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Full name and IC No: Date:

Assignment 3
Student’s Name

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Regional Centre WOU. PG

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Course Title Co-Curriculum

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Name of Tutor Mr Ong Lock Tong

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No. of pages of this assignment

(including this page)
Tutor-marked Assignment 3
MPU 2412/02 Co-Curriculum

Student Name :

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Course Code : MPU 3412/02

Class Code :

Tutor : Mr.Ong Lock Tong

Course Coordinator :

No. of Pages :
MPU3412/02 Co-curriculum
Class: 4CCU1


GROUP NAME: Peak Performers

Names of Team Members, Contact No and Student ID

No Name H/P No Student ID




We, WOU Penang Regional students from DECE, Software Engineering and Accountancy are
fulfilling the requirement of MPU2412: Co-curriculum paper which covers a community project.

Table of Contents

1. Project Information…………………………………………………………………….5
1.1 Introduction - Project Proposal Summary
2. Project Abstract………………………………………………………………………..6
2.1 Goals
2.2 Objectives
3. Venue and details of the centre……………………… ………………………………..….6
4. Committee member & task delegation…………………………………………………7, 8
5. Pre-project preparations…………………………………………………………………..9
5.1 Itinerary
5.2 During preparation stage
6. Project execution…………………………………………………………………………10
6.1 Implementation of the project
6.2 Funds and groceries collected: From 16th February to 25th February
6.2.1 Funds and groceries item collected from team members
6.2.2 Purchased groceries item from collected funds
6.2.3 Donation listing to Kawan Centre
6.2.4 Donors List
6.3 Field work ………………………………………………………………………..13
6.3.1 Agenda of the day
7. Post stage ………………………………………………………………… ……………..14
7.1 Evaluation
7.2 Weakness
7.3 Strength
7.4 Outcome - Project Benefits to Individuals and the Community
7.5 Lessons learned through the project
8. Report Identification Information…………………………….……...…………….…..…15
9. Appendix A: Letter from Course Leader to Kawan Centre….……….………….……….16
10. Appendix B: Pictures on field works………………………………………………….17,18
11. Appendix C: Letter for community project ………………………………………………19
12. Appendix D: Temporary receipt from Kawan Centre …………………………………...19
13. Appendix E: Receipt to purchase groceries ……………………………………..………19
14. Appendix F: Sample letter for acknowledgement/thank you to donors ………………....20


In this final report, we, Peak Performers would like to express our thanks and appreciation to our
course leader, xxxxx for your approval and support for this community project at Kawan centre.

Secondly, we would like to show our gratitude to our tutor, Mr Ong Lock Tong for giving us a good
guideline and numerous consultations. Without his assistance and guidance, the project will not be

Thirdly, we would like to express our thanks to our donors. Many have been blessed through their
generous contributions and tremendous financial support. With their generous contributions, we are
able to achieved the goal of the project by donating funds and groceries to Kawan centre.

Next, we would also like to thanks Kawan centre for giving us the opportunity to serve the
community and show our care to them. We are honoured to work together with Kawan Centre and
their teams to make this project a success.

Finally, we would like to appreciate and express our thanks to our team members, the Peak
Performers for your hard work and energy in tackling different challenges in order to achieve our
goal within the time limit. Thank you very much for your contribution in completing this project.

1. Project Information

1.1 Introduction: Project Proposal Summary

Our team, Peak Performers which consists of 12 students proposed the community project of
funds raising and participated in Kawan Centre, a drop-in centre serving the street-based
community of Penang. Kawan centre has been to feed the poor by providing them free meals,
bathing area, laundry facilities and resting areas since June 2007. The centre provides free
counselling and referrals to rehabilitation as well as those who are in need of both respectively.

Kawan Centre also runs a Kawan Shop in Lebuh Chulia which sells second-hand item. The
main finance support of the centre come from the Kawan Shop. The centre has been feeding about
150 mouths each day since 2019. Due to the MCO pandemic, the shop has closed down. Today, it
has increase to 220 mouths a day.

2: Project Abstract

2.1 Goals

This proposed project was to raise funds and collect groceries for the needs of the centre in

order to support the work that are carry out from the centre which are to supply food for the

poor and needy as well as participating in distributing food.

Moreover, it was conducted as an activity that benefits ourselves especially emphasize through

the values of public awareness, leadership and teamwork.

2.2 Objectives

 To create the awareness of the community about the needy and poor during the
pandemic of covid 19.
 To provide resources to the centre to carry out the activities such as providing groceries
and funds.
 To show care and give hope to the needy and homeless.

3: Venue and details of the centre√

Location: Kawan Centre

Address: 23 & 25 Lebuh Klang, Georgetown,

10200 Penang

Coordinator: Mr Ed De Visser (011-1643 1422)

4: Committee member & task delegation√

Task Name Task Details

Project  To communicate and to deal with the Kawan

Leader Centre in charged person, Mr Ed De Visser.

 To communicate with Co-curriculum CC and

Tutor, to get proper approval and to carry out the
above said project.

 To manage, coordinate team members and to

make final decision.
 To delegate task for each role and ensure team
remain on track.
 To find solution to solve member’s concern and
Assistant  To assist generating ideas in Project Proposal.
 To assist in others ad-hoc task.
 To monitor and assist the team members in
implementing the project.
 To overseeing TMA3.

Secretary  To maintain an effective records of minutes

meeting in each discussion held by Project
Leader through Whatsapp and Zoom.
 To assist in Project Proposal to collect opinions
and details.
 To assists in making arrangement for the meeting
in an effective and organized manner.
 To check agreed actions are carried out.
 To receive agenda and respond to members

Treasurer  In charge for money and groceries collection.
 In charge of project account filing (Need to
update the bills and the balance).
 Managing the cash flow and budget planning.

Assistant  To assist treasurer in collecting the groceries and

Treasurer funds for the centre.

 Presenter and contributing ideas for final

 To prepare draft script for presentation after the
PowerPoint discussion.

&  To take note on the presentation preparation as

Presentation contributing members will be the supporter for

those presenters unable to attend on the day.

Preparation  In charge of preparing PowerPoint slides for 2nd

tutorial about the proposal.

Team  To assist in providing ideas for the proposal.

 To help to purchase groceries.

Photographers  In charge of taking photos on activities day.

 Provide video clip for final presentation.

 To assist in TMA3

5: Pre-project preparations

5.1 Itinerary√
We had our 1st team meeting on 25th January 2021 at

Zoom. After the 1st meeting, we, the Peak Performers

have decided to conduct a Hope Giver charity project,
Hope Givers which served the community in Penang.
The organization which was chosen by our team was
Kawan centre. Kawan centre helps in feeding the poor
and homeless. We decided to raise funds and
collecting groceries for the centre.

5.2 During preparation stage

Our team leader contacted the Kawan centre and visited

the centre on 28th January 2021. After our second team

meeting on 31st January 2021. We fixed the date on

26th February 2021 to participate in helping the centre

and begin our funds raising on 16th February 2021.

6: Project execution

6.1 Implementation of the project

The team members began to raise funds and help the centre in providing food and facilities
service as well as collecting the groceries for the needs of the centre. The target group which served
by this project is the needy and homeless.

Our target for the sponsorship included company, different organizations, friends, relatives and
colleagues. The timeline to collect funds and groceries from different organizations or donors was
before 25th February 2021.

6.2 Funds and groceries collected: From 16th February to 25th February√

Project Name The Hope Givers Date 26 Feb 2021

Activity Donation to Kawan Centre Time 9am to 1.30pm

Event goal : RM 600

Total funds received : RM 3,027.20

Total groceries received : 31 packs (uncooked rice, biscuit, sugar, fruit drinks)

Total groceries purchased : RM 1,077.20 (refer to Appendix E)

Actual donation funds : RM 1,950

Actual donation groceries items : i) Uncooked rice (10kgs) – 30 bags

ii) Cooking Oil (5kgs) – 20 bottles

iii) Biscuits – 18 packs

iv) Fruit drinks – 2 cartons

6.2.1 Funds and groceries item collected from team members:

6.2.2 Purchased groceries item from collected funds

No. Name Qty Unit Price Total (RM)
1 Uncooked Rice (10kg) 20 25.79 515.80
2 Cooking Oil (5kg) 14 24.90 348.60
3 Cooking Oil (5kg) 6 26.80 160.80
4 Uncooked Rice (10kg) 2 26.00 52.00
Total 42 1,077.20

6.2.3 Donation listing to Kawan Centre
1 Uncooked Rice (10kg) 30
2 Cooking Oil (5kg) 20
3 Biscuit 18
4 Sugar 3
5 Fruit Drinks 2
6 Cash 1,950.00
Total 73 1,950.00

(Refer to Appendix D)

*Budget: There are no expenses incurred because collected funds and food items were contributed

from the public.

6.2.4 Donors List

6.3 Field work

DATE: 26th February 2021

TIME: 9.00am to 1.30pm

VENUE: Kawan Centre, Lebuh Klang

6.3.1 Agenda of the day

8:45 am - Report on duty.

9.00 am - Briefing and introduction by Mr Ed.
- Team Leader passed the donation to Mr Ed.
- Bring in the donation items: packages of rice, oil and biscuits.
9:30 am - Task allocations: Help to prepare food in kitchen

10:45 am - Preparing lunch packages
11:30 am - Set up the waiting area
12:00 pm - Distributing lunch
1:00 pm - Clean up and moving goods to clear the pathways for roof renovation
1:30 pm - Project end and dismiss

**Refer to Appendix B: Pictures on field work

This activity has been carried out strictly complying to the Standard Operating Procedure of the
Movement Control Order with social distancing among participants.

Resources required:

 An appropriate attire (Long pants with t-shirt)

 Disposable glove for participating the activities in the centre.
 All participate must wear face mask.

7: Post stage

7.1 Evaluation:
 All the members participated in raising funds and collecting groceries items.
 We managed to achieve all the objectives set in the proposal.
 Our project to serve the street community as well as to create community awareness of the
needs and homeless on 26th February 2021 at KAWAN Centre was a success. √

7.2 Weakness

 Due to MCO only 8 members were able to participate in physical activities.

7.3 Strength

Even though we cannot meet physically due to MCO but we could still plan and discuss our
activity through Whatapp and Zoom.
All the members participated, responsive and dedicated in the project. We managed to raised
RM 3029.20 and collected quite a number of groceries within 10 days.

7.4 Outcome - Project Benefits to Individuals and the Community.

The benefits to the participants are:

Reaching out and helping the poor and needy people, we learnt to understand and aware of the
needs in our community. We learnt to appreciate and grateful for what we owned.
Besides, we are grateful that we still can have income and maintained a job during this pandemic.
Although the funds that we collected is not a large amount but still managed to help a meal to the
needy. Volunteering service made us a sense of part of society outside our friends and family. It
could have a real and valuable positive affect on people, communities and society in general.

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” – Mother Teresa, 1910.

Furthermore, it also benefited the needy and homeless. We can see that the happiness and
satisfactions on their face. These activities also promoted the awareness of the community to
spread their love by giving to others. Even though just a little amount of money or some groceries
they donated, it gives hope to the needy and homeless to carry on their life.

7.5 Lessons learned through the project.

First, communication skills. As our team consist of different age group and different races, we

learnt how to comfortable interacting with people of different ages and races. We also learnt to

share and accept each other opinions. Besides, we learned about the teamwork was the main point

to success this project. For example, we give our teammate a lift when we notice she don’t have

transport. Together we carried the bags of rice and bottles of oil to the centre. We also work

together to prepare the power point slides and rehearse the speech for presenting the slides.

Through this project, we, Peek Performers developed skills to be able work with all kinds of

teams. In addition, we also developed the confidence to step out from our comfort zone in helping

others. It provided us the opportunities to try something new and build a real sense of

achievement such as presentation of the project or sharing our ideas with our teammates although

we had not really known each other and even met before.

Furthermore, as it is a team project, communication and leadership were the key to succeed the

project. Without good leader from our team, the project may not be implemented smoothly. Job

arrangement and allocation were important while we are planning and implementing the project.

All of the team members are playing their roles and helping each other to complete their tasks.

8: Report Identification Information

Date: Project title: Hope Givers

Name of project leader:


Appendix A

Letter from Course Leader to Kawan Centre

Appendix C: Letter for community project

Appendix D: Appendix E:
Temporary receipt from Kawan Centre Receipt to purchase groceries

Appendix F: Sample letter for acknowledgement/thank you to donors

27th February 2021

[Recipient Name]
[Company Name]
Dear [Recipient Name], ,

Thank you so much for your generous donation of (RM[amount] to our Hope Givers- Kawan

Our project to serve the street community as well as to create awareness of the needs of the street
community on 26th February 2021 at KAWAN Centre was a success. We managed to serve a
total of 250 pax of lunch. In total, we collected RM3027.20 and with the monies collected we
managed to donate a total of 31 bags of 10kg rice and 20 bottles of 5kg oil, and a total cash
donation of RM 1950.00 to KAWAN Centre.

I, on behalf of my teammates, would like to express our thanks and appreciation for your support
and contribution. Our project would not have been so successful without your generous

Thank you again, and we look forward to your continued support for our future projects.

Yours sincerely,

Team Leader


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