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Investor Presentation

Credit Suisse ASEAN Arising - Back in Business

24 May 2022
Cautionary Statement
Forward-looking Information
The information, statements, forecasts and projections contained herein reflect the Company’s current views with respect to future events and financial performance. These views are based
on assumptions subject to various risks. No assurance is given that these future events will occur, or that the Company’s assumptions are correct. Actual results may differ materially from
those projected.

Petroleum Reserves Information

In this presentation, the Company discloses petroleum reserves that are not included in the Securities Exchange and Commission of Thailand (SEC) Annual Registration Statement Form 56-
1 under “Supplemental Information on Petroleum Exploration and Production Activities”. The reserves data contained in this presentation reflects the Company’s best estimates of its
reserves. While the Company periodically obtains an independent audit of a portion of its proved reserves, no independent qualified reserves evaluator or auditor was involved in the
preparation of reserves data disclosed in this presentation. Unless stated otherwise, reserves are stated at the Company’s gross basis.

This presentation may contain the terms “proved reserves” and “probable reserves”. Unless stated otherwise, the Company adopts similar description as defined by the Society of Petroleum

Proved Reserves - Proved reserves are defined as those quantities of petroleum which, by analysis of geological and engineering data, can be estimated with reasonable certainty to be
commercially recoverable, from a given date forward, from known reservoirs and under current economic conditions, operating methods, and government regulations.
Probable Reserves - Probable reserves are defined as those unproved reserves which analysis of geological and engineering data suggests are more likely than not to be recoverable.

Company Introduction
PTTEP Overview | E&P Flagship of PTT Group
Operating Framework Shareholding Structure Business Strategy

HPO & Thrive in Lower Carbon Future

• Sustainable E&P business
• Diversification beyond E&P
PTT Group 64% • Greenhouse Gas Management
Local Sustain Business Integrity Excellence
3,969.9 Institutions 20% • Smart Assurance
Million shares • GRC in Common Sense
Institutions 11% Optimize Resources and Create
Shared Values
Retails 5% • Circular Model for E&P
As of August 2021 • Ocean for Life

Stock Quote PTTEP

Market Capitalization ~15 Billion USD
2014-2021 2016-2021 2016-2021 Sales Revenue ~90% SEA & ME
Cash Cost ~14 USD/BOE
Level “A” Level “B”

Projects | Diversified portfolio
Central Asia Thailand
Kazakhstan Home Base
• Dunga onshore oil field Oil sands • 63% of total sales volume (3M2022)
(acquired from Partex in 2019) • Key producing assets include Bongkot,
Oil Arthit, Contract 4 and S1
• G1/61 (Erawarn) transition completed
• G2/61 (Bongkot) transition in process
(1st 200mmscfd commenced in Apr 2022)
North & South America Oil

Opportunities in an early phase: Southeast Asia

• Deepwater exploration in Brazil Piped Gas
and Mexico Strategic Area
Oil Gas/LNG
• 23% of total sales volume, mainly from
Oil Malaysia and Myanmar (3M2022)
• Recent multiple petroleum discoveries in
Malaysia including Lang Lebah
• New exploration block in Malaysia, Sabah
Book Value of Assets by region SB412
Total assets USD 24.14 billion • Other producing assets in Vietnam (oil)
and Indonesia (gas)
Middle East
Africa Middle East
17% 40%
An area for growth, key projects include: Strategic Area in Oman and UAE Australia
Southeast Asia
• Algeria’s Bir Seba oil field with current flow • 14% of total sales volume (3M2022)
26% rate of approximately 17 KBPD • Oman: 4 onshore blocks including PDO Potential gas development
• Algeria’s Hassi Bir Rakaiz oil field target 1st (Block 6), largest producing oil asset, and • Sizable undeveloped gas resources in
oil production in Q2/22. Block 61, largest tight gas development Timor Sea
As of Mar 2022 • Mozambique LNG project target 1st cargo in • UAE: 3 offshore and 1 onshore
late 2025* exploration blocks

Note: As of March 2022

* Subject to local security situation
Business Update
Key Focus Areas 2022

G1/61 & G2/61 Safe transition & accelerate

ramp-up activities

Assets Monetization LLB FEED for FID in 2023

Sarawak Clusters

Exploration 21 exploration and appraisal

wells in 4 countries

GHG & CCS Emission intensity reduction

and CCS rollout

Net Zero To achieve Net Zero GHG

Emissions by 2050

Diversification ARV, G2P, CCU,

Renewables, H2 study

Note: ARAA : Asset Retirement Access Agreement

Transition of G1/61 and G2/61

ATA : Asset Transfer Agreement
OTA : Operations Transfer Agreement
PSC : Production Sharing Contract
SAA : Site Access Agreement

G1/61 - Erawan G2/61 - Bongkot

Operatorship transfer completed Transition of 200mmscfd completed
Initial production rate 200-250 mmscfd Proceed for additional 500mmscfd in Mar 2023
Sole Investment 100% Production rate 700mmscfd

G1/61, G2/61 PSC signed G1/61 OTA, SAA, G1/61, G2/61 Petroleum sales agreements signed with PTT
ARAA signed G1/61, G2/61 PSC G2/61 Transition PSC G1/61 reaches
G1/61 Prelim Facility effective 24APR202 remaining areas
Access Agreement signed G2/61 ATA Signed 800mmscfd

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

<- - - - - - - - - - - G1/61 Site Access Delay - - - - - - - - -><- - - - - - - - - G1/61 Preparation and Production Ramp-up - - - - - - - - - - ->
Our Net Zero Ambition

2020 2030 2040 2050

Base Year
GHG Intensity*
GHG Intensity
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Reduction Reduction E&P, Operational Control
SCOPE 1 & 2

*Intensity refers to GHG released in Tonne CO2e per thousand

tonnes of hydrocarbon production 9
Business Update | E&P
Thailand Myanmar Algeria
G1/61 Yadana HBR-Phase I
Transition and Operatorship transfer completed 24 Become new operator with 37% interest by 1st Oil expected in Q2/2022 at 4 KBOED
APR 2022. Proceed to ramp-up activities to 20 July 2022
achieve 800MMSCFD in 24 months
Transition of 200MMSCFD completed
On track for additional 500 MMSCFD in Mar 2023 UAE
Sharjah Onshore Area C
25% stake acquisition completed 1 March 2022
Malaysia On progress of seismic activity

Obtained new block SB412 from MY Bid
Round 2021. PSC signed in March 2022.
Prepare to drill 1 more exploration well in 2022
For LLB - FID expected in 2023 1st Cargo expected in 2025 awaiting local
security situation
Business Update | Beyond E&P
Green Methanol CCS Solar Farm
• 1st Pilot Solar energy project of PTTEP
24 Jan 2022 : Signed a MOU with multiple 12 January 2022 : Established Thailand CCS Project
• ~10 MWp, FID mid 2022 and COD early 2023
international firms to explore Green Methanol value Task Force to develop CCS initiatives
• 100% owned by FST, 100% offtake by S1
chain, with plan of 50KTPA methanol production
• Completed FEED and started application of permits
plant in Singapore 25 April 2022 : Signed a MOU with INPEX and JGC and licenses
to explore on CCS project in Thailand Total Area ~ 40 acres (113 Rai)
What is Green Methanol? in Kampangpetch, NE Thailand


Renewable Energy Electrolysis to H2

Central Industrial
CO2 Eastern Industrial
Complex • 21 April 2022 : Establishment of B-Med X, a JV
Biogenic CO2
between Cariva, a subsidiary of ARV, and BJC
Methanol Synthesis to
E-Methanol Healthcare, subsidiary of BJC
powerplants • To develop an aesthetic marketplace application and
expand to healthcare business such as remote
CH3OH healthcare system
Marine Transportation Selected CO2 sources

Financial Results & Guidance
Results | Q1/22 Profit and Loss
Unit: million USD
Net Profit
P/L from normal operation
P/L from non-operating items
321 318 318

513 570 282 570

-252 -252

Q4/21 Q1/22 Q1/21 Q1/22

+2% +10% +12% +27%

Oman Block 61 Average Higher liquid and
P/L from Average Increased DCQ for Average Higher liquid price P/L from Average
normal Sales Volume Arthit project Selling Price normal Sales Volume and Malaysia SB-H Selling Price gas price
operation -10% -113$mil
Extra Q4’21: Block K redet
+288m$ (+>100%)
+57m$ (+10%)
Lower unit costs Gains and BKT Decom. adj Lower unit costs

Non- Q1/22 Oil price hedging losses Non- Q1/22 Oil price hedging losses
operating operating
items Q4/21 Impairment losses - Mozambique, and Yetagun items Q4/21 Gain from bargain purchase offset with
Losses from Brazil assets write-off and oil price hedging
-346m$ (->100%)
-60m$ (-31%)
Results | Sales Volume and Product Price
Solid volume growth from Oman Block 61 and Malaysia Sabah-H. Improved ASP thanks to global crude price.

UNIT: BOED 420,965

416,141 427,368
400,000 65,344
382,877 Volume Mix
55,993 67,360
23,419 Rest of World
95,766 97,980 97,600 85,215 Other SEA Gas Liquid

29% 27%
Thailand &
264,382 255,625 264,424 274,243 MTJDA 73%

0 Q4 2021 Q1 2022

Product Price 2021 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q1 21 Revenue Mix

Gas ($/MMBTU) 5.69 5.81 6.07 5.61
Liquid ($/BBL) 66.70 76.17 91.19 56.59
47% 48%
ASP ($/BOE) 43.49 46.87 51.35 40.38
Avg. Dubai ($/BBL) 69.39 78.27 96.21 60.01 53% 52%
Avg. HSFO ($/BBL) 64.42 71.38 87.96 56.74
(High Sulphur Fuel Oil)
Q4 2021 Q1 2022
Note: Include sales volume from ADNOC Gas Processing (AGP)
Exclude Oman Block 61 deemed sales volume from tax payment by government
ASP: Average Selling Price
Results – Unit Cost
Results | Unit Cost
Unit : $/BOE

30 28.52 29.51 27.96

Cash Cost
20 15.66
Unit Cost 13.25 13.11 12.10

2021 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q1 21
DD&A 15.27 13.85 13.43 15.86
Finance Cost 1.33 1.31 1.35 1.39
Royalties 3.49 3.69 4.27 3.41
G&A 2.22 3.05 2.23 2.12
Exploration Expenses 0.54 * 0.51 0.15 0.12 *
Operating Expenses 5.67 7.10 5.11 5.06
Lifting Cost 4.13 4.33 3.87 4.15
Note: * Exclude Exploration assets write-off in Brazil for Q1 21
All Unit Cost shown above exclude costs related to new business
The formulas for calculating ratios are provided in the supplementary section for your reference

Results | Cash Flows and Financial Position
Cash Flows Financial Position
Unit: million USD Unit: million USD
1,394 607
43 Others
Cash flow from 394 CAPEX 23,445 24,143 Total Assets
operations 170 Tax payment
(Before tax 1,394
payment) 6,923 7,645 Other Liabilities

4,094 4,095 Interest-bearing Debt

2,559 EBITDA margin 78% 3,346
Free cash flow 833m$ 12,428 12,403 Equity

DEC 2021 Sources Uses MAR 2022 DEC 2021 MAR 2022

Note: * Include Short-term investment

Net of adjustment for the effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents
Results | Guidance
Financial Guidance
Average Sales Volume Average Gas Price* Unit Cost EBITDA Margin
KBOED USD/MMBTU USD/BOE % of Sales Revenue

~467 Q2
Q2 Q2

~28-29 ~70-75%
~467 Full
~6.4 Full

* Based on average Dubai oil price in 2022 at 96 $/BBL, with sole investment in G1/61 (Erawan)

Debt Profile Credit Ratings

2021 Q1 2022 International National
Debt to Equity 0.33 0.33 BBB stand-alone rating Baa2 stand-alone rating

Debt to EBITDA 0.80 0.72 BBB+ Baa1

Average Cost of Debt 3.38% 3.38% Stable

BBB stand-alone rating

Average Loan Life 12.7 Yrs 12.4 Yrs BBB+
Interest Rate 83:17 83:17
(Fixed : Float)
Note: Debt excludes Hybrid bonds 17
Thank you and Q&A

+66 2 537 4000 [email protected]

Supplementary information
Q1/22 Financial Highlights 20
Profit and Loss Statement 21
Debt Maturity Profile 22
Five-year Investment Plan 23
Reserves 24
SD / ESG 25-27
Thailand Oil & Gas Market 28-30
Projects Information 31-44
Organization Structure 45
Ratio and Formula 46
Finance | Q1/22 Highlights
Q1’22 Highlights (QoQ) Profit (Loss) from normal operation Non-operating
Unit : million USD
Q1’22 vs Q4’21 items in Q1’22
Average Selling price +10%
- Liquid +20%
- Gas +4%

Q4’21 Extra gains

Average Sales volume +2% (6KBOED)

mainly from increased DCQ of Arthit 54
project from 220 mmscfd to 280mmscfd Redeter. 59
of Block K
Increase P/L Decom.
mainly from
Outstanding Oil Price Hedging product price
adjustment 240
Q1’22 : 11.55 mmbbl 513 12
570 Oil price
Q4’21 : 15.4 mmbbl hedging Others

Q4’21 Extra gains 318

57 m$
increase 252m$
Q4 21 Loss from
Other income from Malaysia P/L from Q1 22 non-operating items
Block K redetermination normal operation P/L from Q1 22
normal operation Net Profit

Reduction in DDA from

Bongkot Decommissioning
Liabilities adjustment 20
Finance | Profit and Loss Statement
Unit: million USD
Q1 22 Q4 21 %QoQ Q1 21 %YoY FY2021
Total Revenues 2,083 1,989 5% 1,779 17% 7,314
Sales (1) 2,030 1,867 9% 1,391 46% 6,731
Sales Volume (BOED) (2) 427,368 420,965 2% 382,877 12% 416,141
Sales Price (US$/BOE) 51.35 46.87 10% 40.38 27% 43.49
Gain from a bargain purchase - - - 350 (100%) 342
Others (3) 53 122 (57%) 38 39% 241
Total Expenses 1,776 1,671 6% 1,405 26% 6,118
Major Expenses:
Operating Expenses 197 275 (28%) 174 13% 861
Exploration Expenses 6 20 (70%) 149 (96%) 226
G&A 93 125 (26%) 75 24% 355
DD&A 517 420 23% 547 (5%) 2,202
Loss on Financial Instruments 245 7 >100% 98 >100% 234
Impairment Loss on Assets - 183 (100%) - - 183
Income Tax Expenses 497 448 11% 192 >100% 1,287
Share of profit (loss) from associates and JV 11 3 >100% 2 >100% 15
Net Profit 318 321 (1%) 376 (15%) 1,211
Profit (Loss) from normal operation 570 513 11% 282 >100% 1,479
Profit (Loss) from non-operating items (252) (192) (31%) 94 (>100%) (268)
Non-operating items breakdown:
Oil Price Hedging (240) 5 (>100%) (107) (>100%) (284)
Tax from Effect of FX (2) 1 (>100%) (9) 78% (10)
Effect from FX and others (10) (15) 33% 5 (>100%) 12
Impairment Loss on Assets - (183) 100% - - (183)
Exploration assets write-off - - - (145) 100% (145)
Note: Gain from a bargain purchase - - - 350 (100%) 342
(1) Include Oman Block 61 deemed sales revenues from tax payment by government
(2) Exclude Oman Block 61 deemed sales volume from tax payment by government 21
(3) Consisted of Revenue from Pipeline, Gain from FX, Forward Contract, and Gain from Oil price Hedging, and Malaysia Block K redetermination of participating interest in Q4’21
Finance | Debt Maturity Profile
500 480 490
USD Millions

349 350


200 182


Note: Excludes Hybrid bonds

Unit: USD Millions or equivalent after cross currency swap

As of March 2022
Not included Sole Investment in G1/61 (Erawan)

Finance | 5-year Investment Plan

600 473 493 528
416 467 463
22 35 Rest of World
7 8 9
Sales Volume 400 2 167 164 166 171 205 Other SEA &
Middle East
200 298 300
264 293 291 288 Thailand & MTJDA
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
In MMUSD 5,774
6,000 5,666 5,371 5,633 5,429 5,065
2,300 1,994 1,996 2,020
4,000 2,449 2,172
Investment CAPEX
457 809 1,081 1,237
1,608 770 (Dev & Pre-sanction projects (2))
2,000 241 2,760 2,568 2,556 2,172 2,123
1,625 (Producing projects (3))
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
5 Years (2022 – 2026) G1/61: April
CAPEX 16,533
Capacity 800 MMSCFD Mozambique LNG: 2H SK410B: 1H (1)
Capacity 13 MTPA Initial Capacity 800-1000 MMSCFD
OPEX 10,631 G2/61: April G2/61: March
Capacity 200 MMSCFD Capacity 700 MMSCFD
TOTAL 27,164 Algeria HBR
Southwest Vietnam: 2H (1) (Full
Key Project Start-up Algeria HBR Capacity 490 MMSCFD phase): 2H
(phase l) : 1H Capacity 50-60 KBPD
Capacity 10-13 KBPD
Note: (1) Subject to regulatory approval and FID timing
(2) Development & Pre-sanction projects include Mozambique LNG , Algeria HBR, SK410B and Southwest Vietnam
(3) Including exploration and appraisal in all projects and head office CAPEX, and new businesses 23
Reserves at the Year-end 2021
Petroleum Reserves
Sustained reserve life at over 5 years target
MMBOE Life 2021 by Geography
2,500 Domestic International
2,123 11.7 Years
1,647 1,622 773 1,350 54%
1,500 7.5 Years 55%
507 548
45% 46%
P1 P1 + P2
1,140 1,350
500 1,074
2021 by Product Type
- Gas Liquid
2019 2020 2021 2,123

Proved (P1) Probable (P2) 1,350 30%

5-Year Average Proved Reserves Replacement Ratio (RRR) 70%
2019 2020 2021 74%
1.5X 1.5X 1.9X
P1 P1 + P2
• Based on total production of natural gas, condensate, and crude oil (including LPG) of 495 KBOED for the year ended December 31, 2021
• Figures include reserves from equity method

As of December 2021
SD & ESG | Disclosure and Ratings
100 80 60 40 20
Social Human
Development Resource ESG Rating
Economic Rights
Climate & Disclosure Health &
Environment Safety ESG Rating
Innovation & Supply Chain
Governance, Risk
ESG Ratings 1 2 3 4 5
Management &
Compliance ESG Credit

A A- B B- C C- D D- No Response
ESG Standards

Global Reporting Climate Change

Initiative Reporting Standards
(GRI Standards)
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40+
Oil and Gas Sector Disclosures
(OGSD) ESG Risk Rating

As of December 2021 Source: S&P Global, MSCI, Moody’s, CDP, SUSTAINALYTICS’ websites
SD & ESG | Net Zero & GHG Management
GHG Composition Net Zero Roadmap

PFCS NF3 Exploration for Lower Carbon Production and Planet in Balance
SF6 E&P Portfolio
Net Zero 2050
Carbon dioxide
Roadmap & Key Milestones
2030 2040
~1% Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Others E&P, Operational Control
SCOPE 1 & 2

Greenhouse Gas generated from PTTEP Internal Lower Carbon E&P Portfolio Management
Carbon Price

GHG Management Concept Onshore Solar

Mitigate Power Plant
Methane Emission
Zero Routine Flare
Avoid CCS at Reduction via Tech. Renewable Energy Apply Other
Emission & Mitigate Flare Gas / Energy
ART & LLB in Operation Future Clean
Optimization Energies
Emission NET ZER Forestation Program and Blue Carbon Project

Offset Other Offset Program through Ocean for Life

SD & ESG | Progress Q1/2022
GHG Management Circular Model Ocean for Life
GHG Intensity Reduction Target
25% By 2030 (2012 base year) Zero Waste to Landfill by 2030 Net Positive Impact
of Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services in
Net Zero By 2050 ≥50% of Main Structure Reuse by 2030 Offshore Operations vs baseline by 2030

PROGRESS PROGRESS ≥50% Increase in Local community

income vs baseline by 2030
Reduction of GHG Emission Intensity Waste to Landfill PROGRESS
As of 2021, 24.1% Reduction (2012 base year) Ocean Health & Biodiversity Monitoring
(2.35 MMTCO2e)
Flare Gas Recovery
Pilot Project of Seagrass
Recover excess gas to Fugitive & Vent
production process Leak monitoring at Koh Samui and
and preventing Koh Taen, Surat Thani
Energy Efficiency
Operation efficiency Develop Meteorological &
and energy saving Upcycling High Volume Waste Oceanographic (Met-Ocean)
Sand to Zeolite: Successfully synthesized prototype zeolite Data Station at ART
from nano-silica and further identify potential use case
(moisture absorbent) Ramp Up CSR around Ocean Flagship Projects
Smart Logistics Carbon Capture Storage
Logistics operation Trap from flare and inject it
efficiency improvement into suitable storage site • 3 New Area Selection for Aquatic
CCUS Study Animal Hatchery Learning Centers
(Chonburi, Sumut Prakarn, Samut Sakorn)
CNT from flare gas: Ongoing FEED Study for Oil sludge conversion to Graphene: Complete prototype • 4,000 Rais Mangrove Forestation
CNT Pilot Unit at S1 unit fabrication Area Selection
(Chumphon, Surat Thani and Nakhon Si Thammarat)
CO2 to carbonate-based product: Ongoing to
fabricate prototype testing unit • Established 15 Conservation Areas &
7.8 km2 Fish Home Areas
CCS : Ongoing CCS Pre-FEED at ART and LLB New
Thailand Updates
Thailand | Market Update
Thailand Energy Overview Exchange Rate Movement
Natural Gas Supply 36
MMSCFD 35 (High)
33.4 34.5
FY 2020 FY 2021 3M 2022

Domestic Myanmar LNG 4,276 34 33.9

o Stable energy demand, while the energy prices 33.4
continue to soar 33
32.1 33.3
Domestic Myanmar LNG 4,726 32.5
o As of March 2022, compared with the same period 32 (Low)
of last year: significantly declined in domestic 31
Domestic Myanmar LNG 4,699
supply, while gas from Myanmar and LNG imports 30
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
remained constant. 29

Natural Gas Consumption Electricity Generation Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2021 2022
Consensus on the exchange rate mostly depends on
FY 2020 FY 2021 3M 2022

FY2020 FY2021 3M 2022

Electricity Industry GSP NGV 4,309 57% 3% 15% 14% 11% 33,123 o Thailand economic recovery in particular the tourism sector
o Bank of Thailand and Federal Reserve monetary policy tightening
Electricity Industry GSP NGV 4,395 54% 2% 17% 16% 11% 209,717 schedule
o Geopolitical tensions and uncertainty from the Russia-Ukraine war
Electricity Industry GSP NGV 4,368 55% 2% 18% 14% 10% 206,034

0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 0%

Natural 20%
Gas 40%
Electricity80% Coal
& Lignite Source: Bank of Thailand, Bloomberg
Imported Renewable Energy Forecast based on Bloomberg Consensus as of 31 March 2022
Source: Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO)

Thailand’s Energy Value Chain
Thailand | Energy Value Chain
PTTEP contributes over 1/3 of Thailand’s petroleum production

3M 2021 Thailand’s Oil and Gas Demand 3M 2022 Thailand Petroleum Production Midstream

Crude Oil &

% by Petroleum Type and Area Gas: operated by PTT
Condensate ~ 1.1 m BOE/D Onshore 9%
8% Transmission Pipelines
Imports Gas Gas Separation Plants
74% Offshore
~ 87% 91%
Liquid Oil: PTT participates through
Domestic ~ 13% 26% subsidiaries
by Type by Area
% Production by Company
Natural Gas ~ 0.7 m BOE/D
Imports ~ 35% PTTEP
46% Downstream
~ 65% Others Oil and gas marketing

Source: Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO) and Department of Mineral Fuels (DMF)
Thailand | Oil and Gas Balance
Oil Balance*** Natural Gas Balance****
Maintains stability supply through adequate refining capacity Main driver of the Thailand economy

Import (87%) Indigenous (13%) Gulf of Thailand (62%) Onshore(2%)

Onshore (2%) Import (36%)
1022 KBD 150 KBD

42% Myanmar
LNG 44%
Others 56%

Crude/ Crude/ 2,733 Bypass Gas 322 MMSCFD

Condensate Condensate MMSCFD
950 KBD 135 KBD
Total Refining Capacity in Thailand 6 Gas Separation Plants

1,242 KBD Total Capacity 2,870 MMSCFD

Imported @ Actual Heat
Refined Crude 104 1,583
Petroleum Export MMSCFD MMSCFD
Products 15 KBD
72 KBD PTT’s Associated Refineries 770 KBD (TOP, PTTGC, IRPC)
Other Refineries 472 KBD (SPRC, ESSO, BCP) Methane
1,502 MMSCFD
Refined Refined 909 MMSCFD
Products Products (20%)
1,041 KBD * 163 KBD
Domestic Export Petrochemical Ethane
Power (59%)
962 KBD ** 178 KBD Feedstock LPG
(12%) NGL

Industry (18%)
Household LPG NGV (3%)
Transportation NGL
Source: PTT
Note: * Refined product from refineries = 958 KBD, including domestic supply of LPG from GSPs and Petrochemical Plants = 83 KBD
** Not included Inventory
*** Information as of 2M 2022
**** Information as of Year 2021
MMSCFD @ Heating Value 1,000 Btu/ft3
Projects | Thailand, Myanmar and Malaysia
Production Malaysia
Three producing offshore gas fields supplying gas to both
Thailand and Myanmar: Zawtika, Yadana and Yetagun Production
One field under development plan – M3 (100% WI) Block K Project
Zawtika (80% WI) – PTTEP is operator Kikeh(56% WI) , Siakap North-Petai (SNP) (22.4% WI) and
Yadana (25.5% WI) – PTTEP to be operator and stake Gumusut-Kakap (GK) (7.2% WI)
will increase to 37.1% in July 2022 • Average production volume in 3M2022 was 32* KBPD
Yetagun (19.3% WI) – Approaching the end of field. of crude oil and 27* MMSCFD of natural gas
Submitted notice to withdraw.
SK309 and SK311 Project (59.5% WI)
For East Patricia field (42% WI)
Thailand • Average production volume in 3M2022 was 193* MMSCFD
Production / Ramp-up Projects of natural gas and 20* KBPD of condensates and crude
Bongkot (66.6667% WI) Block H Project
Average natural gas and condensate sales volume of 819 Rotan field (56% WI) Remaining Area (42% WI)
MMSCFD and 22 KBPD in 3M2022 • First gas early February 2021 with average production volume in
S1 (100% WI) 3M2022 at 275 MMSCFD of natural gas
The largest onshore crude oil production field in Thailand • Full capacity at 270 MMSCFD
with 3M2022 average crude oil sales volume of 25 KBPD Sabah H
For Block K, gross production is net off utilization
Arthit (80% WI) Exploration
Average sales volume in 3M2022 was 277 MMSCFD of Sarawak SK410B Project (42.5% WI)
natural gas and 15 KBPD of condensates • Multi TCF gas discovery in Lang Lebah Field
Contract 4 (60% WI) • Expected to reach Final Investment Decision (FID) in 2023
Average sales rate of 403 MMSCFD for natural gas and
16 KBPD for condensate in 3M2022 Sarawak SK417 and Sarawak SK405B projects
G1/61 (60% WI) SK309 & SK311 • New Petroleum discoveries with additional well drilling
Operatorship transfer completed. Current production rate of to assess upside potential
250-300MMSCFD. Sole investment 100% Production phase
G2/61 (100% WI) Exploration phase Sabah SB412
GBS transition completed at production rate of • New block awarded from 2021 Malaysia Bid Round
200 MMSCFD • The project is under preparation for Exploration activities
Note: WI – working interest
Projects | Vietnam and Indonesia


Vietnam 16-1 (28.5% WI) Southwest Vietnam

• Average sales volume of crude oil was ● Vietnam B & 48/95 (8.5% WI)
13 KBPD in 3M2022 ● Vietnam 52/97 (7% WI)
• In 2022, the project has plan to drill • Field Development Plan was approved by Government
2 development wells in Q3 - Q4/2022.
INDONESIA • The project is currently in the negotiation process on
commercial terms to put forward FID, with production
capacity approximately 490 MMSCFD

Natuna Sea A (11.5% WI)
• Average sales volume of natural gas was 199
MMSCFD in 3M2022
Production projects
Pre sanction projects

Projects | Middle East
UAE Oman
Mukhaizna (Block 53)
Abu Dhabi Offshore 1,2 and 3
• High potential prospective resources with significant sizeable discoveries PDO (Block 6) • Largest single onshore
producing field in Oman
• Located North-west of Abu Dhabi Emirates, United Arab Emirates • Average oil production volume of
• Granted the award for exploration in January 2019 - 2020 • Largest asset covering around 94 KBPD for 3M2022
1/3 of the country
• Operated by Eni Abu Dhabi B.V. (70% interest) Abu Dhabi offshore 3 • Operated by Occidental
Sharjah • Long-life asset, produced only Petroleum (47% interest)
Sharjah Onshore Area C Onshore Area C 15% of reserves in-place
• High gas & condensate potential with the possibility of integrating with • Average oil production volume
surrounding fields of 660 KBPD for 3M2022
• Located in the central part of Sharjah Emirate , United Arab Emirates • Operated by Petroleum Oman Block 61
• Operated by Eni Abu Dhabi B.V. (50% interest) Development of Oman
Block 61 (Joint Operating Company) • Largest tight gas development in
ADNOC Gas Processing (AGP) Middle East
• Gas and condensate production
• One of the largest gas processing complexes in the world Oman Onshore capacity of 1,500 MMSCFD and
(total capacity of 8 BCFD) block 12 Oman Onshore Block 12 69,000 BPD respectively
JV: 3 plants with capacity of 1.2 BCFD • Located onshore central part of • Operated by BP Exploration
ADNOC: 2 plants with capacity of 6.9 BCFD the Sultanate of Oman (Epsilon) Limited (40% interest)
• Essential to Abu Dhabi and UAE’s economy *Block awarded in 2019 • Signed agreement with Oman’s
• Sizeable volumes of Propane, Butane and Naphtha offtake **Block awarded in 2020 Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG) for Oman LNG
• Operated by ADNOC (68% interest) exploration and production rights
in February 2020 • The only LNG facility in Oman
• Operated by Total E&P Oman • Processing capacity 10.4 MTPA
Block 12 B.V. (80% interest) • Contracted LNG sales to
international buyers: Japan
and South Korea
Production phase • Government of Oman 51%
Exploration phase

Note: ADNOC : Abu Dhabi National Oil Company

Rest | Rest
of the of the World
Mexico Mexico block 29 (2.4)
Mexico block 12 (2.4)
• Non-operating partner with 16.67%
participating interest
• Non-operating partner with 20%
participating interest • Located in the Campeche, southern Gulf
Algeria of Mexico
• Located in the Mexican Ridges, western
Gulf of Mexico • 2 successful deep-water oil discoveriesin
Bir Sebah • Currently evaluating the petroleum
May 2020
• Block 433a & 416b MOZAMBIQUE potential for further way forward • Currently undergoing a pre-development
• PVEP 40% (operator), PTTEP 35% study
Hassi Bir Rekaiz MOZAMBIQUE

• Blocks 443a, 424a, 414ext & 415ext for

Crude Oil.
• Sonatrach 51% (operator), PTTEP 49%
Barreirinhas AP1
• Operated by Shell Brasil (65% interest)
Mozambique Area 1
• Four offshore exploration blocks: BAR-M-215, MEXICO
• High quality reservoirs capable up to BAR-M-217, BAR-M-252 and BAR-M-254
200mmscfd per well • Currently waiting for exploration wells drilling
• LNG capacity 13.1 MTPA (2 trains) permit from the government
• TotalEnergies 26.5% (operator),
PTTEP 8.5%
• Construction phase BM-ES-23
• Acquired 20% interest from Shell in Q3 2014 BRAZIL
• Partnered with Petrobras (65%, operator) and
INPEX (15%)
• Currently evaluating the petroleum potential
for further
33 development
Projects Details | Thailand
Project Name Status Phase Participating Interest* (%) Sales Vol Gas Sales Vol Liquid Latest Status
1 Arthit Operator Production PTTEP 80% 277 15 • Increase Sales Gas DCQ from 220 to 280 MMSCFD in Feb’22
Chevron 20%
2 B6/27 Operator Production PTTEP 100% - - • Prepare for decommissioning activities

3 B8/32 and 9A JV Production PTTEP 25.01% 50 11 • Ensure gas deliverability level at DCQ
Chevron 51.66% • Drill development wells
MOECO 16.71% • Preparation for wellhead platform reuse in 2022-23
KrisEnergy 4.63%
Palang Sophon 2%
4 Bongkot Operator Production PTTEP 66.67% 819 22 • Infills drilling for BKT Sole investment
TotalEnergies 33.33% • Maintain production level as planned
• Carry out wells plug and abandonment, Pipeline cleaning and Hg
• Wellhead platform & sealine and FSO1 PLEM Decommissioning (Non-
transferred asset)
5 CT3 (formerly Unocal III) JV Production PTTEP 5% 206 13 • Decommissioning activities
Chevron 71.25%
6 CT4 (formerly Pailin) JV Production PTTEP 60% 403 16 • Ensure gas deliverability level at DCQ
Chevron 35% • Drill development wells
MOECO 5% • Topside reuse
7 E5 JV Production PTTEP 20% 8 - • Ensure gas deliverability level at DCQ
Note: * PTTEP denotes respective PTTEP subsidiaries participating in the project
** Sales volume represent average volume for 100% of the project during Q1/2022
*** Status: OP = PTTEP operatorship / JOC = PTTEP joint operatorship/ JV = PTTEP Joint Venture Partner
**** DCQ = Daily Contractual Quantity
Projects Details | Thailand
Project Name Status Phase Participating Interest* (%) Sales Vol Gas Sales Vol Liquid Latest Status
8 G4/43 JV Production PTTEP 21.375% 1 2 • Deliver production volumes as nominated from the buyer and oil
Chevron 51% production as planned
MOECO 21.25%
Palang Sophon 6.375%
9 G4/48 JV Production PTTEP 5% 1 0.1 • Decommissioning activities
Chevron 71.25%
MOECO 23.75%

10 L53/43 & L54/43 OP Production PTTEP 100% - 0.5 • On-going 5th drilled well
• Plan to complete 6 wells around mid of Apr’22 and commence 1st oil by
• Plan for production facilities debottlenecking and relocation projects to
handle additional gross production from new wells.
11 PTTEP1 OP Production PTTEP 100% - 0.2 • Maintain production plateau
• Relocate facilities from PTTEP1 to L54/43 to be minimized CAPEX cost
12 S1 OP Production PTTEP 100% 8 Crude: 25 KBPD • Production optimization and long-term development plan are on-going for
LPG: 183 MTon/Day business plan and work activities identification according to 10 years
13 Sinphuhorm OP Production PTTEP 55% 95 0.3 • Ensure gas deliverability
Apico 35% • Preparing the drilling campaign for 2 wells during Q2 - Q4 2022
14 L22/43 OP Production PTTEP 100% - - • On-going execution plan of total 5 drilling wells scheduled in Q4 2022.
• Plan to prepare for the resume production or exit strategy in future after
drilling results confirmed.

Note: * PTTEP denotes respective PTTEP subsidiaries participating in the project

** Sales volume represent average volume for 100% of the project during Q1/2022
*** Status: OP = PTTEP operatorship / JOC = PTTEP joint operatorship/ JV = PTTEP Joint Venture Partner
Projects Details | Thailand
Project Name Status Phase Participating Interest* (%) Sales Vol Gas Sales Vol Liquid Latest Status
15 MTJDA JOC Production PTTEP 50% 260 10 • Facility Readiness for Additional Gas to DP1 (Thailand) for 30-50 MMSCFD
Petronas Carigali 50%
16 G9/43 OP Exploration PTTEP 100% - - • Activity suspended

17 G1/61 (Erawan) OP Exploration PTTEP 60% - - • Successful transition to become operator on 24 April 2022. Initial
Mubadala 40% production rate at 376 MMSCFD
18 G2/61 (Bongkot) OP Exploration PTTEP 100% - - • Normal operations

Note: * PTTEP denotes respective PTTEP subsidiaries participating in the project

** Sales volume represent average volume for 100% of the project during Q1/2022
*** Status: OP = PTTEP operatorship / JOC = PTTEP joint operatorship/ JV = PTTEP Joint Venture Partner
Projects Details | Myanmar, Malaysia, Other SEA
Project Name Status Phase Participating Interest* (%) Sales Vol Gas Sales Vol Liquid Latest Status
1 Block K [Malaysia] OP (Kikeh & SNP) Production PTTEP Kikeh 56% • SNP Phase 2 development well commenced production. GK Phase 3
- Kikeh JV (GK) SNP 22.4% 32 ** 27 ** development drilling commenced by Unit Operator.
- Siakap-North Petai field (SNP) GK 7.17%
- Gumusut-Kakap field (GK)
2 Sarawak SK309 and SK311 OP Production PTTEP 42 – 59.5% 193 ** 20 ** • Pemanis Gas Development and South Acis Satellite infill oil development​
[Malaysia] drilling completed and commenced production
3 Block H OP Production PTTEP 42 – 56% 275 ** - • Normal operations
4 Malaysia – Other projects OP Exploration PTTEP 42.5 - 80% - - • SK410B : Plan to drill 1 exploration well and expected FID in 2023 for LLB
(varied by • SK417, SK405B, SK438 : Planning and preparing for the drilling of
permits) appraisal and exploration wells in 2022 exploration campaign
• SB412 : Preparing for exploration activities
5 Yadana JV Production PTTEP 25.5% 732 - • Appointed to be Operator with effective in Jul’22
[Myanmar] TotalEnergies 31.24% • Under process of operatorship transfer
Chevron 28.26%
MOGE 15%
6 Yetagun Production PTTEP 19.3178% 44 - • Submitted notice to withdraw, effective May 2022
[Myanmar] JV Petronas- 40.91018%
MOGE 20.4541%
Nippon Oil 19.3178%
7 Zawtika (M9 & a part of M11) Production PTTEP 80% 326 - • Maintain operations. Some activities are delayed due to COVID-19 and
[Myanmar] OP Myanma Oil and 20% political situation.
Gas Enterprise
Note: * PTTEP denotes respective PTTEP subsidiaries participating in the project
** Sales volume represent average volume for 100% of the project during Q1/2022 except Malaysia (Production volume 100%)/ For Block K, gross production is net off unitization
*** Status: OP = PTTEP operatorship / JOC = PTTEP joint operatorship/ JV = PTTEP Joint Venture Partner
Projects Details | Myanmar, Malaysia, Other SEA
Project Name Status Phase Participating Interest* (%) Sales Vol Gas Sales Vol Liquid Latest Status
8 M3 OP Exploration PTTEP 100% - - • Waiting for approval of PSC Supplementary
9 MD-7 Exploration PTTEP 50% - - • Termination process in progress
[Myanmar] OP TotalEnergies 50%
10 9-2 JOC Production PTTEP 25% 12 4 • Maintain production level
[Vietnam] Vietnam Oil and 50% • Procurement for drilling campaign of 1 development well
Gas Group
Pharos Energy 25%
11 16-1 JOC Production PTTEP 28.5% 2 13 • Maintain production level
[Vietnam] Vietnam Oil and 41% • Procurement for drilling campaign of 2 development wells
Gas Group
Pharos Energy 28.5%
12 B & 48/95 JV Exploration PTTEP 8.5% - - • Monitoring Power Plants progress
[Vietnam] Vietnam Oil and 65.88% • Negotiation process on commercial terms in order to push forward the Final
Gas Group Investment Decision (FID)
MOECO 25.62% • The first production target at the end of 2025
13 52/97 JV Exploration PTTEP 7% - - • Monitoring Power Plants progress
[Vietnam] Vietnam Oil and 73.4% • Negotiation process on commercial terms in order to push forward the Final
Gas Group Investment Decision (FID)
MOECO 19.6% • The first production target at the end of 2025
14 Natuna Sea A JV Production PTTEP 11.5% 199 1 • Maintain production level
[Indonesia] Premier Oil 28.67%
KUFPEC 33.33%
Petronas 15%
Pertamina 11.5%
Note: * PTTEP denotes respective PTTEP subsidiaries participating in the project
** Sales volume represent average volume for 100% of the project during Q1/2022
*** Status: OP = PTTEP operatorship / JOC = PTTEP joint operatorship/ JV = PTTEP Joint Venture Partner 39
Projects Details | Middle East
Project Name Status Phase Participating Interest* (%) Sales Vol Gas Sales Vol Liquid Latest Status
1 Abu Dhabi Offshore 1 JV Exploration PTTEP 30% - - • Being evaluated for petroleum potential to support future exploration,
[UAE] Eni Abu Dhabi 70% including G&G report
2 Abu Dhabi Offshore 2 JV Exploration PTTEP 30% - - • Continued drilling the first exploration well
[UAE] Eni Abu Dhabi 70%
3 Abu Dhabi Offshore 3 JV Exploration PTTEP 30% - - • G&G study is on-going
[UAE] Eni Abu Dhabi 70%
4 Sharjah Onshore Area C JV Exploration PTTEP 25% - - • Completed the acquisition of 25% interest on 1 March 2022
[UAE] Eni Abu Dhabi 50% • Seismic activity is in progress
SNOC 25%
5 PDO Block 6 JOC Production PTTEP 2% - 660 ** • Normal operations
[Oman] Government of Oman 60%
Shell 34%
TotalEnergies 4%
6 Mukhaizna JV Production PTTEP 1% - 94 ** • Normal operations
[Oman] Occidental 47%
Indian Oil 17%
Mubadala 15%

Note: * PTTEP denotes respective PTTEP subsidiaries participating in the project

** Sales volume represent average volume for 100% of the project during Q1/2022 except for PDO Block 6 and Mukhaizna (Production volume 100%)
*** Status: OP = PTTEP operatorship / JOC = PTTEP joint operatorship/ JV = PTTEP Joint Venture Partner

Projects Details | Middle East
Project Name Status Phase Participating Interest* (%) Sales Vol Gas Sales Vol Liquid Latest Status
JV Exploration PTTEP 20% - - • 3D seismic reprocessing (original 3D)​ in progress
7 Block 12
Total E&P Oman Block 80% • 3D seismic acquisition (new 3D) is in process for tendering
12 B.V.
JV Production PTTEP 20% 1,471 61 • Full production capacity of natural gas and condensate in according to the
8 Block 61
BP 40% Sales and Purchase Agreement
Makarim Gas 30%
Development LLC
PC Oman Ventures 10%
Limited (PETRONAS)

Note: * PTTEP denotes respective PTTEP subsidiaries participating in the project

** Sales volume represent average volume for 100% of the project during Q1/2022
*** Status: OP = PTTEP operatorship / JOC = PTTEP joint operatorship/ JV = PTTEP Joint Venture Partner

Projects Details | Rest of the World
Project Name Status Phase Participating Interest* (%) Sales Vol Gas Sales Vol Liquid Latest Status
1 PTTEP Australasia OP Exploration PTTEP 90%-100% - - • Cash Maple (AC/RL7) and Oliver (AC/RL12) : Defining proper direction in
[Australia] order to increase development opportunities​
• Tenacious and Oliver : Well abandonment in progress
• Other exploration projects: G&G studies​
2 Mozambique Area 1 JV Development PTTEP 8.5% - - • First Cargo is expected by 2025, subject to local security situation
[Mozambique] TotalEnergies, Mitsui, 26.5%,20% • 1st Debt drawdown in project Finance
ENH, OVL 15%, 10% • Force Majeure was declared by the operator for safety reason due to the
OVRL & Oil India , 10%, 10% security incident in Palma.
Bharat • Plan to resume construction activities after security and safety restored
3 Bir Seba 433a & 416b JOC Production PTTEP 35% - 17 ** • Drilling of 2 development wells are on-going in Q1 2022
[Algeria] PetroVietnam 40% • Target to tie-in and produce 2 new wells in 2022
Sonatrach 25% • Existing wells intervention
• Production respect OPEC+ policy
4 Hassi Bir Rekaiz OP Development PTTEP 49% - - • Continue drilling development wells
[Algeria] Sonatrach 51% • Expected 1st oil production for the initial phase of around 10,000-13,000
BPD in Q2 2022
• Groupement (JOC) establishment in Q2 2022
5 Mariana Oil Sands OP Exploration PTTEP 100% - - • The Project is underway for reclamation activities according to
[Canada] government’s conditions
6 Barreirinhas AP1 JV Exploration PTTEP 25% - - • Pending exploration wells drilling permit from the government
[Brazil] Shell Brasil 65%
Mitsui E&P Brasil 10%

Note: * PTTEP denotes respective PTTEP subsidiaries participating in the project

** Sales volume represent average volume for 100% of the project during Q1/2022 except for Algeria 433a & 416b (production volume)
*** Status: OP = PTTEP operatorship / JOC = PTTEP joint operatorship/ JV = PTTEP Joint Venture Partner
Projects Details | Rest of the World
Project Name Status Phase Participating Interest* (%) Sales Vol Gas Sales Vol Liquid Latest Status
7 BM-ES-23 JV Exploration PTTEP 20% - - • Evaluating petroleum potential for development consideration
[Brazil] Petrobras 65%
8 Block 12 (2.4) JV Exploration PTTEP 20% - - • Evaluating petroleum potential for development consideration
[Mexico] PC Carigali Mexico 60%
Ophir Mexico 20%
9 Block 29 (2.4) JV Exploration PTTEP 16.67% - - • Pre-development study in progress
[Mexico] Repsol Mexico 30%
PC Carigali Mexico 28.33%
Wintershal DEA 25%
10 Block 17/06 JV Pre-development PTTEP 2.5% - - • FID plan in the mid 2022 for the eastern area
[Angola] TotalEnergies 30% • Finalized Internal committees and Stakeholders alignment leading to
Sonangol 30% Begonia FID
SSI 27.5% • Launched Forsythia and Gardenia development study on 18 January 2022
Acrep 5%
Falcon Oil 5%
11 Dunga JV Production PTTEP 20% 2 11 • ​Procurement process Compression package and Gathering Lines
[Kazakhstan] TotalEnergies 60% • Engineering of Separation Upgrade, Flare package and facilities
OOCEP 20% • Facilities modification works

Note: * PTTEP denotes respective PTTEP subsidiaries participating in the project

** Sales volume represent average volume for 100% of the project during Q1/2022
*** Status: OP = PTTEP operatorship / JOC = PTTEP joint operatorship/ JV = PTTEP Joint Venture Partner

Note: PTTEP denotes respective PTTEP subsidiaries participating in the project
Projects Details | Mid-stream Sales volume represent average volume for 100% of the project during Q1/2022

Project Name Status Phase Participating Interest* (%) Sales Vol Gas Sales Vol Liquid Latest Status
1 Oman LNG Shareholder Production PTTEP 2% - - • Normal Operations
[OMAN] Government of 51%
Shell 30%
TotalEnergies 5.54%
Korea LNG 5%
Mitsubishi 2.77%
Mitsui 2.77%
Itochu 0.92%
2 ADNOC Gas Processing JV Production PTTEP 2% - - • Normal Operations
Shell 15%
TotalEnergies 15%

Note: * PTTEP denotes respective PTTEP subsidiaries participating in the project

** Sales volume represent average volume for 100% of the project during Q1/2022
*** Status: OP = PTTEP operatorship / JOC = PTTEP joint operatorship/ JV = PTTEP Joint Venture Partner

Organization Chart
Ensuring performance excellence, transparency, and good corporate governance

Board of Directors

Corporate Governance and Nominating and Remuneration

Sustainable Development Committee Committee

Audit Committee Risk Management Committee

Internal Audit
Chief Executive Officer

Safety, Security, Health and

Legal Division
Environment Division

Enterprise Transformation
New Business Division Department

Strategy and Geosciences, Engineering, Resources,
Domestic International Operations Finance and
Business Subsurface and and Corporate
Production Production Support Accounting
Development Exploration Development Affairs and
Asset Group Asset Group Group Assurance Group
Group Group Group

Ratio and Formula
Lifting Cost (Operating Exp. – Transportation Cost – Stock Variation – Other expenses not related to Net debt Total debt – Liquidity
($/BOE) lifting) / Production Volume Debt to Equity Total debt / Shareholders' equity
Cash Cost (Operating Exp. + Exploration Exp. + G&A + Royalties + Finance Cost) / Sales Volume Net Debt to Equity Net debt / Shareholders' equity
Total Debt to Total debt / (Total debt + Shareholders' equity)
Unit Cost (Operating Exp. + Exploration Exp. + G&A + Royalties + Finance Cost + DD&A) / Sales Capital
($/BOE) Volume
Total Debt to Total debt / Trailing-12-month EBITDA
Reserves 5-Yr Additional Proved Reserves / 5-Yr Production Volume EBITDA
Replacement Ratio
Net Debt to Net debt / Trailing-12-month EBITDA
Reserves Life Index Proved Reserves / Production Volume EBITDA
EBITDA Interest Trailing-12-month EBITDA / Trailing-12-month Interest Expenses & Amortization of
Success Ratio Number of wells with petroleum discovery / Total number of exploration and appraisal wells Coverage Ratio Bond Issuing Cost
Sales Revenue Sales + Revenue from pipeline transportation
EBITDA (Sales + Revenue from pipeline transportation) - (Operating expenses + Exploration expenses
+ Administrative expenses + Petroleum royalties and remuneration + Management's
EBITDA Margin EBITDA / Sales Revenue
Return on Equity Trailing-12-month net income / Average shareholders' equity between the beginning and the
end of the 12-month period
Return on Capital (Trailing-12-month net income + Trailing-12-month Interest Expenses & Amortization of
Employed Bond Issuing Cost) / (Average shareholders' equity and average total debt between the
beginning and the end of the 12-month period)
Simple Effective Income tax expenses / Income before income taxes
Tax Rate
Total debt Short-term loans from financial institution + Current portion of long-term debts + Bonds +
Long-term loans from financial institution

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