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Subject Summary Election Rules 2017 Election Act 2017

PROCEDURE In delimitation regard shall be had to Rule 13-14 S.20-21

FOR DE- population, geographical features etc
After hearing representations, evidence
etc commission will publish a preliminary
report specifying the areas to be included
in each constituency.

Invite (voters to make) representations on

the preliminary report within 30 days of

After hearing representations commission

may make amendments, alterations, or
modifications in the preliminary list of
constituencies as it thinks fit or necessary

Within 30 days from the last date fixed for

making representations the commission
will publish the final report and list of
constituencies showing the areas included
in each constituency

PROCEDURE Determination of quota (average Rule 8

FOR DE- population): Dividing total population of
LIMITATION province by general seats in the NA
allocated to that province
Rule 9
Constitution of delimitation committees:
- Commission will constitute for
each province a delimitation
- Consisting of not less than 3
officers of the commission one of
whom will be designated as the
convenor which shall prepare draft
proposal for delimitation of that
Draft proposals for delimitation of Rule 10(1-3)
Each committee will obtain:
- population data of last census with
relevant maps etc along with their
description from Pakistan Bureau
of Statistics also;
- details of all the administrative
and revenue units in the district to
the level of patwar circle or
- prominent geographical and
physical features and other
relevant info

- basic unit for delimitation is patwar and Rule 10(4)

tapedar circle and should not be broken
under any circumstances

- As far as possible delimitation of Rule 10(5)

constituencies shall start from the north
end of the district clockwise in zigzag
manner keeping in view that population
among the constituencies shall remain as
close as may be practicable to the quota
(discussed above)

Variation in population between 2

constituencies shall not exceed 10% and if
the variation is more the committee must
record reasons

Committee shall send the draft proposals

in Form 5 to the commission

Publication of Preliminary proposals: Rule 11

On receipt of form 5 commission keeping

in view S20 and provisions of this chapter
may make alterations or may refer such
proposals back to the committee for

If satisfied with above the commission will

publish preliminary proposals for
delimitation along with its report

Manner of making representation: Rule 12

- a voter can within 30 days of
publication of preliminary
proposal make representations to
the commission

- representation shall be in a form Rule 12(2)

of memorandum giving grounds
for such representations and
details of how the constituencies
may be delimitated
Rule 12(3)
- representation shall be signed by
the person making it

- representation shall be filed with Rule 12(4)

the Secretary to the Commission
and shall be accompanied by eight
copies thereof

- representations shall rely only on

the figures of population taken
from the last census officially

- representations filed with the Rule 12(6)

Secretary to the Commission shall
be entered in a register in Form-6.

Hearing and disposal of the Rule 13 S.21(1)

representations by the Commission:

- same as S.21(1) Election act 2017

Final list of constituencies: Rule 14

- After making such amendments in

the preliminary proposals of
delimitation as may be required as
a result of hearing of
representations, the Commission
shall publish, within 30 days from
the last date fixed for making

Re-description of constituencies: Rule 15

- The Commission may re-describe a
constituency in case of any change
in administrative units, however,
in doing so, the limit of the
constituency shall remain the
20. Principles of delimitation.—(1) All constituencies for general seats shall, as far as practicable, be
delimited having regard to the distribution of population in geographically compact areas, physical
features, existing boundaries of administrative units, facilities of communication and public convenience
and other cognate factors to ensure homogeneity in the creation of constituencies. (2) For the purpose
of delimiting constituencies for the general seats of the National Assembly for the Tribal Areas two or
more separate areas may be grouped into one constituency. (3) As far as possible, variation in
population of constituencies of an Assembly or a local government shall not ordinarily exceed ten
percent. (4) If the limit of ten percent under sub-section (3) is exceeded in an exceptional case, the
Commission shall record reasons thereof in the delimitation order.

21. Reports of Commission and list of constituencies.—(1) For the purpose of delimiting constituencies,
the Commission may receive and consider representations, hold inquiries, summon witnesses and
record evidence, and shall prepare and publish in the official Gazette a preliminary report and list of
constituencies specifying the areas proposed to be included in each constituency.

(2) The Commission shall invite representations in respect of the preliminary report within a period of
thirty days from the date of publication.

(3) A voter in a constituency may, within the period specified in sub-section (2), make a representation
to the Commission in respect of the delimitation of that constituency proposed in the preliminary

(4) The Commission shall, after hearing and considering the representations, if any, received by it, make
such amendments, alterations or modifications in the preliminary list of constituencies published under
sub-section (1) as it thinks fit or necessary, and shall, within a period of thirty days from the last date
fixed for making representation under sub-section (2), publish in the official Gazette and on its website,
the final report and list of constituencies showing the areas included in each constituency.



7. Commission to delimit constituencies. — After allocation of seats in the National Assembly under
clause (5) of Article 51 to each Province 1 [***] and the Federal Capital, the Commission shall carry out
the delimitation of constituencies of general seats in an Assembly in accordance with section 19 and the
procedure laid down in this Chapter, on the basis of population in accordance with the last preceding
census officially published.
8. Determination of quota.— (1) The Commission shall, after allocation of seats referred to in rule 7,
determine the average population (hereinafter referred to as “quota per seat”) of a constituency for
each Province 2 [***]and the Federal Capital by dividing total population thereof by general seats in the
National Assembly allocated to a Province 3 [***] or, as the case may be, the Federal Capital.

(2) The Commission shall determine and notify the share of a district or districts, 4 [***] or, as the case
may be, the Federal Capital by dividing total population thereof with the quota per seat of the National
Assembly as determined under this rule:

Provided that a fraction of more than 0.5 may be counted as one seat and a fraction of less than 0.5 may
be ignored:

Provided further that the Commission may deviate from the principle laid down in the first proviso in
exceptional cases for reasons to be recorded.

(3) The Commission shall divide total population of a Province by the number of general seats in the
Provincial Assembly to determine quota per seat in that Assembly.

(4) The Commission shall determine and notify the share of a district or districts by dividing total
population thereof with the quota per seat of the Provincial Assembly concerned as determined under
this rule:

Provided that a fraction of more than 0.5 shall be counted as one seat and a fraction of less than 0.5
may be ignored:

Provided further that the Commission may deviate from the principle laid down in the first proviso in
exceptional cases for reasons to be recorded.

9. Constitution of Delimitation Committees. — (1) For delimitation of constituencies in accordance with

the quota determined under rule 8, the Commission shall constitute, for each Province, a Delimitation
Committee consisting of not less than three officers of the Commission, one of whom shall be
designated as the Convener, which shall be responsible to prepare draft proposals for delimitation of
constituencies of National Assembly and Provincial Assembly of the respective Province.

(2) A Delimitation Committee shall be constituted separately for the Federal Capital 1 [***] which shall
be responsible to prepare the draft proposals for delimitation of constituencies of the National Assembly
from 2 [***] the Federal Capital.

(3) The Commission shall convey the share of seats for each district or districts 3 [***] in the National
Assembly or, as the case may be, the share of seats for each district or districts in the Provincial
Assembly, to the concerned Delimitation Committees constituted under sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (2)
and shall also provide guidelines and timeframe for functioning of the Committee.

10. Draft proposals for delimitation of constituencies.— (1) A Delimitation Committee constituted under
rule 9 shall, immediately after its constitution, proceed to obtain from Pakistan Bureau of Statistics,
population data of last census officially published along with relevant maps showing therein census
charges, census circles and census blocks along with description, relating to a Province, a district 4 [***]
or any other administrative or revenue unit as it may require.
(2) The Delimitation Committee shall also obtain district maps along with description, duly authenticated
by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, or, as the case may be, the district head of Revenue Department,
prepared on a uniform scale as may be determined by the Commission indicating therein details of all
administrative and revenue units in the district to the level of a Patwar Circle or, as the case may be, a
Tapedar Circle, as well as prominent geographical and physical features, such as rivers and mountains
and any other information as may be determined by the Commission or required by the Committee.

(3) In preparing draft proposals for delimitation of constituencies, the Delimitation Committee shall
follow the principles of delimitation as laid down in section 20, procedure given in this Chapter and the
guidelines provided by the Commission from time to time.

(4) The constituency for an Assembly shall not ordinarily extend to more than one district except in
exceptional circumstances for reasons to be recorded by the Delimitation Committee:

Provided that a Patwar Circle or, as the case may be, a Tapedar Circle shall be the basic unit for
delimitation and it shall not be broken under any circumstances:

Provided further that in case of urban areas census circle shall not be broken under any circumstances.

(5) As far as possible, the delimitation of constituencies of an Assembly shall start from the Northern
end of the district 1 [***] and then proceed clock-wise in zigzag manner keeping in view that population
among the constituencies of an Assembly shall remain as close as may be practicable to the quota:

Provided that the quota under this sub-rule shall be determined by dividing total population of the
district 2 [***] with number of seats allocated to that district 3 [***]:

Provided further that the variation in population between two or more constituencies shall not
ordinarily exceed ten percent and the Delimitation Committee shall record reasons if, in exceptional
circumstances, the variation has to exceed the limit.

(6) For the purpose of preparation of draft proposals for delimitation, the Delimitation Committee may
require assistance from any Federal, Provincial or, as the case may be, a Local Government Authority.

(7) After the draft proposals for delimitation of constituencies are finalized on Form-5, the Delimitation
Committee shall send the same to the Commission, within the time specified and in the manner as may
be determined by the Commission.

11. Publication of preliminary proposals.— (1) The Commission may, on receipt of Form-5 containing
draft proposals of delimitation of constituencies of an Assembly, examine such proposals with reference
to the principles of delimitation as laid down in section 20, the provisions of this Chapter and its
guidelines and may make such alterations or modifications therein as it may deem necessary or may
refer such proposals back to the Delimitation Committee concerned for re-consideration in the light of
observations of the Commission and such Delimitation Committee after making modifications in the
proposals as may be necessary shall re-submit the same to the Commission within fifteen days of its

(2) The Commission, after it is satisfied that draft proposals for delimitation conform to the provisions of
the Act and these Rules, shall publish them as preliminary proposals for delimitation along with its
report in the official gazette and cause to give wide publicity to the same as it may deem fit.
12. Manner of making representation.— (1) A voter in a constituency may, within a period of thirty days
from the publication of the preliminary proposals, make a representation to the Commission in respect
of the delimitation of constituencies of the district 4 [***] wherein his vote is registered.

(2) A representation shall be in the form of a memorandum giving therein the grounds for such
representation and the details of how the constituencies of an Assembly in the district 5 [***] may be
delimited if representation is accepted by the Commission.

(3) The representation shall be signed by the person making it and be presented either in person or by
an agent duly authorized in writing.

(4) A representation referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be filed with the Secretary to the Commission and
shall be accompanied by eight copies thereof along with duly marked equal number of relevant maps to
be obtained from the Commission, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics or, the revenue department, as the case
may be, on the scale approved by the Commission indicating therein all existing administrative and
revenue units in the district 1 [***]:

Provided that a person making representation may obtain copies of maps against payment of a fee of
one thousand rupees per map from the Commission or an officer authorized by it:

Provided further that a person making representation shall rely only on the figures of population taken
from the last census officially published.

(5) While submitting a representation under sub-rule (4), a district 2 [***] as a whole shall be taken as
minimal unit for the purpose of preparing maps wherein all constituencies of the district 3 [***],
including the constituency in respect whereof representation has been filed, shall be marked on the
basis of suggestion made in the representation and highlighted to distinguish them from each other.

(6) The representations filed with the Secretary to the Commission shall be entered in a register in Form-

13. Hearing and disposal of the representations by the Commission.— The Commission, on receipt of
representations, shall hear the same in such manner and within such time as it may deem fit: Provided
that the Commission may hold inquiries, if so required, and summon any record or witness as may be
necessary for the disposal of a representation.

14. Final list of constituencies.— After making such amendments, alterations and modifications in the
preliminary proposals of delimitation as may be required as a result of hearing of representations, the
Commission shall publish, within a period of thirty days from the last date fixed for making
representation, final lists of constituencies of an Assembly on Form-7 in the Official Gazette showing the
areas included in each constituency of the National Assembly or, as the case may be, a Provincial

15. Re-description of constituencies.— The Commission may re-describe a constituency in case of any
change in administrative units, however, in doing so, the limit of the constituency shall remain the same.

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