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Case 3:21-cv-00468 Document 75 Filed 10/21/22 Page 1 of 4 PageID #: 393





v. Civil Action No. 3:21-cv-00468

BRIAN D. HALL, individually,

XERXES RAHMATI, individually,
SCOTT A. LOWTHER, individually,
RYAN LOCKHART, individually,
a political subdivision of the State of West
Virginia, JOHN DOE, an individual,



Pending before the Court is Defendant Officers’ Motion for Protective Order, (ECF

No. 66), under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c). Defendants seek to prevent

Plaintiff’s counsel from publishing the videotaped depositions of Defendants Hall,

Rahmati, Lowther, and of a witness, Kenny Davis, on counsel’s YouTube channel.

Defendants contend that publication of the depositions will lead to embarrassment and

annoyance and will expose the defendants and the witness, who are police officers, to

unnecessary risk. Defendants also seek attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in moving

for the protective order.

Plaintiff has filed a response to the Motion, indicating that he will agree not publish

or disseminate the videotaped depositions until after conclusion of the jury trial or other

adjudication of the case, but he objects to a protective order that grants “broad post-trial

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restraint.” (ECF No. 68 at 14). Plaintiff asserts that he has a First Amendment right to use

the depositions and that right should not be unnecessarily restricted. Defendants have

submitted a reply memorandum in which they argue that they are not asking the Court to

limit Plaintiff’s right to use the information in the depositions. They simply do not want

the videotapes themselves to be published. They reiterate concerns for their safety and

argue that a protective order is necessary to ensure that approval is obtained from the

Court before the depositions are published to the general public. Defendants point out

that the depositions were taken for discovery purposes and may never become a part of

the public record. For the reasons that follow, this Court GRANTS Defendants’ motion

for a protective order and DENIES Defendants’ request for attorneys’ fees.

A. Protective Order

A court may issue a protective order controlling the publication of discovery

materials pursuant to Rule 26(c) if the moving party demonstrates good cause. Plaintiff’s

counsel has agreed not to publish or disseminate the videotaped depositions while the

case is pending. (ECF Nos. 66-1 at 2, 68 at 13). Given the safety concerns expressed by the

defendants, and because the publication of these depositions may taint the jury pool in

case of a jury trial, especially seeing as Plaintiff’s counsel’s YouTube channel has viewers

in West Virginia and Putnam County, (ECF Nos. 66 at 7, 68 at 14–15), Defendants have

demonstrated good cause for issuing the protective order. See Valerie v. Mich. Dept. of

Corr., No. 2:07-cv-5, 2008 WL 4377715, at *2 (W.D. Mich., Sept. 23, 2008) (denying

motion to dissolve a protective order prohibiting dissemination of videotape to media,

recognizing substantial risk of tainting the jury pool); Bell v. Bd. of Educ. of Cty. of

Fayette, 225 F.R.D. 186, 191 (S.D.W. Va. 2004) (noting a concern for tainting the jury

pool in granting motion for a protective order to seal depositions).

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However, the Court currently is not in a position to determine whether the

protective order should terminate upon adjudication of the case, as that determination

depends upon factors not yet known. The issue may become moot, as it is possible that

the parties will agree not to publish the videotaped depositions as part of a compromise

and settlement. The depositions may also become part of the public record, creating a

presumption of public access which would significantly alter the Court’s analysis of the

protective order. See Seattle Times v. Rhinehart, 467 U.S. 20 (1984) (analyzing the First

Amendment implications of a protective order barring dissemination of discovery

materials not part of the public record). Thus, the Court will not place an expiration date

on the protective order. Since both parties agree that the videotaped depositions will not

be published during the litigation, it is simplest for the order to remain in place

indefinitely. Once the case is tried, settled, or otherwise dismissed, Plaintiff can move to

vacate the protective order, and the matter can be reconsidered at that time.

Contrary to Plaintiff’s assertions, (ECF No. 68 at 13), this protective order is not an

unconstitutional prior restraint on speech. Id. at 33 (“[A]n order prohibiting

dissemination of discovered information before trial is not the kind of classic prior

restraint that requires exacting First Amendment scrutiny.”). Though Plaintiff cites

Seattle Times for the proposition that these kinds of protective orders require First

Amendment analysis, (ECF No. 68 at 13), the Supreme Court’s opinion in Seattle Times

stresses that courts must have discretion in fashioning protective orders to prevent abuse

of the discovery process, which may uncover information only tangentially related to the

pending case. Seattle Times, 467 U.S. at 36. The Supreme Court explicitly stated that a

protective order supported by good cause and limited to pretrial civil discovery, without

restricting dissemination of information found in other sources, does not offend the First

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Amendment. Id. at 37. The protective order issued here complies with that description in

Seattle Times and is therefore constitutional.

B. Request for Attorneys’ Fees

Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 37 governs the award of attorneys’ fees and

expenses for protective orders. Rule 37 provides that the court must require the party

whose conduct necessitated the motion to pay the movant’s reasonable expenses,

including attorneys’ fees, unless the movant filed the motion before making a good faith

effort to obtain the disclosure without court action; the opposing party’s action was

substantially justified; or other circumstances make an award of expenses unjust. Fed. R.

Civ. P. 37(a)(5)(A). Here, Plaintiff’s counsel’s actions were substantially justified. Prior to

this Order, Plaintiff’s counsel had a good faith argument that he could publish the

depositions on his YouTube channel at the conclusion of the case, and that a protective

order was not necessary. Accordingly, an award of attorneys’ fees and expenses is


The Court hereby GRANTS Defendants’ motion for protective order and

DENIES Defendants’ request for expenses and attorneys’ fees.

The Clerk is directed to provide a copy of this Order to counsel of record and any

unrepresented parties.

ENTERED: October 21, 2022

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