although I have discussed this in the
previous chapters, I need to re-emphasize it from a new angle.
Some years ago, a member of my church came to me for consultation.
During the conversation, she told me of her long-range goal. It was a
negative one, and most certainly an immoral one. Judging from my years of
experience in counseling, it was neither a new one nor, to me, a disturbing
one, for I knew it could be changed. At least she had a long-range goal.
That was more than many people whom I counseled had in life. This
woman knew where she wanted to go in life. I listened and did not sit in
judgment. I knew that the mental process which had clarified her thought in
the direction of a negative could also clarify her thought in the direction of
a positive. After much discussion, this is exactly what took place in her
consciousness. Her mental and emotional energies responded to the new
goal with the same enthusiastic fervor that they had responded to the
previous goal.

When Is Good, Good

Too many of the people, whom this world labels as good, are actually static,
frightened people. They lack the courage to do wrong. This is not true
goodness, as you well know. It is static consciousness maintaining the
present in the hope that it is the answer. Only a mind with a creative goal is
a sound mind, what I would call a good mind. To stand still in life and
maintain the present with a battery of cliches is actually a disintegrating
process. It may appear on the surface that this person is succeeding. He may
be a model citizen, a devoted parent, and the epitome of character. But
death is at work in his consciousness, and in rare moments, he senses that
all is not well with his life.
The world has never been enriched by the standing-still people of virtue.
Creative thinkers thinking progressively have wrought the procession of
progress. Their goodness was not only in their morality, but in their
forward-searching minds. No matter how good and comfortable the present
might have been, these men and women risked discomfort to explore that
which could be. This is true goodness, and it is yours if you want it. Perhaps
you are too comfortable in life. All your decisions are about the everyday
matters of living. You think you are secure both in the now and in the years
to come. You may be the one who needs a dramatic change. The routines of
comfort always resist dramatic changes. They want no new decisions to
challenge the security of the moment. They have faith in their innate
goodness and believe themselves to be the people worthy of heaven.
Your goal and your decisions regarding it are vital to you. Spiritual
thinking is never now thinking. Finished ideas are not creative. Unfinished
business is life. Nature is never satisfied. It is always in competition with
itself. It is seeking to bring to fruition something better than that which has
been before. Nature is the naturalness of God. It is Mind creating the new
and the improved. All evolution is evidence of a progressive Mind thinking
in new terms to bring forth improvement. This process is in you; in fact, it
is what you are.

The Danger of Complacency

Complacency is an evil. It has no place in the creative process. When it

enthralls your mind, subconscious trouble begins. It may be months or years
before you are aware of the disintegration it has produced. You may laugh it
off, but the degenerative process continues until you wake up. Eventually,
some serious problem arises which stops you short and makes you re-
evaluate your consciousness. Suddenly you realize that you have been
drifting and not creating. You have relaxed in the false comfort of routines
and paid no heed to new ideas. Your thinking and conversation are out-of-
date, even though respectable. You are caught in the dying mechanism of
mind. This mechanism is working this way because you have unconsciously
given up living.
If anyone were to tell you that you had unconsciously given up your
reason for living, you would be furious. You would point out all the values
you have created in your present life. You would recount your triumphs of
the past. Yet, at the center of your thought, there would be a nagging sense
of failure. The feeling that all was not right. Truth would be staring you in
the face. You might or might not want to see it.
Goals. The word is a taunting one to many. The aged say it is too late.
The youth say they have no chance. The middle-aged state their limited
aims and think they are sufficient. I dare you to think in great terms. I
challenge you to dream a great dream. Nothing is impossible to those who
decide upon possibility. The Infinite responds by corresponding, by
becoming the thing that you have determined shall be. The framework of
your preconceived opinions is the only limitation to your begetting. These
are subject to change at a moment’s notice when you have arrived at a
The following is a spiritual treatment for your use. Speak it aloud often.
Ponder it. You may not agree with it, and this will be good. It will arouse
new ideas in your mind. It will shake you from your mental complacency. It
will quicken your resolve to arise from all mental lethargy and walk free
into new vistas.
There is one God, one Mind, one Life, and one Truth. I am the
beloved individualization of this creative process. There are no
static situations in my life, for I renounce all static conditions in my
mind. I am open and receptive to new ideas. The trap door of
intuition is now open in my mind, and I am inspired by right ideas.
These ideas are right for me. My goal is obvious. I now declare that
all subconscious patterns in opposition to my goal are now
neutralized. I know what to do and I do it. My goal is established in
my consciousness a being so; therefore, it is so. I have it. I rejoice in
it. I give thanks for it. It is so.
Chapter 4


HAPPINESS is genuine satisfaction with your present experience. The

number of people in today’s world who are not happy is shocking. Think of
six of your friends and estimate how many of them are satisfied with their
current situations. Happiness is not a constant, but satisfaction can be.
Satisfaction is a deep underlying sense of fulfillment, a sense of doing a
good job with life. It is a good subconscious base which abides in certainty
through the many vicissitudes at the conscious mind level of experience. It
is a basic wholesomeness which permits a flow of creativity to be in action
in both mind and emotions.
Unhappy people think they know why they are unhappy. The number of
unhappy people I have listened to and counseled with is legion. Their
explanations of the many Causes of their unhappiness are usually incorrect.
They do not see themselves correctly. Their disturbed emotions distort their
reasoning capacity. They want to change events, situations, conditions, and
people in their individual worlds. They do not want to change themselves.
They want a rearrangement of facts and dodge the concept of a
rearrangement of ideas within their own consciousness.

Happiness Is an Inside Job

It is obvious that, for most people in the world today, happiness is available.
Everything is done that can possibly be done to make us happy. Our great
corporations are producing more things for more people than ever before.
They are manufacturing them faster, distributing them faster, and making
them available at lower prices all the time. We exist in an almost gluttony of
things. No longer can it be said that only people of wealth can have
everything. People of lower incomes have television sets, automobiles, and
good clothes. Yet unhappiness continues at all income levels and in all types
of people.
If things do not make unhappy people happy, then what does? A change
of consciousness is the answer, and very few people want to change their
consciousness. They want to change situations in their experience while
remaining in their present static states of mind. A changed experience can
only happen to a changed individual. This is a mental and spiritual law. It is
the truth of life, and intuitively every person knows it. Try as we may to
avoid this truth, it remains true. The world responds to you by
corresponding to your thought. It becomes to you what you are to it. It
outpictures your consciousness and can change only when your
consciousness changes. Things, situations, and events do not happen. They
are caused, and your mentality is a field of causation.
Your present mind is cause to your world of effects. Everything that
happens to you happens because of you. You alone are cause to your
material experience. This is perhaps a very unpleasant truth, but it has to be
known and accepted if a correct way is to be found to be happy. Already in
your mind are the right ideas seeking your right thinking to become cause to
your inner and outer happiness. You have no need to implore the Deity. You
do have need to know yourself as a great spiritual potential of happiness.
God’s work in you, as you, has been completely accomplished. It awaits
your recognition and your practice of Its ideas. Here is a spiritual treatment
to make you aware of this.
There is one Mind, God, Infinite Good. This Good includes all that I
am. Therefore, It includes every idea that I need to be happy and
creative. These Divine Ideas are right now functioning in my
consciousness, revealing themselves to me. I am open and receptive
to these Ideas. I am alert to their intuitive instruction. There is no
resistance in me to my own good. There are no old patterns of
unhappiness, no false ideas that I am unworthy. I am a spiritual
being, an individualization of Life. My subconscious mind now
accepts these statements and acts upon them. Now I know my
rejoicing pathway.
It is interesting that the superabundance of things available, the ever-
expanding numbers of well-educated people, and all the fields of modern
science have not increased man’s happiness. This does not mean we should
go back to the Dark Ages and be without comforts, education, and science.
It means that the world of the mind, and not the world of form, is the final
arena in which to seek and to find the joy of living. The material world will
make you comfortable, but it will not make you happy. Your arrangement of
your world is through the power of mind, and this you have.

Tools of the Mind

We have more techniques today to make people happy than we have ever
had before. The last one hundred years have brought the birth and
development of psychology, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, and our field of
metaphysical science. All of these deal with mental and emotional
causation. Yet, the number of unhappy people increases at a far greater rate
than the facilities of psychological therapies can handle. There are not
enough skilled minds to handle the increased numbers of disturbed people.
That is why books of this kind are rendering a valuable service.
Whatever you need to make you happier is at hand. No longer can
anyone say he is isolated. There is always something to help you, and it is
where you are, if it is only the public library. Here you will find mental
tools that bring light to the mind and hope to the heart. Remember, you are
seeking ideas and mental attitudes to create happiness. The material world
of itself cannot produce your inner sense of peace and well-being. Things
cannot do it, but ideas can do it, and you are a thinker thinking ideas. So
you can produce your happiness by letting creative ideas govern your
everyday thinking.
The kingdom of God is within, and here is the source of ideas. Every
spiritual sage has told us this. All scriptures have pointed out this truth. But
we are geared in the wrong direction. We are so busy doing so many things
that we fail to nurture the mind with right ideas. The consciousness of most
people is starved for new, creative impulses. It is hungering and thirsting for
righteousness, as the Sermon on the Mount has been proclaiming for two
thousand years. This is an inside job, and we are equipped to nourish this
hunger and quench this thirst by developing new ideas, finding new
interests, and thinking new thoughts.
Step off the treadmill of monotonous routines and monotonous thinking.
To rehash the good and the evil of the past is stupid, unnecessary, and
destructive. Grasp new tools of the mind for they are at hand. Great ideas
are seeking your awareness. They need your mind in which to function in
order to give you fuller self-expression, and your fuller self-expression
brings your happiness. Frustration is sin. It is an insult to the God that
created you to be a thinker. You have no need for self-hurt. You have no
need for boredom. You were born to be a dynamic thinker of great ideas,
producing interesting experiences for yourself and others. The equipment to
do this you have by Divine Right.
Once you decide that you will be happy, you then need to state that you
are now happy. This Science does not deal with the future. It deals only
with the now. You may argue that you cannot state you are happy when you
are unhappy; that you would be telling a lie. Actually, when you do this,
you are stating a truth, for the Infinite endowed you with happiness. It is
where you are and in your present mind. It is not a thing that comes and
goes, nor does it have beginnings and endings. It is a spiritual constant
awaiting recognition and statement. The seeming lie is preparing the way
for the truth to reveal itself.
To state that you are not unhappy gives freedom to the creative ideas in
your mentality to be activated, to rise out of their subconscious depths and
begin their correct activity. Your negative mental states forced them into
retirement for a while. Now they come out of their forced inaction and burst
into creativity. On the surface, you then have intuitive insights to do
something new, fresh, and different.

The Necessity of the New

Static states are not conducive to happiness. Static states produce monotony
and this in turn creates boredom; and the latter was never intended for you.
When you are bored, you are experiencing that which God never planned.
The Infinite in Its creative process is always exciting. To be a participant in
the process of the Infinite becoming variety on the plane of the finite is
glorious. It is your true state. It is your normal state. It is you at your
greatest and best. It is you when you are creatively happy.
Your greatest hunger is for new ideas. These new ideas that you want,
need, and must have are in your mind. Declare they are there and watch
them happen in you. Grasp them, use them, and rejoice in them. Then, act
upon them. Do something different. Say something different. Become a
different person. Try different restaurants. Change from your favorite
department store. Walk down some new streets in your neighborhood, and
watch for interesting things. Be a sidewalk superintendent, and watch a new
building being built. Marvel at a few things for a change. All this is
possible, and you can do it.
Old ideas will not create new conditions. They never have and they never
will. They slow us down. It is like a gradual putting on of brakes to the
mentality. Watch your mind as you balance your checkbook, and make
certain that you are thinking what you want to experience. You know how
much money you have in your checking account. But do you know what
ideas are directing your consciousness? The latter is far more important
than the former. A forward-moving consciousness is life. A static, dull
consciousness is an unconscious preparation for death. Stagnating in old
concepts causes your consciousness to create problems.
Problems are to the mind what pain is to the body. They are warning
symbols. They are different indications that something creative must be
done in the mind. Wise people know this and start reversing their thinking
when the problem appears. They seek a new idea to solve it, not an old idea.
It is well said that necessity is the mother of invention. You may think a
minor problem is not that important, but it is. It needs your new thought
about it to reduce it to nothing. Letting minor problems exist in your world
means that more will be generated. Soon the aggregate of the minor
problems becomes your major one. It has come to full bloom, and you are
The solution of any difficulty is as near as your next thought. All the
ideas of the Infinite Mind await your claim upon them. It is a truth of the
greatest importance. There is not something physical to be done; there is
only a new idea to be thought. It is obvious that some form of either
conscious or subconscious mental action precedes any external action. All
action is dependent upon thought. As a thinker, you think thoughts and thus
you have the key for controlling all the action that takes place within you,
as you, and around you. Too few people know this principle and apply it.
The average person lets his mind run riot and then complains bitterly about
his difficulties. Tell him that he needs new ideas and to think differently
than he has been thinking and he will laugh at you. The truth is that you can
direct your mind and change any situation for the better. This includes your
happiness. I am not saying that thinking is happiness. I am saying that
thinking, based on exciting new ideas, is the cause of happiness.
When you decide to be happy, the creative process of Mind moves into
instant action upon your decision. Being all-intelligent, It knows what to do
and does it. Ideas reveal themselves in their purity of newness and with
their endowment of total capacity to produce themselves fully in your
experience. Something takes over your mind that is greater than your
present mind. God moves into action in you and by means of you in order
to expand the you that you know into the larger you that yet shall be. All
this is done in order by means of the Law of Mind. New causes are set in
motion, and new effects follow as certain as night follows day. You watch
the ideas unfold. You perceive the birth process. You behold new events
arising in the womb of your consciousness and emerging into your
everyday life, bringing new colors, new tones, and new activities. Speak the
following aloud:
The action of the Infinite Mind is the action of my mind at this
instant. The Infinite never repeats Itself. It is a constant source of
newness of causation. In my consciousness right now are new ideas
revealing new experiences of joy. My subconscious mind now
accepts these new ideas as law and brings them to pass in perfect
ways. There is nothing in me to obstruct God’s action. Every phase
and function of my consciousness cooperates with the new ideas
appearing in my thought. These new ideas, accepted by me, now
make my life interesting, creative, and happy. For this, I rejoice,
give thanks, and am glad.

Your Right to Happiness

Do you actually believe that you have a right to be happy? Many people do
not believe this. They were raised in religious traditions that implied it was
not quite decent to be happy. Especially the false religious instruction that
unhappiness was a virtue, that God was nearer to the unhappy than to the
glad. These negations have been implanted in the minds of millions of
people. They are still being implanted by many churches. Such convictions
paralyze the subconscious mind and prevent the person from knowing much
happiness. Many people go from the cradle to the grave with only a few
bright spots of happiness. These are tragic, embittered, and lonely souls.
In the Book of Job, we read, “the sons of God shouted for joy” (Job
38:7); and Jesus stated, “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy
might remain in you, and that your joy might be full” (John 15:11). These
are but two of the many Biblical statements on the subject of joy. If you
have a Bible concordance, look up the words joy and happiness. You will be
amazed to find a large number of passages in the Bible that state that joy
and happiness are spiritual states that everyone should have in his day-to-
day living. Old theological beliefs still have subconscious power even when
the intellect has dismissed them. If you were raised in the traditional church
instruction that made happiness an earthly sin, you need to do some serious
thinking to reconvince your subconscious of your right to be happy and of
your expectation of happiness.
There is a great need for some well-known artist to paint a picture of
Jesus smiling, and another one of him laughing. I am sure that he smiled
and laughed often. Great spiritual ideas are not born in gloomy minds.
Gloomy, depressed minds are not the wombs of creativity. They spawn
negatives, not positives. The mind of Jesus had to be a rejoicing one, for the
truths that appeared by means of him are eternal verities. They have made
men and women happy, and are still doing so. They lift the spirits. They
console the depressed. They heal the sick. They prosper those who can
accept them. They make glad the heart. Such truths came out of a rejoicing
mind that knew its Source and drew upon It.
Paul wrote that we were to have that same mind in us as was in Jesus. We
can, for it is already in us, awaiting our search for it. By declaring that we
have this mind in us, it is activated and begins its revelation of new ideas. In
turn, if accepted by us, by thinking in their terms and directions, they bring
to pass improved situations that gladden both the mind and the heart. The
resources for happiness, which are already within our mental grasp, are
amazing. They only need to be meditated upon to be known. God has
endowed us with the capacity of happiness, and this endowment is a mental
one. It cannot be purchased. It has to be thought, and we are thinkers who
can think ourselves into happiness. No one can keep us from such lines of
thinking except ourselves. Joy is the inside of the cup, and happiness is the
outside. Drink deeply of the mental draught which is life itself.

The Dangers of Boredom

A great factor in the matter of being unhappy is being bored. Many people
are bored and do not even realize it. Check your mind and see if you are
bored with your present situation. If so, you had better break it up and fast,
for it is negative mental and emotional states that breed unhappiness. It is
lazy thinking. It is thinking that is uncreative and, if indulged in too long, it
becomes destructive. To be bored in today’s world is nonsensical. The
whole planet is exploding with interesting ideas, interesting people, and
interesting events. Never before has so much music, art, and great
entertainment been available. New books and interesting magazines are
everywhere. Radio and television are in every home. To be bored takes a
good deal of doing, and a large segment of the population is doing the doing
that causes boredom.
Perhaps science has made us too comfortable. We are gadgetized people.
Thinking back, I wonder how my greatgrandmother ever raised a family,
maintained a home, and had a healthy social life without our modern
conveniences. No electric dishwashers, no modern stoves, no vacuum
cleaners, no electric clothes washers, yet she lived long and well, as did the
other members of her family. She was undismayed by having to pump water
from a well and bring in wood for the stove. No one likes the comforts of
today’s living more than I do. I have great appreciation for the men and
women who have invented and developed the many appliances that are in
my home. Their purpose is to give us more time for creative living, and this
requires of us a healthy interest in life.
Creative thinking gives a zest to living, and you are a creative thinker
when you decide to be one. The feeling that it is great to be alive is a
spiritual necessity. It lessens the strains and tensions of routine functioning.
It quickens new ideas in consciousness, and alerts the mind to the
fascinations that are available to us. It allows no morbidity, no boredom,
and no lazy thinking. It prevents us from drifting in the past. It causes us to
be today people expecting great things in our tomorrows.
Think back to the days of hand-cranked phonographs that played only
one record at a time. The records could only be played a hundred times
before they became scratchy and lost their clarity. Many people’s minds are
like the old phonograph with its records. They play the same old thinking
over and over. They review the past in order to avoid the present. You hear
them talk about the same old things whenever you are around them. They
rethink rather than think. They are bored, but not restless. They complain
but make no effort to rectify their situation. Round and round the old
records go in their consciousness, spreading mental bacteria and hastening
the aging process. These people look tired and old no matter what their
actual ages may be.
Life is the action of the Spirit. God is never bored. The Infinite is forever
Mind creating new ideas, new concepts, and new purposes. The Infinite
never repeats Itself. The repetition that causes boredom is known only to
man. Nature is never bored. It is always in a creative process. Even the
goldfish in his globe is not bored. He keeps himself active as do canaries in
their cages. They are fascinated with everything. They are Life living Itself
as them. They glorify the Intelligence that created them.
We forget that we are made in the image and after the likeness of a
ceaseless Creativity, an always forward-looking Mind. In our forgetfulness,
we wander down the blind alleys of futility and desperation. We seem lost
in our own repetitious record rerunning. If only we would pause for a
moment and think a new thought, we would be back on the broad avenue of
life again. We would again join the throng of creative people who love
being alive at every moment and through whom great tomorrows are born.
These are the sons and daughters of the eternal creation.
Check your thinking of even the past hour. It will reveal where you stand
in the hallways of mind. It will either depress you or cheer you on your
pathway. The latter thinking is worthy of your high calling as an
individualized expression of life. Always we stand between the old that is
familiar and the new that is unfamiliar. It takes courage to practice this
science and to grasp the new while letting go of the old. But the end results
are so satisfying. No more boredom in which to vegetate; no more
complaining about everything. Instead, there is a vital interest, purposes are
born, and goals are achieved.
When your relatives and close friends think of you, what kind of a person
are they mentally reviewing? You are a clear-cut image in their minds. They
have known you well for years. They have listened to your ideas. They have
watched you under many varying circumstances. They may even know you
better than you know yourself. You may say that their opinions are
unimportant, that you do not care. But you should care. In their minds, you
should be a creative person, an interesting person, and a valuable friend.
Think about the image that other people have of you. It is an image you
have created. Your actions and attitudes have formed it in the other person’s
consciousness. You may feel that the other party has certain prejudices and
he well may have some. But, in general, the picture you have created in his
mind stands as being the picture you have of yourself in your own mind. It
is the projection of your own consciousness; therefore, it can always be
changed when you decide to change it.
We have had enough gloom and gloomy people to take care of
civilization for the rest of time. You and I do not belong in their ranks. The
fact that many important figures in every branch of the Sciences and the
Arts have been unhappy and yet brought forth great creative works is to
belabor the point. They could have accomplished all that they did, and
probably more, if they had been happy. There is no virtue in depression,
bitterness, and static living. Such states have never made anyone more
spiritual, more creative, or more loving. Rather, they have emotionally
crippled those who have allowed these states to become basic patterns in
their subconscious minds.
I see no reason for a God to create you with a body that you can keep
well, if you want to; with a mind that you can keep positive, if you want to;
with emotions which will respond to your constructive attitudes; with a
flexible universe around you that you can control and, in it, create good
experiences—and for that God to want you to be unhappy. I am certain that
each of us is equipped to be happy and destined to be happy. All negative
states are self-created and can be self-neutralized.

The Chronically Unhappy

You cannot cheer up people who are chronically unhappy. You cannot make
a person happy, if his subconscious pattern of happiness requires being
unhappy. It is a psychological fact that many people are happy in their
unhappiness, just as we know that many people are only happy when they
are sick. These people can only be happy on the negative side of life. You
waste your time, energy, and money trying to cheer them up. It they are
close relatives, you have to endure their complaints. Realize that they are
the way they are because of an unconscious need for attention. Make no
attempts to reform them because you cannot reform anyone into happiness
who is gaining his goal by being unhappy. Understand them and you will
have better relationships with them. If they are distant relatives or friends,
gradually release them out of your life. Make them Christmas-card-
exchange people.
Now to the question “Should I pray for these people?” Of course you
should if they are of importance in your world. Treat that the already
existing happiness mechanism in their subconscious minds is stimulated
and that all their negative subconscious patterns causing their unhappiness
are neutralized. Here is an example of the way to do your mental work for
God created you to be happy. In your present mind, there is the
spiritual equipment to produce your well-being. This spiritual
treatment now activates this subconscious mechanism. All false
patterns causing your unhappiness are now neutralized and robbed
of all power. Right now, wonderful new ideas born of the Infinite
Spirit are in your mind, and you subconsciously accept them. They
have power and authority, and they produce out of themselves new
forms of good. You respond to these and rejoice in them. These are
statements of Truth, and they are so.
There are no finalities in the universe, and every person can change
himself when he decides to do it. The decision to be happy starts many
changes in consciousness. It reverses subconscious patterns and trends. It
starts something happening. You cannot decide for the other person. He,
and he alone, has to make the decision for happiness and to follow up this
decision with creative ways of bringing it about. It may not be easy to
accomplish this, but when he shifts his attention to positives and keeps it
there, doors do open and new events take place.
The Infinite Intelligence has no destructivity in It. It has nothing in Itself
to tear Itself apart. It is a harmonious whole, a unity that expresses itself as
a diversity but is never changed by the diversity it has created. It is a
constant positive. This is the source of your being. This is the cause of your
mind and emotions. Your mind and emotions are your equipment to live
life. The Infinite cannot hurt Itself, but the individual can and does.
Unhappiness is a self-destructive emotional state. It is a misuse of your
spiritually endowed creative equipment. The person with a fairly healthy,
fairly normal mind uses this innate equipment the way it was designed to be
used and moves through life with a maximum of happiness.

Attention Is Power

Where your mental attention goes, your emotions follow. This is a basic
truth that any person wishing to use this Science must know. Memorize it
right now. This one statement may be the very key you are seeking to
change situations in your life. Mind is the only creative power, and mind is
a field of interaction between thought and feeling. A wise teacher often
stated that good and evil were opposite ends of the same stick. Your mind is
at the center of that stick and your attention determines which way your
consciousness moves. Your mental attention can be controlled. All
successful people have good control of their mental attention whether or not
they are consciously aware of it. They think what they want, and they want
what they think.
Place your attention on the attitudes, situations, and people who will add
to your well-being. Doing this is sound mental practice. It is actually
affirmative prayer. It feeds into your subconscious mind the mental
materials which then garner emotional equivalents to bring about the
objects of your attention. It is the success process, the success mechanism.
It can be used two ways. When you are worried, you are using this process
destructively. This is the reverse of prayer. This is a mental and emotional
movement toward the evil end of the stick. The results of such use of the
mind are obvious.
Jesus suggested that we bless our enemies. I interpret this as deliberately
changing my negative patterns, which I have built through this law of
attention, into creative positive patterns that will produce what I really
want. I take my present fears and change them into new areas of faith and
expectancy of good. I take my present dislike of people and turn it into new
avenues of communication where I see the best that is in everyone. I can do
this when I control my attention by placing it where I want it, knowing that
it starts the creative process producing what I want. All this seems so
simple, but it is not. It requires self-discipline, and all effective self-
discipline has to be motivated by desire. In other words, I have to really
want to change. It is not a surface decision. It has to be a depth decision.
Spiritual treatment work is the shifting of your attention from a negative
focus to a positive idea and holding it there long enough for it to register in
the subconscious mind. This is done by taking a central statement of what
you want and repeating it in various ways. This technique is fully explained
in my book, Treat Yourself To Life.2 Thousands of people have used this
technique and have found that it works.
No one is happy twenty-four hours a day. But, too many are happy too
few hours each day. The happier you are, the greater the basic patterns of
satisfaction are being built in your subconscious. Once you have a real
satisfaction pattern, you will live more easily and certainly more
prosperously. Not that you will not have problems, but the problems will
not get as much of your emotional attention and thus they will be more
easily solved. Your mental attention stays on the level of solutions, not on
the level of problems. Worry is reduced to a minimum, and faith in the
goodness of mankind is expanded. You have moved from the level of fight,
pressure, and argument to the level of directed attention on positives
followed by intelligent right action. This is the way life was meant to be
The Declaration of Independence states that every man has a right to life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is a spiritual statement. It is an
undeniable truth. You have this right, and you will have happiness when
you pursue happiness by following the simple rules of securing it.

A Course of Action

Every major accomplishment is the result of a well-planned course of

action. Such a plan puts order into the mind and the mind is unhampered by
irrelevant thinking. Here is a plan I suggest you follow. I cannot guarantee
results because I do not know how sincere you will be in following it. Nor
do I know if you will start with enthusiasm and, a few days later, return to
your old habits of worry and depression. Those who are stouthearted will
get results. I know people in my congregation who came to my church after
years of chronic unhappiness. I have seen some of these people change
gradually into creative, positive, and happy people through the use of these
ideas. Others tried and then gave up. They remained in the negatives. The
ones who did change themselves are rejoicing people. They are valuable to
their world, their loved ones, and to the God that created them.
It all starts with a depth decision to be happy. State aloud to yourself, I
have decided to be happy. Do this in a firm voice for at least a week.
Follow this by saying:
I have a right to be happy. If other people can be happy, then I can
be happy. I have the same mind and emotions that they do. I now
demand that my subconscious use all of its intelligence to make me
State to yourself that you believe happiness to be a spiritual gift, and that
this gift is already within you. It is there by right of your being alive. The
more you affirm the spiritual side of happiness and your spiritual right in
having it, the sooner you will have results.
Stop all complaining. Stop telling others of your unhappiness. Find
things to praise. Start seeking the good points in your relatives, friends, and
co-workers. There are some good points in these people ready and waiting
for you to find them. When you are asked how you feel, tell a spiritual truth
though it may be a factual lie. Answer that you feel great. You never felt
better. Watch your conversations, and whenever you start in with negatives,
change at once to creative and interesting ideas. Your spoken word has
power. Use it to produce what you want by not discussing what you do not
want—and you do not want unhappiness any more. You have finished with
it, and it is finishing its course with you.
Start doing new and different things. Start eating different and interesting
foods. Start activating your social life. Expand your circle of friendships.
Go everywhere you are invited whether or not you want to go. If you need
new clothes, get them. If your home needs refreshing with wallpaper and
paint, call in the decorators. Shift pictures from wall to wall. Rearrange
them in various rooms.
Read more books like this one. If there is a metaphysical church in your
area, attend it and support it with your money. Give a little more than you
normally would in order to open up your channels of receptivity. Do not eat
alone too much. Do not be alone too much. Keep in circulation with the
human race. People are wonderful. God works wonders by means of
people. Reactivate old hobbies or find new ones. Keep yourself well-
groomed, and wear your best clothes on every possible occasion. Find
things to laugh about.
You cannot do all of these things at once. Pick the ones that you can do,
and get started. The most important thing to do daily is to remember that
God wants you to be happy, and state this aloud. Happiness is now yours.
Chapter 5


THE grandeur of life is known by the few when it should be known by the
many. The majority of people live in part only. They are half-healthy, half-
wealthy, half-happy, and half-creative. They have accepted this half way of
living as normal. Once in a while, in a rare moment, they glimpse a larger
life and wish that it could be so. They then return to their habitual thinking
and continue to function in their half-hearted way. Half-living is abnormal
and unnecessary.
You can live a much fuller life right where you are in your present
circumstances. It does not require more money, a better job, a nicer home,
or a different marriage partner. It requires a change of consciousness, and
this you can do for you are a thinker. You are the controller of your
consciousness. The moment you decide to live a richer life, your
consciousness will devise the ways and means of your having it.
Consciousness contains total intelligence because consciousness is the
action of the Infinite Mind thinking. Your consciousness is the
individualization of the total consciousness of Being. That is why it will
demonstrate for you a richer life when you are certain you want it and have
decided to have it.
It all depends on you, not on the world of events, things, and people.
Your mind is where you live. Your world, your body, and your situation
react in exact accordance to your mind. Not someone else’s mind, your
mind. An expanded consciousness expresses in an expanded experience.
This is the way the law of mind works, and it works no other way. A greater
and happier outward experience requires a larger and fuller knowing in
consciousness to precede it.
Many people use this mental law in reverse. They think in smaller terms
all the time. They unconsciously lessen their viewpoints, take less and less
interest in the business of living, and wonder why they are unhappy and
limited in scope. If you were to tell them that it is because of their
consciousness, they would be furious. They live in the closed-in belief that
nothing is their fault, that somehow the situation developed by its own
causation. So they adjust to the lesser life and say that those who are able to
live with ease and in order are lucky. The latter are not lucky; they are wise.
They see themselves in a larger way. They not only glimpse the greater,
they grasp it.

Redefine Yourself

The Psalmist wrote, “Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of
every living thing” (Psalms 145:16). This is the divine givingness in which
we are forever immersed. This is why the kingdom of heaven is on earth
right now and can be experienced now. The Infinite Mind, being infinite,
could not create a limited creation. You are the unlimited creation of an
unlimited Source that is forever giving to you Its unlimited ideas,
possibilities, and potentialities. Its nature is to release Itself in you, as you.
It cannot withhold Its ideas. By Its very nature, It must express Itself
through man.
The Infinite is a divine extravagance. It is forever giving Itself away. God
knows no thrift. The Infinite does not need to be thrifty for It is an
inexhaustible mind, an inexhaustible substance. It does not need to
conserve, pinch, limit, or budget. It throws Itself away for It knows that
only through expression can the abundant life be lived. Expression is
release, and the Infinite Mind is forever throwing Itself away, releasing
Itself. In order for It to have total self-expression, It has to be a total
givingness. This is the divine magnificence.
You are a part of this creative process of the Infinite throwing Itself away.
You are the receiver of the infinite bounty. To you are given the total ideas
of the universe. They are given to you in order that you, too, shall express
them by throwing them into your subconscious with deliberate intent and
thus keeping your world fresh, new, and different. All of life wants you to
live fully. All the love there is wants you to love fully. All the wisdom there
is wants you to know yourself aright and fully use your capacities. You
have everything going rightly on your side when you understand this
science and use its principles.
Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, “Man’s mind stretched to a new idea
never goes back to its original dimensions.” The more you are aware of the
creative process and your place in it, the larger the dimensions of your
consciousness and the greater your use of right decisions to keep right on
expanding. The Infinite is forever thinking out, not in. God is not self-
centered. God is not self-concerned, for God has nothing to fear. The
Infinite knows no enemy, for there is no opposition. It has no fight,
argument, or battle. It is at peace within Itself. You are the taker from the
Infinite in order to be the giver to the finite.
Expression is a law of psychological health. Repression is this same law
in reverse so it appears to act as a law of emotional illness. Too many
religious systems have taught doctrines of repression, thereby limiting and
psychologically crippling their adherents. Our system does the opposite. We
know that expression is the law of Life. It is the law of Life giving Itself
away by means of man. Man takes in order to give. This is the divinely
balanced process of creative consciousness. When a person takes but fails
to give, he has established confusion within himself and some form of
deterioration begins to be born in his experience. The divine law of taking
and giving cannot be abrogated without trouble being born. The following,
spoken aloud, will be of help:
The Infinite is always imparting Itself to me. It created me in order
to give Itself away by means of me. I am the divine recipient of all
the ideas of Life, Truth, and Love. I now accept these ideas from the
bounty which has already been given to me. My subconscious mind
rejoices in this new material with its creative directives. It creates
new situations better than any that have gone before. These new
situations are means by which I give myself to a better world and to
a finer humanity. I am the receiving and distributing process of the
Divine Mind. I know I myself as this. I respect myself for this. I
give praise and thanks that this is so because it is so.
Thus, you are knowing yourself as you are in God, thereby ceasing the
incorrect knowledge of yourself as mere man or woman. This redefinition is
essential for your health, wealth, love, and self-expression. It proclaims
your wholeness to your self, that self that becomes what you declare it to
be. You are whole. You are sound. You are the taking-giving action of the
abundant Life. You are in your right place, doing your right work, releasing
right ideas at every instant of time. You know yourself as God knows you.
This clear, correct self-knowing is consciousness being used as
consciousness was intended to be used. It erases the false concept of
humanity for all time, revealing the true nature of divinity that has always
been in your consciousness, waiting for you to know yourself as you really
are by ceasing to know yourself as that which you are not.

Stretch Your Spiritual Muscles

If some of the statements made in this book seem to you to be beyond

belief, even fantastic in their claims, keep on with them as they will stretch
your mind a bit. This is healthy mental exercise. Most systems of physical
exercise are incredible to the onlooker, yet they produce results. Persisted
in, they maintain the individual in physical well-being. So will the spiritual
sights that you glimpse reveal a mental and spiritual well-being if persisted
in over a period of time. Many times, students in my classes have heard me
repeat some of these ideas over a period of five or ten years, and then
suddenly an idea clarifies itself in their minds. What to them had bordered
on the absurd was suddenly a truth. Now they knew what I was teaching.
Now they could benefit by this new knowledge that had suddenly burst in
their consciousness.
Paul wrote, “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when
that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away”
(1 Corinthians 13:9-10). Spiritual truths mulled over in the mind eventually
clarify themselves. Looking back at your old religious beliefs, you may
wonder now how you could have ever believed them. But you did at that
time believe them and would have never even read more than the first
paragraph of Chapter One of this book. You would have set it aside and
been rather caustic about it. To have read this far indicates that you have
found some stimulating new concepts and are considering them.
A full and rich life has to be premised on spiritual understanding. As I
have said before, things alone do not make a full life. They give us comfort
and this in itself may lull our consciousness to sleep when spiritual ideas are
suggested. For many people, spiritual ideas are incredible so they dismiss
them from their thoughts. What they learned about God in childhood is
equally incredible, but this they fail to realize. They have learned to live
with such beliefs and see no reason for trying anything new along spiritual
lines, especially when the newer ideas are garbed in strange vocabularies.
New ideas have to have new vocabularies. Every new area of science, as it
develops, begets new words, new phrases, and a whole new terminology. In
order to present the idea of God as Mind, man as that Mind in action, and
the universe as that Mind in reaction, the consciousness of the individual
has to be ready to perceive words used in new ways and having new
I am thinking of all the new words and terms that have been created by
the birth of the automobile. Even that word itself was created to take the
place of the term, the horseless carriage. Every part and function of the
automobile had to be given a new name. So, when you start thinking
spiritually instead of theologically, you have to accept and assimilate a
whole new language. Often the new terms in the new language are not
really understood for a long time. Spiritual awareness expands spiritual
understanding which then en-nobles the whole consciousness of the
New definitions and new explanations given to old spiritual terms bring
enlightenment. God as Mind, instead of God as a Super-Man, opens up all
kinds of questions and leads to all kinds of new thoughts and convictions.
Man as a Divine Individualization of all life negates the man born to sin.
All this causes mental exercise which, in turn, causes expansion in
awareness. It is like living in a large city and, at dusk, watching the lights
gradually come on in office buildings and homes. Everything is seen in a
new dimension and, though it may not be fully comprehended, yet the mind
I often say to myself, “God is wonderful. I am wonderful. Life is
wonderful. All is wonderful because God is the wonder of it all.” Such
sentences would stick in the throats of many old-time religionists and would
be considered blasphemous. I consider them to be the truth. For me, they
open up new vistas, new horizons. I see myself in a larger framework. I
sense the unity of all things. I have a deeper dedication to right living based
upon affirmative thinking. I realize that my five-sense mind, with its great
intellect, is not all there is to life. The unknown ways of the spirit can be
known by me. I am not in a Spiritual Mystery that cannot be comprehended.
I am in a Spiritual Explanation in which I can grow in understanding It and
the ways in which It works. I do not have to take spiritual ideas on faith. I
explore them until I have a clear knowledge of them. Then they are my
possessions, my pearls of great price.
The full life is a field of limitless opportunity. It requires no physical
labor. It bids you to think new thoughts about the eternal verities and thus
reshape your conclusions. You see yourself as you have never seen yourself
before. You sense the spiritual power that is really yours, a power for you to
use to live richly, happily, and to give in new ways to other people. You
have the sense that you are unconditioned and free. No problems control
your thinking. Your thinking controls and dissipates all problems. Your
knowingness is always on time. You know what you need to know at the
time that you need to know it. All ideas are available to you and your mind
is open and receptive to them. You rejoice in the limitless opportunity that
is yours.
Those who live the full life have no fear of the future. They know that
tomorrow is today amplified. Tomorrow is the out-picturing of today in a
new arrangement. If there is no fear of this day, then there will be no fear in
another day. Present consciousness is always the future experience. The
future is secure for those who are living in mental and emotional security
right now. Rather than fear the future, plan the future and put into it some
excitement. It all starts with present thinking. If today’s thinking is not
exciting, then tomorrow’s experience will not be either. As a thinker
thinking, you can create what you want when you want it, and this robs the
future of any negative suggestion. You are free in time. Past, present, and
future are controllable. The past can be cleansed. The present can be made
fruitful. The future can be what you decide it shall be. All of this is possible
because you are consciousness making creative decisions.
Exercising your spiritual muscles by accepting new ideas makes you
aware of the wonder of it all. By knowing that all things, people, situations,
and events are spiritual, you live in the amazement of the spirit. Truth, love,
and beauty can be seen in everything. It is as though you suddenly saw
colors for the first time. A new dimension seems to be added to everything.
The pebble on the beach is not just a stone. Now it is a work of art to be
studied, to be felt, to be praised. Suddenly all things great or small are of
equal importance and they bring to you interesting concepts to be
considered. All things add to your wealth of mind and emotion. You see
where you have not seen. You feel where you have not felt. The luminosity
of God pervades your whole consciousness and you know that heaven is
this earth. You are in it. You are never again to be out of it. It surrounds,
indwells, and fulfills itself by means of you, now that your spiritual
understanding is obvious to you.

Correct Mental Achievement

The full life has no stress nor strain in it. These have been left behind to
become nothing. They always were nothing, but by not knowing spiritual
ideas, we made their nothingness into something we thought was real. We
knowingly or unknowingly placed ourselves under their rule. Now, having
accepted the full life that is ours as spiritual beings, we have declared our
emancipation from these unnecessary burden-creating beliefs. Their yoke is
no more upon us. We are free to move forward to achieve the desires of our
Your heart’s desires are your great assets. They indicate the experiences
you can have when you make your decisions to have them. They are mighty
potentials awaiting your attention. They should never be ignored. With
correct spiritual understanding, they can now emerge in your life to fulfill
your life. As you think about them, they stir within your consciousness as
the baby stirs within the mother’s womb. They want out. They want to be
made visible by means of you. They are knocking on the door of your
intuition, trusting that you will open that door.
All creation starts with desire. God desired self-expression and the
cosmos was born. The desires of your heart are the possibilities that can be
manifested in your experience. Your right thinking animates them. They are
restless to be born. Do not let your material, humdrum thinking keep them
stifled any longer. Desires are not hopes nor are they dreams. They are
potentials to be unearthed and brought to fruition. Start thinking of them as
being not only possible but actually so. A few days of glimpsing their
possibility will lead you into planning their arrival. Take one of them and
make it so by knowing that it is so. There will be a response once you have
delivered to your subconscious mind the ultimatum of your decision that
this desire is to be made a fact.
Most real desires have been thwarted by indecision. People go to their
deaths with unfulfilled hearts’ desires because they never decided to act
upon them. They were either too busy, too lazy, or too tired. Not you.
Living the full life, you are busy but not too busy. You are always alert,
keen, and active. You have normal fatigue, but not exhausting fatigue. You
can bring forth your heart’s desires because now you have the tools with
which to work.
To have correct mental achievement, you discard all indecision, all doubt,
and all fear. You may raise the question of whether this can be done.
Certainly it can be done, and you can do it. A firm decision that all
indecision, doubt and fear can no longer operate in your consciousness
starts their dismissal, robs them of all authority and relates them to
complete unimportance. This is their death, and they can never experience a
resurrection in you. You have crossed them out. Fear, indecision, and doubt
may have ruled while you were in your Gethsemane of worry, but now they
are crossed out in the Calvary of your decision that they are no more.
Perhaps you are one of those people who, when they use the word God,
find a subconscious fear stirring. Do not be afraid of the word God. If your
former religious beliefs still have subconscious power, decide that their
untruths shall be revealed, and their truths shall continue to function in your
consciousness. No one should fear God once God is realized as the Divine
Givingness. Actually it is a wonderful word, especially when you know Its
synonyms of Mind, Truth, and Love. Realizing the impersonality of the
Creative Process should in itself destroy any fear of God. Say aloud to
I have no fear of God. The use of the word God cannot cause
subconscious fears of a distant deity. God is where I am and what I
am. The spirit of God is my spirit. The love of God is my love. The
creativity of God is my creativity. I am free of all fear, for now I
understand what God is. I am aware of both omnipresence and
imminence. I am at ease with the words God, Spirit, and Truth.
Likewise, your use of the word God may stir up old guilt. This is very
possible. Again, it is the old false concept that God has watched every
wrong thing or thought you have ever done or thought and is keeping a
complete record of these which you will have to face some day.
Intellectually you may know this is not so, but the subconscious mind has
never been told with any definiteness that it is not so. Therefore, the old
guilt about God remains. Go to work on this mentally.
A student may say to me that he now realizes that he can have what he
wants in this full and rich life. He states that he has now decided on a
certain objective. I reply that this is great news. He replies by saying that he
is not sure that it is. Then I know that subconscious guilt is making itself
apparent, that feeling of whether a personal God would approve or
disapprove. His guilt is not over the objective he has decided upon; the guilt
is whether God would approve. So I tell him to do specific treatment work
to erase that false belief out of his subconscious mind.
Having taught this Science for a long time, I am certain that the most
difficult concept for people really to accept is the one that they can have
what they want in life. The old concept of the virtue of going without what
you really want and accepting graciously the smaller portion of life as being
a spiritual one is nonsense, and I know it. I hope by now you are convinced
that you are a free agent in an impersonal creative process that responds to
you by becoming the thing you desire, once you have decided to have it or
to be it. If not, then go into your mental gymnasium and bat these ideas
around until your subconscious mind stops acting on your old beliefs and
proceeds to act upon this new belief. Then life will bring to fruition your
decisions for a larger life and a greater experience.

In my book, Treat Yourself to Life, I define prosperity as the ability to do
what you want to do at the instant you want to do it. This is living the full
life. You will note that the goal is not money. There are as many sick rich
people as there are sick poor people. There are as many unhappy rich
people as there are unhappy poor people. Money is the means to an end, but
it is not the end in and of itself. The belief that money will solve your
problems is a delusion. It never has and it never will because your problems
arise in and are created by your mind, not your checkbook. The way to
solve problems is to change your thought and keep it changed. This is the
correct decision to live a full life.
Prosperity is a state of consciousness which can be generated by you
when you let money be a means but not an end. Money does not buy a
view, though it may take you to the place where you can see it. Money does
not buy love. It does not buy a mother, a father, a child, a husband, or a
wife. Money does not buy the great relationships you have with close
friends. Money is process, not goal. Rest assured, I am not running down
the value of money. No one appreciates its uses and values more than I do. I
believe it to be God in action and often state this as a truth. It is a means by
which the Infinite circulates in my world of affairs giving me ease and joy. I
sometimes say that money is an idea in the Mind of God, the idea of
circulation and ease. Then I say that I am an idea in the Mind of God, and
that these two ideas now coalesce. Therefore, I am money.
Money results from the use of ideas. Ideas produce money for they are
the cause of a prosperity consciousness. Spiritual ideas are free. They
cannot be copyrighted or patented. They are mine to use and I use them. I
have been using them while writing this book. Spiritual ideas are always
affirmative. They could never be destructive. They are thought-provoking,
though at first they may seem nebulous. The thoughts they engender
gradually reveal sense and then the practical aspects are obvious. You know
then what to do and decide to do it. You are acting as prosperity
consciousness would act.
People often tell me that they need a great deal of money right away and
they are not interested in being told that they must have a prosperity
consciousness. They do not want creative ideas; they want money. I realize
that they will not get the money without the consciousness of money so I
get out of their way. As a result of not getting the money, they say that this
Science does not work. It works when you use the methods it explains to
you. Everything starts in the mind and is the result of mind action. People
who are always in need of immediate money need to realize that they have
a bad pattern regarding money. Until they exchange it for a better pattern,
their constant need will continue. Usually these people are unwise in
handling money.
One of the great benefits that comes with the realization that money is
God in action is that of intelligent use of money. Unrealistic debts indicate
that a person has a fantasy regarding money. He thinks he can get it without
either mental or physical work. This is an impossibility. The universe
responds by corresponding. Integrity and sincerity are key items in a correct
prosperity consciousness. To run up bills and expect some God to pay them
is ridiculous. Life does not work that way. These days of easy credit have
led too many people into temptation. A prosperity consciousness can only
be built on the basis of sound common sense. If the way you are going to
spend money or assume debt is outside the realm of common sense, you are
heading for trouble. Too many people have trusted in the Lord, forgetting
that the Lord helps those who help themselves. Until your subconscious
habit patterns regarding money are healthy, honest, and definite, you will
not prosper.
You may already have such healthy patterns. They may have been
unconsciously created by your varied experiences. They may have been
implanted in your subconscious mind during your younger years by your
parents, or by the way in which you lived as a family. People consider these
fortunate souls as being lucky, but they are not. They are at ease in their
thinking about money. They automatically demonstrate ease in their worlds
as a result. They may not be as clear in other areas such as health and self-
expression, or they may be.
I believe there is a neurosis that accompanies serious debt. I know that in
my early years, when I was just starting in the ministry and debts were
seemingly necessary, I had a real sense of uneasiness that stayed with me
until that day, many years later, when I owed no man. It was like a haunted
feeling. It did not necessarily depress me nor hinder me from progressing in
my career. Now that I am free of it, I have a much greater sense of well-
being and freedom of action. I make certain my bills are paid on time. I
maintain a sense of order regarding my finances. Here is one area of my life
where right action prevails.
You can never escape from law and order. Those who seem to do so will
find disorder increasing in their daily living. The way you handle the outer
details of your life is an indication of the states of consciousness
functioning in your subconscious mind. You have a right to judge a person
by the way he lives, works, loves, and handles his financial responsibilities.
Do some thinking about yourself. Perhaps you need to put your material
world in better order. If so, start with some spiritual thinking. Think of your
individual world as being in and of a spiritual law. Realize that your home,
your business, your relationships with others, and your social life all take
place in the Infinite Mind with Its Infinite Intelligence. This same
Intelligence is in your mind. Thus you will begin seeing your world from a
new viewpoint, and the ideas necessary for straightening things out will
reveal themselves to you. Doing this brings a new appreciation of life and
living. Strain loses its tenacious hold and serious worries cease. You have
rearranged your mental patterns and have a fuller life.
Serious lack, or a fear of it, prevents you from full self-expression. You
cannot be the free person you want to be. It limits your creativeness. It
keeps your sights set in wrong directions. If this is your problem, right now
is the time to do something about it. Make your decision that you shall be
set free of all present lack and limitation, and that there shall be none in
your future. It has to be a very sincere decision with deep feelings.
Following that decision, make statements like these:
There is no rhyme nor reason for disorder in my world. My world is
in God’s world. God’s world is governed by law and order, and so is
mine. I now express the order and wisdom of the spirit. My decision
to be free of all lack and all fear of lack is definite. No longer shall
poverty ideas function in my subconscious mind. I now authorize
my subconscious to neutralize all such habit patterns. They are no
more. In their place, I now authorize healthy money patterns,
healthy prosperity patterns. These new patterns are spiritual and are
now in action in me. I know that this is so, and act as though it were
so. I am a free, creative, prosperous individual, inspired by creative
ideas that impel me to right action producing right results.
Your subconscious mind welcomes such a treatment because it is always
in a state of expectancy. It is a receiving mind. By its very nature, it must
act as a law of receptivity because it cannot refuse to accept what you place
in it. Not being conscious, the subconscious mind has no way of knowing
what you are putting in it; it only knows what to do with the material you
give it. The more you watch your moods, attitudes, habits, and central ideas
and stop all basic negatives from lingering in your area of attention, the
richer and fuller your prosperity will be. I have known hundreds of people
who have changed lifelong patterns of debt and lack by using these
methods. Not quickly nor easily did the patterns change. The decision to
prosper, followed by watching the conscious and subconscious minds and
persisting in refusing to let negative states continue, gradually brought the
light of day and a larger experience, certainly a freer experience, resulted.


Examine your own expectations. They will tell you if you are a healthy-
minded person. Our expectations are like a mental barometer. They indicate
our subconscious thought patterns. They will indicate where changes need
to be made. Ask yourself what do you really expect in your life at the
present time. Write them down on paper. You may be startled as the days go
by to see what you really are believing way down under. That subconscious
mind of yours may have in it a great deal that you do not want. Healthy
expectations are necessary to a healthy mind. You probably are not
expecting enough out of life. You may have grown mentally dull without
realizing it. You may have let minor failures and monotonous routines take
over areas of your thinking. If so, the time for a change has come.
Why should you not expect the greatest and the finest in your life? We
exist in a Divine Bounty that awaits our taking, and the way of taking is a
mental one that starts with desire, decision, and expectancy. No one is ever
too young or too old to expect great things. No one is too poor or too rich to
expect great things. If you are sick, expect to get well. If you are unhappy,
expect to be happy. No power outside yourself is demanding that you be
miserable. All of Life wants you to be healthy, happy, and free to do what
you want to do. As I write this book, I expect it to be a great book. I expect
it to sell all over the world. I expect that thousands of people whom I will
never meet and never know will read this book and profit by it. I know what
I want to have happen, so it will happen.
Check your list of expectations quite often. They indicate just what you
will get out of life at the present time. Rejoice in your good expectations
and expand them. Daydream about them. Give them the food of your
creative thinking. Nourish them with anticipation. Watch for all indications
that they are bringing results. Jesus said, “And these signs shall follow them
that believe” (Mark 16:17). Check also your expectations of doom,
continued limitation, and probable failure in varying areas of your life. Get
to work on these. They are danger signals. They indicate troubles that may
come to you because your subconscious mind has the materials with which
to make them happen. These must be negated with authority in your mind.
Do not let them linger in the halls of your mind. Use spiritual mental work
to neutralize them and to create their affirmative opposites.
You may discover that you feel quite at home in your limited
expectations. They have had power and authority in your mind for years.
You probably did not even realize that such patterns existed in your
subconscious. The sooner you take correct spiritual and mental action on
these, the better. They are potentials of trouble. They are subconscious
mines ready to explode, ready to rise to the surface. When they do, you may
remark that the experience is just what you expected all along. The truth has
become the fact. The phrase, “just what I expected would happen,” is rarely
used when good things happen. It is usually kept as a pronouncement of
trouble. The tone that accompanies it is one of satisfaction and
righteousness. The person has proven his point. He probably does not know
that he has proven this entire teaching, only on the negative side. His mind
has brought to him what he was subconsciously planning because of the
negative materials he had placed in it. He is a negative success. His
unconscious decision to have trouble has brought it to pass.
Now you know the law of mental expectation and are free to use it for a
richer and fuller life. You do not have to keep on going as you have been
going, unless you like the way your life is flowing. In that case, you are
right in your purposes, your sense of prosperity, and your expectations. But
if you want more, need more, or desire more, you now have the information
you need to live fully. Others are doing it, and you might as well join in the
throng of those who expect grandly.
You are a free agent as far as your mind is concerned. You alone decide
what shall be. This is the responsibility of life. For one person, it opens the
door to limitations and frustration. For another, it opens the wider door to
freedom, growth, and true prosperity, which is the ability to do what you
want to do when you want to do it. One of my favorite Bible verses is,
“Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all” (1
Chronicles 29:12). I believe that the Infinite wants every person to be free
in his experience and to control it. The Spirit in you awaits your recognition
and use.
Chatper 6


FOR more than fifty years, I have been practicing spiritual mind healing.
Because of my many years of practice, I am considered one of the leading
authorities in this field. I know it from A to Z. The general public has
always been skeptical regarding mental healing because it has never taken
the pains to study the science which is its foundation. People have found it
easier to scoff at it than to investigate it. They believe it is easier to use
medicine or surgery than to change basic subconscious patterns of belief,
and for them, this is true.
Spiritual mind healing will never be in real competition with accredited
medical practice because its appeal is limited to those persons who view life
as a spiritual experience. In today’s successful world, they are few and far
between. Faith in general has been transferred by most people from God to
the checkbook. The checkbook they are certain of; as to God, they are
indefinite. They may or may not believe. The checkbook guarantees them
excellent medical assistance. It usually wins out.
Despite this, there are many thousands who believe in and practice
mental healing with excellent results. They are usually quiet and well-
mannered and do not shout their beliefs and their healings from the roof
tops nor on street corners. They are certain of what they know to be true
and rely on their methods. Others combine their faith with medical
assistance when the gravity of the illness deems this efficacious. There is no
conflict between the systems of spiritual mind healing and medical practice
in the minds of most metaphysicians today.
A hundred years ago, it was a different matter. Medicine was not
progressive as it is today. The metaphysicians rejected it and denounced it.
They had a total faith in mental healing, and any who did not agree with
them were their enemies. They were aggressive, dynamic, and adamant. All
this has changed with the tremendous strides made in the medical field. No
longer can its methods be denounced. Modern medicine has earned the right
to be respected. Its research programs each year reveal new and improved
methods of dealing with physical and emotional illness.
I am especially interested in the emergence of psychosomatic medicine. I
only wish that more expanded research could be done more quickly. Like
all advances in organized medicine, the authorities are careful to make no
claims, but do indicate areas of illness that seem to have psychosomatic
origins and respond to psychosomatic treatment. I firmly believe that
further research in this field will reveal mental-emotional causes back of a
great many diseases. The pioneering psychosomaticists, Dr. Franz
Alexander of Chicago and Dr. Flanders Dunbar of New York, have revealed
very valuable insights into subconscious disease causation in a few areas. I
am certain that further studies are being made and interesting revelations
will come out of this medical field.

Health Is Normal

When we are well, we should praise our good health. Usually good health is
taken for granted. One does not really think about it. The first symptom of
illness sends the victim into a panic of false expectation. It is easy to realize
that health is normal and sickness is abnormal. To sickness, we give great
attention. To health, we give little. Knowing the power of mind as we do,
this is wrong. All things respond to self-recognition, including your health.
When you do a good job of some kind, you like to be praised, to receive
recognition. I am not sure but that your health and well-being would not
like the same. I suggest you speak aloud the following:
There is one Source, one Cause, one Life, and one Mind. This is
God. My health and well-being are this one Life functioning freely
in me, as me. I praise this health. I rejoice in this health, I am this
health, which is spiritual, perfect, and free. No guilt or fear in my
subconscious mind can interrupt or affect this health. I declare its
permanency, even as I know that the Spirit within me is permanent.
The more you impress upon your subconscious mind the normalcy and
value of health, the more secure you are in your health. I am assuming that
you are at the same time living in ways of health. All this will do no good if
you are disobeying the obvious general routines of healthy living. Life is a
science and you have to follow its laws to keep on living in health.

Authorize Your Health

I have learned from years of experience that I cannot help anyone unless he
has made up his mind to be healed and believes health to be normal, and his
physical problem to be unnecessary. This is the first step toward any kind of
physical healing through mental and emotional means. You may think that
the people seeking health through spiritual mind healing would always be
this decisive. Not at all. They often come with hope, but hope is not
decision. Hope is a palliative. I really think it is usually a delusion.
A person seeking health has to decide to be well before any spiritual
therapy can start producing results for him. Another factor of equal
importance is the expectation of being well. When a person comes to me
with these two factors clearly determined in his own consciousness, I
usually obtain results. The half hearted person should use material means.
The wholehearted should use metaphysics. For the latter, it will work. In the
past, I have tried through counseling to induce the decision to be well in
those who enter my office with half hearted interest. I do not do this any
more because it just does not work. The individual decides only because of
my arguments. It still is not his decision. It is my decision rather casually
accepted because he thinks I am an authority. This will not work. There are
many people who cannot be helped or healed through mental means
because they will not take the responsibility of making their decision for
The subconscious mind, which is the operative system of the body,
cannot start to create a healthy body until the conscious mind acts
authoritatively with a decision of health. The subconscious mind has been
busy for weeks, months, or even years, gradually building a sick body. It
will continue to go on maintaining these illness patterns until it receives a
clear and meaningful order from the conscious mind to cease. This is why
hope will not work. It carries no authority. It lacks a serious emotional
impact that the subconscious must have if it is going to reverse itself.
To reverse the automatic thinking patterns in the subconscious is not an
easy matter. Deep emotional impulses are in those patterns. The mechanics
and the power have all been set up to go in a certain direction to produce or
to maintain one result, namely sickness. To redirect patterns, with power in
the exact opposite direction, to produce health takes a good amount of
determination. It takes clear thinking on the part of the conscious mind. You
cannot do clear thinking until a decision has been made. Then, the decision
clears the mental fog, and straight thinking can follow. I am not trying to
make the process of mental healing sound like hard work. I am only stating
the seriousness of the decision.
Modern metaphysical healing began around the year 1860. The early
teachers, who were the only researchers we had then, produced astounding
healings. Dr. Phineas P. Quimby, Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, Mrs. Emma Curtis
Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fillmore, and Miss Nona Brooks are only a
few of the many who could look any disease in the face and know it was
not so. Mr. Fillmore and Miss Brooks were dear friends of mine. I often
liked to get them talking about the early days of this instruction.
I vividly remember an evening in Denver, Colorado. Miss Nona Brooks,
later known as Dr. Nona Brooks, had invited me to her home. (She and her
two sisters had established the Divine Science College and the Divine
Science Church. In the beginning, they had such remarkable healings that
they were known locally as the “Healing Ladies of Denver.”) When I asked
her to tell me of the early days of her ministry, she told me the following
story of a healing which she thought took place in 1897.
Each summer, she and her sisters vacationed in their summer home in the
mountains outside of Denver. One day, a nearby farmer rushed to their
house and said, “Miss Brooks, you must come right over to my house. My
wife has fallen and broken her leg.” She did not hesitate for a moment. She
saddled her horse and rode it to the neighbor’s farm, where she found the
woman in great agony. She sat down at the bedside, closed her eyes, and
gave the woman a spiritual mind treatment. As she treated, she heard the
bones slip back into place. When she finished her treatment, the woman
stated she was free of pain. Miss Brooks told the woman to get some rest,
and that she would return the next day. When she arrived the next day, the
woman was up and doing her usual household work. Miss Brooks said to
me, “I thought nothing of this. It was what I expected.”
It was what she expected. She so knew that it could be done that it never
entered her mind that it could not be done. So, it was done. I asked her if
she or any of her trained practitioners could do this today. Her answer was
that a healing as dramatic as that one would be a rarity in today’s world.
The nearest doctor to that woman was thirty miles away. So Miss Brooks
knew she had to be the means of healing her. Having made that decision,
her thinking was straight, and her expectation that the Divine Intelligence in
her patient would respond caused the healing.
People today are medically conditioned. At hand are fine doctors,
ambulances, and hospitals where the finest of equipment is available.
Everyone knows this. The beliefs in the mind of a person seeking medical
help today are quite different from those of 1897. It takes real stamina to
decide to be healthy by means of metaphysics. Thousands do make that
decision, and people trained like myself are able to clear their
consciousness and free their bodies of illness.
Your body always responds to your beliefs about it. This is true because
your subconscious mind can only create out of your own beliefs, not out of
another’s beliefs. Everyone around a sick person wants him to recover, to
get well. But their beliefs cannot make him well. Their well-intentioned
desires have no effect upon the subconscious mind of the sick person. He
alone, consciously or unconsciously, has to make the decision for health. As
his subconscious has been working for some time with the emotional
patterns that cause disease, it will continue in that way until a new series of
intense thought patterns are injected into it to redirect the unconscious
emotional process.
Often there is a weak conscious decision to be well, while at the same
time there is a definite subconscious decision to be sick. The subconscious
will always win out. This is true in any area of life, but is particularly true
in the matter of health.
Health Is Spiritual

The Science outlined in this book is based upon a definite belief in God.
Unless you have some belief in whatever you may choose to call God, you
cannot be helped by this instruction. Let us face the fact that there are many
people who really do not believe in God. They may think they do. They
may proclaim their religious affiliation. They may even attend some church
or temple occasionally. But deep down in their world of actual beliefs, they
have no spiritual conviction. They accept the factual world as being true.
They believe that academic science explains everything without making any
attempt to find out whether or not this is true. They are busy making money,
paying bills, and seeking to enjoy their experiences.
The lack of a belief in God does not seem to do these people any harm.
Most of them are honest, moral, and creative. They may use a church for
baptisms, weddings, and funerals but that is about all. To me, they are
missing a great growth experience. Theology is not God. Many people have
confused theology with God. Man is spiritual by nature, and when he has an
interest in spiritual ideas, he soon discovers a great deal about himself that
he has not previously known. He senses a depth support in himself, of
himself. He no longer thinks he is body, emotions, and mind and that is all
there is to him. He sees a reason for his being.
We are not self-caused, nor are we biological accidents of nature. We are
the expression, projection, and manifestation of a larger Idea. Evolution
explains the development of man, but not the causation of man. The
material definition of the individual does not explain why Bach wrote great
music or why Shakespeare wrote great plays. A scientific study of man’s
body, heredity, environment, and education does not reveal what causes a
great picture to be painted or a great song to be written. Only the spirit in
man can do these things. And, if the spirit is in anyone, it is in everyone. We
are all vehicles of a spirit, a cause and an intelligence which is God.
God expresses in your body as life and health. Any study of body and
health reveals a tremendous intelligence at work. This intelligence is a
Divine Intelligence. It knows what to do when man does not know what to
do. It can heal the body when It is correctly known and directed by
affirmative means. It can also heal the body after surgery or other means of
medical practice. I suggest you use the following to know this:
There is one Life, God, and that Life is my life now. The Mind that
created my body is the Mind that maintains my body. It knows
exactly what to do to keep me in good health. I affirm the perfect
action of life. I praise my health for it is of God. Intelligence alerts
me to every means of maintaining and expanding my health. My
subconscious mind accepts these statements and acts upon them.
Spiritual recognition of your health is a great step toward any healing. It
is a required premise if you are to use spiritual treatment, or affirmative
prayer, as your means of restoring health. Your very recognition of this fact
causes the health process to begin its perfect work. You cannot emphasize
enough in your mind the fact that God is life, health, perfect action,
strength, and vitality. The repetition of statements like that one causes your
subconscious mind to respond by corresponding.

Stop Accepting Illness as Normal

Illness is an abnormality functioning in a bodily system that must have

normalcy in order to express creative living. Sickness has a peculiar
psychology of its own. It not only conditions the body, it also conditions the
mind. It creates strange quirks in our consciousness. Usually it absorbs the
bulk of our attention and all our decisions are made in terms of what is
wrong with us. Most people seem to have a morbid fascination with the
ways and means of disease. It holds them in its grasp very easily, and they
do not see things rightly. It twists and changes their viewpoints.
Wives have said to me that they cannot understand their husbands’
attitudes when they are sick. Husbands tell me the same thing about their
wives. When sick, people become totally self-absorbed. Often they become
petty tyrants and rule the entire household from their bedrooms. They lose
interest in world affairs, in other people, and even in the problems of other
members of their own families. They want and demand attention, and they
usually get it. Many people enjoy sickness. It is a paid vacation from their
jobs. The telephone is constantly ringing to find out how they are. They
receive gifts of flowers, candy, and toilet water. Their mail is suddenly
heavy and get-well cards arrive and are set up around the room. They are
the center of everyone’s attention and concern.
Sick people often trade in on their sickness. They unconsciously, or
perhaps consciously, accept the good that accompanies their problems.
They subconsciously want to hold on to their illness because of the many
fringe benefits that accompany it. The thought of going back to work is not
pleasant. The thought of having to get their own meals and wash some
dishes should be avoided at all cost. They have had a subconscious need to
feel important, and this need is met by the attentions they receive. The
longer the illness continues, the deeper the patient wallows in self-pity
while mentally creating new attention-getters.
Such people need a spiritual jolt. They have accepted their illness as
normal. They pray that God will make them better while subconsciously
they hope to stay ill. They really do not want to be fully well and to assume
the responsibilities that accompany actual health.
You need to know God as health and health as normal. You have to
decide that you are going to be well. Once you make that decision and
really mean it, the spiritual forces in your mind and body go to work.
Health is a yes system and disease is a no system. Life responds to
affirmative thinking. It flows where the channels are open, and affirmative
thinking opens the channels.
Life created you out of Itself that you might enjoy the experience of
living in health and well-being. There is not now, nor has there ever been, a
spiritual design for sickness. No one is ever improved spiritually by being
ill. You may get rested, but you will not be improved. The Infinite Mind
knows nothing of illness. It only knows Itself as health. When you start
thinking as It is thinking, your recovery is certain. There is a spiritual
wealth of healing power within you, waiting your affirmative call upon it. It
begins its perfect work when you decide to be health and think as health
would think.

Thinking Health
Unless you are severely neurotic, your mind will think about anything you
want to think. You are the only thinker in your mind. Unfortunately, health
for many people is not as fascinating as illness. It is difficult to define
health other than as a general sense of well-being. It cannot be measured by
the pulse rate, the thermometer, or the EKG.
A healthy mind is essential to maintaining a healthy body. You may not
be able to think of health as health, but you can think of many things from a
healthy viewpoint. A healthy mind is one that actually believes there is
more good than evil in this world. A healthy mind believes that there are
more fine people than there are mean people. A healthy mind expects right
action to be taking place and, when it discovers this not to be so, is
undismayed. It proceeds to correct the situation without fear or intensive
worry. It is never bogged down in serious negative thinking. It is certain of
itself and of its ability to handle everyday problems.
You may have this healthy mind right now. If you do not have it, you can
gradually develop it. Place your attention on constructive things and people
in your world and think about them. Watch them. Study them. Use your
imagination so that this new way of thinking is kept vital and fascinating.
Read inspirational books and magazines. Start declaring to yourself that you
have a healthy mind in a healthy body, living in a healthy experience.
Declare this often. You are stating a truth, and a truth that will make itself
evident in you, as you. It will bear fruit after its own kind.
Watch your conversations with people. They will reveal whether you
have a healthy mind or not. If you enlarge on any negative idea in your
discussions, you are wrong. Minimize every negative. If it must be
discussed, do it in the shortest way possible and with the least emotion.
Turn then to some pleasant, creative, or affirmative subject, and start the
conversation going in new directions. Here is a quote from the Bible on this
point. “Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from
troubles” (Proverbs 21:23). What you say evidences what you are. Healthy
minds do not ignore negative conditions; they proceed to overcome them.
There is no need to get excited over things you can do nothing about.
Reserve your mental attention for creative ideas that stimulate you.

The Health Image

Use your imagination to picture yourself and all whom you know as living
embodiments of health, vitality, and perfection. Your imagination is a
mighty force for creating good. It is the pearl of great price among all the
other great faculties of mind. It gives form and outline to ideas. It takes the
concept or idea out of the realm of the nebulous and brings it into actual
visualization. Making mental images of yourself as health is a vital aid to
either regain health or to maintain it.
The power of your imagination is tremendous. You have watched
yourself use it to magnify negatives. Now use it to expand your
consciousness of well-being. Perhaps you have never really imaged
yourself as vital health. Right now, think about this and start creating such
an image. With your eyes closed, picture yourself as a radiant whole being.
This may take a bit of doing. Put action into this picture of yourself. Health
is the capacity of doing. See yourself accomplishing some goal and doing
this with ease.
Also, in doing this visualization of your health, be certain not to include
any present physical limitations you may have. Make the picture perfect in
every way. See youthfulness, perfect sight, perfect hearing, and all other
body actions and reactions as total and perfect. Do not include limitations.
You are now seeing yourself as you were created to be. Erase any age
conditioning. For a moment, forget yourself as you really are. You are now
seeing yourself as the Infinite knows you to be. Such a picture, held in your
mind for several moments, has great therapeutic power.
Your subconscious mind welcomes this new picture. Because you have
consciously created it, it is a directive to your subconscious field of creative
action. Doing this once or twice a day adds power to your decision to be
healthy. It soon becomes a real inspiration to you and you find it simple and
easy to do. Ask yourself how you would look and feel and what you would
do as a total healthy individual. As your practice of this becomes habitual, it
no longer enters your mind to picture yourself any other way.
In fact, such mental practice diminishes your interest in sickness of any
kind. Now, if you sneeze, you do not plan on pneumonia. You realize that
sneezing is a healthy way of maintaining open channels. Also your memory
of past illnesses diminishes. You find yourself totally uninterested in past
health problems and you wish other people would stop telling you about
theirs. Your new health picture also increases your health vocabulary, Look
up the word health in a dictionary and then look up the meanings of all its
synonyms. A few moments of doing this will provide you with some
stimulating ideas.
Now you are working on the side of positives. This makes many changes
in your conversations with friends and relatives. You no longer waste ten
minutes discussing your own lack of vital health, and you have less patience
with those who want to tell you of their symptoms. The world of health is a
fascinating world. It has its own mental pictures, its own vocabulary, and its
own good decisions. Now you are at home in this new world of health, and
a great peace and sense of well-being is yours.
There may be times when you have to face a slight or major physical
illness. But now you are spiritually equipped to meet this without fear and
false speculation. You know the problem to be temporary, and your mental
attitude is such that it cannot long endure. It is unwelcome in your
consciousness, and you clear it out with a definite decision that it shall not
be. You know that the lie is never the truth. Facing the lie of illness with the
truth of health is the healing process. You picture yourself as the truth of
health and you keep this picture activated in your imagination. This frees
your subconscious from all fear, and it proceeds with the business of
producing health for it must produce what you consistently image.
You have lost your interest in sympathy. You do not seek it from others
and you find it difficult to give to others. You feel like telling the person
who is ill to change his own picture of himself. You probably cannot do this
as the person would resent it, so you do not yield to that temptation, even
though you think it. Gradually, other people think of you as a vitally healthy
person. They remark that you look healthy. Unknowingly, your radiation of
health causes them to lessen their discussions of disease. When they are
around you, they now talk of other things. The spirit within them is
stimulated by your knowingness of health. In fact, the chronic complainers
will feel uncomfortable in your presence. Your permanently decided-upon
health may make some changes in your personal relationships. The chronics
will gradually move out of your life and new people, who are as healthy-
prone as you are, will come into your life. You will find this a healthy
fellowship of kindred minds.
True Health Is Not a Fad

True health is based on the principle that God is Life, and that this Life is
your life now. You did not create it, nor can you destroy it. Even when you
are in the throes of illness, your health pattern remains as a spiritual pattern
in your subconscious mind. It awaits your recognition and your actual
decision that it shall again become operative. Sickness can never destroy
health. It can only cause it to go underground and await reactivation. You
cannot destroy a spiritual pattern. The Larger Mind created that pattern and
individualized that pattern in you, as you. It can be ignored and even
denied, but it cannot be destroyed.
Often I have told sick people about the pattern of health that they have
within them. Usually they are embarrassed by this kind of talking and wish
I would change the subject back to their symptoms, where they are at ease
in their discussions. Once in a great while, people will listen to me and start
thinking about it. They ask if this be so, why isn’t their divinely created
health pattern making them well. So I have to explain the principle of
decision to them. They retort that they had not decided to be sick. They did
not ask to be sick. They were not even thinking of being sick. I then remind
them that they also had not been planning on being well, strong, and vital
and had not geared their thinking to that end. Then I look at my watch and
find an excuse to get away. Occasionally, these persons will do some
thinking about my ideas and, as a result, start their subconscious healing
processes. The greater number are really glad that I have left the room so
that now they can think the way they want to think.
Maintaining sound health is a real mental discipline. Casual thinking and
an occasional pleasant thought about it is completely ineffective. Health
maintenance requires consistent, definite, specific thinking to keep the
whole individual consciousness at a high level. Many people are doing it
daily and proving this to be a truth. They are intuitively guided to right
habits for keeping their health at a high level. They follow up their right
thinking with sound habits of sleep, correct eating and drinking, exercise,
and recreation. They never go to extremes in anything. They are well-
balanced in their routines. Crash diets and other so-called health fads they
do not need. Intuitively they know what to do as well as what to think, and
they do both very well. They are spiritually motivated.
God wants you to be healthy. Divine Mind created your body for that
purpose and to that end, Divine Intelligence is functioning in your mind
when you affirm that It is doing just that. It most certainly is functioning
upon your decision to be health. You are health, not healthy. You are life,
not merely alive. You are mind, not just a thinker. You are a specialized
spiritual creation with the capacity to live life effectively and abundantly.
You are neither a sinner nor a saint. You are a glorious means by which the
Infinite acts on the plane of the finite. Say the following aloud:
I am health. I am the health of God. I am vital, strong, and creative.
I rejoice in my divine inheritance of health and well being. I praise
the Mind that created me, and I think as that Mind thinks. My
intuition guides me aright in all my habits of right living. I radiate
this health that I am. My health is spiritually infectious to other
people. I walk, talk, think, act, and love as health. I have no interest
in the opposites to health. These have no place in my consciousness
and no power in my experience. I am the living embodiment of the
health of the Spirit.

Health Is Not Body

Health is not body. It is a state of consciousness that permeates body, but it

is not the body. The body can neither make itself ill nor make itself well.
The body is an impersonal, organized field of substance with no identity of
its own. It has no conscious consciousness, so it does not know when it is
sick or when it is well. It acts out what your consciousness is. Your heart
does not know it is a heart. Your feet do not know they are feet. Your
consciousness knows both the heart and the feet and acts by means of them.
When you know the impersonality of the body and its functioning, you
understand why your mind or consciousness determines your health.
You may think that your eating habits, drinking habits, sleeping habits,
etc., make you ill or keep you well. On the surface, this would seem to be
true. But these are merely the out-picturing of your consciousness. Worry is
a function of consciousness and can temporarily disturb a person with
excellent sleeping habits. Sudden fear is a function of consciousness and
can temporarily seriously affect the digestive and elimination systems of the
body. Health is an inside job dependent upon mental health, and mental
health is dependent upon right ideas and creative viewpoints. Long-standing
negative emotional patterns and attitudes most certainly cause many chronic
Taking good care of your body but neglecting healthy attitudes of mind is
no guarantee that you will be healthy. The action of mind is primary in all
living. Philosophers have always said this. Today, modern practical
metaphysics is proving it beyond the shadow of a doubt. Consciousness is
what you are, and everything you experience is the result of your
consciousness. Ideas are your most priceless possession. Ideas are the food
of your consciousness, and your consciousness is always hungry for ideas.
What you are thinking about in the sixteen hours of each day that you are
awake determines what your consciousness does.
If you would select ideas to function in your mind as carefully as you
select food when you are shopping, you would never be ill again. We are
ideas people, not just things people. Things are the result of ideas. The idea
precedes the thing. Health is an idea in the Mind of the universe. You are
that Mind individualized and that same health idea is in your mind. But this
health idea needs constant activation by the processes of your thinking.
Depression, worry, and a sense of pressure prevent the full operation of the
health idea. Such states need to be recognized and in some way dismissed.
The ideas given in this book provide ways and means of dismissing
negative emotional states and replacing them with creative attitudes based
on a basic faith in life. You were born to be healthy. Your consciousness
was created to be a healthy mechanism for operating you in your world. It
does this when the ideas fed into it are sound. You alone determine what
ideas function in your consciousness. The fact that you have free will places
the responsibility for mental health right on your shoulders. You cannot
dodge this fact. This is why I said earlier in this chapter that you cannot
maintain consistent good health without mental and emotional discipline.
Too few are willing to keep their minds in a healthy state. Most people
want to think anything they want to think and they do just that. It is no
wonder that 22,800,000 people in the United States spent $350,000,000
during 1963 on medicines, drugs, and doctors to cure the common cold.
They thought what they wanted to think. They fed their minds with all
kinds of ideas. They sought no control over resentments, jealousies, anger,
hurts, or other forms of negative emotions. They were just busy living,
earning, and spending. They were too busy to lift their minds to the heights
where inspiration functions and where love has great healing power.
To say that these people did not know any better is to misunderstand the
whole business of living. Their intuitions were trying to give them insights.
The spirit of God in them was seeking to remind them of great ideas. God
does not stop being God just because people are too busy with the world of
things and cannot sense their intuitive urgings. They just did not really care.
They hoped that the vitamins they took would do the job at the physical
level that they were shirking at the mental level.

Spiritual Dependency

You can never get out of Life. Life fashioned you out of Itself, and It never
ceases to be in Its creation. Its essence is intelligence and love, thought and
feeling. The God that created you is the God that you can be, for all of God
is in you awaiting your recognition and embodiment. Spiritual thinking is
health thinking. It is God in action as you. By this, I do not mean religious,
pious, or theological thinking. I mean creative thinking that permits a flow
of spontaneous ideas in consciousness. The abundant life starts with great
ideas in mind. Health is assured when consciousness is uncluttered by
negatives of thought and feeling.
The Psalmist wrote, “for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my
countenance, and my God” (Psalms 42:11). This is sound advice to the
mind that has made the decision of health. Such a mind is not afraid of the
word God. The ways of the Spirit are ways of right thinking. Great ideas
now beckon to you. Follow them into the certainty of health.
Chapter 7


AN inspired mind is a creative mind. For most people, the idea of

inspiration deals only with those engaged in the creative arts. Poets,
playwrights, writers, composers, and designers are expected to be inspired.
The man on the street is not interested in being inspired and feels that he
does not need to be. It is an unnatural word in his vocabulary. He is uneasy
when he thinks about it. Without realizing it, he has set up his routines of
work, home, and social activities in order to avoid inspiration. He has
created mental boundaries within which he functions in seeming ease and
order. He does not know it, but he is only half-living, busy though he may
Inspiration is a function of the Spirit, not the intellect. Being spiritual in
cause, it is inherent in each person’s consciousness. It is not reserved for the
favored few, for there are no favored few. As I have stated before, the
Divine Economy must necessitate a Divine Equality. Mind, in Its infinite
capacities, is equally indwelling all consciousness. I may not know as much
as another person knows, but my inspirational capacity is the same as his. It
is my lifeline to creative living, and only when I am living creatively am I
actually happy.
Routined living does not make for happiness. It may create efficiency,
but it is an efficiency that is dull and monotonous. It lacks a spiritual verve.
It may even lead to a great outer success, while at the depths of being, there
is an inward failure. Living in a machine age, we tend to mechanize our
minds as we do our homes and offices. We arrange our thinking patterns to
bring about orderly living. We shy away from any idea that might disrupt us
a bit. We have the false belief that order and efficiency give us greater ease
and thus, without realizing it, we have made ease the end goal of living,
which it is not.
Some years ago, a distant relative of mine came to my church only
because he was visiting in New York and wanted to see how I was doing.
He was really more interested in seeing how large the congregation was,
and if the right people attended. In his own city, he was a member of a large
church and had served in many ways in that church. The second Sunday, he
did a little listening to my talk, and later in the day mentioned two ideas I
had discussed from the platform. The third Sunday, he really listened. He
took in the entire lecture and was intrigued by it. When he left for the
airport, he remarked that he was glad he was going home. He said that, if he
were to hear me speak again, he might be convinced. But, he said, he was
too old now to change churches; he wanted to die in his own denomination.
A few years later, he did just that. He wanted nothing to do with ideas that
might cause him to do a little thinking outside of and beyond his already
accepted religious beliefs.
The fact that he did not adopt my ideas did not bother me. What bothered
me was to realize that the mechanics of his mind were so set in routines that
any or all creative and inspiring ideas were unconsciously rejected by his
consciousness. He was a successful, prosperous man, a good man by all the
world’s standards. I often use the scriptural phrase, “There was no room for
them in the inn” (Luke 2:7), as being symbolic of the closed mind that does
not want new ideas to enter it. It is the mind of self-satisfaction. Its area of
curiosity is dead.
Every great spiritual teacher has warned his followers of the sin of self-
satisfaction. Curiosity is a creative action of the mind. It is a necessity for
creative living. No one ever knows enough, just as no one ever has enough.
The present world of ideas and things is tremendous, fascinating, and
explorable. It offers every individual a vast arena to explore according to
his own tastes and attitudes. To be a dull person in this present world means
that you have unconsciously rejected life and the curiosity that attends it.
Whatever the power may be that caused me to be on this planet at this
time, I am glad that it did so. I like this present world with its challenges
and its opportunities. I like most of the problems I have to meet. I handle
them with some intelligence and learn greatly from them. I like living under
a law of mental expansion in the creative process that is forever making
new this great world of mine. I keep my curiosity alive. I do not know
enough and I do not have enough. I am seeking and finding. I am knocking
and the doors are opening.
We are in the Mind Inexhaustible. The Infinite never rests on Its laurels.
It never stops creating for a moment. It expects us to do the same. It expects
us to be fully alive, using our curiosity to feed new ideas into our
consciousness. God never made a dull person. It never created an average
person. It never created a satisfied person. We are a becoming people. We
are a growth people. We are expanding people. We are made in the image
and likeness of an Infinite Thinker forever thinking the new in an
atmosphere of love or givingness. This Thinker never retreats within Itself,
never ceases to be Itself. Always, Its action in us is constant, seeking
expression by means of us. Knowing ourselves aright, we fulfill ourselves
by being ourselves at the highest level of progressive expansion possible.
Right ideas are seeds that produce a thousandfold from within themselves in
our consciousness, and the resulting multiplications in turn produce the
more to be accepted, assimilated, circulated, and expressed. This is the
heaven process of mind, always available, always waiting for our
realization of it.
The earth process of limited mental conditioning is the usual
consciousness of the average person. Heaven and earth are two sides of the
same Thing. Heaven is the symbol of the ever-expanding consciousness of
ideas in which we are forever immersed. Earth is the symbol of our not
seeing that which can be seen, of our not experiencing that which can be
experienced, and of our not being that which we can be. “In earth, as it is in
heaven” (Matthew 6:10), is the great truth of being. We are the means by
which earth becomes heaven. We are thinkers who can direct thought.
Directed thought means directed situations, events, and conditions. By
directing our thought on the premise that we are in heaven, thus having the
totality of consciousness as a sea in which our consciousness floats, we
grasp the infinite ideas and they manifest by means of us.

The Mental Hourglass

The symbol of the hourglass comes to my mind. The upper section
symbolizes the infinitude of Consciousness with all Its ideas. The lower
section symbolizes the world or cosmos of form and shape, namely,
material existence. Your consciousness is that filter-through point where the
ideas above flow down to the world below. You are a receiver of ideas for
the purpose of loosing them into form. If the filter is congested, the ideas do
not flow through. They await your decongestion. All prayer and spiritual
treatment is for the purpose of mental clarification, which diminishes
congestion and allows heaven to appear on your earth. Spiritual mental
work is not to rethink that which has been thought, but to realize that,
because what has been thought was congestive in nature, it has no place in
reality, no place in that Consciousness, which is God; therefore, it does not
really exist at all. Only that which is spiritual exists, and lo, the flow-
through is cleared and earth becomes heaven again.
This is why your consciousness is the determining factor of your
experience. It lets new ideas flow through, or it rejects them because of its
own congestion. Fear, worry, and other negative thinking given permission
by your indecisiveness, is like silt gradually collecting in a navigable river.
The day comes when it either stops navigation or it must be dredged out to
clear the channel. When you are assaulted by the effects of your own
thinking, you know what must be done. No external remedy will suffice. No
other person or authority can do it. Delay you may, but the moment of truth
arrives when you start decongesting your consciousness through correct
spiritual treatment.
No wonder that Jesus said to his disciples before leaving them, “Peace I
leave with you, my peace I give unto you” (John 14:27). He wanted their
consciousness not to be congested so that heaven could be on earth, so that
the invisible could be made visible. Ideas stand at the filtering point of your
consciousness waiting for your clarity in order to function in your
consciousness and thereby appear in your world. The only obstruction is
negative thought and emotion. This is all. It may take an illness, a business
situation, or a family argument to make you realize this. Once you know it,
you then can clear it. By knowing the truth, you can then set yourself free of
the untruth. Congestion is the untruth. It is sin at the level of mind.
You are all power, all intelligence, and the potential of all right action.
You can decongest the congested areas of your mind. The Source of all
ideas is never congested. It has an infinite patience. It neither persuades nor
punishes. It waits for the open mind through which It can flow to make
heaven and earth one. Spiritual treatment removes the duality of heaven and
earth and produces the unity of good, that creative way of living that should
be yours at every moment. Make yours the open mind, the navigable
channel for great ideas. Here is your health, your wealth, your love, and
your full self-expression at no outer cost, but at an inner cost of having to
give up your hurts, your errors, your negative assertions of righteousness, in
order to be flexible. Yes, in order to be the individual you were designed to
be from the beginning of time. Here is a spiritual mind treatment that will
decongest your consciousness:
There is one Mind, God, the Source and activity of all creative
ideas. This Mind is my mind now, I am one with the Mind and the
heart of Being. My consciousness is Its beloved creation. In me,
God thinks. In me, God feels. I am an open channel for all spiritual
ideas. My consciousness welcomes them, and my subconscious
mind accepts them and acts upon them. There is no mental or
emotional congestion in me. Everything that would impede the flow
of God’s ideas through me is now denied in my consciousness. All
negative states are now erased and shall act no more. I am now the
means by which heaven is revealed as earth and earth is revealed as
heaven. My uncongested consciousness is now replete with creative
action that produces in my experience greater health, greater wealth,
greater love and communication, and complete self-expression. I
declare this is so. My subconscious mind accepts this treatment
completely and acts upon it.

You Are Not Average

The Infinite did not create you to be an average person. Too many people,
through lack of applied creativity, accept themselves as their five senses
report to them the way they appear. They give up seeking the larger life that
they could have, if only they realized that they were intended to have it. It is
the firm conviction of this instruction that every person is a genius in some
field of living, if he would only wake up to this fact and act as though it
were so. You are more than what your five senses report that you are. They
know nothing of the creative mind that you have. They have no way of
discerning the finer points of the Spirit. They present facts, but only facts of
that which is completed, never the facts of that which can be. The facts of
that which can be are the creative ideas in your mind.
Go to a nearby public park and take time to really look at the trees. Not
one of them is average. Each is distinct, different, and has its own
personality. The Creative Power did not make one tree. Its Idea of tree, like
all Its other ideas, is one of infinite variety. Each full-grown tree has total
self-expression and uniqueness. It is not like any other tree. Now, think of
your consciousness and ask yourself if it has any uniqueness in it. Are there
any creative ideas in it? If not, then you are like an automaton. The world,
your relatives, your friends, and your employer tell you what to do and you
do it. They pull the strings of the puppet, and the puppet dances to their
Emerson wrote, in his essay “Self-Reliance,” “Whoso would be a man,
must be a non-conformist. He who would gather immortal palms must not
be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness.
Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.” This is clear,
straight thinking that leads to a creative consciousness producing a creative
life. Written more than a hundred years ago, its message is as fresh as
tomorrow’s breeze. No one will ever know the thousands who have
awakened to creativity by absorbing those sentences alone. The integrity of
your mind is dependent on your knowing what is in your mind.
Explore the areas in your present life that would come under the heading
of goodness. If they are good, they are creative. If they are good, they deal
with the here and now. If they are good, they are stimulating your mind
toward greater achievements. If they are good, they are quickening your
curiosity about life. If they are good, they are maintaining you in well-
being. If they are good, they are inspiring you to a greater goodness.
You may discover that some areas of your present experience, which you
have labeled as being good, are merely comfortable plateaus of
accomplishment and you are resting. That is why Emerson told us to
explore goodness in order to see if it actually is goodness, or a delusion to
which we have grown accustomed. It may well be another comfortable rut
in your consciousness that needs to be examined to see if there are
potentials of creativity in which it can be reactivated. If not, then it should
be seen for what it is and something should be done about it. It is not
necessary to discard it or condemn it, but it is vital to see it as it really is.
A situation is not always good just because world opinion thinks it is
good. In New Testament times, it was considered very good to know all the
formal prayers and to use them on all occasions. This was expected of any
man who wanted to be known in his community as a good man. Jesus
exploded a spiritual bomb. He said, “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not
be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues
and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men” (Matthew
6:5). Then he proceeded to explain that they were to go within their own
minds in quietness and find the Source of all creativity. Here is an
illustration of an apparent goodness not being a real goodness. It was
merely a palliative for seeming to be respectable. It was false and the
wisdom in Jesus knew it. He made his followers face up to themselves.
Most of us have built psychological fortresses in our minds so as to never
consider ourselves to be hypocrites. The very word brings implications with
it that must be avoided like the plague. This word is not for us. We are too
well-educated ever to be hypocrites. I am certain that no one is ever a
hypocrite on purpose or by plan. It is a subtle acceptance that a situation is
good because the world says it is good. Again, it is the easier way to live.
Creative people do not live easily in their minds, though they may in their
worldly comforts. They are explorers of themselves in order not to fool
Emerson might have also asked us to explore those areas we call evil or
bad. These too need some searching and evaluating. The taboos handed
down to us from the traditions of past centuries may need some studying in
the light of today’s values and needs. For centuries, divorce was considered
to be a mortal sin. A divorced man or woman was considered outside the
walls of good society. Finally, in the last hundred years, this old taboo has
been re-examined and new, fresh viewpoints have been accepted regarding
it. This is only one of the many so-called evils that could be cited.
Average people accept the good that others tell them is good. It is so
because it has always been so. It is so because it is easier to accept it as so
than it is to self-explore and arrive at original conclusions. The Infinite
Mind is not so just because It always has been so. It is so because of Its now
action in you, as you, which is an action of new ideas, creative ideas. God is
not interested in that which is past. In the people who are aware of the
Infinite as being their present source and their present true selves, average
ideas have little place in their consciousness. They are alert to the actual
creative good that is in their experience, and they are not impressed with
those noncreative states that are still labeled as being good.

Awake Thinking

“Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead” (Ephesians 5:14). Our
minds are lulled to sleep with our acceptance of standards of good and evil
imposed upon us by others, by tradition, or by present world standards. In
Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, which I have quoted above, he was writing to
people who were very much alive and certainly not sleeping at the time his
letter was read to them. When you are physically asleep, the functions of
your body and mind are maintained by your subconscious mind. Your
heartbeat, your circulation, and even your dreams are subconsciously
determined. Your awake state gives you your use of your conscious mind
while the subconscious mind goes right on doing its work.
The sleep people to whom Paul referred are those who do not use their
conscious minds very much. They go as the world goes. They accept things
as they seem to be. They question little. Alive, vital ideas do not interest
these people. They prefer the dead ideas of tradition and of their own past
experiences. Awakened thinking is spiritual thinking. It is using the
conscious mind as it was created to be used, namely, to explore ideas and
decide upon ideas. This is affirmative mental action. It is self-fulfilling
mental action. It is indicative of the whole person as being in action. It is
perhaps the highest use of mind by man. It is being involved in the Divine
Creative Process.
Awakened minds are not seeking to retreat but to advance. They know
what they want, know how to achieve it, and use methods that are right to
do so. Such minds never hurt nor harm others. Such people make possible
many blessings for those who are mentally asleep. They are givers, giving
of the Divine Bounty of creative thought. Their actions make obvious their
progressive thinking based on the word yes and not on the word no. They
only negate that which would cause them to stand still in consciousness and
thereby cease their creativity. Having read this far in this book, you are
probably one of these people. If so, your future will be a creative one. You
will think new ideas, perceive new vistas, take on greater challenges, and
drink deeply from the wells of livingness and vitality. You have shed the
armor of old conclusions that safeguarded your nonoriginal thinking. You
are now flexible, awake, and imaginative. Your curiosity is functioning and
your expectations are many, and all of them good. You are alive, not dead.
You are awake, not asleep.
It is obvious that the Infinite is never asleep. The Creative Process is a
twenty-four-hour-a-day process. The allegorical description of God in the
opening chapters of Genesis states that God rested on the seventh day. It
may be interesting as an allegorical symbol, but it most certainly is not a
truth. Infinite Mind is constant in its creativeness. There is no impediment
to Its action. There is no beginning and no end. There are no disruptions of
Its thinking. It has been called the eternal process of Being becoming Being.
I like to call it the Glory of God.
Awakened thinkers are not afraid of spiritual ideas. They welcome them.
Being awakened thinkers, they analyze them to find their creativeness. Such
people are not traditional thinkers. They respect the traditional thinking of
others, but they want none of it for themselves. They may read the Bible,
but they read it in terms of the present, finding meanings that are effectual
right now. They do not have a God upon a distant throne. They have a God
that indwells their minds as a pure cause of right ideas. They enjoy the
present and have great expectations for good in the future. These people are
of value to life, to God, and to mankind.

Mental Calcification

There is no quicker way to make yourself ill, miserable, or poverty-minded

than to have a closed mind. It is also a sure way of alienating people, thus
producing loneliness. With the loss of all possible creativity in
consciousness, there comes the endless repetition of the monotonous. This
is hell on earth, but most closed-minded people do not know this. They
think of themselves as being in an impossible situation, so they resign
themselves to it and, like martyrs, they carry their burdens. Unfortunately,
these are not quiet people. They shout their grievances against life, against
God, and against their fellow man.
All this is completely unnecessary. God never created a person to be a
vegetable. The Infinite has endowed us all alike. A closed mind is an insult
to the Mind that created you. To the open-minded, all things are possible
because all ideas are available. Inspiration finds no walls created to fence it
out. It activates the open-minded person and offers to him a kingdom of
heaven on earth, an arena where there are no obstacles to forward-thinking.
With expectancy, curiosity, inspiration, and decision, the open-minded man
is invincible. His God is up-to-date. His own creative self-image is up-to-
date, so his thinking is up-to-date. He is not a past-prone mind. He uses the
past as a source of wisdom. He draws upon it for it has much to give him as
he creates new patterns in the present. But his motivations are present ones.
His creative ideas are present ones. He is open and receptive to new ideas,
for in them alone is his mental health. Without them, his consciousness
stagnates. Present-day living requires present-day thinking.
The calcified mind is neurotic, unhealthy, and can only create difficulties
for the individual who maintains it. Its thinking is twenty years out-of-date.
It is obsolete thinking seeking to recreate the past in the present and this is a
metaphysical impossibility. Such thinking withers the spiritual muscles of
the mind because of lack of use. The closed mind is rarely concerned with
God or the things of the Spirit. It wallows within itself in a dead sea of
consciousness. It needs the command of Isaiah, “Arise, shine, for thy light
is come” (Isaiah 60:1). It needs a resurrection out of its current death-
thinking into its true estate of life-conceiving.
Perhaps you have only a slight amount of calcified thinking. If so, now is
the time to attack it, and you do this by reviewing your thinking of the past
few days. The places of hardened thinking will make themselves clear to
you. Realize how stupid and foolish these minor islands of concrete are.
Into each one, put a new idea, the opposite of the old one. Clear out this
mental rubbish before it begins to have authority. Here is a spiritual mind
treatment that will give you guidelines:
The Infinite Mind knows no inflexibility. It never retreates to the
past. It never destroys Itself. I am this Mind in action. My
consciousness is this Mind in expression. God’s Mind is up-to-date,
so my consciousness is up-to-date. It is flexible. There is no
calcification in it. All old ruts of thinking are now obliterated and
gone. New ideas are mine. I accept them, assimilate them, circulate
them, and express them. My mind is clean, fresh, and creative. God
thinks in me, and I am nourished by inspiration as a result. My
creativity is amazing. It renews and recreates my whole experience.
I am a new person with a fresh mind, living in an interesting world.
My subconscious mind accepts this treatment, and it is so right now.

Creative Side Lines

I am assuming that you have made some definite decisions since you began
reading this book. Now you need the right mental atmosphere to execute
them. Your subconscious mind is already working on your new decisions,
creating the ways and means of their accomplishment. Praise your
subconscious mind for the excellent work it is doing, even though you may
not be aware, as of now, of its actions. Rest assured it is in business,
working for you along the new lines you have given it. The atmosphere of
praise and thanksgiving is vital in metaphysical practice. It is a mental
atmosphere in which correct ideas are nourished and given their freedom to
create their corresponding forms. Your subconscious mind is like the
mother’s womb. You have implanted in it your decision, which is a seed
idea. The subconscious is now at work building a definite identity of
thought that will soon emerge into your experience. Your decision is made
fact by subconscious mental work. What your conscious mind is thinking
while this process is going on is of vital import. A constructive, creative,
and expectant attitude has to be maintained.
Doubt regarding the end result of your demonstration must not enter into
your thinking. It is to be avoided at all costs. Prolonged periods of doubt
can undermine all the creative work your subconscious mind is doing.
Every time doubt, question, or fear begins in your mind, catch yourself and
stop it. Deliberately change the way you are thinking. Force your mind to
think about something interesting and pleasant. Think of relatives, friends,
and coworkers who are successful, and declare that you have joined their
ranks. Use your imagination to create mental images of things and events
that give you pleasure. Speak aloud the Twenty-third Psalm. Remember that
what God starts, God completes. Your decision, implanted by you in your
subconscious mind, was a spiritual act. Feed it with right thinking.
Are your hobbies creative and do they stir up creative thinking in you? If
not, they should be discarded and new ones thought. Perhaps they have
completed their cycle in your experience and need to be dropped. They may
have become too comfortable and have ceased being areas of inspiration. If
so, take on a new project. Be sure it is one that causes diversion from your
usual routines and will give you pleasure. Do not take on a side line that
you think you need for self-improvement. Such a project carries with it a
strain of accomplishment. It may well be that you do not need constant self-
improvement. Take a short vacation from it, and choose a hobby that is
pleasant; yes, even fun.
Pleasure and fun are creative mental atmospheres. Too many people have
too little pleasure in their usual week. It is a tonic that keeps the mind
functioning in ways of health. There is healing power in a hearty laugh just
as there is destructive power in weeping and anger. Your mind needs the
pleasure idea to offset the constant work idea. The race mind has
overemphasized the work idea. We all know people who have so
completely accepted the work idea that they cannot accept the pleasure
idea. Their jobs come first, not their mental health. They do a full day’s
work and take home more work for evenings and weekends. They create
their own isolation and think of it as being virtuous. It is not. It is unhealthy
and unwise. It is a false concept of their own importance. It is the human
ego expressing. The work idea must be balanced with the pleasure idea.
God did not create you to be a drone. The Infinite created you to be a
valuable producer, but It also equipped you for pleasure to stimulate your
The Infinite Mind wants you to be happy. Never forget this, and take
every step necessary to ensure your happiness. It is necessary for your
spiritual growth. The unhappy are spiritually declining. This is not for you.
You are now on a pathway of balance between that which must be done and
that which you want to do. Maintain this balance and you will maintain
your creativity. When you do your work, do it well. When you have your
times of pleasure, expand them to their fullness. Take from them all that
you can.
Make certain your mental house is in good order. You have no further use
for negative speculations. Cut them short and dismiss them. You are
expecting great things of your subconscious mind. You are expecting it to
give birth to the fact of your decision. This is a time to fast from all
negatives. It is a time to watch especially the trends your mind is taking.
Use your imagination to keep your thinking on course. It will always go in
the direction you give it. You are the authority that determines your ways of
thinking. Be that authority. Many times each day, check on your thinking to
be certain that it is the kind of thinking that will produce for you what you
want produced. Check it to see if it is sustaining the healthy mental
atmosphere that your subconscious needs at this particular time. If it is not,
you now know what to do. You authorize a new direction of thought. You
again contemplate yourself as already having whatever it is that you have
decided to have. This is not daydreaming. This is healthy thinking that
guarantees results.
Keep the inspiration level in your mind high. It needs to be a constant
flow through your consciousness. It is the kind of refreshment that the mind
needs. It prevents you from doing what I call drab thinking. Drab thinking
is unproductive thinking, and you cannot afford it at this particular time
when the full action of your consciousness needs to be one of healthy
expectation. Watch a growing plant for a few minutes and you will be
inspired. The Intelligence at work in the plant to bring it to its present size
is the same Intelligence that is functioning in you, as you. If that
Intelligence has created the plant or the f lower—something you cannot do
—then it will create, by means of your subconscious mind, your decision
into fact.
I never cease to be amazed at the Intelligence that is at work in nature. It
knows exactly what to do and does it. I often declare that that same
Intelligence is now operating in my consciousness. I declare that I am that
Intelligence. Such statements keep the creative ideas in the mind alert as
they go about their business of becoming. Inspiration can be induced in
consciousness. The more you declare that you are inspired, the freer the
flow of inspiration. New ideas appear to give you refreshing thought. They
prevent mental staleness, which is a dead-end street. They keep a
circulation of healthy thinking, which gives the mind a healthy tone.
“Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and
few there be that find it” (Matthew 7:14). This is directed right thinking
leading to results. You have passed through the gate of decision and you are
on the way of directed thinking so that the decision can become the fact.
You have gone too far now to turn back. Your demonstration is certain, for
you are maintaining the mental atmosphere in which it is being born. The
Law of the subconscious now works mathematically without any hindrance
from the conscious mind. It is free to do Its perfect work, and It is doing it.
Its total know-how is in action on your idea.
Freely you have given your clear thought unto your consciousness, and
freely you shall receive the result. Remember that you do not need to know
how it is accomplished. You only need to know that it is already done. That
which ought to be already is. I have absolute faith in the Science of the
Mind and the laws that operate it. They never vary. If I do not get the results
that I think I should, I do not blame the mind and its laws. I do a re-check
on my thinking during the past month. Something has gone wrong in my
consciousness that has given a different direction to the law of the
subconscious. As a result, it turned from doing the work of thought it was
doing and went off in other directions because I told it to do so.
Your mental re-check will probably tell you the reason for your not
demonstrating your decision. So, you then start all over again, determined
to have the law produce what you have again decided it shall produce. In a
firm voice, you speak to your own subconscious, authorizing it to produce
your decision. You declare that it is already done; it is already an
accomplished fact, end that this time there will be no interruptions of doubt.
You then give thanks that this is so, and conclude the treatment with a loud
Amen. The creative process of the subconscious again begins its scientific
work and continues to the end result, unless you again interrupt it with
confusions; but this time you will not do that.
You are a creative human being. Never forget this. You may or may not
use the spiritual creativity that is your divine inheritance. That is up to you.
When you do want to use it, though, you now know how to do it. You now
have the tools. Start with curiosity, move then to inspiration. Then comes
the moment of decision, followed by directed clear thinking. Nothing is
easier to explain and, at the same time, more difficult to accomplish.
Using these mental techniques based on spiritual laws, you need never
again have fears about the future. You determine your own future. You have
total faith in your individual mental equipment. Never again will you bog
down in the quandaries of doubts, fears, and negative speculations. Never
again will you fear your fellow man nor be jealous of him. You have been
set free from all that unnecessary negation. You are free to be a positive,
creative person who has decided where you are going in life and uses the
right-thinking method to attain your goals.
Chapter 6


COLUMBUS decided to cross the ocean. The American Colonies decided

to become a free nation. The Wright Brothers decided to create a flying
machine. Every improvement in our world has been accomplished by a
decisive mind. The faltering minds, the hesitant minds, and the fearful
minds have made no contributions to our ways of living. They have been
followers and not leaders. They have been lifted up by other people’s
bootstraps. They have received but not given. They have existed, but not
fully lived the life that was a free gift to them. Not having sown creative
ideas into their subconscious minds, they could not reap many values in
life. They have lived in the light of other people’s minds. They are half
hearted, half-living and half-dead.
Moses was inspired to take the Children of Israel out of Egypt. He
decided to do it. For forty years, these people wandered through the
Wilderness before entering the Promised Land. Moses’ decision took them
out of Egypt, but only their own decision could take them into the new
country. During these forty years, a generation and a half of the older
people had died. These were the stalemate people. They wanted either to
stay in the Wilderness or to return to Egypt, which they still considered
their real home. During this time, a new generation and a half had been
born. These people had never known Egypt. They did not want to go
backward. They wanted to go forward. They decided to enter the Promised
Land. Their right leader, Joshua, was appointed by Moses, and under his
effective, progressive thinking, they entered their new country. Their
decision produced their demonstration.

“A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways” (James 1:8). He negates

his real reason for being, to let ideas happen by means of him. We are here
in this present life to be the vehicles of ideas. By means of us, they happen.
Ideas cannot reveal themselves. They have to have people with minds
conditioned to receive them. Negative ideas need negatively conditioned
people. Positive ideas need creative thinkers, affirmative thinkers. Each of
us receives the type of ideas according to our preconditioned consciousness.
And, we have been conditioning our minds since the day we were born.
Review your general areas of thinking in the past six months and you will
discover why the ideas now coming into your mind are the kind that they
are. They fit into your present subconscious attitudes. If they be great and
creative, rejoice. If they are not great and creative, it indicates that you need
to do some attitude changing. The law of attraction in mind is foolproof.
You draw unto yourself your own. Rest assured that the kind of ideas now
functioning in your mind belong there because the atmosphere of your
consciousness has induced their arrival and stay. A real mental
housecleaning has great therapeutic value. It rids the consciousness of those
attitudes, biases, and hardened opinions which invite trouble. Use the
techniques given in this book to do it.
You can change the directions of consciousness because you are the
thinker in the consciousness. You can so think that the ideas you would like
to have in your mind will appear in your mind. Think in prosperous ways
and ideas will come to you that will give you greater prosperity. I have
proven in my own experience that prosperity is the result of a creative
mental attitude in which prospering ideas can be born. Such ideas
recognized and subconsciously accepted then reveal the necessary outer
things that have to be done. The double-minded man cannot prosper, for he
is unable to arrive at decisions and is unable thereby to have a creative
consciousness. He needs help, but his very indecisiveness prevents him
from seeking it. If it is offered to him, he doubts its value.
In my years of counseling, I have found that only those who really want
what they want enough to decide that they shall have it will get what they
want. The others mutter at me that great statement, “with God all things are
possible” (Matthew 19:26). They expect me to agree, which I do. But their
concept of this statement is that it will be done unto them without any effort
on their part. They expect their half-thinking to be rewarded by a whole
result. This is a spiritual and mental impossibility. Those who have actually
decided to have what they want do not expect special favors from the
universe. They are ready and willing to think what they want long enough
to get what they want. They are not afraid of the good, solid mental work of
believing. They know there are no miracles.
It does take the good, solid work of believing to let the decision become
the fact. The possibilities of the Infinite Mind are the possibilities of man.
But we have the job of accepting one of the many possibilities, deciding
upon it, and believing in a clear-cut way that it is done. God’s work is to
produce ideas. Man’s work is to accept them and work with them in the way
that I have outlined. It is the only way of success. It has been used
consciously or subconsciously by every successful person. Remember that
you are using the same mind that every successful individual has used or is
using. All mind in all persons is equal. One may be more highly educated
than another, but the mind factor is always equal. There are no large minds
and small minds. All minds are alike.
It is the nature of the individual mind to accept ideas and to think about
them. This is the normal business of the mind. The fairly ignorant mind and
the well-educated mind are doing the same thing. They are always
accepting ideas. They are always thinking about ideas. This is the action of
consciousness. It always has been and it always will be. All creativity is
mental action, whether it be the farmer sowing his seed or the electronic
engineer pursuing his career. Both of these men have made decisions
regarding ideas. There is no mental instability in either of them. Their
actions are preceded by their thinking, and their thinking follows the line of
their decisions. All this has nothing to do with their religious beliefs, their
political beliefs, or their financial status. They are consciousness in action
producing results. They are alive thinkers.
Be certain that you are an alive thinker. Watch for any indications of
instability in making decisions. You may discover that in certain fields of
your experience you are decisive but that in other areas you are indecisive.
These latter areas need your sincere research. They indicate possible
failure-prone subconscious patterns. They may even reveal unknown fears
carried over from childhood. As a toothache indicates that a visit to the
dentist is important, so the indecisive areas in your consciousness indicate
that you need some self-examination.
Why are you indecisive in a particular area of your life? Thinking about
it will reveal the subconscious reason. It may not do this at once, but
eventually you will clearly know the reason. Once this is known, you will
then be able to be decisive in that section of your daily living. No more
wasted mental energy in that department. No more seeking advice from
others regarding it. You have freed yourself from instability. You are now
stabilized in decisive conclusions which accelerate your effectiveness. You
have gained another area where you are in direct control and where you are
the authority to your own experience. You have gained a greater self-
acceptance, a greater faith in yourself. All this makes for easier living. You
no longer run around in the circles of questions and doubts. You make
immediate decisions and follow them with immediate right action. There is
no more hesitancy on your part. You know, decide, and act.

Correct Mental Work Is Easy

The consciousness that is established in order and has definite goals does
not labor with negatives and is not turned aside by unanswerable questions.
It knows what it is doing to accomplish what it wants to do. It gives no
attention to the many side issues that could divert it from its proper course.
It holds its emotions in directed control. They support the main decision and
add their power to its process of manifestation. There is no inner conflict.
There is an abiding peace in the entire functioning of thought and feeling.
The entire consciousness is constructive, creative and productive.
Laborious thinking indicates the need for a decision. Such thinking
fatigues the mind and lessens the sharpness of the mental processes. It is
thinking with resistance because there is no clear-cut desire behind it. Your
own mental brakes have slowed you down, just as the brakes of an
automobile slow it down. Laborious thinking can be stopped if you will do
some reviewing of your desire, your goal, and your decision. Simplify your
thinking down to basics. Contemplate the goal as already accomplished and
you will discover a new wave of fresh thinking sweeping into your
consciousness. Right ideas fall into place and fresh inspiration reveals itself.
Again, you are at ease in your creative process.
“I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will
also do it” (Isaiah 46:11). A premise like this one makes for easy mental
work. No time or energy is given to trivialities, other than those necessary
for the accomplishment of the end result. The man with such a premise has
no time for resentment. Most unsuccessful people have many resentments.
They have unconsciously built these resentments in order to justify to
themselves their lack of success. Their twisted thinking could not produce
any really satisfactory situation. They are running down blind alleys of their
own unconscious creation.
The success-prone person needs all his emotions creatively supporting
his decision. He cannot afford negative mental-emotional diversions. He
must stay on his course of constructive thinking, backed up by a healthy
constructive attitude. He makes certain that his mind is not weighed down
with anything which interferes with his steadfast correct thinking. To be
success-prone, you need faith in yourself, faith in other people and a
generally healthy mind. You need to be up-to-date in your thinking and
optimistic about your future. The pessimist weighs himself down with his
false expectations of disaster. He is missing the whole point of living and
most certainly he is missing the real joy of being alive. He is an excellent
illustration of how not to use your mind.
The mind that is uncluttered with negative emotions is the mind that can
think creatively with ease. Knowing that your mind is a phase and function
of the Infinite Mind helps to keep it uncluttered. The Infinite has no
negative emotions. It has no hidden fears, resentments, or frustrations. Its
mood is always creative. Its thinking is always clear. As you affirm that
Mind to be your mind, you release Its creativity as your creativity and great
things happen. God is in business by means of you, and the business of God
is always good and forever expanding. Say to yourself often:
My mind is forever a part of the Infinite Mind. The Infinite Mind is
never disturbed. It knows no negatives. It has no fears, resentments
or frustrations. Therefore, in my mind now these cannot exist and do
not exist. They have no cause, continuity, or conclusion. The
creativity of the Infinite Mind is the creativity of my mind. The
clarity of the Infinite Mind is the clarity of my mind. God is in
business by means of me and the business of God is always good.
Therefore, I think with ease of my accomplished goal. It is being
created in my mind right now. I welcome its appearance in my

Directed Thinking

Intelligent causative thinking is thinking that is goal-directed and not

impeded by emotional drawbacks. I believe this to be the normal thinking
of man. All else is abnormal thinking. I cannot believe that the
subconscious mind was created to give man his troubles. Being born of the
Infinite, its basic motivation must be that of health, happiness, love, and
self-expression. Our usual use of the subconscious is really a misuse of it. It
is man who has put into the subconscious mind the materials to cause him
his troubles. Nothing enters your subconscious mind save by your
conscious mind. If confusion is there, you have put it there. If a failure
pattern is there, you have put it there. I say this not to create self-blame, but
to create self-understanding.
Self-blame is quite different from self-understanding. The first is
destructive and the second is constructive. All of us can search our minds
and find many faults. Unless we do something to erase these, we have only
added to them. We have increased our guilt load, and this lessens our
capacity for originality. Our guilt loads need to be lessened, not expanded.
The originality factor in too many people is wrapped in the swaddling
clothes of guilt. It remains stifled and inoperative. To perceive a
subconscious fault and negate it is one thing. To perceive a subconscious
fault and reaffirm it is quite another thing. Using this instruction negates
subconscious faults and releases originality.
Self-understanding is a sure sign of healthy thinking. You realize that you
are a sum total of patterns, beliefs, and causes. The bulk of these are
creative and not burdened with past mistakes. They are of the here and the
now, supported by the creativity of the past. They are today’s patterns,
beliefs, and causes. You are at ease mentally with them. They inspire rather
than conspire. They deal with apparent impediments without fear or doubt.
They back up your mental planning and help execute your orders. They are
your coworkers in all that you are doing. They make you feel that you are a
harmonious whole.
The negative patterns you allow to continue in your subconscious mind
form a conspiracy against you. They are out to get you and often they do.
Their ways of operations are intelligent. They are the causes of your many
forms of ills. They obstruct the creative process. They may not be able to
stop the process, but they can slow it down. They do not want you to be
successful, healthy, or happy. The sooner they are self-seen by you and
negated, the better. There are no impediments to the success of any person
save those which have been subconsciously accepted by the person. That
they can be located, observed, and negated by you is the great hope of your
mental-emotional life.
Have no fear of the negative patterns you may uncover in your mind.
They are ready to be known and dismissed. The only fight they have in
themselves is the fear you give to them. Their continuity in you needs your
fears and your worried thought. If they do not receive such nourishment,
they wither into minor importance. A strong demand on your part that they
vacate your mind will cause their impotence. They become inactivated, and
they will stay inactive for the rest of your life, unless you unconsciously
reactivate them. This we all tend to do when we are in a depressed state. We
think backwards.
Directed thinking can be either negative or positive. Consistent worry is
directed thinking. A constant fear of the future is directed thinking.
Frustrated thinking is certainly directed thinking. Such thinking must be
avoided at all costs, and the only cost there is to do this is redirection of
your attention to a positive goal. The person who cannot stop worrying is
the person who wants to worry. He is getting some hidden or obvious
benefit from it. He may be seeking sympathy and attention. You do not give
sympathy to a success person; you give him praise. He has nothing in his
mental make-up to warrant sympathy.
The success person is a self-made person. The failure person is also a
self-made person. Both have used the materials they have placed in their
subconscious minds to get them to the place where they are. One is not
lucky and the other unlucky. Neither one can state that his accomplishments
are the result of heredity or environment. There are as many failures among
the rich as there are among the poor. Success or failure cannot be explained
by anything other than the use and misuse of mental processes. The
subconscious mind produces what we place in it. It is a creative process. It
is a law of action.
It is axiomatic that we are the subconscious mind in action. It determines
every phase of our lives. It determines our health, our relationships with
others, our financial positions, and our own sense of worthiness and well-
being. There is no sense in blaming it for our faults nor in praising it for our
virtues. Both faults and virtues are created by our own minds in accordance
with the decisions we have made regarding our own lives. Given creative
direction, the subconscious mind will respond to our decisions and do its
normal work and create what we want. Given noncreative directions, it
again does its normal work and creates troubles for us. Its impersonality
cannot be overemphasized.
Successful people like what they are doing. They actually love what they
are doing. Creative ideas unfold rapidly in this mental atmosphere of love
and reveal their full potentials. This love invokes their inner enthusiasm. It
is a source of mental vitality. The romanticists say that love rules the world,
but it does not. Ideas rule the world. When ideas are positive and are given
freedom to unfold in a mind that loves what it is doing, then they do rule the
world of such an individual. Such directed thinking cannot be defeated by
person, place, or situation. It always is victorious and successful.

Great Ideas Need You

Ideas need you. They will be born by means of someone somewhere, so it

might just as well be you. The universe needs these new ideas to maintain
its evolution. Life in you needs these ideas in order to have full self-
expression. You need these ideas in order to feel fulfilled. They are already
in your consciousness. Do some contemplative thinking, and give your
intuition a chance to tell you something. Rest assured that what it will tell
you will be good. It will be an idea that will enrich you in some way. It will
make you a greater person. It will probably solve any important problem
you may have at the moment.
If the idea is a great one, it may startle you. You may feel inadequate to
grasp it and give it embodiment. That idea would not have come into your
mind if you were not the right person in the right place at the right time for
it to be born. Your present state of consciousness has attracted that idea. It
needs that idea right now in order to stay fresh and creative. It is probably
time that you had a great new idea. You need the idea as much as the idea
needs you. Do not turn it aside. Examine it. Ponder it. Think of all creative
ways in which you can make it happen.
We unconsciously often reject startling ideas. They seem too big for us.
Their acceptance would make too many changes in our lives. Or, we really
do not want to do the work which they entail. For these and many other
reasons, we say no to them. To accept them is to give ourselves mental
health. They will stir us up. They will disintegrate our complacency. They
will lead us in new directions. They will bring with them new thoughts, new
things, new people, and new situations. This is exactly what we need all the
time. We need to be mentally jolted by a new idea. It is mental shock
The unconscious resistance to change, which many people have, is not an
indication of mental health. Routines ensnare us too easily without our
realizing it. To be alert and receptive to a new idea is indicative of a
success-producing mind. Ideals without ideas have no virtue. The
complacent mind may have lofty ideals, but it remains a nonproductive
mind. Ideals are a great incentive only when the ideas that accompany them
are put to practical uses. Then complacency departs and correct mental
activity begins.
It has always interested me that unhappy people have no real curiosity
about themselves. The full attention of their minds is on the supposed cause
of their trouble. I use the word supposed because a psychological study of
their anguish usually uncovers a cause different from the one they have
been announcing. When I have a problem of any kind, I am curious as to
the subconscious causes of it in me. Long ago, I gave up blaming external
events and people for my troubles. I know this Science of the Mind too well
to ever again do that. I begin reviewing all emotional events of the past
several months, for here I will find the cause of my problem. At times, I can
perceive my answer right away. Other times, it may take a week or more of
occasional reviewing. But, every time, I do eventually locate the emotional
cause of my trouble in my subconscious, and I then clear it.
Most self-curiosity is negative; therefore, it is avoided as much as
possible. When I review emotional experiences to find the causes of my
troubles, I do not consider this process a negative one, for I am seeking that
which, if found and negated, will give me my cure. I consider it a technique
of healing. I am seeking a negative to destroy it, not to wallow in it and
thereby increase its effectiveness. To me, this is a healthy use of curiosity.
Something needs to be uprooted in my subconscious and I find it and then
make certain that it functions no more.
Being the center and the circumference of my experience, I accept the
responsibility for all causation. Not all people are ready or willing to do
this. They do not want to look in the mirror and face and handle what they
see. When you can honestly accept your mind and emotions as the only real
causes of your experiences, you have set yourself free of all the delusions of
which the human mind is capable. Now you are on solid ground. Now you
are ready to find out why the you that you are is not the you that you can be.
The you that you can be is the spiritual you that you always have been,
but not until now did you know this. This true you is the you that needs and
finds great ideas. The you that the Infinite created has been waiting for your
recognition of yourself as it. It is like the baby chicken in the eggshell
waiting for the first crack in the shell to find its real existence. Correct self-
curiosity causes the shell of your fixed human opinions to crack so that the
real self can appear in your consciousness and grasp creative ideas.
In this new-found freedom of being the you that is the real you is the only
security there really is. It is like coming out of a crowded room into the
open and taking a deep breath of fresh air. Now you know that never again
will you be victimized by your own wrong decisions and the negative
thinking that accompanied them. Your mind is open to all right ideas. You
no longer have any receptivity to ideas you do not want to experience. The
responsibilities of everyday living are no longer burdensome nor dull. Each
hour is filled with accomplishment accompanied with pleasure.

Unexpected Dividends
Your decision to be yourself pays off in rich dividends. The word
impossible is deleted from your vocabulary. It no longer has meaning. In its
place now is the word unexpected. You are ready for that which is yet to be,
knowing that all ideas concerning it are already in your mind and will
appear on time and in order. You expect the unexpected and you welcome it
as it appears in your consciousness and in your world. You expect health for
you have no fear of illness. You know that there is nothing in your
consciousness to cause illness. All mental and emotional conflicts have left
You expect your prosperity to be completely normal and continuous. You
have decided that this shall be so. There is no longer anything in your
consciousness to cause restriction. The flowing in of money is always
balanced with the flowing out of money. You have a right to live graciously
and you do so. All your bills are paid the day you receive them. You
discover that paying bills is a pleasant experience. Your inner wisdom, born
of the Spirit, guides you in all your financial matters.
You expect to be happy, for now you realize that happiness is your
normal creative state of living. You are neither ashamed of being happy nor
afraid of being happy. You rejoice in being alive, doing what you are doing,
and feeling as you are feeling. There is nothing in your subconscious mind
to make you other than happy. You have decided that this is so, and the
everyday events of your life indicate that it is so. You are even glad to have
problems for now you know that each one of them is soluble through your
own right thinking, right deciding, and the correct use of your imagination.
You are happy.
You decide to give and receive love. You know you can do this and make
intelligent plans to do it. You are no longer fighting the human race. You
have taken your place in it as a loving, kind and generous person. You
attract to yourself people and situations which are the right ones for you.
Your well-balanced emotions plus your new creative drives and interests
draw to you like-minded individuals with whom you have ease of
communication. There is an interchange of ideas, attitudes, and interest.
Love in you finds love in them. Love in them finds love in you. The Infinite
is loving by means of you, and you give It full freedom of action. No more
loneliness. No more apartness. You like the feeling of being one with many
people. You enrich and are enriched by your associations. You catch a
glimpse of the Spirit in all whom you contact.
You have severed all connections with frustration. The dynamics of the
creative ideas in your mind are now having full self-expression. This
penetrates every area of your living. You are a dynamic person. People
think of you as a dynamic person. You do what you want to do. You rejoice
in the free flow of creative thinking which keeps your mind centered on
your decided goals. You watch new ideas happen in your mind and new
events take place in your experience. You are outgoing, fulfilled, and free to
express yourself.
You have faith in Life. You sense yourself to be the instrument of a
mighty Mind. You are convinced of the many values of living in the here
and the now. Your good is not postponed or delayed. Your mind senses the
spiritual activities within it and cooperates fully with them. You trust the
great creative law of the subconscious mind. Your authorizations in it are
left free to produce themselves. You are free of all deep concern and serious
worry. You know that only the good is on your pathway and that its
revelations to you will always be the right ones at the right time appearing
in order. You are affirmative in your attitudes. You like yourself as you are,
creative and victorious.
You have a larger understanding of God. Not my God, nor a God of
creeds, but the God your own thinking has discovered within you. It is a
God personal to you, for you personalize It. You trust the Infinite Mind as It
functions in your mind. You know that Its constant flow of new ideas is
your guarantee of right living, for you now are receptive to them. You find
many people who think of God as you think of God. You are no longer
rejecting anything spiritual. You are open and receptive to spiritual ideas.
You know that your life is the life of God. You know you are the living
representative of all that the Infinite is. You are worthy of your high calling
as a spiritual creation.

Trust in Life
There is no reason for not feeling comfortable in this great cosmos. People
with self-conditioned linked minds may fear the unknown, but there is no
reason for you to do this. You know that anything and everything that you
need to know you will know when you need to know it. You do not need to
know the future or fear the future, for you are creating your future with your
present attitude. A trust in the general business of life is essential to well-
being. It comes from seeing yourself correctly. You are not a biological
accident. You are a programmed individual, individualizing the
magnificence of Life. Any feeling of your inferiority or insignificance is
You are important to Life. That which created you and brought you this
far will take care of you for the rest of eternity. You are a citizen of the
universe, and no claim that you can make is too much for the Power which
is within you to accomplish. It knows no limitations, not even the ones you
have placed within your own thinking. Give this Power great works to do
by maintaining great ideas in your consciousness. The creative process of
your subconscious mind is inexhaustible. It knows neither worry nor
fatigue. It is perfect in its precision. Give it great goals to accomplish. Use it
for greatness.
When you trust the creative power of the universe, you know what real
relaxation is. You do not have to solve the problems of the world unless you
are the head of a government, You do not have to solve other people’s
troubles unless you are a professional counselor. You do have to solve your
own problems, and this you do without fuss and anxiety. You make right
decisions and let the subconscious mind do the work. Your attitude is, “I am
resolved what to do” (Luke 16:4). Therefore, tensions regarding decisions
cannot arise in your mind, emotions and body.
To trust in Life reduces the pressures of everyday living. It makes you
feel that the whole world is supporting you at all times. This is exactly what
the world is doing. Something great, wonderful, and true is backing up each
of us. Knowing this, there is almost nothing to fear, not even death. You are
a continuum. Your consciousness does not stop when your heart stops
beating. You are an individual in Infinity and Eternity. You go right on
living in a different environment. A fear of death is understandable in an
ignorant mind, but not in yours. You are life that goes right on living,
evolving, and being.
Bodies die, not people. You are not your body; you are an individual
using a body. You have had many bodies during your lifetime. You started
with a newborn baby’s body about six to eight pounds in weight. Six years
later, you had a different body. At fourteen, you had another type body; at
thirty, you had another. Your present body is temporary, as were the ones
you have used all through your years of living. You, as consciousness,
moved through these bodies. You, as consciousness, will continue to flow
through bodies; not visible to your family and friends, but very visible to
you. When you state that a dear friend just died, you are talking of his or
her body only. Consciousness cannot die.
I cannot believe that an Intelligence that created me out of Itself, and
gave me the tools to use for creative living where I am, has no further use
for me or plans for me. Most of us are not really valuable to life until we are
past fifty. Many people are at their most creative peak when their bodies
cease functioning. No, you and I have a great deal of vital living to do in the
millions of years ahead of us. There is no heaven and there is no hell, but
there are creative areas in this ever-expanding universe where we keep on
being ourselves. God will still be in business a thousand years from now
and we are God’s business.

Summing It Up

I have written about fifty thousand words on this science of decision. You
have read them. No book can ever be a final authority. The final authority is
only in the individual mind and its opinions which lead to decisions. You
are an active intelligence functioning in a universe of intelligence that
always responds to you as you present yourself to it. You are more than a
human mind managing to get through seventy or ninety human years, You
are more than family, job, home, and recreation. You are a creator creating
creation. You are an infinite possibility. You will never know the full
greatness that you are.
As you think of yourself in larger terms, you invite larger ideas into your
consciousness, Your decisions regarding these ideas are the way life
becomes to you. Individuality means independence. Independence means
the necessity for assuming self-authority. You were not born to be like other
people. You are a unique representation of an Infinite Source. You are
always free to fail or to succeed. Nothing is predestined.
To change long-standing negative habit patterns in the subconscious
mind is not easy, but it can be done and you can do it. The valley of
indecision and the mountaintops of decision are both available to you. By
taking authority over your own mind and emotions, you can have great
mountain-top experiences. You leave behind you the valley with its
shadows. You leave behind you half-living. You have assumed the
responsibility of being the light to your own world. You know that you can
achieve what you want to achieve. You know that all life responds to you as
an infinite givingness and fills full the cup you give to it. The size of the
cup you determine.
Your subconscious mind is a divine instrument. Its dexterity and
precision will never be fully known. It is the greatest gift that you have. It is
beyond price. It is what you are as a creative individual. It accepts the
impress of your thought and acts upon it. It knows neither good nor evil yet
its processes can create both. Wise men have said that all creation is the
result of the Law and the Word. The subconscious is the Law. What you
place in it is the Word. This is the play of life upon itself.
A correct definition of a spiritually acclimated individual is one whose
conscious mind, operating in a field of subconscious creative intelligence,
gives it creative decisions which it then produces as experience. For such a
man or woman, there is a full life. They are not only fulfilled themselves;
they are also able to give greatly to others. Of them can be said,
“He hath done all things well” (Mark 7:37). You are invited to join their
ranks and have all the benefits that accompany right decisions.



Appendix I


Make a Depth Decision to Be Happy

You have to be a today person in a today experience to have the fullness of

life in the here and the now. Here and now is your opportunity to decide in
favor of successful living. Your future success is not predicated upon how
successful you have been in the past, nor is it limited by any catastrophic
detours that have occurred. You are living proof that with each breath you
are capable of making new choices. Make a depth decision to be happy, Dr.
Barker tells us. Never judge yourself by what you have done. Judge yourself
in terms of what you will do. You are not the past. You are the present
becoming the future.
Following are three activities that can help you make that depth decision
to be happy. Commit to each activity and stay with each one long enough to
sense a change in your mental consciousness. Activity #1: Remembering
that your problems don’t improve you will help you let go of limiting
thoughts. Activity #2: Finding your mighty potentials will focus your
attention on finding those right ideas to activate your greatest potentials.
And Activity #3: Making affirmative statements will help keep you on
track throughout your day and reinforce the truth about yourself and the
situation at hand.
Remember that a new experience can only happen to a changed
individual. Remove problems that limit your circumstances. Begin with a
challenge that is causing you some strife and limiting your gifts and talents.
Keep impressing upon your own mind the need to serve up the ready
responses and ideas necessary to solve each issue; answers await your
readiness to begin and take action. Also, accept your ideas as necessary for
your growth. Each idea can be the most real you awaiting your acceptance.
Your own imagination carries particular possibilities that only you can
make happen. To reach a new level of success, follow each of these three
basic activities. Each one is designed to promote a higher level of
concentration and revelation unique to your own Success Plan.

Activity #1: Your Problems Don’t Improve You

Do not limit your decision to be happy by investigating all the probable

reasons why something will not work. This is a detour to nothing. Problems
are to the mind what pain is to the body. They are warning signs.
Repeatedly we mistake our problem areas for the horizon. Stop here and
now and know your problems do not improve you. Dr. Barker asserts with
great passion, You are not now nor have you ever been the problem.
Barker tells us we are here to see the problem in order to activate the
ideas necessary to solve the problem. Get it? Repeat that to yourself over
and over again if necessary. Your mind will activate the ideas necessary to
remove each barrier. Answers will reveal themselves in right order once
you have decided to act. Make a commitment today to stop building towns
where your problems thrive. Hire the moving truck! Make a move. Decide
today to look at what is holding you back. Remember, be the observer in
order to solve the problem. Here are some simple questions to help you

What Is Holding Me Back?—

Observe Yourself Daily Letting Go of an Issue

What Is Making Me Lame?—

Observe Yourself Progressing Daily with Ease

What Is Causing Me Pain?—

Observe Yourself Being Carefree and Joyful

Activity #2: Ideas Are Mighty Potentials

Already in your mind are the right ideas seeking your right thinking to
become cause to your inner and outer happiness. Ideas, not facts, are the
hope of your world, and these ideas are already resident in your present
mind. Dr. Barker implores us to accept these messages. Begin right now
today with a changed mind. Ideas will carry the most weight sparking your
imaginative side; these inspired moments can solve your problems. Which
ideas keep fascinating you? Which ideas impress themselves on your
conscious awareness? Remember you are a free agent to act. Use your own
mind to decide what shall be. This is the responsibility of life.

This Idea Generates the Most Excitement in Me ...

This Idea Most Fascinates Me ...

This Idea Keeps Reoccurring in My Mind ...

Activity #3: Affirmative Statements to Say to Yourself Daily

At this moment your mind wants to argue with you. Push those problems
right out of your way. The way to solve problems is to change your thought
and keep it changed. This is the correct decision to live a full life. Here are
helpful and necessary affirmative statements to help you overcome some
reoccurring negative messages in your conscious daily thoughts. Begin
right now to have a new conversation with yourself and replace that old
tired language. Impress upon your mind today you are a changed person.
Dr. Barker asserts, Your heart’s desires (your greatest ideas) are your
greatest assets. They indicate the experiences you can have when you make
your decisions to have them. They are mighty potentials awaiting your
attention. They should never be ignored.


Say Out Loud: I Was Born to Be Happy

I was born to be happy. Any false pattern causing my unhappiness is now

neutralized and is robbed of all power. New happiness is emerging in my
life as I allow creative ideas to govern my everyday thinking. I experience
new thoughts.
Say Out Loud: I Sense a Change Coming Through Me

I allow myself to be open at the top to new ways of being. Right now,
wonderful new ideas are being born in my experience and I accept them
right now. New forms are being brought into my experience today. I am
excited about life.

Say Out Loud: I Let the Answers Flow Through Me Easily

I am alert to my intuition. I release any notion that I must force an answer. I

cannot will anything to happen. I allow myself to allow the answers to
come from within and I accept my intuition as my guide. I choose to let the
answers flow through me. It’s not about my “getting” something; it’s about
“letting” my creative self express through me with ease and purpose.

Say Out Loud: My Goal and Purpose Is Obvious

I know what I must do to reach my goal. I know what to do and I do it. My

inspired ideas are supported in every way possible. I am pleased with my
progress and am happy to be the person that I am becoming.

Say Out Loud: My Satisfaction Runs Deep

I have a deep underlying sense of fulfillment. I sense I am doing a good job

in life. I accept myself as having a good experience today. I celebrate my
success wherever I go. I have gratitude for these new ideas and experiences
flowing into my life. I am happy for the changes I am making and the
problems I am leaving behind.
Setting a new course of action begins with a depth decision to be happy.
You have the essential and necessary ideas to prove yourself right. Prove
once and for all you have always known what is right for you. Master the
power of decision today and commit to being a happier, better you.
Therefore, I Resolve to Make the Following Decision

This decision completes me. With the knowledge I have gained from these
activities, I now have the power behind my decision. I now know what
power backs my decision to be happy.
Appendix II


CAUSATIVE MIND—Our subconscious mind, which sets creation in

motion. The activity of our subconscious mind is the cause of our own life’s
experience. Experience, in turn, is the effect of the contents and activity of
our subconscious mind. Another term for Causative Mind is Creative Mind.

CREATIVE PROCESS—The process by which the thoughts, beliefs, and

decisions of our subconscious mind become our life’s experience.

INFINITE MIND—The creative, universal intelligence out of which all

creation comes. It is the Mind of God. The individual use of our mind is a
part of Infinite Mind. Infinite Mind is also the source of all new ideas,
which seem to appear as gifts in our mind.

MENTAL LAW—The principle which states that what you place in your
subconscious mind must appear in your experience. This basic law is also
referred to as the Law of Creation, the Law of the Subconscious, and the
Law of Mind.

SPIRITUAL TREATMENT—A positive self-statement that treats one’s

mind to accept beliefs that are life affirming, healing, creative, and/or
empowering. A spiritual treatment can be thought of as a prayer to change
the mind of the one praying from thoughts and beliefs that are limited to a
self-awareness that is expansive. The purpose of spiritual treatment is to set
the Creative Process in motion.
Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind (Dodd, Mead and Company, New
York), pp. 110-111.
Treat Yourself to Life (Dodd, Mead and Company, New York).

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