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Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Biotechnology

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Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Biotechnology

Ethical, Legal and social issues Affecting the Use of Biological Data Bases in

biotechnology. Science has advanced significantly. For a number of years, technological

advances in biology have aided scientists in their efforts to peer inside the body of a living

organism. Concerning matters that have been readily accessible to scientists as a result of

biotechnology. Several actions made by humans since the development of biotechnology have

shown to be harmful to other forms of life. Those actions generate numerous problems regarding

a variety of social issues. Biotechnology contributes to the advancement of humanity. However,

its application has raised several biotechnology-related concerns for society, including:

Impacts in Agriculture

Humans are concerned about trans genesis, the transfer of transgenes from one organism

to another. This process has the potential to alter an organism's phenotype. For instance,

transgenic crops are produced while the potential repercussions are ignored. There are safety

concerns regarding gene modification in agriculture. Cross-pollination between correlated

species and herbicide-resistant weeds could result in the development of more tolerant weeds as

a result of herbicide resistance. People continue to avoid genetically modified crops and favor

conventionally produced crops. It is part of the biotechnology's ethical concerns.

Ethical Issues in Healthcare

In the field of healthcare, testing for genetic diseases is a topic of discussion. A hospital

has access to all genetic information. They can easily obtain all information about a person,

including the illness he will suffer in the future. This information can be provided to insurance

companies, which may result in the cancellation of the individual's coverage. Clinical trials on

humans and animals to develop new vaccines or medicines also contribute to the emergence of

ethical concerns.

Environmental damage

Environmental damage is the most significant problem caused by biotechnology.

Scientists attempt to predict the ecosystem and modify it in accordance with human needs. This

could cause ecological imbalance throughout the entire ecosystem. Those who are against GMOs

frequently bring up this worry. It is very challenging to foresee what would happen in an

ecosystem after the introduction of a new organism, whether or not it is genetically engineered.

Using weeds as an example If farmers implant a herbicide-resistant marker into a plant, it's

possible that the traits will spread to weeds, making them also resistant to herbicides.

Bioterrorism Threats

Bioterrorism is currently a major threat to humanity. If gene information falls into the

wrong hands, it could be used as a weapon. Terrorists can create lethal viruses and toxins with no

known cures. Governments are concerned that biotechnology will be used by terrorists to

develop new Superbugs, contagious viruses, or toxins for which there are no known treatments. 

The CDC defines bioterrorism as the deliberate discharge of viruses, bacteria, or other pathogens

with the purpose to damage or kill humans, plants, or animals.

The government agency claims that anthrax, a deadly disease brought on by a naturally

occurring bacteria in soil, is the most likely agent to be employed in an assault.  History is full of

examples of how diseases and viruses have been used as weapons in conflict. The British troops

spread smallpox to Native Americans in the 1760s when they gave them blankets from a

smallpox hospital. Japan dropped disease-carrying flea bombs onto China during World War II.

Viruses and diseases can now be spread by bioterrorists via explosives, food, water, and even

aerosol sprays. But the Geneva Convention forbade the use of biotechnology as a weapon.

Safety in the laboratory

The people who work in these laboratories may suffer injury as a result of biotechnology

projects. Nobody can foresee the outcomes of an experiment. If you don't know what you're up

against, protecting yourself can be difficult. Nanoparticles and other non-biological new

technologies frequently make it onto commercial production lines before they have undergone

enough safety testing. When working with organisms of unknown virulence in laboratories, even

under secure circumstances, there is significant worry for the safety of the technicians.


A subject of science that is constantly developing is biotechnology. Although it has

numerous advantages, including as reducing our environmental impact and aiding in the

treatment of disease and illness, it also has drawbacks. The four key issues are those related to

ethics, safety, bioterrorism, and the environment.



Phillips, Theresa. (2021, August 9). Societal Concerns with Biotechnology. Retrieved from

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