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ISE Master Program – International University

1. Course Title: Research Methodology
2. Course Code: ISE002IU
3. Numbers of Credit: 2
4. Time Allocation:
- Lectures: 30 hours
5. Pre-requisite: None
6. Objectives-Learning Outcomes: Students are to learn the principles for
conducting research, steps to do research independently or in group, methodology
of problem solving, collection data as well as experimental design for doing
research. Students will also obtain skills for presentation of their research proposal
and results.
7. Course Description: The course provides knowledge of research methodology,
method of sampling, measurement and estimation, result analysis and report
8. Student Responsibility
Students are expected to spend at least 8 hours per week studying this course. This time
should be made up of reading, doing exercise and group assignment, and attending class
and tutorials. University regulations indicate that if students attend less than 80% of
scheduled classes they may be refused final assessment. Regular attendance is essential
for successful performance and learning in this course, particular in view of the
interactive teaching and learning approach adopted.
9. Course Assessment Policy
- Midterm exam: 20% - 40%
- Final exam: 40% - 60%
- Special studies: 40% - 60%
10. Text books
William M. K. Trochim, Research Methods Knowledge Base, Cornell University
Press, 1997,
Douglas C. Montgomery, Design and Analysis of Experiments – 7 th edition, John
Wiley & Son, 2009.
11. Grade scale: 100
12. Course outline

No. of hours

Week Content Lectures Special

studies (30
(30 hrs

1 Introduction 4
1.1. Introduction to research
1.2. Basic definitions
1.3. Philosophy and different categories of
1.4. Research evaluation

2 Hypothesis and Statistical Methods in Doing 4

2.1 Hypothesis and Testing
2.2 Sampling
2.2.1 Determine sampling size using statistics
2.2.2 Sampling process
2.2.3 Different sampling methods
2.3 Hypothesis testing

3 Measurement and Reliability in Doing 4

3.1. Validation
3.2. Reliability
3.3. Scales of measurement
3.4. Errors in measurement
3.5. Difficulties and methods to minimize
measurement errors

4 Experimental Design 4
4.1. Introduction to experimental design
4.2. Classification
4.3. Different designs of experiment
4.4. Evaluation

Midterm exam
5 Result analysis
5.1. Data collection & analysis
5.2. Statistical inference
5.3. One-way ANOVA
5.4. Two-way ANOVA and multi-way ANOVA

6 Writing research report 6

6.1. Roles and types of report
6.2. Critical requirements
6.3. Critical principles
6.4. Standard formats of report
6.5. Review of some typical research reports
6.6. Appendix in research report

7 Special studies 2 30
7.1. Presentation formats
7.2. Preparation work
7.3. Report

Final exam

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