EPC Quality

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Approval Process,

Role of Authority Engineer,

QAPs and its’ implementation

R. K. Shekhawat
Sr. Prof. (Projects)
1. Quality Assurance, Quality Control and
According to ISO 9000:2015
• Quality ASSURANCE consists of that “part of quality
management focused on providing confidence that
quality requirements will be fulfilled”.
• Quality CONTROL is that “part of quality management
focused on fulfilling quality requirements”. Quality
CONTROL is more the inspection aspect of quality
• “Inspection” is the process of measuring, examining,
and testing to gauge one or more characteristics of a
product or service and the comparison of these with
specified requirements to determine conformity.
• EPC emphasises on establishing a Quality Control
Mechanism and QAP (Quality Assurance Plan). Focus is
on right process for each activity.
2. Quality Assurance, Monitoring and
Supervision (Article-11)

• Quality of Materials and Workmanship:

• Contractor shall ensure that the Construction,
Materials and Workmanship are in accordance with
the requirements specified in the Agreement,
Specifications and Standards and Good Industry

• Contractor shall establish a Quality Control

Mechanism, Quality Assurance Plan (QAP), Material
Testing Plan (MTP) and Method Statements (MS) in
consultation of Authority Engineer.
3. Quality Control Management

• Nodal Person for Quality: Authority Engineer

(AE) (Article-16)
• Who will be the Authority Engineer: A Railway
officer of SG/JAG rank (Schedule-L)
• There will be only one AE.
• AE is practically not an individual but is the
captain of the team.
• In addition to AE, 02 other officers will be
authorised to communicate with contractor.
4. Role of Authority Engineer
during Construction

• Review of Drawings
• Appointment of Proof Consultant.
• Review of Quality Assurance Plan
• Programme for Construction of Works
• Review of proposed Work Methodology
• Inspection of Construction works
• Review of Safety at site
4.1 Review of Drawings

• Contractor to appoint a Design Director,

within 20 days of the Appointed Date, to
head his design unit (Clause-10.1.1).

• The Contractor shall appoint a Proof Check

Consultant (Clause-10.2.2).

• Review to be completed in 21/30/45 days

(Clause-10.2.7, Annex-II of Schedule-D).

• Review means “No Objection for

4.2 Appointment of Proof Consultant
(Clause - 10.2.2 & 10.2.3)

▪ Contractor shall appoint the “Proof Consultant” after

proposing to Authority a panel of 3 (three) names of
qualified and experienced firms.
▪ If panel is not acceptable to Authority and the
reasons for the same are furnished to the Contractor,
Contactor shall propose to the Authority a revised
panel of 3 (three) names for obtaining the consent of
the Authority.
▪ Contractor shall also obtain consent of Authority for
two key personnel of the Proof Consultant who shall
have adequate experience and qualifications with
respect to the main elements of the Railway Project.
▪ AE must convey its decision with reason to contractor
within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving the proposal from
Contractor, otherwise the Contractor may proceed
with engaging of Proof Consultant.
▪ No firm or person having any conflict of interest shall
be engaged. Any assignments completed at least three
years prior to the appointment shall not be reckoned
for the purpose of conflict of interest.
▪ The Proof Consultant shall:
o Evolve a systems approach with Design Director so
as to minimise the time required for final designs
and construction drawings; and
o Proof check the detailed calculations, drawings and
designs, which have been approved by the Design
4.3 Review of Quality Assurance Plan

Contractor to submit Quality Control

Mechanism, QAP, MTP and MS; within 30 days
of Appointed Date, containing:

• Organisation Chart, Duties & Responsibilities,

Procedures, Inspections and Documentation.

• Quality Control Mechanism including Sampling,

Test Frequencies and Acceptance criteria.

• Reporting & Recording, Proformas for Inspection &


• Internal Quality Audit System.

4.4 Programme for Construction of Works
Contractor to submit within 30 days of Appointed
Date, containing:
▪ Part-I :
o Organisation (Key Personnel and Equipment)
including Engagement of design consultants.
o Project Execution Plan: Project Phasing and Sub-
o Environment Management Plan.
o Traffic Management and Safety.
▪ Part-II : Program for completion of all stages of
▪ Part-III : Monthly cash flow forecast for the project.
4.5 Review of Work Methodology
❑ Contractor to submit “Method Statement” for each
construction activity, at least 15 days prior to start.
❑ Method Statement should contain:
• Machinery & Equipment to be deployed
• Organisation structure and responsibility
• Construction Methodology
• Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE)
• Traffic Management Plan
• QA/QC forms (Inspection Checklist)
❑ AE to Review it and convey comments within 10
❑ Contractor to revise the MS accordingly or to convey
reasons for not/partial inclusion.
4.6 Inspection of Construction Works
(Clause – 11.8, 11.9 & 11.10)
▪ AE or its representative:
o To have access to all work sites and places from
where natural materials are being obtained.
o Be entitled to examine, inspect, measure and test
the materials and workmanship.
▪ AE to submit a Monthly Report bringing out the results
of its’ inspections and remedial action taken by
contractor in respect of defects and deficiencies.
▪ Contractor to submit Manufacturer's Test Reports and
standard samples of manufactured materials, for
review by AE.
▪ Contractor to carry out all tests as per QAP and Good
Industry Practice, and furnish the results to AE. AE or
its representative may witness or participate in these
▪ AE or its representative will scrutinize 100%, the
reports of all such test conducted.
4.7 Review of Safety at Site

• If construction site is in close proximity of existing

operating system of Railways, Contractor to make
arrangements for the safety as per provisions of the
“Compendium of Instructions on Safety at work Sites”
issued by the Authority and Good Industry Practice.
• Contractor to execute such works, which are urgently
required for the safety of the Project, as directed by
• AE may recommend for suspension of the whole or
part of the Works, if it threatens the safety of the
public and pedestrians.
• Works to be carried out so as to create least
interference to traffic on existing system of Railways.
5. Role of Authority Engineer
Contract Management

• Review of Monthly Progress Report

• Processing of Periodical Payments
• Processing of Time Extension, Variation Order,
Power/Traffic block, Disconnections during NI
• Provisional/Completion Certificates
• CRS Inspection
5.1 Contract Management
Obtain prior written approval of the Authority
before determining:
• Any Time Extension.

• Any additional cost to be paid by the Authority to

the Contractor.

• The Termination Payment.

• Providing Power Block or Traffic Block to the


• Approval of ESP, Signalling plan and Route Control


• Approval of disconnections for modification of

Signalling and Telecom works.
5.2 Payments (Article - 17)

▪ Contractor to submit On-Account bills.

▪ No recording of MB by Railway.

▪ Unit of measurement is mostly in Linear terms


▪ Payment shall be made no later than 30 days of

receipt of Stage Payment Statement from the

▪ Delayed Payment will attract interest equal to

Bank Rate plus 3 percent.
5.3 Completion Certificate & CRS Inspection
(Article - 12)

• Obtain from Contractor a copy of all the Contractor’s

“quality control records and documents” before the
Completion Certificate is issued.

• Obtain from Contractor documents required for CRS

approval, in accordance with the provisions of the
Railways Opening for Public Carriage of Passenger
Rules, IRPWM or the Indian Railways Manual of A. C.

• To get all the necessary tests conducted, which are

required to ascertain completion of project.

• All tests shall be conducted at the cost and expense

of the Contractor, except the trial running on railway

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