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A Qualitative Research

Presented to the Faculty of Ateneo de Davao University Senior High School

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Vince Gervan Andre R. Respecia

Rouve Lucky C. Buenaventura
Phillip Martin G. Bernaldez
Julienne Shawn T. Fedoc
Xavier Randall B. Brana
Yana Yvet C. Cainoy
Abegail B. Torrejas

Grade 12 – Berchmans

Accountancy, Business, and Management

September 10, 2022

Chapter 1


This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting. It includes the

background of the study, the statement of the problem, the significance of the study, and

the scope and delimitation of the study.

Background of the Study

Marketing plays a vital role in the field of business and is a major contributor for

the acquisition of customers and profit. It is a set of processes and means of

communicating, delivering, and promoting offerings to the market (“Definitions of

marketing,” n.d). It examines the commercial management of the companies conducive

to entice, acquire, and retain customers through meeting their wants and needs and

inseminating brand loyalty (“What is Marketing? Definitions, Benefits, and Strategies,”


Marketing has evolved over the years as the advancement of technology surged.

From printing press during 1400-1942 with the introduction of radio and television ads, to

the emergence of digital technology and marketing in the early 90s (“Marketing

Evolution,” 2021). That said, several marketing strategies have also emerged especially

with the geer of marketeers toward social media marketing during the year 2006

beginning with Facebook’s widened network, (“The History of Social Media,” 2022)

leading to what is referred to now as “Online Marketing” which facilitates in the promoting

of a product, business, or service through the internet using online ads, social media,

etc. (Joran, 2021) This particular marketing strategy utilizes the analyzing and measuring

of statistics which advertisers use for testing and tracing data (Fatma, 2022) beneficial in

building a business, making it one of the most used marketing tools in this time of Digital

The process of creating, distributing, promoting, and pricing goods, services, and

ideas to facilitate satisfying exchange relationships with customers and to develop and

maintain favorable relationships with stakeholders in a dynamic environment is called

Marketing (“Definitions of Marketing: American Marketing Association”, 2017). This

serves as the means of communication for informing and engaging with consumers,

whose purchasing decisions are greatly influenced by certain marketing strategies.

Beneficiaries of the study are confident on which type of marketing should be performed

for products to reach and attract specific consumers. Following the shift of most from

offline to online engagements, beneficiaries have adapted to the situation by choosing

what works best for them — either online or traditional marketing to cater their needs

and objectives.

Considering the aftereffects of the virus, the ways of living have drastically

changed. One of them is how most have grown accustomed to online purchasing. The

majority are now more comfortable with buying products through various applications

and websites, despite knowing lockdown restrictions have eased down. According to the

study conducted in Samar regarding the online marketing of small and medium

enterprises, where there is a strong demand in adopting online marketing due to the

financial issues that the Small and Medium enterprises had faced upon using tarpaulin

as their way of marketing (Patimo, D., & Dollado, R. (2021).

In addition, another study was also conducted at the University of Santo Tomas,

where it was stated in their survey that digital marketing can effectively generate

purchase intention from Filipino consumers. The survey also indicates a positive

outcome that perceived digital marketing as a practical and essential part of today’s

generation of marketing (Astoriano et al,. n.d.).

As we are still in the middle of a pandemic, business owners around the globe

continue to face dilemmas when considering which marketing strategy, online or

traditional, is more beneficial. Reason for this is the abrupt changes in day-to-day living,

which has also impacted areas of commerce. According to review of related literatures,

both marketing strategies have their own share of advantages and disadvantages. Such

advantages include long-lasting impressions on customers, direct feedback, and it

doesn’t just have a local and national reach, but it can now be reached globally (“Offline

marketing VS. online marketing: Helloprint”, 2019). Examples of some disadvantages

are: it can be costly and expensive, advertisements and distributors can be annoying

and easily ignored, and it could be difficult to measure a campaign’s success (Hofman,

2021). The purpose of this study is to give more clarity on these points and aspects that

will eventually lead to a conclusion on which approach is more convenient for both

entrepreneurs and teenage consumers amidst this pandemic.

Given the importance of marketing in every business, entrepreneurs and business

owners continue to debate which marketing strategies, whether online or traditional, are

the best fit for their businesses. Hence, this research will provide enough information on

which marketing strategy is the most effective and beneficial to businesses, business

owners, and consumers. Furthermore, this study will clarify the effects of marketing to

Ateneo de Davao University students as daily consumers and how it draws them to buy

such products and services that they use in their daily lives.

Theoretical Framework

Online Marketing

➢ Chaffey’s Theory of Social Media Marketing

The theory, developed by Chaffey (2012), considers social media marketing to be

an informal marketing approach. Communication and human networking, according to

the theory, are at the heart of human behavior and, ultimately, customer behavior. As a

result, social media marketing makes use of these platforms to influence people's

opinions on various products and services, ultimately leading to purchases and even
brand loyalty. This theory focuses on social media as a tool for relationship building.

Such interactions foster a meaningful relationship between the company and its


This theory is significant for the study because it will further elaborate on how

human networking affects the selling of products and services of a business; how social

media engagement boosts interaction between consumers; and lastly, how social media

is used as a tool in establishing the business in the general public.

Figure 1. Diagram of Chaffey’s Theory of Social Media Marketing

Traditional Marketing

➢ Ansoff Matrix

A theory that proposes that depending on the market and the product released,

products/services fall into one of four categories. Diversification is defined as introducing

a new product or entering a new market. According to this theory, businesses should try

to diversify their product portfolio in order to spread risk across a wider range of

➢ Market penetration

Marketing penetration is a growth strategy of a company wherein it concentrates

on selling current items into current markets.

➢ Market development

Market development refers to how business owners improve and modify their

products to make it more saleable to the market.

➢ Product development

Product development is the dynamic of how business owners study the needs of

the society and create and innovate new products that would address and satisfy the

needs of people.

➢ Diversification

Diversification is the process of how business owners study the business in

general — how the business works and how they can cope up to the demands of their

competitors, especially to those newly established businesses.

This theory can be related to the study as it centers on the four classifications,

which will help the researchers discuss the four dynamics which includes how a

business sells its products to the market, improve their products, create and establish

new products, and lastly, how business owners study the dynamics in business in


Figure 2. Diagram of Ansoff’s Matrix

Research Questions

Given that both online and traditional marketing has its own advantages and

disadvantages, this study aims to weigh and determine which of the two marketing

strategies is the best and worth investing in from the perspective of teenage consumers.

Specifically, this research seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How are the customers' experiences in online and traditional marketing?

2. What are salient features that make a marketing strategy effective to


3. What are the impacts of these marketing strategies to the general consumers?

Significance of the Study

The generalization of this study would give a great contribution to the deep

knowledge regarding which among the two marketing strategies is more effective and
worth investing in, whether is it Traditional Marketing or Online marketing? Furthermore,

the results of this study would be highly beneficial for the following:

First is the consumers. These are the people who are considered as the main

beneficiaries of this study. They would be given sufficient knowledge about the two

marketing strategies and which among the two could draw more attention to them. The

findings of this study would help them know the effectiveness of both online and offline

marketing strategies together with its advantages and disadvantages.

Second is the future researchers, this study would be used as a reference for

researchers who will conduct a study regarding the field of marketing. This research will

serve as their guide to continue developing the research in relation to the variables that

have been used in the study.

Next are the business owners. They are also the main beneficiaries of this study.

This will help them create an effective marketing that would gather a vast amount of

target audience which will be crucial in boosting their sales.

Lastly, another beneficiary of this study is the society. This research gives them

knowledge about why such goods and services are offered according to their

satisfaction. Thus, this will serve as a vital role in raising the society’s standard of living.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to ascertain which of the following marketing strategies, online or

traditional, is more effective and beneficial approach to invest in from the viewpoint of

teenage consumers among Ateneo de Davao Senior High School Accountancy,

Business, and Management learners based on their experiences with each marketing

approach. This study will be conducted in Davao City specifically, within the Ateneo de

Davao University Senior High School Bangkal Campus. The respondents for this study

will be among the Ateneo de Davao Senior High School students, specifically the

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) learners, from Grade levels 11 and 12
of the academic year 2022-2023. Both male and female, ages ranging from 15 to 17

years old. The researchers will select a minimum of 10 respondents from these learners

(5 learners each grade level), through a purposive sampling. This study is designed as a

qualitative study, thus, among the qualitative research designs, a case study will be

employed for this research in order to analyze the teenagers’ perception on the most

effective and beneficial marketing approach among the two marketing strategies. The

researchers will gather the necessary data that is needed for the study through survey

questionnaires via google forms due to restrictions.

The study limits its coverage on the several advantages and disadvantages of both

online and traditional marketing, that makes it the most effective marketing strategy in

the market today, based upon the gathered data and responses from the participants.

This study limits its respondents to the Ateneo de Davao University Senior High School

Accountancy, Business, and Management learners only, as these learners are the most

ideal participants for this study since their strand is related to the field of our study, which

is business.

Definition of Terms

This section presents some of the terms relevant to the study and its definition.

Digital age. An era or generation in which everything you use or do is

computer-generated, from shutting off your alarm clock and checking your emails and

messages in the morning to your afternoon meal meeting schedule and evening party


Marketing strategy. Marketing strategy is a method for promoting and selling

a product or services.

Offline marketing. Offline or traditional marketing strategy is the opposite of

online marketing since this is a form of marketing that is not done online.
Online marketing. Online marketing, also known as digital marketing, is a way

of marketing products through the internet.

Printing press. Invented in 1440, this device uses ink to transfer text and

pictures from printing to paper or other medium.


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