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Marine alternator oral questions and answers |ETO|

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 B MANIKANDAN ETO  July 31, 2020

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Marine alternator oral questions and

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 July 17, 2016
1. What will happen if we overexcite the alternator? ORIf we overexcite what will happen
to the power factor?
How will you check AVR? (AUTOMATIC
2. What is the effect in PF of the bus bar when overexcitation?
3. Two generators are running parallel with different KW (200,800kw) with unequal kW  March 21, 2020
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6. What is the result of an uneven air gap between rotor and stator of the generator?
7. Why there are two tie breakers in the circuit diagram of emergency gen auto start?
8. What is the role of a Voltage sensing relay in a generator panel? FEATURED POST
9. Why alternator is connected in star?
10. What will happen if the generator voltage is not the same while paralleling?
11. What will happen if air gap reduces?

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12. Why is Reverse Power Relay required?

13. When does reverse power flow?
14. What is sequential starting?
15. What are the reason for the loss of residual magnetism in the generator?
16. What happens if we increase the excitation of one alternator, when two alternators are in
parallel condition? Short notes of MGPS | ETO ORAL
17. Can we use a 50Hz supply for a 60Hz system and if we use it then what are the effects  B MANIKANDAN ETO  July 25, 2021
on Voltage, torque and speed and current on the machinery?
Contents MGPS – Marine Growth Prevention System The sea water
18. What is the importance of power factor in paralleling two generators? syste…
19. IF we increase the excitation of one generator, Will the impedance of both generators be
equal or different?
20. Is there any time delay for under-voltage, over-voltage, under frequency and over
21. In which all condition reverse power can happen?
22. What is magnetic resistance?
23. Can we parallel emergency generator and main generator?
24. Consequences of difference in power factor during the parallel running of generators.
25. What are the function of reactor coils and capacitors in static excitation?
26. What is the form factor?
27. What is the reason to fail auto Start of Emergency Generator?
28. There is blackout for 10 hours; how you will prepare the ship (for cleaning) for
maintenance of MSB?
29. Why we don't parallel with the unknown generating station?
30. If two generators are running in parallel and kW is showing same but current is lower
than the other what may be the problem and how to rectify?
31. Why generator rpm slightly drops instantaneously when a heavy load cuts in?
32. What will happen if the load is not reduced after the preferential trip?
33. Why we use a short time delay in ACB?
34. Why synchroscope pointer moves clockwise when incoming generator speed higher and
vice versa?
35. Generator output voltage is ok at 50 % load but when you increase beyond 50 % then
the voltage drops, what was the reason?
36. Two generators running one generator lube oil attached pump stuck what will happen?
Which alarm come first? Directly trip or before any alarm came and what happened in
other generator

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37. Why are generator and motor bearings insulated?

38. How did the surge resistor protect the diodes in the brushless generator?
39. What will happen if any of the diodes get open in running condition?
40. What will happen if Diode gets short in running condition?
41. Generator started but no voltage producing
42. How to restore residual magnetism?
43. What will happen if the generator is immersed in seawater?
44. After starting generator, it is producing less voltage than rated Voltage
45. After starting generator, it produces more voltage than rated Voltage
46. The generator started but the breaker is not closing (or)Individual generator is not coming
on load.
47. Generator started but not paralleling
48. During parallel the operation, one generator is showing less voltage, what the reason is
and what action Will you take?
49. Difference between shunt coil and trip coil?
50. Governor motor control for auxiliary Engine

What will happen if we overexcite the alternator?

ORIf we overexcite what will happen to the power factor?

If the generator overexcited so and it will supply a lagging current to the system. Because the lagging current will
produce the flux that will act against the rotor flux to reduce the action.
In Case of overexcitation, we increase the voltage and correspondingly current will increase and rest as same as

What is the effect in PF of the bus bar when overexcitation?

Power factor will be lagging because the current increases when excitation increases and loss increases when the
current increases. Therefore power factor will be lagging on the bus bar.

Two generators are running parallel with different KW (200,800kw) with unequal kW sharing
what is your action?.

The generators provide power in accordance with its rating. The 200kW generator and the 800kW generator
(200+800=1000kW and 1000kW / 2 = 500kW) in parallel serving a 500kW load, the serve load is one half of the
total source rating. The 200kW generator will be giving 100kW and the 800kW generator will give 400kW.
If kW different we have to adjust the governor droop settings.

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What causes the generator under a voltage problem?

Cause 1: Prime speed is low as compared to the rated speed.

Action: Have to adjust the speed of the generator according to the specified rated speed.

Cause 2: Open diode

Action: Change the whole bank of rotating diodes

Cause 3: Ground fault or short-circuiting error especially at the field winding or stator winding.
Action: perform the megger test

Cause 4: Loose connections on the control circuit

Action: Check the connections as per the manufacturer guide.

How to check the air gap and purpose of the air gap?

To prevent the mechanical contact between rotor and stator; required mechanical balance.
To determine the bearing condition.
Measured with the help of plastic feeler gauge and follow the manufacturer procedures.
Generally, the air gap should be 1.5 to 2 mm or follow the manufacturer guidelines.

What is the result of an uneven air gap between rotor and stator of the generator?

Due to uneven air gap- Flux linkage will get distorted.

The generator output voltage will not be pure sine wave due to stator linkage flux will not be a pure sine wave.
Unbalance magnetically will be there.
Due to uneven air gap magnetic pull experienced by the rotor.

Why there are two tie breakers in the circuit diagram of emergency gen auto start?

 One tie-breaker is in the MSB Where we can manually isolate the ESB if we want to do any maintenance or repair
 And the other one is interlocked with the main breaker of EM. Gen

 The tie-breaker is an ESB it will not allow the power from ESB to MSB

 It will give the power from only one direction from MSB to ESB

 It will not allow the power from ESB to MSB

 If the main and emergency generator is running this breaker will not switch on

 If it is in MSB it divides MSB into two parts for maintenance purpose or any fire hazard purpose.

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What is the role of a Voltage sensing relay in a generator panel?

Voltage sensing relays identify overvoltage, under-voltage, or both. They can only detect an abnormal condition on the
line side of where the relay is connected. This allows the device to provide pre-start protection.

Why alternator is connected in star?

#Lesser Stress on Insulation and Copper Saving:

Voltage per phase is less for a given line voltage (Vph= VL / root 3) which reduces insulation requirement and this also
reduces the number of turns hence copper is also saved.

#Easy Protection/ Neutral:

Neutral grounding is necessary to allow zero-sequence currents to flow to the ground in case of a fault.

#Elimination of harmonics:
Star connection facilitates a neutral connection which is instrumental in eliminating triple harmonics.
#No Circulating Currents:
In star, connection don’t have circulating currents like in delta which leads to heating losses.

What will happen if the generator voltage is not the same while paralleling?

If the voltage is not the same then large circulating current will develop between machines will produce large magnetic
force to pull the generator's voltage into synchronism. So, it will cause rapid acceleration of one machine and retardation
of another. Large force may damage the prime mover large circulating current will trip the overcurrent relay of the
generator. Resulting in a blackout.

What will happen if air gap reduces?

 Air gap reduced means pedestal bearing is damaged.

 For alternator, the rotor will touch the stator and damage it.

 Alternator characteristics and efficiency will be reduced drastically.

 Motor same thing bearing is damage or shaft is bend. The consequence will be the same.

Why is Reverse Power Relay required?

 Prevent the motor effect

 Prevent the mechanical failure of the prime mover.

 Prevent total power failure.

When does reverse power flow?

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 Faulty Governor of the prime mover.

 Loss of excitation in the alternator.

 Faulty synchroscope.

What is sequential starting?

Automatic starting of essential necessary equipment when power restored after a blackout.

What are the reason for the loss of residual magnetism in the generator?

If the alternator is not started from so long, improper maintenance and Moisture in air.

What happens if we increase the excitation of one alternator, when two alternators are in parallel

KVAR load varies but KW load remains the same.

In balanced generator Circulating current flows in the increased excitation one. So that generator will share only KVAR load.
Power factor will reduce, heat will increase and the current drawing will be more.

Can we use a 50Hz supply for a 60Hz system and if we use it then what are the effects on Voltage,
torque and speed and current on the machinery?

Vice versa 60Hz on 50Hz rated machine

If the frequency is reducing then the corresponding voltage should also reduce to make sure voltage by frequency ratio
should be same. Speed depends upon frequency and torque depends upon voltage. And for smooth operation speed and
torque characteristics should follow the linear curve. For taking shore supply always make sure voltage by frequency ration
should be same.
For 50 Hz voltage should be 380.
So if we have 50Hz, 380Volts on a 440v, 60Hz supply.

What are the effects on the Motor?

V/f ratio should be the same. The motor will run without any problems if it is designed for that frequency but efficiency of
the equipment will be less
Starting torque will increase with a low V/f ratio
But maximum torque is constant.

What is the importance of power factor in paralleling two generators?

If the power factor is not same then losses of both the alternator are not the same then there is a possibility that actual
power or current will also not be the same. So for perfect paralleling power factor should be same. Then only both the
alternator will share equal kW and will have equal current.

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IF we increase the excitation of one generator, Will the impedance of both generators be equal or

Their impedances will be different as they have different power factor.

Is there any time delay for under-voltage, over-voltage, under frequency and over frequency?

Usually Under Voltage and over-voltage 2 sec.

In which all condition reverse power can happen?

 Mechanical failure

 Improper synchronising

 ACB not opening after the load shifted.

What is magnetic resistance?

Reluctance which opposes the flow of the magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit Reluctance = MMF/FLUX.

Can we parallel emergency generator and main generator?

Emergency generator normally cannot be parallel with main generator until and unless it is designed to be run in parallel with
main generator.
There are 2 modes one is propulsion mode and another one is a harbour mode.
In propulsion mode, it works as a normal emergency generator, whereas in harbour mode it can be used as a normal
Practically emergency generator is required to run parallel with main generators in the ships with shaft generator and CPP
propulsion and high load even in case of propulsion is not used. That is in container ships with high reefer capacity, reefer
ships etc. As the size of the main generators is small they may not be able to supply power to entire load in case of one
generator failure, especially in ports where we are not using shaft generator. So arrangements are made such that an
emergency generator can be used in parallel with the main generator.

Consequences of difference in power factor during the parallel running of generators.

Reduces the efficiency of a generator with less power factor, I square R losses increases in the generator with less power factor.

What are the function of reactor coils and capacitors in static excitation?

Reactor coil maintains the rated voltage and. Capacitor release store energy to induce the primary side in case voltage drops.
Voltage drop that time inductance allows to increase voltage.

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What is the form factor?

The ratio of RMS value by average value is called the form factor.

What is the reason to fail auto Start of Emergency Generator?

 Switch in manual mode

 Fuel valve is closed

 The battery is fully discharged

 Fuel is empty in the tank

 Auto circuit problem.

There is blackout for 10 hours; how you will prepare the ship (for cleaning) for maintenance of MSB?

 Carry out a risk assessment and follow the company procedures

 Inform to dry dock ship repair manager (SRM)

 Inform chief cook to prepare the food.

 General-purpose battery should be fully charged.

 Will make sure that emergency lights are working.

 Make an arrangement to switch off the unwanted load in dry dock.

 Portable torches should be fully charged and ready for use.

 Make sure shore connection is disconnected and lockout

 Make sure MSB is death condition and Earthing has to be done prior to work.

Why we don't parallel with the unknown generating station?

Because the characteristics of the prime mover of unknown source generating station is not known (drooping characteristic).

If two generators are running in parallel and kW is showing same but current is lower than the other what
may be the problem and how to rectify?

AVR setting is disturbed and KVAR will be more for gen showing more current and power factor will be reduced for the same
Rectify by changing AVR setting
It can be rectified by adjusting their field excitation. Increase excitation which supplies lower current.

Why generator rpm slightly drops instantaneously when a heavy load cuts in?

Due to the armature reaction.

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The armature current will increase so stator flux will increase and it will increase the electromagnetic-torque. This torque will resist
the prime mover torque.
When sudden load increases in alternator the rotating magnetic field opposes rotor to rotate this phenomenon is electromagnetic
Rpm is directly proportional to fuel injection. After monitoring speed governor will increase fuel so speed gains up.

What will happen if the load is not reduced after the preferential trip?

Stand by generator will start automatically when it’s in standby mode.

If not in standby mode it will trip depends up LTD-long-time delay set up
(early days where 3 trips are given in preferential trip, 3rd one i.e. 15-second one will cause the main breaker to trip and it lead to a
blackout. But in new ships, we don’t have the third trip).

Why we use a short time delay in ACB?

The short-time delay function determines the amount of current the breaker will carry for a short period of time, allowing
downstream protective devices to clear short-circuit without tripping the upstream device.

Why synchroscope pointer moves clockwise when incoming generator speed higher and vice versa?

The incoming generator frequency is higher than the bus bar frequency and the pointer is moving in clockwise (more frequency)
When low frequency and pointer will rotate anticlockwise direction. (Low frequency)
Speed is directly proportional to frequency.

Generator output voltage is ok at 50 % load but when you increase beyond 50 % then the voltage drops, what
was the reason?

The diode is open.

Two generators running one generator lube oil attached pump stuck what will happen? Which alarm come
first? Directly trip or before any alarm came and what happened in other generator

 Lub oil low-pressure alarm will come first

 L.O low-pressure trip activate

 So generator breaker trip

 When the load increases up to 80-85% of total capacity than a standby generator will come to load in case it fails then at
90-95% of total load capacity preferential trip will activate.

Why are generator and motor bearings insulated?

To prevent circulating rotor currents which can damage bearings.

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How did the surge resistor protect the diodes in the brushless generator?

It’s actually a variable resistor. When the voltage increases its resistance decreases. So in case of voltage surge, it will make a low
resistance path.

What will happen if any of the diodes get open in running condition?

There will be momentarily voltage clip but that dip will be compensated by AVR. But the excitation system will start getting heated up.
If that generator will start after stopping the rated voltage will not come.

What will happen if Diode gets short in running condition?

A short circuit diode is more serious as it leads to short circuit the exciter. Loss of Excitation can be happened due to rapid heated up of
excitation system. And voltage will drop.
After stopping the generator if you will run, you will not get any voltage.

Generator started but no voltage producing

 Voltmeter may be faulty-Replace it

 Residual magnetism may be lost-flash the alternator

 Diode may be a shorted-replace whole bank

 Surge suppressor resistor may be shorted-replace the whole bank

 AVR malfunctioning-change it

 Circuit may open-make the connection according to drawings.

 Very low insulation resistance to earth (ground), on exciter stator or main stator.

 Winding fault. Open circuit or short circuit on any winding in the machine.

How to restore residual magnetism?

 Do the flashing

 Please follow the maker procedure

 Stop the generator.

 Then bring the 12v DC battery.

 Remove terminal F1 & F2 (J and K) from AVR (if you not disconnect may damage the AVR)

 Check the resistance between F1 and F2 it should show some value (Please refer the maker manual). If it is zero means field
winding shorted. And have to check the resistance with respect to the ground also.
 Touch the terminals of batteries with F1 & F2 terminals. With same

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 Polarity (positive to positive and negative to negative), for a very short time (5-6 seconds).

What will happen if the generator is immersed in seawater?

Its residual magnetism will be Lost because seawater is a good conductor of electricity. In freshwater or distilled water the residual
magnetism will not be lost.

After starting generator, it is producing less voltage than rated Voltage

 Any of the diodes may be open.

 AVR may be malfunctioning.

 Excitation trimmer is disturbed.

 Somebody touched accidentally.

 With vibration, it disturbed.

After starting generator, it produces more voltage than rated Voltage

 AVR may be malfunctioning.

 Excitation trimmer is disturbed.

The generator started but the breaker is not closing (or)Individual generator is not coming on load.

 The generator may not be developing voltage.

 UV coil may be malfunctioning.

 Control supply may not be available.

 Charging motor may be malfunctioning.

 Charging spring defective.

 There may be mechanical damage in ACB.

 Racking handle is still inside/inserted.

 During dry clock, shore supply is available.

 Any of the interlocks are active.

 You were trying to close the wrong breaker.

Generator started but not paralleling

 Paralleling condition is not met.

 Synchronous relay malfunctioning.

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During parallel the operation, one generator is showing less voltage, what the reason is and what action Will you

 AVR trimmer may be disturbed

 Rectifier diode may be open circuit

 AVR may be a malfunction

 Faulty voltmeter.

Difference between shunt coil and trip coil?

SHUNT COIL: - To trip breaker from a remote location.

TRIP COIL:-Built in the coil by the manufacturer for safety to keep the ACB for any abnormality.

Governor motor control for auxiliary Engine

It is a DC series motor.
Interlock in raise and lower- so that you can do one operation at a time.
When in auto, the signal comes to upper Land R and governor motor gets DC voltage accordingly.


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About The Author: B MANIKANDAN ETO

Hello Friends, thanks to all of the readers and friends to love my blog. I am 29 Years Young (I’m not old :P) passionate man from Tamilnadu,
India. The main goal of starting this the blog is to build an active community of Electro Technical O�cers so that we can learn every aspect of
Electro Technical O�cer in a better way.

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Marine alternator oral questions and answers

|ETO| Marine Electrical
 July 31, 2020

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14 of 14 8/24/2021, 12:03 PM
LATEST ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY MMD ORAL Q & A PART-1 | Marine Inbox http://marineinbox.com/marine-exams/latest-electrical-technology-mmd-oral-q-a-part-1/


& A PART-1
By minbox - April 3, 2020

(a) How will you prepare alternators and main switchboard survey?

(b) Describe the method of testing the safety trips and relays.

(a) Preparation for alternators and main switch board survey, Alternators

1 of 14 8/24/2021, 6:28 PM
LATEST ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY MMD ORAL Q & A PART-1 | Marine Inbox http://marineinbox.com/marine-exams/latest-electrical-technology-mmd-oral-q-a-part-1/

• Clean main and emergency generators, generator stator and rotor winding free of dust, oil and
• Check visually windings for any insulation damage.
• Check contact surfaces of commutator or slip-rings for uniform wear and, any signs of pitting
and deep grooves.
• Maintain carbon brushes correct spring pressure, adequate length
• Remove any excess carbon dust around the brush gear and rotor coils.
• Air gap between stator and rotor checked to ensure pedestal bearings are in good condition.
• Show stable operation during parallel-running with other generators, respond correctly to
controls and load changes
• Insulation test when machine is still hot after running on load. (New equipment=1.5Ω)
• Carry out generator on-load running test to confirm the proper operation of governor and AVR.
• Check for correct voltage, frequency, current, governor-droop. response to sudden load
• Check and test stability of load sharing when parallel running with other generator
• Check and test automatic starting function of standby generator when blackout.
• All operational tests related to alternators safety devices, checked and tested before to
surveyor’s visit.

Main switchboards

2 of 14 8/24/2021, 6:28 PM
LATEST ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY MMD ORAL Q & A PART-1 | Marine Inbox http://marineinbox.com/marine-exams/latest-electrical-technology-mmd-oral-q-a-part-1/

• Clean internal and external of switchboard, section board or distribution board

• Check main bus-bar and their connections for tightness, loose connection and overheating
• Check bus-bar supports for surface tracking and insulation damage.
• All internal wirings securely fixed. Cable entries at switchboard bottom, sealed with a non-
flammable material
• Main switchboard earth bar securely bonded to both the switchboard’s frame and ship’s hull.
• Hinged panel doors bonded with an earth strap to main switchboard frame.
• All operational tests related to main switchboard safety devices, checked and tested before to
the surveyor’s visit.

(b) Testing of safety trips and relays

1. Over-current relay

• tested by injecting calibrated test currents to check current trip levels and time delay settings.
• Primary injection: current-injection test machine apply large current through normal load
• Secondary injection: small currents (5 ~ 50 A) apply current directly into the overcurrent
• This test does not prove the CT performance.

2. An under-voltage (UV) relay – tested by injecting calibrated voltage. variable voltage is

directly applied to under-voltage relay to check its function.

3. Reverse Power protection

• test operation of RP relay tested during a generator changeover.

• Outgoing generator is gradually throttled down reverse power relay to trip its generator

3 of 14 8/24/2021, 6:28 PM
LATEST ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY MMD ORAL Q & A PART-1 | Marine Inbox http://marineinbox.com/marine-exams/latest-electrical-technology-mmd-oral-q-a-part-1/

(a) Briefly describe the factors which contribute to the deterioration on marine
electrical machinery and how these factors are taking into account in the design of the
equipment or in its operation.

(a) Factors which contribute to the deterioration on marine electrical machinery are

(1) Weather conditions

(2) Vibration

(3) Continuous motion of ship

(4) Temperature & Conditions of usage

Shore based industries are not suitable for installation in marine environment

Effect of inclination

Main propulsion and auxiliary fitted in ship designed to operate when the ship is

(1) upright

(2) inclined at any angle of list up to 15˚

(3) 22.5˚ under dynamic condition. (rolling)

(4) simultaneously inclined dynamically (pitching) 7.5˚ by bow or stern.

The emergency generator and its prime mover and emergency accumulator battery
designed and arranged, function at full rated power when the ship is

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(1) upright

(2) inclined at any angle of list up to 22.5˚ (or)

(3) inclined up to 10° fore or aft direction (or)

(4) in any combination of angle within those limits.

One of main factors concerned with these inclinations is lubrication, another is functioning of
contactors, switchgear and relays

Any apparatus containing oil, such as transformers or switches and solenoids affected.

Installation and maintenance

• During rolling, to reduce end-play and prevent hammering during rolling, machines installed
with their axis of rotation, either vertical or in the fore and aft direction.
• If unavoidably placed athwart ship, care taken when ship roll to reduce the end-play & prevent
hammering and to provide suitable thrust bearings
• Special attention give lubrication of ring-lubricated sleeve bearings.
• Cause of overheating in electrical joints is loose connection
• All screws and nuts effectively locked and checked periodically
• Not only to high current circuits but also to control and shunt circuits, if to become slack result
in unnormal operation or complete failure.

Temperature requirement

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• Extreme of temperature affect the performance life of any electrical apparatus.

• Coil resistance increases with temperature, with less current, field strength will be reduced,
and contactors and relays fail to operate correctly.
• When temperature rise, heating effect is always about the same for similar loads.
• The total temperature highest at the maximum ambient temperature.
• For unrestricted service, cooling air temperature is 45˚C. (IACS)
• For restricted service and vessels intended for northern and southern waters outside of
tropical belt temperature is 40’C

Q How will you prepare for emergency power and associated equipment and cable

Preparation for emergency power and associated equipment

The following items checked and tested for survey.

1. Start emergency generator, manually or automatically

2. When powered from emergency generator electrical supplies from ESB checked rated voltage,
current and frequency.

3. Functioning correctly, emergency lighting, fire pump and other emergency electrical

4. Checked electrical interlocking arrangements between main and emergency switchboards.

5. Checked and tested auto-start initiation relays.

6. Checked ship’s emergency battery installation and its charging rectifier.

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7. Checked battery charging equipment for dirt, overheating, loose connections and correct
functioning of indicator instruments and alarms.

8. Keep battery environment dry and well ventilated, clean battery tops,

9. Correct value of specific gravity (SG) by checking with hydrometer, electrolyte at proper level.

10. Safety notices and P.P.E (such as gloves, apron and goggles) available in adjacent to the

11. Checked battery locker ventilation arrangements.

12. Kept battery maintenance records properly.

Preparation for survey of Cables and their installation

The survey of cables and their installation is largely based on

(a) close visual examination and

(b) IR (megger) test on a main cable run

(1) Inspect for any external damage of a cable’s outer sheath and wire

(2) Adequately supported cable horizontal and vertical runs by suitable cable clips or ties.

(3) Where cable runs an open deck, have expansion loops, checked for abrasion and wear.

(4) Where cables pass though fire check bulkheads, correctly glanded or pass through stopper
boxes that prevent passage of fire between compartments.

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(5) Inspected for mechanical damage, flexible cables to light fittings, power tool, etc.

(6) Steel frame of all electrical motors and other equipment bonded to ship’s hull with a copper
strap or flexible earthing braid/wire.

Q With respect to electrical survey. How will you prepare for emergency power and
associated equipment and parts of steering gear survey?

Preparation for parts of Steering Gear

(1) Power unit

(2) Steering control

(3) Indications and alarms

The power unit consists of duplicate electric motors and starters supplied from either side of the

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main switchboard. On many ships, one of the steering gear motors is supplied from the
emergency switchboard as per SOLAS requirements.

The following items must be prepared prior to the surveyor’s visit.

1. Rudder control from the bridge consoles and emergency steering from the steering gear room
must function correctly.

2. Main and standby power supplies, including any changeover facilities for the steering wheel
control and for the auto pilot, must be tested.

3. The steering gear and its control must be functionally tested for its response. The rudder must
be moved from 30° (Port) to 35° (Starboard) in 28 seconds.

4. Steering gear status indications must be operating correctly in the steering flat, main control
room and on the bridge

5. The rudder position indicators on the bridge and steering gear room should also be checked
while testing the steering gear. The bridge indication should be compared with the direct
mechanical indicator on the rudder stock in the steering flat.

6. Motor over-current alarms must be tested; it can be initiated by simulating the action of the
over current relay. Steering gear motor does not have over current trip protection; the only main
circuit protection is back-up fuses which are essential for short-circuit protection.

7. Phase failure alarm should also be tested by simulating the action of the voltage monitoring

8. Hydraulic fluid low level alarms, if fitted, must be checked and tested.

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Q How will you prepare for electrical survey for UMS operation?

Preparation of electrical survey for UMS Operation

• If ship is classified for the UMS operation, electrical survey extended to include all alarms, fire
detection, controls & fail-safe features of such an installation.
• Correct operation of all alarms associated with main engine, auxiliary engines and all sensors.

(1) Main engine control

• Correctly function and tested from Bridge, Engine control room, and Emergency position
• Electrical equipment operation and indication, inspected and tested for best demonstration
during the survey.
• Electrical equipment and connections inspected for wear and tear, loose connections,

(2) Standby G/E and Emergency G/E, Switchboard

• A standby main generator automatically start on loss of duty generator and supply power to
dead bus-bars within 45s
• Automatic sequential re-starting of essential auxiliaries for lubrication, cooling, fuel and
• Test emergency generator automatic starting function and check for correct voltage, current
and frequency.
• Tested- correct operation of electrical switchboard safety devices & under voltage by pulling
fuses in detection unit.

(3) Comprehensive alarm system for UMS, main & stand-up power supply

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• Alarms displayed on main console in the engine control room relayed to the bridge alarms
panel .
• Duty engineer call system operating in accommodation area, allowed 2~3 minutes to respond
to a machine alarm.
• If engineer not reached control room and accepted alarm within this time,
• Dead man alarm sounded in the alleyway adjacent to engineers’ accommodation.
• Inspected and tested main and standby electric power supply to overall alarm system.
• If standby power arrangement has battery back-up, check battery condition and its trickle-

(4) Automatic fire detection and alarm system

• Inspected and tested fire detection and alarm system.

• Correctly function of all smoke sensors, heat and flame sensors
• Inspected and tested for correct operation of hand operated fire-alarm switches of the break
glass type.

(5) Pumps, Bilge alarm

• Essential drives for lubrication, cooling and fuel supply provided in duplicate
• Arrange one pump selected on a duty/standby
• Loss of pressure at the duty pump automatically start up the standby unit.
• Inspected and tested of duplicate bilge level alarms, together with automatic bilge pumping

Q How will you prepare for main circuit breakers, motors and starters survey?

Main Circuit Breakers

The following items and all the operational tests related to the main circuit breakers must be
carried out prior to the surveyor’s visit.

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1. Carry out visual examination of circuit breakers in main, emergency and section boards.

2. Keep all internal wiring in good condition and tight end connections

3. Check Main, Arcing and Auxiliary contacts, all mechanical linkage for signs of wear,
misalignment and overheating.

4. Check Fixed and Moving isolator contacts at the rear of the circuit breaker.

5. Clean arc chutes, free of damage and correctly aligned.

6. Check overload current and short-circuit protection settings. within the declared specifications.

7. Check closing and trip operations of a circuit breaker while in its isolated position.

8. Check and test emergency hand charging (if fitted) of the closing spring

9. Check correct operation of the mechanical indicators to show whether breaker is open, closed
or isolated.

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Motors and Starters

The following items and all the tests related to the motors and starters must be carried out prior
to the surveyor’s visit. This will ensure their correct operation and allows time to resolve any
problems that may occur.

1. Carry out IR tests and properly log in an official form.

2. Check motors’ frames and terminal boxes for any damaged or missing parts.

3. Clean motors and starters free of dirt, oil or rust.

4. Totally enclosed, fan ventilated (TEFV) induction motors, windings are protected against the
external atmosphere.

5. Check motors with drip-proof, weather-proof and deck-watertight enclosures.

6. Check starters and associated control gear, such as remote stop/start buttons, regulating
resistors etc., for burned and misaligned contacts.

7. Check starter equipments for loose connections, signs of overheating on coils, transformers
and resistors.

8. Dust and weather-proof sealing features on the starters must be in place and in a serviceable

9. Carry out motor-running tests and check for any vibration problems, noise and worn out

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On load, check motor running current against the value indicated on the motor rating plate.

10. Function correctly of indicator lamps showing motor/starter condition. e.g. running, off,
tripped, etc

11. Check and test normal operation of starters from their local, remote and emergency control
(if applicable) positions.

12. Check over-current trip settings, and compare with the motor full-load current (FLC) rating.

13. Check motor starter back-up fuse size and type against ship’s/manufacturer’s drawings and
the motor rating.


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& A PART-2
By minbox - April 4, 2020

Q What are main switch board safety device? Explain about.

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Main switch board safety device are

1. Preferential Trip

2. Over voltage trip

3. Under voltage trip

4. Over current trip

5. Reverse current tip

6. Fuses

7. Automatic circuit breaker

8. Earth lamp

9. Meter

10. Synchroscope

11. Emergency synchronizing lamp

12. Rubber footstep, Insulated hand rail

1. Preferential Trip

❖ Usual setting for overload trip 150% load (50% overload)

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❖ When generator load reach 110%, Preferential trip into operation as follow

❖ First trip at 5 sec —shut down non essential load (air condition, accommodation fan, cargo
hold fan

❖ Second trip at 10 sec — shut down essential load (Refer plants)

❖ Third trip at 15 sec — shut down main generator as last action, if load still high, due to short
circuit or insulation breaking

2. Earth lamp

❖ Set of lamp, show presence of earth fault in distribution system

❖ In a 3-Phase A.C, there have no earth faults, the lamps glow with equal half brilliance.

❖ If an earth fault occurs on one line, the lamp connected to that line dim or extinguished.

❖ The other lamps will glow brighter than before (due to increased voltage).

3. Synchroscope

❖ Synchroscope is instrument

❖ Indicate that voltage, frequency, phase angle of two electrical supply of running machine and
incoming machine are in synchronism and parallel

Synchronising method

Synchronscope is main method.

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Back up method are

1. Lamp dark method

2. Lamp bright method

3. Sequcnce method

• In each case, lamps connected between incomer and bus-bars.

• Sequence method, displays rotation of lamp brightness indicates incomer running fast
(clockwise) or slow(anti-clockwise).
• Incomer is adjusted, lamp sequence rotates slowly clockwise.
• Circuit breaker closed when top or key lamp is dark and two bottom lamps are equally bright.

4. Reverse current trip

• Fit in main switchboard to trip and disconnect main circuit breaker, in event of reverse current
• Prevent generator against running as motor

(a) What are likely consequences of attempting to close incoming breaker when
generators are not in synchronism?

(b) How could you monitor the correct instant for synchronizing with and without the
aid of a synchroscope?

(c) Make a diagram of connection for a switchboard arranged for controlling two
compound generators intended to run in parallel. Explain the sequence of operation for
putting a compound generator on to bus bar to which another generator is already
connected and for making the incoming generator take a share of the load.

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(d) Synchroscope and its connection to main circuit.

(e) Ammeter or voltmeter construction to main circuit.

(f) Earth detecting lamp and its connection to main circuit.

(g) How could you monitor the correct instant for synchronizing without the aid of a
synchroscope or synchronizing lamps?


• At instant of closing the breaker, voltage phase difference causes a large circulating current
between machines which produces a large magnetic force to pull the generator voltages into
• This means rapid acceleration of one rotor and deceleration of other.
• Large forces physically damage generators and their prime-movers
• large circulating current trip each generator breaker and have a blackout.

(b) Correct instant for synchronizing without the aid of synchroscope

1. Set of lamp use back-up to the synchro scope

2. Correct synchronized position shown by either of the following methods:

(a) Lamps dark method (b) Lamps bright method (c)Sequence method

3. In each case, lamps connected between incomer and bus-bars.

4. Sequence method, displays rotation of lamp brightness indicates incomer running fast
(clockwise) or slow(anti-clockwise).

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5. Incomer is adjusted, lamp sequence rotates slowly clockwise.

6. Circuit breaker closed when top or key lamp is dark and two bottom lamps are equally bright.

(b) Correct instant for synchronizing with the aid of synchroscope (or ) (c)Procedures
for generators parallel-run

1. To achieve smooth manual synchronizing, incomer’s speed adjusted to obtain approximately

same frequency on bus-bar frequency meter e.g. 60 Hz.

2. Incoming generator voltage set by its AVR or manual trimmer

3. Fine tuning of speed observed on synchro scope or synchronizing lamps.

4. Incomer adjusted synchroscope indicator rotates slowly clockwise (fast direction) at about 4
seconds per indicator revolution.

5. Circuit-breaker closed, indicator approaches the 12 o’clock (inphase) position.

6. Pointer of incoming generator’s ammeter very little kick when correctly synchronized.

(c) (d)

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(d) Synchroscope

• Synchroscope has two windings; one connected to bus bars or running machine and other to
incoming machine i.e. on the machine side of the appropriate circuit breaker.
• Where several machines, synchroscope winding, intended to monitor incoming machine,
connected to each machine by selector.



• Ammeter used to measure current and connected in series with circuit to avoid large voltage
drop across ammeter
• Made very low resistance of few turns of thick wire, consume much power


• Voltmeter used to measure voltage and connected in parallel with it.

• Made very high resistance of thin wire, and consume minimum power.

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(f) Earth detecting lamp and its connections to the main circuit

• Earth indication lamps in a 3 phase A.C. system are arranged as shown in figure.
• When the system has no fault, the lamps glow with equal half brilliance.
• If any earth fault occurs on one line, the lamp connected to that line goes dim or
• The other lamps will glow brighter than before due to increased voltage.

(g) Synchronizing without the aid of a synchroscope or synchronizing lamps

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• Synchronized with s500V voltmeter for 440 system

• Connect pair of voltmeter proves across one phase of incoming circuit breaker
• Adjust generator speed until voltmeter slowly fluctuate from ‘0’to ‘max’
• Close circuit breaker when voltmeter indicator pass through zero

Q Synchronous AC generators are usually provided on board ship, Explain in detail one
type of generator to

(a) The construction (b) The performance; and (c) The maintenance required.

A. Explain construction and operation principle of synchronous generator(alternator)

B. Explain with aid of simple sketches, basic function of three phase static exciation.

C. Explain aid of simple sketch, basic principle of AC GE and static excitation method of
phase compound exciation

(a) (A) AC generator detail construction

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• AC generator have two main parts- stator and rotor.

• Stator- stator will be armature, generate output voltage.
• Assemble from laminate steel, 3 sets of phase winding, located slots
• 6 ends stator coils interconnected and found in stator terminal box.
• Rotor have two types – (1) salient pole type and (2) cylindrical type.)
• Salient pole type for marine generators, has projecting poles bolted or keyed onto shaft hub.
• Field excitation windings are fitted around each pole.
• Used with medium and low speeds (1800 rpm and below)
• Cylindrical type rotors are large power, use high speed (1500 ~ 3600 rpm) gas or steam
turbine drives. The excitation windings are wedged into axial slots around the steel rotor.
• Excitation current fed into winding via carbon brushes on pair of shaft mounted slip rings.
• Brush- piece of carbon, press by springs to make contact with rotating slip ring.
• Slip ring- Ring for making connection through brushes between winding and external circuit.)

(b)(A)(C) The performance

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• AC generator convert mechanical energy into electrical energy

• Pairs of electromagnetic poles are driven by the prime mover
• Flux past fixed coils of wire on stator.
• EMF induced in each phase, is 120° out of phase with the other two phases.
• 3 phase winding labeled U-V-W, terminal and bus-bar use R-Y-B

(c) Generator maintenance

1. Shut down prime mover engine and locked off.

2. Main circuit, auto start circuit, heater are switch off, lock out and tag out.

3. Inspect and clean generator rotor and stator windings by electrical solvent.

4. Inspect wire cable damage or insulation.

5. Inspect tightness of terminal connection

6. Check for sign of oil and water contamination

7. Cooling air intake and exhaust opening are not blocked and are free of dirt and dust

(B)(C) Static excitation method

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• Transient voltage response of generator improved by using static excitation method.

• Static excitation equipment located within generator casing or inside main switchboard.
• In this method, generator rotor field winding supplied with d.c. current, via shaft mounted slip
rings and brush-gear arrangement, from static excitation transformer
• Rectifier unit which fed directly from generator voltage and current output.
• This arrangement known as compounding as controlled by voltage (shunt effect) and current
(series effect) feedback.
• On no load, generator excitation is provided by PRI.1 winding of excitation transformer.
• On load, generator current injects an additional excitation current via PRI.2 of transformer to
maintain a constant output voltage.
• Response times as low as 1.5 second to correct a 15% voltage dip.


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& A PART-4
By minbox - April 7, 2020

Q Explain emergency battery charging system. Show a typical wiring diagram for two
batteries working on a charge-discharge

Emergency batteries charging system

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• A simple arrangement for lead-acid batteries is shown in figure. Load switch(L), charging
• At loss of main power, emergency power provided by automatic connecting of battery
• This type of secondary cell loses charge gradually over period of time.
• Rate of loss kept to minimum by maintaining cells in clean and dry state by using trickle
• In normal condition, batteries are on standby (L) open and (C) closed.
• This position of switches is held by the electromagnetic coil against spring pressure
• Loss of main power cause of de-energizing coil, spring pressure moving operating rod.
• Batteries disconnected from mains as switch (C) opens, and (L) close connect to emergency
• Loses charge is recovery by trickle charge using continuous constant current. Replace for
losses, no result of external load
• When batteries discharged on load, trickle current is insufficient to recharge them.
• Full charge restore by switching in quick charge. Afterwards batteries put back on trickle

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Charge – Discharge cycle

• figure shown is typical wiring diagram for two batteries working on a charge discharge cycle.
• Essential power (e.g. for radio equipment, fire detection, general alarm circuit) supplied from
two batteries worked on a regular charge/discharge cycle.
• One battery is discharge to load other is charge from ship’s mains.
• In case of main failure, feedback from the battery on charge is prevented by a blocking
rectifier in the circuit.
• Each change-over switch has an “Off” position and operated independently so that both
batteries put in parallel to the load during change-over operation.
• Continuous electrical supply to the load at all times. “off ” positions are essential to avoid
excessive overcharging.

Write short notes for the followings with the aid of simplified circuit diagram.

(a) Battery charging from d.c main.

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(b) Battery charging from a.c main

(c) Function test of relays

(d) Function test of contactors

(a) Charging from d.c main

• Circuit consist resistance connected in series, to reduce current flow from higher mains
• At main failure, feedback from battery on charge is prevented by relay (which is de-energized)
and spring arranged to automatically disconnect battery.
• Contacts are spring operated; gravity opening is not acceptable for marine installations

(b) Charging from a.c main

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• Main a.c supply is transformed and rectified, supply DC for battery charging.
• Supply current change from 230 V to 30 volts for charging 24 volt battery.

(c) Function test of relays

• Relay coil tested by measuring its resistance.

• Disconnect all power sources, relay is removed from circuit and checked with analog or digital

For relay coil

• Relay coil have a measurable resistance (not open or not shorted).

• Resistance vary design and operating voltage.
• When coil is open, meter reading is infinite Ω. When coil is short, meter reading is O Ω

For contacts

• The contacts should ohm as either open or shorted because they are a switch. Never have a
measurable resistance.
• When coil de-energized, normally open (NO) contacts read infinite Ω (OL), normally closed
(NC) contacts read 0 Ω.
• When coil energized, readings reverse: normally open (NO) contacts read 0 Ω, normally closed
(NC) contacts read infinite Ω (OL).

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(d) Function test of contactors

• After servicing the contacts, operation checked with an ohmmeter. Ensure the circuit is de-
• Disconnect at least one of leads to contact surfaces to ensure other parallel circuits are not
read by ohmmeter.
• Connect one lead of ohmmeter to one side of contacts and another lead to the other side of
the contact.
• Ohmmeter readings while contact physically open and close
• when contacts open, read infinite resistance, when contacts closed, Ohmmeter read zero

(a) Describe changes which take place within a lead-acid battery during discharge and
when charging is taking place?

(b) Explain

(1) Why the rate of charge will effect gassing?

(2) The risk associated with gassing and safeguards in battery compartments?

(3) The reason for distilled water topped up?

(4) The remedy for spillage of electrolyte on the skin?


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During discharge

• At positive plates, hydrogen ions (H+) remove oxygen from lead peroxide (PbO2) and
combine with it to form water (H2O).
• Loss of oxygen from the lead peroxide reduces it to grey lead (Pb).
• At negative side of cell, sulphate ions (SO–) combine with pure lead of (-) plates to form a
layer of white lead sulphate (PbSO4).

When charging,

• Sulphate goes back into solution as sulphate ions (SO4-), leaving the plates as pure lead.
• In electrolytes water breaks down, returning hydrogen ions (H+) to solution, allows oxygen to
recombine with lead of (+) plate and form lead peroxide (PbO2).

(b) (1) Gassing

• Charge progress, gassing begins when cell voltage reaches 2.30 ~ 2.35 V per cell and
increases. This process cannot be prevented entirely.
• To reduce amount of gassing, charging voltages about 2.30 V per cell minimized.
• Rate should not be too high to avoid violent gassing.

(2) Gas emission

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• When almost full-charged and during overcharge-

• hydrogen and oxygen are generated from lead acid batteries through cell vent-caps into
battery compartment.
• If hydrogen is allowed to accumulate, there is an explosion risk
• Regulations require good ventilation to remove gas and safeguards against naked lights or
sparks in battery compartments.

(3) Topping up

• Gassing and normal evaporation cause water loss,

• All rechargeable batteries (Other than the sealed type) topped up distilled water periodically.
• Exposure of cell plates to air rapidly reduce battery-life.

(4) Remedy for spillage of electrolyte on the skin

1. An alkaline cell uses an electrolyte of potassium hydroxide and a lead-acid cell uses Sulphuric

2. Both are diluted with distilled water and electrolyte cause skin burns.

3. When electrolyte splashed on skin, first aid treatment give immediately.

4. Rapidly wash eyes and skin with plenty of fresh water.

5. For Potassium hydroxide splash, wash out with a solution of boric acid powder.

6. For Sulphuric acid splash, wash out with saline solution

7. In battery compartment, both types of first aid equipment.

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(a) State the reason for carry out insulation tests on electrical machinery?

(b) How will you test the insulation resistance on electrical motor?

(c) What is the minimum requirement for insulation result?

(d) Describe the procedure for drying out an electric motor which has been immersed
in sea water.

(e) State the routine maintenance which should be carried out an A.C motor.

(a) State reasons for insulation test

• Measurement of the insulation test gives state of health of electrical equipment.

• Measure resistance between insulated conductors and earth, and between conductors

(b) Insulation resistance test on electric motor

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• Before applying the test, approve tester, test equipment disconnected from live power supply
• Megger tester use to check circuit live or dead. If circuit is dead, insulation resistance
• For phase-to-phase insulation resistance, 3 readings measure U-V, V-W, and W-U for between
• For phase-to earth insulation resistance as U-E, V-E and W-E for conductor to earth
• Insulation resistance decreases when temperature increase
• Record ER temp, Equipment temp.
• Insulation tester is a high reading resistance meter, using a high-test voltage 500 V DC.
• Test voltage produced an internal hand-driven generator battery, electronic voltage charger.
• Test voltage of 500V DC use for ships’ equipment rated at 440 V AC.
• Test voltages of 1000 V and 5000 V used for high voltage (HV) systems

(c) Minimum requirement for insulation result

Insulation resistance at least 1MΩ, maintain equipment in a clean condition to prevent tracking

(d) Procedure for drying out electric motor

• Insulation resistance of the stator windings restored to a high value. This is achieved in three
stages Cleaning, drying & re-varnishing
• Motor dismantled and check all parts.
• Salt contamination removed by washing with clean, fresh water.
• Any grease or oil on the windings removed using electro cleaner
• Dry the stator windings with low-power electric heaters or lamps
• Windings heated by current injection from a welding set or from a special injection
• Keep current injected level below motor’s full load rating.
• If windings clean and dry, restore insulation resistance to high value, apply good quality air-
drying insulating varnish

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(e) Routine maintenance for AC motors

(1) Keep motor clean and free from dirt and oil.

(2) Check for dampness around the motor or inside the motor

• This can reduce insulation strength of motor winding.

• keep motor dry internally as well as externally
• If not in use for long time, run the motor for few hours to dry out moisture.

(3) Periodic inspection of motor for accurate shaft alignment

• For directly coupled motor – check alignment between motor shaft and load shaft
• For belt-type system – check belt condition and belt tension.

(4) Check bearing condition on a regular basis.

• Bearing lubricated with prescribed lubricant in proper quantity.

• Excess as well as lesser quantity can do harm.

(5) Check for any abnormal noise or excess vibration from the motor or coupling. Do vibration
analysis if necessary.

(6) Check motor heating – If motor heats up quickly, check and clean air filters to get adequate
air flow.

Motor Maintenance

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• Maintenance required for cage rotor induction motors are.

• Keep insulation resistance high and contact resistance low
• Lubricate correctly and maintain uniform air gap
• Ensure both interior and exterior always clean and dry

(a) State with reasons, the most common locations of earth faults aboard ship.

(b) Explain how earth faults are detected on a three-phase insulated AC system.

(a) Common location of earth faults onboard ship

The most common locations of earth fault onboard ships are

1. Lamp fitting on open decks exposed to weather.

2. Washing machine and galley equipments which works in humid condition.

3. Loose strands, all strands must be used in machine wiring. Unconnected one or two strands
can touch grounded conductor. Care to be taken when connection point in solenoid valve, limit
switch, pressure switch. etc.

4. Conductor can be touch with metal case of components

5. Insulation tape may not be wrapped properly.

6. Aging destroys its insulation properties.

7. Dripping water over electrical machines.

8. Insulation affected by condensate due to machine not use for long time.

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(b) Earth fault detection

• In a 3-Phase A.C, there have no earth faults, the lamps glow with equal half brilliance.
• If an earth fault occurs on one line, the lamp connected to that line dim or extinguished.
• The other lamps will glow brighter than before (due to increased voltage).
• This method is commonly used for many years due to inexpensive installation and easy- to
• Disadvantage is not very sensitive and fail to indicate a high impedance earth fault.
• Instrument-type earth fault monitor connects a small DC voltage.
• Any resulting DC current is a measure of the insulation resistance of the system.
• The injection-type instrument limits the maximum earth fault monitoring current to only 1 Ma
(compared with about 60 mA for earth lamps)

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November 7, 2015 11:10 am | 3 Comments | Firoz

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 5

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What is synchroscope ?
▪ An instrument fitted at the main switchboard which indicates when two electrical supplies are in
MEO Exam
synchronism and can be paralleled.
▪ An instrument, which indicates that, voltages, frequencies and phase angle of two Safety
electrical supplies of running machine and incoming machine, are in synchronism and can
Fire Detectors
be paralleled.
Fire Fighting

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▪ Synchroscope should not be left in circuit for more than 20 minutes as it cannot Gas Freeing
continuously rotate.
▪ Synchroscope is a small motor with coils on the two poles connected across red and yellow phase
of the incoming machine and the armature winding supplied from the red and yellow switchboard Boilers

bus bars. Pumps

What is the synchronizing ?
Lubricating Oil

Sewage Treatment
▪ The process of bring the voltage, frequency and phase angle of electrical supplies into line in order
to be paralleled and share the loads. Inert Gas System

Air Conditioning
Explain Synchronising methods ?
Instrumentation and Control

▪ Synchroscope is the main method
▪ Back-up methods are: Lamp dark method Heat Exchangers
▪ Lamp bright method Steering Gear
▪ Rotating lamp method or Sequence methods (preferable)

Explain Rotating lamp method or Sequence method ?
1. One of the lamps known as key lamp is connected in one phase Purifiers
2. Other two lamps are cross-connected
3. If two frequencies differ, lamps will bright up in rotation. Clockwise indicates incoming machine is
fast, and counter-clockwise indicates it is slow Diesel Engines
4. Synchronising moment is when key lamp is dark and other two lamps equally bright Vibrations
5. If phase rotation is wrong, all lamps will become bright and dark together.
6. Remedy is to interchange any two phase connections

How to parallel the two generator with the aid of synchroscope on ships ? Download

Questions and Answers on Diesel

1. All meters and indicators must have in good working order.
Engines 1
2. Start the incoming generator with the correct staring procedure.
3. Check the working condition by readings pressure gauges, thermometer and audible and visual. MEO Class 2 Question Papers

4. Watch for a minutes until prime mover come to stable. MEO Class 1 Question Papers

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5. Check the voltage of existing and incoming generator on the switchboard, check trip if have reset. Checklists
6. Move the selector switch to incoming generator. At that time, synchroscope pointer will
rotate clockwise or counter clockwise direction.
7. Check the frequency and voltage of existing and incoming. Rudder

8. Carry out the adjustment by means of speed adjuster of prime mover to obtain the condition such Electrical
that synchroscope pointer rotate in the clockwise direction at a speed of about 4sec/rev.
9. Close the circuit breaker of incoming generator when the pointer reaches just before 12’ O clock Quadcopter
position. Motor and ESC Fire
10. Made off the selector switch.
Connecting Sonar
11. Made load shearing the two generators by the speed adjuster of generator.

How do you parallel the two generators if synchroscope is out of order ?

1. If synchroscope is out of order, the two generators can be paralleled by emergency synchronizing
lamps with sequence method.
2. The lamps are fitted as triangle forms, one on top and two on bottom.
3. To make parallel, reset if any trip
4. Move the selector switch to incoming generator. At that time, synchronizing lamps will give bright
and dark sequence rotate clockwise or counter clockwise direction. Subscribe
5. Check the frequency and voltage of existing and incoming.
6. Carry out the adjustment by means of speed adjuster of prime mover to obtain the
required frequency.
7. Adjust the speed to meet the slow clockwise direction. ***If you Like it, Share it
8. Incoming machine breaker is closed by hand when the top lamp (key lamp) dark and the
both bottom lamps are equal brightness.
9. Off the selector switch and make load sharing the two generators by speed adjusting.

How do you monitor the correct instant for synchronizing without the aid
of synchroscope or synchronizing lamps ?

1. It can be synchronized with 500V voltmeter as follow. Recent Posts

2. Connect a pair of 500V voltmeter probes across the one phase of the incoming machine
circuit breaker and bus bar. Measuring Fuel pump Lead on Marine

3. Adjust the generator speed until the voltmeter slowly fluctuates from zero to maximum. Auxiliary Engine

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4. Close the breaker when the voltmeter passes through zero. SIRE Inspection on Ships

Boiler Survey on Ships

Can you parallel the load of main G/E with emergency G/E and shore supply ?
Cargo Sampling Procedure on Ships
▪ It cannot paralleled, circuit breaker interlocks are arranged in this system.
Operation and Maintenance of Eductor

What are the generator safety devices ? on Ships

Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships

1. Over speed trip
2. L.O low pressure trip and alarm
3. F.O low pressure alarm
4. Jacket water high temperature alarm
5. Jacket water high temperature trip
6. Thermometer
air compressors air conditioning
7. Pressure gauge
boiler boiler blow down boilers cargo cargo
8. L.O high temperature alarm
pumps centrifugal pumps chemical tankers
9. Dip stick
circulation system cooling water system cross
10. Crankcase relief valve
head bearing oil system cylinder lube oil

Methods of armature reaction compensation ? systemdiesel engines explosimeter

fire detectors fire fighting fire triangle
▪ By fitting inter poles between the main poles freshwater generator freshwater
▪ By fitting carbon brush rocker generator on ships heat exchangers

▪ By fitting neutralizing winding indicator diagrams inert gas system

invention of diesel engine lube oil system
Reference: magnetic particle testing main bearing oil

system main engine

engineering marine
Oral Guide by – MIN ZAR TAR

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 5 engineering

study materials
marine main switch board meo class
Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology, MEO Examination Study Materials | Tagged: generator safety devices,
Methods of armature reaction compensation, monitor the correct instant for synchronizing without the aid of
exam questions panting pid
synchroscope, parallel the two generator with the aid of synchroscope, parallel the two generators if synchroscope is out controller positive displacement pumps

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monitor the correct instant for synchronizing without the aid of synchroscope Archives - Marin... https://marineengineeringonline.com/tag/monitor-the-correct-instant-for-synchronizing-without...

of order, Rotating lamp method, Sequence method, Synchronising method, synchroscope, What is the synchronizing pounding proportional control pumps
relief valve safeties in main switch board

sewage treatment plant smoke detectors

stp systems of main engine types of chemical

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& A PART-6
By minbox - April 9, 2020

(a) Explain about BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor),Uni-junction transistor.

(b) Describe about NPN and PNP transistor with sketch.

(c) Describe about Thyristor,GTO(gate turn off thyristor)

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(d) Describe about MOSFET operation, Snubber circuit.

(a) BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor)

• Three terminal device, fabricated with three separately doped regions.

• Two different types- NPN BJT, PNP BJT
• NPN device has one (p) region between two (n) regions.
• PNP device has one (n) region between two (p) regions.

Uni-junction transistor

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• 3 terminals semiconductor switching device, 3 terminals and 1 junction.

• Single emitter lead and two base lead.
• Consist of a bar of lightly dropped high resistivity semiconductor n type,
• opposite polarity of lightly dropped low resistivity material locate near center of bar.
• Ohmic contacts from each of bar base 1 and 2 and to emitter.

(b) NPN transistor

• Forward bias to emitter-base junction and reverse to collector-base junction.

• Forward bias causes electrons in n-type emitter to flow towards base, constitutes emitter
current IE.
• Electrons flow through the p-type base, combine with holes.
• Base is lightly doped and very thin.
• only a few electrons (less than 5%) combine with holes, constitute base current IB.
• Remainder (more than 95%) cross over into collector region, constitute collector current IC.
• Entire emitter current flows in the collector circuit.
• Emitter current is the sum of collector and base current. I E = I C + I B. (b)

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PNP transistor

• Forward bias causes holes in p-type emitter to flow towards the base. constitutes emitter
current IE.
• Holes cross into n-type base, combine with electrons.
• Base is lightly doped and very thin.
• Only a few holes (less than 5 %) combine with electrons.
• Remainder (more than 95 %) across into collector region to constitute collector current IC.
• Entire emitter current flow in the collector circuit.

(c) Thyristor

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• Solid state semiconductor device. Have 3 leads, 4 layer.

• Thyristors do not amplify fluctuating signals like transistors., Control current either on or off.
• A small current at one lead allow a much larger current to flow through other two leads.
• Two families of thyristor, silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs) and TRIACs.
• SCRs switch is for direct current and TRIACs switch is for alternating current.

GTO (Gate Turn Off Thyristor)

• Power semiconductor switching device, 4-layered PNPN.

• Similar to SCRs, gate can turn the GTO on and off.
• Turned on by a positive gate current and turned off by a negative gate current.
• Reverse gate current amplitude is dependent on anode current turned off.
• No need for an external commutation circuit to turn it off.

(d) MOSFET Operation

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• Unlike junction FET, N type or P type.

• Gate of MOSFET has no electrical contact with source and drain.
• A glass like layer of silicon diode(an insulator) separator gate metal contact from rest of

Snubber Circuit

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• Essential for diodes used in switching circuits.

• During reverse recovery process, diode can save from overvoltage spikes which arise.
• A very common snubber circuit, power diode consists capacitor and resistor connected in
parallel with diode.
• When revere recovery current decrease, capacitor by virtue try to retain voltage across it,
which is approximately voltage across diode.
• Resistor help to dissipate some of energy storage in conductor.

(a) Describe briefly about Diode.

(b) Describe about Silicon Control Rectifier.

(c) Explain about rectification with sketch.

(a) Diode

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• Diode is an electronic device, current flow in only one direction.

• Used as a rectifier because electrons can flow in only one direction, from cathode to anode.
• Most commonly used in electronic circuits are semiconductor diodes.

(b) Silicon Control Rectifier

• 4-layered 3terminal solid state device that controls current flow.

• A small current at one lead will allow a much larger current to flow through the other two
• Controlled is either on or off.
• SCRs are mainly used controlling of high power, possibly coupled with high voltage, is

(c) Rectification

• A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC), which periodically
reverses direction, to direct current (DC), in only one direction. The process is known as
• The rectifier circuits can be half-wave or full-wave using with Step down transformer and
semiconductor diodes.

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(a) What is the purpose of fitting Automatic Voltage Regulation on an auxiliary engine?

(b) Describe how an automatic voltage regulator monitors output voltage and controls
the excitation system for ac generator.

(a) Reason for AVR

• Starting of Large induction motor (low pf of 0.3-0.4 lagging) cause load current surge (6-8
times normal)
• Large voltage drop in generator winding, terminal voltage reduce at load.
• Effect is voltage drip, similarly stopping of large motors produce over voltage on bus bar.
• Real need for AVR, sudden connection of extra load and restore voltage quickly without
voltage hunting.

(b) Automatic voltage Regulator

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• At voltage sensing unit, generator output transformed, rectified and smoothed to give DC
• DC signal compare with set value produce by electronic circuit of Zener diodes and resistors.
• Output error signal amplified, use to control firing angle of thyristor through triggering circuit.
• AC exciter field coil supplied with regulated DC from SCR output.
• AC exciter rotor output feeds into bridge rectifier.

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Q Explain why low voltage protection is provided in an AC system? Briefly describe how
this protection is affected?

Undervoltage protection (Low voltage protection)

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• Under-voltage protection is electromagnetic or electronic, provide back-up protection to short-

circuit protection
• An under-voltage release mechanism (UVR) fitted, to all generator breakers and some main
feeder circuit-breakers.
• Its main function is to trip the breaker, when voltage dip (around 50%) occurs.
• By releasing mechanical latch (which keeps the contacts closed), to trigger trip mechanism,
that opens breaker main contacts.
• When generator voltage is very low or absent, U/V release on generator circuit breaker
prevents if closed
• Example, during generator paralleling procedures, wrong to close circuit breaker
• Dead generator equivalent of short circuit fault, on bus-bar & cause black out
• Undervoltage relay prevents dead generator circuit breaker from closed.
• Undervoltage protection require for motor starters.
• When supply voltage is lost or reduce, starter contactor normally provides this protection
• When supply voltage restores, starter circuit not allow motor to restart, except when special
automatic restarting provide
• during transient voltage dips (typically 15%) caused by large motor starting currents,
generator UVR is usually off-delayed (time delay) to prevent tripping
• roduce DC current for alternator field winding to control output voltage.


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& A PART-7
By minbox - April 10, 2020

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(a) Pneumatic lock up and fail safe system

• Pneumatic lock up and fail safe system serve to bring about particular valve position in event
of power failure
• Lock up system used to hold valve in its last position in event of supply failure
• Fail safe system arranged to move valve disc to open or close position in event of supply
• If valve fully open position is fail safe condition valve move to this position in event of supply

(b) Zieglar Nicolas tuning method (one method of PID controller tuning method)

• Close loop or on line tuning method proposed by zieglar and Nichols

• Set up system in closed loop mode ie with controller in automatic mode
• Remove integral (reduce proportional band) until controller just begin steady hunt.
• Small step change of desired value necessary to begin oscillation
• Record proportional band setting as value P when amplitude of oscillation is constant
• Record periodic time of sinusoidal hunt as value T
• Setting of PID parameters are done as per table shown below
• Small amount of trimming around these setting result in optimum performance

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Q Draw a detail a Ward-Leonard system installation used onboard a ship. State where
and why they are used onboard.

Ward-Leonard System

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• A.C motor (Driving)

• D.C generator
• D.C motor (Control)
• Transformer and rectifier circuit for D.C generator and D.C motor
• Control potentiometer D.C generator


3 phase induction motor drive DC generator.

DC generator output voltage

• Applied as power supply to DC motor armature.

• Increase or decrease by potentiometer as magnetic field strength alter by changing field
current to GE field winding.
• Varies, DC motor speed varies.
• DC motor speed and direction varies magnitude and direction of applied voltage.
• Potentiometer change current flow direction, through DC GE field poles.
• It will cause change in direction of generated current supply to DC motor and running direction
of DC motor.


• Use for fine control of DC motor speed from zero to full in either direction.
• Easier speed control and robust torque characteristic.
• Ship with DC power widely use steering gear motor.
• Ship with AC power, other deck machinery such as windlass, mooring winches, deck crane,

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Write short notes for the following:

(a) Drag cup tachometer

(b) Pneumatic flapper nozzle

(a) Drag cup tachometer

• Uses an aluminum cup, rotated in a laminated iron electromagnet stator.

• Stator has two separate windings at right angles to one another.
• An alternating current is supplied to one winding, eddy currents are set up in the aluminum
• Induced e.m.f in other stator winding which is proportional to speed of rotation
• Output voltage measured on a voltmeter calibrated to read in units of speed.

(b) Pneumatic nozzle flapper

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• Used in many pneumatic devices, use as a transducer.

• Transduces from displacement to a pneumatic signal.
• The very small linear movement of flapper convert control pressure output.
• Compressed air about (1) bar supplied through orifice (about 0.25mm diameter) to nozzle
(about 0.4mm) which larger than orifice.
• Position of flapper in relation to the nozzle determine amount of air escapes.
• If flapper is close to nozzle, high control pressure exit, if distance away, low control pressure.

How many steps do you know in troubles shooting procedure electrical Coil-in
electrical System.

Explain about any TWO items;-

1. Symptom Identification

2. Failure Analysis

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3. Listing of probable faulty unction

Six step of trouble-shooting are:,

1. Symptom identification

2. Symptom analysis

3. Listing of probable faulty function

4. Localising of faulty function

5. Localising trouble to circuit 6.Failure analysis

(1) Symptom identification

When handed a repair order with a electrical machine, three things to do:

1. Identify problem noted

2. Determine if it is a problem or not

3. If there is a problem, determine if it is intermittent or continuous

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• look for information how system should operate are System Outline in the Manual
• When verifying the problem, determine if the problem is continuous or intermittent
• If the problem is continuous (or not intermittent), fairly obvious when operate the suspect
• Intermittent problems more difficult to find.
• If the conditions are repeated and problem does not re-occur, visual inspection of harness,
connectors, and terminals

(2) Failure analysis

• After making the repair, always verify that the problem was actually fixed.
• Make sure all of the functions and features of circuit are workiing properly.
• Sometimes, a circuit has multiple problems which are causing it to be inoperative.
• Re-check of the circuit ensures that the owner will be satisfied

(a) What is close loop control?

(b) What are the advantage and disadvantage of close loop control?

(c) What are the Different types of Control actions?

(d) What are the fundamental problems with using simple proportional control?

(e) Desired value, Deviation, offset

(f) Cascade control

(g) Ratio control

(h) Split range control

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(a) Closed loop control

• Depend output.
• Monitor output and generate an error signal, correct input, call close loop control
• When operator replaced by a controller, sensor provide feedback of the controlled condition,
comparator to get the Deviation from measured value and the set value.
• Correcting signal to motor element to carry action on input, call automatic closed loop.

(b) Advantages of closed loop

1. Finer control, with less chances of deviation.

2. Suitable for systems having considerable load changes.

Disadvantages of closed loop

1. More expansive (than open loop).

2. Possibility of hunting (loss of stability).

3. For example, manual closed-loop water level control, an operator observes water level and
accordingly opens or shuts feed-check valve to maintain desired level, so more care is needed.

4. In Automatic closed loop, same work can be done by a Feed-water Controller, but design

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complicated and more maintenance required.

(c) There are several types of Control actions

1. ON-OFF or Two step control action

2. Simple Proportional action

3. Integral action

4. Derivative action

(d) fundamental problems

1. System have a large Offset or Sustained deviation.

2. Too slow in response to Load changes.

3. System become unstable (hunting) if Gain is changed to reduce Offset.

(e) Desired Value

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The value of controlled condition, operator desire to obtain.


• Difference between desired value and measure value.

• Signal send to comparator, initiate correction action.


• Measure value stabilized (reaches equilibrium) at some point other than set value.
• Load condition change.
• Offset occur in simple proportional control.

(f) Cascade Control

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• Two controller, Master and slave.

• Master controller sense tank 2, level provide desired value.
• Slave controller controls and measure tank 1 level.
• Slave controller loop determine correcting unit for master controller.
• Master controller- P+I and D, if time lags present.
• Slave controller- only P or possibly P+I action.

(g) Ratio Control

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• Another form of cascade control.

• Relation between controlled variable (supply B) and controlled variable (supply A), maintain at
desire ratio.
• Master controller provide desire value signal to slave controller, relate to measurement of flow
• Slave controller control flow B, maintain desire ratio between flow A and flow B.

(h) Split range control

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• Another form of multi-loop control.

• Single controller split into two or more ranges to operates corresponding correcting units.
• Range of output signal determine; correcting unit operate to bring desired action.


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& A PART-8
By minbox - April 11, 2020

(a) With reference to water level control system, with the aid of sketches, how remote
control of boiler water is achieved?

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(b) Explain the function of transmitter and control valve?


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• In three elements control system, measured variables are steam flow, feed water flow and
boiler water level.
• In balance situation, steam flow equal to feed water flow and these two signals are compared
in differential relay.
• Any deviation between desired and actual boiler water level, and deviation between steam
flow and feed water flow result in controller action to adjust feed water control valve.
• A sudden increase in steam demand results in deviation signal from differential relay and give
an output signal to open feed water control valve.
• For reduction in steam demand gives an output signal to close feed water control valve and
thus avoiding shrinkage effects.
• Any change in feed water pressure result in feed water control valve movement to correct
change before boiler water level affected.

(b) Function of Transmitter

1. It detects the water level in the drum and send signal to the digital controller.

2. A positive change of water level in boiler alters level transmitter coil‘s inductance value,
causing an imbalance in the system.

3. Signal converted and sent to control valve

Control valve

1. Control valve works depend on the signal given by controller and after done the job,

Sends a feedback signal to controller for confirmation.

2. Valve opening is depending on supply air with the signal given by controller.

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3. Level controller ( P+I controller) transmits an electrical signal to pneumatic positioner to

position and adjusts position of control valve.

Q Describe Carbon Pile Automatic Voltage Regulator with aid of simple circuit and

Carbon Pile AVR

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• Carbon pile resistance, varied by pressure changes, controls current flow through exciter
shunt field.
• Pressure is, applied by springs and, relieved by magnetic field strength of electromagnetic coil
• Current for electromagnetic coil supplied from Alternator output to switchboard.
• AVR is designed, change Alternator voltage, due to load, change effect electromagnetic coil’s
strength and alters carbon pile resistance.
• When Alternator voltage is low, spring exerts greater pressure & carbon pile resistance
become low, more current flow through exciter shunt field & increase output voltage.
• When Alternator voltage is high, electromagnetic coil relieves pressure & carbon pile
resistance become high, less current flow through exciter shunt field & decrease output
voltage.(Strength of electromagnetic coil relieves spring pressure on carbon pile)

(a) Explain the construction and operation principle of single phase transformer.

(b) Explain the transformer losses.

(a) Construction

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• Consists essentially two coils, wound on a closed magnetic circuit.

• Having low reluctance and high silicon content laminated steel core.
• Primary and secondary coils placed side by side.
• Two coils are insulated from each other and steel core.
• Core and windings assembled in suitable container.
• There are two main types of windings (1) concentric cylindrical and (2) sandwich.

(1) Concentric cylindrical windings

• Coils are circular in shape.

• Low voltage windings placed nearest to core
• In small transformers, each layer separated by small paper.
• In large transformers, each winding placed on a separate former.

(2) Sandwich windings

Two windings are placed in the alternate layers.

Operation principle

• Coil connected to AC supply called primary, another coil called secondary.

• If AC current passed through, primary coil produces change of flux, some of flux link
secondary coil.
• Change of current in primary cause change in the flux linking secondary.
• Produced self-induced emf in primary, mutually induced emf on secondary.
• If the circuit is completed a current will flow to load.

(b) Transformer Losses

Total power loss is a combination of different losses.

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Transformer is static machines, no friction and windage losses.

(1) The iron losses; (hysteresis and eddy current losses)

(2) The copper losses;

(1) Iron losses (hysteresis and eddy current losses)

• When core subjected to alternating flux, material becomes magnetized.

• Hysteresis loss takes place molecular fraction of core material.
• Hysteresis loss minize by high silicon content laminated steel core.
• Eddy currents induced in cores due to flow of eddy current.
• Eddy current minimized by using steel laminations insulated by light coat of varnish or by an
oxide layer on the surface.
• Core flux independent of load, iron losses constant.

(2) Copper loss

• Variable loss, varies as the square of the load current.

• Directly proportional to (current)² and also proportional (KVA output) ² .
• This loss called copper loss or I² R loss, occurs in primary and secondary windings.

Describe the following with the aid of sketches

(a) Bi-metal type thermometer

(b) Wax element temperature control valve

(c) Differential pressure cell

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(d) Strain gauge torsion meter

(a) Bi-metal type thermometer

• Bimetallic trip make two different metals.

• Typical metals use an iron-nickel alloy, firmly bonded together.
• When temperature changes, different amounts of expansion occur in the two metals, causing
bending or twisting of strip.
• The coiling or uncoiling of helix as temperature change cause movement of pointer fitted free
end of bimetallic stip.
• Temperature range is -30˚ to +550˚C.

(b) Wax element temperature control valve

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• Has a copper capsule contain, wax expansion varies with temperature.

• Movement is transmitted by diaphragm, plunger and linkage to alter position of shutter in
valve body.
• Temperature rise causes shutter, open ‘To Heat Exchanger’ and close ‘by pass’.
• This valve suited to “mixing” or “bypass” conditions.
• Temperature range about 10˚C, fail-safe inherent in design.

(c) Differential pressure cell

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• Two bellows mounted back to back on plate diving pressure chamber into two halves.
• Bellows connected internally by a rod through division plate and filled with inert gas or viscous
• Each side of pressure chamber connected high pressure and low pressure.
• If one pressure becomes higher than other, a differential pressure applied across bellows
assembly, move towards lower pressure.
• The rod transmits this movement to outside of pressure chamber through gland.

(d) Strain gauge torsion meter

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• A torsion meter is designed to measure proportional twisting of shaft that transmit power.
• The more power transmits, greater twist torque.
• Four strain gauges mounted on shaft, two axially and two radially to form a Wheatstone
• Twisting of shaft results in a proportional change of resistance in each of strain gauges.
• By combining an electronic indication of shaft revolution, a direct indication of transmitted KW
power produce

Q Describe the steam temperature control system with the aid of diagram?

Steam temperature control system

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• To avoid damage to the metallic structure of the steam turbine (due to thermal stresses),
• Necessary to control temperature of the high-pressure superheated steam.
• Stems from the boiler’s drum is directed to the primary super-heater lead to secondary super-
• Outlet temperature of secondary super-heater is measured and transmitted to a PID controller.
• Any deviation from the desired value, signal, send to summing relay where another input
signal (steam flow signal) is received.
• Steam temperature falls due to increased steam flow or increase load condition control of
valves by a split-control mode
• Attemperator’s inlet valve will shut and the by-pass valve will open.
• Steam is directed to the secondary super-heater.
• Opposite case steam temperature rises due to reduced steam flow or load condition.
• Steam temperature always maintained at a constant value by adjusting both valves in

Q Describe the engine lubricating oil temperature control with aid of system diagram?

Lubricating oil temperature control

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Method of temperature control uses a single measuring device located at the oil inlet.

• Use single measuring device, locate at oil inlet to engine.

• Low level alarm on L.O drain tank.
• High differential pressure alarm fit across duplex filter.
• Pressure switch locate after pump, provide automatic start-up of stand by pump in low
• A 3-way valve provide oil supply line to the cooler by-passing.
• The cooler provided with a full flow of sea water which is not controlled by system.
• On the L.O inlet to engine, temperature sensing element provide signal to (P+I) controller.
• The controller provided with a desired value, any deviation between desire value and input
signal, send output signal to 3-way control valve.
• If temperature low, more oil bypass cooler, temperature will increase.
• If temperature high, less oil by-passed, temperature will fall.

Regarding with control engineering;

(a) Explain the current signal of about 4 to 20 mA.

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(b) Explain about A/D converter (Analog to Digital converter)

(a) 4~20 mA current signal

4 ~ 20 mA current loops commonly used for analog signaling in many instrumentation


(a) 4 mA represents ‘0’ percent of measurement

(b) 20 mA represents 100 percent

(c) 12 mA represents 50 percent and so on.

• 4-20 mA current signal easily converted to 1 ~5 V indicating instruments.

• figure shown is 4 ~ 20 mA current loop with 2-wire transmitter.
• A transmitter converts a physical property such as temperature, humidity or pressure into an
electrical signal.

A simple 250-ohm precision resistor is connected in series with circuit which converts
current signal to a voltage. Receiver resistor will produce

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(a) 1 volt drop at 4 mA and

(b) 5 volt drop at 20 mA, etc:

• Power supplies for 2-wire transmitters must always be DC.

• For 4 ~ 20 mA loop with 2-wire transmitters, common power supply voltages are 12, 15, 24
and 36 VDC.
• For 4 ~ 20 mA loop using 3-wire transmitters, power supply can be either AC or DC.
• The most common AC power supply is the 24 VAC control transformer.

(b) A/D converter

• An analog-to-digital converter (ADC, A/D, or A to D) is a device that converts a continuous

physical quality (usually voltage) to a digital number that represents the quantity’s amplitude.
• The conversion involves quantization of the input, so it necessarily introduces a small amount
of error.
• Instead of doing a single conversion, an ADC often performs the conversions
• (“samples” the input) periodically.
• The result is a sequence of digital values that have been converted from a continuous-time
and continuous-amplitude analog signal to a discrete-time and discrete-amplitude digital


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High Voltage System on Ships
June 20, 2017 8:00 pm | 1 Comment | Firoz Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)

In ships, voltages upto and equal to 1000 volts is called as low voltage system and voltages above
1000 volts is called high voltage system. Normally low voltage system is common on board. But rising
demand for power due to heavy consumers on new ships require an efficient and surplus power supply.
The answer is high voltage system. Select Your Topic

Why high voltage system used on ships ? Home

MEO Exam
The following advantages of high voltage system explain why it is preferred over low voltage system.
1. As we mentioned, higher power demand for heavy consumers on ships is the first reason to Fire Detectors
choose high voltage on ships. High power bow thruster electric motors, reefer containers in
Fire Fighting
container ships, cargo cooling machineries in gas carriers, etc. are examples of such heavy power
Gas Freeing
2. High voltage machineries have much reduced size and weight compared to same power low General
voltage counterpart.
3. Reduced weight and space for machinery means increased space for cargo and more profit.
4. Using electric propulsion further reduces engine room size, again more cargo space and profit.
5. Ease of installation and reduced installation cost. Compressors
6. Conductor size is reduced due to low current flow in high voltage system, means reduced copper Lubricating Oil
requirement and low cost.
Sewage Treatment
7. In high voltage system, copper loss or I²R losses are much reduced when compared to low
Inert Gas System
voltage system, as the current flow is less.
8. Overall estimated 1/3 rd reduction in cost compared to low voltage system. Air Conditioning

Instrumentation and Control

What are the disadvantages of high voltage system on ships ?

Heat Exchangers
1. Handling high voltage means high class insulation to be used on conductors. (Generally ‘F’ class
and above) Steering Gear
2. Higher voltages means greater risk and hence require stringent safety procedures. Refrigeration
3. Skilled labour required for handling high voltage system.
4. Danger of arcing, chances of arc flash and arc blast.
5. Special switch gears are required to preventing arcing.
Why machinery working in high voltage system has reduced weight and size ?

Diesel Engines
Consider an electric motor consuming power of 500 kW
We have the power, P = √3 V I Cos ∅ Turbochargers


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In low voltage system, power, P = 500 x 1000 Watts, power factor, Cos ∅ = 0.8, Voltage, V = 440 Download

Questions and Answers on Diesel

P = √3 V I Cos ∅ Engines 1

MEO Class 2 Question Papers

Current, I = P / (√3 V Cos ∅)
MEO Class 1 Question Papers

I = 500000 / (√3 x 440 x 0.8 ) Checklists

I = 820 Ampere Naval

Similarly, In high voltage system, power, P = 500 x 1000 Watts, power factor, Cos ∅ = 0.8, Voltage, V
= 3.3 kV
P = √3 V I Cos ∅
Motor and ESC Fire

Connecting Sonar
Current, I = P / (√3 V Cos ∅)

I = 500000 / (√3 x 3.3 x 1000 x 0.8 )


So for an electric motor, working in high voltage system draw very low current compared to that of low Email*
voltage system. As current carrying capacity of conductor reduces, size of the conductor can also be
reduced much. This considerable reduction in conductor material result in reduced size of machinery
and save space for installation. Subscribe

Why copper loss and iron loss is less in high voltage system ?

From the above comparison on current flow between a high voltage system and low voltage system, it
***If you Like it, Share it
is clear that current draw with high voltage is much lesser. Hence copper loss or I²R losses and iron
loss are considerably lesser.

What is meant by arcing, arc flash and arc blast in high voltage system ?

▪ Arcing is the production of unintentional electric arc during opening circuit breaker, isolator or
contactor due to the discharge of electricity through the medium between the two contacts. (In fact
arcing occurs during closing the breaker also). Recent Posts
▪ Arcing also occurs when heavy current flow to earth during an earth fault or short circuit fault due
to insulation failure. Measuring Fuel pump Lead on Marine
▪ During arcing temperatures at the arc terminals can go upto 20000 ºC or more, which is around 4 Auxiliary Engine
times the temperature of sun’s surface.
SIRE Inspection on Ships
▪ The intense light formed at the point of arc is called as arc flash.
▪ Instant heating of air surrounding the arc occurs and conductors vaporises, resulting in formation Boiler Survey on Ships
of a high pressure wave. If the pressure wave is not released, it results in an explosion called arc
Cargo Sampling Procedure on Ships
Operation and Maintenance of Eductor
What are the hazards of arc flash and arc blast ? on Ships

▪ Permanent damages to the electrical equipment. Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships

▪ Irreversible damage to the human tissue and incurable burns due to very high temperatures.
▪ Arc flash produces intense UV light, resulting permanent or severe damages to the eye vision.
▪ Pressure wave from the arc blast compresses the eyes, resulting permanent or severe damages
to the eye vision. Tags
▪ Heavy noise (above 140 dB) may damage hearing ability, sudden pressure changes may rupture
ear drums also. air compressors air conditioning
▪ Arc blast explodes the equipment, ejecting parts with tremendous force and velocity. This may boiler boiler blow down boilers cargo cargo
result in damages to personnel and property. pumps centrifugal pumps chemical tankers

▪ Flammable materials present in the vicinity of arc may ignite, causing secondary fires. circulation system cooling water system cross
head bearing oil system cylinder lube oil
What is the difference between short circuit and short circuit level ? system diesel engines explosimeter

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▪ A short circuit is a fault which occurs when the current in a system deviates its normal path and fire detectors fire fighting fire triangle
start flowing through an alternate path. freshwater generator freshwater
▪ Since the alternate path offers very low resistance, the current increases very much above the generator on ships heat exchangers
normal value. indicator diagrams inert gas system
▪ Short circuit level (SCL) is the maximum possible current that flows through a circuit during a invention of diesel engine lube oil system
short circuit fault. magnetic particle testing main bearing oil

What is the effect of short circuit fault in high voltage system ?

system main engine

engineering marine
▪ High current flow during a short circuit fault result in increased temperatures, which damages engineering
insulation, produces high thermal and mechanical stresses in the system, may cause arcing, arc study materials
flash and arc blast. meo class
marine main switch board

exam questions panting pid

What are the methods adopted to prevent ill effects of short circuit fault ? controller positive displacement pumps
pounding proportional control pumps
▪ Protective relay installed in the system immediately trips and isolates the equipment during a short relief valve safeties in main switch board

circuit fault within a short time. This prevents the effects of high current flow through the circuit. sewage treatment plant smoke detectors
▪ The generators, cables, equipment, switch gears, etc. associated with the system are designed to stp systems of main engine types of chemical
withstand the heavy current during short circuit fault for this short duration of time. tankers

See Also:

Insulation Resistance Tests of High Voltage Equipment

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology | Tagged: advantages of high voltage system, arc blast in high voltage system,
arc flash, Danger of arcing, disadvantages of high voltage system, Handling high voltage, hazards of arc flash and arc
blast, high voltage system, High Voltage System on Ships, ill effects of short circuit fault, light during arc flash, noise
during arc blast, short circuit, short circuit level

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Insulation Resistance Tests of High Voltage
Equipment Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
June 19, 2017 11:28 pm | Leave a Comment | Firoz

Importance of Insulation Resistance (IR)

Select Your Topic
The high voltage system consist of generators, cables for power distribution, transformers, switch gear,
and consumers. Here, consumers are large electric motors for propulsion, air conditioning Home
compressors, bow thrusters, etc. Insulation resistance is the key parameter which gives the general
condition of an electrical equipment. First of all, make sure IR values are to be checked between MEO Exam

phases and between phases and earth periodically. In addition, these IR values are recorded for future Safety
references. Also, high voltage equipments are normally designed for a useful insulation life of 20 years
Fire Detectors
and more. Hence proper operation within rated power, temperature and timely maintenance ensure
prolonged life of the equipment. Fire Fighting

Gas Freeing
In high voltage system, insulation resistance is measured using a 5000 volt DC megger, for voltages
upto 6.6 kV. Furthermore, insulation resistance is measured under following conditions.

▪ Routines test as per planned maintenance system (PMS) Pumps

▪ After a major repair of the equipment, and Compressors
▪ Troubleshooting purposes
Lubricating Oil

What is the procedure / precautions for measuring insulation resistance of a high voltage Sewage Treatment

equipment ? Inert Gas System

Air Conditioning
▪ First of all, disconnect the power supply to the high voltage (HV) equipment by opening circuit
Instrumentation and Control
breaker and opening isolator.
▪ In addition, confirm that all the phases are dead using an approved live line tester. Also make sure
to check the live line tester for proper functioning using the testing tool provided along with the Heat Exchangers
same. Steering Gear
▪ Close the earthing switch now and make sure all the conductors are earthed.
▪ Now connect the insulation resistance (IR) tester to the conductor, with safety earth connection
ON. This is to ensure that the operator is not in contact with any unearthed conductor during
insulation resistance (IR) measurement. Welding

▪ After connecting insulation resistance (IR) tester to the circuit, safety earth is to be disconnected. Purifiers
▪ Now insulation resistance (IR) test is applied and recorded.
▪ After completion of the testing, safety earth is to be reconnected.
▪ Now disconnect the insulation resistance (IR) tester from the circuit. Diesel Engines

▪ This safety measure to be followed for each separate IR test. Vibrations

Why normal insulation resistance (IR) values are unreliable for high voltage machinery ?

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▪ IR values taken for a machinery at different temperatures are unreliable, especially when the Download
temperature difference is more than 10 °C. Questions and Answers on Diesel
▪ Also for high voltage system, it takes to stabilise the IR values. So instantaneous readings may Engines 1
lead to false interpretations.
MEO Class 2 Question Papers

What is meant by Polarization Index (PI) ? MEO Class 1 Question Papers

▪ Polarization Index (PI) value is the ratio between the insulation resistance (IR) value measured
after the application of the test voltage continuously for 10 minutes to the IR value measured after Naval

1 minute of application. Rudder

▪ PI = (IR value after 10 minutes) / (IR value after 1 minute)
▪ PI readings are less sensitive to changes in temperatures.
▪ It will take some time for leakage currents while IR testing to attain saturation, hence reading is Quadcopter
taken after 10 minutes.
Motor and ESC Fire
▪ PI value of 2 or more is considered as satisfactory. If the PI value is less than 1.5, equipment to be
Connecting Sonar
used only after improving PI value.
▪ An electronic merger tester is essential for PI test. Because hand driven merger testers will not be
able to give the steady test voltage for long time.

Why it is necessary to measure bolted bus bar joint resistance ? JOIN FOR UPDATES

▪ High current flows through the bus bar. Any resistance in the bus bar cause resistive heating (I²R Email*
▪ Same situation is applicable for any joints in the circuit.
▪ This resistive heating produces hot spots or over heated areas. It is unsafe and may gradually Subscribe
reduce useful life time of the equipment.

How to measure bolted bus bar joint resistance ?

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▪ A normal ohm meter only drives small milli ampere (mA) current through the circuit. So it is not
desired for measuring bolted busbar joint resistance.
▪ Special low resistance micro ohm meter (also known as ducter) is normally used for
▪ A calibrated current is allowed to pass through the circuit (say 10 Amps). Also the voltage drop
across the circuit is measured. Hence resistance can be measured from the formula, R = V / I
▪ For a healthy bus bar, joint resistance is about few milli ohms (mΩ).
Recent Posts
How the hot spots in the bus bars or surrounding area is checked ?
Measuring Fuel pump Lead on Marine
▪ It is necessary to keep the system running live to analyse any hot spots. Auxiliary Engine
▪ A recording infra red camera can take thermal images of different parts of the system from a safe
SIRE Inspection on Ships
▪ These thermal images are processed in a computer program to display hot spots and temperature Boiler Survey on Ships
Cargo Sampling Procedure on Ships
See Also:
Operation and Maintenance of Eductor
on Ships
High Voltage System on Ships
Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships
Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology | Tagged: 5000 volt DC megger, formula for pi, formula for polarisation index,
hot spots in the bus bars, Importance of Insulation Resistance, IR values, measure bolted bus bar joint resistance,
Polarization Index, precautions for measuring insulation resistance, procedure for measuring insulation resistance

air compressors air conditioning

boiler boiler blow down boilers cargo cargo
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pumps centrifugal pumps chemical tankers

circulation system cooling water system cross

head bearing oil system cylinder lube oil

system diesel engines explosimeter

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fire detectors fire fighting fire triangle

freshwater generator freshwater
generator on ships heat exchangers

indicator diagrams inert gas system

invention of diesel engine lube oil system

magnetic particle testing main bearing oil

system main engine

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study materials
meo class
marine main switch board

exam questions panting pid

controller positive displacement pumps
pounding proportional control pumps
relief valve safeties in main switch board

sewage treatment plant smoke detectors

stp systems of main engine types of chemical

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Category Archives: Marine Electrical Technology

Earthing Down in High Voltage System
June 18, 2017 9:24 pm | Leave a Comment | Firoz Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)

Earthing down is an important concept as far as working in high voltage system is concerned. It is an
additional safety procedure for high voltage systems. Earthing down ensures all the stored electrical
energy in the circuit insulation is safely discharged to earth. Hence earthing ensures that isolated
electrical equipment is safe to work. Select Your Topic

Note: Always check the circuit using ‘live line tester’ after isolating the circuit. Earthing down to Home
be carried out only after confirming that the circuit is dead.
MEO Exam

Importance of Earthing Down Safety

Fire Detectors
Higher insulation resistance is required in high voltage system. This results in higher insulation
Fire Fighting
capacitance. We have the equation for stored energy in the system,
Gas Freeing

E = ( C x V² ) / 2 General

Where, E = Stored Energy in Joules

C = Insulation Capacitance Compressors

Lubricating Oil
V = Voltage Sewage Treatment

Inert Gas System

In the formula square of the voltage is used. We know that the voltage itself is very high in HV system.
These factors lead to heavy stored energy in the system which will be life threatening. Air Conditioning

Instrumentation and Control

In a high voltage system there are two types of earthing. Hydraulics

Heat Exchangers
1. Circuit Earthing
2. Busbar Earthing Steering Gear

Circuit Earthing Corrosion

All the three phases or conductors are connected to a heavy earth connection after circuit breaker has
been racked out. This is carried out using a key, which is then locked in the key safe. It is impossible to Purifiers

rack in the circuit breaker without removing this earthing down connection using the same key. Motor

Diesel Engines
Busbar Earthing

When we have to work on part of the busbar itself, make sure all the incoming sources of electricity are Turbochargers
completely isolated. These sources are generator cables, transformer connections, bus tie breaker, etc. Tools

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Each phase earthing down to be done using portable leads. These portable leads give a visible Download
confirmation of earthing down. Questions and Answers on Diesel
Engines 1
Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology | Tagged: Busbar Earthing, Circuit Earthing, Earthing Down in High Voltage
MEO Class 2 Question Papers
System, Importance of Earthing Down
MEO Class 1 Question Papers


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sewage treatment plant smoke detectors

stp systems of main engine types of chemical

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Category Archives: Marine Electrical Technology

Troubleshooting Alarm Monitoring and Control
System on ships Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
February 6, 2016 4:22 am | Leave a Comment | Firoz

Faults in Alarm Monitoring and Control System

Select Your Topic
The alarm monitoring and control system on the ship may give false alarms and incorrect data
printouts. These faults could be: Home

1. Localized to a particular area of engine operation or MEO Exam

2. General to the engine room Safety

Fire Detectors
When the alarms are specific to a certain area of the engine room it would be suspected that the
following faults could be present Fire Fighting

Gas Freeing
▪ Cable fault: If the cable connecting the sensors with the control room were damaged, the
resulting short/open circuits could generate false alarms General

▪ Control card/panel fault: The alarms could be grouped within a certain alarm or monitoring Boilers
panel, and there could be a defect within this panel. Pumps
▪ External interference: Machinery could be operating in the suspect area, which is poorly
screened, and the resulting interference could be transmitted via the instrument cables to the
Lubricating Oil
monitoring panels.
Sewage Treatment
When the alarms are general to the whole engine room, then the main supply to the alarm and Inert Gas System
monitoring panel would be checked for:
Air Conditioning

▪ Earth faults: A combination of earth faults could affect the earth potential and hence the reading Instrumentation and Control

of the instrumentation. Hydraulics

▪ Supply voltage level: The monitoring circuit would use low 24V supply, and this would need to be Heat Exchangers
at the correct level without any voltage ripple present.
Steering Gear

The following action should be taken to ensure continued safe operation of the vessel if the defects Refrigeration

with alarm monitoring and control system were general to the engine room. Corrosion

▪ The problem with intermittent alarms and incorrect printouts would be that the engineer on duty
would be unable to rely on the information given to him by the remote instrumentation and alarm
panel. Hence a greater use would need to be taken of the local readings from pressure gauges Motor
and thermometers. Diesel Engines
▪ This would mean that the UMS operation would be stopped and watch-keeping practices with a
manned engine room would be commenced. The watch keepers would be instructed to complete
a full manual log of the various operational parameters of pressure, temperature and the various Turbochargers

tank levels. This manual log would be taken every watch period of four hours. Tools

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▪ The engineering staff would be divided between the various watch duties, ensuring that all watch Download
keepers were certified and had the appropriate duty and rest periods assigned to them. Questions and Answers on Diesel
▪ Any machinery units requiring manual control would have their operation explained to all Engines 1
engineers, and a procedural checklist compiled for the operation of all such machinery.
MEO Class 2 Question Papers

MEO Class 1 Question Papers

Troubleshooting Alarm Monitoring and Control System
The possible faults stated earlier would be the earth fault or supply irregularity. The earth fault could be
identified by observing the 24V distribution panel that would have an earth detection unit fitted. If an Naval

earth fault was indicated on this panel then Rudder

▪ A positive earth would be traced by disconnecting the supply fuses in turn to parts of the engine
room to identify the problem area Quadcopter
▪ A negative earth would require that each instrument have its earth wire disconnected and left
Motor and ESC Fire
disconnected until the fault is traced. This would mean the loss of many of the instruments within
Connecting Sonar
the engine room and could only be carried out when watch keeping duties were active. Each wire
would be marked to ensure correct replacement.
▪ The supply irregularity could be identified by using an oscilloscope, which would show both the
level of voltage present and if any supply ripple was present. A simple AVO meter would also
indicate correct voltage levels. The earth fault would be rectified by locating the cable/insulation JOIN FOR UPDATES
defect and then replacing the cable, or repairing the defect by re-insulating the damaged area. The
supply irregularity would be rectified by replacing the charging unit of the 24V DC supply, and/or Email*
replacing any defective batteries.

Posted in: Instrumentation and Control, Marine Electrical Technology | Tagged: Alarm Monitoring and Control System,
Cable fault, Faults in Alarm Monitoring and Control System

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Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships


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MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function
5- Part 8 Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
November 20, 2015 8:57 pm | 3 Comments | Firoz

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 8

Select Your Topic
What documents to give to surveyor for switch board survey ?
1. Voltmeter, Wattmeter, Ammeter Calibration test result
MEO Exam
2. ACB test result (Survey result)
3. Control Circuit Safeguard test results (Safety trips and Alarm test results) Safety
4. Maintenance reports
Fire Detectors
5. IR test results of each terminal; all 440 V and 220 V main circuit
Fire Fighting

Data to be given Surveyor for electrical survey ? Gas Freeing

1. Voltmeter, Wattmeter, Ammeter calibration test result
2. ACB test result (Survey result) Boilers

3. Control Circuit Safeguard test results (Safety trips and Alarm test results) Pumps
4. Maintenance reports Compressors
5. IR test results of each terminal : all 440 V and 220 V main circuits
Lubricating Oil
6. IR test results of all motors & their safety factors, such as:
Sewage Treatment
————–> Test date, time, place Inert Gas System

Air Conditioning
————–> Voyage No.
Instrumentation and Control

————–> Ambient temperature Hydraulics

Heat Exchangers
————–> Weather condition, hot or humid Steering Gear

————–> Machine is hot or cold

Difference between DC and AC generators ? Welding

▪ DC generator has commutator and AC generator has slip ring or brush less.

What is drop test ? ( Volt drop test) Diesel Engines

▪ It is a kind of test for exploring the open circuit fault, short-circuit fault of an armature winding or a
set of field windings
▪ It is more reliable check than the growler test.

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Testing in electric machines ? Download

Questions and Answers on Diesel

1. Insulation test (Meggar test) Engines 1
2. Continuity test MEO Class 2 Question Papers
3. Voltage test
MEO Class 1 Question Papers
4. Current test
How many types of motor starter ?

1. Direct on line starter Rudder

2. Star delta
3. Auto transformer
What is static electricity ? Motor and ESC Fire

Connecting Sonar
▪ Electricity produced on dissimilar materials through physical contact & separation.
▪ Out going material negative, remaining material positive. After having high potential spark occur.
▪ This is occurs in thin oil. Explosion occurs when tank cleaning operation and gas freeing
Protection against accumulation of static charges ?
▪ Bunker pipes are electrically bonded and from ship earthing arrangement to shore.
▪ Inert gas maintains above cargo in the tanks.
▪ C.O.W operation must be start after pumping out 1 m3 to make sure no water remain in the tank. Subscribe

What is open loop in control system ?

▪ The loop is open, there is no feedback and the action of the controller has no reference to
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the result it produces.
▪ An open loop is a manual process where by information is not feed back to the control system. A
man is required to sight visually or read display information and then make an adjustment.
▪ Manual control gives satisfactory results. Carelessness of the operator may lead to an end product
of result that fails to meet the requirements.
▪ The arrangement may then decide to install automatic control. The controller must replace the
human brain.
Recent Posts
The close loop automatic control system
Measuring Fuel pump Lead on Marine
▪ In practical automatic control systems, the controlled variable must first be measured. Auxiliary Engine
▪ This may require both a detecting (sensing) element and a measuring element, or two may be
SIRE Inspection on Ships
combined in a single unit; the measured value is then compared with the desired value in the
comparison element. Boiler Survey on Ships
▪ The output from the comparator, commonly called the error, causes the amplifier to vary its output
in such a way as to reduce the error. Cargo Sampling Procedure on Ships

Operation and Maintenance of Eductor

What is closed loop in control system ? on Ships

▪ In an automatic process the closed loop is formed by the sensor, which feeds back information of Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships
the final process. This feedback or closed loop, return into a mixing point or comparison point
where it compares itself against reference or set point signal. Any deviation between these two
signals will alter or adjust the control mechanism.
What is data logger ?
air compressors air conditioning
▪ The data logger is capable of producing a printer record of off limit conditions. boiler boiler blow down boilers cargo cargo
▪ It can also produce a printed log of plant sensors at predetermined intervals or on demand. pumps centrifugal pumps chemical tankers

circulation system cooling water system cross

What is meant by automation ? head bearing oil system cylinder lube oil

system diesel engines explosimeter

▪ Any or all of the combined processes used aboard ship that have the ability to control work,

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notify the operator of its status and warn of malfunctions. fire detectors fire fighting fire triangle
▪ This allows less people to control more machinery in a more accurate and efficient manner. freshwater generator freshwater
generator on ships heat exchangers
Reference: indicator diagrams inert gas system
invention of diesel engine lube oil system
Oral Guide by – MIN ZAR TAR magnetic particle testing main bearing oil

system main engine
MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 8
engineering marine
Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology, MEO Examination Study Materials | Tagged: Data to be given Surveyor for engineering
electrical survey, Difference between DC and AC generators, documents to give to surveyor for switch board survey, study materials
Protection against accumulation of static charges, switch board survey, Testing in electric machines, types of motor meo class
marine main switch board

starter, Volt drop test, What is drop test exam questions panting pid
controller positive displacement pumps
pounding proportional control pumps
relief valve safeties in main switch board

sewage treatment plant smoke detectors

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MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function
5- Part 7 Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
November 20, 2015 8:55 pm | 1 Comment | Firoz

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 7

Select Your Topic
Action when an electrical machine is flooded with seawater ?
1. Machine is disconnected from power sources and dismantled
MEO Exam
2. All salt deposits washed out with freshwater
3. If deposited with oily bilge water, wash out with Electro Cleaner Safety
4. Should be heated with lamp, and enclosed or covered up to retain the heat
Fire Detectors
5. Moisture should be escaped, by lifting the cover continuously or periodically
Fire Fighting
6. Hottest part of the machine shall not exceed 90°C, while heating
7. IR readings and temperatures taken regularly, until constant value reach about 1 mega ohms Gas Freeing
8. Then spray the machine with insulation vanish
9. Assemble and out in service with low load, if possible

Why drying out of electrical machine ? Pumps

▪ It is essential, when machine has been exposed to weather, or when accidentally immersed.
Lubricating Oil

Short, open and grounded circuits ? Sewage Treatment

Inert Gas System

Short circuit: Air Conditioning

Instrumentation and Control

A low resistance path that actually shorten the intended path for the flow of current

Open circuit: Heat Exchangers

Steering Gear
The path for the flow of current is broken. A switch s one method of creating an “open” intentionally

Grounded circuit:
A circuit that has come in contact with the earth, by coming in contact somewhere in itself, or by a Purifiers
conductor which is connected with the earth

What is shore connection on ships ? Diesel Engines

▪ Shore connection box is provided at convenient position, to receive shore power supply, so that Turbochargers
ship’s generators can be shut down, in port or during Dry Docking.

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What are Lloyd’s requirement on shore connection ? Download

Questions and Answers on Diesel

1. Connection box contains a circuit breaker or isolating switch with fuses Engines 1
2. Provided full information of supply system, normal ship voltage and frequency for AC current MEO Class 2 Question Papers
3. Main Switch board must be provided with a link switch or a circuit breaker, voltmeter, ammeter,
MEO Class 1 Question Papers
and an indicator to show that the cable is energized
4. For 3-phase supply with earth neutral and earthing terminal must be provided, for connecting the Checklists
hull to shore side.
5. A phase sequence indicator is necessary to ensure correct connections
6. Means shall be provided for checking polarity, and terminals should be labeled Rudder

How will you check the frequency of shore power supply ?
1. Shore power supply connection box shows phase sequence of shore power generator with bright
Motor and ESC Fire
and dark lights
Connecting Sonar
2. Frequency can be check at Main Switchboard, after shore supply is ‘on’ through link switch
or circuit breaker.

What are Common faults in DC Generator and Motors ?

1. Sparking at brushes
2. Overheating Email*
3. Failure to excite

Causes of Sparking at Brushes ? Subscribe

1. Wrong brush position

2. Dirty commutators
3. Brushes not properly bedded
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4. Incorrect spring pressure on brushes
5. Wrong grade of brush
6. Overloading

Causes of Overheating ?

1. Overloading
2. Blocking up of ventilation passages with dirt Recent Posts

Test for over current trip ? Measuring Fuel pump Lead on Marine
Auxiliary Engine
By injecting current with injectors
SIRE Inspection on Ships

Test for Reverse Power Trip ? Boiler Survey on Ships

By reducing frequency Cargo Sampling Procedure on Ships

Operation and Maintenance of Eductor

What is Ward Leonard System ? on Ships

1. Used for fine control of shunt motor speed from zero to full in either direction Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships
2. Able to give the motor a robust torque characteristic
3. Can be used for motors of electric steering gears of ships with DC power
4. Used on ships with AC power for deck machinery such as windlass, mooring winch etc.
5. Working motor, which powers the steering gear, windlass or other equipment is a DC machine, Tags
because speed control of these made easy
air compressors air conditioning
How Ward Leonard System works ? boiler boiler blow down boilers cargo cargo
pumps centrifugal pumps chemical tankers
1. A DC generator is driven by AC squirrel cage induction motor. circulation system cooling water system cross
2. Output voltage of DC generator is applied as power supply to armature of working motor. head bearing oil system cylinder lube oil
3. Speed and direction of working motor varies with magnitude and direction of applied voltage system diesel engines explosimeter
4. Output voltage of DC generator is increased or decreased by Potentiometer, as magnetic field

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strength is altered by changing the field current to field windings of the generator fire detectors fire fighting fire triangle
5. As output voltage of the generator varies, speed of the working motor also varies freshwater generator freshwater
6. Change of current flow direction, also by Potentiometer, through the field poles of the generator generator on ships heat exchangers
will cause the change in direction of generated current, supplied to the working motor and thereby indicator diagrams inert gas system
also the running direction of the motor invention of diesel engine lube oil system

magnetic particle testing main bearing oil

How to control speed of AC motor ? marine
system main engine

Adjusting number of poles by means of selector switch. engineering marine

What are motor earthing symptoms ? study materials
meo class
marine main switch board

▪ 440V, low insulation alarm exam questions panting pid

▪ Earth lamp signal controller positive displacement pumps
pounding proportional control pumps
What are the effects of motor earthing ? relief valve safeties in main switch board

sewage treatment plant smoke detectors

▪ Over heat stp systems of main engine types of chemical

▪ Burn out tankers

▪ Get the smell

▪ Noisy

Specifications of fuses on ships ?

▪ Amperage of the circuit (AC/DC)

▪ Type of fuse wire (Tin or lead wire)
▪ Standard Wire Gauge (SWG)

Specifications of battery on ships ?

1. Voltage
2. Ampere/hour
3. Size
4. Type (Lead Acid or Alkaline)


Oral Guide by – MIN ZAR TAR

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 7

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology, MEO Examination Study Materials | Tagged: action when electric machine
flooded with seawater, Causes of Sparking at Brushes, check the frequency of shore power supply, Common faults in
DC Generator and Motors, control speed of AC motor, drying out electric motor, drying out electrical machine, earthed
circuit or fault, effects of motor earthing, How Ward Leonard System works, Lloyd’s requirement on shore connection,
motor earthing symptoms, seawater flooding of motor, shore connection on ships, short circuit and open circuit,
Specifications of battery on ships, Specifications of fuses on ships, Test for over current trip, Test for Reverse Power Trip

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5- Part 6 Categories
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November 7, 2015 11:10 am | Leave a Comment | Firoz

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 6

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What is induction motor ?
▪ It is a motor which run at a speed below that of the rotating magnetic field.
MEO Exam
▪ Types are squirrel cage induction motor and slip ring induction motor.
Squirrel cage induction motor
Fire Detectors

Fire Fighting
▪ Most widely used of all types of AC motors, due to simplicity, strength of construction and ease of
maintenance Gas Freeing
▪ Made up of two main parts, rotor and stator and no direct electrical connection between them.
▪ No wire winding or slip rings.
▪ Rotor has a series of plain bars (copper or Al) running in slots the length of the iron core
▪ Each end of the bar is brazed into 2 heavy copper rings, one at each end. Those bars form Pumps
a cage, that looks like squirrel cage Compressors
▪ Stator has 3 separate windings supplied from a 3 phase AC supply
Lubricating Oil
▪ Phase difference 120 and number of poles 2, 4, 6 or more, depending on speed required
Sewage Treatment

Difference between Synchronous Motor and Induction Motor ? Inert Gas System

Air Conditioning
▪ Synchronous motor is almost exactly the same as an alternator
Instrumentation and Control
▪ Induction motor cannot run normally at synchronous speed. It has slip.

What are AC motor overloads protections ? Heat Exchangers

Steering Gear
1. Magnetic overload relay
2. Thermal overload relay
3. Built-in protective device

Causes of motor overheat ? Purifiers

▪ Motor running at overload
▪ One phase failure (single phasing) Diesel Engines

▪ Defective cooling fan blades Vibrations

▪ Bearing failure Turbochargers
▪ Poor ventilation
▪ Misalignment

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When phase failure occur, A.C motor run or not ? Download

Questions and Answers on Diesel

▪ When motor is running, the motor keep on running but over load and over heat will occur. Engines 1
▪ When motor is starting, the motor cannot run. MEO Class 2 Question Papers

MEO Class 1 Question Papers

What is moving iron instruments ?
▪ It is an instrument suitable for measuring A.C voltage or current as well as D.C voltage or current.

What is potentiometer ? Rudder

▪ It is an instrument which is used to measure or adjust the potential difference in the circuit.
What is moving coil instruments ? Motor and ESC Fire

Connecting Sonar
▪ It is an instrument used for D.C only and as voltmeter or ammeter.

What is Static Electricity ?

▪ Electricity at rest instead of in motion JOIN FOR UPDATES

▪ Electric charges may be induced by friction or atmosphere effect
How to prevent Static Electricity hazards in oil tanker ?

1. Earthing device, earth bond across flanges on pipeline Subscribe

2. Inert gas

What are the causes and effects of Single phasing in motors ?

1. Single phasing occurs when one of the 3 phase circuits is opened, hence the remaining circuits
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carry excess current.
2. One phase of the circuits becomes open, due to blown fuse, faulty contactor, or broken wire.
3. It prevents a motor from starting, but a running motor may continue to run with this fault.
4. For a running motor, it can be detected by overloaded device in supply line, or overheating.
5. For an idle motor, it cannot be started.
6. Due to single phasing, overheating in a stalled or running motor will cause, burnt out overloaded
coil. Recent Posts

What is residual magnetism ? Measuring Fuel pump Lead on Marine

Auxiliary Engine
1. Magnetism remaining in the fields of a generator, after exciting current is cut off.
2. Residual magnetism is essential for initial generation of current, necessary for further build up of SIRE Inspection on Ships

shunt field strength.

Boiler Survey on Ships
3. Generator may fail to excite, if there is loss or reversal of residual magnetism of the pole.
Cargo Sampling Procedure on Ships
What action, when generator fails to excite ?
Operation and Maintenance of Eductor
on Ships
1. Pass a current through shunt field coil in correct direction
2. Correct direction means the current will re-magnetise the iron core in the right way Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships
3. Current for restoration can be obtained from another DC generator or from a battery.
4. If battery is used fro re-magnetising: A 12 V battery is connected [exclusively] across shunt field
coil with the machine stopped
5. Current flow in right direction, for a few seconds, only will establish the field. Tags
6. During this time faulty generator must be in stopped position.

air compressors air conditioning

What are windlass safety devices ? boiler boiler blow down boilers cargo cargo
pumps centrifugal pumps chemical tankers
▪ Emergency stop
circulation system cooling water system cross
▪ Overload trip
head bearing oil system cylinder lube oil
▪ Over speed trip
system diesel engines explosimeter
▪ Mechanical break

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▪ Slipping clutch for over load, to prevent any undesirable damage such as hull damage due fire detectors fire fighting fire triangle
to anchor and rope brake out. freshwater generator freshwater
generator on ships heat exchangers
What is Slipping Clutch in windlass ? indicator diagrams inert gas system
invention of diesel engine lube oil system
1. Slipping clutch is commonly fitted between prime mover and gearing magnetic particle testing main bearing oil
2. It is incorporated with motor, magnetic brake and drive shaft
system main engine
3. Set to slip at approximately 133% of full load torque
4. Letting go or dropping speed is controlled by friction brake engineering marine
5. Hauling speed is 0.15 m/sec engineering
study materials
Why Slipping Clutch is fitted in windlass ? meo class
marine main switch board

exam questions panting pid

1. In windlass, undue stresses must not be applied to chain cable and machinery controller positive displacement pumps
2. Without slipping cultch, excessive stresses could be applied to cable, by armature momentum, by pounding proportional control pumps
sudden obstruction when heaving, or when bringing the anchor into hawsepipe. relief valve safeties in main switch board

3. Fitted also to avoid inertia of prime mover being transmitted to windlass machinery in the event of sewage treatment plant smoke detectors
shock loading on cable, when anchor is being housed stp systems of main engine types of chemical

4. When ship is riding at anchor, bow stopper prevents the strain for windlass tankers

Explain electric breaking system in marine machinery ?

1. When electric deck motor is used for lowering or lifting load, electric brake system is used.
All brakes are failsafe types.
2. In the event of power failure, brake automatically applied, thus preventing the load running back. A
number of brake pads [free to move] are located in carrier, which is keyed to motor shaft.
3. Armature plate applies pressure to brake pads, by means of a number of springs, to force against
friction surface of back plate, so that it prevents the motor shaft from turning.
4. When energized, armature plate is attached to magnet, thus releasing the thrust pressure
and allowing the shaft to rotate


Oral Guide by – MIN ZAR TAR

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 6

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology, MEO Examination Study Materials | Tagged: AC motor overloads protections,
causes and effects of Single phasing in motors, Causes of motor overheat, Difference between Synchronous Motor and
Induction Motor, electric breaking system in marine machinery, generator fails to excite, induction motor, moving coil
instruments, moving iron instruments, potentiometer, prevent Static Electricity hazards in oil tanker, residual magnetism,
Slipping Clutch in windlass, Squirrel cage induction motor, Static Electricity, windlass safety devices

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5- Part 5 Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
November 7, 2015 11:10 am | 3 Comments | Firoz

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 5

Select Your Topic
What is synchroscope ?
▪ An instrument fitted at the main switchboard which indicates when two electrical supplies are in
MEO Exam
synchronism and can be paralleled.
▪ An instrument, which indicates that, voltages, frequencies and phase angle of two Safety
electrical supplies of running machine and incoming machine, are in synchronism and can
Fire Detectors
be paralleled.
Fire Fighting
▪ Synchroscope should not be left in circuit for more than 20 minutes as it cannot
continuously rotate. Gas Freeing

▪ Synchroscope is a small motor with coils on the two poles connected across red and yellow phase
of the incoming machine and the armature winding supplied from the red and yellow switchboard
bus bars.
What is the synchronizing ? Compressors

Lubricating Oil
▪ The process of bring the voltage, frequency and phase angle of electrical supplies into line in order
Sewage Treatment
to be paralleled and share the loads.
Inert Gas System
Explain Synchronising methods ? Air Conditioning

Instrumentation and Control

▪ Synchroscope is the main method
▪ Back-up methods are: Lamp dark method
▪ Lamp bright method Heat Exchangers

▪ Rotating lamp method or Sequence methods (preferable) Steering Gear

Explain Rotating lamp method or Sequence method ?

1. One of the lamps known as key lamp is connected in one phase Welding

2. Other two lamps are cross-connected Purifiers

3. If two frequencies differ, lamps will bright up in rotation. Clockwise indicates incoming machine is
fast, and counter-clockwise indicates it is slow
4. Synchronising moment is when key lamp is dark and other two lamps equally bright Diesel Engines
5. If phase rotation is wrong, all lamps will become bright and dark together. Vibrations
6. Remedy is to interchange any two phase connections

How to parallel the two generator with the aid of synchroscope on ships ?

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1. All meters and indicators must have in good working order. Download
2. Start the incoming generator with the correct staring procedure. Questions and Answers on Diesel
3. Check the working condition by readings pressure gauges, thermometer and audible and visual. Engines 1
4. Watch for a minutes until prime mover come to stable.
MEO Class 2 Question Papers
5. Check the voltage of existing and incoming generator on the switchboard, check trip if have reset.
MEO Class 1 Question Papers
6. Move the selector switch to incoming generator. At that time, synchroscope pointer will
rotate clockwise or counter clockwise direction. Checklists
7. Check the frequency and voltage of existing and incoming.
8. Carry out the adjustment by means of speed adjuster of prime mover to obtain the condition such Naval

that synchroscope pointer rotate in the clockwise direction at a speed of about 4sec/rev. Rudder
9. Close the circuit breaker of incoming generator when the pointer reaches just before 12’ O clock
10. Made off the selector switch. Quadcopter
11. Made load shearing the two generators by the speed adjuster of generator.
Motor and ESC Fire

Connecting Sonar
How do you parallel the two generators if synchroscope is out of order ?

1. If synchroscope is out of order, the two generators can be paralleled by emergency synchronizing
lamps with sequence method.
2. The lamps are fitted as triangle forms, one on top and two on bottom. JOIN FOR UPDATES
3. To make parallel, reset if any trip
4. Move the selector switch to incoming generator. At that time, synchronizing lamps will give bright Email*
and dark sequence rotate clockwise or counter clockwise direction.
5. Check the frequency and voltage of existing and incoming.
6. Carry out the adjustment by means of speed adjuster of prime mover to obtain the Subscribe
required frequency.
7. Adjust the speed to meet the slow clockwise direction.
8. Incoming machine breaker is closed by hand when the top lamp (key lamp) dark and the
both bottom lamps are equal brightness.
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9. Off the selector switch and make load sharing the two generators by speed adjusting.

How do you monitor the correct instant for synchronizing without the aid
of synchroscope or synchronizing lamps ?

1. It can be synchronized with 500V voltmeter as follow.

2. Connect a pair of 500V voltmeter probes across the one phase of the incoming machine
circuit breaker and bus bar. Recent Posts
3. Adjust the generator speed until the voltmeter slowly fluctuates from zero to maximum.
4. Close the breaker when the voltmeter passes through zero. Measuring Fuel pump Lead on Marine
Auxiliary Engine
Can you parallel the load of main G/E with emergency G/E and shore supply ?
SIRE Inspection on Ships

▪ It cannot paralleled, circuit breaker interlocks are arranged in this system. Boiler Survey on Ships

What are the generator safety devices ? Cargo Sampling Procedure on Ships

Operation and Maintenance of Eductor

1. Over speed trip
on Ships
2. L.O low pressure trip and alarm
3. F.O low pressure alarm Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships
4. Jacket water high temperature alarm
5. Jacket water high temperature trip
6. Thermometer
7. Pressure gauge Tags
8. L.O high temperature alarm
9. Dip stick air compressors air conditioning
10. Crankcase relief valve boiler boiler blow down boilers cargo cargo
pumps centrifugal pumps chemical tankers
Methods of armature reaction compensation ? circulation system cooling water system cross
head bearing oil system cylinder lube oil
▪ By fitting inter poles between the main poles
system diesel engines explosimeter
▪ By fitting carbon brush rocker

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▪ By fitting neutralizing winding fire detectors fire fighting fire triangle

freshwater generator freshwater
Reference: generator on ships heat exchangers

indicator diagrams inert gas system

Oral Guide by – MIN ZAR TAR invention of diesel engine lube oil system

magnetic particle testing main bearing oil

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 5 marine
system main engine

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology, MEO Examination Study Materials | Tagged: generator safety devices, engineering marine
Methods of armature reaction compensation, monitor the correct instant for synchronizing without the aid of engineering
synchroscope, parallel the two generator with the aid of synchroscope, parallel the two generators if synchroscope is out study materials
of order, Rotating lamp method, Sequence method, Synchronising method, synchroscope, What is the synchronizing meo class
marine main switch board

exam questions panting pid

controller positive displacement pumps
pounding proportional control pumps
relief valve safeties in main switch board
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stp systems of main engine types of chemical

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MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function
5- Part 4 Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
November 5, 2015 11:04 pm | 1 Comment | Firoz

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 4

Select Your Topic
Why AC is popular on board ship ?
1. Smaller, lighter and compact machine size, for a given kW
MEO Exam
2. High power and high voltage AC generator can be easily manufactured
3. Voltage can be raised or lowered by transformer Safety
4. AC can be easily converted to DC
Fire Detectors

Precautions while working on electrical machinery ? Fire Fighting

Gas Freeing
1. Switch off the main switch
2. Out mechanical lock on
3. Take out fuse Boilers

4. Put a signboard “Man Working on Line” Pumps

What is AVR ?
Lubricating Oil

▪ A.V.R or Automatic Voltage Regulators are used in conjunction with generator for controlling Sewage Treatment

the terminal voltage to give a steady voltage under varying load. Inert Gas System
▪ It senses and controls an A.C generator’s output voltage within (+ or -) 1 to 2%. Air Conditioning

Instrumentation and Control

What are the types of A.V. R ?

▪ Carbon pile regulator Heat Exchangers

▪ Vibrating contact regulator Steering Gear
▪ Static A.V. R.
▪ Rotating sector
▪ Multi contact
▪ Magnetic amplifier Welding

▪ Electronic amplifier Purifiers

Carbon Pile Regulator (AVR)
Diesel Engines
1. A resistance from a carbon pile (stack), which is varied by pressure changes, controls the current Vibrations
flow through exciter shunt field
2. Pressure is applied by springs and relieved by magnetic field strength of electromagnetic coil
3. Current for electromagnetic coil is supplied from alternator output to switchboard

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4. AVR is designed such that variations in alternator voltage, due to load change will effect strength Download
of electromagnetic coil and hence alters carbon pile resistance Questions and Answers on Diesel
5. When alternator voltage is low, spring exerts greater pressure and carbon pile resistance becomes Engines 1
low, so more currents flow through exciter shunt field and then increase the output voltage
MEO Class 2 Question Papers
6. When Alternator voltage is high electromagnetic coil relieves pressure on carbon pile
MEO Class 1 Question Papers
and resistance becomes high. Less current flows through exciter shunt field and decreases
the voltage (Strength of Electromagnetic coil relieves spring pressure on carbon pile) Checklists

What is rectifier ? Naval

▪ It is an electric device or circuit capable to allow an A.C current to be converted to D.C current.

What is excitation ? Quadcopter

Motor and ESC Fire

▪ To supply and control the correct D.C current for the rotor pole winding to produce the required
generator A.C output voltages. Connecting Sonar

▪ Production of an electromagnetic field of a generator by supplying exciting current for magnetizing

the field magnet
▪ For excitation, DC is used because DC produces constant rate of magnetic flux
▪ Continually regulated to maintain the generator output voltages as the load demand fluctuates. JOIN FOR UPDATES

Exciters Email*

▪ The source, which generates the field current for excitation of field magnets.
Equalizing bar

▪ Equaliser is a low resistance circuit, connected across armature ends of series coils of parallel
compound generators, via a special bar in switchboard
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▪ Equaliser is fitted to stabilize parallel operation of compound Dc generators.

Rotary converter

1. A rotating diode to convert AC to DC current for alternator excitation

2. Synchronous motor and generator combined unit
3. Filed and armature coils are similar to DC generator, except that slip rings are located on the end
of the shaft opposite to commutator Recent Posts
4. AC turns the converter (as synchronous motor) and DC is taken from commutator brush
Measuring Fuel pump Lead on Marine
Procedure for alternator overhaul ? Auxiliary Engine

SIRE Inspection on Ships

1. Shut down the generator prime mover and lock off the starting system.
2. Lock off the circuit breaker and isolated the alternator electric heater. Tag the label on Boiler Survey on Ships
the switchboard.
3. Inspect the tightness of terminal connection and insulation. Cargo Sampling Procedure on Ships

4. Check the bearing oil level and condition.

Operation and Maintenance of Eductor
5. Clean the cooling air intake filter and exhaust opening.
on Ships
6. Clean the rotor and stator windings by means of vacuum cleaner with rubber hose and nozzle.
7. If the oil is deposited on the surface of winding, open the drain plug and then removed by special Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships
degreasing liquids. (Electro cleaner)
8. Measure the air gap clearance between rotor and stator. (Carefully at lower part)
9. Baking the alternator with lamp. Keep a temp not more than 43°C
10. Disconnect the neutral point from the terminal box. Tags
11. Measure insulation resistance between – rotor to earth, phase to earth, stator to earth, phase to
phase air compressors air conditioning
12. It is must at least one mega-ohm, if mega reading has reasonable value, the windings are to be boiler boiler blow down boilers cargo cargo
covered with high quality air drying insulation varnish. pumps centrifugal pumps chemical tankers

circulation system cooling water system cross

After maintenance work
head bearing oil system cylinder lube oil

system diesel engines explosimeter

▪ Reassemble all necessary parts.

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▪ Check no load running, the synchronizing and loading. fire detectors fire fighting fire triangle
▪ On load, practically check for excessive temperature rises and load sharing stability when running freshwater generator freshwater
in parallel. generator on ships heat exchangers

indicator diagrams inert gas system

Reference: invention of diesel engine lube oil system

magnetic particle testing main bearing oil

Oral Guide by – MIN ZAR TAR
system main engine

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 4 engineering marine

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology, MEO Examination Study Materials | Tagged: AC is popular on board ship, study materials
Carbon Pile Regulator (AVR), Equalizing bar, Exciters, Precautions while working on electrical machinery, Procedure for meo class
marine main switch board

alternator overhaul, Rotary converter, types of A.V. R, What is AVR, What is excitation, What is rectifier exam questions panting pid
controller positive displacement pumps
pounding proportional control pumps
relief valve safeties in main switch board

sewage treatment plant smoke detectors

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MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function
5- Part 3 Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
November 3, 2015 11:10 pm | Leave a Comment | Firoz

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 3

Select Your Topic
Inspection and Maintenance of Battery Room
1. Battery installation and its charging rectifier checked.
2. Battery room environment must be dry and well ventilated. MEO Exam

3. Battery tops shall be clean and dry, and terminal nuts must be tight and a smear of petroleum jelly Safety
applied to prevent corrosion.
Fire Detectors
4. Electrolyte at proper level, and shall have correct value of specific gravity by checking with
a hydrometer. Fire Fighting

5. Rubber gloves and goggles used when handling electrolyte. Gas Freeing
6. Charging equipment checked for dirt, overheating, loose connection and correct functioning
of indicators.
7. Ventilation arrangement for battery locker checked. Battery installation of both lead acid Boilers

and alkaline needs good ventilation. Pumps

8. Since both type generates hydrogen gas during charging, no smoking and naked light allowed. Compressors
9. Steel works and decks adjacent to lead acid battery, should be painted with acid proof paint. [For
Lubricating Oil
Cad-Ni cell, alkaline resistance paints].
Sewage Treatment

Battery Room Safety Arrangement Inert Gas System

Air Conditioning
Safety is provided by
Instrumentation and Control

1. Proper ventilation Hydraulics

2. Prevention of heat source for ignition Heat Exchangers

Steering Gear

▪ Independent exhaust fan provided Corrosion

▪ Inlet duct should be below battery level, and outlet at top of the compartment Welding

Prevention of heat source for ignition
▪ No naked light and no smoking Diesel Engines
▪ Uses of externally fitted light or flameproof light
▪ Cables of adequate size and they are well connected
▪ Never place Emergency Switchboard in this room
▪ Use insulated spanner and plastic jug for distilled water, to prevent short circuit Tools

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▪ Room temperature, maintained at 15 ~ 25 °C Download

Questions and Answers on Diesel

Nickel Cadmium battery [alkaline battery] Engines 1

MEO Class 2 Question Papers

▪ + ve plate is Nickel hydroxide + graphite
MEO Class 1 Question Papers
▪ – ve plate is Cadmium + Iron
▪ Electrolyte is Potasssium hydroxide solution (strong alkaline) Checklists
▪ Normal specific gravity [1.21] does not change with charging or recharging
▪ But specific gravity of electrolyte gradually decrease, and electrolyte should be renewed when Naval

specific gravity becomes [1.160] Rudder

▪ It is a sealed battery, thus no gassing during charging
▪ Very low open circuit losses, but requires 67% more cells than Lead Acid battery [1.2 V per cell
and when fully charged 1.7 V per cell] Quadcopter
▪ Not harmful when overcharged Motor and ESC Fire
▪ Left for long period, either fully charged or fully discharged, without deterioration
Connecting Sonar
▪ Better mechanical strength and durability than lead acid battery
▪ High initial cost but longer life

Lead Acid Battery

▪ + ve plate is Lead Peroxide [chocolate brown]
▪ – ve plate is Spongy Lead [slate gray colour] Email*

▪ Electrolyte is H2SO4 , specific gravity 1.8 when fully charged, renew when specific gravity is
▪ 1.8 V per cell when fully charged 2 V per cell Subscribe
▪ When undercharge, + ve plates are pale brown or yellowish, instead of deep chocolate and very
difficult to convert back to normal form
▪ Efficiency (watt hour efficiency) is higher than Alkaline Cells

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How do you know when the battery is full charge ?

▪ It can be known by measuring the electrolyte specific gravity by using hydrometer.

▪ If fully charge it has a specific gravity of about (1.27 – 1.285), hydrometer scale 1270 to 1285
▪ If fully discharge which fall to a specific gravity of 1.1 (1100)

How can you know battery is over charge ? Effect of overcharge ?

Recent Posts
▪ When battery is overcharged bubbles will form at the surface, the current flowing into the
cell causes breakdown or electrolysis of water in the electrolyte. Measuring Fuel pump Lead on Marine
▪ Both hydrogen and oxygen are evolved and released through cell vent caps into the Auxiliary Engine
battery compartment.
SIRE Inspection on Ships
▪ There is an explosion risk if hydrogen is allowed to accumulate. (4% of H2 in air).
Boiler Survey on Ships
What happens when lead acid battery is overcharged ?
Cargo Sampling Procedure on Ships

▪ Overheating cause buckling of plates Operation and Maintenance of Eductor

▪ Internal short circuit on Ships
▪ Sludge formed at the bottom of cells (lead peroxide)
▪ Battery may be ruined Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships

▪ Lower the capacity

What happens when lead acid battery is undercharged ?

▪ Over discharging
▪ + ve plates are pale brown or yellowish, instead of deep chocolate air compressors air conditioning
▪ – ve plates, almost white colour boiler boiler blow down boilers cargo cargo
▪ Falling of voltage 1.8 V / cell, and specific gravity of H2SO4 1.15 pumps centrifugal pumps chemical tankers

circulation system cooling water system cross

head bearing oil system cylinder lube oil

system diesel engines explosimeter

▪ Liberation of hydrogen ions at – ve electrode (cathode) and that will decrease the current flow.

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Reference: fire detectors fire fighting fire triangle

freshwater generator freshwater
Oral Guide by – MIN ZAR TAR generator on ships heat exchangers

indicator diagrams inert gas system

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 3 invention of diesel engine lube oil system

magnetic particle testing main bearing oil

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology, MEO Examination Study Materials | Tagged: Battery Room Safety
Arrangement, depolarisation, Effect of overcharge, effect of under charge, Inspection and Maintenance of Battery Room,
system main engine

Lead Acid Battery, Nickel Cadmium battery, Prevention of heat source for ignition engineering marine
study materials
meo class
marine main switch board

exam questions panting pid

« Previous 1 … 8 9 10 11 12 … 27 Next » controller positive displacement pumps
pounding proportional control pumps
relief valve safeties in main switch board

sewage treatment plant smoke detectors

stp systems of main engine types of chemical

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MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function
5- Part 2 Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
November 2, 2015 11:06 pm | Leave a Comment | Firoz

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 2

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What is essential load ?
▪ Essential services are those required for the safety of personal and for the safe navigation and
propulsion of the ship. MEO Exam

▪ They include certain supplies to navigation aids, machinery spaces, control stations and steering Safety
Fire Detectors

What is non-essential load ? Fire Fighting

Gas Freeing
▪ It is a load that has no effects on the safe navigation and main propulsion unit when they are cut
▪ They are air conditioning system, some blower fan except E/R blowers, galley power, refrigerated Boilers

cargo plant, deck equipment, purifier, air compressor, cabin power source except lighting Pumps

What is dash pot, where fitted ?
Lubricating Oil

▪ It is a mechanical device which makes time lag of trip with different viscosity of oil. Sewage Treatment

▪ It is fitted in overload trip, preferential trip, under voltage release / trip Inert Gas System

Air Conditioning
What is dash pot ?
Instrumentation and Control

▪ Dashpots are fitted for overload trip to get time delay action, so that breaker will not be opened, Hydraulics

due to momentary current surge Heat Exchangers

▪ When load current is in excess, it attracts plunger of the solenoid Steering Gear
▪ Plunger or piston moves up against the displacement of viscose oil or silicone fluid, through
a small hole on the piston
▪ Time lag depends upon hole size, and viscosity of oil
▪ Load current setting for trip is about 25% above maximum, but should not exceed 50% Welding

What is preferential trip ?

▪ It is a generator protection device which is designed to disconnect nonessential load from the main Diesel Engines
switchboard in the event of generator over load or partial failure of the supply. Vibrations
▪ Operate after a fixed time delay, causing non-essential loads to be shed
▪ Usual setting for overload trip is 150% load (50% overload)
▪ When generator load reaches 110%, preferential Trip comes into operation as follows

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First tripping at 5 sec Download

Questions and Answers on Diesel

▪ Shut down non-essential loads (air-condition, entertainment, accommodation fans, cargo hold Engines 1
fans, amplifiers, etc.) to reduce the generator load
MEO Class 2 Question Papers

Second tripping at 10 sec MEO Class 1 Question Papers

▪ Shut down essential loads (service required for running the ship properly, leaving the loads of top
priority services to maintain propulsion and navigation) if generator load is still high Naval

Third tripping at 15 sec
▪ Shut down the main generator as last action, if the load is still too high, it may be due to short
circuit or insulation breaking.
Motor and ESC Fire

What is the purpose of reverse power relay ? Connecting Sonar

▪ If prime mover failure occurred, the generator would act as a motor; the reverse power
relay detects this fault and acts to trip the generator circuit breaker.
What is fuse ?
▪ Fuse is a protecting device in the circuit against damage from excessive current.
▪ It is fitted in a circuit to protect the circuit from short circuit and over load.
▪ Once a fuse is blown, it must be replaced.

Difference between Circuit Breaker and Fuse ?

Circuit breaker
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1. Has switching actions to close the circuit or to open the circuit, and has a trip circuit if load current
exceeds the set value
2. After tripping, circuit breaker can be reused without replacing any part


1. Have only breaking function, and fitted in the circuit to protect the circuit from damaging effect of
Recent Posts
high current flow
2. It breaks the circuit by melting the fuse metal itself
Measuring Fuel pump Lead on Marine
3. After breaking, the blown fuse must be renewed
Auxiliary Engine

What is an intrinsically safe circuit or equipment ? SIRE Inspection on Ships

1. An electrical circuit or part of a circuit is intrinsically safe, if any spark or thermal effect produced Boiler Survey on Ships

normally (e.g. by breaking or closing the circuit) or accidentally (e.g. by short circuit or earth fault), Cargo Sampling Procedure on Ships
is incapable of igniting a prescribed gas mixture, under prescribed test condition.
2. An equipment, which cannot released sufficient electrical or thermal energy, under any condition to Operation and Maintenance of Eductor
ignite a particular flammable vapour in its vicinity. on Ships

Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships

What is primary cell ?

▪ It is a chemical cell in which it is possible to transform chemical energy into electrical energy.
▪ It cannot be recharged.
▪ The internal resistance of a primary cell is usually high
▪ Capacity of cell low
air compressors air conditioning
▪ Voltage per cell is also low
boiler boiler blow down boilers cargo cargo
▪ Simple cell consists of copper plate (positive plate) and zinc plate ( negative electrode) and dilute
pumps centrifugal pumps chemical tankers
H2 SO4 acid.
circulation system cooling water system cross

What is secondary cell ? head bearing oil system cylinder lube oil

system diesel engines explosimeter

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▪ It is a chemical cell (accumulator) which store up electric energy converting chemical substance fire detectors fire fighting fire triangle
into another form while charging. freshwater generator freshwater
▪ The stored electric charge in chemical form transforms back electrical energy. generator on ships heat exchangers
▪ It has two types [lead acid and alkaline (Nickel Cadmium battery) type]. indicator diagrams inert gas system
▪ It has low internal resistance invention of diesel engine lube oil system
▪ Capacity and voltage per cell is high. magnetic particle testing main bearing oil

system main engine

engineering marine
Oral Guide by – MIN ZAR TAR engineering
study materials
MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 2 meo class
marine main switch board

exam questions panting pid

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology, MEO Examination Study Materials | Tagged: dash pot, Difference between controller positive displacement pumps
Circuit Breaker and Fuse, essential load, intrinsically safe circuit, non essential load, preferential trip, primary cell, pounding proportional control pumps
purpose of reverse power relay, secondary cell, What is fuse relief valve safeties in main switch board

sewage treatment plant smoke detectors

stp systems of main engine types of chemical

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MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function
5- Part 1 Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
November 2, 2015 11:05 pm | Leave a Comment | Firoz

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 1

Select Your Topic
What is shaft generator ?
▪ It is an alternator driven by main propulsion unit through clutch and gearing to produce electricity.
MEO Exam
▪ It can be used while vessel at sea running with a sea speed.
▪ It must be able to supply normal sea load. Safety

Fire Detectors
What are the advantages and disadvantages of shaft generator on ships ?
Fire Fighting

Advantages Gas Freeing

▪ Slightly reduce total fuel consumption.
▪ Reduced running hours of auxiliary generator. Boilers

▪ Reduced noise in E/R. Pumps

▪ Can made overhauling the G/E at sea. Compressors

Lubricating Oil
Sewage Treatment

▪ Cannot be used at rough sea. Inert Gas System

▪ Increase load on main engine Air Conditioning
▪ More complicated mechanism.
Instrumentation and Control
▪ Complete black on main engine slow down.

What is earthing device on propeller shaft ? Heat Exchangers

Steering Gear
▪ It is a propeller shaft grounding device.
▪ Its function is to ground the static electricity to the ship hull caused by propeller rotation.

What is earth lamp ? How will you know when earth fault occur and how to Welding

trace it ? Purifiers

▪ It is a set of lamps, which show the presence of earth fault in distribution system.
▪ Each lamp is connected between one phase and common neutral point. Diesel Engines

▪ If earth fault occurs the lamp will show dim light or goes out because potential is zero. Vibrations
▪ The location of fault can be traced by switching off the individual branch circuit breaker and check Turbochargers
the condition of earth lamp.
▪ When the branch circuit with the fault is switched off, the earth lamp will return to normal

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brightness. Download

Questions and Answers on Diesel

Explain earth lamps of a 3 phase, 3 wire ac system ? Engines 1

MEO Class 2 Question Papers

▪ Each lamp is connected to secondary connections of each single phase step-down transformer,
MEO Class 1 Question Papers
and primary connections are common to star point, which is earthed to ship structure.
▪ Normally 3 earth lamps burn with equal brightness if there is not fault Checklists
▪ If phase ‘R’ is earth fault, lamp ‘R’ becomes dark while the other two lamps burn with
extra brightness Naval

▪ Location of fault can be traced, by switching off the branch circuit, one at a time Rudder
▪ When branch circuit with fault is switched off, dark lamp will become normal glow and all 3 lamps
burn with equal brightness.
Why earth lamp is fitted ? Motor and ESC Fire

Connecting Sonar
▪ Earth lamp is fitted to give visual signal when there is an earth fault occurs in the system.

What is megger insulation test ?

▪ The instrument used for measuring high resistance in million of ohms. It is used for measuring the JOIN FOR UPDATES
insulation resistance of cables, electrical equipment wiring insulation.
Why megger reading is taken ?

▪ To verify insulation resistance Subscribe

▪ To detect insulation fault

Write a note on meggar testing ?

▪ Megger tester [generally a 500V set] is used for measuring high resistance, like
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insulation resistance of cable, electrical equipment and wire installation in mega ohms.
▪ The test voltage is produce either by an internal hand driven generator or by a battery
and electronic voltage changer.
▪ A measurement of the insulation resistance gives one of the best guides to the state of health of
electrical equipment.
▪ The resistance should be measured between insulated conductors and earth, and
between conductors. Recent Posts
▪ To get more accurate results, using the large instrument, it is important that the terminal marked
earth, which is the + ve pole, shall be connected to the earth. Measuring Fuel pump Lead on Marine
▪ For AC machines measurements are done as phase to phase, phase to earth and rotor winding to Auxiliary Engine
SIRE Inspection on Ships
▪ For DC machines measurements are done as pole to pole, each pole to earth, field to earth and
armature to earth. Boiler Survey on Ships

How insulation resistance of a motor is tested ? Cargo Sampling Procedure on Ships

Operation and Maintenance of Eductor

1. Switch off power from main switchboard
on Ships
2. Take out the fuse
3. Tag the label on the switch board, Don’t start Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships
4. Disconnect the connection from starter
5. Test with megger
6. Insulation Resistance is tested while at hot condition because it is minimum at that time
Difference between earthed and short circuit ?
air compressors air conditioning
Earthed boiler boiler blow down boilers cargo cargo
pumps centrifugal pumps chemical tankers
▪ A fault in an electric circuit where a conductor come into contact with the ship hull or a metal circulation system cooling water system cross
enclosure. ( leakage of conductor due to insulation failure to ground.) head bearing oil system cylinder lube oil

system diesel engines explosimeter

Short circuit

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▪ A fault condition where a low resistance connection occurs between two points in a circuit, a large fire detectors fire fighting fire triangle
current flow will usually occurs. (contact to each other or leakage of line conductor or leakage of freshwater generator freshwater
line to neutral.) generator on ships heat exchangers

indicator diagrams inert gas system

What are switchboard safety devices ? invention of diesel engine lube oil system

magnetic particle testing main bearing oil

▪ Overload trip
system main engine
▪ Preferential trip
▪ Under voltage trip engineering marine
▪ Over voltage trip engineering
▪ Reverse power relay (No voltage trip) study materials
▪ Reverse current trip meo class
marine main switch board

▪ Fuse exam questions panting pid

▪ A .C .B( Air circuit breaker ) controller positive displacement pumps
▪ Earth lamps. pounding proportional control pumps
▪ Low frequency trip relief valve safeties in main switch board

▪ Meters sewage treatment plant smoke detectors

▪ Synchroscope stp systems of main engine types of chemical

▪ Emergency synchronizing lamp tankers

▪ Ebonite handrail and Rubber footstep

What are the safeties on switch board ?

▪ See “Switch Board Safeties on Ships”

What is switch board survey ?

1. Performed during dry-docking. (G.E black out)

2. Check volt meter, ammeter, watt meter all calibrators and accuracy.
3. Check all trips over current trip, reverse power trip, preferential trip.
4. Synchronizing test. (load sharing test)
5. Switch inside each terminal to be checked for insulation resistance min: 1Mega ohms, all contact
must be clean.
6. Tightness of loose joint and connection, bus bar support, fuse holder.
7. Check automatic circuit breaker A.C.B and automatic voltage regulator A.V.R.
8. Earth detecting lamp and alarm system.

What are the meters fitted on main switchboard ?

▪ Ammeter
▪ Voltmeter
▪ Wattmeter
▪ Frequency meter
▪ Ohm meter
▪ Synchroscope.


Oral Guide by – MIN ZAR TAR

MEO Orals on Marine Electro Technology Function 5- Part 1

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology, MEO Examination Study Materials | Tagged: advantages and disadvantages
of shaft generator on ships, Difference between earthed and short circuit, earth fault occur and how to trace it, earth
lamp, earthing device on propeller shaft, insulation resistance, insulation resistance of a motor is tested, megger
insulation test, meters fitted on main switchboard, shaft generator, switchboard safety devices

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Category Archives: Marine Electrical Technology

Emergency Generator on Ships – Marine
Engineering Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
November 2, 2015 10:48 am | Leave a Comment | Firoz

What is emergency generator ?

Select Your Topic
▪ It is a small separate generator which supplies the electric power for emergency load in the event
of main power supply failure. Home
▪ It is located outside the main and auxiliary machinery space and not forward of the
MEO Exam
collusion bulkhead.
▪ It has own switchboard near vicinity. Safety
▪ It is provided with independent means of automatically starting (by air or battery) to
Fire Detectors
ensure immediate run up following a main power failure and repeated starts of at least 3 times,
and further attempt can be made within the 30 minutes. Fire Fighting

▪ Adequate and independent supply of fuel with a flash point of not less than 43 °C Gas Freeing
▪ Must be able to be started in cold condition up to zero (0 °C)
▪ For cold weather, JCW system must be treated with anti-freeze agent, and heating arrangement
provided. Boilers

What are the emergency generator maintenance ? Compressors

Lubricating Oil
1. Every Saturday, emergency generator must test run
2. Air bottle pressed up or starter battery fully charged, at all-time Sewage Treatment

3. Changeover the selector switch to local position before starting Inert Gas System
4. Make sure breaker switch at ‘off’ position before starting (an interlock between E/R Air Conditioning
Main switchboard breaker and emergency switchboard breaker is provided to prevent
Instrumentation and Control
simultaneous closure of both breaker)
5. During testing, check frequency, voltage and ampere
6. Fuel tank, always checked to ensure adequate level Heat Exchangers
7. Air filter of generator, regularly cleaned Steering Gear
8. Required tools and spares kept in a container
9. Emergency light for this room should be always checked

What is emergency switch board ? Welding

▪ It is a switchboard which distributes emergency load that power is supplied from
emergency generator during the main power source failure.
▪ It has two sections- one for 440V and another is 220V. Diesel Engines
▪ Under normal condition, 440 V supply is taken from E/R Main Switchboard, through a Vibrations
Circuit Breaker
▪ When main power is lost, this Circuit breaker is tripped (opened)
▪ Emergency generator comes into action, and supplies power through another circuit breaker

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▪ An interlock is provided, to prevent simultaneous closing of both breaker (both main Download
and emergency generator may be running, simultaneously) Questions and Answers on Diesel
Engines 1
Emergency Switchboard Distribution
MEO Class 2 Question Papers

▪ Emergency Bilge pump (440 V) MEO Class 1 Question Papers

▪ Sprinkler system (440 V) Checklists

▪ One of the steering gears (440 V)
▪ Navigation Equipment (220 V) Naval

▪ Radio Communication (220 V) Rudder

▪ Transformed and rectified supply to Battery systems (220 V)
▪ Transitional Emergency Power Battery (Emergency lights for 30 minutes)
▪ Low power DC system Battery (Alarms and control system) Quadcopter

Motor and ESC Fire

What are the equipment which get supply from emergency generator ?
Connecting Sonar

▪ It is called emergency load

▪ Emergency lightening to alley way /boat deck / engine room.
▪ Navigation system
▪ Steering gear JOIN FOR UPDATES
▪ Emergency fire pump
▪ Emergency air compressor Email*
▪ Battery charging
▪ Fire detecting and alarming system
▪ Radio equipments (Communication equipment) Subscribe
▪ Daylight signaling lamp and ship’s whistle
▪ Navigation Aids
▪ General Alarm
▪ Manual fire alarm
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▪ Watertight doors

What are the requirements / regulations for emergency power sources on ships

▪ All passenger and cargo vessels shall be provided with emergency sources of electrical power, for
essential services under emergency conditions.
▪ Emergency source may be generator or batteries, but must be complied with the rules Recent Posts
▪ Emergency sources must be installed in position such that they are unlikely to be damaged
or affected by any incident, which has caused to main power. Measuring Fuel pump Lead on Marine

▪ Emergency source of power should be capable of operating with a list of up to 22 ½ ° and a trim of Auxiliary Engine

up to 10 °
SIRE Inspection on Ships
▪ Emergency generator with its switchboard, is located in a compartment which is outside and away
from main and auxiliary machinery space, above the uppermost continuous deck, and not forward Boiler Survey on Ships
of collision bulkhead
Cargo Sampling Procedure on Ships
▪ For batteries, the above same rules applied, nut must not be fitted in the same place
as emergency switchboard. Operation and Maintenance of Eductor
on Ships
Rules and Regulations for Emergency Power Sources
Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships

Passenger ship

▪ Emergency generator shall be automatically started and connected within 45 sec

▪ Capable of supplying simultaneously at least the following services for the period of 36 hours
▪ 1) Emergency lightening (at alley way, stairways and exits, muster and embarkation
stations, machinery space, control room, main and emergency switchboard, firemen’s outfits air compressors air conditioning

storage positions, steering gear room) boiler boiler blow down boilers cargo cargo
pumps centrifugal pumps chemical tankers
▪ 2) Fire detecting and alarming system
circulation system cooling water system cross
▪ 3) Internal communication equipments
head bearing oil system cylinder lube oil
▪ 4) Daylight signaling lamp and ship’s whistle
▪ 5) Navigation equipment system diesel engines explosimeter

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▪ 6) Navigation lights fire detectors fire fighting fire triangle

▪ 7) Radio installations, (VHF, MF, MF/HF) freshwater generator freshwater
▪ 8) Watertight doors generator on ships heat exchangers
▪ 9) One of the fire pumps, emergency bilge pump indicator diagrams inert gas system
invention of diesel engine lube oil system
A set of automatically connected Emergency batteries must be capable of carrying certain essential magnetic particle testing main bearing oil
services for the period of 30 min.
system main engine

1. Emergency lighting engineering marine

2. Navigation lights engineering
3. Fire detecting and alarming system study materials
4. Internal communication equipment meo class
marine main switch board

5. Daylight signaling lamp and ship’s whistle exam questions panting pid
controller positive displacement pumps
Cargo Ship pounding proportional control pumps
relief valve safeties in main switch board
▪ Emergency generator shall be automatically started and connected within 45 sec sewage treatment plant smoke detectors
▪ Emergency power source, Emergency generator must be sufficient to operate certain essential stp systems of main engine types of chemical
services at least for the period of 18 hours . tankers
▪ 1) Emergency lightening (at alley way, stairways and exits, muster and embarkation
stations, machinery space, control room, main and emergency switchboard, firemen’s outfits
storage positions, steering gear room)
▪ 2) Fire detecting and alarming system
▪ 3) Internal communication equipment
▪ 4) Daylight signaling lamp and ship’s whistle
▪ 5) Navigation equipment
▪ 6) Navigation lights
▪ 7) Radio installations, (VHF, MF, MF/HF)
▪ 8) One of the fire pumps, emergency bilge pump

Rules and Regulations for Batteries

▪ Where emergency source of electrical power is an accumulator battery, it shall be capable

of carrying loads without recharging and battery voltage throughout discharge period must
be maintained within 12% above or below its nominal voltage.
▪ Battery system is automatically connected upon loss of main power.
▪ Batteries are required as transitional power source for 30 min for following items:
▪ 1) Fire detecting and fire alarm
▪ 2) Emergency lightening
▪ 3) Navigation lights
▪ 4) Internal communication equipment

Procedure for starting emergency generator when black out occurs ?

1. Normally emergency generator cut in automatically when main power fails

2. Starting is initiated by start up relay
3. Falling of frequency or voltage of Main power, cause the start up relay to operate
generator starting equipment
4. If this system fails, after switching the MODE selector to Manual (Local) position, generator can be
started manually by means of Back up starting equipment within 30 minutes of transitional
emergency power battery lighting.

What are the emergency light maintenance ?

▪ Every Saturday, routine testing of emergency lights is carried out.

▪ Ensure that batteries are fully charged and ready for use.
▪ Burnt out bulbs replaced at once.

Which all places are provided with emergency lighting ?

▪ Engine room lighting

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▪ Bridge lighting
▪ Passage way lighting
▪ Embarkation light

What are the requirements for navigation light panel ?

▪ Navigation light should be connected to a distribution board, which does not supply other services
▪ There should be a changeover switch, so that it can be transferred to another source or power
▪ Visual and audible alarms required for individual Navigation Light failure (duel bulb system
for change over)
▪ Fuse protection provided

Navigation Lights

1. Fore Mast (No. 1 & 2 or Up, Down)

2. Main or Aft Mast (No. 1 & 2 or Up, Down)
3. Stern light (No. 1 & 2 or Up, Down)
4. Port light (No. 1 & 2 or Up, Down)
5. Starboard light (No. 1 & 2 or Up, Down)


Oral Guide by – MIN ZAR TAR

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology, MEO Examination Study Materials | Tagged: emergency generator,
emergency generator maintenance, emergency light maintenance, emergency switch board, Emergency Switchboard
Distribution, equipment which get supply from emergency generator, regulations for emergency power sources on ships,
requirements for emergency power sources on ships, requirements for navigation light panel, Rules and Regulations for
Batteries, Rules and Regulations for Emergency Power Sources, starting emergency generator when black out occurs

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Category Archives: Marine Electrical Technology

Earth Fault Indicator Circuit in Ships
May 29, 2014 9:22 am | Leave a Comment | Firoz Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)

A typical earth fault circuit used on board ship’s electrical distribution system is shown below.

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MEO Exam


Fire Detectors

Fire Fighting

Gas Freeing





Lubricating Oil

Sewage Treatment
When “EARTH LAMP” switch (ELS) on a feeder panel is in OFF position, the neutral of the star
Inert Gas System
connected primaries of three lamp transformers is disconnected from the earth, and the voltage across
Air Conditioning
the primary is the same for each transformer regardless whether the ship’s feeder system contains an
earth fault or not. Therefore, three indicator lamps (TLs) connected to the respective transformer Instrumentation and Control
secondaries are on at the same brightness. Hydraulics

Heat Exchangers
To check the ship’s feeder system’s insulation resistance to earth, put “EARTH LAMP” switch (ELS) to
Steering Gear
TEST (this earths the neutral of the star connected primaries of lamp transformers). If there is an earth
fault in phase R, for example, the lamp R would be less bright than other two; or if it is a complete earth Refrigeration

fault, the lamp R would be off. Where there is no earth fault, switching of the ELS from OFF to TEST Corrosion
gives no change in lamps’ brightness. Welding

See Also: Main Switch Board in Ships
See Also: Synchronizing Two Generators in Ships
Diesel Engines

See Also: Control Procedure for Marine Generators
Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology, MEO Examination Study Materials | Tagged: earth fault, earth fault in ship, Tools

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earth fault in ships, earth fault indication, earth fault indicator, earth fault indicator circuit Download

Questions and Answers on Diesel

Engines 1

MEO Class 2 Question Papers

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Motor and ESC Fire

Connecting Sonar




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Measuring Fuel pump Lead on Marine

Auxiliary Engine

SIRE Inspection on Ships

Boiler Survey on Ships

Cargo Sampling Procedure on Ships

Operation and Maintenance of Eductor

on Ships

Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships


air compressors air conditioning

boiler boiler blow down boilers cargo cargo
pumps centrifugal pumps chemical tankers

circulation system cooling water system cross

head bearing oil system cylinder lube oil

system diesel engines explosimeter

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Parallel Operation Procedure for Marine Diesel
Generators in Ships Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
May 27, 2014 9:05 am | Leave a Comment | Firoz

In order to put a generator onto a live bus bar or in other words, for the parallel operation generators in
ships, the following conditions must be fulfilled. Select Your Topic

1. The incoming generator voltage is almost equal to the bus bar voltage. Home
2. The incoming generator frequency is equal to or slightly higher than the bus bar frequency.
3. With the conditions 1 and 2 met, the incoming generator circuit breaker must be closed at the MEO Exam

exact instant when the generator voltage is in phase in opposition to the bus bar voltage
Fire Detectors

The following describes, as an example, how to put D/G 2 onto the main switch board (MSB) bus Fire Fighting
already served by D/G 1. Follow the procedure for proper placing of an incoming generator to the bus Gas Freeing
bar and to load shift a generator which is already powering up bus bar.

Engine Start and Voltage Establishment Boilers

Start D/G 2 engine and let D/G 2 voltage establish to the rated value.

Lubricating Oil
Comparison of Voltage and Frequencies
Sewage Treatment

Compare D/G 2 voltage and frequency with the bus voltage and frequency (D/G 1 voltage and Inert Gas System
frequency as measured on the bus). Read the bus voltage and frequency on the bus voltmeter and Air Conditioning
frequency meter, which are assumed to be at the rated values. To read D/G 2 voltage and frequency,
Instrumentation and Control
set “VOLT & FREQ METER” switch on the synchro panel to D/G 2. Automatic voltage regulator will
bring the D/G 2 voltage to its rated value. So no need to adjust voltages. At this step, the generator Hydraulics

frequency is acceptable if it is sufficiently close to the bus frequency. Heat Exchangers

Steering Gear
Synchronism Refrigeration

On confirmation that the frequency difference is small (1 Hz or less), position “SYNCHROSCOPE”
switch to D/G 2 and observe the movement of the synchroscope pointer as well as the brilliance Welding
change of the synchro lamps. Purifiers

Synchroscope pointer is rotating in “FAST” direction (clockwise)
Diesel Engines

The generator frequency (D/G 2 ‘s) is higher than the bus frequency (D/G 1 ‘s). The sequence of the Vibrations
synchro lamp brilliance change is also in clockwise direction. Turbochargers

Synchroscope pointer is rotating in “SLOW” direction (anticlockwise)

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The incoming generator frequency is lower than the bus frequency. The sequence of the synchro lamp Download
brilliance change is also in anticlockwise direction. Questions and Answers on Diesel
Engines 1
Synchroscope pointer is stopping MEO Class 2 Question Papers

MEO Class 1 Question Papers

The generator and bus frequency are the same. The position of the synchroscope pointer (assumed to
be stationary) indicates the relative phase angle. In this case, there is no synchro lamp brilliance Checklists

Synchroscope pointer is at 12 o’ clock position Rudder

Whether the synchroscope pointer is moving slowly or stationary this condition indicates that the
generator and bus voltages are in phase (synchronism). At that moment, the two outside synchro Quadcopter
lamps will be on at the same brightness while the middle top one will be at completely dark. Motor and ESC Fire

Connecting Sonar
Closing the Generator ACB at Synchronism

Observing the synchroscope or synchrolamps, operate “GOVERNOR MOTOR” switch for D/G 2 to
RAISE or LOWER and bring D/G 2 frequency about 0.3 Hz higher than the bus frequency (in this case,
synchroscope pointer will rotate in “FAST” direction and complete one rotation in 3 or 4 seconds).
Operate ACB control switch for D/G 2 to CLOSE a little prior to synchronism, anticipating a timing that
D/G 2 ACB be closed at the exact instant of synchronism.

Load Division
On closure of D/G 2 ACB, operate “GOVERNOR MOTOR” switch for D/G 2 to RAISE so that D/G 2
takes on KW load and let each generator share the load in proportion to their capacity ratio. Also
operate “GOVERNOR MOTOR” switch for D/G 1 if necessary to maintain the bus frequency at 60 Hz.
Then position “SYNCHROSCOPE” switch to OFF. ***If you Like it, Share it

Load Shift

To remove one of the generators running in parallel, first transfer load on that generator to other
generator(s). When the KW output of this generator is reduced to almost zero, remove the generator
from the bus by opening its ACB. For example, to remove D/G 1 running in parallel with D/G 2as
mentioned above, operate “GOVERNOR MOTOR” switch for D/G 1 to lower; load on D/G 1 transfers
to D/G 2. Also operate GOVERNOR MOTOR” switch for D/G 2 if necessary to maintain the bus
Recent Posts
frequency at 60 Hz. When D/G 1 output is reduced to about 5% of its rated output, operate “ACB
Measuring Fuel pump Lead on Marine
CONTROL” switch for D/G 1 to open from the bus.
Auxiliary Engine

Cautions SIRE Inspection on Ships

Boiler Survey on Ships

1. Pay attention to the variation in bus frequency during the load division or shift control, and be sure
to maintain it at 60 Hz. Cargo Sampling Procedure on Ships
2. Pay attention to the loading condition of the generator(s) remaining on the bus during the load shift
control, and do not overload it for them. Operation and Maintenance of Eductor

3. If the output of a generator is reduced below 0 KW during the load shift control, the induction type on Ships

reverse power relay (RP setting: 10% of the rated output, time setting: 10 sec) will operate and trip
Maintenance of Butterfly Valve on Ships
the generator ACB.

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology | Tagged: bus bar, diesel generator in ships, diesel generator taking on load,
generator load shift, meaning of synchroscope pointer movement, parallel operation of generators, parallelling,
synchronism, synchronizing two generators, take load on generator

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Diesel Generator Control Procedure on Installation
in Ships Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
May 25, 2014 10:17 pm | Leave a Comment | Firoz

Initial Checkout
Select Your Topic
1. Circuit breaker for “SHORE CONNECTION BOX” on No.1 440v feeder panel is OFF.
2. The automatic voltage regulator control (AVR) is situated inside main switch board (MSB). Home
3. The generator engine is ready to start from MSB.
4. “AUTO STBY” and “LOAD SHARING’ switches on control panel are selected to MANUAL. MEO Exam

Placing a Generator onto a Dead Bus
Fire Detectors

The following describes, as an example, how to put diesel generator no.1 (D/G 1) onto a dead bus: Fire Fighting

Gas Freeing
Engine Start

With “REDY TO START” lamp for D/G 1 turned on, operate “ENG CONTROL” switch to start. Boilers

Voltage Establishment Compressors

Lubricating Oil
As the engine approaches the synchronous speed, the generator voltage builds up to its rated voltage
Sewage Treatment
and “GEN RUN” lamp become on and brighter.
Inert Gas System

Voltage Check and Adjustment Air Conditioning

Instrumentation and Control

Check the generator voltage reading of the voltmeter on the generator by operating “VOLTMETER”
switch to each phase-to-phase position, and see that it is the specified value. If it is not the specified
value, adjust it with the automatic voltage regulator. Heat Exchangers

Steering Gear
Frequency Check and Adjustment Refrigeration

Check the generator frequency reading of the double frequency meter on the synchro panel by setting
“VOLT & FREQ METER” switch to D/G 1. If the frequency is higher than rated value, operate
“GOVERNOR CONTROL” switch to LOWER or, if lower, to RAISE position, and adjust the generator Purifiers

frequency to the rated value.


Diesel Engines
Load Connection

After checking the MSB bus is dead (all generators, ACBs, shore MCCBs), operate “ACB CONTROL” Turbochargers
switch for D/G 1 to close to put D/G 1 on the bus. After closure of the ACB, check that the bus voltage Tools

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and frequency are at the rated values, then close the necessary feeder and load circuit breakers. Download

Questions and Answers on Diesel

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generator taking on load, generator bus bar in ships, placing generator to a dead bus bar
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Category Archives: Marine Electrical Technology

Starting and Stopping of Diesel Engine Generator
Sets in Ships Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
May 25, 2014 8:08 pm | 3 Comments | Firoz

The power plant of a ship normally consist of three diesel generators driven by diesel engines. One
generator is normally used when the ship is at the sea while more sets of diesel generators are Select Your Topic
employed during entering or leaving port and during loading or unloading. The diesel generators can
also be set as automatic starting stand-by generators. Home

Manual Start-Stop Control of Diesel Engines MEO Exam

Starting and stopping operation of the diesel engines can be controlled either from the main switch
Fire Detectors
board (MSB) synchro panel or from the generator engine control panel (GECP / Local) located near
generator. Fire Fighting

Gas Freeing
The “ENG CONTROL” switch on GECP /Local gives a choice of control position; LOCAL position
places GECP /Local in control, and REMOTE position transfers control to MSB.

Control From Main Switch Board Pumps

Each diesel engine is ready for control from MSB when all of the following conditions are met:
Lubricating Oil

Sewage Treatment
1. 24 volt DC power is supplied to the control circuitry.
2. The turning bar is stored in the specified position. Inert Gas System
3. The starting air valve is OPEN. Air Conditioning
4. The handle switch is positioned to RUN.
Instrumentation and Control
5. “ENG CONTROL” switch on GECP /Local is selected to REMOTE.
6. Each engine abnormal stop alarms are reset (alarm lamps are provided on GECP /Local).
Heat Exchangers
Fulfillment of the above conditions is identified by lighting of “READY TO START” lamp on synchro Steering Gear
panel (one for each diesel engine).

Starting of Diesel Generator Sets
With “READY TO START” lamp lighting, position “ENG CONTROL” switch on synchro panel to START Purifiers
; the engine starts. If the engine does not reach 300 rpm or above within 20 seconds of “ENG
CONTROL” switch operation, it will be alarmed on GECP /Local as start failure and “START FAIL” lamp
provided on MSB will be lighted and alarm issued. Diesel Engines

Stopping of Diesel Generator Sets Turbochargers

Position “ENG CONTROL” switch to STOP after the generator is disconnected from the MSB bus.

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Posted in: Diesel Engines, Marine Electrical Technology, Motor Engineering Knowledge | Tagged: diesel engine Download
generator, diesel generator, diesel generator in ships, ship power production, starting of diesel generators, stopping of Questions and Answers on Diesel
diesel generators Engines 1

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Operation of Circuit Breakers on Main Switch
Board in Ships Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
May 24, 2014 11:31 pm | Leave a Comment | Firoz

All Air Circuit Breakers (ACB) can be operated either electrically or manually. There are two operation
methods available. Select Your Topic

Electrical Operation Home

The electrical operation of an air circuit breaker is initiated by an automatic control signal produced in MEO Exam

the main switch board or by manual operation of the corresponding one of breaker control switches; Safety
these control switches are located on the synchro panel of the switch board and marked “ACB
Fire Detectors
CONTROL”. Pull the breaker control switch knob towards you and turn it clockwise to close the
breaker, or anticlockwise to open the breaker. As soon as the knob is released, it returns to the central Fire Fighting

position and is locked in this position. Gas Freeing

Manual Operation

Direct manual operation of the air circuit breaker is recommended only for inspection and maintenance. Pumps
Pull the manual control lever of the breaker towards you to close and press the trip button in the Compressors
breaker front to open.
Lubricating Oil

Sewage Treatment
Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB)
Inert Gas System

All other circuit breakers used for distribution and load circuit protection purposes are molded case Air Conditioning
circuit breakers. These breakers are automatically tripped, should overload or short circuit develop in Instrumentation and Control
their load circuits; the re-establishment of connection can be made easily and safely without need for
replacement of elements such as fuses.
Heat Exchangers

See Also: Main Switch Board Safety Steering Gear

See Also: Main Switch Board

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology, MEO Examination Study Materials | Tagged: acb, air circuit breaker operation, Welding

air circuit breakers, mccb, molded case circuit breakers, operation of air circuit breakers Purifiers


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Construction of a Main Switch Board (MSB) used in
Ships Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
May 24, 2014 10:44 pm | Leave a Comment | Firoz

A main switch board is an integrated assembly of switching controls, regulator equipment, measuring
instruments, indicators and protective devices, and is a necessary apparatus for efficient centralized Select Your Topic
control of the electrical systems and power operated equipment in ships.
This main switch board distributes electrical power to the electrical loads in various locations in the
ship. Should a fault occur at a place, an appropriate protective device in the switchboard will operate to MEO Exam

disconnect the faulted circuit. One or more generators are operated and controlled, depending on the
size of load, from this main switch board, and supply the power to the feeder circuits through the
Fire Detectors
respective feeder panels.
Fire Fighting

Construction Gas Freeing

A dead front type switch board have no live parts on the front of the panel. Each frame work is rigidly
constructed of steel angles for vibration resistance and to which a door type panel or panels of 2.3 mm Boilers

thick sheet steel are hinged at one side with the other side latched for securing it or them in place. Pumps

Where inspection or servicing of the internal parts is required, turn each knob latch 90 degrees
Lubricating Oil
anticlockwise to unfasten, then the panel is opened and held open by means of a metal bar. Internal
devices (instrument transformers, relays, etc.) are so mounted that they are resistant to vibration and Sewage Treatment

impact, yet easily replaceable from the front or back of the switch board. Inert Gas System

Air Conditioning
Insulating material used is mostly laminated-phenolic and special attention is paid to the configuration
Instrumentation and Control
for temperature and moisture stability,trouble-free operation and safety.

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology, MEO Examination Study Materials | Tagged: main switch board construction, Heat Exchangers
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Basic Temperature Control System
May 6, 2014 7:35 am | Leave a Comment | Firoz Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)

Control systems normally employ three means of manipulation of variables.

1. Pneumatic control systems: Used in explosive areas, local control, and in simple systems.
2. Electronic control systems: Most versatile and dependable, ideally suited for remote control Select Your Topic
3. Hydraulic systems: used in high power and torque applications. The basic block diagram of a Home
control system is shown below:
MEO Exam


Fire Detectors

Fire Fighting

Gas Freeing





Lubricating Oil

Sewage Treatment

Inert Gas System

Air Conditioning
In an Electronic temperature controller this is modified as below: Instrumentation and Control


Heat Exchangers

Steering Gear






Diesel Engines




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The PID controller utilises operational amplifiers to produce the three terms, Proportional, Integral and Download
Derivative. Any other algorithm can also be generated in the controller, to make a good control action Questions and Answers on Diesel
suited to the process. Engines 1

MEO Class 2 Question Papers

The thermocouple produces DC millivolts proportional to the temperature in the chamber, which is
MEO Class 1 Question Papers
amplified and then given to the PID block. The Controller output is fed to a TRIAC unit to vary the
power fed to the heater to increase or decrease the temperature as set by the controller. Checklists

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology | Tagged: electronic control system, pid controller, pneumatic control system, Naval
proportional control, temperature control system Rudder



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Conductors, Semiconductors and Dielectrics
May 5, 2014 11:24 pm | Leave a Comment | Firoz Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)

Physical properties of solids, and their electric properties, are determined by the degree of filling of the
energy bands rather than by their formation. From this point of view all crystalline bodies can be divided
into two different groups.
Select Your Topic


MEO Exam


Fire Detectors

Fire Fighting

Gas Freeing




The first group includes substances having a partially filled band in their energy spectrum above the Lubricating Oil
completely filled energy bands. As was mentioned above a partially filled band is observed in alkali Sewage Treatment
metals whose upper band is formed by unfilled atomic levels, and in alkali-earth crystals. All
Inert Gas System
substances belonging to this group are conductors.
Air Conditioning

Semiconductors and Dielectrics Instrumentation and Control

The second group comprises of substances with absolutely empty bands above completely filled Heat Exchangers
bands. This group also includes crystals with diamond shaped structures such as Silicon, Germanium,
Steering Gear
gray tin, and Diamond itself. This second group includes semiconductors and dielectrics. The
uppermost filled band in these crystals is called valence band and the first empty band above it the Refrigeration

conduction band. The upper level of the valence band is called the top of the valence band and is Corrosion
denoted by Wv. The lowest level of the conduction band is called the bottom of conduction band and Welding
denoted by Wc.

The division into semiconductors and Dielectrics is quite arbitrary and is determined by the width Wg of Motor
the forbidden energy gap separating the completely filled band from the empty band. Substances with Diesel Engines
a forbidden gap of Wg <2 eV belong to the semiconductor sub-group. Germanium (Wg » 0.7 eV),
silicon (Wg» 1.2 eV), gallium arsenide (Wg » 1.5eV), and indium antimonide (Wg » 0.2 eV) are typical
semiconductors. Substances for which Wg > 3eV belong to dielectrics. Well known dielectrics include Turbochargers

corundum(Wg » 7 eV), diamond (Wg » 5eV). Boron nitride (Wg » 4, 5 eV) and others. Tools

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Applications Download

Questions and Answers on Diesel

Engines 1
Conductors like Copper and Aluminum are used to carry electrical current of varying capacities. They
are selected on the basis of affordable voltage drop across the ends of the conductor at the specified MEO Class 2 Question Papers

current. MEO Class 1 Question Papers

Semiconductors are used in the manufacture of many electronic devices like Diodes, Bipolar
transistors, Field effect transistors, CMOS IC’s etc. Extrinsic semiconductors are doped to make n-type Naval
and p-type semiconductors, which are used in the manufacture of these devices.

Dielectrics and Insulators are used where no conductivity is permitted. They are used as Insulating Electrical
supports for current carrying conductors. Room-temperature superconductor is a material yet to be
discovered which would be capable of exhibiting superconducting properties at temperatures above
0° C (273.15 K). This is of course not strictly speaking “room temperature” (20–25° C), however it can Motor and ESC Fire

be reached very cheaply. Connecting Sonar

Since the discovery of high-temperature superconductors, several materials have been claimed as
being room-temperature superconductors. In every case, independent investigation has quickly proven
these claims false. As a result, most condensed matter physicists now welcome with extreme JOIN FOR UPDATES
skepticism any further claims of this nature.
Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology, MEO Examination Study Materials | Tagged: applications of semi conductors,
conductors, dielectric materials, semi conductors, super conductivity


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Electrical Salinometer Working Principle
May 2, 2014 4:08 am | Leave a Comment | Firoz Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)

Working Principle of Salinometer

The electrical supply to the salinometer must be DC. The potentiometer is provided to give a fixed
standard calibration voltage so that no errors to voltage differences exist. Select Your Topic

Pure water is non-conducting so that current flow is an indication of impurities, i.e. the greater the Home

current the greater the impurity in the water. Figure below shows a salinometer usually found with a
MEO Exam
freshwater generator.

Fire Detectors

Fire Fighting

Gas Freeing





Lubricating Oil

Sewage Treatment

Inert Gas System

Air Conditioning

Instrumentation and Control


Heat Exchangers

Steering Gear






Diesel Engines
When the impurity content exceeds a fixed value the current is sufficient to operate the relay 2 so giving
visual or audible warning by closing the circuit. Continued operation at increased current would cause Vibrations

Relay 1 to short circuit the meter and so protect it. Turbochargers


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Water temperature increases conductivity so that temperature compensation is required. A temperature Download
compensating thermometer is a shunt across the meter. Temperature increase causes a rise of Questions and Answers on Diesel
mercury level and a cutting out of resistance which allows more current through the shunt and less Engines 1
through the meter. The correct calibration current through the meter is fixed; current variations due to
MEO Class 2 Question Papers
temperature are shunted.
MEO Class 1 Question Papers


References Naval

“Steam Engineering Knowledge for Engineers” by Thomas D. Morton

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology | Tagged: electrical salinometer, freshwater generator, freshwater salinometer, Quadcopter
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DC Generator Working Principle and Parts
May 2, 2014 4:04 am | Leave a Comment | Firoz Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)

DC generator is a machine which produces “Direct Current” electric power. It consists of two main pars
namely, (1) Field Winding and (2) Armature Winding.
Field Winding
Select Your Topic
It is provided on poles which are necessary. These poles are fitted on stator and they project inwards
towards the rotor. The total number of poles is always an even number. All these poles are identical in Home

construction. Their cores are made of thin laminations of stalloy and their windings are made up of
MEO Exam
copper wires. All these poles are symmetrically fitted to the stator with alternate polarities i.e., a “North”
pole is followed by a “South” pole which in turn is followed by another “North” pole and so on. The Safety
copper windings of all these poles are connected together to form a circuit which is known as “FIELD Fire Detectors
Fire Fighting
The field winding always require a D.C. Current. Relatively a small DC power is required by field
Gas Freeing
winding to produce sufficiently strong magnetic field. The ends of the pole cores are given a special
curvature which is known as “pole-shoe”. With such curvature the flux produced by the poles is spread General
uniformly over almost the entire armature (i.e., the rotor) surface so that all the armature conductors
are in the magnetic field of the poles.

Armature Winding Compressors

Lubricating Oil
The rotor of the machine is made up of thin circular laminations of stalloy. it is called armature core. Sewage Treatment
Laminated structure is used to reduce magnetic losses and also to obtain convenience in the
Inert Gas System
construction. Rectangular punches are cut at the periphery of the circular laminations. Due to these
punches, slots are produced on the surface of the armature core. Copper conductors are placed in Air Conditioning

these slots. These are called “Armature Conductors”. All these conductors are connected together to Instrumentation and Control
form a completely closed circuit which is known as “Armature Winding”. It is winding in Hydraulics
which electricity is produced.
Heat Exchangers

Steering Gear

Commutator Refrigeration

It is part of the armature. It is fitted on the shaft. It consists of a number of copper segments. The ends
of the armature conductors are connected to these copper segments. Thus the electricity generated in
the armature winding is made available at the commutator segments from where it is picked up by two
stationary carbon brushes. Motor

Diesel Engines




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Motor and ESC Fire

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The generator is driven by its engine in the correct direction at its rated speed (RPM). DC field current
is then supplied to its field winding. This current enables the poles to produce a sufficiently
strong magnetic flux which is spread uniformly over the armature surface. he armature conductors
which are set in motion, cut the magnetic flux and hence electric power is produced in the armature
winding. It is picked up by carbon brushes from the commutator as shown in the figure. Email*



“Basic Marine Engineering” by J.K. Dhar

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Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology | Tagged: armature winding, commutator, dc generator, dc generator ship, field
winding, slip rings, split rings

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Single Phasing in Three Phase Induction Motors –
Causes and Effects Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
May 2, 2014 3:56 am | Leave a Comment | Firoz

▪ The loss of current through one phase of a 3 phase supply is described as single phasing in three
phase induction motors. Select Your Topic
▪ During single phasing no current passes through one line while other two lines carry excess
current depending on the load. Home
▪ As shown in figure other two lines carry 2.4 times normal line current for the load.
MEO Exam


Fire Detectors

Fire Fighting

Gas Freeing





Lubricating Oil

Sewage Treatment

Inert Gas System

Air Conditioning

Instrumentation and Control

▪ Also phase current distribution also will be altered.
Heat Exchangers
▪ Coil ‘B’ and ‘C’ carries 1.3 times normal phase current while coil ‘A’ carries 2.9 times normal
phase current. Reason is clear from the diagram itself ( Since current from one phase finds coil ‘A’ Steering Gear

as low resistance path ) Refrigeration

Causes of Single Phasing

1. Line fuse blown off Purifiers

2. Terminal contacts broken due to vibration or ageing

3. Terminal contacts become loose
Diesel Engines
4. Line wire broken
5. In contactor relay, one of the contactor is not making proper contact Vibrations

6. Relay contact spring may be damage or weak Turbochargers

7. Contact joints covered with oxidation product, hence not conducting Tools

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Effects of Single Phasing Download

Questions and Answers on Diesel

1. Uneven distribution of current in the motor winding which may damage them Engines 1
2. Motor will keep on running with noise and vibration but once stopped, it will not start MEO Class 2 Question Papers
3. Due to uneven distribution of phase current, there will be fluctuation in torque produced
MEO Class 1 Question Papers
4. Motor will vibrate vigorously
5. Fluctuation in motor rpm Checklists
6. Cause humming noise
7. Motor winding may burn out Naval

8. Possibility of electrical fire Rudder

9. Winding insulation may melt, causing short circuiting or earthing, results in electric shock and
10. Generator may overload and associated problems. Quadcopter

Motor and ESC Fire

Posted in: Marine Electrical Technology | Tagged: causes of single phasing, effects of single phasing, single phasing,
single phasing in as motors Connecting Sonar


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Ward Leonard Speed Control System for a DC
Motor Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
May 2, 2014 3:52 am | Leave a Comment | Firoz

As a very flexible, reliable means of motor speed control, the Ward Leonard Speed Control System is
unmatched. Select Your Topic


MEO Exam


Fire Detectors

Fire Fighting

Gas Freeing





Lubricating Oil

Sewage Treatment

Inert Gas System

Air Conditioning

Instrumentation and Control

The system is made up of a driving motor which runs at almost constant speed and powers a dc Hydraulics
generator as shown in the diagram. The generator output is fed to a dc motor. By varying the generator Heat Exchangers
field current, its output voltage will change. The speed of the controlled motor thus can be varied
Steering Gear
smoothly from zero to full speed.

Since control is achieved through the generator shunt field current, the control equipment is required Corrosion
only for small current values. A potentiometer or rheostat in the generator field circuit enables he Welding
variation of output voltage from zero to the full value and also in either direction. The controlled motor
has a constant excitation. Its speed and direction are thus determined by the generator output.
Depending upon the particular duties of the controlled motor, series winding may be incorporated in the Diesel Engines
field of the motor and also the generator. This may result in additional switching to reverse the
controlled motor depending upon the compounding arrangements.

The driving motor or prime motor for the Ward Leonard System can be a dc motor, an ac motor, a Tools

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diesel engine, etc. Any form of constant and almost constant speed drive can be used, since its Download
function is only to drive the generator. Questions and Answers on Diesel
Engines 1

MEO Class 2 Question Papers

MEO Class 1 Question Papers

“Introduction to Marine Engineering” by T.A. Taylor

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Category Archives: Marine Electrical Technology

Main Switch Board (MSB) Safeties, Protection and
Maintenance Categories
Marine Electrical Technology (27)
May 2, 2014 3:47 am | 3 Comments | Firoz

Select Your Topic


MEO Exam


Fire Detectors

Fire Fighting
1. Main Switch Board or MSB to be installed on a raised platform. Gas Freeing
2. The location where Switch Board or MSB is installed should have good ventilation, illumination
and affected by minimum vibration. General

3. No water or oil pipes should pass above the Switch Board or MSB. Boilers
4. There should be adequate space around allowing comfortable operation ans maintenance. Pumps
5. The operating floor space in front and behind the Switch Board or MSB should be covered with
anti skid, insulated rubber mats with a minimum thickness of 15 mm.
6. Panel doors should be in locked position. Lubricating Oil

7. Door opening mechanism should be interlocked with power supply. Sewage Treatment
8. The enclosure should be drip proof. Inert Gas System
9. MSB should be dead front type. (i.e. All the live conductor should pass behind MSB)
Air Conditioning
10. Every equipment onboard must be properly earthed. Also MSB must be properly earthed.
11. Every incoming and outgoing feed must be protected by a switch fuse or circuit breaker. Instrumentation and Control

12. Insulation resistance should not be less than 1 Mega Ohm in any case. Insulation Resistance (IR) Hydraulics
to be checked and records are maintained. Heat Exchangers
13. All meters must be calibrated periodically and records are maintained.
Steering Gear
14. All the meters, switches, fuses, push button, indicating lamps, etc. should be in working condition
and identified with individual name plate or tag.
15. All the interlocks must be in working condition. Corrosion
16. Operating switch gear, tools such as circuit breaker handle, fuse puller, lamp grip, etc. must be Welding
readily available and to be used.
17. Red tag / name plate indicating high voltage and danger sign should be fitted
18. Appropriate ready to use fire extinguishers should be positioned nearby. (CO2and DCP) Motor
19. Charts indicating drill procedures in case of electric shocks must be displayed near MSB. Diesel Engines
20. Wiring diagram laminated or framed indicating supply system must be displayed nearby.
21. All the appropriate spares should be properly preserved and protected, individually packed and
identified, and should be readily available for use.
22. Earth fault indication should be fitted and displayed in front panel. Tools

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23. 24 volt battery supply emergency light should be provided near MSB. Download

Questions and Answers on Diesel

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Engines 1
main switch board
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