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unsafe working practices while working aloft and over the side

Advisable Precautions:

Before working aloft or overside, it’s important to ensure you have the correct permit-to-work,
have performed a risk assessment, and consider any potential hazards (this could include bad weather
or strong currents). It’s also safe practice to inform crewmates of your plans to carry out such work,
both verbally and by putting warning signs in place, and to ensure any equipment nearby (such as the
whistle, funnel, radar scanner, or radio antenna) is switched off and made safe.

If you are a seafarer with limited experience, you should not work aloft or overside, unless
supervised by a more experienced crewmember – but whatever your experience level, you should
always have a responsible crewmember keeping watch on deck. You must make sure all safety
equipment is properly worn or rigged (including a lifejacket, harnesses, nets, etc). If you are working
overside, the crewmember keeping watch should hold a lifebuoy and line, which can be thrown to you
immediately if need be.

It is vital that all equipment and tools are examined prior to commencing work, to ensure they
are of the right quality and in good condition, and tools should be carried on a tool belt or other suitable
container – not in your pockets! You must also be careful to make sure any secured equipment, such as
gantlines are fastened to permanent fixtures only. Also, make sure all ropes and ladders you intend to
use are load tested beforehand (perform tests with at least four times the weight which the rope will
actually be expected to carry) and you should also perform visual tests for the quality and condition of
ropes and equipment.

As a general rule, personnel should not be permitted to work overside when the vessel is
underway unless it is absolutely necessary and as determined by the Master.

1. Personnel under training shall not be assigned aloft or overside related jobs.
2. The power source to potential hazards such as ships whistle, radar, etc. should be isolated
from their power source and accidental activation prevented by the use of warning signs
and/or removal of fuses.
3. The area below the workspace should be, as far as possible cordoned off to prevent injury to
passersby due to falling debris / accidental dropping of objects.
4. Equipment to be used by the personnel working aloft or overside should be securely housed
in tool belts/bags. Tools/equipment that cannot be carried on a person should be hoisted to
the place of work in secure containers.
5. Staging/scaffoldings rigged should be inspected for any potentially dangerous defects. Only
equipment and ropes in good order should be used. Ladders must be safely secured against
slippage. Securing points should be of adequate strength.
6. Personal protection gear such as work harnesses, helmets, goggles, and gloves appropriate
to the job being executed should be used by the personnel involved in working aloft /
7. Upon completion of the jobs, all equipment must be removed from the site and warning
notices / isolated systems restored to normal condition. Concerned personnel must be
notified of the completion of the job.
Working Aloft or Overside is considered to be a Critical Operation.

Hazards Involved

1. Falling from a height or in the water when working overside or on ships deck.
2. Personal Injury whilst working on the Mast.
3. Personal injury by falling objects.
4. Fines/ Protests incurred due to non-compliance with Port Regulations

Control Measures to be taken while working Aloft or Overside

1. Proper PPE shall be donned at all times.

2. All equipment and ropes to be used for the job shall be thoroughly inspected. ( Stages, Ropes
used for fixing staging, ropes used as lifelines, Safety Harness, Work Vests, Lines used for
securing tools, and the Ladder).
3. Adequate non-skid shoes to be worn.
4. Ensure the area is clear of any slipping hazard.
5. Harness and lifeline to be used at all times.
6. Lifebuoy to be kept ready.
7. Rescue boat shall be ready for immediate deployment.
8. All concerned personnel are to be informed.
9. Safety Line connected to the safety harness must have only sufficient slack to allow for the free
movement of the personnel.
10. Weather / Vessels condition should be suitable for work.
11. Safety nets to be rigged were applicable.
12. Company-specific Working Aloft checklist to be complied with.
13. Follow safe practices as per COSWP.
14. Electrical connections shall be isolated prior to commencing work on electrical components and
EIC to be issued.
15. Display notices/ placards prohibiting the operation shall be placed at all controls of Ships
whistle, Radar, MH/HF device as applicable.
16. Sufficient personnel to attend the person working aloft at all times.
17. Whilst lowering any objects, safety lines/ buckets are to be used.
18. Prior to lowering any objects, ensure that all personnel in space are clear underneath.
19. If Painting is to be carried out within the jurisdiction of any port, approval must first be sought
from the port Authorities.

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