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Dela Cruz, Jomar N.


Written Report
I. Objectives:
At the end of discussion, students will be able to:
 Know and Understand the different communication strategies.
 Appreciate the effective benefits of communication strategies.
 Apply these strategies when they communicating to someone.
II. Discussion:

Tips to remember when communicating with others

Verbal communication This type of communication can include oral communication
such as speaking, video chatting and phone calls. Verbal communication also
encompasses written communication such as letters, texts and email.

Verbal communication strategies

1. Limit distractions. Communication is much more effective when there are little to
no distractions. When communicating, put away your mobile device, shut off your
computer and limit any other distractions that may prohibit you from being present
during a conversation.
2. Participate in a public speaking class. Taking a speech class can help build
confidence when speaking to others and equip you with effective communication
strategies when verbally communicating.
3. Acknowledge what others are expressing. When having a conversation with
someone, acknowledge what they are saying by nodding, using facial expressions and
participating in the conversation when appropriate.
4. Practice empathy. Consider the feelings of the person you are communicating with
so that you can better acknowledge their needs and concerns.

Visual communication: This type of communication is when something is communicated

visually. For example, a website may visually communicate with users through infographics,
illustrations and text. Another example is when a workplace communicates with its
employees via an announcement board or through safety-related signs throughout the office.

Visual communication strategies

1. Request and provide feedback. Offering and asking for feedback shows that you
care about what the other person is saying as well as their opinions on the topic being
2. Use encouraging small verbal comments. When taking part in a conversation, use
small verbal comments such as "uh-huh." This can encourage the speaker to continue
and lets them know that you are listening.
3. Don't interrupt. Refrain from interrupting when another person is speaking to show
respect and that you are listening to what they are saying.
4. Focus on what the other person is saying. Paying attention is key to effective
communication. When another person is speaking, give them all of your attention and
acknowledge that you are hearing their message.


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