Shrugged His Shoulders

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Shrugged his shoulders = levantar los hombros

Winked = guinear

Nodded = mover la cabeza en afirmación

Shake head = mover la cabeza en negación

Shook hands (past)

Stare = look directly at something/someone

It’s not polite to stare at people


Frown your forehead = fruncir tu entrecejo



- She wakes up early every morning.

- He Works on an 8 to 5 basis.

Sensorial verbs

5 senses

- Look – look/s This looks Delicious.

- Touch – feel/s That feels good.
- Taste – taste/s This food taste good.
- See – look/s That house looks scary.
- Hear – sound/s Thath songs sounds great.

Present Continuos

Actions in progress / plans

- We are studying right now.

- My mom is making breakfast.
- I’m buying a new computer this weekend.
- She’s visiting her mom tomorrow.

You look tired.

She looks good.

They look worried.

This tastes like chicken.

That house looks like a dumpster.

This jacket feels like real fur.

It looks like it’s going to rain.

It looks like she’s goint to cry.

It feels as if you were wearing a piece of wood on your feet.

It taste as if it was out of the refrigerator since yesterday

This food smells as though it was already gone bad.

That movie looked as though they didn’t have enough Budget.

Forward thinking = thinking about the future

- Hyphen
Far-reaching (available for many people and places)
Old-fashioned (opposite of modern)
Self-centered (selfish)
Well-educated (different from polite)

Perhaps = maybe

Could be…


/f/ (unvoiced) /v/(voiced)

/t/ /d/

/p/ /b/

/s/ /z/



Sabado 23

Perseverance = perseverante

I can’t wait t osee you at the party!

I was hoping for something better (i’m not satisfied)

That movie really impressed me

I think i made a good impression on my new boss

She can’t live without her dog

To fail = actions…opposite to succeed.

I failed in my attempt to fix my computer.

A failure = is an unsuccessful experience.

I had 2 big failures in my life.

He is a failure.

The hotel met my expectations

It was a great success!

You’re a disappointment to your family!


Past story

Simple past: fisnished past events

I went to that restaurant las week.

She came late to the meeting.

They had a chance to do it again.

Time expressions : yesterday, last…. Year…, ….. years, months, weeks…. Ago
Past continuos: actions in progress in the past at a specific momento.

She was sleeping yesterday at 10 pm.

We were having fun at the party while you were studying at home.

They were feeling bad while they were dancing.

He was doing his homework whe he recieved a called from his girlfriend

Past perfect : past of the past. Two actions happened in the past, one before the other.

Bought a cellphone(7:00 am)

Lost the cellphone (10:00 am)

I had just bought the cellphone whe i lost it.

1st. Had breakfast

2nd. Took a shower

I had had breakfast, before i took a shower.

I had taken a shower, before I had breakfast.

Afford= to have the money to pay it

Little did i know… what the next would be like.

I never expected what was about to happen…

They had no idea what was comming.

They never imagined what was jus around the corner…

That momento felt like christmas…

That seemed like a tragedy at the moment…

The room got cold like a freezer.

Direct speech “say exactly what the person said”

I was at the store… and the lady said “they look great on you”

In the beginning

For starters

At first

It all started

Once upon a time…

It all started with a whatapp message…

In no time…this became a problema

Sooner than later… they all changed theri mind

Sonner than i expected…

Almost inmediatly…

After a while…

Later on…


I wanted to have motorcycle, I rode it just a couple of times and eventually i ended up selling it.

Cultures vultures

Where do they live?

Can you tell me where they live?

What should i do?

Can you tell me what i should do?


Skim = separate
Skimmed milk = leche descremada

Burden = heavy load

Unburden = liberate from a heavy weight you carry

What you said really got me angry

What you know is something nobody can take.

What i lived in last vacation Will be a forever with me.

What she did was really disappointing.

I can’t remember what she told me.

Please tell me what she did.

I don’t care what you think.

We can’t imagine what he Will do.

Look up to: admire

Come across: discover

Do without: live without

- I can’t do without my computer.

Sold out: no more available

Turned down: refuse an offer or opportunity

Get out of: avoid doing something

Give in: stop arguin, admit defeat

Talk….into: pesuade or convidence someone

- We would always talked mothers into let them go with us

- My mom talk me into taking

Showed up: arrive or appear somewhere

Put up with: accept or tolerate something unpleasant

- I can’t pu up with slow people in traffic.

- My boss doesn’t put u
Figure out: finally understand or solve a problem

Paid off: brig good results, be worth the effort.

- My studies are paying off

Corny = cursi

- Her music is corny.

But = pero/ linker that expresses constrast

Despite = a pesar de…

- She when to the party, but despite she was tired.

- Despite all the time she spent on the Project, her boss didn’t like the proposal.

In spite of

- In spite of the fact that everybody was tired, the meeting was a success.
- Everybody had fun at the party, in spite of the fact that it starter to rain.

Even though



- The food tasted good even though/although/ however it wasn’t the best looking.
- The concert was great even though they only sang 15 songs.
- She loved the gift although it wasn’t anything Fancy.
- They invited us to the presentation, however we didn’t have anything to do with the

In order to

- She’s taking singing lessons in order to participate in the talent show.

So that…subject

- His mom gave him money so that he could pay lunch.

- I work hard so that my family can have everthing they need.

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