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Learning Activity No.

17: Human Resource Management

Jasmine R. Ukay

Human Resource Management: Human Behavior in Organization

Mr. Ceasar Billones

September 15, 2022


The systems and procedures of developing, organizing, directing, and monitoring are
covered under human resource management. It concerns with the hiring of personnel, their
learning & support, and their upkeep. Additionally, it aids in the accomplishment of societal,
economic, and personal goals. It plays a crucial role in every business. Absent competent
human-resources management, businesses could not be able to attract and retain top talent,
expand and optimize their operations, or preserve a positive, welcoming corporate culture. The
administration of human resources is so crucial to businesses that several refer to this division
as the lifeblood of an enterprise. Your firm will struggle if your company doesn't have effective
human resources management since it will make it difficult for your divisions to collaborate.
The maintenance of a good work environment, a positive workplace balancing for workers, and
keeping current with social and moral standards are more crucial goals of human resources

Each and every company needs a human resources department. The goal of a human
resources department is to boost worker productivity. This shields the business from issues at
work. Benefits and pay, hiring and firing, and keeping abreast of any regulations that might
have an impact on the business. It also has an impact on the workers, who fall under HR's
purview. In-house human resources are no longer used by many businesses. It oversees
administrative functions and contracts labor and benefits with outside companies. Salaries &
incentives, hiring and firing procedures, and keeping abreast of the any laws. It could have an
impact on the business and its workers, adding new HR obligations.

There are different definitions of Human Resource Management:

1. According to Ricky W. Griffin, “The collection of corporate actions aimed at luring in,
training, and retaining a skilled staff is known as human resource management.”
2. According to Mathis and Jackson, “HRM is the administration of individuals tasks that
results in the effective utilization of human resources and organizations.”
3. According to Dale Yoder, “In a workplace or job connection, "HRM is the providing
of leadership and guidance of individuals."
4. According to J. Jucious, “Planning, organizing, managing, and regulating tasks related
to hiring, training, retaining, and using a workforce are all part of something like the
field of human resource management.”

The importance of human resource and management:

1. Management of strategy- The most important factor is how critical it is for any firm to
manage its people resources. Managers of human resources oversee plans to make sure the
business achieves its goals. It also aids in the judgment procedure within the corporation.
It also includes projections based on the organization's requirements and personnel ratings.
2. Development and training- Interactions between employers and employees can be
improved with the help of Human resource managers. Companies make a substantial
contribution to improvement and education programs. Due to the significance of human
resource management, this is important. Employee development is aided within the
organization. Additionally, it raises workers' performance happiness.
3. Interaction among employees- The task of planning company-wide gatherings, programs,
and anniversaries falls to HR managers. It offers chances for team development.
Additionally, it promotes peer’s confidence and respect while increasing staff connection.
4. Analyze the advantages- HR managers work to reduce costs as much as they can
throughout hiring and training. Employees are a specialty of HR specialists. They were
more expected to inspire quality personnel and retain current workers. Additionally, they
effectively negotiate with both current and prospective personnel.
5. Keeping Liability Problems to a Minimum- HR employee relations experts lessen its
obligation when it comes to accusations of unfair hiring practices. They understand, look
into, and handle workplace problems that might not be addressed. By putting the business
in breach of federal law, it might only get worse. Additionally, there are state anti-
harassment and prejudice legislation. This is significant given the significance of human
resource management.
6. Salaries and wages- Specialists in human resource benefits design practical arrangements.
They carry out comprehensive wage and compensation assessments. It brings business
salaries into line with those prevailing in the area. Additionally, it is for businesses in the
same sector or those vying for workers with comparable abilities. Individuals must make
sure that the transaction expenses match the group's anticipated income and present
economic standing.
7. Resolving conflicts- Whenever there is a technical conflict among workers, HR should be
contacted. By treating the subject objectively, they make sure that problems and
disagreements are resolved. It also assists in fostering better discussion to reach an
agreement. They also aid workers in understanding diverse approaches to creating useful
work. It fosters connections and prevents them from letting bias guide their decisions.
8. Maintaining a positive work environment- To get forth the finest in workers, the workplace
must be favorable. HRM is essential in creating a safe and welcoming work environment.
It advocates for increased output per worker and stresses the need of human resource
9. Compliance- The employment procedure is tracked by HR personnel, as are application
logs. In contrast, they are making sure that the business abides by employment regulations.
They fill out documents attesting to the legal right of the company's human resources to
operate anywhere on the world.


The function of human resources is extremely powerful and flexible. An HR specialist

has the ability to improve lifestyles and workers' working environments by serving as the
company's point of contact with the workforce. Contrary to popular belief, it is not just limited
to recruitment; it is a crucial part of any business. These responsibilities comprise an HR
expert's role within a company and can aid in your decision to accept this pivotal position.

There are nine major functions of Human Resources Management:

1. Planning of Human Resources- it is vital since it guarantees that a company has the
resources needed to achieve its goals. Additionally, it aids in ensuring effective and
efficient resource use. The fundamentals of resources development and how to develop
a strong plan are covered in the free planning course. This human resource management
assignment establishes the quantity and kind of workers needed to complete a particular
set of objectives and duties. Additionally, it anticipates organizational needs for the
future and aids in tailoring the hiring procedure to meet those needs.
2. Recruitment- The human resources department is in charge of finding candidates to join
the company. Prior to posting a job or conducting interviews, the HR manager must
first coordinate with the relevant teams to know the abilities and perspectives they are
seeking in a new employee.
3. Performance Management- Effective quality management is characterized by good
leadership, helpful criticism, and open dialogue. Employee engagement also
contributes to maintaining employee engagement and productivity. There are several
ways to perform this task, including biannual evaluations, management evaluations,
peer evaluation, and occasionally even feedback from customers.
4. Learning and Development- The core duty of human resource management is to support
workers in gaining the necessary abilities and information for the future. As many
initiatives call for foresight the abilities of the future, it is advantageous to the company
if the staff members are up to speed on the most recent technology and talents.
5. Compensation and Benefits- The main goal of this Human Resource Management role
is to ensure that all workers receive equal and fair payment. Additionally, it is the role
of human resource specialists to establish rules and regulations regarding worker pay
and benefits. They have a task list that includes both communicating and putting into
practice the rules and regulations.
6. Employee Engagement and Communication- The workers can indeed be communicated
with and engaged with through newsletters, infrequent get-togethers, holiday
celebrations with sports, etc. These methods can all be effective ways to involve and
communicate with the workforce.
7. Health & Safety- Employees experience a feeling of connection to the firm when safety
rules and guidelines are incorporated into the new goals because they perceive that now
the company cares concerning their protection.
8. Employee Personal Support- The human resources department not only handles
administrative duties but also helps staff members with their personal issues. During
pandemics, the demand for worker guidance and help has multiplied, and ignoring it
can harm production and efficiency.
9. Industrial Relations- You probably already know about the organizations that are in
place to represent the concerns of employees if you work in a manufacturing or industry
unit. For the benefit of the employees, trade unions are established at the work, and
they are fairly forthright and vociferous regarding their objectives.


Human Resource Management

The function of human resources is extremely powerful and flexible. An HR specialist

does have the ability to improve lifestyles and workers' working environments by serving as the
firm's point of contact with the workforce. Contrary to popular belief, it is not just limited to
recruitment; it is a crucial part of any business. These responsibilities comprise an HR expert's
role within a company and can aid in your decision to accept this pivotal position. HRM is
indeed the art of finding, training, and retaining a skilled staff to successfully carry out
organizational objectives. the act of hiring people, utilizing existing skills and assets, and
rewarding them for their work in accordance with organizational and job criteria with the aim
of advancing the objectives of the organization, the person, and community.

Organizational Behavior

A team of individuals that collaborate to accomplish shared or personal objectives is

known as an institution. Personal objectives are those that colleagues want to accomplish on
their own, such as making profit, acquiring reputation, and so forth. Profit, the creation of a
specific drug, or assuring the promotion of a specific product are a few examples of
organizational aims. Materials and products are offered by institutions. Such products' and
products' excellence are a direct effect of how people behave and execute in a business. The
goal of organizational behavior is to anticipate action depending on analysis and to explain
action. You may best explain how such an organization works if you can comprehend behaviors.
Organizational behavior also looks at how a company might influence behavior. Organizational
behavior is the analysis of the variables that affect how people and groups behave inside
businesses as well as how an institution reacts to its surroundings. The concepts and ideas from
the studies of organizational behavior assist to comprehend, analyze, and characterize the
behavior within organizations. It also offers tools for decision-making in order to accomplish
organizational objectives.
Human Resource Organizational
Management Behavior

Each one of them works with

employees of businesses or
corporations to help employees get
the things they really want function
more productively.

It is well renowned for assisting, It is a group of individuals, not a

facilitating, and keeping an eye on the department, that collaborate to
operational requirements and determine what benefits and
requirements of its personnel. HR disadvantages the organization. The
departments assist directors and OB team typically consists of between
leadership in adopting any necessary three and four people, each working
modifications to the company's on a specific project for invention or
current practices. development.

- The hiring, paying, and - The personnel at

training new staff are the Organizational Behavior
main objectives of HR. The researches individuals seeing
division also establishes ways they can more
initiatives, employment rules, effectively help them resolve
and evaluations for the issues which have produced
business or organization. tension, which reduces




HR in the division deals with many issues, but the biggest challenges facing HR
Departments are enumerated as follows:

• Change of Head of Office for every 3 years – another head has

another style of leadership
• Recruitment of teachers- many teacher applicants, few teaching
• Leadership development- implementation of Deped guidelines,
many have resisted.
• Organizational effectiveness- employees absenteeism, and
handling conflicts
• ISO Process – International Standards of Operation is another
challenge brought by the head office down to the school/district

INNOVATIONS: Below are the innovations to be implemented by the HR section.

Mentorship - Meet and Greet sessions with other workers, a thorough new hire orientation, and
an assurance from higher-ups of their support are great means to make a new employee feel like
an indispensable part of the department.

Employees Health- Our division conducted regular medical check-ups for the employee, and we
have gym facilities in the office for those employees who wants to have exercise weekly.

Workplace Diversity- Diversity in thought and culture brings new and fresh ideas to
workplaces. Hiring people from distinct backgrounds is among the most innovative practices in
the department.

New Feedback and Evaluation Systems. One of the best HR innovations in the division is the
creation of online client feedback. This helps the latter introspect and understand their strengths
and weaknesses and work on them.

HR Software Creation

If it is innovation, there must be a place for software!

Human Resource software helps not just the human resource department, but also the working
staff by managing their appraisals, leaves, and other records, DTR’s and others more effectively.

To be honest, I am just sending this interview questions to my father because all of the
DEPED employees right now are so busy and I don’t have time to go their office because it is
so far away from where I am right now and the transportation cost is expensive right now. I ask
my father to interview one of his colleagues in his office who is the Human Resource
Management Officer and he interview that person and then send the file to me. From the answer
of Mrs. Chona Rojas, being an HRM Officer have many objectives to become a good employee
inside the company or an organization. My father is the head of accounting area or in cashier
area in DEPED Mati City and it is not easy to become a head. You are experiencing many
trainings and it takes many years to be the head of an organization. Mrs. Chona Rojas really
have a big role in maintaining the good environment in their organization.

Individuals who have studied human resource management are better able to evaluate
potential applicants in light of their character qualities or key job-related competencies. As a
result, those taking a degree in human resource management have a good opportunity of
learning the essential skills that a recruiting director needs to have.

As a college student in Ateneo de Davao University, I always observed people who have
a position, like ASEC officer, EASEC officer, etc. It is not easy because one mistake, all of the
student will blame them. It will take time for them to analyze and process all the plan for the
school and for the students. Programs, activities, expenses, and more. All of it are planned by
the officer because they don’t what to disappoint students. Their goal is that all of the students
in Ateneo de Davao will enjoy the activities and programs. There is no perfect officer in the
world, but there are officers who are trying their best to give us students a big smile in our faces
and to have a good time.

Discover how a recruiter must act during an interview and when to hire new staff
whether you're a university student pursuing a certificate, or credential in human resource
management. It is advisable to do a graduate education in human resource management if you
wish to develop your career. In addition, you should concentrate on training programmed that
will teach you more about interacting with people from a variety of workplace settings. As a
result, you will see that a competent recruiting manager needs to have exceptional human
abilities in order to interact with workers in a productive manner.
Human Resources Management exist in maintaining the good and better environment in
an organization. Just like leaders exist to lead the team and have them share their ideas and
thoughts about something and letting their members to inspire and motivate in working together
to have a good objective in an organization. Every people in an organization or positions in an
organization have a purpose which these purposes is the reason why the organization have a
good feedback and easily reached their goals or objectives.

Today's high-performing companies understand how important it is to enhance your

unique advantages in the market by utilizing the best devices for education and improvement.
If the value and capabilities of the human resource must be realized and expanded, education
and growth of the social resources is essential. Numerous studies have emphasized the obvious
link among a well and planned training session and the performance of the business as a whole.


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Best Degree College in Tumakuru.
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