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Nurturing Brilliance
A Co-Educational School
Aleniboro, off Hajj Camp, Ilorin, Kwara State. Tell: 07083099395,

INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions from this section

1. To handle the mouse attached to the computer system__ (a) you use two fingers (b)
you use three fingers (c) you use or require five fingers (d) you use or require on finger
2. Hardware are component of the computer that has a screen on which you can see
pictures or information is called____ (a) mirror (b) monitor (c) output device (d)
3. Computer parts are connected with the ___ (a)mouse (b) monitor (c) system unit (d)
4. The following are components of computer system except___ (a) monitor (b) keyboard
(c) mouse (d) flash drive
5. The part of computer system which is not physical visible nor touchable is ___ (a)
hardware (b) software (c) mouse (d) system unit
6. The full meaning of CPU is ___ (a) central programme unit (b)central processing unit
(c) computer processor unit (d) computer programme unit
7. The physical part of a computer is known as____ (a) flash drive (b) flash disk (c)
hardware (d) software
8. Which of the following does not belong to the working cycle of a computer system? (a)
process (b) information (c)output (d) input
9. One of the following is the component of a floppy disk in a computer system. (a) open
mouse disk (b) network disk (c) user document (d) round flexible magnetic disk
10. An electronic machine that accept data through an input process with a result through
an output machine is the ___ (a) typewriter (b) telephone (c) mouse (d) computer
11. Audio visual communication can be found in ____ (a) letter (b) flute (c) television (d)
12. An electronic device meant for processing and storing data is ___ (a) photocopier (b)
scanner (c) calculating machine (d) computer system
13. The full meaning of PROM is___ (a) programme root office management (b)
programme return only memory (c) programmable read only memory (d)
programme right office management
14. The word ROM stands for___ (a) read only memory (b) read on memo (c) read only
memo (d) read of memo
15. To operate the computer system, you must be computer______. (a) teacher (b)
literate (c) analyst (d) genius
16. ____ is a machine that is programmed to automatically perform various operations. (a)
computer (b) telephone (c) internet (d) all of the above
17. _____ is computer network that links computers together. (a) computer (b) telephone
(c) internet (d) all of the above
18. GIGO in computer means ____ (a)Green Inland Given Out (b)Garbage In Garbage Out
(c) Go in Get out (d) none of the above
19. The first manual calculating tool was___ (a) calculator (b)sticks (c) abacus (d) stone
20. Another name for monitor is ___ (a)CPU (b) VDU (c) computer (d) television
21. The computer system comprises of two parts called_____ (a)input & output (b)
hardware & software (c) softcopy & hardcopy (d) none of the above
22. ___is an instruction aimed at achieving a particular objective on the computer.
(a)software (b) hardware (c) softcopy
(d) Hardcopy
23. The parts of computers attached to the system unit are known as ___ (a) plotter (b)
peripherals (c) firmware (d) software
24. A folder is ___ (a) a file (b) a paper (c) a disk (d) none of the above
25. There are ____ types of translators. (a) four (b) two (c) six (d) three
26. Programs written in high level language that are translated into assembly language or
machine language are called___ (a)compiler (b) translator (c) interpreter (d) assembler
27. Examples of programming language are the following except __ (a) COBOL (b)
pascal (c) BASIC (d)none of the above
28. Full meaning of COBOL is ___ (a) computer binary operation language (b) common
binary operating language (c)common business oriented language (d) computer
business oriented language
29. Programming language can be classified as ____ (a) small and big language (b) high
level and low level language (c) machine language and computer language (d)none of
the above
30. ____ is the word used for all computer program. (a) software (b) softcopy (c) hard copy

(d) all of the above

1. Define database

b. list 3 forms of database

2. Define Graph

b. list 5types of graph

3. list 4 types of search engines

C. list 4 types of browsers

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