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Sundanese Legend

Sangkuriang(Sundanese language: )ᮀ are folk tales as well as legendsSundanese people.

The legend tells of the creation of a lakeBandung, MountainTangkuban Parahu, Mountain

Burangrang, and Mountainstumps hill.

Sangkuriang story illustration

From the legend, we can determine how long the Sundanese have lived in the
highlands of Bandung. From the legend, which is supported by geological facts, it is
estimated that the Sundanese have lived on this plain for thousands of years BC.
The legend of Sangkuriang was originally an oral tradition. Written references to this legend
are in the textSingle Beadwritten on leavesejectdating from the late 15th or early 16th
century AD. In the text it is written that Prince Jaya Pakuan alias PrinceSingle Beador Ameng
Layar to visit the holy places of Hinduism inJava IslandandBali Islandat the end of the 15th

After a long journey, Bujangga Manik arrived at what is nowBandung. He became the first
writer to write down the name of his legendary place. The report is as follows:

Leumpang aing ka baratkeun(I'm walking west) Come to

Patenggeng Hill(arrived at Mount Patenggeng) Sakakala the
Kuriang(the place of the legend of the Kuriang) The time for the
deck nyitu Ci tarum(while damming Citarum) Dear tembey bird(
but failed because of oversleeping)

summary of the story

Initially, it was told that in heaven there was a pair of gods and goddesses who made a
mistake, then by Sang Hyang Tunggal they were cursed to come down to earth in the
form of animals. The goddess turned intowild boar(boar) named Boar Wayung Hyang (or
Wayungyang), while the god turned intodognamed Tumang. They have to come down to
earth to carry out punishments and meditate for forgiveness so that they can return to
their form as gods again.

It is said that King Sungging Perbangkara was out hunting. In the middle of the forest the
King throws urine that is stored in the leavescaring(taroforest), in another version, the
king's urine is contained in coconut shells. A female wild boar named Celeng Wayung Hyang
who was imprisoned was thirsty, she then accidentally drank the king's urine. Wayung
Hyang miraculously got pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful baby, because she was
basically a goddess. The beautiful baby was found in the middle of the forest by the king
who did not realize that she was his daughter. The baby girl was brought to the palace by
her father and was named Dayang Sumbi alias Rarasati. Dayang Sumbi grew into a very
beautiful girl. Many kings and princes wanted to ask for her hand, but none was accepted.

Finally the kings fought each other among themselves. Dayang Sumbi, at her own request,
went into exile in a hill because of a venereal disease. While busy weaving cloth,
torompong(piston) which was being used to weave cloth fell under the halls. Feeling lazy,
Dayang Sumbi's words came out without saying anything
Come to think of it, he promised that whoever picked up the fallen piston, if the man would
be made her husband, and if the woman would be her sister. Si Tumang took the piston and
gave it to Dayang Sumbi. As a result of his words, Dayang Sumbi had to hold fast to her oath
and promise, so she married Tumang. Out of shame, the kingdom exiled Dayang Sumbi to
the forest to live only accompanied by Tumang. On a full moon night, Tumang can return to
his original form as a handsome god, Dayang Sumbi thought he dreamed of making out
with a handsome god who was actually Tumang's true form. So Dayang Sumbi finally gave
birth to a baby boy named Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang grew up to be a strong and handsome

Once upon a time Dayang Sumbi was craving a deer's liver (deer), so he ordered
Sangkuriang accompanied by Tumang to hunt in the forest. After a long time Sangkuriang
hunted, but not a single game was seen. Until finally Sangkuriang saw a fat wild boar
running away. Sangkuriang told Tumang to go after the wild boar, which turned out to be
the boar Wayung Hyang. Because Tumang recognized the Boar Wayung Hyang, who was
Sangkuriang's own grandmother, Tumang did not want to obey the order. So angry,
Sangkuriang then scared Tumang with an arrow, but accidentally the arrow was released
and Tumang was stabbed by an arrow. Sangkuriang became confused; and then because
they did not get game, Sangkuriang slaughtered Tumang's body and took his heart. By
Sangkuriang, He gave Tumang's liver to Dayang Sumbi, who then cooked and ate it. After
Dayang Sumbi found out that what she had eaten was the liver of Tumang, her own
husband, her anger exploded; Sangkuriang's head was immediately hit with a tick(rice
spoon) which is made of coconut shell so it hurts.

Pain and fear, Sangkuriang ran away from the house. Dayang Sumbi, regretting that she
had driven her son away, looked for Sangkuriang in the forest and called and begged him
to come home; but Sangkuriang had gone far. Dayang Sumbi was very sad and asked Sang
Hyang Tunggal to be reunited with her son. For that Dayang Sumbi practiced asceticism
and only practiced eatingherbsand raw vegetables (fresh vegetables). Sangkuriang himself
went to wander around the world. Sangkuriang went to study with many powerful ascetics,
so that after a few years Sangkuriang had grown into a strong, powerful, and mighty young
man. After a long walk to the east, Sangkuriang finally arrived in the west again and without
realizing it had arrived back at where Dayang Sumbi was. However, Sangkuriang did not
recognize that the beautiful daughter he had found was Dayang Sumbi - his mother.
Because Dayang Sumbi did penance and
If they only eat raw plants, Dayang Sumbi will remain beautiful and young. At first Dayang
Sumbi did not realize that the handsome knight was her own son. Then the two people
made love. When Sangkuriang was leaning affectionately and Dayang Sumbi was combing
Sangkuriang's hair, Dayang Sumbi accidentally saw the wound marks on Sangkuriang's
head, the marks from Dayang Sumbi's spoon; thus he knew that Sangkuriang was his son.
However, Sangkuriang still forced to marry her. Dayang Sumbi tried her best to refuse. So
he made a ploy to determine the conditions for a proposal that could not be fulfilled by
Sangkuriang. Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to makeboatandlake (lake) overnight by
stemming the flowCitarum River. Sangkuriang agreed.

So they made a boat out of a big tree growing in the east; later, the stump or base of the
tree turns into a treeMountainwhich name isstumps hill. The branch (sd.:Rangrang) was
piled on the west and later becameMount Burangrang. With the help ofhappy(spirits), after
midnight the dam was almost finished. But Dayang Sumbi pleaded with Sang Hyang
Tunggal so that Sangkuriang's intention was not carried out. Dayang Sumbi then spread out
a piece of clothboeh rarang(white cloth woven) on the hill in the east, so that the white cloth
looks like the light of dawn on the eastern horizon. Meanwhile he was repeatedly hitting
pestletomortar, as if poundingpaddy. The guriang spirits, Sangkuriang's subordinates were
scared because they thought it was morning, they then ran away hiding in the ground. Thus
the construction of the dam was not completed. Because he failed to meet Dayang Sumbi's
requirements, Sangkuriang became angry and went berserk. The boat that he had worked
so hard for and then kicked to the north and fell cupped into aTangkuban Perahu Mountain.
At the height of his anger, he broke down the dam wall to the west; later this Citarum water
hole is known asSanghyang Tikoro(Sd.:tikoro,throator esophagus). The stopper of the
Citarum flow was thrown to the east and transformed into Mount Manglayang. The water of
Talaga Bandung has receded again; This former lake will be the location forBandung.

Sangkuriang continued to chase Dayang Sumbi who ran to avoid the pursuit of her son who
had lost his mind. Dayang Sumbi was almost caught by Sangkuriang in Princess Mountain
and he also begged Sang Hyang Tunggal to save him, so Dayang Sumbi turned into a jaksi
flower. As for Sangkuriang after arriving at a place called Ujung Berung finally disappeared
into the unseen world (love).
Conformity with geological facts

Sangkuriang and Sundanese philosophy


External links

Obtained from

Last edited 3 months agoby202.6.213.10

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