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Language Test C

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

1 [Track 5] Posłuchaj nagrania i wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi A, B lub C.
1 Where was Charles yesterday afternoon?
A at the stadium
B at home
C at the library

2 What was the weather like in the morning?

A sunny and wam
B rainy
C cloudy

3 Where was Emma yesterday?

A at school
B at a concert
C at a museum

4 What is Charles doing today?

A playing tennis
B washing the car
C helping Dad in the garden

5 What is Emma doing today?

A working at the shop
B painting
C looking after her brother
______ / 5
2 Przeczytaj definicje i uzupełnij nazwy miejsc końcówkami z ramek.
-tel -ema -ffice -ool

0 Where can you watch a film? cinema

1 Where can you send a postcard or a letter? post o_____________
2 Where can you stay when you are on holiday? ho_____________
3 Where can you dive and swim? swimming p_____________

English Class A1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Language Test C

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

-tre -pital -ank -taurant

4 Where can you get money? b_____________

5 Where do doctors work? hos_____________
6 Where can you have dinner? res_____________
7 Where can you watch actors? thea_____________
______ / 7

3 Popatrz na obrazek i uzupełnij zdania słowami z ramki.

library park


bus stop

in front of behind next to between opposite

My town

I live in the town centre. This is a picture from my window.

0 There is a museum opposite my house.

1 The museum is ________________ the library and the café.

2 ________________ the café, there is a stadium.

3 There is a bus stop ________________ the stadium.

4 ________________ the stadium, there is a small park.

______ / 4

English Class A1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Language Test C

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

4 Uzupełnij tekst przymiotnikami z ramki.

modern quiet small interesting clean

0 I don’t live in a big city. I live in a small town.

1 Big cities are dirty but my town is _____________.
2 The houses here aren’t old. They’re _____________.
3 The streets are busy in the morning, but at night they’re _____________.
4 Some people think my town is boring but they’re wrong. You can do a lot of
_____________ activities here.
______ / 4
5 Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.
0 I am happy today but I was / were sad yesterday.
1 Why wasn’t / weren’t you at home last night?
2 Martha was / were in London in 2015.
3 There was / were some people in the park last night.
4 The children wasn’t / weren’t at school last week.
5 There wasn’t / weren’t any milk in the fridge yesterday.
______ / 5

6 Uzupełnij dialog słowami z ramki.

Was it were was wasn’t weren’t

A: Tell me about the party yesterday. 0 Was James there?

B: Yes, he 1________________, but Doreen and Michael 2________________ there.
They’re on holiday.
A: 3________________ there a lot of people?
B: No, there weren’t.
A: Was 4________________ a good party?
B: No, it 5________________. It was very boring!
______ / 5

English Class A1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

Language Test C

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

7 Dopasuj słowa z ramek do luk. Excuse
A: 0 Excuse me. I’m looking for Newtown Bank.
B: Oh yes. I know where that is. It’s 1 ____________ Green Street.
A: Where’s Green Street? Is it 2 ____________? on

B: No, it isn’t. Go 3 ____________ on, then turn left.
Go 4 ____________ the library and the bank is on straight

the 5 ____________. past

A: Thank you.
______ / 5
8 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz, czy podane zdania są prawdziwe (P), czy fałszywe (F).

My town: past and present

In 1900 my town was very different. It was smaller and safer but it was also dirtier and
more boring!

0 The town is bigger and more boring today. P / F

In the centre of town, there were some shops, a bank and a library, but there weren’t any
hotels, museums or supermarkets. The nearest theatre was 6 kilometres away, and there
wasn’t a football stadium.

1 There was a library in the town in 1900. P / F

2 There are 6 theatres in the town. P / F

There were 13,000 people in the town and most of the buildings were small houses with
gardens. Today the town is bigger. There are a lot of modern houses but you can see
some older houses near the centre of town. There are also cafés, restaurants and an
animal hospital. The town still hasn’t got a stadium but there’s a sports centre.

3 The houses in the past were small. P / F

4 There aren’t any old houses in the centre of town. P / F

English Class A1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

Language Test C

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

My big sister doesn’t live here now. She’s a doctor and she works in a big city. I want to
be a doctor too, but I want to be an animal doctor – a vet. I hope I can find a job at the
animal hospital in my town when I finish school.

5 Dawn’s sister doesn’t work in the town. P / F

______ / 5
9 Przeczytaj zadanie i napisz zdania.
Write 5 sentences about a day out with your family or friends. Use the questions to help
1 When and where did you go?
2 Why did you go there?
3 What did you do first?
4 What did you do then?
5 What did you do after that?

1 Last _______________________________________________________________
2 I went there because _________________________________________________
3 First, ______________________________________________________________
4 Then, _____________________________________________________________
5 After that __________________________________________________________

______ / 10
Total: ______ / 50

English Class A1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 5

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