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Brian E. Moore, Lt Col, USAF, BSC

A Research Report Submitted to the Faculty

In Partial Fulfillment of the Graduation Requirements

Advisor: Dr. Christopher Bohn, Lt Col, USAF

14 February 2013

DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited


The views expressed in this academic research paper are those of the author and do not reflect

the official policy or position of the US government, the Department of Defense, or Air

University. In accordance with Air Force Instruction 51-303, it is not copyrighted, but is the

property of the United States government.


Lieutenant Colonel Brian E. Moore is an U.S. Air Force Biomedical Science Corps officer

and physician assistant assigned to the Air War College, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL. He

graduated from the University of Nebraska with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1993 and a

Master of Physician Assistant Studies with a concentration in Family Medicine in 1997. He also

graduated from The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in 2004 with a Master

of Public Health. Lieutenant Colonel Moore has completed the U.S. Army Flight Surgeon

Course and an emergency medicine fellowship at Wright-Patterson Medical Center. Along with

numerous clinical assignments, he has served at the Defense Medical Readiness Training

Institute, HQUSCENTCOM, and the White House Medical Unit. He is a graduated squadron



Brain-computer interface (BCI) technology, a subset of human-machine interface, will impose

significant utility, relevance, and strategic advantage with national security opportunities and
challenges. This technology will advance computing speed, cognitive decision-making,
information exchange, and enhanced computational power, resulting in substantially enhanced
human performance. A direct connection between the brain and a computer will bypass
peripheral nerves and muscles, allowing the brain to have direct control over software and
external devices. The military applications for communications, command, control, remote
sensors, and weapon deployment with BCI will be significant. Currently this technology is
confined to the rehabilitative medicine community for persons with disabilities and the computer
gaming industry; however, China, India, Iran, Russia, Japan and European nations are actively
working to improve existing electroencephalography, magnetic resonance, functional infrared,
and the magnetic encephalography spectrums to develop future military applications. Similar to
the experience with computer and networking technology, rapid advancements in
neurotechnology will render BCI regulation increasingly challenging. This potential vulnerability
will place our infrastructure and individual persons at high risk. The ability to penetrate human
brains through BCI will add a new dimension to physical and cyber security. Additionally,
moral, ethical, and legal issues will challenge BCI application and employment in the United
States. Finally, by 2032 this technology has the potential to revolutionize military dominance
much the same way nuclear weapons have done. To maintain the competitive advantage with
competitor nations, it is time develop a strategy for the United States and the Air Force to lead in
research, design, manufacturing, employment, exploitation, security and counterproliferation of
this technology.


“We don’t see with our eyes, or feel with our hands; we see and feel with our brains.” 1
Paul Bach-y-Rita, pioneer in the field of sensory substitution, University of Wisconsin

In the past twenty years neuroscience has made significant progress on understanding human

brain function. Likewise, the computational powers of computers have increased exponentially

in this same period. Therefore, it is of no surprise that research advancements in brain-computer

interface technology (BCI) are developing. Brain-computer interfacing started in the 1970s at

the University of California, Los Angeles under a grant from the National Science Foundation, 2

and it is defined as a hardware and software communications system that bypasses peripheral

nerves and muscles and permits cerebral activity to control computers or external devices. 3

Neuroscience advances in wearable biosensors, data acquisition, and mobile brain imaging have

triggered a fresh wave of research. The ability to assist individuals with lost function from

disease or injury with this technology has been remarkable, and the next evolution of brain-

interfacing technology is already underway. Researchers worldwide have already begun studying

ways to apply brain-computer interfacing outside the rehabilitative realm. Brain-computer

interface technology, a subset of human-machine interface and human performance enhancement

technologies will provide increased utility, relevance, and strategic advantage over the next two

decades. The United States Air Force needs to be postured to secure, exploit, and employ brain-

computer interface technology, with the ability to deny and deter its use by foreign competitors.

BCI research has already captured commercial interests and the potential for military

application. It is likely that BCI technology will dominate military systems in 2032. By linking

computers to the brain’s activities, new devices will take technology a giant leap forward.

Imagine a remotely piloted air vehicle, sea vehicle or ground weapons system with an array of
sensors and weapon systems that transmits and receives data input directly to and from the

human operator’s brain at an unprecedented rate, eliminating the delay of human sensory and

muscle movement information processing. The operator’s brain-computer interfacing could

provide a multi-dimensional view of the battle space real-time with constant analysis and

cognitive intuition. A fundamental difference between the brain and the computer is the brain

uses billions of cells in parallel organization, whereas computer transistors are organized

sequentially, and electronic computers operate at speeds millions of times faster than brain

computing. The brain has significant computational breadth, but limited depth. In contrast,

computers have the depth to run an algorithm at high speed with significant data storage, but

have limits on running multiple algorithms simultaneously. 4 Currently this mismatch limits BCI

effectiveness, but the pace of computing and neuroscience research will solve this mismatch in

the coming decades.

It is therefore imperative that the United States leads in this technology through sound policy

and strategy that ensures national security, protects interfaced systems, individuals and personal

privacy. This technology has the ability to enhance American military dominance much the

same way that nuclear weapons have since World War Two. On the other hand, potential

adversaries could take the lead in BCI technology and place the United States at a significant

strategic technological disadvantage. In 2006 the Chinese government initiated the Medium and

Long-Range Program for Science and Technology development, a strategy to enhance the

country’s innovation and technological competitiveness, including BCI technology. 5 Now is the

time for a strategy for the United States to lead in research, design, development and application

of this emerging technology.

This paper will build the argument that this crucial innovation is strategically vital and will

begin by briefly examining current and future BCI modalities in regards to signal measurement

and control. In addition, this research will provide an overview of worldwide leaders in BCI

technology and commercial development, and will address potential future applications, and

security, privacy, ethical, and legal ramifications of this emerging technology. This paper will

conclude with strategy recommendations and build the case for a strategy to lead this critical

emerging technology.

BCI Current Modalities

Fundamentally, BCI is the utilization of brain signals to gather information on use intentions. 6

BCI systems can be characterized as either invasive or non-invasive, wherein invasive systems

require cortical or surgical implantation of electrodes to acquire signals, or non-invasive signal

gathering through external electrodes on the scalp. The standard BCI system operates within the

context of the following steps: signal acquisition, preprocessing and signal enhancement, feature

extraction, classification, and interface control. 7

Signal acquisition consists of three neuroimaging modalities that function by monitoring brain

activity, either electrically, magnetically or metabolically. Second, the preprocessing stage

prepares the signals, followed by feature extraction which identifies discriminative information

from the brain signals. This extraction is very difficult due to distortion and artifact, and once

the extraction is complete and classified the control interface translates the signals into

meaningful commands. Traditionally the idea of deciphering thoughts and intentions was

deemed complex and remote, however in the past twenty years it has expanded tenfold. 8 This

expansion is still relatively young, and despite a convergence of research from neuroscience,

physiology, psychology, computer science, engineering, and rehabilitation disciplines there is

wide variation in BCI technologies. 9 The research community has signaled the need for a

general design framework model and comparison and evaluation of BCI designs will foster

development and synchronization of multinational collaborative research programs. 10

Developing the design of a BCI framework model will allow the United States to lead and

exercise control of BCI as it emerges from the laboratory and medical rehabilitative areas into

military and commercial applications. This begins with a very basic understanding of brain

electrical and hemodynamic physiology.

Electrophysiological Measurement

In the brain, electrophysiological activity generates information exchanges through ionic

currents between neurons through electro-chemical transmitters. This electrophysiological

activity can be measured by electroencepholography (EEG), electrocorticography (ECoG),

magnetoencephalography (MEG), or signal activity at the individual neuron level. 11 Another

way to indirectly measure electrophysiological activity is through hemodynamic response with

functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or near infrared spectroscopy. Currently EEG is

most the most widely used BCI interface due to high temporal resolution, less user risk, and

lower costs. 12 EEG technology has been widely available for many decades but has significantly

expanded as researchers have developed improved ways to capture and interpret signals. EEG

signals are emitted in five frequencies and are easy to measure non-invasively; however, signal

noise from inside the brain, skull, and scalp tissue results in diminished signal quality. The

signal-to-noise ratio can be increased with the use of a conducting gel in combination with the

electrodes, or with newer, “dry” electrodes made of titanium and stainless steel. These five

frequencies span awake and sleep states, visual, auditory, and motor processing. The gamma

frequency is becoming more attractive to BCI research because it seems to offer increase transfer

rate and spatial specificity.

Two growing areas of interest are MEG and ECoG. MEG measures intracellular currents by

magnetic induction. The MEG is physiologically identical to EEG but is more sensitive and

provides higher spatiotemporal resolution with less distortion by bone and tissue of the skull and

scalp. 14 The current disadvantages of MEG are high cost and increased equipment size. ECoG

provides a direct measurement of cerebral cortex electrical activity on the brain’s surface. This

modality requires invasive access and is currently confined to animal research only. In the

United States the direction of this research is aimed towards confined persons with severe motor

disabilities. 15 As these technologies mature, they will become increasingly more viable for BCI


Hemodynamic Measurement

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) are

two non-invasive, hemodynamic measurements of neural activity. Early fMRI provided low

temporal resolution due to significant hemodynamic delays and thus was deemed not well suited

for communication in BCI systems; however, recent research using fMRI to measure the blood

oxygen level during activation of neurons has led to a more real-time utilization of fMRI and

expanded possibilities with BCI. NIRS employs infrared light to penetrate the skull and record

fluctuations in cerebral neural activity through measuring oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin

concentrations. Like fMRI, the main limitation is the slowness of the hemodynamic response,

but it has lower costs and is more portable than fMRI. Thermoplastic molded helmets are being

used to decrease head motion artifact, and NIRS appears to be a good alternative to EEG for

future BCIs. 16 Like MEG and ECoG, medical researchers in the United States lead in this


EEG and Event Related Potentials

As previously stated, EEG is currently the technology receiving the most focus for BCI

application. EEG BCIs interpret user intentions through monitored cerebral activity and a

multitude of cognitive tasks. This requires an event-related potential (ERP) electrophysiological

response to an internal or external stimulus.17 These ERPs are control signals and can be defined

by signal types: P300, steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP), event related

desynchronization (ERD), and slow cortical potential based. 18 The P300 BCI was introduced in

1988 but had very little peer-reviewed research until recently. 19 Between 2000 and 2010 there

was a ten-fold increase in peer-reviewed research on P300 BCI. 20 The P300 potentials have

emerged as the leader in BCI categories and manifest as positive peaks in EEG due to auditory,

visual, or somatosensory stimuli. An important aspect of P300 BCI is that it requires eliciting

large differences between target and non-target EPRs, traditionally requiring a visual row and

column paradigm on a computer display. Row and column paradigms rely on an alphabetic and

numeral speller on a computer screen, allowing the interface user to elicit a P300 response by

focusing on the desired character. The P300 speller has been the benchmark for P300 BCI

systems. 21 Today research is expanding beyond this paradigm.

Other areas aside from evoked potentials, such as sensorimotor rhythms, are growing in

interest. Sensorimotor rhythms are composed of mu and beta rhythms, that are localized brain

activity that can be measured. The mu, or Rolandic, band occurs in the 7-13 Hz range, and the

beta band occurs between 13-30 Hz, and these sensorimotor rhythms have been used to control

BCIs and predict human voluntary motor movements before they occur. 22

BCI Research and Trends

This overview of BCI technology outlines the variation of research worldwide. BCI research

in North America is predominantly focused on invasive modalities for medical and rehabilitation

application, whereas Europe and Asia are almost exclusively engaged in non-invasive BCI

research for non-medical applications. Japan is particularly focused on BCI and robotic


Cooperative Research

The World Technology and Evaluation Center (WTEC) Panel Report sponsored by the

National Science Foundation (NSF) in 2007 recognized several major BCI trends. First, BCI

research worldwide is extensive and on the rise. Second, the rapid rate of medical application of

BCI will result in future nonmedical commerce initially in the gaming, and the automotive,

robotics industries. Third, the WTEC found the BCI focus worldwide was uneven with

significant opportunity for synergistic and productive corroboration. 23 BCI research is

multidisciplinary, with significant research overlaps in biology, neuroscience, computer science,

neurology, neurosurgery, neuropsychology, bioengineering, bio-manufacturing and

miniaturization. The WTEC concluded that industry and academic leaders in Europe and Japan

have taken steps towards developing BCI-related, integrated research goals. 24

BCI Research in Europe

Overall the WTEC report determined that the European researchers were committed to long-

term, interdisciplinary research, and the European Union system more readily created

multidisciplinary teams. Further, the scale of European BCI research projects and funding

exceeds that found in the United States, and only the NSF Engineering Research Center

collaboration with the University of Southern California and the Defense Advanced Research

Project Agency (DARPA) prosthetic research compete with these programs. 25 Austria and

Germany are emerging as the European leaders in BCI research at Graz University of

Technology, Guger Technologies, and the Berlin BCI Interface Project. Researchers at the

University of Türbingen are focused on noninvasive fMRI and MEG, and have been recognized

as both the 2011 and 2012 worldwide Annual BCI Award winners in these areas. The University

of Freiburg is directing research on non-linear brain function, and interdisciplinary collaboration

is underway with this project between Aalborg University in Denmark and Italy’s Scuola

Superiore Santa’ Anna, and Türbingen. Currently La Sapienza in Italy is working with Case

Western Reserve and the Wadsworth Center in the U.S. on integrated BCI research projects.

Finally, Russian BCI research is being led at the Moscow State University’s Human Brain

Research Group.

BCI Research in Asia

BCI research is expanding across Asia. China currently leads in BCI algorithm research, with

a focus on cheap, low-technological solutions to BCI. The Chinese Government has made large-

scale investment through the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, National Natural

Science Foundation of China, and the China High-Tech Research and Development Program in

the areas of the biological sciences, engineering, and computer science. The WTEC report

concludes this investment has transformed several major universities into world-class facilities

for BCI and biomedical engineering. These include: Tsinghua University, East China Normal

University, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, Shanghai Institute of Brain Functional Genomics,

and Huazhong University of Sciences and Technology. 26

Japan is just beginning to discover BCI research and seeks to integrate BCI research with its

established robotic applications. Unlike the United States, Japan’s BCI research is solely

noninvasive and is expanding into combined fMRI, MEG, and NIRS. Researchers at the RIKEN

Brain Science Institute, the Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute, Nippon Telegraph

and Telephone Communication Science Laboratories, and Waseda University are taking broader

steps towards BCI research. There is particular interest to integrate “normal” individuals with

enhanced cognitive function, and ethical issues are already starting to emerge. With an aging

population, medical and “assistive” needs for BCI will continue to grow. The Government is the

primary funding source for BCI research in Japan. 27

China and Japan are not alone in pursuit of BCI research in Asia. BCI researchers at the

Islamic Azad University, Shahed University, and Khajeh Nasir University of Technology in Iran

were recently published in a peer-reviewed journal in January 2012. 28 BCI research is

underway in Pakistan at the North West Frontier Provincial University of Engineering and

Technology, in India at the National Brain Research Center, and in Indonesia at the Institute for

Infocomm Research and the Danyang Technology University.

BCI Research in the United States

In the United States BCI research is being conducted at many universities, in particular, the

Wadsworth Center at the State University of New York, The Walden School of Biomedical

Engineering at Purdue University, Tuffs and John Hopkins Universities. The United States

Government has generated funding through the NSF, NIH Institute of Biomedical Imaging and

Bioengineering, DARPA, and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory. Unlike Asia and Europe,

most BCI research in the United States is focused on medical and rehabilitative applications, and

the WTEC report identified the need for increased cooperation in BCI research between the

United States, Asia, and Europe.

Commercial Research and Development

The potential nonmedical applications of BCI have led to commercial development, and

several companies have emerged worldwide. Among the leaders are companies in the gaming

industry such as Emotiv and NeuroSky, which has partnered with the Chinese consumer

technology company Haier on a BCI smart TV. Others are also emerging and developing

commercial BCI applications such as BCI neural processing software developer Mind

Technologies, Geger Technologies in Austria and the Sony Corporation in Japan. The WTEC

report in 2007 predicted a significant widening of future commercial demand.

BCI Human Performance, Current and Future Applications

The ultimate goal of BCI is either to restore or to enhance human performance. The bulk of

current application in the United States is rehabilitative or assistive in nature, especially for

individuals with “locked-in” syndromes due to disease or injury. Therefore, considerable

overlap exists between Functional Electrical Stimulation applications and BCI application as

outlined in figure 1.

Gerwin Schalk from the Wadsworth Center summarizes the human brain as having a wealth

of computational breadth that can parallel process and convert many inputs into many outputs,

however with little computational depth. In other words, it cannot process long commands of a

given algorithm, and at the biological cellular level computing operates at low speeds.

Computers on the other hand, have limited computational breath and can execute only few

algorithms at a time, but they can execute these algorithms at very high speed. 29 As a result the

powers of computers and the human brain are complimentary and the relationship is centered on

the computing language. This is the premise that future systems will be able to decode, produce

sounds or visual images with the same clarity as produced by our own brains. Future research

will continue to develop new languages that will be mutually adopted by computer and the brain.

The brain however, with its increased complexity, syntax, and taxonomy that will take longer to

learn. This communication bottleneck is the fundamental impediment and can only be overcome

by advanced language and interface.

(Figure 1) FES and BCI applications overlap. Reprinted from WTEC Panel Report 2007.

Current BCI Applications

Blankertz, et. al. point out that another major obstacle to advancing nonmedical application of

BCI is the ability to detect accurate intentions between user and computer to control

applications. 30 One area showing improvement with EEG technology is with newer electrodes,

and research on “dry” electrodes that are easier to use and less time consuming to set-up is

underway. There is continued development on electrodes with improved materials, better

conduction, and smaller components. This coupled with miniaturization of sensors, electronics,

power sources, and engineering of flexible electronics and display technologies will significantly

enhance future BCI capabilities.31

A major impediment for advancing BCI applications is refinement of operant conditioning for

subjects to learn self-control, requiring extensive individual calibration and training. It will also

be crucial to deal with the considerable variability for constant behavioral performance, and

cognitive neuroscience research is underway to find neuronal correlates to explain and eventually

control this variability. However, despite these noted challenges, researchers in Germany are

optimistic on media and gaming applications with BCI. They are particularly focused on

managing photos, video, web surfing, and music, and although in their infancy, researchers have

used a web browser interface to control Google Earth via BCI. 32 BCI systems have progressed

beyond the paradigm of improving communications for the disabled. They now offer

measurement devices capable of assessing and decoding more brain-states in real-time, allowing

for seamless measurement of workload and performance. This will further enhance analysis of

the human brain state to better optimize human-machine and brain-computer interfacing.

Future BCI Applications

Researchers at the Army Research Laboratory are focused on future task-oriented BCIs for

sensor technologies, artificial intelligence, and computer algorithms capable of detecting and

analyzing brain data. 33 This technology would enable BCIs to detect and analyze the user’s

sensory environment, mood, or mental state. Increasing the bandwidth between computers and

the brain will increase effectiveness of signal characterization. This enhanced signal

characterization combined with non-verbal human communication such as facial expression and

body language, provides insight about the operator’s emotions and produces neurofeedback to

potentially provide users with awareness and self-adjustment of their own brain function.

Monitoring would allow for accurate, reliable detection of fatigue, attentiveness and mood which

could allow for adaptation of systems or the environment.

The progression of biosensing technologies for brain imaging in the future will move away

from today’s traditional BCIs to augmented BCIs for everyday use. 34 Future BCIs will enable

direct control of everyday objects such as lights, radio, telecommunications, computers, and so

on. To achieve this level of control BCIs would need to analyze neural signals to add

information beyond what could easily be obtained through manual input or other channels. As

BCI technology advances, persons will be increasingly able to operate complex systems in

environments that exceed the degree of freedom of our human motor systems. These advances

in BCI will allow for sequential rather than parallel function that would be very applicable to

aviation and space system operations. In 2008 a Human Performance report by the MITRE

Corporation sponsored by the Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering

(DDR&E) cited a DARPA call for proposals for the suitability of non-invasive BCIs for military

applications, specifically in developing subconscious recognition of targets or threats. 35

Researchers at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory conclude applications in the near-term will

most likely remain task-oriented. In the far-term BCIs will emerge in a holistic approach of

applications that will merge brain, behavior, task, and environmental information with

sophisticated sensing and computational analysis much like current cloud technology. 36 DARPA

received $240 million, and the Army, Navy, and Air Force $113 million, in 2011 for cognitive

neuroscience research. 37 The rate of research and computational advances will transition from

task-oriented to behavior-oriented in the coming decades and will make significant

advancements in mental, physical, and emotional control.

BCI Major Hurdles: Security, Social, Ethical, Moral, and Legal Issues

There will be several major challenges facing future BCI applications in the United States that

will significantly limit its use. First and foremost of these challenges will be security issues.

Currently the United States is engaged with countering cyber-attacks across commercial and

government systems. Additionally, future BCI technology will have the ability to capture a

user’s cognitive activities which will likely have social, ethical and legal repercussions in

Western democracies. Many countries don’t share the legal constraints and ethical issues that

prevent American researchers from exploring human performance improvements.

BCI Security and Privacy

The National Science Foundation has sponsored research by the University California

Berkeley, the University of Oxford, and the University of Geneva that explored the feasibility of

side-channel attack with BCI using low cost, commercially available BCI hardware and

software. They concluded that even with today’s rudimentary devices, a third-party attacker

could read EEG signals and produce text and images on a screen. These researchers conducted

several experiments that demonstrated that private information such as PIN numbers, area of

residence, and other private information could be ascertained with high confidence. They also

concluded that as the quality of devices improves, the success rate of attacks would also

improve. One challenge is the fact that brain-wave signatures are user unique and therefore

difficult to manipulate, but any system trained to recognize a particular user’s EEG patterns

could be used to extract information. 38

As the speed of information sharing increases, and with the continued convergence of man and

machine, BCI will have tremendous security and privacy implications. BCI may produce useful

biometrics much like fingerprint and iris scanning but will require significant safeguards. BCI

will require direct assessment of the brain in context of a computational system. This assessment

will be very beneficial to add context to communication however, this will render serious privacy

concerns because of the computer interface requirement. Another serious concern will be

liability issues; how will accountability be assessed in regard to correct intent but incorrect

detection? 39

BCI Ethical and Legal Considerations

Future BCI will not only have an impact on individuals, but society as a whole. The prospect

of BCI entertainment, neuroprostheses, online neuroresearching and marketing, and cognitive

performance enhancement span a host of ethical challenges. 40 Most ethical issues for medical

applications can be readily addressed, but privacy issues and “mind-reading” concerns for

general users will require ethical debate. The debate over research versus treatment will likely

arise, especially in the development of new technologies. 41 Future scenarios using

neurofeedback to assess or control mood, emotion, fatigue, or cognitive functions may seem

extremely applicable for military operations but will raise major ethical and legal issues on what

the limit is on information gained, monitored or mental vulnerabilities manipulated. The right to

privacy could easily be violated and new laws on privacy and consent would likely be required to

address these issues. Lastly, if BCI enhancement gains in popularity limited competition will

initially drive costs and limit availability to only select populations, but as research and

commercialization continues this technology will become common-place. 42

Neuroscience research is often “dual use,” and BCI is no exception. State-of-the art research

in BCI is being developed for warfighter performance enhancement, and future BCIs will

connect to enhanced endurance exoskeletons. 43 The evolution of BCIs may eventually benefit

both society and individual, but not without risks. In the military the Uniformed Code of

Military Justice requires soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines to accept medical interventions,

such as immunizations and use of prophylaxis medications to render them fit for duty. 44 These

issues are typically reserved for combat deployment situations, but the freedom to accept or

decline what some would consider enhancements will further compound the ethical use of BCIs

in military operations. Another issue with ethical and social ramifications is the use of BCI

technology for deception, detection, and interrogation. Currently, EEG P300 ERPs may prove to

be reliable for lie detection; however, under existing US law, using BCI technology within this

realm may challenge Fourth Amendment requirements on unreasonable search and seizure. 45

Finally, Epithimios Parasidis, an Associate Professor of Law at the St. Louis University School

of Law recently argued in the April 2012 Conneticut Law Review, that the U.S. military has

committed egregious legal and ethical violations related to human enhancement and

experimental research, to include human-to-computer communication. 46 He argues in his article

that there are legal and regulatory shortcomings for military neuroscience research, including

BCI. 47 The social, ethical and legal considerations will significantly impede BCI utilization in

the United States and Western democracies. The Project BioShield Act of 2004 allows the FDA

to use instrumental products in an emergency. This law was enacted to grant the Department of

Defense authorization to administer Anthrax immunizations to service members. 48 Similar

legislation may be necessary to enable the future BCI use by the United States Armed Forces.

BCI, Innovation Mercantilism and United States Strategy

Global innovation competition has become increasing intense. In the Winter 2011 Issues in

Science and Technology article “Fighting Innovation Mercantilism,” author Stephen Ezell noted

that the output of scientific journal papers reached historic proportions in 2009. 49 Not

surprisingly, many countries have developed innovation agencies and have adopted innovation as

a key component to national strategies. The 2010 United States National Security Strategy

states, “To succeed, we must also ensure that America stays on the cutting edge of the science

and innovation that supports our prosperity, defense, and international technological

leadership.” 50 Innovation policy varies from country to country, and a positive-sum innovation

strategy that adheres to international trading rules and creates an environment of innovation

sharing is exceedingly rare. Today, win-win and zero-sum policies dominate the international

community’s approach to innovative technologies. China is among the top zero-sum focused

countries whose policies are more concentrated on mercantilism than technologic innovation.

This is evident by China’s persistent control of capital, and every day it is estimated that China

buys approximately US$1 billion in the currency markets to hold down the price of the

Renminbi. Further, many countries have continued to evade tariff reductions, and persist with

high tariffs on high-tech products and services. 51 It is not only China; the EU has resisted

compliance with the World Trade Organization’s Information Technology Agreement. This

innovation mercantilism can have significant security implications for technologies such as BCI,

especially with the trade practices of China.

Chinese Mercantilism

There are many Chinese mercantile practices that are particularly concerning in terms of BCI

technologies. As previously discussed, the Chinese are investing heavily in neuroengineering

technologies. China has accumulated US$3.2 trillion in foreign exchange reserves over the last

ten years. The Chinese strategy is to lead all advanced technology products and services. 52

Therefore, China’s mercantilism represents a fundamental threat to the United States, and despite

international commitments to economic cooperation, history reveals that meaningful global

economic governance has a poor record. China is not acting alone. The future prospect exists

for China, the European Union, Brazil, India, Russia, and the United States to become embroiled

into a global mercantile competition with or without the involvement of other proxy nations.

Innovation advantages will become increasingly more zero-sum game and competitive advantage

in technology will require commitment through sound strategy.


Within the past decade the ability to bypass muscles and speech between a brain and a

computer has become a reality. 53 The increasing research and development of BCI technology

will have revolutionizing effects and will require a robust military strategy that is capable of

employing, exploiting, and securing this technology across the entire spectrum of military

operations or we will lag behind. BCI technology needs to be an integral component of the

National Security Strategy through adequate funding, research and development, and

collaborative efforts with universities and industry. The National Defense Strategy should

specifically address program management and collaborative efforts between DARPA, the

Services and National Laboratories, the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of

Health to ensure coordinated research and development of this technology. The strategy should

also address coercive and deterrent utilization of BCI technology as its utility matures for

military platforms and weapons systems. Additionally, this strategy should integrate security

and surveillance of BCI military information and sensory applications as an added domain within

the purview of established cyber security efforts. As BCI becomes increasingly integrated into

military platforms, a strategy to prepare and train airman needs to be developed. Finally, a legal

strategy needs to develop to assess the ethical, privacy, social, and accountability limits of BCI.


BCI seemed science fiction a decade ago, but there has been an explosion of neuroscience

research and development at the academic, commercial and governmental levels worldwide in

the last ten years. The utilization of BCI technology will evolve from the medical and

rehabilitation realm to commercial and military weapon and surveillance systems. The infusion

of this technology will grant a significant competitive edge to the established observe, orient,

decide, and act paradigm. Every major competitor to the United States, to include China, has

recognized the strategic advantages of BCI, with strategies to actively pursue this technology. It

is imperative that the United States Air Force, as the lead for cyber, space and air operations,

becomes and maintains the frontrunner for employing this technology to ensure dominance in an

age of expanding computing, information exchange, and movement toward an increasingly

mercantile global environment by 2032. It is time for a strategy.


1. Vicki Brower, “When Mind Meets Machine,” European Molecular Biology Organization
Reports, 6, no. 2 (2005): 108.
2. Remiquisz J Rok., Marcin Kolodziej, Andrezj Majkowski, “Brain-Computer Interface as
Measurement and Control System,” Metrology and Measurement System, xix, no. 3 (2012): 428.
3. Jonathan R. Wolpaw, et al., “Brain-Computer Interface Technology: A Review of the
First International Meeting,” IEEE Transitions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation
Engineering, 8, no. 2 (June 2000): 164.
4. Gerwin Schalk, “Brain-Computer Symbiosis,” Journal of Neural Engineering, 5 (2008):
5. Robert D. Atkinson, “Enough is Enough: Confronting Chinese Innovation Mercantilism,”
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