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Department of Education Region VII


Plaridel St., Centro, Mandaue City
Art plays a significant part in the rich cultural
identity of the philippines. It mirrors the Filipino people, its
history, its tradition, and the country as a whole. Diverse
art forms in the different parts of the archipelago, when
integrated, will give a clear picture of what kind of country
the Philippines is and what kind of people the Filipinos
are. These art forms developed from early times continues
to evolve up to the present. From the ethnic traditions t, it
continues to progress to contemporary art traditions.
(Sandagan and Sayseng, 2016).

Contemporary Philippine Art is art produced by

Filipino artists coming from the different regions in the
Philippines in the 21st century*. The works reflect cultural
diversity, technological advancement, and make use of a
wide range of mediums.

Enjoy and have fun!


demonstrates appreciation of contemporary art forms,

found in the various regions by understanding the
elements and principles


presents a form of integrated contemporary art based

on the region of his / her choice. e.g. choreography,
musical instrument, literary and music composition,
visual design, and/or theatrical performance


In this lesson, you are expected to:

1. describes various contemporary art forms and

their practices from the various regions

1.1. appreciate the history of arts in the

1.2. distinguish contemporary period from the
other art period,
1.3. define contemporary arts; and
1.4. familiarize with the significant development in
the Philippine art.

I. Engaging with the Arts










• The ethnic art forms are primarily influenced by the geographical location and the experiences of the Filipino.

• For instance, the dances in the country during the pre-colonial times vary depending on the area where our ancestors thrive.
In the highlands, dance steps were imitations of the movements of certain animals like birds while the choreography of the
Filipinos near the sea were mimics of the movement of the fishes.
• In terms of visual arts, pottery, weaving, wood carving, and metal crafting were dominant during pre-colonial priod making
use of the available materials such as anahaw, bamboo, cogon, cane, rattan, and other light materials in constructing
structures since these were the materials accessible in the area.
• Our ancestors already have their folk literature which came in the forms of folk speeches, songs, and narratives. This folk
literature verbalized their experiences.
• Regarding theater arts, tribal presentations and rituals were early theatrical performances depicting their beliefs.

• In music, our ancestors also have their indigenous musical instruments like the bamboo flutes and brass gongs.



• Spaniards tends to replace the Philippine indigenous arts with Western ar forms.

• Religion and secularization greatly influenced the art in the Philippines under the Spanish regime.

• The friars were the ones supervising the practice of arts in the country with their agenda of propagating Christianity and
maintaining the power of the colonizers.
• In the field of literature, the literary works could be classified into religious and secular prose and peotry.

• In the area of theater arts, secular and religious plays like the “komedya” became popular.

• In choreography, religious dances commonly performed to venerate patrons and saints proliferated.

• There were also secular dances performed in social functions like the valse, fandango, polka, and minuet, among others.

• In music, the Spaniards introduced the piano and other Western instruments. Bands and orchestra multiplied as the zarzuela
and operas became prevalent.
• In visual arts, Spaniards introduced painting and sculpture which mostly depicted religious subject matters.

• In architecture, stones and bricks were predominantly used in constructing buildings like churches, houses, and govern,ent
offices. Western Spanish influences was ivident in architecture, the exterior, and interior of the buildings were embellished
with wood carving or metal works with intricate decorative designs.
• However, despite the strong influence of the Sparniards, the arts in the country did not result in a pure Western art but mix
of Western and indigenous art. Filipino artists still put Filipino touches on their art pieces.



• After more then 300 years Spanish colonization, the Americans took over the country which led to the declaration of the
independence on June 12, 1898. The Americans brought about many changes in the [politics, economy, education and culture
of the Philippines.
• In the area of education, there are Filipinos who went abroad to study, some studied under the tutelage of the American
educators, and some learned through observation and personal experiences. Those who went abroad to study came back to the
country carrying the concept of modern art.
• Modern art refers to the practice of the art in the 1860s-1960s.It was during these years that the western world significantly
developing. The urbanization, consumerism, rise of the middle class, change in the political system, secularization, and the
emergence of the new technology affected the way of art making in the period.
• Due to the technological innovations, the experimental approaches in developing art rose above traditional art practices and
• New forms of expression came which were avant-garde in nature. Modern art continuously develops even after World War II,
which led to the contemporary way of art making today.
• Contemporary arts refers to the recent and current practice of art ranging from the 1970s up to the present. It mirrors the
society and culture of the present times. It uses a combination of different methods, materials, and ideas that transcend the
traditional way of art making.
• All Philippine ar forms had a different twist as the Aemrica way of life beccame a part of lives of the Filipinos.

• The art forms and art practices in the country broadened. Artists experimented with different materials and methodologies and
produced non-conventional artworks with a wide-range of themes.

ACTIVITY II: Gaining Insights

1. Can you distinguish the differences between the different art traditions?

2. What is contemporary arts?


ACTIVITY III: Art Appreciation

Direction:Write E if the statement belongs to Ethnic Tradition, S if it belongs to Spanish Traditions, and A if it
belongs to American Colonial and Contemporary Traditions.
_____1. Filipinos developed choreographies by mimicking movements of animals.
_____2. Technological innovations affected art making resulting to non-conventional
_____3. Zarzuelas and operas became populr in this period.
_____4. Religion and secularization influenced all art forms.
_____5. Pottery, weaving, wood carving, and metal crafting are forms of visual arts.
_____6. Painting and sculpture were the most popular forms of visula arts.
_____7. Filipinos studied abroad and later on introduced new ideas in art making.
_____8. Avant-garde artworks entered the scene.
_____9. Bricks and stones were predominantly used in constructing buildings.
_____10.The geographical location and experiences of the Filipinos were the main
factors in art production.

ACTIVITY IV: Enriching the Mind

Direction: Identify which period is shown in the picture. Then describe Philippine Art in each period. Write
your answer in the space provided beside the pictures.


There are three traditions in the development of Philippine art; Ethnic
Tradition, Spanish Tradition, and American Colonial and Contemporary
Traditions. in Ethnic Traditions, the location and the experiences of the
Filipinos were the major factors in art production. In the Spanish period,
religion and secularization were the dominant themes of the art forms. In
the American period, modernism entered the field of art wherein
Filipino started to eplore different materials, methodologies, and
techniques in expressing themselves through non-conventional art. The
continuous progress of modernism led to the development of
contemporary arts.


Sandagan, Luviminda D.and Sayseng, Ayesha H., Contemporary

Philippine Artfrom the Regions, JFS Publishing Services,Manila.


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