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By Greg Gillespie
A Classic Megadungeon for Labyrinth LordTM
and other Fantasy Role-Playing Games

Local villagers whisper of a mysterious place deep in the marsh - a place shrouded in mist and
dotted with barrow mounds, ruined columns, and standing stones. The tomb-robbers who
explore beneath the mounds - or rather the few who return - tell tales of labyrinthine passages,
magnificent grave goods, and terrifying creatures waiting in the dark. Are you brave (or foolish)
enough to enter the Barrowmaze?
by Greg Gillespie

A Classic Megadungeon for Labyrinth LordTM

Credits & Acknowledgements Table of Contents

___________________________________ ___________________________________
Author and Designer: Greg Gillespie Introduction ................................................................... 2
Layout: Greg Gillespie Barrowmaze: A Brief History ........................................ 2
Cartography: Greg Gillespie Barrowmaze: Design Notes ......................................... 2
Editors: Greg Gillespie, Darren Crouse, Chris Geisel Preparing the Barrowmaze ......................................... 3
Front Cover: Stefan Poag Barrowmaze Factions .................................................. 6
Interior Art: Toren Atkinson, Zhu Bajie, Trevor Across the Moor: The Barrow Mounds ...................... 7
Hammond, John Larrey, Stefan Poag, Jason Sholtis Map: The Barrow Mounds ........................................... 8
Playtesters: Dan Barnowski, Darren Crouse, Dan Area One: The Forgotten Antechamber ............... 11
Deline, and Alex Sinnige Area Two: The Haunted Tombs ................................ 27
OSR Logo: Stuart Robertson Area Three: The Deserted Dormitory....................... 37
Acknowledgements: My family; Michael Curtis, Area Four: The Death Vault of The Chosen .......... 41
Matt Finch, the OSR, James Maliszewski, and Dan New Magic Items........................................................ 45
Proctor; Ryan Dancey; and particularly Gary New Spells .................................................................... 46
Gygax and Dave Arneson, the founding fathers of New Monsters .............................................................. 47
fantasy Random Tables ........................................................... 56
Dedication: This adventure is dedicated to Rob Pregenerated Characters ........................................ 58
Beamer and Jason Kohlberger and our time spent Maps ............................................................................. 71
rolling dice and exploring fantasy worlds in the Legal ............................................................................. 77
library of Lakeview Elementary School Copyright 2012, Greg Gillespie
the ground. The locals refer to the underground
Introduction labyrinth as the Barrowmaze.

Barrowmaze is a classic exploration-style Unbeknownst to the villagers of Helix, the

megadungeon designed for Labyrinth LordTM and Necromancers of Set and the Acolytes of Orcus
other classic fantasy role-playing games. have recently sent their forces into the dungeon in
an effort to recover the great relic and harness its
This is a stand-alone megadungeon setting power for their own.
designed for introductory through mid-level play.
Referees can easily incorporate this adventure
into their sandbox campaigns, particularly in Barrowmaze: Design Notes
locations where a small town is located near a
large moor. This dungeon emerged from play. My home-
game includes players new to old school gaming.
The information that follows is intended for the So this project was designed initially as a “how-to”
Referee only. dungeon for new classic fantasy role-players - sort
of a Tomb-Robbing 101. The structure and
atmosphere of this dungeon is designed to teach
Barrowmaze: A Brief History and reaffirm the values of the old school such as
remaining quiet, having proper equipment,
Ages ago, an unknown people settled near a proceeding cautiously, managing time and
great moor. They built a village and, following their resources, problem-solving, maintaining a
custom, constructed burial mounds and detailed map, checking for traps, making group
underground tombs to lay their dead to rest. decisions, and knowing when to flee and when to
Some were buried in simple alcoves, while others fight.
were entombed behind sealed doors and
guarded by deadly traps. Time passed and the My home-game, and this dungeon, forwards no
settlement grew – and the underground passages moral and provides no central high fantasy-style
became maze-like in their complexity. plot. There are evil factions in the dungeon but
the players can either advance against them or
This continued for centuries until the Cult of avoid them - the choice is theirs. Rather than
Nergal, God of the Underworld, appeared. The playing over-muscled “heroes” on a grand world-
evil cultists drove the villagers off and occupied changing quest, players assume the role of
the labyrinth. The cultists brought with them an unscrupulous, low fantasy tomb-robbers interested
ancient unholy relic of tremendous power - The in plundering crypts for gold. Huzzah!
Tablet of Chaos - and set about constructing
elaborate underground temples to their god. In I constructed Barrowmaze in the tradition of
time, Nergal was deposed by his two sons, Orcus classic megadungeons. The monsters and
and Set. This sparked a war for control of the treasures listed for this dungeon were, by and
Underworld. Now leaderless, the Cult of Nergal large, determined randomly. Only about 30-40%
fragmented and abandoned the maze. of rooms contain monsters. The rest are empty, or
Knowledge of The Tablet was lost. contain traps, tricks, or puzzles, to encourage an
exploration-style of play. I placed a select number
Before his demise, Nergal secretly instructed his of locations and monsters, but these are few and
most loyal followers to entomb The Tablet of add to the character of the dungeon.
Chaos deep in the maze – with a nefarious
purpose. Over centuries the evil power of The Although Barrowmaze is presented in the tradition
Tablet has defiled the sanctity of the crypts. The of classic dungeon crawls – there are a few
Tablet of Chaos has called the dead to rise! interesting twists. Instead of a multi-layered
dungeon with levels stacked vertically, The
In time, the village of Helix was established north Barrowmaze is constructed as a series of crypts,
of the moor. The locals are aware of the burial tombs, and sepulchers spread out horizontally
mounds and occasionally share folk tales of the across a vast area - what I affectionately refer to
dead walking in the mist and riches buried under as a dungeon sprawl. As the players move across

the map, the monsters increase in power and the Monster Entries
treasures increase in value. This dungeon also
departs from the norm in terms of monstrous Monsters are presented using a shortened
humanoids. Instead of orcs, goblins, and kobolds template. They include location and page
(etc.), the Barrowmaze offers a change of pace in number to speed play and assist Referees. An
the form of mongrelmen, evil spell-casting example is presented below:
factions, and unique forms of undead that will
keep both new and veteran players on their toes. Giant Crab Spider (1) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: 10,
#AT: 1, DMG: 1d8*, LL(97).
This megadungeon builds on the recent work of
authors Matt Finch and Michael Curtis. Before Simple short-forms are used for the location of the
creating the Barrowmaze, I refereed The Tomb of monster. “LL” stands for the Labyrinth Lord Core
the Iron God for my players and employed Finch’s Rulebook, “AEC” for the Advanced Edition
idea of burial niches and alcoves to great Companion, and “B” refers to the New Monster
advantage. I used a similar risk and reward section of the Barrowmaze located on page 47 of
approach in the design of this dungeon. I was also this book.
impressed with the depth and presentation of
Curtis’ Stonehell dungeon and his idea of
randomly generated crypts. The Barrowmaze - Random Encounters
effectively a vast burial dungeon - foregrounds
the use of “Defiled” and “Quiet” crypts where the Random monsters are critical to classic fantasy
dead have risen in response to The Tablet of role-playing games, and the Barrowmaze is no
Chaos. exception. Under normal circumstances the
Referee should roll for random monsters every
So where did the Barrowmaze come from? The other turn, or whenever the players declare they
initial creative inspiration for this dungeon came are “searching” for something (with a 1 on a d6
from an unlikely source: Rona Jaffe’s novel Mazes indicating an encounter). However, there are
and Monsters (Delacorte, 1981). Despite its (many numerous instances in the Barrowmaze that, either
and varied) misgivings, I always thought the game due to the dungeon atmosphere or player
scenario presented in the book was particularly choice, may necessitate additional random
evocative - a party of characters seek treasure in encounter rolls beyond the norm. In these cases, it
an underground maze inhabited by a vicious, is critical to roll for random monsters. The upside of
mutated people. Cool. Who do I have to searching for treasure, or spending time doing
backstab to play in that game? Based on that tasks, is balanced by the possibility of an
initial inspiration we began play and you now hold encounter with random monsters.
the result in your hands. Enjoy.
The atmosphere of the Barrowmaze is extremely
quiet and embodies the saying - as silent as a
Preparing the Barrowmaze tomb. The only sound that breaks the stillness of
the dungeon is the constant dripping of water
Reading Dungeon Keys and Entries from the moor above the dungeon.

Instead of boxed text to read aloud to players, the The silent nature of the maze forces players to
entries presented here have been kept brief (with make decisions that are time sensitive as they
a few notable exceptions). This style encourages relate to random encounters. For example, do the
the Referee to read the short entry and then players want to search a crypt full of burial
convey the scene in his own words while making alcoves? Do they want to stop and pry gems out
eye contact with players. Due to the shortened of a wall? Do they want to search for a secret
entry style, referees can pick up and play this door? Do the adventurers want to engage in
dungeon with very little preparation time. The idea prolonged combat? Force a door open? Break
is to play and interact with your players, not read down a bricked-up wall? Are they making too
to them. In order to facilitate scanning the text, all much noise? Lingering in a hallway? All of these
monsters have been bolded and all magic items either take time or cause a disturbance that can

compromise their position in the dungeon and overcome at low levels, and thus may choose the
pique the interest of the dungeon’s denizens. safe route and return to areas explored previously.

Random Tables Restocking the dungeon between forays provides

a sense of verisimilitude, gives the game a unique
evolving character, and ensures that the PCs
To minimize preparation time, the Barrowmaze is
cannot get complacent. Referees may consult
presented ready for play. There are a number of
the random monster tables for each area of the
random tables presented at the end of the
dungeon or create their own. Treasure can be
scenario that the Referee can consult as needed.
rolled as per the Hoard Class of the monsters in
These include Table 1: Random Dungeon Dressing;
the Labyrinth Lord Core Rulebook or Referees can
Table 2: Pit Contents; Table 3: Dungeon Graffiti;
find ideas for random treasures in the pages that
Table 4: Runic Tablets; and Table 5: Random
follow. Referees are encouraged to adapt the
Dungeon Restock. In the case of Table 2: Pit
dungeon setting to suit the play-styles of their
Contents, there are several pits within the
adventure that are already determined. These are
explicit in the main body text.
However, the Referee may Burial Alcoves
wish to determine the result of
other pits in advance. The Barrowmaze is filled with
other tables can be rolled as rooms that contain burial
needed without slowing niches and alcoves of all
gameplay. shapes and sizes. Some are
filled with bones, others have
Runic Tablets been plundered, and others
contain wondrous treasures.
When player characters
Some of those entombed in
decide to search burial
the Barrowmaze were buried
alcoves, the Referee will need
with runic tablets. These
to keep track of time closely.
tablets were included to ward
off tomb-robbers who believe
A common entry for alcoves
they curse those who near
looks like this:
Burial Alcoves: (145) Square,
Every time a player attempts
mummified remains.
to read a runic tablet, consult
Contents: 94sp, Silver Bracelet
Random Table 4 for the result.
Runic tablets detect as
magical and, like a Wand of
In this entry the total number of burial alcoves is
Wonder or a Deck of Many Things, represent both
listed in parentheses (145). One character can
risk and reward for players. Runic tablets insert a
search one burial alcove in one round (or 10 in
level of randomness and a sense of high-stakes
one turn). When players decide to search alcoves
dice-rolling into each game session.
ask them how many characters they are devoting
to the task. Divide accordingly to determine the
Random Dungeon Restock number of turns it will take to search all the
alcoves in that room. Always round up.
As noted above, Random Table 5 is provided for
restocking the dungeon. The referee should keep Example: 5 characters decide to search 145 burial
track of all the dungeon rooms explored. Each alcoves. 5 characters x 10 alcoves/turn equals a
time the PCs return to town this table should be total 50 alcoves/turn. It will take the 5 characters 3
used to restock the maze. It is likely that the party turns (145 rounded up to 150) to search the
will encounter monsters that they cannot alcoves. This will necessitate at least one random
monster roll.

There are other examples in the dungeon that use presupposes that a character’s first experience
a similar mechanic for resolution. In each case the with undead - whether in the form of “mundane”
amount of time in turns is presented in the text. skeletons or zombies - would be profound in the
context of the game world.
If you are unfamiliar (or normally hand-wave)
tracking time in the dungeon, I suggest using The Players will experience fear, both from the
Turntracker by Faster Monkey GamesTM. environment and from monsters, and will need to
deal with the consequences. Running away and
Bricked-Up Walls screaming in fear (and potentially dropping their
weapons, falling into pits, or getting lost) will draw
This adventure includes a new obstacle for attention and require the Referee to check for
players: the bricked-up wall. Bricked-up walls random monsters.
block entry to tombs of import and require at least
one sledge hammer to penetrate. Players will In my home-game we employed a rule - that we
need to purchase one (or find one in the jokingly called the Fear Factor - wherein each
dungeon). A tack hammer or warhammer will not encounter with undead resulted in the
do the job. accumulation of points. When the character
reached their Wisdom score they went insane. We
Bricked-up walls provide a quandary for players. used the following as a guide: each encounter
Do they risk bashing the wall down and making with undead equals 1 point and each time a
noise? Will anything come out of the wall and party member flees in fear from undead equals 3
attack them from behind if they go past it? points.

In terms of time, use the following as a guide to Spending a week in town would reduce this
determine how much time it takes to break down number by 1. Referees employing this rule are
the wall and create an entrance of sufficient size encouraged to find a scale that suits their game
to enter: and style.

No. of Sledge Hammers Time Spent Stuck Doors

1 Character ........................................ 3 turns
2 Characters ....................................... 2 turns Unless otherwise stated the doors in the dungeon
3 Characters ....................................... 1 turn are made of wood. Some have been swollen shut
with moisture and age. In the case of a stuck
Regardless of how long it takes, trying to bash door, players will need to force the door open.
down a bricked-up wall will disrupt the silence of Consult the Labyrinth Lord Core Rulebook (p.44)
the dungeon and necessitate at least one for more information. Opening a stuck door
random monster roll. always provokes a random monster check.

If players consistently bypass bricked-up walls,

Referees are encouraged to have a group of
Turning Undead
undead burst through the wall and attack them
from behind in dramatic fashion. The next bricked- Due to the presence of The Pit (#151) and the
up wall they encounter may give them pause. Tablet of Chaos, turning undead is more difficult in
the Barrowmaze. All turn attempts are increased
by one. Moreover, clerics will find the process of
Fear calling on the power of their deities more draining.
To reflect this, turn attempts increase in difficulty
In terms of monsters, this dungeon privileges by one per attempt, per day.
monsters that inspire fear. After all, for some the
acronym OSR stands as much of “Oh, S*#t! Run!”
as it does the Old School Renaissance.
Barrowmaze: Entrances

In my opinion, fear plays a critical role in early The entrances into the dungeon are intentionally
fantasy role-playing games. This dungeon limited. There are only four and not all are

immediately accessible. Each of these entrances Nergal’s Waning Power
can be found in the barrow mounds (see page 7).
The limited number of entrances is designed to Although Nergal was destroyed by Orcus and Set
inspire a sense of danger and create logistical in the Underworld, his power continues to linger in
problems for players. How far do they want to the Barrowmaze. Nergal’s symbols, as the God of
explore away from their means of escape? They the Dead and the Underworld, are visible in the
will likely need to establish fall-back positions or dungeon. His cult created numerous temples and
hide caches of equipment and weapons. The conducted all manner of evil rituals in his name.
entrances and exits to the dungeon should not be Specifically, Nergal’s followers opened a gate
convenient for players - lootin’ ain’t easy. called The Pit of Chaos. The Pit periodically
spawns evil creatures into the dungeon. Both the
Henchmen and Hirelings factions of Set and Orcus are aware of the gate
and have tried to occupy the temple to harness
Referees should strongly encourage their players its power. However, Nergal’s remaining spark is
to hire henchmen and/or hirelings, or begin play strong and has kept them at bay. The players must
with multiple PCs. Henchmen, defined as classed find a lawful magic item called The Fount of Law
NPCs, and hirelings, defined as 0-level men-at- hidden somewhere in the dungeon and use its
arms, torch-bearers, and porters, are essential to power to close The Pit. The ghost of Sir Guy de
success in early fantasy role-playing games. O’Veargne can help them in their task.
Examples are provided on page 58. Although this
dungeon is directed toward introductory play, the The Acolytes of Orcus
Barrowmaze is absolutely lethal. PCs will die.
A fanatical religious sect, the Acolytes of Orcus,
If you are unfamiliar with henchmen and hirelings, entered the Barrowmaze a season ago and
or find their generation laborious, I encourage you converted one of Nergal’s largest temples to
to try Meatshields!: The Classic Fantasy Hireling worship The-One-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. They
and Henchman Generator available at have been given divine instruction to seek and Chris Geisel and I recover the Tablet of Chaos, hidden somewhere
created this random generator to support classic in the Barrowmaze. To this point they have been
fantasy role-players and their games. unsuccessful. They have had recent clashes with a
rival faction, the Necromancers of Set, and are
Barrowmaze Factions committed to driving Set’s taint from the
dungeon. They raise the dead - even their fallen
In the first half of the Barrowmaze players will be comrades – to serve as foot soldiers.
introduced to the following factions:
The Necromancers of Set
The Mongrelmen
The Necromancers of Set are the most recent
Small groups of mongrelmen inhabit the dungeon. group to arrive in the dungeon. They are a small
Long ago, human slaves kept by the Cult of but formidable faction. Driven by divine direction,
Nergal were exposed to The Pit of Chaos and they entered the maze several months ago and
now, generations later, survive twisted and immediately began an assault on the Acolytes of
deformed in the depths of the maze. They possess Orcus. They have managed to craft a defensible
information specific to their area (such as secret (and hidden) base for themselves and use a
doors, traps, treasure, or monsters) of the dungeon throng of undead, in addition to their potent
but their primary goal is simply survival. They want spells, to advance their position. They will stop at
to be left alone. They are adept at camouflage nothing to recover the Tablet of Chaos. Like the
and mimicry and have no central leadership. Acolytes, the Necromancers of Set will play an
Mongrelmen are occasionally captured and increasingly prominent role in the next installment
charmed (or tortured) by the Necromancers of of Barrowmaze (late 2012).
Set for information or to search on their behalf for
grave goods.

Across the Moor:
The Barrow Mounds
The Barrow Mounds: Random Encounters problems if the PCs need to flee or remove heavy
treasures. The following is presented to help
Day Referees keep track of the mound entrances and
their corresponding location on the Barrowmaze
1. Skeletons (1d6), LL(95) dungeon map:
2. Zombies (1d6), LL(103)
3. Tomb-Robbers (2d4+4), B(55) Mound Entrance Barrowmaze Location
4. Giant Scorpions (1d3), B(53) Mound #15 .................. Room #1
5. Giant Toads (1d6), LL(99) Mound #11 .................. Near Room #50
6. Coffer Corpse (1d2), B(49) Mound #6 .................... Near Room #81
Mound #9 .................... Near Room #93
The mounds are located a half day march from
1. Skeletons (2d6), LL(95) the village of Helix. The area of the mounds is
2. Zombies (2d6), LL(103) ancient, damp, and obscured by mist. Everything
3. Coffer Corpse (1d4), B(49) is still and eerily quiet. No bird or animal sounds
4. Ghouls (2d4), LL(76) can be heard. Low stone cairns line a broken path
5. Will-O-Wisp (1), AEC(140) toward mound #15. The interior of the smaller
6. Ghasts (1d3), AEC(127) mounds is approximately 30x30 feet but this is
subject to the Referee’s discretion.
These tables are intended for low level PCs. The
Referee is encouraged to modify them as There are three different types of mounds. Sealed
characters increase in level. The PCs should Mounds are covered with a stone door. They have
understand that mulling about the barrow not yet been looted. These will require a sledge
mounds at night is hazardous to their health. hammer and spike to break open and will
necessitate a random monster roll. Plundered
Mounds have been opened and looted by
Note: Scale and the Barrow Mounds Map
previous bands of tomb-robbers. The entrances to
Covered Mounds have been buried through time
The map of the barrow mounds (p.8) is not to and shifting earth. PCs will need to excavate the
scale and is intended as a symbolic entrances to these mounds. Additional detail on
representation to facilitate play for Referees. For
each type of mound is provided below.
example, the distance between the stairways in
Mound #15 and Mound #9 on the Barrow Mounds 1. This mound is sealed with a stone door. A sledge
Map translates to about 300 feet on the dungeon hammer and spike will be needed to break it
map (between rooms #1 and #93). The mounds open. This takes 2 turns and requires at least one
are dotted across a vast landscape and not all of random monster check. Inside are two stone
them are clumped tightly together.
slabs. On the slabs are two skeletons draped in
burial shrouds. Each possesses a small bowl at their
Entrances to the Barrowmaze head and decorative amphora at their feet. The
bowls contain 25gp (each) and the amphorae
There are four entrances to the Barrowmaze in this are worth 50gp each. The latter are valuable but
area of the mounds. Not all are easily found or brittle. If the PCs engage in combat while carrying
immediately available. The primary entrance for them there is a 1-5 on d6 chance that they will
the PCs will likely be the large central burial break.
mound (#15). They must be lowered into the
dungeon at this point. This will present logistical

Map: The Barrow Mounds

2. This mound is sealed with a stone door (see #1). This mound contains a stone slab with an urn.
Inside is a single sarcophagus with a Zombie (1) Beside the urn are two small bowls filled with
AL: C, AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 16, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, gemstones. There are four black stone pillars in the
LL(103), dressed in a black burial shroud. He bears room shaped like helmed warriors. Two of these
a gold necklace worth 100gp and wears a Ring of pillar statues are Barrow Guardians (2) AL: N, AC:
Protection +1. 3, HD: 3, HP: 15, 13, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, B(47). If the
urn or the grave goods are touched the golems
3. This mound was looted long ago. A short stone will animate and attack the intruders. The two
stairway leads to a 30x30 tomb. A broken stone bowls include the following (1) Chrysophrase
door can be found on the floor. A broken 25gp, Jasper 20gp, Star Rose Quartz 15gp,
sarcophagus rests in the center with a disturbed Sardonyx 145gp, (2) Bloodstone 325gp, Carnelian
skeleton inside. In their haste, the tomb-robbers 10gp, Jet 35gp, Ruby 45gp, Jade 65gp, Onyx 5gp.
left a small gold ring
(20gp) beside the 6. This mound is sealed
remains. with a stone door (see
#1). The interior is lined
4. This mound is sealed with six 6’ high vertical
with a stone door (see alcoves that contain the
#1). A sarcophagus remains of six skeletal
dominates the center of warriors. They wear old,
this burial mound. rusty coifs, shields, and
Opening the lid will be chainmail. They are
much like the door and armed with spears. Lying
will require a sledge on an altar, in the center
hammer and spike. Inside of the room, is an ornate,
the stone sarcophagus is jeweled Broadsword +1
a wooden casket shaped (2-7 plus 1 point of
to resemble a beautiful magical damage). These
woman. Inside the casket warriors fight as Skeletons
are her skeletal remains, (6) AL: C, AC: 4, HD: 1,
in addition to 4 sealed HP: 8, 8, 8, 7, 5, 4, #AT: 1,
perfume bottles. These DMG: 1d6, LL(95), if the
are ancient and rare. sword is disturbed, but will
They will be worth 50gp wait until the PCs enter
each in a small town, but the mound and are
if sold in a city could surrounded. One of the
garner as much at 100gp alcoves can be bashed
per bottle. Experience in to reveal a staircase (to
should be determined #81). However, this would
based on the price sold. be very difficult to detect
and would require two
5. Over the centuries the successful secret doors
entrance to this ancient checks.
mound has been
covered over with earth and will need to be 7. The entrance to this ancient mound has been
excavated. Use the following mechanic to covered with earth and will need to be
excavate a covered mound: excavated (see #5). This mound contains a stone
sarcophagus. The sarcophagus has a stone
Excavation requires 3d4+4 hours (1 hour equals 6 mechanism at the top that appears to require a
turns) of digging with appropriate digging tools key of some type to open. It cannot be opened
(shovels, etc) and equipment purchased in town. otherwise. Inside the sarcophagus is a Ghoul (1)
For each 2 PCs or hirelings devoted to the task the AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 2*, HP: 12, #AT: 3, DMG:
result will be reduced by 1 hour to a minimum of 2 1d3/1d3/1d3*, LL(76). She is buried with a beautiful
hours to excavate the entrance to the mound. Be Gold Necklace (500gp) and two Platinum
sure to roll for random encounters. Bracelets (400gp each). Inside the sarcophagus is

also a Dagger +1, +2 vs. Undead. The key to this the amphorae there is a 1-5 on d6 chance they
sarcophagus can be found in #31, Quiet Crypt will break.
13. The Standing Stone of The Chosen: This
8. This mound was plundered long ago and is filled standing stone is ancient. Time has worn away
to the waist with dark peat-colored water. Giant some of the runes, but some can still be seen –
Toads (2) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 2+2, HP: 13, 10, #AT: 1, and a great skull can also be made out atop the
DMG: 1d4+1, LL(99), lurk just under the surface stone. The runes are written in the Black Tongue,
(check for surprise). Two Copper Candle Holders the language of necromancers and the
can be found below the water (12gp each). Underworld. It exalts Nergal, the God of the Dead,
and acknowledges his Chosen – a fanatical sect
9. See mound #5 for instructions to open this of his church. A passage reads “Life in Death.”
covered mound. This crypt contains the skeletal
remains of an ancient warrior-priest, Genniis the 14. The entrance to this ancient mound has been
Younger, sitting on a throne covered in cobwebs. covered over with earth and will need to be
He wears ancient ornamental chainmail (value excavated. A stairway into this mound descends
125gp). On a table there are four scrolls that steeply and opens into a family crypt with 4 stone
recount his life and faith. These are valuable sarcophagi. There are Giant Centipedes (6) AL: N,
historical artifacts (75 gp each to a sage). AC: 9, HD: 1d4hp, HP: 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, #AT: 1 (bite),
Removing a flagstone behind the throne will DMG: Poison, LL(68), on the ceiling and will drop
reveal a lever that will open a secret staircase (to on PCs as they enter. The sarcophagi contain the
#93) beneath the throne. However, this staircase following: Father: Gold Ring (40gp), Jeweled
has partially collapsed. It will take 1d4+3 days of Necklace (30gp); Mother: Gold Ring (40gp), Silver
digging to remove the rubble and open the Bracelet (25gp), Gold Circlet (50gp); Daughter:
staircase. A halfling may be able to squeeze Ivory Comb (25gp), Silver Ring (30gp); Son: Bone
through and scout the area below (Referee’s Handled Dagger (15gp)
15. An overgrown pathway, lined with small stone
10. The entrance to this ancient mound will need cairns, leads toward this large central mound. The
to be excavated (see #5). Two stone slabs lie in mound is encircled with standing stones. A large
the center of the mound. The occupants have stone door rests face down, broken in two, in the
risen as Skeletons (2) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 8, 7, long grass of the entranceway. The area is littered
#AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, LL(95). If the PCs linger or with skulls and bones. A foul smell emits from the
search the mound the skeletons will animate and interior of the mound and the darkness beyond is
attack! A concealed drawer (pull out) in one of black as night. Inside, a short stone stairway
the slabs holds small carved wood effigies, a descends into the mound. The inside is 60x60 feet.
jeweled silver dagger (35gp), and a Scroll: Magic There are both booted footprints (tomb-robbers)
Missile, Burning Hands, and Light. and other tracks the party cannot make out
(shuffling zombies etc). Bones litter the floor. Four
11. This mound is empty. There is a broken huge square stone columns support the structure.
sarcophagus here decorated in bas relief of Between the pillars there is an old, rusty 6’ high
skeletons dancing in the Underworld. If one of the tripod with a block and tackle suspended over a
skeletons is depressed the sarcophagus will shift to hole in the floor. A rope descends down into the
reveal a slender staircase lined with dust and darkness (this is room #1 on the Barrowmaze
cobwebs (just west of #50 on the main map). This map). Players who drop a torch will notice that
staircase was used recently. they stand above a room with a 35’ high vaulted
ceiling. It contains rubble, bones, and faded
12. This mound is sealed. See mound #1 for frescos on the walls. This place is dark and very
opening instructions. A carved wooden funerary quiet. This is the primary entrance to the
casket in the shape of a man rests on a dais in the Barrowmaze.
center of the mound. The wall sconces are lined
with decorative amphorae (8) worth 35gp each 16. The Barrowmoor: Using the themes presented
and depict life in an ancient village near the here, Referees are encouraged to expand the
moor. If the PCs engage in combat while carrying map and hex crawl through the moor.

Barrowmaze Area One:
The Forgotten Antechamber
Area One: Random Monsters 5. There are Giant Rats (11) AL: N, AC: 7, HD:
1d4hp, HP: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, #AT: 1, DMG:
1. Skeletons (1d6), LL(95) 1d3, LL(92), here foraging for food. A sack,
2. Zombies (1d6), LL(103) dropped on the floor by a fleeing tomb-robber,
3. Tomb Robbers (2d4+4), B(54) contains 123sp.
4. Giant Rats (2d6), LL(92)
5. Mongrelmen (1d6), B(51) 6. This room is empty. Three polished skulls sit on a
6. Ravenous Dead (1d4), B(55) dusty table. Secret door leads to a small area
7. Stirges (1d6), LL(98) where a tomb-robber crawled away from
8. Huecuva (1d3), B(50) combat and died. He wears a dark yellow
9. Sapphire Skeletons (1d6), B(54) stripped tunic. In his boney hands he still holds a
10. Fire Beetles (1d8), LL(65) torch stub and a bag with 30pp.
11. Dungeon Dressing*
12. Referee’s Choice 7. This room is empty. A wooden bucket of fresh
human scalps sits in the corner. A small nest of
*See Table I: Random Dungeon Dressing (p.56). rags is piled on the floor.

1. The only way to enter the dungeon from this 8. As the party enters this room they notice that
point is through a hole in the ceiling. An old, rusty something has broken through this wall - from the
block and tackle attached to a tripod sits atop inside. The room is otherwise empty.
the hole (this is located inside burial mound #15)
and a rope descends down into the room. The 9. This room is empty.
ceiling is vaulted and 35 feet high from the floor.
The room has partially collapsed along the 10. This room is filed with small octagonal-shaped
western wall. Worn frescos of a burial procession alcoves. A group of Zombies (6) AL: C, AC: 8, HD:
leading to a barrow mound line the walls. Bones 2, HP: 15, 12, 11, 9, 7, 2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, LL(103),
litter the floor. Booted footprints can be seen huddle together in the corner. They turn as the
heading east. Rubble and debris throughout. PCs enter and attack!
Smells of dampness and death. Graffiti (check
Table 3: Random Graffiti). Burial Alcoves: (145) Octagonal filled with
mummified remains.
2. This room has a pressure-plate isolation trap. As Contents: 94sp, Silver Bracelet (20gp).
soon as the first PC (and second, Referee’s
discretion) enters this room a stone wall descends 11. This hallway has three crypt entrances on the
from the ceiling isolating the front rank from the north wall, a portcullis on the south, and a
rest of the party. The door to the north wall swings bricked-up entrance on the far eastern wall. The
open and the skeletons from room #3 attack! A corridor is lined with dust and debris.
dark flagstone in the hallway floor just outside the
door to #2 is loose and conceals a reset lever that Quiet Crypt 1: This crypt is empty. The door is
will raise the stone slab (PCs must actively search closed. Graffiti (check Table 3: Random Graffiti).
to find the loose stone). Testing the floor with a
pole prior to entering will likely set off the trap (and Quiet Crypt 2: The door to this crypt is locked. A
break the pole). Giant Crab Spider (1) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: 10,
#AT: 1, DMG: 1d8*, LL(97), hangs above the door
3. There are Skeletons (7) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: and will attack the first character to enter. This
8, 5, 5, 4, 4, 2, 1, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, LL(95), here. crypt is decorated in bas relief with images of the
dead walking to the afterlife. Beside the remains
4. This room is empty. Debris litters the floor. of the occupant there is a bag with 163ep.

Defiled Crypt 3: The door to this crypt lies in pieces
on the floor. There is a coldness to this room. The
walls are decorated with faint and vandalized
frescos. A disturbed skeleton rests on a stone slab.
There is a runic tablet on the floor (if read, check
Table 4: Runic Tablets). This crypt contains a
ghostly Phantom (1) AL: C, AC: N/A, HD: N/A, HP:
N/A, #AT: 1, DMG: Fear, B(52).

12. The entrance to this crypt was long ago

bricked-up with a large skull above the archway.
Inside, time-worn frescos of warriors defeating the
armies of law decorate the east wall and scores
of burial alcoves line the others. Four evil warriors
buried here have all risen as Shadows (4) AL: C,
AC: 7, HD: 2+2, HP: 15, 14, 11, 7, #AT: 1, DMG:
1d4*, LL(94). One is buried with Leather +1 and
another has a steel Shield +1 (emblazoned with a
black dragon) across his chest. The corpse holds
so tight to the shield that PCs will have difficulty
pulling it away.

Burial Alcoves: (179) Square, mummified remains.

Contents: 94sp.

13. The door to this room is trapped. Opening the

door snaps a tripwire that sets off a rusty light
crossbow mounted on the north wall (damage
1d6). The crossbow has a 2 in 6 chance to misfire.
Alcoves line with walls here. This room has been
Burial Alcoves: (49) Triangular with bones.
hastily searched.
Contents: None.
Burial Alcoves: (51) Triangular, disturbed remains.
17. Empty. Upon entering this room the party hears
Contents: 108gp.
a noise off in the distance: “Tap-tom, tom-tap” It
repeats once more and silences. A dwarf or
14. Empty. Booted footprints on the floor. Graffiti
gnome can discern the sound as a hammer. PCs
(check Table 3: Random Graffiti).
cannot determine the location of the sound.
15. This room is lined with burial alcoves. There is
18. Empty.
an undisturbed layer of dust on the floor. A statue
of a vile demon squats in the center of the room.
19. This room smells of rot. PCs must make a
Two bags (offerings) beside the statue hold: 300sp,
Constitution check or begin vomiting for 2-5
rounds (make a random monster check). Two
adventurers are impaled on the south wall with
Burial Alcoves: (146): Octagonal with skull piles.
spears. Their guts have been ripped open and fed
Contents: 666sp.
upon. They died of battle wounds, possibly 2-3
weeks ago. One still carries a backpack with
16. A previous group of tomb-robbers used this
200sp, 30gp.
room as a secret supply depot. There are two
backpacks (contents subject to Referee’s
Burial Alcoves: (155) Square filled with urns.
discretion), a sledge hammer, a 50’ coil of rope, 1
Contents: None.
quiver with Arrows +1 (4), and two Potions of
Healing (2).
20. Empty.

21. This hallway contains entrances to three burial Burial Alcoves: (25) Rectangular and empty.
crypts. Graffiti (see Table 3: Random Graffiti). Contents: Diamond (80gp).

Quiet Crypt 1: The door is locked and the room is 25. Empty. This room remains undisturbed.
empty. A faint runic script written in charcoal
decorates this room wall-to-wall. It is 26. Empty. A strange and sudden draft of wind will
undecipherable. A single skeleton wears two extinguish party torches as they enter this room.
Electrum Bracelets (52gp each). Lanterns are unaffected.

Defiled Crypt 2: The door to this crypt is ajar. A A number of semi-precious stones, arranged as
group of Skeletons (7) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 7, 3, stars, are set into the low ceiling of this room.
3, 2, 2, 2, 2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, LL(95), will rise from Some have been stolen but a few remain. The
stone slabs and attack intruders. Frescos too party can either try to remove them hastily (3
faded to discern. Grave goods include two turns, total value 30 gps) or take their time and
Platinum Necklaces (174gp each); bags with remove them with care (6 turns, total value
400sp and 20gp, Potion of Clairvoyance, and a 300gps). Random monster checks apply.
runic tablet.
27. A small pile of coins and a rock rest at the
Quiet Crypt 3: The door to this crypt is ajar. Giant base of three vertically stacked burial alcoves in
Rats (8) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 1d4hp, HP: 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, the south-western corner of this room. Removing
2, 2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3*, LL(92), have wandered either the coins or the stone activates a pressure
into the crypt and are looking for food. Grave plate and drops a portcullis, trapping anyone
goods include one Silver Locket worth 60gp. within (be sure to check for random monsters).
Moldy, half-rotted, and yellowed tapestries line Careful probing may set off the trap (Referee’s
the walls. discretion) and will break a 10 foot pole. Unless
they have leverage of some kind it will take the
22. As the party exits this room they will hear the combined strength of six characters to raise. This
sound of breaking pottery from #23. If they have will make noise and require a random monster
already been to room 23, roll for an alternative check.
from Table 1: Random Dungeon Dressing.
Burial Alcoves: (3) Rectangular with full skeletons
Burial Alcoves: (181) Square with dust, cobwebs. Contents: 74pp, 3 Pearls (25gp each)
Contents: 150sp, Tooled Buckle (25gp).
28. A stone statue of a great winged gargoyle sits
23. A skeleton rests face down in the middle of this crouched on top of a dais. The posture of the
room. A Poltergeist (1) AL: C, AC: 9, HD: 1hp, HP: 1, statue suggests it is looking into its left hand.
#AT: N/A, DMG: N/A, B(52), resides here, staying However, the statue is missing its left arm at the
near its lifeless remains. The spirit screeches and elbow. The missing left arm is located in room #35.
throws small clay burial urns at the party. If the arm is reattached the hand opens revealing
a Pearl of Power (1 first level spell). Graffiti (see
Burial Alcoves: (139) Octagonal with small urns. Table 3: Random Graffiti).
Contents: 164cp.
29. A small group of Mongrelmen (6) AL: C, AC: 6,
24. This room contains 25 empty alcoves (except HD: 1, HP: 8, 7, 6, 4, 4, 2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, B(51),
one with a Gray Ooze) AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 3, HP: 7, are here discussing the party’s intrusion into the
#AT: 1, DMG: 2d8, LL(79). However, between the crypts in hushed tones. The mongrelmen are
alcoves are decorative patterns plated with silver. unaware of the secret door.
The silver can be removed, but it is difficult, time-
consuming, and noisy (120 turns and additional 30. The corridor to this room is lined with statues
random monster checks apply). Removal will that appear to watch passersby with their eyes.
require the PCs to purchase special tools and The wooden door to this room has been chewed
chisels for the job in town (100gp). The total value off below the knees. There is a nest of Giant Rats
of the silver is 1500gp. (11) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 1d4hp, HP: 9, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2,
2, 1, 1, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3*, LL(92), within. There is
large black male (2HD with 9hp) among them.

Burial Alcoves: (130) Square, rearranged bones. Quiet Crypt 1: The door to this crypt is open. Giant
Contents: 89gp, Ruby (50gp). Crab Spiders (3) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: 14, 10, 9,
#AT: 1, DMG: 1d8*, LL(97), are within as well as five
31. This corridor is empty, although rotten yellow thin Copper Bracelets (20gp each). Runic script
funerary curtains conceal small chambers off the written in blood (long dried) adorns the walls. It is
main hallway. If the party listens before undecipherable.
proceeding tell them they hear faint yelling (from
the ghouls in D1). Burial Alcoves: (40) Square with bone piles.
Contents: 89ep, Amethyst (60gp).
Defiled Crypt 1: Two Ghouls (2) AL: C, AC: 6, HD:
2*, HP: 8, 7, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3*, LL(76), 34. This corridor is empty with the exception of 4
former lovers in life, are here alternating between crypt doors.
cooing and yelling at each other in the dark.
Quiet Crypt 1: This door hangs in pieces from the
Quiet Crypt 2: A shelf with human bones. Jeweled frame. The room is decorated in bas relief
bracelet (666gp), a runic tablet. depicting a setting sun.

Quiet Crypt 3: Empty. Fresco defaced with Defiled Crypt 2: This door is locked. Inside the
excrement. occupants have risen as Ghouls (4) AL: C, AC: 6,
HD: 2*, HP: 13, 10, 9, 6, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3*,
Quiet Crypt 4: Removing this curtain reveals a LL(76). Frescos inside depict death’s door. There is
hideous sight! A swarm of Giant Rats (8) AL: N, AC: a runic tablet here and two bowls with grave
7, HD: 1d4hp, HP: 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, #AT: 1, DMG: offerings: 700sp, 10gp.
1d3*, LL(92), are consuming the remains of a
recently deceased human tomb-robber hastily Quiet Crypt 3: This crypt is locked and empty
shoved behind the rotting curtain. The tomb- without decoration.
robber possesses the special key to open the
sarcophagus in Burial Mound #7. Quiet Crypt 4: This door is closed. A single Zombie
(1) AL: C, AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 7, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8,
Defiled Crypt 5: Tapestries decorate the walls of LL(103), has wondered into this crypt. He clutches
this secret crypt. Skeletons (8) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 1, a dagger and repeatedly gouges the wall. Once
HP: 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 2, 1, 1, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, LL(95), disturbed, he attacks. Buried in the wall, is a small
slowly rise from the floor and attack. leather pouch, is a Copper Locket (5gp) with an
engraving of a young woman. It appears as a
Quiet Crypt 6: Empty. Three Gold Rings (68gp minor trinket. However, the locket is actually a
each) are under a stone in the floor. Brooch of Shielding and can absorb 25 points of
Magic Missile damage before it becomes useless.
32. Members of an ancient order of priests were It will take 1 turn to dig it out.
laid to rest on stone slabs in this crypt. They have
risen as Skeletons (10) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 6, 5, 35. This hallway is empty with the exception of two
4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, LL(95) and doors on the north wall and 4 curtained alcoves
Zombies (10) AL: C, AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 14, 12, 12, 11, on the south.
9, 9, 8, 7, 5, 5, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, LL(103), and will
attack all those who disturb their rest. Each wears Quiet Crypt 1: This crypt is locked, empty, and
tattered robes and carries 2d20sp and 2d20gp. decorated with bas relief. Behind the secret door
Each slab is decorated in bas relief with roses and there is a bag of 147pp and a runic tablet.
thorns. The slab on the north wall has a secret
compartment (raise, turn, and depress a rose). Defiled Crypt 2: The wooden door to this room has
Inside PCs will find a Mace +1, +2 versus Undead swollen and is stuck. Inside, standing in small
and a set of Bracers of Defense AC6. vertical burial niches are ten Skeletons (10) AL: C,
AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 8, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, #AT: 1,
33. The body of a dwarf adventurer lies here, it has DMG: 1d6, LL(95). One skeleton wears tattered
been stripped bare. Graffiti (check Table 3: blue robes and a blue conical magician’s cap
Random Graffiti). complete with silver stars and moons. He also has
a Magic-User Scroll: Dispel Magic (Level 3) tied to

his waist. The hat is Pinto’s Conical Cap (see New
Magic Items). The hat is filled with 146cp.

Defiled Crypt 3: The left arm and hand (with a

closed fist) of a stone statue rests here. See room

Quiet Crypt 4: This crypt is empty and the curtain

has been pulled down.

Quiet Crypt 5: This door is in pieces. Scribbles in

Black Tongue written across the floor (check Table
3: Random Graffiti). As well as the scattered bones
of two skeletons, there are two tarnished Platinum
Bracelets here worth 20gp each. Ill-tempered
Normal Rats (13) AL: N, AC: 9, HD: 1hp, HP: 1 hp
per, #AT: 1 per group, DMG: 1d6*, LL(92), scurry
along the walls of this room.

Defiled Crypt 6: A Phantom (1) AL: C, AC: N/A, HD:

N/A, HP: N/A, #AT: 1, DMG: Fear, B(52), has risen
here. Tucked at the back under a pile of bones,
rubble, and dust are five Silver Cups (100gp

36. This room smells of rot and offal. As soon as the

door opens each PC must make a Constitution
check or vomit for 1 turn. A large pile of refuse,
bones, and rotting cadavers is heaped in the
middle of this room. Burial alcoves line the walls. If
Quiet Crypt 3: This room is empty and the door is
the party searches the mound Rot Grubs (12) AL:
N, AC: 9, HD: 1hp, HP: 1hp per, #AT: N/A, DMG:
N/A, LL(93), will emerge to feed. Inside the mound
Defiled Crypt 4: The door to this room is closed.
is a rotting finger still wearing a Ring of Protection
The two corpses, resting on stone slabs, are
actually Zombies (2) AL: C, AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 8, 7,
#AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, LL(103). One has a Cursed
Burial Alcoves: (55) Rectangular with full skeletons.
Scroll: Blindness (only Remove Curse can cure).
Contents: 113gp, Ivory Statuette (30gp).
Frescos depict Nergal, the elder God of the
Underworld. There is a runic tablet here.
37. Beyond the bricked-up wall, this hallway
contains 6 crypt doors.
Defiled Crypt 5: The door to this room is stuck. As
soon as it opens three Ghouls (3) AL: C, AC: 6, HD:
Quiet Crypt 1: The door to this crypt is locked. The
2*, HP: 14, 12, 4, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3*,
crypt contains skeletal remains and ancient silver
LL(76), jump out and attack. Check for surprise.
coins (186sp) in a rotting wooden coffer.
Quiet Crypt 6: This room is locked. Through small
Quiet Crypt 2: The door to this crypt is ajar. The
holes a large group of Normal Rats (17) AL: N, AC:
remains of a skeleton are undisturbed. A purse
9, HD: 1hp, HP: 1 hp per, #AT: 1 per group, DMG:
near his waist contains ancient gold pieces
1d6*, LL(92), have made a nest here. A bag
(149gp). There are five mummified cats, or
hidden underneath a skeleton contains 137pp.
Neb’Enakhet (5) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 1+1, HP: 9, 6, 4,
3, 2, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d2/1d2/1d3*, B(52), around the
38. Beyond the bricked-up wall, this hallway
skeleton. They will appear shy and curious at first
contains 6 crypt doors.
but then begin their cacophonous wail.

Defiled Crypt 1: The door is ajar. Two Silver Earrings Contents: A bag with 97ep. One alcove contains
(10gp each) lay on the floor. Its skeletal the remains of a warrior with shield (silver tree
occupants animated long ago and left this room. device), ancient platemail, and a Battle Axe +1.
Another holds the remains of a black robed
Quiet Crypt 2: Normal Rats (8) AL: N, AC: 9, HD: magic-user with his arms tightly clutching a unique
1hp, HP: 1 hp per, #AT: 1 per group, DMG: 1d6*, spellbook. This spellbook is covered in red velvet
LL(92), scurry about a small altar. The altar is made with steel fittings and tied with goblin hide. This
of rusted iron. It has incense holders on either side spellbook is cursed. Vermin will seek to attack the
and is decorated with bas relief of skeletons. If the bearer of the spellbook over all others. 1st Level:
eye sockets of one of the skeletons are pushed Burning Hands, Hold Portal, Colour Spray, Feather
inwards (there is a poison needle trap, save versus Fall, Read Magic, Magic Missile, 2nd Level:
poison or die) a secret niche will open to reveal a Amnesia, Knock, Vitharia’s Vengeful Visage (see
leather bag with 200pp. New Spells), 3rd Level: Blink.

Quiet Crypt 3: The door is locked and the room is 41. The door is ajar. Giant Carnivorous Flies (2) AL:
empty. N, AC: 6, HD: 2, HP: 11, 4, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, LL(75),
are feeding on two strangely preserved corpses
Defiled Crypt 4: Skeletons (9) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 1, here. Between them the corpses have 64pp.
HP: 8, 7, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, LL(95),
lying in a big pile of bones – they will pull Burial Alcoves: (71) Square with strangely
themselves together and attack. Two Silver Rings preserved corpses.
can be found on the floor (32gp each). Frescos of Contents: 149gp, Potion of ESP, Ruby (800gp).
a long forgotten war are depicted on the walls.
42. This hallway is empty.
Defiled Crypt 5: The door to this crypt is ajar. Three
Ghouls (3) AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 2*, HP: 8, 7, 2, #AT: 3, Defiled Crypt 1: The door to this room is ajar. A
DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3*, LL(76), want out and are dead elf, abandoned by his adventuring
willing to dialogue with the party for freedom. comrades, lies face down in a pool of congealed
However, they only speak Black Tongue. They blood. He wears a pair of Gauntlets of Swimming
have no knowledge of the dungeon outside their and Climbing. Otherwise this room is empty.
crypt and only fragmented memories of their Graffiti (check Table 3: Random Graffiti).
former lives. They each wear cheap Silver
Necklaces (32gp each). If they are let go, they will Defiled Crypt 2: The door to this crypt is ajar. Four
likely hunt the party and attack at an inopportune white corpses pose as dead but are really Ghouls
time. (4) AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 2*, HP: 12, 10, 8, 3, #AT: 3,
DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3*, LL(76), who attempt to gain
Quiet Crypt 6: This room is empty and the door is surprise before attacking. A single runic tablet.
swollen shut. A candelabra worth 50gp rests at the
head of the only skeleton in this crypt. Quiet Crypt 3: The door here is ajar. This room has
been hastily searched. Amongst the debris on the
39. The pit trap in the hallway leading to this room floor are two Copper Rings worth 20gp each.
is concealed and teleports anyone who falls to Frescos depict gladiatorial combat.
Defiled Crypt 4: The door to this room is closed.
A Gray Ooze (1) AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, Grr’Woof-nub, a Mongrelman (1) AL: C, AC: 6, HD:
DMG: 2d8, LL(79), is hiding in one of the alcoves 1, HP: 2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, B(51), is here hiding
along the eastern wall of this room. from the other mongrel brethren. He is frail and
weaker than the others and has been outcast. He
Burial Alcoves: (172) Square with bones. knows that the mongrelmen have been watching
Contents: Jade idol (300gp). the party since they entered the maze. He also
knows that all the mongrelmen have been forced
40. Empty. to serve “the great master” but does not
elaborate - merely relating the experience with a
Burial Alcoves: (126) Octagonal filled with dust combination of reverence and fear. Grr’Woof-nub
and cobwebs only speaks a broken version of common

intermixed with animals sounds (whimpers, cries, The fifth passage holds a Sling +1 and the sixth
growls, and yips) and ambient dungeon noises passage contains a Cloak of Protection +1.
(many of which the PCs have heard already). His
speech may or may not be understood. If he 45. A hideous Coffer Corpse (1) AL: C, AC: 7, HD:
hears combat he is 80% likely to stay where he is, 2, HP: 5, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6*, B(49), with yellowed
using his hiding and mimicry ability to throw off the skin rests on a granite slab. Beside his body rests a
PCs. Grr’Woof-nub should provide great role- shield and a Hand Axe +1 (Sheds light 15’ on
playing opportunities. He will flee the party the first command).
chance he gets, unless it’s in his interest to stay. He
will not leave the dungeon. 46. This door enters into a set of crypts.

Quiet Crypt 5: This crypt was looted long ago. Quiet Crypt 1: This crypt is locked. An undisturbed
skeleton in a burial shroud rests on a stone slab. A
Quiet Crypt 6: The door here is closed. Tapestries runic tablet can be found beside the remains.
hanging from all the walls are now moldy and
decayed. Quiet Crypt 2: The door to this crypt is ajar and the
crypt is empty.
43. Yellow, flickering torchlight can be seen
emanating from this room. A massive stone obelisk Defiled Crypt 3: The door to this crypt is locked. A
rests in the center. The obelisk outlines the dark stone slab with a skeleton resting atop. The floor,
rituals of Nergal’s cult written in Black Tongue, slab, and skeleton are partially covered in what
Elvish, and Ancient Common on its three sides. appears to be thick yellow dust. The dust is Yellow
Rubbings from this obelisk would be valuable to a Mold AL: N, AC: Always hit, HD: 2, HP: 7, #AT:
sage (1000gp) but would also allow a cleric or Spores, DMG: 1d6*, LL(103). As the Skeleton (1) AL:
magic-user (with a month worth of study) to learn C, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 6, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, LL(95). As
the rudiments of any of the three languages. A it rises to face the party the yellow mold will eject
group of Skeletons (8) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 8, 7, its spores.
7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, LL(95), are picking
up corpses and searching for grave goods as
directed by Kelmok, a Necromancer of Set, AC: 7
(Dex), MU3 (Hu), HP: 10, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6 Staff;
B(51). Spells: Sleep, Magic Missile, Stinking Cloud.
Spellbook. Pouch with 27pp. Kelmok wears a half-
skull mask and bones are stitched onto his black
robes. He will use his skeletons as a barrier and
throw his Sleep spell from behind as soon as
possible. He is fanatical follower of Set and will not

44. Each of the six long burial passages in this

large crypt holds 50 alcoves. There are 4 skeletons
per passage that will animate and attack as soon
as one of the passages is searched. Skeletons (6
groups of 4 skeletons each) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 1,
HP: 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2,
2, 1, 1, 1, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, LL(95).

Burial Alcoves: (300 total) Circular, with bones.

Contents: Each passage holds 6d20cp, 4d20sp,
and 2d20pp in various pouches, bags, and bowls.
Four passages contain rare treasure. Passage 1
holds a Clerical Scroll with Cure Light Wounds(x2),
Protection from Evil, and Spiritual Armor(x2) (see
New Spells). Passage 3 contains a Magic-User
Scroll with Mirror Image and Darkvision (2nd Level).

Defiled Crypt 4: The door to this room is closed. 47. A Gelatinous Cube (1) AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 4, HP:
There are four open sarcophagi here filled to the 18, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4*, LL(76), is here (in the square
rim with dark peat-colored water. The water drips marked #47) digesting a tomb-robber. When the
slowly from the ceiling and walls. The skeletons in party enters they will see a man, standing with
the sarcophagi have calcified from the minerals in their back to the party, with his right arm raised
the water. They attack when disturbed. Fossil (this is the tomb-robber enveloped in the middle
Skeletons (4) AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 2, HP: 11, 8, 7, 5, of the gelatinous cube. The front side of his body
#AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, B(53). The sarcophagi each has been dissolved). The cube will stay still and
hold 4d20gp. only move toward the party if it is attacked by
ranged weapons or if a party member
Defiled Crypt 5: The door to this tomb is closed. approaches for a closer look. It is almost invisible
Black Tongue, scribbled in black charcoal, adorns otherwise.
the walls in an undecipherable and erratic
pattern. Two Ghouls (2) AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 2*, HP: 9, Each of the eight burial vaults accommodates
6, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3*, LL(76), are approximately 50 paupers’ alcoves (410 total).
crouched here gnawing on unsatisfying bones.
Burial Vault 1:
Quiet Crypt 6: This door to this room is locked. Burial Alcoves: (50) Square with urns.
There is one sarcophagus here with its lid ajar. Contents: 165ep, Luckstone (+1 on saves).
Three Spitting Cobras (3) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 5,
4, 3, #AT: 1 (bite or spit), DMG: 1d3*, LL(96), have Burial Vault 2:
managed to enter this room through cracks and Burial Alcoves: (51) Circular with bones.
crevices in the walls. They have made their nest in Contents: 183 gp.
the sarcophagi. Inside are 2 Gold Chalices worth
15pp each. Burial Vault 3:
Burial Alcoves: (53) Triangular with bones.
Contents: 107sp, Ivory Carving (666gp), Bracelet
(60gp), Fire Opal (100gp), Glass Box (20gp).

Burial Vault 4:
Burial Alcoves: (48) Octagonal with skulls.
Contents: 21sp, Jade Idol (300gp), Earrings (60gp),
Copper inkwell (15gp).

Burial Vault 5:
Burial Alcoves: (52) Hexagonal with full skeletons.
Contents: 162ep and an Ornate Plate (18gp). One
skeleton wears a mithril brooch in the shape of an
Elven tree. If set on a fine quality cloak or robe the
garment will function as a Cloak of Elvenkind.

Burial Vault 6:
Burial Alcoves: (52) Trapezoidal, bronzed skulls.
Contents: 73ep, Necklace (20gp), Coral (50gp).

Burial Vault 7:
Burial Alcoves: (52) Triangular, disturbed remains.
Contents: 73 ep, Ruby (70gp), Brass Cup (60gp).

Burial Vault 8:
Burial Alcoves: (52) Hexagonal, hastily searched.
Contents: 87gp, Circlet (50gp).

A small maze of rough-hewn passages extends E. Stirges (7) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 7, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3,
from one of the southern crypts. A variety of 1, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3, LL(98), hang from the ceiling
strange monsters have found their way into these of this chamber like bats. If the party is listening as
passages. they approach this cave, give them an
opportunity to hear the occasional squeaks and
A. Located on a ledge about 10 feet above the chatter of the stirges. Three shiny gems can be
ground is a Cave Fisher (1) AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 3, HP: found on the cave floor amongst some bones
19, #AT: 2, DMG: 1d4+3, B(48). See the New (250gp(x2), 75gp).
Monsters section for more information. In its nest
are numerous bones and remains including that of F. A large, old, bloated Carcass Scavenger (1) AL:
an elf and his Studded Leather +2 that the Cave N, AC: 7, HD: 3+1, HP: 18, #AT: 8 (stingers), DMG:
Fisher spat back out. There is also a partially Paralysis, LL(67), has retreated to its lair to feed.
destroyed scroll with the following words written in There is a 4 in 6 chance that it will hear anyone
elvish: Red, Black, Purple (a hint to area #84). approach and position itself above the doorway
on the ceiling. Otherwise it will be too
B. This cave is covered with large mushrooms, preoccupied by its meal to hear the party. This
except for a small pool at its center. Two of the carcass scavenger has somehow managed to
mushrooms near the water are Shriekers (2) AL: N, accumulate a large trove including 2891cp,
AC: 7, HD: 3, HP: 8, 7, #AT: Special, DMG: Special, 2041sp, 4113gp, 4 gems (75gp, 25gp, 1000gp,
LL (95) and another is a Violet Fungi (1) AL: N, AC: 10gp).
7, HD: 3, HP: 10, #AT: 1-4, DMG: Special, AEC (126).
A few fire beetle shells are dotted around the 48. Entrance to this room is blocked by a rusty
pool. portcullis. The portcullis requires 4 people to
lift/hold and which will create noise (random
C. A small nest of Fire Beetles (5) AL: N, AC: 4, HD: monster check). This room is covered in small rock
1+2, HP: 10, 9, 7, 7, 4, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4, LL(65), debris and cobwebs. It is otherwise empty.
have gathered to feed on the lichen that grows
here. Their glands continue to glow after they Quiet Crypt 1: The door to this crypt lies in pieces
have been defeated. Wise players can harvest on the floor. Three Giant Crab Spiders (3) AL: N,
them as a light source. AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: 12, 10, 8, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8*,
LL(97), cling to the ceiling above the entrance. A
D. This small tomb appears different than the total of 37cp glints at the back of the crypt.
others in this area of the burial maze. It is rough- Frescos of men in short white tunics running in
hewn and does not possess care or craftsmanship footraces adorn the walls.
in its construction. There are two ominous statues
of male warriors of black stone that are actually a Defiled Crypt 2: This room is locked. Two open
type of caryatid column called Barrow Guardians sarcophagi with skeletons rest within. No treasure.
(2) AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 3, HP: 15, 13, #AT: 1, DMG:
1d6, B(48). They attack if the sarcophagus is 49. This room is filled with statues to long-forgotten
approached. gods. A broken altar rests along the southern wall.
The room is otherwise empty.
The inside of the sarcophagus is covered with
unholy clerical runes of protection, in the middle 50. A small rubble pile near the secret door hides
rests a pale white orb. This is the Fount of Law. See Giant Centipedes (6) AL: N, AC: 9, HD: 1d4hp, HP:
the section on New Magic Items for more 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, #AT: 1 (bite), DMG: Poison, LL(68).
information. The Fount will brighten slightly in the
hands of a lawful PC. As the orb is brought closer 51. This room has two unique features. The inner
and closer to the Pit of Chaos in #151 it will walls are lined with small rectangular burial
brighten further and begin to pulse. The remains of alcoves. In the center is a short sealed stone
its bearer, a knight by the name of Sir Guy de mausoleum. It has a stone door with engraved
O’Veargne, a holy-warrior of St. Ygg, can be runes in Ancient Common that read “Klexx the
found in #109A and his ghost can provide the PCs Maligned.” The area smells of old death and rot. A
with more information. Coffer Corpse (1) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: 7, #AT: 1,
DMG: 1d6*, B(49), is interred here. He is buried with

jewelry. A Golden Crown worth 1000gp, and two
Jeweled Bracers worth 1400gp (each).

Burial Alcoves: (143) Square with black urns.

Contents: 131sp.

52. There is a broken and defaced statue on the

floor. There are also a group of Giant Carnivorous
Flies (5) AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 2, HP: 10, 7, 7, 5, 4, #AT: 1
(bite), DMG: 1d8, LL(75).

53. A former group of low level clerics of Nergal

have risen as Huecuva (6) AL: C, AC: 3, HD: 2, HP:
9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 4, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6*, B(50), and will
pull themselves out of their burial alcoves when
the party enters. Give the players a partial move
before initiative. One of the undead carries a
pouch with three gems (10gp, 1000gp, 1200gp).

Burial Alcoves: (72) Square choked with dust,

bones, and cobwebs.
Contents: Earrings (30gp) and a Bag of Holding
(500gp) - the bag currently holds 123gp.

54. A low snarl echoes from the west as the party

enters this burial chamber.

Burial Alcoves: (69) Circular with chewed

Contents: 51ep.
58. The head of a stone statue, chipped and
broken, rests along the eastern wall of this room.
55. Eight yellowed human teeth are arranged in
an arrow pointing west.
Burial Alcoves: (123) Octagonal, broken bones.
Contents: 3pp and a Jade Idol (300gp).
Burial Alcoves: (54) Rectangular with mummified
59. In this hallway the entrances to A and C have
Contents: 101pp.
rubble piles at their base and suggest that
something broke free from inside - they smell of
56. Broken stones are piled into a pyramid along
old death. Alcove B is still bricked-up with a
the northern wall of this room. Graffiti (see Table 3:
Zombie (1) AL: C, AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 4, #AT: 1, DMG:
Random Graffiti).
1d8, LL(103), still within. The ten alcoves are
located in D. Also note that Alcove B is the
57. There is a 4 in 6 chance that the Mongrelmen
teleport location for the pit located in #126.
(3) AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 1, HP: 6, 6, 5, #AT: 1, DMG:
1d6, B(51), in this room will hear anyone
Burial Alcoves: (10) Octagonal with skulls.
approaching from room #56. They are here
Contents: 88ep. One alcove (determine
counting shiny baubles spread into piles on the
randomly) is infested with Rot Grubs (6) AL: N, AC:
floor: 1532cp, 1897sp, Gems (75gp, 100gp, 200gp,
9, HD: 1hp, HP: 1hp per, #AT: N/A, DMG: N/A,
400gp). If they hear the party coming, two will
hide behind the door and the third will throw itself
down in the middle of the floor as a diversion and
60. Partial collapse in the south-east corner.
mimic an elderly woman’s voice quietly moaning
“Help. Help.”

61. This small area is dotted with 20 small alcoves. previously. Every other flagstone on the wall
appears to have been cracked or smashed with a
Burial Alcoves: (20) Circular. Empty but one. hammer.
Contents: 115cp, Silver Earrings (50gp), Silver
Dagger +1. 65. This room appears to be a small temple. Along
the western wall, a small altar rests in front of a
62. A Giant Rattler Snake (1) AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 4, large foreboding statue of Nergal, the former God
HP: 16, #AT: 2, DMG: 1d4*, LL(96), recently entered of the Underworld.
this room and created a nest for itself behind the
pillars on the eastern side of this room. A rubble The statue beckons entrants forth. Note that a pit
pile in the north central portion (from a partially is located immediately in front of the statue. If the
collapsed ceiling) shows the glint of 85cp. The party stops and listens before they proceed, they
snake takes advantage of this natural bait. In its will hear faint cries and curses in dwarven. These
nest there are bones of humans and various other come from Arnd Cobblestone (a second level
creatures as well as a pouch with six gems: 10gp, Dwarf or Dwarven Cleric, Str: 13, Int: 12, Wis: 14,
25gp, 50gp, 100gp, 500gp, 750gp. Dex: 10, Con: 16, Cha: 9, HP: 13, AL: L) who fell into
the pit and was abandoned by his adventuring
63. Two Crystal Statues (2) AL: L, AC: 4, HD: 3, HP: comrades. He has been down there for sometime
16, 14, #AT: 2, DMG: 1d6/1d6, LL(98), of ancient and is at 1HP. Only his dwarven fortitude and the
warriors stand outside this room. Their heads turn presence of water has kept him alive this long. If
to watch the PCs but they only attack if the party healed and armed he will join the party and serve
searches the immediate area. These statues can as a loyal henchman (with a full share of
be shattered instantly if a tuning fork is struck. experience and treasure). Arnd is a typical dwarf.
His favorite sayings are “That’s not even fit for a
In the center of the room is a round dais with a goblin!” or “I’d trust an elf before I’d trust…”
large pedestal. On the pedestal is a metal
gauntlet that glows softly in the darkness. This is the If the statue is presented an offering on the altar
Gauntlet of Palantis (see New Magic Items). This worth 500gp+ (this value should increase with the
treasure is protected by a trap. If the gauntlet is level of the characters), the statue will animate
lifted, a scything blade extends from the side of and answer a question. The statue will answer five
the pedestal and cuts horizontally at the questions before it loses its power. Arnd knows
abdomen (if standing). The blade attacks at the how this works and will offer this information to the
same hit dice of the PC and does 1d8 points of party - while cursing under his breath at the
damage (a Dexterity check saves for half statue. For each attempt roll 1d6: 1-2 truthful
damage). However, the blade is poisoned and response, 3-4 cryptic response, 5-6 false response.
the victim of the trap must save versus poison or
die. 66. Empty.

64. This hallway ends with four doors – all burial Defiled Crypt 1: This crypt is empty and the door is
crypts. This area is eerily quiet. stuck. Two skeletons are interred within. Both wear
a jeweled necklace of white gold (133gp each).
Quiet Crypt 1: The door to this crypt is locked. The Rotting yellowed tapestries depict day-to-day life
remains of three skeletons are at rest here. of knights, clergy, and lay peoples.

Defiled Crypt 2: This door is ajar. Sword slices and Defiled Crypt 2: This crypt is unlocked and the
weapon hacks obscure a wall fresco depicting a room is empty. Inside is a glass sarcophagus
great feast. scattered into pieces. Skeletal remains litter the
floor. Frescos depict great buildings and
Quiet Crypt 3: The door to this crypt is smashed to structures. A total of 382ep is scattered around the
pieces. Two runic tablets are piled on the floor. floor (random monster check to collect) as well as
The western wall has been scorched black with a runic tablet.
67. This long corridor is empty. Archways enter into
Defiled Crypt 4: The door to this room is ajar. Bones ancient, undisturbed burial-niches:
litter the floor. This room has been searched

A. The first to enter this niche disturbs a swarm of Burial Alcoves: (45) Circular, rearranged bones.
normal beetles. Beetle Swarm (1) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: Contents: 65ep, Ruby Ring (275gp), Topaz
2, HP: 7, #AT: 1, DMG: 2 hp, LL(83). (100gp).

B. This niche is empty. 69. This room has partially collapsed (north-west
C. This niche is empty.
70. This room possesses an illusion trap. The illusion
D. This niche contains a Magic Mouth that of a glowing white sword sits on the floor of this
screams “Grave Robbers!” three times. The first room in front of a statue to Nergal. If someone
character must save versus fear or flee as per the comes within 5 feet of the sword they will fall into
magic-user spell. Make random monster check. a pit. A Green Slime (1) AL: N, AC: N/A, HD: 2, HP:
10, #AT: 1, DMG: Special, LL(80), waits at the
E. Beside a skull rests a beautiful jeweled Gold bottom (along with the remains of many tomb
Chalice (value 500gp) that shines in the torchlight robbers).
once dusted. Underneath the chalice is a scrap of
burnt paper showing a random area of the Burial Vault 1:
dungeon 40’ in all directions (Referee’s Burial Alcoves: (52) Square and empty.
Discretion). Contents: None.

F. The remains of a halfling can be found here. On Burial Vault 2:

either side of her remains are two halfling sized Burial Alcoves: (51) Triangular with disturbed
wooden statues. The statues are Wood Golems (2) skeletons.
AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 2+2, HP: 11, 9, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, Contents: 54cp, Gold Circlet (80gp), Amethyst
LL(79). They attack if the halfling’s bones are Gem (60gp), Silver Spear Tip +1.
Burial vault 3:
G. This niche is empty. Burial Alcoves: (49) Hexagonal, gnawed bones.
Contents: Circlet (100gp), Diamond (40gp),
H. A gold skull rests atop a pedestal with black Dented Helm (1sp). One alcove contains a small
opal gems in the eye sockets. It looks quite wooden coffer. The box is trapped with an old
intimidating. There is no trap. Etched into its base is poisoned dart. Save versus poison at +4 or die. The
the word “dlohnoitisop”. The skull detects as box contains a Ring of Protection +1.
magical and can be used as Wand of
Paralyzation (12 charges). When used in this Burial Vault 4:
fashion beams of energy shoot forth from the Burial Alcoves: (50) Circular with skeletons.
opals in a magnificent fashion. This wand is not Contents: Gold Statuette (500gp), Bloodstone
rechargeable. A plate underneath the skull (30gp), and a Cursed Spear -1.
suggests it could be mounted on a staff, mace
shaft, or wand. Burial Vault 5:
Burial Alcoves: (50) Circular, silver-plated skulls
I. A simple skeleton rests here. A simple clay bowl (3gp each).
holds 20pp and some bone dice. Under his right Contents: Bracelet (60gp), Ruby (100gp), Ornate
arm is an astrolabe. Figurine (18gp). One alcove holds a small, locked
metal box. The box detects as magical. The lock
J. This niche holds the remains of a knight, a suit of can only be opened by a specific magical key
ornate, rusty plate mail (no longer usable), and located in room #77. Inside is Scroll: Protection
“Bonesplitter” a Broadsword +1, +2 versus Undead. from Normal Missiles, Spectacles of Comprehend
However, the entire niche is blanketed by a Languages and Reading Magic and a Silver
colony of Yellow Mold AL: N, AC: Always hit, HD: 2, Dagger +2.
HP: 7, #AT: Spores, DMG: 1d6*, LL(103).
Burial vault 6:
68. This room is empty with the exception of a Burial Alcoves: (51) Square, mummified remains.
chalk drawing on the floor (a partial map to the Contents: Shaped Coral (80gp), Pewter Chalice
barrow passages in Room 47 (B-F). (50gp), Pouch of Gold Coins (35gp), Broken Spear.

71. The door to this room is locked and made of Emeralds (35gp each), 35pp, a cracked clay
rusted steel. See area #72 regarding instructions to bowl, and a carved wooden deer.
open this door. This room is empty. However,
opening the door to A will set off a deadfall trap Quiet Crypt 2: This door is locked and locks behind
that will cause 2d6 damage to anyone in the those who enter. Two Giant Crab Spiders (2) AL: N,
doorway. A dexterity check can be made for half AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: 13, 5, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8*, LL(97),
damage. A dwarf may detect the nature of this are within. One of their victims, a halfling, has a
stonework trap before opening the door. Stoutblade Dagger +2 in his sheath (see New
Magic Items) and 43ep. He lays face down
Burial Alcoves: (160) Circular with shrunken heads. covered in cobwebs. A large fresco depicts a
Contents: Bloodstone Jewel (80gp). great temple.

72. There are two rusty steel doors in this room: Quiet Crypt 3: The entrance to this crypt is closed.
west and south. Both doors are locked. Graffiti A total of 48sp sits in a short squat bowl on a low
(see Table 3: Random Graffiti Table). table beside a black urn.

On the west wall of this room is a set of three Defiled Crypt 4: This door is ajar. The tomb is
mechanical levers all in the down position. Moving decorated with bas relief depicting the raising of
the two outer levers up (makes a distinct the dead.
mechanical Clank! sound)
opens the western door for 1 Defiled Crypt 5: This door is
turn. The levers will reset to the partially open. Shadows from
down position after that time torch/lantern light flicker and
(note that this may trap dance wildly in this room.
players). Moving the two Three Shadows (3) AL: C, AC:
outer levers up and then 7, HD: 2+2, HP: 11, 10, 9, #AT:
immediately back down (this 1, DMG: 1d4*, LL(94), exist
makes a mechanical Clank! here and use the low
Click!) opens the western flickering light to their
door and locks the door in advantage (+1 on all initiative
the open position. The same rolls for this combat). Frescos
process works for the south depict three brothers
door using the center and devoted to Nergal.
right levers.
Defiled Crypt 6: The door to
Burial Alcoves: (39) Square this crypt lies in pieces on the
with cobwebs. floor. Two Ghouls (2) AL: C,
Contents: 110pp, Gold Earrings (80gp). AC: 6, HD: 2*, HP: 8, 7, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3*,
LL(76), are here whispering and hissing to each
73. The door to this room is locked and made of other as they fight over a meaty (and recent)
rusted steel. See area #72 regarding instructions to human leg (including high hard boot). A steel
open this door. However, if the party is helm (complete with head and horrified facial
exceedingly quiet and listens at the door intently expression) sits on the floor beside them. A total of
before proceeding they will hear the faint 102ep can be found among the other rubble and
murmurs of the two ghouls in Defiled Crypt 6 debris. Two runic tablets are here, two others are
arguing over their latest meal: the body of a broken. The ghouls recently managed to lock
tomb-robber. themselves in (from area #72) and will negotiate
for freedom. They have knowledge of the
Quiet Crypt 1: The door to this room is stuck. The immediate dungeon area. They may choose to
walls are covered in a large yellow panoramic track and attack the party.
fresco depicting two groups: the lawful and
chaotic gods. Each group has their hands raised Burial Alcoves: (72) Rectangular with dust.
waiting to receive a tablet from on high. On a low Contents: Topaz Necklace (60gp), Fire Opal
stone altar are a copper plate with two Silver (40gp), Platinum Ring (40gp).
Rings (50gp each), a wooden figurine, three small

E. This mausoleum contains bones arranged on an

F. A trail of slime appears to extend from

underneath this door, heads east for 30 feet, and
then disappears. This mausoleum is empty.

G. The door to this crypt is locked. A Skeleton (1)

AL: C, AC: 4, HD: 1, HP: 8, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, LL(95),
rests within. The skeleton wears black Chainmail +1
and carries a Longsword +1. Note that this is a
teleport location for the pit trap in room #39.

75. A small altar dried with blood sits here against

the north wall. Fresco above the altar faded away
long ago.

76. Blood stains on the walls are sticky to the

touch. A dead mongrelman can be found here
with a Platinum Necklace (400gp) and a bag with

Burial Alcoves: (157) Square and some alcoves

plundered long ago.
Contents: 666cp and a Gold Figurine (100gp).

77. This room is filled with alcoves. One step

beyond the first secret door will activate a
pressure plate that drops an extremely heavy
74. A number of small mausoleums line this
portcullis (9 people to lift/hold) and isolates the
hallway. Graffiti (check Table 3: Random Graffiti).
first party member (or rank) from the group. This
will open the second secret door and release a
A. The door to this mausoleum is ajar. A nest of
Spitting Cobras (6) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 7, 5, 4, Shadow (1) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 2+2, HP: 11, #AT: 1,
DMG: 1d4*, LL(94), who immediately attacks. The
3, 2, 2, #AT: 1 (bite or spit), DMG: 1d3*, LL(96), wait
portcullis can be raised by a lever located at the
back of one of the alcoves in the north-east
section of this room, or by a long pry bar.
B. The body of a magic-user appears to have
been hastily pushed into this crypt. She has a small
Spellbook with Sleep, Light, Read Magic, Detect On the other side of the pit is a silver coffer sitting
on the lap of a skeleton in robes and covered in
magic, and Web in her backpack. Her body is in
cobwebs. Inside the coffer is a key for the metal
an advanced state of decay. Opening the door
box located in room #70. The key detects as
to this tomb will cause the character to make a
Constitution check or vomit for 2-5 rounds
(random monster check).
Burial Alcoves: (32) Octagonal. All the alcoves are
empty but two. One contains a mechanical lever.
C. As soon as the door to this tomb is opened a
Contents: Pouch with 154pp.
strong draft of wind will extinguish torches.
Lanterns are unaffected. The tomb is empty
78. As the party stands in this corridor they hear
except the skeletal remains of 2 humans.
the scraping of stone on stone, then silence.
D. A white arrow written in chalk on the door
Defiled Crypt 1: This room is locked and empty. A
points west with the warning, “Don’t go this way.”
bowl at the head of a robed skeleton holds
This mausoleum is empty.
372pp. A wall fresco depicts worship to the dark

Defiled Crypt 2: This room is empty and the door is their primary requisite(s) increased by one. This
ajar. A large pile of broken runic tablets is in the happens only once. If they mix the liquid together
center of the room. Underneath the stones in a different order, consult the table below. Note:
(monster check) is a Warhammer +1. a hint is provided on a scroll located in area #47A.
The pools have no power if consumed individually.
79. A group of Tomb-Robbers (8) AL: C, AC: 7, HD:
1, HP: 7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 2, 2, #AT: 1, DMG: Weapon Pools of Misfortune*
type, B(55), rest here quietly discussing how to 1. Save versus spells or suffer Fear effect.
proceed through the crypts. They just hid two 2. Take 1d8 HP of permanent HP damage.
pouches (containing 300gp and 10gp) under a 3. Paralyzed 1d4 turns.**
loose stone in the south-east corner. 4. -1 on all attacks for the next day.
5. -300 XP to a minimum of 1XP.
Burial Alcoves: (26) Octagonal with clay urns. 6. Save versus poison or die.
Contents: Bowl with 52ep.
*Note: chaotic characters suffer no ill effects from
80. This room is barred with a portcullis. It will take 5 these pools. The liquid merely tastes like dirty
characters to lift and hold. Beyond, all the party water.
can see are rotted and moldy yellow curtains,
hanging by threads. The curtain hides a mirror on ** Check for random monsters.
the back wall. The first character to look into the
mirror is instantly transported inside it. The Burial Alcoves: (71) Square with disturbed remains.
character will appear standing on a dead, amber Contents: The remains of an elf with Boots of
landscape dotted with withered trees and a mirror Elvenkind.
suspended in the air. There the PC must do battle
with a zombie of the same HD, HP, and 85. One skeleton rests on a stone slab in the
equipment. If the player is successful s/he returns center of this room, its black shroud now moldy
to the living and the mirror shatters to pieces. If the and decayed. It holds a small golden box in its
player loses the mirror, it turns opaque gray and hand with an arrow that spins in circles (before it is
maniacal laughter echoes throughout the room picked up by a PC). The box is Fennril’s Faithful
(random monster check). Compass (see New Magic Items).

81. Water trickling down the walls of this room has Burial Alcoves: (63) Octagonal with skulls.
fossilized a number of skeletons that animate and Contents: 197gp and a Gold Necklace (90gp).
attack intruders. The Fossil Skeletons (7) AL: C, AC:
6, HD: 2, HP: 14, 13, 11, 9, 8, 7, 5, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, 86. This room is empty. A large, heavy, rusted
B(53), are stronger and harder to destroy. See the portcullis blocks progress to the south.
New Monsters section for more information.
87. A portcullis blocks entrance to this area of the
Burial Alcoves: (52) Circular with full skeletons. maze. Unless other methods are used, it requires
Contents: 58gp, Diamond Ring (500gp), Fire Opal the combined strength of 5 characters to lift and
(40gp). hold. The noise of raising the rusty portcullis will
likely draw the attention of random monsters.
82. A soft red glow filters out of this room. There are
Fire Beetles (5) AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 1+2, HP: 10, 9, 7, Quiet Crypt 1: The door to this tomb is locked and
7, 4, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4, LL(65), inside scrounging for the room is empty. Two silver statuettes (30gp
food. Their glands continue to glow after they each) sit on a low table.
have been defeated. Wise players can use them
as a temporary light source. Quiet Crypt 2: The door to this room is ajar. Normal
Rats (14) AL: N, AC: 9, HD: 1hp, HP: 1 hp per, #AT: 1
83. Empty. per group, DMG: 1d6*, LL(92), nest here. One sits
on a skull, atop a runic tablet, and hisses at the
84. There are three pools here recessed into the PCs.
floor. They contain three fluids: black, purple, and
deep red. If a player mixes red, black, and purple
in that order, and drinks the fluid, they will have

Quiet Crypt 3: The door to this room is stuck. A hole
has been chewed in the bottom. Five Giant Rats
(5) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 1d4hp, HP: 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, #AT: 1,
DMG: 1d3, LL(92), are inside. In their nest are
bones and two platinum bracelets worth (52gp
each). Frescos depict fishing and the sea.

Quiet Crypt 4: This crypt is empty. Something

broke free from the inside.

Defiled Crypt 5: The door to this room is stuck. Two

Ghouls (2) AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 2*, HP: 16, 7, #AT: 3,
DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3*, LL(76), lay here in their
undeath. Frescos depict ritual sacrifice.

Quiet Crypt 6: The door to this crypt is ajar. A

Phantom (1) AL: C, AC: N/A, HD: N/A, HP: N/A,
#AT: 1, DMG: Fear, B(52), hovers in the corner of
the tomb. Incomprehensible script is written in
charcoal on the southern wall.

88. Giant Scorpions (3) AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 2+2, HP:

16, 11, 7, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d3*, B(53), rush
and attack from the darkness! Three tomb robbers
lay dead here. They managed a pretty good haul
of treasure and grave goods before meeting their
end. Between the three of them there are sacks of
5309sp, 3980gp; as well as two white pearls: 10gp,
25gp. They also carry Potions of Undead Control,
Extra-Healing, and Growth.

Alcoves along the walls include the following:

Burial Alcoves: (90) Square with bone piles.

Contents: One alcove contains the remains of a
priest. Beside his skull rests a folded and dusty
Chainmail shirt +1 and an unknown holy symbol.
Barrowmaze Area Two:
The Haunted Tombs
Area Two: Random Monsters and crumbling. The tail and nose are broken. It is
covered with moss and dust. The statue will
1. Skeletons (1d8), LL(95) animate and dialogue with the party. It is normally
2. Fire Beetles (1d8), LL(65) very tired and yawns constantly. It will offer to
3. Tomb Robbers (2d4+4), B(54) answer a question about the Barrowmaze but only
4. Giant Rats (2d6), LL(92) if the PCs can solve the following riddle. If they fail
5. Mongrelmen (1d8), B(51) the statue crumbles into dust. The door on the
6. Ravenous Dead (1d8), B(55) east wall is ajar.
7. Stirges (1d8), B(98)
8. Coffer Corpse (1d4), B(49) Close to the words stay I,
9. Necromancers of Set (1d4), B(51) But I wither, wane, and grow dry.
10. Acolytes of Orcus (1d6), B(47)
11. Dungeon Dressing* Answer: A flower (preserved in a book).
12. Referee’s Choice
92. There is a large pile of debris including rubble,
*See Table I: Random Dungeon Dressing (p.56). rags, broken wood, and two wooden rafters. The
door on the north and eastern portion of this room
89. The door is closed and the room appears has been bashed down.
empty. The first person to step into the middle of
the room will depress a stone and set off an 93. This room is empty. A broken runic tablet (now
isolation trap. A four-walled portcullis will fall from useless) rests on the floor.
the ceiling and cut off select adventurers
(Referee’s discretion) from the rest of the party 94. There are Giant Scorpions (6) AL: N, AC: 5, HD:
(cautious players scanning the ceiling will see long 2+2, HP: 16, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, #AT: 3, DMG:
grooves from which the portcullis will drop). The 1d6/1d6/1d3*, B(53), in this room. They attack and
portcullis is too heavy to lift. There are heavy defend their makeshift lair.
wooden rafters among the debris in room #92
that could be used to leverage the portcullis. The Burial Alcoves: (197) Octagonal, wicker effigies.
portcullis is set into the stone of the ceiling and is Contents: 183gp, Jade Idol (300gp), Sapphire
difficult to spot. If the party probes the floor with a (55gp).
10 foot pole they will set off the trap (and break
their pole). The portcullis will make a very loud 95. This room is empty with the exception of a
noise when it falls and will necessitate two black altar with dried blood. The altar is
successive random monster rolls. decorated with black onyx gemstones. If these six
stones are carefully removed (4 turns and normal
90. The door to this room was bashed in long ago random monster checks) they will be worth 111gp
when this crypt was first plundered. Only the each. The altar contains a secret compartment
destroyed funerary baskets and three broken with a poison needle trap (save versus poison or
stone sarcophagi remain. Dust is thick throughout lose 2 hit points permanently). The compartment
the room. If the party searches the sides of the holds a bag with 249pp.
sarcophagi, and brush the dust away, they will
notice filigree-style decorations in gold. It will take 96. Empty.
12 turns to carefully remove the gold. It is
painstaking work, but the total value is 1700gp. Quiet Crypt 1: The door to this crypt is ajar.
Check for random monsters accordingly. Zombies (3) AL: C, AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 12, 9, 7, #AT: 1,
DMG: 1d8, LL(103), have wandered in here and
91. This door is closed. This room contains an attack as soon as there is a disturbance at the
ancient statue of a sphinx. The statue is broken door. There is a bag (372ep) amongst some bones
and refuse in the corner.
Quiet Crypt 2: This door is closed. The crypt is Each number set establishes a sequence. In order
empty. to open the crypt door the final missing number in
the sequence must be provided. When the dial is
Quiet Crypt 3: This door is closed and locked. Two moved to the numbers 15, 13, and 12 (in that
undisturbed funerary boxes rest on a stone slab order), the door opens.
(one piece of jewelry in each box, 25gp each).
One has a small runic tablet inside. Inside the crypt is a stone slab with the dried
remains of a dwarf prince in ornate platemail.
Quiet Crypt 4: This door hangs off the hinges. Bas Across his chest is a Warhammer +2 Dwarven
relief in this crypt depicts demonic gargoyles. Thrower. In a steel coffer there is a Potion of Super-
Heroism and a Ring of Fire Resistance. However,
Defiled Crypt 5: This door is closed, locked, and the body is booby-trapped. It rests on a pressure
trapped with a Glyph of Warding (Fire Blast, 10 plate. Disturbing the body in any way will cause
points of damage, save for half). There is much the door of the crypt to slam shut and fill the room
debris here from a minor collapse of the ceiling. with poison gas (roll for random monsters). Anyone
One ancient skeleton rests here with a shield over trapped in the room will be isolated and must
its chest. If disturbed a Crypt Shade (1) AL: C, AC: save versus poison or die.
9, HD: 2, HP: 9, #AT: 1 (whirling debris), DMG: 1d8,
B(49), will attack. The shield is a magnificent metal 100. There is a group of Mongrelmen (6 with 2HD)
Shield +2 that depicts a golden hawk on a purple AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 2, HP: 10, 9, 8, 6, 6, 4, #AT: 1,
field. DMG: 1d8, B(51), here tormenting a giant rat. They
are engrossed and may be easily surprised,
97. The door to this room is locked. This room is subject to the party’s light and noise discipline.
filled with alcoves on the western and eastern
walls of this room. A large patch of Yellow Mold 101. This room is empty with the exception of
(1) AL: N, AC: Always hit, HD: 2, HP: 10, #AT: burial alcoves along the walls.
Spores, DMG: 1d6*, LL(103), covers the burial
alcoves on the eastern wall. Burial Alcoves: (135) Circular, with gnawed bones.
Contents: 113gp, sealed Bottle of Perfume (60gp).
Burial Alcoves: (96) Rectangular with small bone
piles and choked with dust. 102. This hallway is empty except for burnt ashes
Contents: Pouch with 193gp, Finely Crafted Silver and scraps of moldy paper. One Fossil Skeleton
Holy Symbol of Nergal (400gp), Diamond Ring (7) AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 2, HP: 16, 13, 11, 8, 7, 5, 5,
(75gp), Platinum Cloak Clasp (200gp). #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, B(53), can be found in each of
the seven secret crypts. If the party passes
98. The door to this room is ajar. Two Giant beyond the mid point of the hallway they will
Carnivorous Flies (2) AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 2, HP: 12, 5, disturb the skeletons who will bust through their
#AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, LL(75), have found their way walls and surround the adventurers.
into this room.
103. A Runic Golem (1) AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 7, HP: 38,
99. The door to this room has been burned out. On #AT: 1, DMG: 1d10*, B(50), standing in the
the south wall is an entrance to a crypt. The door northwest corner of the room, will flicker to life with
is sealed and made of stone. It cannot be spiked magical energy when the PCs step into the crypt.
open. On the door is a circle of numbers (much
like a clock) from 1 to 35 with a dial in the center. A large elaborate mirror on a pedestal is
To the right of the circle are the following three positioned near the southern wall of this room
number sets listed vertically: surrounded by burial alcoves. Five feet in front of
the mirror is a bottomless pit. Anyone vain enough
Number Sets Answer Solution to stand in front of the mirror will fall in. 18 Add 3 13 Add last 2 Burial Alcoves: (77) Hexagonal, disturbed remains. 12 Add 5; Minus 2 Contents: 87ep, Sapphire (75gp) and a Tome of
Clear Thought.

104. This room has 6 crypt doors. It appears empty
with the exception of some broken flagstones and
some small pools of water. Three of the doors are
closed (C, D, F). Behind C and F are a group of
Ravenous Dead (7) here as well as two JuJu
Zombies (2) behind door D. As soon as one of
crypts are opened or searched they all burst forth
and attack. Be sure to check for surprise.

A. The door to this crypt has been bashed down.

The crypt is empty.

B. The door to this crypt is open and the crypt has

been looted.

C. This door is closed. There are three Ravenous

Dead (3) AL: C, AC: 8, HD: 3, HP: 15, 10, 13, #AT: 1,
DMG: 1d6, B(55), here.

D. The door to this crypt is closed. There are two

JuJu Zombies (2) AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 4+4, HP: 31, 24,
#AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, B(55), in this crypt. One has a
longbow with 20 arrows +1 and the other carries a
rusty scimitar and wears Sandals of Spider
Climbing. Initially, PCs may mistake them as
Ravenous Dead.

E. This door has been bashed down.

F. This door is closed and there are four Ravenous

107. The floor just on the other side of the secret
Dead (4) AL: C, AC: 8, HD: 3, HP: 21, 14, 9, 8, #AT:
door is dotted with 3 inch holes. Unless otherwise
1, DMG: 1d6, B(55), here.
looking, give the first person to pass through the
secret door a 1 in 6 chance to notice the holes.
105. The door to this room is locked.
Stepping onto the floor in the first 10 feet of this
room will set off a tripwire and cause spears to rise
The walls of this room are decorated with solid
out of the holes causing 2d6 points of damage
gold scarabs about the size of a hand. These can
(Dexterity check for half damage) to all those
be removed and are quite valuable. There are 10
caught in the area.
worth 100gp each. Each scarab takes 1 turn to
remove. One is a Scarab of Protection, but that
Burial Alcoves: (245) Circular with broken thigh
can only be determined with a Detect Magic spell
bones (marrow sucked out long ago).
and is indistinguishable from the others. Normal
Contents: 164ep, Pearl (75gp), Signet Ring
random monster checks apply.
106. The door to this room is closed, and the floor
108. This hallway is empty. There are four crypts
just inside of the room is trapped with a tripwire. As
along the eastern wall. Several appear broken
soon as the first individual (or rank) steps into the
room a stone slab will drop and seal the room. A
Flagstone Golem (1 with 3HD) AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 3,
Quiet Crypt 1: The door to this crypt is open. Two
HP: 19, #AT: 2, DMG: 1d6, B(50), will peel itself off
disturbed skeletons rest on slabs. Two thin Silver
the floor and attack.
Bracelets are hidden under some refuse and
debris in the southeastern corner of this room
Burial Alcoves: (300) Rectangular with bones.
(35gp each). Frescos depict hunting and fishing.
Contents: 257ep, Jade (100gp), Small Shield +1.

Quiet Crypt 2: The wooden door to this crypt is that in addition to the Pit, an artifact of Nergal’s
open. Three Giant Crab Spiders (3) AL: N, AC: 7, power exists somewhere in the maze.
HD: 2, HP: 16, 10, 8, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8*, LL(97),
have managed to lair here above the doorway. A 110. Light spills down this corridor and the sounds
thin dirty Silver Circlet (27gp) on an undisturbed of battle can be heard. The PCs have happened
withered corpse in a black shroud can be seen upon a mêlée between two factions vying for
from the doorway. control of the Barrowmaze: the Acolytes of Orcus
and the Necromancers of Set. See the section
Defiled Crypt 3: There are numerous dead rats detailing New Monsters at the end of the
outside the open door to this crypt. There are dungeon.
eight mummified cats here, or Neb’Enakhet (8) AL:
C, AC: 7, HD: 1+1, HP: 9, 7, 7, 6, 5, 5 4, 2, #AT: 3, The Acolytes of Orcus wear black mail over dark
DMG: 1d2/1d2/1d3*, B(52), protecting the remains grey robes and simple sandals. The symbol of
of their masters. They will observe the PCs for a Orcus decorates their shields and they wear
moment before beginning their cacophonous unholy symbols around their neck. The
wail. A Potion of Treasure-Finding can be found Necromancers of Set wear black hooded robes
under a loose flagstone. A fresco depicts the crypt with skull or half-skull masks over their face. Senior
occupants worshipping Nergal, the former God of necromancers stitch bones onto their robes.
the Dead and the Underworld.
The two groups have formed battle-lines with the
Quiet Crypt 4: The door to this crypt lay in pieces acolytes facing north-east and the necromancers
on the floor. The crypt has been sacked and only facing south-west. The two groups are using
a few bones remain. undead to attack each other while they throw
spells from behind. The acolytes control four
109. Dark peat colored water drips from the skeletons and the necromancers control three
ceiling into this crypt. A large pool of the fetid zombies.
stinking water dominates the floor of this room.
Three Giant Leeches (3 with 2 HD) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: If the party arrives unnoticed, they will see the
2, HP: 12, 10, 7, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, B(51), leap forth Necromancers and their zombies eventually win
and attack the first living thing that approaches. battle. The Necromancers will then search the
Alcoves line the walls of the room and their bodies, animate several undead, and head north
contents are damp. and east.

Burial Alcoves: (285) Trapezoidal, bronzed skulls. The Acolytes of Orcus consist of:
Contents: 265gp, Electrum Necklace (50gp),
Diamond (90gp), Silver Goblet (300gp). Garmeth the Wicked, CL3 (Half-Orc), HP: 17, AC: 4
(Chain and Shield), Mace. Spells: Darkness,
A. A small crypt can be found on the western Protection from Good, Hold Person. 15pp
edge of the pool. The pool must be entered to
reach the crypt entrance. The remains of a Leggatos, CL1 (Hu), HP: 8, AC: 6 (Studded Leather
human warrior were unceremoniously dumped in and Shield), Mace. Spells: Cause Light Wounds.
this crypt long ago. These bones, rusted platemail, 11gp.
and a winged and visored Helm +1, are all that
remains of a holy-warrior of St. Ygg, Sir Guy de Octus, CL1 (Hu), HP: 6, AC: 6 (Studded Leather
O’Veargne. O’Veargne’s spirit has lingered close and Shield), Mace. Spells: Darkness. 11gp.
to his remains. His body was put here after he was
defeated in an attempt to use the Fount of Law to Arcos, CL1 (Hu), HP: 5, AC: 6 (Studded Leather
close The Pit in room #151. O’Veargne will appear and Shield), Mace. Spells: Protection from Good.
to PCs as a translucent older knight in ornate 11gp.
armor. He will retell the story of the Pit, his task, and
his demise. If the PCs have the orb, he will tell The acolytes control four Skeletons (4) AL: C, AC:
them to prepare for a great battle and do what 7, HD: 1, HP: 7, 6, 3, 2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, LL(95).
he could not. If they do not have the orb, he will
urge them to find it and finish his task. He senses

The Necromancers of Set consist of: must be purchased to conduct this exercise
(100gp). Hasty removal will quarter their value.
Kallic the Unmerciful, MU3 (Hu), HP: 10, AC: 7 Moreover, these valuables must be taken to the
(Dex), Staff, Spells: Burning Hands, Magic Missile, nearest city to be sold for their full value otherwise
Stinking Cloud. Spellbook. 27pp, Talisman of the the PCs will only receive 30% of the total value.
Dead (this is a chaotic magic item that allows a
Necromancer of Set to Animate Dead 1/day) 114. The doors in this room are closed and the
room is empty. A path of dried up bread crumbs
Gurn, MU1 (Hu), HP: 4, AC: 9, Dagger. Spells: stops at a wall.
Magic Missile. Spellbook. 6gp.
Burial Alcoves: (82) Octagonal with skeletons.
Valtor, MU1 (Hu), HP: 3, AC: 9, Dagger. Spells: Contents: 177gp and a Silver Bracelet (90gp)
Burning Hands. Spellbook. 6gp.
115. This room is empty. An altar with fresh blood
Gallock, MU1 (Hu), HP: 4, AC: 9, Dagger. Spells: can be found here against the west wall. The door
Shocking Grasp. Spellbook. 6gp. on the north wall is open.

The Necromancers control two Zombies (3) AL: C, Burial Alcoves: (123) Hexagonal with silver plated
AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 11, 9, 7, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, skulls (3gp each).
LL(103). Contents: 192gp, Bracelet (85gp), Opal (85gp).

111. An open pit sits in the center of this room. 116. This door is locked. A strong gust of wind
Numerous broken bodies lay at the bottom of the (coming from a hole in the bricked-up wall)
pit. The stench is terrible. The door on the west wall extinguishes torches when the door is opened.
has been destroyed and the door on the east wall Lanterns are unaffected.
is open.

112. This room is empty. The door on the north wall

has been bashed down and the door on the east
wall is ajar.

113. There is a trap in this room so be sure to read

the full entry. The ceiling of this short hallway and
room is high and dark. Torchlight reveals the glint
of gold on the back wall. A tripwire, set just at the
opening to this 20x30 room, will trigger a deadfall
trap (10x10x10 stone block suspended from a high
ceiling). The first individual or rank caught under
the block will suffer 3d6 damage (save versus
death for 1d6). Roll for random monsters if this trap
is set off.

The walls of this room are decorated in unique

fashion. There are prayers etched in Black Tongue
to Nergal and hieroglyphs depict Nergal battling
his jackal-headed (Set) and goat-headed (Orcus)
sons for control of the Underworld. Most
importantly, solid Gold Skulls inlaid with rubies set
in the eye sockets adorn the walls. There is much
wealth here (Gold Skulls 18x115gp, Rubies
36x50gp: a total of 3870gp) but it will be labor-
intensive to excavate. A total of 6 hours (36 turns)
must be spent to remove the decorative
valuables from the walls (random monster checks
apply). Moreover, special chisels and tool sets
of astonishment, and a grim faced dwarf swinging
an axe. These statues are the result of the two
cockatrices that nest in room #121. Sufficient noise
here will draw the creatures into the room making
clucking and “bok-bok” type noises.

Burial Alcoves: (157) Circular, tattered shrouds.

Contents: 259ep, Gold Necklace (80gp), Topaz
(100gp), and a Rope of Climbing.

121. Two chicken-like Cockatrices (2) AL: N, AC: 6,

HD: 5, HP: 23, 17, #AT: 2, DMG: 1d6+petrify, LL(68),
make their nest in this room and can pass through
the portcullis unhindered.

Their nest includes: a runic tablet, three gems:

Sardonyx (250gp), Lapis Lazuli (25gp), Blue Quartz
(25gp); two pieces of jewelry: Diadem (100gp),
Platinum Ring (600gp), Quarterstaff +1 of Spell
Storing (2 first level spells), Magic-User Scroll:
Shocking Grasp, Mirror Image, Detect Evil, ESP,
and Knock, Potion of Super-Heroism, Potion of
Undead Control.

122. The stonework changes at this dead end. The

flagstone appears older and darker in color. The
passage has been blocked by a collapse of the

123. The door to this room is ajar. Guano of some

117. The bricked-up wall here has begun to
type litters the floor here. There are numerous
crumble and a draft can be felt periodically. The
statues, many old and broken or overgrown with
draft comes from a small air shaft located in the
moss and lichens. There are statues of female
top north-eastern corner of this room.
Valkyrie-style warriors in each of the four corners of
this room. Two have broken arms and one of those
A pillar in the center of the room is encrusted with
has been decapitated. The other two are
small emeralds and rubies. These are valuable
Caryatid Columns (2) AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 5, HP: 30,
and can be removed. There are 20 emeralds
24, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, B(48), that attack if the
(10gp each) and 20 rubies (20 gp each).
party heads toward room #120. Noise here may
Removing these jewels will take 18 turns (3 hours)
draw the cockatrices.
of work. Normal random monster checks apply.
124. This small room contains a bevy of Sapphire
118. This door is broken and the room is empty.
Skeletons (6) AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 2, HP: 12, 11, 9, 7, 5,
2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, B(54).
119. The door is locked and, with the exception of
burial alcoves, the room is empty.
125. A Coffer Corpse (1) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: 10,
#AT: 1, DMG: 1d6*, B(49), is lying here draped in a
Burial Alcoves: (138) Trapezoidal with skulls.
dark yellow burial shroud. A runic tablet and a
Contents: 132ep, Silver Bracers (60gp), Ruby Ring
sealed amphora are beside the body. The
(65gp), Ivory Carving (400gp), and a Light
amphora contains two doses of a Potion of Cure
Crossbow +2.
Light Wounds.
120. Four highly detailed statues are found in this
126. All the doors in this room are closed. A helm
room. They include a knight drawing a sword, a
with a skull inside is on the floor. Burial alcoves,
kneeling halfling, a female magic-user with a look

effectively paupers’ graves, line the walls of this 135. The north doors are closed. This room is
long hallway. The pit teleports to #59 Alcove B. dotted with 10 small holes in the floor (3’ deep).
Burial Alcoves: (298) Square with bone piles.
Contents: 121pp and an Emerald Brooch (65gp). 1. A lever that shoots paralytic darts (2-7 rounds)
horizontally across the room from the southern wall
127. The door to this room is closed and the room (save versus paralysis for no effect). Roll for
is empty. A partial map on burned parchment random monsters.
(showing the location of room #125) can be
found on the floor if the room is searched. 2. A small, hungry Green Slime (1) AL: N, AC: N/A,
HD: 2, HP: 4, #AT: 1, DMG: Special, LL(80), sits at
128. A bricked-up wall encloses this room. A the bottom of this hole (save vs death or lose
funerary bone box sits on an altar to Nergal. hand).

129. The door on the western wall of this room is 3. A dirty unholy symbol to Nergal.
closed. Four Giant Carnivorous Flies (4) AL: N, AC:
6, HD: 2, HP: 14, 11, 7, 4, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, LL(75), 4. A recently severed hand.
have somehow made it into this room and are
hanging from the ceiling. 5. A lever that raises the portcullis to the west.

130. The east door is closed. This room is covered 6. A ring set with a Cat’s Eye gem worth 1100gp.
in webs (not flammable) and the husks of giant
flies abound. Two Blood-Thirsty Spiders (2) AL: N, 7. Empty.
AC: 6, HD: 2, HP: 11, 8, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, B(52),
hang from the webs. 8. Empty.

131. The north door is ajar. The west door is closed. 9. Scrap of Paper: First up, then down.
This room is empty.
10. Wand of Detecting Secret Doors (15 charges)
132. The portcullis is down and the door is closed.
With the exception of a number of burial alcoves 136. A rusted cauldron with yellowed teeth can
this room is empty. be found in this room.

Burial Alcoves: (121) Circular with bronzed skulls. Burial Alcoves: (127) Hexagonal. Contents
Contents: 243gp and a Gold Statuette (550gp). removed long ago.
Contents: 139gp, Bloodstone (65gp), Magic-User
133. Both doors are closed. This room contains the Scroll: Three 2nd Level Spells (Referee’s discretion).
paupers’ burial alcoves.
137. There is a small hole constructed above the
Burial Alcoves: (136) Rectangular, funerary boxes. door to this room (the door is locked). When
Contents: 89ep. opened a cloud of laughing gas will emit from the
hole above the door and envelop all those within
134. This room is sealed by a bricked-up wall. In 10 feet. PCs must save versus spells or laugh
the center of the room is an ornate water hysterically for 1d20 rounds. Roll for random
fountain. Written in Ancient Common on the side monsters twice during this period.
of the fountain are the words, “Pay your due”. If
the PCs toss one gold piece each (or the Burial Alcoves: (134) Square and choked with dust.
equivalent for the entire party if done by one PC) Contents: 215gp, Onyx Encrusted Bracelet (60gp),
two potion bottles float to the surface. These are a Bloodstone (65gp).
Potion of Water-Walking and a Potion of Water-
Breathing. If the PCs fail to provide an offering to 138. The door to this room is ajar, and noise can
the fountain two Water Elementals (2 with 8HD) AL: be heard within. There are two Ravenous Dead (2)
N, AC: 2, HD: 8, HP: 39, 22, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, AL: C, AC: 8, HD: 3, HP: 11, 7, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6,
LL(73), will spring forth and attack. They will not B(55), in this room feasting on the bodies of two
leave the room. fresh adventurers. The adventurers possess
standard dungeoneering equipment (Referee’s Defiled Crypt 5: Ghouls (3) AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 2*, HP:
choice). A Heavy Crossbow +1 can be found near 12, 8, 7, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3*, LL(76). A bowl
one of the bodies. of 320sp. Rotted tapestries of the sea.

139. The door to this room is swollen shut with Defiled Crypt 6: Shadows (4) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 2+2,
moisture. An open doors roll will be required to HP: 11, 10, 10, 9, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d4*, LL(94). Four
open it, or the door must be bashed in. In either bodies draped in burial shrouds. All four have
case a random monster roll should be made. Gold Circlets worth 80gp each.

Burial Alcoves: (300) Hexagonal with disturbed 143. This vast tomb appears to be a re-created
remains throne room. A large, full-size viking-style galley
Contents: 290gp, Necklace (60gp), Jade (100gp), dominates the center of the room. The ship is
Ring with missing stone (50gp). loaded with silver and gold burial treasure and the
(apparent) withered body of a king - Osric the
140. The door to this room is locked. At the back of Wise. The corpse sits on a throne in the middle of
this room is a stone slab with four urns and the the ship bearing a crown and a voluminous,
walls are lined with burial niches. In the center of hooded, dark yellow robe. The body sitting on the
this room is a Rust Monster (1) AL: N, AC: 2, HD: 5, throne is not King Osric, it is a Crypt Thing (1) AL: N,
HP: 19, #AT: 1, DMG: Special, LL(93), in a magical AC: 5, HD: 6, HP: 26, #AT: 2, DMG: 1d6/1d6, B(49).
stasis. Opening the door to this room breaks the The elaborate set-up was intended as a ruse to
stasis and allows the monster (which is famished) discourage potential tomb-robbers from finding
to attack. the real tomb of King Osric in room #144. It may
dialogue with the PCs for a moment or two
Burial Alcoves: (169) Trapezoidal with single skulls. (acting as King Osric) before teleporting them out
Contents: 142gp, Silver Necklace (60gp), Silver of the tomb to a random location. Inside the boat
Goblet (400gp), Jade Idol (100gp), Arrows +2 (6). are numerous coin baskets: 5000sp, 3000gp, and
141. The door to this room is ajar. A runic tablet
can be found on the floor. 144. The remains of King Osric, his Queen Breena,
and their royal treasures, can be found in this
Burial Alcoves: (211) Rectangular with rotted, tiny crypt. The two sarcophagi are magically locked
wooden boxes. by a 10th level wizard. The king and queen are
Contents: 271gp, Pearl (65gp), Sea Shells (no guarded by Runic Golems (2) AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 7,
value). HP: 38, 38, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d10*, B(50), who flicker
to life with magical energy when the PCs enter.
142. This hallway is empty but caked with dust. Osric wears Platemail +2, a Longsword +3
Frescos depicting waves line both walls, but are Frostbrand, a Shield +1, and a Crown of
now discolored and faded with age. All doors Comprehending Languages. Breena rests in
here are closed. Bracers of Defense AC4, a Ring of Protection +2,
and a Mace of Disruption. Large coffers contain
Quiet Crypt 1: Frescos depict sea-faring. Two 10000sp, 6000gp, and 2000pp.
undisturbed skeletons. Nothing of value.
145. This crypt is empty. Ghouls (3) AL: C, AC: 6,
Defiled Crypt 2: Ravenous Dead (7) AL: C, AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 13, 9, 5, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3*,
HD: 3, HP: 16, 14, 13, 11, 10, 9, 7, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, LL(76), hide behind the secret door (A).
B(55). One wears a Cloak of Protection +1. Bas
relief of Nergal. 146. Empty

Quiet Crypt 3: Two withered corpses. Two Copper Quiet Crypt 1: The door to this room is ajar. There
Rings (28gp each). Frescos of mountaineering. are eight zombies here, seven normal Zombies (7)
AL: C, AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 14, 11,10, 9, 9, 8, 7, #AT: 1,
Quiet Crypt 4: Empty. One undisturbed skeleton. DMG: 1d8, LL(103), and a fearsome JuJu Zombie
(1) AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 4+4, HP: 30, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8,
B(55) with a heavy crossbow and 10 bolts.

151. The massive 15 foot double-doors to this large
temple room are slightly ajar. A massive pit rests at
the center of this room braced by two sets of
large pillars decorated with faces of tortured souls.
A terrible green haze emerges from the pit that
smells of rot. A huge 20 foot tall statue of the
demon-like Nergal, cross-legged and holding a
bowl sits at the back of the temple. Two black
stained altars, decorated with symbols of death
and the Underworld, sit in front the statue. Statues
on the outside of the room depict his demonic

The pit is a mass of twisting blackness, refuse, and

body parts. It radiates an air of chaos that lawful
characters immediately sense. It is lined with
ornate stonework decorated with runes and
teeth-like protrusions that jut inwards.

The Pit of Chaos is an extremely dangerous place

for unprepared or low level PCs. The PCs may not
be able to defeat the monsters that emerge from
The Pit without the aid of the Fount of Law. Wise
players will know if they are outclassed in the
engagement and flee. Foolish PCs will die a quick
and painful death (as it should be). Clerical turn
attempts are impossible in Nergal’s temple. Your
gods will not help you.

The first time the PCs enter this room there will be a
Quiet Crypt 2: This room is empty.
group of Skeletons (10) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 8,
7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1, 1, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, LL(95),
147. This room is empty.
Zombies (10) AL: C, AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 14, 13, 11,10,
9, 9, 8, 7, 3, 2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, LL(103), and the
148. The door is closed. Ear Seekers (2) AL: N, AC:
great lbex-ibydl an Eye of Terror (1) AL: C, AC:
9, HD: 1hp, HP: 1hp each, #AT: Special, DMG:
varies, HD: 10, HP: 53, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d6/1d6/2d4,
Special, AEC(123), infest the wood of the door.
AEC(125), between them and the pit. Monsters will
not leave the temple unless The Pit is destroyed.
Burial Alcoves: (124) Octagonal, withered corpses.
lbex-ibydl does not understand exactly how he
Contents: 217gp, Silver Statuette (350gp), Electrum
was gated into the Barrowmaze but feels
Cup (300gp)
compelled to defend the temple and The Pit.
149. The door to this room is locked and is etched
Under normal circumstances, The Pit periodically
with a Glyph of Warding (Fire Blast, 12 points of
generates and spews forth monsters into the
damage, save for half). Three Huecuva (3) AL: C,
maze. However, as soon as the party enters the
AC: 3, HD: 2, HP: 9, 4, 4, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6*, B(50),
room, The Pit will sense their arrival and will
in tattered amber robes are buried here.
immediately discharge monsters every other
round until the Fount of Law closes the pit or the
Burial Alcoves: (248) Octagonal, choked with dust.
PCs leave the immediate vicinity. Consult the Pit
Contents: 190pp and a suit of Studded Leather +3.
of Chaos random tables below.
150. An overwhelming smell of decay and death
If the PCs enter this room with the Fount, all
comes from the north.
monsters will recoil 10’ from the orb and hiss in
pain and agony. Intelligent monsters will tell them
about the eternal torments they will inflict upon
them. If the Fount is thrown into The Pit a great The Pit of Chaos: Sub-Table II (1d6)
blast of energy will issue forth knocking everyone 1. Eye of Terror (1), AEC(125)
on their backs. All monsters will flee the area 2. Lamia (1), AEC(129)
immediately. 3. Chimera (1), LL(68)
4. Gorgon (1d2), LL(79)
The Pit of Chaos: A Brief History 5. Demon Boar (1d4), LL(69)
6. Sub-Table III
Long ago, before he was usurped by his children,
this temple was used by evil cultists to worship The Pit of Chaos: Sub-Table III (1d6)
Nergal, the God of the Dead. The temple was 1. Hezrou Demon (1d3), AEC(111)
built on a spatial weakening in the layers between 2. Vrock Demon (1d3), AEC(114)
other planes and this realm. Evil rites took place 3. Bone Devil (1d2), AEC(117)
here and the bodies of sacrifices were thrown into 4. Horned Devil (1d4), AEC(118)
the pit. Through these sacrifices the cultists called 5. Barbed Devil (1d2), AEC(116)
forth all manner of demons and unsavory 6. Referee’s Choice
creatures through the gate.
It is unlikely the PCs will be able to search The Pit.
The lawful orders saw this temple as a great However, if they do consult the following table, for
threat, and a small group of knights and priests, either contents or events, every other turn (if they
led by Sir Guy de O’Veargne, entered and can hold off the monsters that long):
battled the cultists and their undead minions. Sir
Guy carried a powerful gleaming white orb –
called the Fount of Law – created specifically to Searching The Pit of Chaos (1d20)
close the gate. Sadly, Sir Guy and his henchmen 1. Gated to the Underworld
were captured and sacrificed and the Fount of 2. Gated to the Plane of Fire
Law was hidden. The Fount of Law must be found 3. Gated to the Plane of Shadow
and thrown into The Pit to seal the gate. 4. Alignment changed to Chaos
5. Contract Leprosy
As noted above, when the PCs enter this room the 6. Contract Flesh-Eating Disease
Pit will randomly spew forth the monsters every 7. Character mutates into a mongrelman
other round. Consult the following random tables: 8. Character mutates into a mongrelman
9. Character mutates into a mongrelman
10. An old shoe
The Pit of Chaos (1d12) 11. Portable Hole*
1. Skeleton (3d4), LL(95) 12. Dead bodies
2. Zombie (2d4), LL(103) 13. Javelins of Lightning (5)*
3. Ravenous Dead (2d4), B(55) 14. Gauntlets of Ogre Power*
4. Ghoul (1d6), LL(76) 15. Dead bodies
5. Ghast (1d6), LL(76) 16. Two-Handed Sword +2, Berserking*
6. Mummy (1d4), LL(89) 17. Dead bodies
7. Wight (1d6), LL(102) 18. Grateful NPC pulled from pit
8. Bone Golem (1d2), LL(79) 19. Periapt of Proof against Mummy Rot**
9. Hell Hound (2d4), LL(81) 20. Gain one level of experience
10. Shambling Mound (1d2), AEC(136)
11. Otyugh (1d2), AEC(133) *These items are found only once.
12. Sub-table I
**See the section on New Magic Items.
The Pit of Chaos: Sub-Table I (1d6)
1. Ghost (1), AEC(127) After the pit is destroyed, PCs can search the
2. Groaning Spirit (Banshee) (1), AEC(128) temple for treasure. In addition to the above
3. Spectre (1d4), LL(96) items, Referees can roll 3 times on the Potion Table
4. Black Pudding (1), LL(65) (p.107), once on the Ring Table (p.108), once on
5. Night Hag (1), AEC(132) the Scroll Table (p.108), and once on the Armor
6. Sub-Table II Table (p.110) in the Labyrinth Lord Core Rulebook.

Barrowmaze Area Three:
The Deserted Dormitory
Area Three: Random Monsters 153. A Wight (1) AL: C, AC: 5, HD: 3, HP: 13, #AT: 1,
DMG: Drain, LL(102), skulks here in the dark.
1. Funeral Pyre Zombie (1d6), B(55)
2. Rival Adventuring Party (1d4+3)* Burial Alcoves: (105) Hexagonal with skeletons
3. Ghouls (1d6), LL(76) wearing black shrouds.
4. Huecuva (1d6), B(50) Contents: 266gp, Silver Kilt Pin (100gp), Coral
5. Mongrelmen (1d6), B(51) Figurine (175gp), Bracers of Defense AC5.
6. Ravenous Dead (1d6), B(55)
7. Wight (1d2), LL(102) 154. This room is empty. A rubbish pile along the
8. Coffer Corpse (1d3), B(49) southern wall contains bones, rags, and some
9. Necromancers of Set (1d6), B(51) yellowed teeth.
10. Acolytes of Orcus (1d6), B(47)
11. Dungeon Dressing** 155. The door to this room is ajar and the room is
12. Special*** empty. A trail of slime leads south and enters a
crack in the wall after several feet.
*Use the pregenerated characters, a group of
men-at-arms, or construct your own. 156. The door to this crypt is closed and it is
marked with a Glyph of Warding (Electricity Blast,
**See Table I: Random Dungeon Dressing (p.56). 12 points of damage, save for half). A runic tablet
rests beside a black shrouded skeleton on a stone
***Battle between the Necromancers of Set and slab.
the Acolytes of Orcus. In this case either randomly
generate your own encounter using the New 157. A bricked-up wall blocks entrance into this
Monster section or tweak encounter #110. crypt. Two 2x2 foot shafts are located on the north
and south walls at the ceiling. Close inspection will
152. Read this entire entry carefully. This room is reveal a trickle of water coming from both. A dais
empty. Paupers’ burial alcoves line the walls. is in the centre of this room. Two silver urns, the first
There is an open pit in this room. Tell the PCs they filled with remains and the second filled with
smell something strange emanating from the pit. gemstones (value 750gp), sit atop the dais.
Removing an urn will set off a trap (with a loud
The PCs can recognize the glint of coin, pit spikes, grinding of stone on stone) that drops a stone slab
and skeletal remains at the bottom of this 10’ in the doorway, sealing the room. Water will begin
open pit. However, it appears that all are partially pouring into the room and completely fill the
covered by a dark purple mold. The mold is Purple 20x20 area in 5 rounds. The only way out of the
Moss (1) AL: N, AC: N/A, HD: 2, HP: 8, #AT: Sleep, trap is to find the secret door. Once opened,
DMG: Special, B(52). All PCs that attempt to peer water will flow down the hallway from the secret
into the pit will smell a sweet fragrance and must door and into iron grates in the floor.
immediately save as per the spell Sleep or fall into
the pit (1d6 damage each for the spikes and the 158. This room contains a 10x10 foot pool of slimy
pit). The purple moss will move quickly to cover fetid water. Four hungry Giant Leeches (4) AL: N,
and suffocate slain and/or sleeping PCs. At the AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: 12, 10, 7, 5 #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6,
bottom of the pit there are the skeletal remains of B(51), are in the pool and will seek to surprise their
two long-dead adventurers. One backpack holds prey (4-6 on d6). The door on the west wall is
295gp. The other has spilled open (1000pp). closed.

Burial Alcoves: (89) Square with disturbed remains. 159. This hallway is littered with rubble from several
Contents: Small Vase (100gp), Sapphire Encrusted cave-ins. The ceiling appears less stable here than
Walking Stick (90gp), Ornate Quill (75gp). the other parts of the dungeon. There is a 1 in 6

chance each turn while the PCs are present that
a cave-in may occur causing 2d6 (save for half).

Quiet Crypt 1: The door to this room is ajar. This

appears to be a former embalming room. There
are dusty broken tables, jars, and wraps here on
the floor. The room has been searched previously.
There are four Blood-Thirsty Spiders (4) AL: C, AC:
6, HD: 2, HP: 12, 10, 9, 7, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, B(54).
Somehow a canopic jar filled with Glass Beads
(40gp) has survived the destruction underneath
the debris.

Defiled Crypt 2: The door to this room is stuck. Two

Wights (2) AL: C, AC: 5, HD: 3, HP: 13, 11, #AT: 1,
DMG: Drain, LL(102), are here in the dark. These
are former adventurers who had their life force
drained by wights. One possesses a bag with four
Rubies (314gp each). The other wears Platemail +1
and has a sheathed Longsword +1 (Light 30 ft
Radius on command) at her waist.

Quiet Crypt 3: The door is closed. Empty.

Quiet Crypt 4: The portcullis is down. The room is

empty with the exception of a bone-pile. There is
a thin Silver Bracelet (129sp) hidden underneath.

Defiled Crypt: 5: The door to this crypt is bricked

shut. There are two Exploding Bone Skeletons (4)
(perfect for bricked-up walls), and a 5 foot long
AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 8, 7, 5, 4, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6,
pry bar (for a portcullis). The rations rotted long
B(53), lying on stone slabs here. One is buried with
141gp and the other wears a Gold Bracelet
162. The door to this room is stuck closed with
moisture and mold. The room is empty with the
Quiet Crypt 6: The portcullis is up. There are three
exception of an inordinate number of burial
Blood-Thirsty Spiders (3) AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 2, HP: 12,
alcoves that run from the floor to the ceiling.
9, 7, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, B(54), here - one on the
floor in plain sight and two hiding on the ceiling. A
Burial Alcoves: (285) Small burial niches with skulls
skeleton wearing a Jeweled Necklace (350gp)
and urns.
can be found against the east wall.
Contents: 222gp, Wand of Mirrors (functions as per
the magic-user spell Mirror Image with 7 charges).
160. The door to this room is swollen with moisture
*Functions as per Magic-user spell Mirror Image
and stuck closed. Two Sons of Gaxx (2) AL: C, AC:
with 7 charges.
8, HD: 3, HP: 15, 12, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d8*, B(54),
wearing tattered clerical robes of Nergal rise from
163. The south and eastern doors in this room are
their stone slabs and shuffle to attack.
ajar. The room is empty.
161. This secret hallway was once used by a group
164. This door is closed and trapped with a Glyph
of adventurers as a rest and re-arm area. Sadly,
of Warding (Electricity Blast, 14 points of damage,
they were killed by the Water Fountain Elemental
save for half). The walls of this room were once
in room #180. There are three backpacks filled
beautifully decorated with murals, now faded with
with standard dungeon exploration equipment
age. On a slab are the remains of an artist who
(Referee’s discretion) as well as two large saws
was buried with five decorative amphorae. These
designed for cutting metal, two sledge hammers
are valuable but brittle. If the PCs engage in 168. This room is empty and there are circular
combat while carrying these out of the dungeon paupers’ burial alcoves throughout. The
there is a 1-5 on d6 chance that each will break. concealed pit here is bottomless.
They are valuable historical artifacts worth 750gp
each but that value can only be obtained in a Burial Alcoves: (261) Circular with bone piles.
city. Contents: 169ep and a Ruby (75gp).

165. The door to this room is ajar. The room is 169. Paupers’ burial alcoves dot this room and
empty. extend into the northern hallway.

166. This hallway is caked with dust and cobwebs. Burial Alcoves: (218) Trapezoidal with mummified
There are strange footprints here. A human foot remains.
and a “stump” run back and forth from the secret Contents: 238gp, Circlet (90gp), Silverware (80gp).
door to Defiled Crypt 1.
170. The head of a statue, chipped beyond
Defiled Crypt 1: The door is ajar. Inside is a Wight recognition, rests on the floor here.
(1) AL: C, AC: 5, HD: 3, HP: 13, #AT: 1, DMG: Drain,
LL(102). The creature’s movement rate is halved Burial Alcoves: (183) Square with small wooden
as it possesses a foot and a wooden leg stump. He statues.
wears a Gold Brooch (130gp). The crypt is Contents: 123ep and the head of a Warhammer
decorated with bas relief depicting Nergal and +2. It will take a blacksmith/weaponsmith 1 week
the Underworld. A runic tablet rests on the floor. and 1500gp to repair the weapon.

Defiled Crypt 2: This crypt is empty. It once had a 171. There are a number of charred human bodies
stone door that now rests on the floor in pieces. lying on the floor here. There are also several large
burn marks against the walls. Activity in this area
Defiled Crypt 3: This crypt is sealed with a stone will draw the attention of Funeral Pyre Zombies (6)
door. There are four Sapphire Skeletons (4) AL: C, AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: 14, 10, 9, 7, 5, 4, #AT: 1,
AC: 6, HD: 2, HP: 12, 11, 7, 5, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, DMG: 1d8, B(55), hiding in six secret alcoves. One
B(54), in this crypt and each wears Jeweled of the charred bodies carries a Potion of Fire
Bracers (187gp per set). Resistance. There is nothing else of value here.

Quiet Crypt 4: This crypt door is open. The room is 172. Six Fossil Skeletons (6) AL: C, AC: 6, HD: 2, HP:
empty. 16, 11, 10, 8, 7, 5, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, B(53), rest at
the bottom of a pool in this room. Any activity in
167. This room contains two black stone statues of the room disturbs their eternal rest. Burial alcoves
gargoyles on either side of a chest. They have line the walls of this room.
open mouths and large Cat’s Eye gemstones set
into their eyes. The gems appear very valuable Burial Alcoves: (237) Trapezoidal with gold plated
and appear finely crafted (500gp each). The skulls (3gp each).
stone gargoyles are not actually gargoyles, but if Contents: 123ep, Earrings (65gp), Silver Nose Ring
any PCs move towards the chest or attack the (40gp), Silver Coffer (2000gp).
statues they will animate, choke several times,
and then each vomit forth a Green Slime (2) AL: 173. The door to this crypt was smashed to pieces
N, AC: N/A, HD: 2, HP: 10, 7, #AT: 1, DMG: Special, long ago. The room is empty.
LL(80), on the closest PC. The chest is Wizard
Locked (8th level) and contains an urn (the 174. A deadfall trap (10x10’ stone block) trap
remains of a magic user), a dusty and worn hangs above the door to this room. Anyone
conical cap, a Spellbook: Spider Climb, Feather stepping into the room will set off the trap and
Fall, Magic Missile, Sleep, Invisibility, Strength, Web, take 3d6 points of damage unless they make a
Blink, Protection from Normal Missiles, Fire Shield, Dexterity check (for half damage).
and a Robe of Scintillating Colors.
Burial Alcoves: (134) Square with mummified

Contents: 137gp, Electrum Bracelet (80gp), Topaz Slimes, Molds, and Fungus: A Manual of
(60gp), Spellbook with all first level magic-user Extermination (although this book can be sold for
spells. 1100gp, PCs can opt to keep it and use it as a
reference text when confronted by this monster
175. The door to this room has been smashed in. type. PCs can learn one key strength or weakness
The room is empty. (subject to the Referee’s discretion).

176. The north door in this room is ajar. Magical books and scrolls include Book of Lawful
Wisdom, Manual of Bodily Health, a huge Magic-
Quiet Crypt 1: This crypt contains skeletal remains. User Spellbook: All 2nd Level Spells, Scroll of 4
Grave goods include two pieces of Silver Jewelry Clerical Spells (subject to Referee).
(120gp each) and a Fine Leather Belt (60gp).
Defiled Crypt 5: Funeral Pyre Zombies (4) AL: C,
Quiet Crypt 2: The door to this crypt is open. A AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: 14, 10, 8, 6, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8,
group of Stirges (13) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 8, 7, B(55). Treasure includes a bag with 129gp, a
6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3*, Platinum Cup (300gp), and a runic tablet.
LL(98), have made a nest in this crypt. There is no
treasure. However, a Woven Tapestry (120gp) can Defiled Crypt 6: Five green-skinned Ghouls (5) AL:
be scavenged but requires two people to carry. C, AC: 6, HD: 2*, HP: 12, 8, 7, 5, #AT: 3, DMG:
1d3/1d3/1d3*, LL(76), rest in burial niches in this
Defiled Crypt 3: There are four Zombies (4) AL: C, crypt. Two niches contain Platinum Jewelry 225gp
AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 12, 11, 9, 7, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, (each) and one holds a curved Dagger +3.
LL(103), at rest here on stone slabs. They possess
no treasure but a Fine Silk Scarf (30gp) can be 177. This room is empty. The west door is stuck and
found in a dusty bag beside one of the bodies. the east door is closed.
Wall frescos depict birds in flight.
178. This room is filled with burial alcoves. There are
Defiled Crypt 4: The narrow passage to this crypt is four large pillars in this room. The pillars are the
covered with Yellow Mold AL: N, AC: Always hit, sculptured images of women bearing scimitars.
HD: 2, HP: 10, #AT: Spores, DMG: 1d6*, LL(103). The Two of the pillars are Caryatid Columns (2) AL: N,
sandlings (below) do not provoke the yellow mold AC: 5, HD: 5, HP: 29, 23, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, B(48).
as they pass back and forth.
Burial Alcoves: (219) Small, circular, and empty.
There is a single stone sarcophagus in the center Contents: 265gp and a Pearl (90gp).
of this crypt and the walls are lined with musty
bookshelves. The sarcophagus and the corners of 179. Empty.
this crypt are covered in sand. Two powerful
Sandlings (2) AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 4, HP: 28, 21 #AT: 1, Burial Alcoves: (247) Octagonal with urns.
DMG: 1d12+3, B(53), use this crypt as their lair. Contents: 272pp, Potion of Heroism, Potion of
When the party first enters they will remain still and Invisibility, Sling Stones +2 (7).
use their natural camouflage until they can strike
from behind. Give a wary halfling a 1 in 6 chance 180. A large rectangular pool runs north-south
of noticing the sandlings before they attack. The along the length of this room. Two large columns
sarcophagus holds the remains of a sage. His are located at either end. Torch-light reveals the
wealth was measured in books, rather than gold. glint of coins and other metals in the pool. Five
human bodies, and the skulls and bones of others,
Some of his more interesting titles include The and a few coins, are scattered across the floor. A
Collected Works of Maaaaar, Falcor of Balterdex: large and dangerous Water Fountain Elemental
An Autobiography, and The Adventurers’ Guide (1) AL: C, AC: 5, HD: 4+4, HP: 22, #AT: Special,
to Paranoia. DMG: Special, B(49), inhabits this pool. The
adventurers who were recently slain by the
Valuable titles include Draconis: The Ecology of a creature left a portion of their gear in room #161.
Red Dragon (1270gp), The Realm of Darthon The pool contains 20sp, 60pp, 85gp, Broadsword
(1375gp), The Wisdom of Gaxx (1500gp), and The +2, a Shield +1, Platemail +1, and a Potion of
Magical Properties of Gemstones (1250gp), and Heroism.
Barrowmaze Area Four:
The Death Vault of The Chosen
Area Four: Random Monsters 183. The domed ceiling of this crypt is lined with
diamonds that sparkle like star constellations when
There are no random encounters in The Death a torch or lantern is held aloft. One star, larger
Vault of The Chosen. These crypts have not yet than the others, is set in the center of the dome. A
been plundered by tomb-robbers due to their concealed bottomless pit is located immediately
concealed nature. below this star in the middle of the floor. The
alignment of the constellations appears strange
and does not reflect the night sky. If studied
A Brief History of the Death Vault
carefully for 1 turn a cleric or magic-user can
interpret the stars - they portend the vengeful
The Death Vault is the resting place of an elite return of Nergal!
order – The Chosen - within the Cult of Nergal.
184. This crypt contains the rank and file of The
The Chosen were fanatical followers of Nergal, led Chosen. As the party enters Skeletons (20) AL: C,
by High Priest Rendar Serouc, and have risen in AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3,
response to the proximity of The Pit (#151) and the 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, LL(95), will begin
presence of the Tablet of Chaos. pulling themselves out of the bone closets and
attack. They wear the unholy symbol of Nergal
The Death Vault is constructed to direct tomb- and cannot be turned. They were buried with
robbers toward certain (trapped) areas over nothing of value.
penetration into the main crypt.
185. This crypt contains the rank and file of The
181. The entrance to this crypt is lined with runes Chosen. As the party enters Funeral Pyre Zombies
engraved into the walls (from ceiling to floor). This (20) AL: C, AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: 16, 16, 15, 15, 14, 14,
is a list of all the members of The Chosen. Above
13, 13, 12, 12, 11, 10, 9, 9, 8, 7, 5, 5, 4, 4, #AT: 1,
the list is written “Life in Death.” A defaced statue DMG: 1d8, B(55), will begin pulling themselves out
of Nergal stands on a dais against the northern of the bone closets and attack. They wear the
wall. There are booted footprints here and some unholy symbol of Nergal and cannot be turned.
torch stubs. They were buried with nothing of value.
182. This is a false crypt designed to trap and kill
186. This corridor is empty and caked with dust
tomb-robbers. The walls are lined with alcoves and cobwebs.
with runes etched above each. This is merely a
ruse. When the first rank of PCs steps into the A. This is a small temple room with an altar and a
room, the entire floor will collapse 10 feet to a small Onyx Statuette of Nergal (500gp). It is very
stone floor (2d6 damage, save for half). Checking heavy and will require three people to lift.
for traps or using a 10 foot pole may (2 in 6)
discover the trap (give a dwarf or wary halfling B. This room is lined with 4 chests. All are locked.
walking in front a 3 in 6 chance to discern the The first contains black clerical high priest
trap). Once the floor collapses a Bone Golem (1) vestments. The second is filled with 2,000gp and is
AL: N, AC: 2, HD: 8, HP: 37, #AT: 4, DMG: by guarded by a Clockwork Cobra (1) AL: N, AC: 2,
weapons, LL(79), with the skull of an antlered deer HD: 1, HP: 5, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3*, B(48). The third is
will emerge from an alcove and attack those who filled with candles and 24 incense blocks. Several
fell into the pit. Two of the golem’s weapons are of these are Incense of Meditation (7) and
magical. It possesses a Scimitar +1 and a Mace +1 Incense of Obsession (2). The rest are non-
as well as a normal flail and hand axe. The walls of magical. The fourth contains two Clerical Scrolls.
the pit are sheer and difficult to climb. The first has Darkness, Silence, and Hold Person.
The Second has Resist Cold, Resist Fire, and
Spiritual Weapon.

C. This appears to have been an embalming A decorated bowl of precious jewels rests
room. There are tables and jars of all descriptions. between the two sarcophagi: Jade (75gp), Jasper
Wall frescos depict The Chosen walking into (500gp), Quartz (50gp), Amber (750gp), Opal
Death’s Door and appearing as skeletons on the (1000gp), Moss Agate (75gp), Carnelian (75gp),
other side. Tiger Eye Agate (100gp), Topaz (500gp), Ruby
(250gp), Diamond (666gp).
D. This room is lined with weapon racks (4 maces,
4 morningstars, 4 hammers) and armor racks (4 A funerary basket holds 6000cp and a large
shields, 2 suits of chainmail, and 2 suits of wooden chest holds 10,000sp. The chest is
platemail). The weapons and armor are of trapped with a poison needle (save at +2 or die).
exception quality and worth double their normal
value. Two ornate weapons hanging on the wall 188. The lid on the stone sarcophagus in the
include a Longbow +1 and a Halberd +1. center of this room has been opened (from the
inside). Numerous coffers, decorated amphora,
E. This is a false crypt for a high priest and is and funerary baskets line the walls. Rendar
designed to misdirect would-be tomb-robbers. It is Serouc, a High Priest of Nergal, was buried here
decorated in bas relief and runic script in the long ago. He has risen as a Barrow Wight (1) AL: C,
Black Tongue describes the life and faith of AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 34, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8*, B(47), a
Rendar Serouc, a favoured priest of Nergal. A terrifying and deadly undead creature. When the
sarcophagus in the PCs first enter the
center of the room is room, Serouc will be
dusty and sealed. standing at the back
The remains of a of the room in the
skeleton in high priest shadows between
robes can be found the two statues. He
within. There are four will keep his head
canopic jars, an down, concealed by
unholy symbol, and a his burial shroud, until
bag with 50pp lying combat begins - he
beside the body. The has gone insane but
crypt is otherwise has retained his
empty. devious intelligence.
Serouc will not be
F. This is a false crypt noticed at first and
for the lieutenants of may monologue in a
the high priest, and, dry, cryptic voice
like E, is designed to throw-off would be tomb- about how feeble they are and how he will feed
robbers. There are two sarcophagi in this room on their life essence.
and both possess dark yellow clerical robes and
are buried with shields, flails, and unholy symbols. The statues are actually golems and he will
They each have small coffers with 20pp. command them to attack first. One statue is a
Barrow Guardian (1) AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 3, HP: 15,
187. This crypt holds Serouc’s two closest #AT:1, DMG: 1d6, B(47) and the other is a Caryatid
lieutenants. They have risen as Ghasts (2) AL: C, Column (1) AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 5, HP: 19, #AT: 1,
AC: 4, HD: 4, HP: 17, 16, #AT: 3, DMG: DMG: 1d8, B(48).
1d4/1d4/1d8*, AEC(127). They wear unholy
symbols and cannot be turned. Unless disturbed in Once the party is engaged with the golems he will
their sarcophagi, they will only rise to aid Serouc - command his lieutenants in #187 to attack the
by attacking the party from behind. Their PCs from behind. Serouc will then attempt to use
sarcophagi include the following: Potions of Flying, his gaze attack followed by his melee level
Speed, Extra-Healing, Climbing, and Delusion, and draining.
a Two-Handed Sword +1, +3 versus Magical
Creatures. There are four canopic jars inside the
sarcophagus. Serouc will take 1d6 points of
damage per jar that is destroyed.
The sarcophagus also holds Serouc’s personal
items and includes a Shield +2, Ring of Water
Walking, Staff of Striking, a Scroll of Clerical Spells:
Dispel Magic, Cure Serious Wounds, Commune,
True Seeing, and a Treasure Map leading to a
cache of 13,000gp. The Referee can decide the
exact location of the trove, somewhere in a deep,
dark (and guarded) section of the Barrowmaze or
in a secluded burial mound deep in the moor.

The funerary baskets and coffers that line the walls

contain the following:

Decorated Bowl (Gems and Jewels):

Malachite 250gp, Turquoise 10gp, Lapis Lazuli

75gp, Sardonyx 100gp, Chrysoberyl 500gp.

Funerary Basket 1 (Coins): 4000gp.

Coffer 1 (Jewelry):

Gold Necklace 1300gp, Silver Chalice 400gp,

Gold Coffer 300gp, Jade Bracelet 70gp, Silver
Bracers 1000gp, Platinum Circlet 500gp.

Coffer 2 (Coins): 1000ep.

Coffer 3 (Coins): 3000gp.

New Magic Items
Fennril’s Faithful Compass Periapt of Proof against Mummy Rot
Fennril’s Faithful Compass will point in the direction This periapt is a green skull-shaped gem that
of whatever the PC desires most. However, hangs on a black chain. It provides the bearer
unscrupulous low fantasy tomb-robbers often with 75% immunity to the rotting curse caused by
desire wine and women as often as they do gold mummies.
(or more often).
Pinto’s Conical Cap
Each time a PC consults the compass the Referee
rolls a D6. On a roll of 1-2 the compass points This cap once belonged to the secretive magic-
toward the closest tavern, 3-4 the compass points user, Pinto the Pyromancer. Little is known of Pinto
toward the closest whorehouse, 5-6 the compass other than he spontaneously combusted during
will point towards the closest location of treasure. the casting of a modified fireball spell.
If the Referee believes the PC is confused about Pinto’s apprentice hat appears as a simple blue
what s/he wants the compass will simply spin on its conical magician’s cap decorated with silver stars
axis. and moons. It is a worthless old cap to any non-
wizard. However, in the hands of a magic-user this
Fount of Law item provides +1 AC and serves as a 250gp bag of
The Fount of Law is a white orb constructed by
clerics of law for the specific purpose of closing Once per day the wearer can pull one white
the Pit of Chaos. The Fount appears lifeless and rabbit out of the hat. The rabbit is particularly
dull to neutral or chaotic characters, but in the useful when fleeing as unintelligent monsters will
hands of a lawful PC the orb will brighten and stop, chase, and eat the rabbit instead of
glow with a soft white light. The Fount of Law maintaining pursuit. Effects on semi-intelligent and
provides a lawful character with the effect of a intelligent monsters are subject to the Referee’s
Protection from Evil spell as well as +1 on all discretion.
attacks and saves for a period of one month. As
the orb is brought closer and closer to the Pit of Stoutblade Dagger
Chaos (#151) it will brighten further and begin to
pulse. To a human, elf, or dwarf, the Stoutblade appears
as a fine double-sided dagger (+1). However, in
The remains of its bearer, Sir Guy de O’Veargne, a the hands of a gnome or halfling the weapon’s full
holy-warrior of St. Ygg, can be found in #109A and potential is realized. For the wee folk, this dagger
his ghost can provide the PCs with information will function as a Shortsword +2 and inflict 1d6
about the orb. damage.

Gauntlet of Palantis Talisman of the Dead

The gauntlet is an elbow-length iron plated glove. This talisman is a magic item that allows a
If worn by a lawful cleric or holy warrior it allows Necromancer of Set to cast Animate Dead 1/day.
the bearer to Detect Magic and Cure Light The device will not function for unbelievers.
Wounds once per day. In addition, on one
successful turn attempt per day the gauntlet will
project a white cone of energy (15’ in length, and
15’ at its widest point) that causes all undead 1d6
points of damage.

New Spells
Spiritual Armor
Level: 1 (Cleric)
Duration: 2d4+1 Rd/level of caster
Range: Caster

This spell enhances natural armor with a

shimmering blue glow. For the duration of the
spell, the caster receives the blessing of their
neutral or lawful deity in the form of an AC bonus
(+2) against undead. This bonus does not stack
with other spells.

Vitharia's Vengeful Visage

Level: 2 (Magic-User)
Duration: See below
Range: 0

This spell functions as a lesser version of the 4th

level magic-user spell Fear.

This spell creates an illusion that deforms the face

of the caster (or accentuates a pre-existing
deformity) and inspires terror in living humanoid
creatures within an invisible cone (5' wide origin,
20' long, and 15' diameter at the terminal end).
Those who behold the Vengeful Visage panic and
flee from fear of the caster if they fail a saving
throw versus spells. Victims flee from the caster as
fast as their movement rate allows, for a number
of rounds equal to half the caster's level (rounded
up). This spell has no effect on blind creatures or
creatures of 4 or greater hit dice.

Vitharia was a young elven magic-user of great

promise who was defaced when pummeled in
the street by thugs.

He was later bludgeoned and eaten by a mimic.

New Monsters
Acolyte of Orcus Barrow Guardian
No. Enc: 1d6 No. Enc: 1d4
Alignment: Chaotic Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120’ (40’) Movement: 20’
Armor Class: 6 Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: Varies Hit Dice: 3
Attacks: 1 Attacks: 1
Damage: Varies Damage: 1d6
Save: Varies Save: F3
Morale: 10 Morale: 12
Hoard Class: XXI Hoard Class: None
XP: 21 per Hit Die XP: 350

The acolytes are clerics in the service of Orcus. The barrow guardian is similar to a caryatid
The acolytes typically wear black chain mail, dark column, but they are specific to the Barrowmaze.
grey robes, and simple sandals. They often They appear as stone pillars or columns in the form
decorate their shields with the symbol of Orcus. of stately male warriors. Barrow guardians are
often used to guard the crypts and tombs of
For every 3 acolytes encountered there will be a import. They are inanimate until someone disturbs
mid-level cleric of second, third, or fourth level the tomb they have been assigned to protect.
(d6: 1-2 second, 3-4 third, 5-6 fourth level). With each hit on a barrow guardian, the weapon
must make a saving throw versus petrification
First level acolytes can cast one spell from the (using the character’s save) or become stuck in
following list: Cause Light Wounds, Darkness, or the statue. Bonuses for magical weapons apply.
Protection from Good. They are armed with a
mace and wear studded leather and carry a Barrow Wight
wooden shield (AC 6). They have 2-20sp each.
No. Enc. 1d3
Spells for clerics beyond first level are subject to Alignment: Chaotic
level and Referee’s discretion. These priests carry Movement: 90’ (30’)
a mace and wear chainmail and a metal shield Armor Class: 4
(AC 4). There is a 10% chance that one of these Hit Dice: 6
three items is magical (+1). They carry 5-50gp. Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d8
In addition, if a mid-level cleric is present roll a d6 Save: F4
and consult the following table to determine the Morale: 12
undead they control: Hoard Class: XVIII
XP: 650
D6 Type No. Enc.
1-2 Skeletons 2d6 Barrow wights are fearsome opponents. They are
3-4 Zombies 1d8 similar to normal wights but stronger and more
5 Funeral Pyre Zombies 1d8 powerful. They are found near barrows, crypts,
6 Ghouls 1d3 and grave-sites. Barrow wights have thin white skin
pulled tight over their bones, and often wear
funerary shrouds that hang in tatters. The eyes of a
barrow wight burn with malevolence for the living.

Any character that meets the gaze of a barrow

wight is struck with insanity unless a save versus
spells is made. Moreover, the physical touch of a Cave Fisher
barrow wight drains one level of experience from
its victim. A humanoid slain by a barrow wight will No. Enc: 1d2
rise as a normal wight in 1d6 rounds. Like all Alignment: Neutral
undead, barrow wights are immune to mind Movement: 5’
influencing spells. Some say barrow wights, similar Armor Class: 5
to mummies, are interred with canopic jars and Hit Dice: 3
that destroying their vessels can cause them injury. Attacks: 2
Damage: 1d4+3(x2)
Caryatid Column Save: F3
Morale: 9
No. Enc: 1d4 Hoard Class: XX
Alignment: Neutral XP: 300
Movement: 20’
Armor Class: 5 Cave fishers are subterranean creatures with hard
Hit Dice: 5 exoskeletons and insect-like eyes. They are clever
Attacks: 1 creatures and create their nests on the ledges of
Damage: 1d8 caves and caverns. They attack from above (at
Save: F5 double their hit dice) through use of a strong sticky
Morale: 12 tendril and drag their prey (20 feet per round) up
Hoard Class: None into their two claws that do 1d4+3 points of
XP: 500 damage each. The tendril is strong and sticky and
can only be damaged by magical weapons.
The caryatid column is akin to the stone golem in
that it is a magical construct created by a
spellcaster. Caryatid columns are always created
Cobra, Clockwork
for a specific defensive function. The caryatid No. Enc: 1
column stands 7 feet tall and weighs around 1,500 Alignment: Neutral
pounds. Its smooth chiseled body is shaped as a Movement: 5’
beautiful woman. The column always wields a Armor Class: 2
weapon (usually a longsword) in one of its hands. Hit Dice: 1
The weapon itself is constructed of steel, but is Attacks: 1
melded with the column and made of stone until Damage: 1d3
it animates. Save: F1
Morale: 12
Caryatid columns are programmed as guardians Hoard Class: Nil
and activate when certain conditions or XP: 100
stipulations are met or broken (such as a living
creature entering a chamber guarded by a Clockwork cobras are metal constructs used in
caryatid column). A caryatid column attacks its crypts to guard precious treasures. They are
opponents with its longsword. It does not move animated by magic. A clockwork cobra is silent
more than 50 feet from an area it is guarding or when motionless, but when moving it emits a
protecting. repeated Bzzzzzzzzt, click, click, click series of
Any weapon that strikes a caryatid column has a
40% chance to shatter into pieces. Magic Non-magical weapons inflict only half damage on
weapons have a 5% less chance to shatter for a clockwork cobra. The cobra’s bite inflicts 1-3 hit
each point of its combat bonus. Thus, a +2 sword points of damage. In addition, the first two bites
has only a 30% chance to shatter. Due to their will inject poison. Victims must save versus poison
sturdy construction and magical nature, caryatid or die.
columns gain a +4 bonus to all their saving throws.

Coffer Corpse They attack by engulfing victims within the shifting
cloud of grave detritus that gives them shape,
No. Enc: 1 battering victims for 1d8 points of damage. Crypt
Alignment: Chaotic shades are turned as 2 HD creatures and possess
Movement: 60’ (20’) the undead immunity to sleep and charm.
Armor Class: 7 Physical attacks on a crypt shade inflict only half
Hit Dice: 2 damage. They suffer normal damage from fire,
Attacks: 1 silver, magic, and holy water.
Damage: 1d6
Save: F2 Reprinted with permission of Michael Curtis.
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: XXI Crypt Thing
XP: 48
No. Enc: 1
The coffer corpse resembles a zombie but is Alignment: Neutral
turned as a 7 HD creature on the clerical turn Movement: 60’(20’)
undead table. Like all undead, the coffer corpse Armor Class: 5
in unaffected by mind influencing spells. Hit Dice: 6
Attacks: 2
After sustaining 4 hit points of damage or more Damage: 1d6(x2)
the coffer corpse collapses, and appears Save: F6
defeated. However, normal weapons do no Morale: 12
damage to a coffer corpse and one round after Hoard Class: None
collapsing the undead creature will rise and XP: 500
continue to attack. All those who watch the coffer
corpse rise must save versus spells or flee in panic Crypt things look much like skeletons shrouded in
as per the 4th level magic-user spell Fear (AEC a black robe. Powerful magic-users create crypt
p.62). There is a 50% chance fleeing PCs will drop things to serve as guardians to their tombs or to
whatever they are carrying. protect special treasures. They never leave their
designated tomb and never initiate combat. If the
If the coffer corpse makes a successful attack it tomb it guards is disturbed in any way, the crypt
has wrapped its hands around the neck of its thing will teleport the interlopers in a random
victim. Each successive round it automatically direction (d8) away from the tomb they guard
strangles for an additional 1d6 damage. The grasp (5d20 feet). Those teleported may attempt to
of a coffer corpse cannot be broken. resist with a saving throw versus spells. If sufficiently
annoyed a crypt thing will teleport tomb-robbers
Crypt Shade to a destination in mid-air (or sometimes over a
No. Enc: 1d2
Alignment: Chaotic Elemental, Water (Fountain)
Movement: 90’ (30’)
Armor Class: 9 No. Enc: 1
Hit Dice: 2 Alignment: Chaotic
Attacks: 1 Movement: Special
Damage: 1d8 Armor Class: 5
Save: F2 Hit Dice: 4+4
Morale: 12 Attacks: Special
Hoard Class: None Damage: Nil
XP: 100 Save: F4
Morale: 12
This undead creature is a roughly human-shaped Hoard Class: XIV, XIII, XII
collection of shadows, dust, rotted burial linens, XP: 400
bone fragments, and other sepulcher debris.
Spawned from chaos and lingering hate, crypt A water fountain elemental is an elemental
shades feed on the fear and pain of their victims. creature that has been bound by a magic-user to
a deep fountain, pool, or cistern for the purpose A runic golem is roughly humanoid in shape and is
of protection or defense. When provoked, these comprised of magical runic tablets commonly
elementals form a watery snake-like appendage found throughout the Barrowmaze. These golems
(in 1d3 rounds) and attempt to drown passersby are often used to guard tombs and crypts of the
by striking out at their opponents as a monster elite. When a runic golem is first activated -
with 6 hit dice. PCs must save versus Petrify or normally by an intrusion into the crypt it guards -
Paralyze or be dragged into the fountain in one its magical energy flickers on and off momentarily
round and face drowning. As a water-based as if powering up after a long period of
creature, this elemental takes only half damage dormancy. The golem defends the crypt by
from fire and is Slowed by cold spells as per the 3rd bashing opponents with its fists. When this golem is
level magic-user spell (see page 32 of the struck opponents must save versus spells or
Labyrinth Lord Core Rulebook). randomly activate a runic tablet (roll 1d6) with the
following effect cast at 7th level (if applicable):
Golem, Flagstone
1. Burning Hands
No. Enc: 1 2. Hold Person
Alignment: Neutral 3. Silence 15’ Radius
Movement: 60’ (20’) 4. Glyph of Warding (Fire, Electricity, or Blindness)
Armor Class: 6 5. Magic Missile
Hit Dice: Varies 6. Cause Light Wounds
Attacks: 2
Damage: varies These golems are unaffected by non-magical
Save: Varies weapons. In addition, golems have no
Morale: 12 intelligence, and hold, charm, or sleep spells are
Hoard Class: None useless against them. They are unaffected by
XP: 125 per Hit Die poison or gases.

A flagstone golem is constructed from the stones Huecuva

and mortar used to construct dungeon walls and
floors. These monsters often serve as special No. Enc: 1d10
camouflaged guardians to protect crypts and Alignment: Chaotic
other important locations. Flagstone golems are Movement: 60’ (20’)
relatively flat and peel themselves away from the Armor Class: 3
wall or floor to surprise tomb-robbers. Bludgeoning Hit Dice: 2
weapons do full damage (all others do half). Only Attacks: 1
spells that affect stone will cause these golems full Damage: 1-6
damage (acid, fire, cold, and electricity cause Save: F2
half damage). The size and damage inflicted by a Morale: 12
flagstone golem’s fists varies subject to hit dice. Hoard Class: XX
Examples include HD: 1-3 (1d6 each) and HD 4-6 XP: 150
(1d10 each), etc.
A huecuva is a terrible form of undead and
Golem, Runic appears as a skeleton in tattered robes. They are
drawn to attack lawful-aligned clerics and
No. Enc: 1 paladins over others.
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 60’ (20’) The touch of a huecuva inflicts 1d6 hit points of
Armor Class: 5 damage plus the victim must save versus poison or
Hit Dice: 7 contract a flesh eating disease that will kill the
Attacks: 1 victim in 1d4 days unless a cure disease spell is
Damage: 1d10 cast.
Save: F7
Morale: 12 The huecuva is turned as a level 3 undead on the
Hoard Class: None undead turning table.
XP: 1100
Leech, Giant mixture of animal sounds. Mongrelmen also
include ambient environmental sounds in their
No. Enc: 1d4 language to allow them to communicate without
Alignment: Neutral giving away their position to others.
Movement: 120’ (40’)
Armor Class: 7 The hit dice of mongrelmen varies and the
Hit Dice: Varies damage they inflict is subject to either weapon
Attacks: 1 type, hit dice (examples: HD1: 1-6, HD2: 1-8, and
Damage: 1d6 HD3: 1-10), or discretion of the Referee.
Save: Varies
Morale: 10 Neb’Enakhet
Hoard Class: None
XP: 75 per Hit Die No. Enc: 1d6+2
Alignment: Chaotic
Giant leeches are 4’ long, brown or green, and Movement: 20’ (10’)
slimy. They live in marshy terrain and other bodies Armor Class: 7
of stagnant water. When a giant leech hits in Hit Dice: 1+1
combat, it latches onto a victim with its round Attacks: 3
barbed mouth, and drinks 1d6 hit points of blood Damage: 1hpx2/1d2
from the victim each round. Once attached, a Save: F1
giant leech will only release a victim if it dies or the Morale: 12
leech itself is killed. The hit dice and damage of a Hoard Class: None
giant leech varies (for example, HD: 1-2/1d6, HD: XP: 5
3-4/2-8, etc).
Neb’Enakhet are sacred, mummified cats placed
Mongrelman in the tombs of the social elite.

No. Enc: 2d6 Neb’Enakhet are highly intelligent, and will often
Alignment: Neutral work together using complex tactics to drive off
Movement: 60’ (30’) would-be tomb-robbers. In addition to direct
Armor Class: 6 attacks, a group of 4 or more Neb’Enakhet may
Hit Dice: Varies howl and keen together, creating a hellish,
Attacks: Varies cacophonous wail that has the effect of the 4th
Damage: Varies level magic-user spell Fear (AEC p.62). These
Save: Varies mummified cats are turned as 3 HD creatures on
Morale: 8 the turning undead table.
Hoard Class: XX
XP: 10 per Hit Die Despite their undead state, Neb’Enakhet retain a
fondness for Nepeta cataria. The exact nature of
Mongrelmen are abominable creatures that the effect is subject to the Referee’s discretion.
possess the blood and body parts of many
different creatures. Mongrelmen are shunned by Necromancer of Set
society and often retreat to subterranean caves
or dungeons to eke out their existence. They are No. Enc: 1d6
shy by nature (and experience) and often find Alignment: Chaotic
themselves enslaved to a greater power. Movement: 120’ (40’)
Armor Class: 7
Mongrelmen live together in small groups where Hit Dice: Varies
the largest and strongest serves as a chieftain. Attacks: 1
They are adept at mimicry and can imitate any Damage: Varies
sound they have heard at will. They are also skilled Save: Varies
at camouflage and prefer to hide, or lure Morale: 10
opponents into traps, instead of engaging in Hoard Class: XXI
direct conflict. Their language consists of a mixture XP: 21 per Hit Die
of human, goblin, and orc words along with a
Necromancers are a group of magic-users who undead, a phantom remains close to the area of
have occupied a portion of the Barrowmaze in its death or remains. The phantom often details
the service of Set. They wear black hooded robes something of importance about its life or death.
with skull or half-skull masks over their face. Senior
necromancers stitch bones onto their robes. They cannot harm or be harmed. However, due to
their ghostly visage those who gaze upon a
For every 3 first level necromancers encountered phantom must make a saving throw versus spells
there will be a mid-level mage of second, third, or at a -2 penalty or run away as if affected by the
fourth level (d6: 1-2 second, 3-4 third, 5-6 fourth 4th level magic-user spell Fear (AEC p.62). There is
level). a 50% chance fleeing PCs will drop whatever they
are carrying.
First level necromancers can cast one spell from
the following list: Magic Missile, Shield, Protection Poltergeist
from Good. They are armed with a dagger and
wear no armor (AC 9). They carry 2-20gp and a No. Enc: 1d2
spellbook. Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 10’
Spells for necromancers beyond first level are Armor Class: 9
subject to hit dice and the Referee. These magic- Hit Dice: 1 HP
users carry a staff and wear normal bracers with a Attacks: Nil
Dexterity bonus (AC 7). There is a 10% chance that Damage: Nil
one of these two items is magical (+1). They carry Save: F1
5-50pp and a spellbook. Morale: 12
Hoard Class: None
In addition, if a mid-level necromancer is present XP: 25
roll a d6 and consult the following table to
determine the undead controlled: The poltergeist is a vengeful incorporeal spirit that
haunts the place of their death. They cannot be
D6 Type No. Enc. seen and may only be harmed by +1 or silver
1-2 Skeletons 2d6 weapons.
3-4 Zombies 1d8
5 Sapphire Skeletons 1d8 The poltergeist lashes out at those that disturb their
6 Ghasts 1d3 rest by throwing physical objects equal to a
monster of 4 hit dice. A struck victim takes no
*If a fourth level necromancer is present, there is a damage but instead must save versus the 4th level
10% chance that s/he controls a Runic Golem. magic-user spell Fear (see AEC p.62), or panic
and run hysterically in a random direction for 4d4
Phantom melee rounds. There is a 50% chance the victim
will drop whatever they are holding while fleeing
No. Enc: 1 the poltergeist.
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: Nil Once a successful save is made a player need
Armor Class: N.A. not save again during that encounter. Only the
Hit Dice: N.A. use of holy water or the authoritative
Attacks: N.A. pronouncement of faith by a cleric or paladin will
Damage: Fear force a poltergeist to retreat.
Save: Special
Morale: N.A. Purple Moss
Hoard Class: None
XP: Nil No. Enc: 1
Alignment: Neutral
A phantom is a residual likeness of someone who Movement: 0
experienced a traumatic death. A phantom is Armor Class: N/A
merely an image, an echo of life, and possesses Hit Dice: 2
no intelligence. Often mistaken for other forms of Attacks: 1
Damage: Special Giant scorpions attack with their two pincers each
Save: F2 doing 1d6 points of damage. They also use their
Morale: Not Applicable lethal poison stinger (1d3) that requires an
Hoard Class: None immediate save versus poison or be killed
XP: 45 instantly.

Purple moss is related to yellow mold. This dark Skeleton, Exploding Bone
mold emits a sweet smell to a range of 10 feet
that has the same effect as the first level magic- No. Enc: 2d6
user spell Sleep. Victims who fall asleep are quickly Alignment: Chaotic
covered by the moss. Purple moss will cover a Movement: 40’ (10’)
small creature in 1 round and cover a human- Armor Class: 7
sized creature in 2 rounds. Creatures covered by Hit Dice: 1
purple moss will suffocate in 1d4 rounds and are Attacks: 1
digested in 1d2 hours by its acidic secretions. Damage: 1d6
Save: F2
Purple moss can be destroyed by fire. Morale: 12
Hoard Class: None
Sandling XP: 30

No. Enc: 1d2 Exploding bone skeletons, simply called

Alignment: Neutral “exploding bones,” are an undead necromantic
Movement: 60’ (20’) construct.
Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 4 Exploding Bones look like regular skeletons except
Attacks: 1 for a black inverted triangle painted on their
Damage: 1d12+3 forehead. They do not use weapons and have a
Save: F4 slower movement rate.
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: None Upon reaching zero hit points, these skeletons
XP: 100 explode showering anyone within 5 feet with bone
shards causing 1d4 points of damage.
A sandling appears as a simple pile of sand.
However, they are semi-intelligent, territorial, and Skeleton, Fossil
highly solitary creatures. They are easily provoked
and attack by lashing out with tendril-like No. Enc: 2d4
appendages of sand. If sandlings are exposed to Alignment: Chaotic
a large quantity of water they will be Slowed as Movement: 40’ (10’)
per the 3rd level magic-user spell (see page 32 of Armor Class: 6
the Labyrinth Lord Core Rulebook). Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: 1
Scorpion, Giant Damage: 1d8
Save: F2
No. Enc: 1d6 Morale: 12
Alignment: Neutral Hoard Class: None
Movement: 60’ (20’) XP: 26
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 2+2 Fossil skeletons are often found in deep
Attacks: 3 subterranean passages where limestone or
Damage: 1d6/1d6/1d3* mineralized water was in constant contact with
Save: F2 bones. Fossilized skeletons are effectively made of
Morale: 12 rock and are harder to destroy than regular
Hoard Class: XIX skeletons. In some instances the fossilization
XP: 100 process has been induced deliberately.

Skeleton, Sapphire be cured magically via Cure Disease. The disease
counteracts all other magical healing such as
No. Enc: 2d6 cure spells.
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 60’ (20’) Moreover, with each hit Rot Grubs may (50%)
Armor Class: 6 burrow into a struck character. If so, consult the
Hit Dice: 2 entry for Rot Grubs in the Labyrinth Lord Core
Attacks: 1 Rulebook (page 93) for more information. If the
Damage: by weapon Rot Grubs kill the character they will rise in 1d3
Save: F2 days as a Son or Daughter of Gaxx.
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: None These undead radiate an aura of fear 40’. Any
XP: 65 living being that enters this aura must save versus
magic or flee in fear as per the 4th level magic-
Sapphire skeletons are like normal skeletons in user spell (AEC p.62). There is a 50% chance
most respects. However, each has a large fleeing PCs will drop whatever they are carrying.
valuable sapphire embedded into its forehead.
This jewel glows brightly when in combat. If a Sons and Daughters of Gaxx regenerate 2 hit
sapphire skeleton is reduced to zero hit points, it points per round even after being reduced to zero
draws itself back together in two rounds and is hit points. They can only be destroyed by holy
restored to full hit points. They are immune to fire. water, acid, or fire. Sons and Daughters are
treated as 5 HD monsters on the turning undead
Only the destruction of the jewel embedded in its table.
forehead will destroy sapphire skeletons. The jewel
has an armor class of 2 and has 5 hit points.
Sapphire skeletons are turned as a 3 HD undead
Spider, Blood-Thirsty
monster on the undead turning chart. No. Enc: 1d4+1
Alignment: Chaotic
Upon destroying the sapphire, the jewel will break Movement: 30’
into valuable shards and chunks worth 100gp per Armor Class: 6
skeleton. Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: 1
Son of Gaxx Damage: 1d6
Save: F2
No. Enc: 1d3 Morale: 9
Alignment: Chaotic Hoard Class: None
Movement: 60’ (20’) XP: 50
Armor Class: 8
Hit Dice: 3 These spiders look similar to a giant black widow
Attacks: 1 spider, with one exception. Instead of a red
Damage: 2d4 hourglass design, a white patch - some say
Save: F4 resembles a skull - is located on the ventral
Morale: 12 abdomen.
Hoard Class: None
XP: 500 These spiders do not have a poisonous bite,
however they possess an insatiable hunger for
These hideous, rotting undead creatures look like humanoid blood. When one blood-thirsty spider
grisly cadavers infested with wiggling Rot Grubs bites into humanoid blood, all others immediately
that squirm in and out of their decaying bodies. converge on the wounded and will attempt to
bite (1d6) and then gorge themselves until the
They attack with their fists for 2d4 points of victim has been drained (1d6 points of draining
damage. With each hit there is a 10% chance that per round). Their webs cannot be burnt.
the victim will contract a flesh eating disease
(every 2 months permanently lose 2 Constitution
points until death at zero). This disease can only
Tomb-Robbers Zombie, JuJu
No. Enc: 2d4+4 No. Enc: 1d4
Alignment: Chaotic Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120’ (40’) Movement: 140’ (50’)
Armor Class: 8 Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 1 Hit Dice: 4+4
Attacks: 1 Attacks: 1
Damage: Weapon type. Damage: 1d8
Save: F1 Save: F4
Morale: 8 Morale: 12
Hoard Class: XX (XXII camp) Hoard Class: None
XP: 10 XP: 100

The tomb-robbers found in the Barrowmaze are Juju zombies are fearsome undead opponents.
usually seedy criminals or desperate men looking They are distinguished from other zombies by their
to make a few quick gold pieces by recovering dark amber-colored skin. Although they are often
grave goods from the dungeon. Half of these men mistaken for regular zombies, JuJu zombies are
are armed with clubs and slings. They wear leather stronger, faster, and possess greater capacity for
armor and carry shields. The other half are armed action. They can use missile weapons and climb
with shortswords and light crossbows. They wear like thieves of similar hit dice.
chainmail and carry a shield. For every 10 tomb-
robbers there will be a 2nd level fighter who serves Like all undead, they are immune to mind
as their leader. The leader bears a longsword, influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, and
wears platemail, and carries a shield. It is possible disease. They are also immune to damage from
(10%) that one of these items is magical (+1). electricity, magic missiles, and cold. They take half
damage from fire based attacks. A JuJu zombie
Zombie, Funeral Pyre can only be struck with a +1 or better weapon.
JuJu zombies both attack and are turned as 6 hit
No. Enc: 1d6 die monsters.
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120’ (40’) Zombie, Ravenous
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 2 No. Enc: 2d16
Attacks: 1 Alignment: Chaotic
Damage: 1d8 Movement: 120’ (40’)
Save: F2 Armor Class: 8
Morale: 12 Hit Dice: 3
Hoard Class: None Attacks: 1
XP: 35 Damage: 1d6
Save: F2
Funeral pyre zombies are a strange necromantic Morale: 12
construct. They appear as normal zombies except Hoard Class: Nil
for black runes written on their decaying flesh. XP: 50

When hit for the first time, funeral pyre zombies will Ravenous dead appear as regular zombies but
burst into flames. They take no damage from the have an insatiable desire to feed on the living. The
fire. However, the intense heat burns off all flesh ravenous dead possess such an appetite that,
and the zombies will continue to attack as 2HD upon wounding a humanoid opponent, the
skeletons. These skeletons are immune to fire. remaining zombies will converge to feed
Anything located within 5 feet of a zombie when immediately on the victim. If PCs engage in
lit will take 1d6 points of damage from the fire. combat with previous wounds, the ravenous dead
Note there is a 20% chance that this fire damage will seek to target the injured character first.
will set off other funeral pyre zombies.

Random Tables
Table 1: Random Dungeon Dressing 49. Map shows area (& secret doors) in 40’ radius.
Percentile Dice (1-100) 50. A scratching noise, just beyond a random wall.
51. Footprints, barefoot.
1. A statue of a terrible gargoyle. 52. Wall broken, with rune inscribed beneath.
2. The smell of burning garbage. 53. Table with dried up tongues left on it.
3. Rubble piled into a pyramid in one corner. 54. Row of spiked adventurer heads.
4. A strong gust of wind extinguishes torches. 55. Death screams, then silence.
5. A helm with head and expression of horror. 56. Rusted cauldron with rotten teeth inside.
6. A large pile of bone and decaying flesh. 57. Row of spiked adventurer heads.
7. A sack of weevil-infested biscuits. 58. Receding torchlight ahead of the party.
8. Footprints, clawed. 59. A pool of rank water and the smell of mold.
9. A statue of a paladin, defaced. 60. The sound of rapidly-beating insect wings.
10. Several adventurer corpses piled near wall. 61. Stone grinding on stone in the distance.
11. Body of a cleric adventurer, 50% equipped. 62. Hand print made in dried blood.
12. Polished skulls setting on a table. 63. A strong gust of wind extinguishes torches.
13. A pile of dead, half-eaten rats. 64. A pool of rank water and the smell of mold.
14. A chalk drawing of several constellations. 65. Stone grinding on stone in the distance.
15. Indiscernible shouting, very distant. 66. Footprints, booted.
16. The slamming of a door in the distance. 67. The slamming of a door in the distance.
17. Rusted cauldron with rotten teeth inside. 68. A strong gust of wind extinguishes torches.
18. An altar with fresh blood. 69. Footprints, clawed.
19. A strong gust of wind extinguishes torches. 70. Air suddenly becomes cool for 1d4 turns.
20. Puddles of scummy water. 71. An altar with fresh blood.
21. Rubble piled into a pyramid. 72. A chalk drawing of several constellations.
22. Human teeth, yellowed (1d20). 73. A hammer in the distance "Tap-tom, tom-tap."
23. The smell of burning oil. 74. An altar with a pile of bones, gnawed.
24. Statue head, chipped beyond recognition. 75. An obelisk, broken.
25. A pool of rank water and the smell of mold. 76. A pile of dead, half-eaten rats.
26. Statue of St. Ygg, defaced and knocked over. 77. 3 adventurers impaled against wall.
27. Clanging swords, then silence. 78. A path of dried up bread crumbs stops at wall.
28. Body of an elf adventurer, 50% equipped. 79. A rat carcass, completely flattened.
29. A large pile of bone and decaying flesh. 80. Footprints, barefoot.
30. Body of a dwarf adventurer, 50% equipped. 81. The sound of a door opening slowly.
31. A sinister human cackle. 82. A rat carcass, completely flattened.
32. A sudden thud, then silence. 83. A sack of weevil-infested biscuits.
33. Several adventurer corpses piled near wall. 84. Partial collapse.
34. Stone grinding on stone in the distance. 85. Stones piled over human body with sword.
35. A very loud hissing sound, very far off. 86. Bucket helmet with head.
36. A low snarling noise from behind. 87. Necklace with dried humanoid ears.
37. A path of dried up bread crumbs at a wall. 88. Tattered black burial robes in a pile.
38. A strong gust of wind extinguishes torches. 89. A pouch with spell components.
39. Painting of a red arrow: "Go this way." 90. 25 feet of rope.
40. A phantom appears with cryptic message. 91. A pouch with 5 darts.
41. Floor coated with flour. No prints (yet). 92. Wooden holy symbol.
42. A helm with head and expression of horror. 93. A vial of holy water.
43. Body of a halfling adventurer, 50% equipped. 94. A dagger +1.
44. A strong gust of wind extinguishes torches. 95. A scroll: 1 MU spell.
45. A sudden thud, then silence. 96. Chalk marks on the walls.
46. A very loud hissing sound, very far off. 97. Air suddenly becomes warm for 1d4 turns.
47. Stone grinding on stone in the distance. 98. A broken compass.
48. Body of a M-U adventurer, 50% equipped. 99-100. Referee’s Choice.
Table 2: Random Pit Contents Table 4: Random Runic Tablet Result
Roll 1d8 and consult the notes below. Roll 1d20

1-3 Empty 1. Save versus death or die.

4-5 Spiked 2. Save versus spell or suffer curse (amnesia).
6 Occupied (NPC) 3. Save versus spell or suffer curse (blindness).
7 Monster 4. Save versus spell or suffer curse (insanity).
8 Bottomless 5. Save versus spell or suffer curse (mummy rot).
6. Save versus spell or suffer Enfeeblement.
*All pits are 10’ deep except for Bottomless Pits. 7. Save versus spell or suffer Feeblemind.
Consult the Barrowmaze map for open and 8. Save versus spell or suffer Confusion.
concealed pits. 9. Reader will fail their next save attempt.
10. Glyph of Warding (Fire: 10 hp/save for 1/2).
Empty Pit: 11. Tablet provides history of the Tablet of Chaos.
1d6 points of damage per character level. 12. Tablet provides history of the Pit of Chaos.
Spiked Pits: 13. Tablet is a random 1st level magic-user spell.
1d6 points of damage per character level. 14. Tablet is a random 2nd level magic-user spell.
Spikes are poisoned (save or die). 15. Tablet is a random 1st level cleric spell.
Occupied Pit: 16. Tablet is a random 2nd level cleric spell.
Pit contains and NPC of the same level as the 17. Reader receives a Bless spell.
PCs (Referee’s discretion). 18. Reader receives a Protection from Evil spell.
Will stay with PCs for equal share of treasure. 19. Reader will succeed on next save attempt.
Monster Pit: 20. Reader receives +1 to one randomly
Pit contains a monster(s). determined ability score.
Consult the Random Encounter Table for that
area of the dungeon and adjust accordingly.
Bottomless Pit: Table 5: Random Dungeon Restock
PC lost to oblivion. (Check between player forays to dungeon)
Roll 1d6
Table 3: Random Graffiti 1. Monster.
Roll 1d12
2. Monster and Treasure.
3-6. Empty (1 in 6 chance of concealed treasure).
1. The entrance sealed behind us. Cannot get out.
2. They are coming.
3. Beware the pools.
4. Don’t go on!
5. The dead walk here.
6. Abandon all hope, you who enter here.
7. Make no sound. They will seek you out.
8. I screwed the barmaid at The Brazen Strumpet.
Lucius wrote this.
9. Antilus was here.
10. Remember: Up then Down.
11. Gaxx sent us!
12. Beware the tentacle beast. It ate Galstaff.

Pregenerated Characters
A number of pregenerated first level characters Henchmen, defined as classed NPCs, and
are provided in the pages that follow. Most prefer hirelings, defined as 0-level men-at-arms, torch-
to create their own characters. However, the bearers, and porters, are essential to success in
characters provided here can also serve as NPCs the Barrowmaze and early fantasy role-playing
found in pits, the sole survivors of a wiped out games.
expedition, or as a random encounter with
another adventuring party. In addition, there is A number of examples are listed below, in an
also a blank character sheet. abbreviated form. These were taken from
Meatshields: The Classic Fantasy Hireling and
As mentioned in the introduction, this dungeon is Henchmen Generator. Meatshields, as well as
challenging and characters will die. You are blank Barrowmaze character sheets, can be
urged to have your players employ henchmen found online at:
and/or hirelings.

Name Type Race HP Sex Weapon Armor AL Detail
Drovay Man-at-Arms Human 5 M Club, Dagger Leather N Street Thug
Algash Man-at-Arms Human 4 M Longsword, Dagger Chain, Shield N Village Idiot
Ool Man-at-Arms Human 3 M Spear, Dagger Leather, Shield C Serf
Lergrim Man-at-Arms Human 3 M Spear, Dagger Leather N Ex-Militia
Merdoc Man-at-Arms Halfling 3 M Shortsword Leather L Face Paint
Grubb Man-at-Arms Human 5 M Longsword, Dagger None N Scullion
Bargle Man-at-Arms Human 6 M Club, Dagger Leather, Shield N Walkabout
Drom Man-at-Arms Human 3 M Broadsword, Dagger Leather, Shield C Unctuous
Hurdoon Man-at-Arms Human 4 M Spear, Dagger Leather N Unwashed
Fitzwalter Man-at-Arms Human 3 M L. Crossbow, Dagger Leather N Ex-Militia
Caldwell Man-at-Arms Human 4 M Spear, Dagger Leather, Shield C Exile
Norda Man-at-Arms Elf 6 F Hand Axe, Dagger Leather, Shield L Peasant

Torch-Bearers and Porters

Name Type Race HP Sex Weapon Armor AL Detail
Colgard Torch-Bearer Human 3 M Dagger None L Fishing Pole
Norman Torch-Bearer Human 3 M Dagger None C Candles
Gulgar Torch-Bearer Human 3 M Dagger None N Accent
Parwick Torch-Bearer Human 2 M Dagger None L Town Liar
Ardo Torch-Bearer Human 4 M Dagger None C Town Drunk
Maax Torch-Bearer Human 4 M Dagger None N Beggar
Henx Torch-Bearer Human 4 M Dagger None N Bastard
Baltag Torch-Bearer Human 4 M Dagger None N Wanderer

Name Type Race HP Sex Weapon Armor AL Detail
Kilgax Fighter Level 1 Human 7 M Shortsword Chain, Shield C Criminal
Sorlof Fighter Level 1 Human 8 M Halberd Leather L Floppy Hat
Saxsa Fighter Level 1 Human 6 F Shortsword Chain, Shield N Deserter
Hawk Fighter Level 1 Human 7 M Longsword Chain, Shield L Folk Hero
Landersuth MU Level 1 Human 4 M Staff None N Quiet
Hengest Cleric Level 1 Human 6 M Warhammer, Sling Chain, Shield L On the run
Fregrid Cleric Level 1 Human 5 F Mace, Sling Leather N Defiant

Pardue the Holy Man Cleric 1
Character Name Race and Class Level Deity
36 / 6’ / 215 (10%) Law
Age/Height/Weight Experience (% Bonus) Alignment

Hit Points Armor Class

6 4

Chain Shirt & Shield

Wounds Armor Type / Move

13 Strength +1 BREATH 16
To Hit / DMG / Doors

9 Intelligence - DEATH 11
Languages Bonus

18 Wisdom +3 STONE 14
Magic Save Bonus

12 Dexterity 0 WAND 12
AC / Ranged Bonus

12 Constitution 0 SPELL 15
HP / Poison Save Bonus

11 Charisma 0/4/7
React / Hirelings / Morale

In Hand: Mace (1d6)
Secondary: Light Hammer (1d4)
Ranged: Sling and 20 Stones (1d4) □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Name Class/Level HP AC Armor Weapon/DMG


Wooden Holy Symbol Cure Light Wounds
4 Small Sacks
Holy Water
Rations (7)
Caltrops (1 bag)
Quill, Ink, and Scroll


1st 1
LANGUAGES: Common, Ancient Common


Bross the Sellsword Fighter 1
Character Name Race and Class Level Deity
32 / 5’11” / 213 (5%) Neutral
Age/Height/Weight Experience (% Bonus) Alignment

Hit Points Armor Class

8 6

Studded & Shield

Wounds Armor Type / Move

14 Strength +1 BREATH 15
To Hit / DMG / Doors

10 Intelligence - DEATH 12
Languages Bonus

11 Wisdom - STONE 14
Magic Save Bonus

12 Dexterity - WAND 13
AC / Ranged Bonus

12 Constitution - SPELL 16
HP / Poison Save Bonus

11 Charisma 0/4/7
React / Hirelings / Morale

In Hand: Broadsword (1d6+1)
Secondary: Club (1d4)
Ranged: Light Crossbow and 20 bolts (1d6) □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Name Class/Level HP AC Armor Weapon/DMG


4 large Sacks
2 Oil Flasks
Flint and Steel
Iron Spikes (12)
Tack Hammer
Rations (7)
Grappling Hook




Deela Danderfluff Halfling (F) 1
Character Name Race and Class Level Deity
40 / 3’2” / 36 (10%) Neutral
Age/Height/Weight Experience (% Bonus) Alignment

Hit Points Armor Class

6 4

Studded & Shield

Wounds Armor Type / Move

13 Strength +1 BREATH 13
To Hit / DMG / Doors

13 Intelligence +1 DEATH 8
Languages Bonus

9 Wisdom 0 STONE 10
Magic Save Bonus

17 Dexterity -2 / +2 WAND 9
AC / Ranged Bonus

14 Constitution +1 SPELL 12
HP / Poison Save Bonus

12 Charisma 0/4/7
React / Hirelings / Morale

In Hand: Shortsword (1d6)
Secondary: Club (1d4)
Ranged: Sling and 20 Stones (1d4) □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Name Class/Level HP AC Armor Weapon/DMG


Large Sack
3 Torches
3 Oil Flasks
Flint and Steel
20’ rope
Rations (7)


LANGUAGES: Halfling, Common, Thieves’ Cant


Crow Elf 1
Character Name Race and Class Level Deity
138 / 5’3” / 111 - Neutral
Age/Height/Weight Experience (% Bonus) Alignment

Hit Points Armor Class

6 4

Wounds Armor Type / Move

14 Strength +1 BREATH 15
To Hit / DMG / Doors

10 Intelligence - DEATH 12
Languages Bonus

10 Wisdom - STONE 13
Magic Save Bonus

14 Dexterity -1 / +1 WAND 13
AC / Ranged Bonus

9 Constitution - SPELL 15
HP / Poison Save Bonus

13 Charisma -1 / 5 / 8
React / Hirelings / Morale

In Hand: Longsword (1d8)
Secondary: Hand Axe (1d6)
Ranged: Longbow and 20 Arrows (1d8) □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Name Class/Level HP AC Armor Weapon/DMG


Backpack Magic Missile
4 Large Sacks Read Magic
6 Torches Detect Magic
3 Oil Flasks
Flint and Steel
10’ Pole
50’ Rope
Rations (7)


1st 1
LANGUAGES: Elven, Common


Macabros Magic-User 1
Character Name Race and Class Level Deity
27/5’9”/154 (5%) N
Age/Height/Weight Experience (% Bonus) Alignment

Hit Points Armor Class

4 8

Wounds Armor Type / Move

9 Strength - BREATH 16
To Hit / DMG / Doors

14 Intelligence +1 DEATH 13
Languages Bonus

12 Wisdom 0 STONE 13
Magic Save Bonus

13 Dexterity -1 / +1 WAND 13
AC / Ranged Bonus

9 Constitution - SPELL 14
HP / Poison Save Bonus

15 Charisma -1 / 5 / 8
React / Hirelings / Morale

In Hand: Dagger (1d4)
Secondary: Dagger (1d4)
Ranged: Sling and 20 Stones (1d4) □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Name Class/Level HP AC Armor Weapon/DMG


Backpack Spellbook:
4 Small Sacks Level 1 Spells
Chalk Magic-Missile
Waterskin Read Magic
Rations (7) Detect Magic
Caltrops (1 Bag)
Quill, Scroll, and Ink
Blank Scroll
Small steel mirror


1st 1
LANGUAGES: Common, Black Tongue


Patsy Hireling 1
Character Name Race and Class Level Deity
38 / 5’7” / 175 - Lawful
Age/Height/Weight Experience (% Bonus) Alignment

Hit Points Armor Class

2 9

Wounds Armor Type / Move


6 Strength -1 BREATH 17
To Hit / DMG / Doors

3 Intelligence 0 DEATH 14
Languages Bonus

3 Wisdom -3 STONE 16
Magic Save Bonus

5 Dexterity +2 / -2 WAND 15
AC / Ranged Bonus

8 Constitution -1 SPELL 18
HP / Poison Save Bonus

3 Charisma +2 / 1/ 4
React / Hirelings / Morale

In Hand: None
Ranged: □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Name Class/Level HP AC Armor Weapon/DMG


Coconuts (non-migratory)
4 Small Sacks
Holy Water
50’ Rope
Tack Hammer
Rations (14)
Quill, Ink, and Scroll
4 oil Flasks


LANGUAGES: Partial Common




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14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathon Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James
Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb,
Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based
on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes,
Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.

Advanced Edition Companion, Copyright 2009-2010, Daniel Proctor. Author Daniel Proctor.

Aerial Servant from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark
Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Axe Beak from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Barrow Wight from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene.

Battered Top Hat by Chris D., Knockspell Magazine Issue 2, Copyright 2009, Mathew J. Finch.

Beetle, Giant Boring from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Gary Gygax.

Beetle, Giant Rhinoceros from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based
on original material by Gary Gygax.

Book of Templates: Deluxe Edition Copyright 2003, Silverthorne Games; Authors Ian Johnston and Chris S. Sims.

Brownie from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Caryatid Column from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Jean Wells.

Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2004, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden

Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 2nd Printing, Copyright 2006, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac

Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasure, Copyright 2005, Troll Lord Games; Authors Robert Doyel and Stephen Chenault

Cave Cricket from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Cave Fisher from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Lawrence Schick.

Coffer Corpse from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Simon Eaton.

Crab, Monstrous from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Gary Gygax.

Crayfish, Monstrous from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Gary Gygax.

Crypt Shade from Stonehell Dungeon: Down Night-Haunted Halls, Copyright 2009, Michael Curtis; Author Michael Curtis.

Crypt Thing from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Roger Musson.

Darwin’s World Copyright 2002, RPG Objects; Authors Dominic Covey and Chris Davis.

Demon: Juiblex “The Faceless Lord” (Demon Lord) from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Demon: Orcus (Demon Prince of Undead) from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors
Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Devil: Amon (Duke of Hell) from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Devil: Bael (Duke of Hell) from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based
on original material by Gary Gygax.

Devil: Geryon (Arch-Devil) from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Ear Seeker from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Eel, Electric from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene.

Eye of the Deep from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Exploding Bones from the Swords & Wizardry Monster Book, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch; Author Skathros.

Flagstone Golem from the Tome of Horrors III, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene.

Floating Eye from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Fly, Giant from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Fossil Skeleton from the Swords & Wizardry Monster Book, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch; Author Matt Finch.

Frog, Monstrous from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark
Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Frog, Monstrous Killer from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark
Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Frog, Monstrous Poisonous from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and
Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Froghemoth from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Gas Spore from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Golem, Wood from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Patrick

Gorbel from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material
by Andrew Key.

Groaning Spirit from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark
Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Grognardia, Copyright 2008-2011, James Maliszewski

Hippocampus from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsey,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Huecuva from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Underworld Oracle.

Jackalwere from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene based, on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Kamadan from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Nick Louth.

Knockspell Magazine Issue #2, Copyright 2009, Matthew J. Finch.

Knockspell Magazine Issue #3, Copyright 2009, Matthew J. Finch.

Labyrinth Lord™ Copyright 2007-2009, Daniel Proctor. Author Daniel Proctor.

Leprechaun from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Lurker Above from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Mongrelman from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Mutant FutureTM Copyright 2008, Daniel Proctor and Ryan Denison. Authors Daniel Proctor and Ryan Denison.

Neb’Enakhet from Knockspell Magazine Issue 3, Copyright 2009, Mathew J. Finch. Author Andrew Trent.

Original Spell Name Compendium Copyright 2002 Clark Peterson; based on NPC-named spells from the Player’s Handbook
that were renamed in the System Reference Document. The Compendium can be found on the legal page of

Phantom from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Harold Johnson and Tom Moldvay.

Piercer from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based
on original material by Gary Gygax.

Poltergeist from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Lewis Pulsipher.

Purple Moss from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Jean Wells.

Pyre Zombie from the Swords and Wizardry Monster Book, Copyright 2008, Mathew J. Finch, based on original material by
Scott Casper.

Random Pits and Occupants by Mike Davison, Knockspell Magazine Issue 2, Copyright 2009, Mathew J. Finch.

Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.

Sandling from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Lawrence Schick.

Slithering Tracker from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Gary Gygax.

Slug, Giant from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Stonehell Dungeon: Down Night-Haunted Halls, Copyright 2009, Michael Curtis; Author Michael Curtis.

Strangle Weed from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch

Swords & Wizardry Complete Rulebook, Copyright 2010, Matthew J. Finch.

Swords & Wizardry Monster Book: Oe, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch.

Tick, Giant from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Tomb of the Iron God, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch.

Tome of Horrors I, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley,
Kevin Basse, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawringer, and Bill Webb.

Tome of Horrors II, Copyright 2004, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene; Additional authors: Erica Balsley,
Kevin Basse, Casey Christofferson, Jim Collura, Meghan Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Bill Kenower,
Patrick Lawinger, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Bill Webb and Monte Cook.

Tome of Horrors III, Copyright 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene, with Casey Christofferson, Erica
Balsley, Kevin Baase, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Ian S. Johnston, Patrick Lawringer, Nathan Paul, Clark
Peterson, Greg Ragland, Robert Schwalb and Bill Webb.

Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley. Lair encounter authors John Stater, Jeff Harkness, Gary Schotter. Additional authors
Kevin Basse, Casey Christofferson, Jim Collura, Meghan Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Ian S. Johnston,
Nill Kenower, Patrick Lawringer, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Greg Ragland, Robert Schwalb, Greg A. Vaughan, Bill Webb.

Trapper from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Turtle, Giant Snapping from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Green, based on
original material by Gary Gygax.

When is a Spell Book Much More than a Spell Book? by Brendan Falconer, Knockspell Magazine Issue 2, Copyright 2009,
Mathew J. Finch.

Wind Walker from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax,

Yeti from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Green, based on original material by
Gary Gygax.

Zombie, JuJu from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Green, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Barrowmaze, Copyright 2012, Greg Gillespie; Author Greg Gillespie.


Labyrinth LordTM is Copyright 2007-2011, Daniel Proctor. Labyrinth LordTM and Advanced Labyrinth LordTM are trademarks
of Daniel Proctor. These trademarks are used under the Labyrinth Lord TM Trademark License 1.2, available at

Secret Doors 

Deadly Traps 

Hidden Treasures 

Terrifying Monsters 

Slim Chance of Survival 


Where Do I Sign Up?

(p.s. Don’t forget the 10 foot pole.)

Barrowmaze is a classic exploration-style megadungeon intended for use with the

Labyrinth LordTM Fantasy Role-Playing Game and is compatible with the Advanced
Edition Companion. This dungeon setting can be played with any old school retro-
clone and early versions of the original fantasy role-playing game.

The Barrowmaze megadungeon setting includes:

g An 84 page book describing Barrowmaze and The Barrow Mounds.
g 300 encounter areas, traps, and puzzles to test the mettle of your players.
g New magic items, spells, monsters, and classic blue maps.
g Pregenerated characters and character sheets.
g Over 25 new classic-style illustrations featuring artist Stefan Poag.

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