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Accelerat ing t he world's research.

Awareness and practice of safety

measures against occupational
hazards among aluminium foundry
workers in Jos, N...
mathilda Banwat
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences

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Emmanuel Azuike
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Tagurum YO et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2021 Jun;9(6):1561-1568 pISSN2320-6071 | eISSN 2320-6012

Original Research Article

Awareness and practice of safety measures against occupational

hazards among aluminium foundry workers in Jos, Nigeria
Yetunde O. Tagurum1*, Onyedika B. Ezeani2, Kingsley A. Bakoshi2,
Zainab M. Adam2, Tolulope O. Afolaranmi1, Mathilda E. Banwat1

Department of Community Medicine, 2Department of Medicine, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, University of Jos, Jos,

Received: 23 March 2021

Revised: 04 May 2021
Accepted: 05 May 2021

Dr. Yetunde O. Tagurum,
E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Founding predisposes the worker to hazards (extreme heat, dust, fumes, sharp objects), which if
unchecked, can cause health problems (burns, respiratory problems, cuts). This study aimed to assess the awareness
and practice of safety measures against occupational hazards among aluminium foundry workers in Jos-North LGA.
Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study, which involved 125 aluminium foundry workers in Laranto-
Katako area of Jos-North LGA. An interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Analysis of data
was done using EPI-Info® version 3.5.4 statistical software package. A probability value of p≤0.05 was considered
statistically significant.
Results: All 125 (100%) respondents were males with a mean age of 24.8±9.7 years and 52 (41.2%) were less than 20
years of age. The study revealed that 118 (94.4%) of them were aware of occupational hazards associated with
foundries; The hazards most known were fires with 116 (92.8%) mentions, extreme heat, 85 (68.0) and sharp objects,
85 (68.0%), and with the least being, long working hours, 25 (20.0%). A majority, 118 (94.4%) were aware of hand
gloves, 114 (91.2%) nose masks with overalls having the least awareness, 13 (10.4%). The most frequently used
safety measures were nose masks, 73 (58.4%), then hand gloves, 57 (45.6%). A statistically significant relationship,
with p value of 0.0321, was found between the level of education and the practice of safety measures.
Conclusions: The study showed that most of the foundry workers had good knowledge of the hazards, safety
measures; however, there was low use of safety measures. An educational campaign on the hazards and use of safety
measures, accompanied by the efforts of the government, should be instituted for the foundry workers regularly to
help safeguard their health.

Keywords: Occupational hazards, Foundry workers, Awareness, Safety practice, Jos

INTRODUCTION the International labour organisation (ILO), is aimed at

the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of
The workplace plays an important role in human life. It is physical, mental and social wellbeing of workers in all
seen as a basic approach to surviving and sustainability. occupations. It also covers the prevention amongst
People spend at least six hours daily working either in the workers of departures from health caused by their
office, factory and worksite or outside on the street, and working conditions, the protection of workers in their
this accounts for the need to have a healthy and employment from risk resulting from factors adverse to
productive work life.1 Occupational health according to health and the placing and maintenance of the worker in

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | June 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 6 Page 1561
Tagurum YO et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2021 Jun;9(6):1561-1568

an occupational environment adapted to his physiological protects against ricochets and sparks), disuse of defective
and psychological capabilities.2-5 portable power tools or those with improper isolation,
work clothes should be fitted to the climatic conditions of
Naturally, the need for safety is an intrinsically human the workplace (such as proper clothing), elimination of
concern; hence, safety measures need to be in place to injuries resulting from hand-arm vibrations requires
prevent injury to workers while protecting the equipment adoption of the relevant medical, technical and
and the environment at the same. Hazards in a workplace administrative procedures. In severe cases, an
should be identified, documented, monitored and occupational psychologist can be consulted to improve
managed. However, hazards not eliminated entirely are worker’s psychosocial wellbeing.10 Challenges in
subjected to control measures which minimize the providing these safety measures include: lack of
effects.2 Workplace settings vary widely in size, sector, cooperation between governments, employers and
design, location, work processes, work culture and workers' organizations, in the improvement of
resources. Also, workers themselves differ in terms of occupational safety and health, lack of knowledge among
age, gender, training, education, cultural background, workers of their right to ownership and use of protective
health practices and access to health care.2 All these equipment, ignorance among workers to the use of safety
translate to disparities in safety. The foundry as a equipment citing discomfort as reason for no use, poverty
workplace was considered in this study and focus was on among workers leading to inability to acquire protective
the aluminium foundry workers. equipment, lack of knowledge among workers of
presence of hazards.11,12
Founding involves the pouring of molten metal into the
hollow inside of a heat-resistant mould which is the According to the ILO estimates, every year over 2.3
outside shape of the pattern of the desired metal object. million women and men die at work from an
The mould may contain a core to determine the occupational injury or disease. Over 350,000 deaths are
dimensions of any internal cavity in the final casting. due to fatal accidents and almost 2 million deaths are due
Foundry work comprises: making a pattern of the desired to fatal work-related diseases. Estimates show that work-
article, making the mould and cores and assembling the related diseases represent the main cause of death at
mould, melting and refining the metal, pouring the metal work, killing almost six times more workers than
into the mould, cooling the metal casting, removing the occupational accidents. This should highlight the need for
mould and core from the metal casting, and removing a new paradigm of prevention: one that also focuses on
extra metal from the finished casting.6 work-related diseases, not only on occupational injuries.

The output from aluminium foundries yieldtools and The ILO has estimated the great economic burden of not
equipment that are used commonly in households ranging investing in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) so as
from pots to colander to “kaskon masa” (a pan used in to prevent occupational accidents and diseases. The total
frying/making masa). The processes by which they carry costs amount to approximately four per cent of the
out their activities predispose them to certain hazards and world’s GDP per year (roughly 2.8 trillion US dollars).
health problems.7,8 These include: mechanical hazards; Further to the economic constraints, the human costs are
stepping on, colliding or hitting an object; injuries and unacceptable; a global society has a moral obligation to
cuts caused by sharp objects, broken glass, knives and reduce the human and economic costs.13 A study
other sharp tools; eye injury, as a result of flying conducted in 2009 among welders in Kaduna Metropolis
aluminium splinters, physical hazards; exposure to very (North-West Nigeria) found that 85.3% of the subjects
high noise levels; exposure to, and/or contact with had experienced one or more work-related accidents and
electric current; exposure/contact with extreme occupational hazards. The most common injuries
temperature (heat); hand and arm vibrations influencing sustained were cuts or injuries to hands or fingers
various body organs and systems, chemical hazards: (38.0%), back or waist pain (19%), arc eye injuries due to
cough as a result of dust, lung problems due to fumes, foreign bodies in the eye (17.0%), burns (14.0%), hearing
difficulty in breathing resulting from working in confined impairment (7.0%), fractures (4.0%) and amputation
places lacking oxygen or having reduced oxygen content, (1.0%).14 Aluminium foundry workers need to be
or due to exposure to various other chemicals, ergonomic assessed for knowledge on the hazards associated with
hazards; back pains and other musculoskeletal problems their work environment because curative health care
caused by over-exertion, inconvenient work position services place a larger burden, both financially and
(including working in a bent posture), psychosocial physiologically on the workers compared to promotive
factors; relevant to the type or place of workplace, such and preventive health care services. When health issues
as human relations, work organization, being exposed to arise as a result of these workplace hazards, there is
violence or crime at the workplace, shift work and similar decreased productivity on the job.
Current study was aimed to assess the awareness of
Preventive measures for these hazards include: use occupational hazards, compliance with safety standards,
personal protection equipment (work gloves, safety identify factors affecting use of safety measures and
goggles, welding masks, ear-plugs, safety-screen that determine the prevalence of health problems amongst

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | June 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 6 Page 1562
Tagurum YO et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2021 Jun;9(6):1561-1568

aluminium foundry workers in Jos-North LGA in other to Responses to the questions on the section for knowledge
add to the pool of knowledge, and to make and practice were scored and then graded. For every
recommendations for improving their occupational correct answer the respondent gets a score of one and for
health. every wrong or blank the respondent gets a zero. A total
of 32 was obtainable for knowledge. It was graded as
METHODS poor (0-10), fair (11-20), good knowledge (21-32).
Practice had a total obtainable score of 15 and it was
Study area graded into good and poor practice based on the median
score of three. Written informed consent was sought and
The study was carried out in Jos North, Plateau state, obtained before administration of the questionnaire, and
Nigeria. It lies at latitude 9°55’42.6’’N and longitude each participant was assured of the confidentiality of the
8°53’31.6’’E. Jos is the administrative capital of Plateau information provided. They were given the freedom to
State. Jos North has a population of 572,700 based on the decline participation in the study with no loss of benefit
2016 Population projection.15 Aluminium foundry work or penalty.
has played a vital role in the development of individuals
and communities in Jos. It helps to engage the youths Statistical analysis
especially those unable to attain formal education and
also helps them to earn a living. Most aluminium foundry The data collected was analyzed using EPI-Info® version
workshops are located in Laranto, Katako area of Jos 3.5.4 statistical software package. Quantitative data was
North, with other workshops sparsely distributed in presented using mean, standard deviation and frequency
Dilimi-Rikkos area. They have a union, aluminium pot- tables, while qualitative data was presented using
makers association of Nigeria, Plateau state chapter, frequency tables, percentages and charts. Tests of
registered under the state ministry of mines and steel statistically significant relationships were carried out
development, with an estimate of one hundred and forty- using Chi-square test. A probability value of ≤0.05 was
six workers. considered statistically significant.

Study type and period RESULTS

This was a descriptive cross-sectional study of aluminium A total of 125 respondents participated in this study. The
foundry workers who had been working in the industry age range of respondents was between 9 and 50 years
for at least three months and who consented to participate with a mean age of 24.8±9.7 years and the highest
in the study. Using a prevalence rate of 80.9% proportion of respondents, 52 (41.6%) were aged 9-20
(proportion of aluminium workers with knowledge of years. All the respondents were males 125 (100%). A
occupational hazard in a previous study), an absolute larger proportion were single, 79 (63.2%) and over half
standard error of 0.05 and a standard normal deviate of of them had secondary education, 71 (56.8%) while only
1.96, a minimum sample size of 261 was calculated using 11 (8.8%) had no education at all. Their daily wage
the formula for cross sectional study and correction for ranged ₦100-₦9000, with their mean income at
finite population was done to arrive at 94. 16,17 The study ₦1799.2±₦1423.2. Work spanned for 3-12 hours, with
was conducted between September and November 2019. 24 (19.2%) working for over 8 hours. Most of them 80
(64.0%) had apprenticeship training for 3 years and less
Selection criteria of the respondents and 27 (21.6%) of them had over 15 years of experience
(Table 1).
Purposive sampling technique was used to select the area
for the study, where all eligible foundry workers The study revealed that 118 (94.4%) of them were aware
available were interviewed for the study. of the hazards associated with their work, 122 (97.6%)
were aware of the health problems. The table also shows
Procedure that only 107 (85.6%) knew what safety at workplace
was. The hazards most known to the respondents were
Informed verbal consent was obtained from each fires with 116 (92.8%) mentions, extreme heat, 85 (68.0)
respondent before being enrolled into the study; after and sharp objects, 85 (68.0%), with the least being, long
being assured of confidentiality and anonymity without working hours, 25 (20.0%). The most known health
any loss of benefits or penalty. A semi-structured problems were burns with 120 (96.0%) mentions and
interviewer-administered questionnaire was used for data cuts, 110 (88.0%) with psychological problems, 2 (1.6%),
collection and it was divided into sections; socio- the least known health problem. A majority of the
demographic data, knowledge of safety measures, respondents, 118 (94.4%) were aware of hand gloves,
practice of safety measures, factors affecting knowledge 114 (91.2%) aware of nose masks with overalls having
and practice of safety measures and prevalence of health the least awareness, 13 (10.4%). Thirty-two (25.6%)
problems. respondents had good knowledge about hazards, health
problems and safety measures associated with foundry
work, whereas 83 (66.4%) had fair knowledge and 10

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(8.0%) had poor knowledge of hazards, health problems Table 2: Knowledge of hazards and health problems.
and safety measures (Table 2).
Variables (n=125) N (%)
From the bar chart, it revealed that the most used safety Awareness of hazards
measure were nose-masks,73 (58.4%) and hand gloves, Yes 118 94.4
57 (45.6%), however, goggles, pre-employment and No 7 5.6
periodic medical examination (PE & PME) recording the Hazards mentioned*
lowest use, 2 (1.6%). There was no use of overalls. From Fires 116 92.8
the pie-chart, only 14 (11.2%) of the respondents always Extreme heat 85 68.0
used any safety measures with 39 (31.2%) never making
Sharp objects 85 68.0
use of any safety measures. Sixty-one (48.8%)
respondents had good practice of safety measures against Dust 78 62.4
hazards associated with foundry work, whereas 64 Fumes 74 59.2
(51.2%) had poor practice of safety measures (Table 3). Chemicals 45 36.0
Manual lifting 38 30.4
Table 1: Socio-demographic and occupational data of Poor ventilation 33 26.4
the respondents. Inconvenient work position 32 25.6
Noise 29 23.2
Variables (n=125) N (%) Long working hours 25 20.0
Age (years) Awareness of health problems
≤20 52 41.6 Yes 122 97.6
21-30 46 36.8 No 3 2.4
31-40 18 14.4 Health problems mentioned*
41-50 6 4.8 Burns 120 96.0
>50 3 2.4 Cuts 110 88.0
Mean=24.8±9.7, Range=9-70 Respiratory problems 47 37.6
Gender Body pains 44 35.2
Male 125 100.0 Eye problems 38 30.4
Female 0 0.0 Gas poisoning 23 18.4
Marital status Skin diseases 21 16.8
Single 79 63.2 Psychological problems 2 1.6
Married 46 36.8 Awareness of workplace safety practice
Level of education Yes 107 85.6
None 11 8.8 No 18 14.4
Primary 33 26.4 PPE mentioned*
Secondary 71 56.8 Hand gloves 118 94.4
Tertiary 10 8.0 Nose masks 114 91.2
Religion Safety boots 70 56.0
Christianity 4 3.2 Goggles 18 14.4
Islam 121 96.8 Earplugs 14 11.2
Daily income Overalls 13 10.4
≤₦1500 74 59.2 Knowledge score
>₦1500 51 40.8 Poor 10 8.0
Hours worked per day Fair 83 66.4
≤8 101 80.8 Good 32 25.6
>8 24 19.2 *Multiple responses allowed
Duration of apprenticeship training (years)
≤3 80 64.0 Table 3: Practice grading of respondents.
>3 69 40.8
Health and safety training Grade (n=125) N (%)
Yes 26 20.8 Poor 64 51.2
No 99 79.2 Good 61 48.8
Work experience (years)
≤15 98 78.4 There was a statistically significant relationship between
>15 27 21.6 level of education and practice of safety among the
aluminium foundry workers (Table 4). The study
revealed that among the 125 aluminium foundry workers

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | June 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 6 Page 1564
Tagurum YO et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2021 Jun;9(6):1561-1568

who participated in the survey, burns was the most There was no statistically significant relationship practice
prevalent of health problems in the past month, with 83 of safety measures and presence of health problems
(66.4%) mentions, followed by cuts, 33 (26.4%) with no among the aluminium foundry workers (Table 6).
record of eye problems among the respondents (Table 5).
Table 4: Relationship between socio-demographic/occupational data of respondents and practice of safety.

Practice of safety measures (n=125)

Variables Poor N (%) Good N (%) Total N (%) x2 P value
Age (years)
≤20 23 (44.2) 29 (55.8) 52 (41.6)
21-30 25 (54.3) 21 (45.7) 46 (36.8)
31-40 9 (50.0) 9 (50.0) 18 (14.4) 3.9704 0.4100
41-50 5 (83.3) 1 (16.7) 6 (4.8)
>50 2 (66.7) 1 (33.3) 3 (2.4)
Marital status
Single 30 (65.2) 16 (34.8) 46 (36.8)
0.0167 0.0090
Married 34 (43.0) 45 (57.0) 79 (63.2)
Level of education
None 10 (90.9) 1 (9.1) 11 (8.8)
Primary 13 (39.4) 20 (60.6) 33 (26.4)
8.7956 0.0321
Secondary 36 (50.7) 35 (49.3) 71 (56.8)
Tertiary 5 (50.0) 5 (50.5) 10 (8.0)
Daily income
≤₦1500 40 (54.1) 34 (45.9) 74 (59.2)
0.4419 0.2248
>₦1500 24 (47.1) 27 (52.9) 51 (40.8)
Hours worked per day (hours)
≤8 51 (50.5) 50 (49.5) 101 (80.8)
0.7463 0.3769
>8 13 (54.2) 11 (45.8) 24 (19.2)
Duration of apprenticeship training (years)
≤3 45 (56.3) 35 (43.8) 80 (64.0)
0.1321 0.0692
>3 19 (42.2) 26 (57.8) 45 (36.0)
Health and safety training
Yes 10 (38.5) 16 (61.5) 26 (20.8)
0.1443 0.0767
No 54 (54.5) 45 (45.5) 99 (79.2)
Work experience (years)
≤15 49 (50.0) 49 (50.0) 98 (78.4)
0.6091 0.3092
>15 15 (55.6) 12 (44.4) 27 (21.6)
Job satisfaction
Yes 62(51.2) 59 (48.8) 121 (96.8)
0.6458 0.4819
No 2 (50.0) 2 (50.0) 4 (3.2)
Yes 3 (42.9) 4 (57.1) 7 (5.6)
0.9479 0.3368
No 61 (51.7) 57 (48.3) 118 (94.4)

Figure 1: A bar chart showing the percentage use of Figure 2: A pie-chart showing the frequency of use of
safety measures by the respondents safety measures.

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | June 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 6 Page 1565
Tagurum YO et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2021 Jun;9(6):1561-1568

Table 5: Prevalence of health problems among The study revealed high awareness of hazards and health
foundry workers. problems associated with aluminium foundry work.
Almost all of them were aware of the hazards associated
Health problems*(n=125) N (%) with the occupation, and almost all were aware of some
Burns 83 66.4 of the associated health problems. The study in Lagos
Cuts 33 26.4 also found that majority of the respondents were aware of
Body pains 19 15.2 the hazards exposed to in their workplace.16 A similar
Respiratory problems 6 4.8 study on welders to assess the awareness of occupational
Skin rashes 3 2.4 hazards and utilization of PPE in Jos Metropolis found
more than half of its respondents with high awareness of
Others 1 0.8
health problems.17
Eye problems 0 0.0
*Multiple responses allowed
Our study revealed that hazards most known to the
respondents were fires, extreme heat and sharp objects.
Table 6: Relationship between practice of safety
Most known health problems were burns and cuts with
measures and presence of health problems.
psychological problems being the least known health
problems. The study in Jos Metropolis found that among
Health problems
the hazards identified in the workshops, manual lifting,
Practice P noise/vibration and fumes had the highest frequencies
Yes No Total x2
grade value with asphyxiant gases having the lowest frequency. The
46 18 64 health problems mentioned included eye problems,
(71.9) (28.1) (51.2) backache, burns, with cancer being the least mentioned. 18
0.1158 0.0615
51 10 61
(83.6) (16.4) (48.8) Current study revealed that majority of the respondents
knew safety practice at the workplace. Concerning
DISCUSSION personal protective equipment, nearly all respondents
mentioned hand gloves and nose masks, however, only a
Current study was carried out to assess the knowledge few respondents mentioned overalls. In contrast, the
and practice of safety measures against occupational study in Jos Metropolis had almost all respondents
hazards among aluminium foundry workers in Jos North. mentioning goggles, a majority mentioning facemasks
In this study, it was found that almost half of the workers with half of the respondents mentioning earplugs.18
were below the age of 20 years and in fact, most of them Current study revealed that practice of safety measures
were less than 18 years of age. This translates to child among respondents was generally low, however,
labour in a hazardous environment (working in a respondents with any form of education had better
foundry) and such may deter the growth and development practice of safety measures compared to those with no
of these children. A separate study exploring hazardous form of education even though there was no statistically
work among children would be useful in evaluating the significant relationship between the level of education
effect founding could have on their growth and and practice of safety measures. Over half of the
development. respondents used nose masks, about half used hand
gloves and a few used safety boots. The poor use of
All the respondents in this study were males, perhaps safety boots was attributed to continuous burning of the
reflecting differential gender roles in this part of the foot in instances where molten aluminium got into the
country. Males tend to select themselves into more boots. This could have been circumvented by the use of
hazardous jobs. Another study of workers in an overalls. Poor use of overalls was because of the extreme
aluminium industry to determine the level of awareness heat in the foundry. This could be controlled by partial
to hazards and the use of preventive and protective enclosures of the furnaces and by redesigning of some the
measures in Lagos, unlike ours, found some of the processes to reduce the amount of heat in the foundries.
respondents being females and this may be because there Similarly, the study in Kaduna Metropolis found that
is less emphasis on gender in that region, thus allowing over a third of respondents used one or more types of
females to work in foundries.16 In this study, over half of protective measure with about two-thirds using eye
the respondents had secondary level of education and goggles, half using hand gloves and a few using boots. 14
only a few of the respondents had no formal education,
this is similar to the study carried out in Kaduna Current study showed that there was statistically
Metropolis which revealed that more than half of the significant relationship between level of education and
respondents had secondary education, while only a practice of safety measures. The poor economic condition
handful had no education at all.14 This may be because in the country may have played a major role in the
both cities are located in north-central Nigeria and have availability and affordability of these all-important
similar socio-economic characteristics. protective measures which may have translated to the
poor use of safety despite high awareness of hazards and
health problems. In contrast, the study in Lagos found

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | June 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 6 Page 1566
Tagurum YO et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2021 Jun;9(6):1561-1568

that males were more likely to regularly use protective ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

devices compared to females. However, there was no
statistically significant association between age, The authors would like to thank all the foundry workers
educational level and hazard awareness in the study. 12 who participated in the study.

From this study, more than three-quarters of the Funding: No funding sources
respondents had experienced one or more work-related Conflict of interest: None declared
health problems in the past one month. The most Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
common problems were burns, cuts, with few mentions Institutional Ethics Committee
of body pains. This is not surprising considering that not
up to half of the respondents practiced any form of safety. REFERENCES
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International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | June 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 6 Page 1568

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