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Learning Material in Industrial Security Management

In general sense, it refers to a condition or state of being secured: thus, there is freedom from fear,
harm, danger, loss, destruction or damages.
In specific sense, it refers to the protection against any type of crime to safeguard life and assets by
various method and device.
Is the skillful and systematic use of various methods of protective and alternative measures against
threats, shadow of danger, unfavorable and unfortunate situations and conditions.
Security concern is vague in scope but it can be confined through its 3 Major Areas.
1. Physical Security – is concern with the application of physical measures intended to prevent
unauthorized access to an equipment, facilities, material and document from loss, damage,
sabotage, espionage and or theft.
2. Personnel Security – is concerned the performance, behavior and loyalness the personnel hired in
a firm and assist the firm in achieving its goals and objectives.
3. Document and Information Security – involves the protection of documents and other classified
papers or information from loss, access by unauthorized persons, damage, theft, loss and
compromise thru unauthorized disclosure.
What are the type’s security systems?
1. Industrial Security – this involves the use of physical security measures applied to industrial plants
and business enterprises. This is to safeguards the manufacturing and assembling operations,
research studies and development, processing, warehousing, personnel and properties of the
business firm.
2. Hotel Security – a type of security applied to hotels where its properties, guest with their assets and
hotel tranquility are protected from troubles, pilferage, loss, and damages.
3. Bank Security – this type of security concern involves the application of various measures for the
protection of the assets, personnel and clientele on it’s in and out operations.
4. VIP Security – a type of security applied for the protection of personalities with illustrious standing in
our society. Like top-ranking government officials, visiting persons, known private individuals and
foreign dignitaries.
5. Other special types of security
a. Air cargo security – this is resulting from the application of various method of security measures
to safeguards air transportation from hi-jacking, sabotage, and loss and damage of cargoes.
b. School security – a type of security concern on the protection and safety of the students, faculty,
staff and properties and order of the school.
c. Supermarket security – a security protection applied on stores, warehouses, storage, properties,
immediate premises, personnel and customers.
What are the bases of existence on the practice Industrial Security?
1. The natural law of self-preservation
2. Constitutional authority
a. Art. II Sec. 4 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution – the security and protection of the people and
their government are some of the prime duties the state.
b. Art. III Sec. 1 of the1987 Philippine Constitution – it states life, liberty, freedom and property
can only be deprive after the observance of due process of law.
c. Art. III Sec. 9 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution – the right to property with limitations.
d. Art. III Sec. 2 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution – it express the right against unreasonable
searches and seizures as well as arrest.
3. Statutory authority
a. The Revised Penal Code (Act. # 3815) – it asserts the security and protection of one’s life,
liberty and property.
b. The Private Security Agency Law (Republic Act 5487 and its amendments) – this law governs
the operation, administration of security agency, and activities, qualifications, duties and
licensing of security guards, watchmen and private detectives.
Note: R.A. 5487 has been amended by P.D. 11, 100, 1919 and RIRR of 2003.
It deals with security measures used to define, protect and monitor properties and other assets
through barrier and devices that would impede, prevent, detect and delay the unauthorized access to
equipment, facilitates, material and documents and other valuable things.

Posting human guards, application of fire protection measures, planning, survey, information
and programs.
What are the operational principles of Physical Security?
1. The types of access necessary will depend upon a number of variable factors and therefore may
be achieved in a number of ways.
2. There is no impenetrable barrier.
3. Defense in depth is barriers after barriers.
4. Delay is provided against surreptitious and non-surreptitious entry.
5. Each installation is different.
The three physical lines of defenses are the following:
1. First Line of Defense – represented by perimeter fences/barriers.
2. Second Line of Defense – this includes doors, floors, windows, walls, roofs, and grills and other
entries into the building.
3. Third Line of Defense – refers to the use of storage system like steel cabinets, safes, vaults and
interior lines.
Restricted Area is an area in which personnel or vehicles are controlled for reasons of security and
established security for installation or facilities, promote efficiency on security operation and rationalize the
use of security personnel.
What are its types?
The following are the types of Restricted Areas
1. Exclusion Area – is a restricted area which contains a security interest to top secret importance in
which requires higher attention of protection.
2. Limited Area Control – an area in which lesser degree of control is required.
a. Limited Area of Control includes the following
1) Interior Area Control – this system provides for the checking the actual movement
through the time used by the visitor against known time requirements for what the visitors is
to accomplished.
2) Visitor Identification and movements Control – the processing and control of the visitor
is done to the use of PASS SYSTEM. Like the in and out log-book.
3) Key Control – deals with the proper control and use, disposal, storage and withdrawals

4) Fire Prevention – fire is the most devastative factor to valuable objects which propagate
with or without human assistance and usually leaves nothing to traced reason and
Barrier is any structure of physical device capable of restricting, deterring, delaying any illegal access to
an installation. These are General Purposes of Using Barriers:
1. Define physical limits of an area.
2. Create a physical and psychological deterrent to unauthorized entry.
3. Prevent penetration therein or delay intrusion, thus, facilitating apprehension of intruders.
4. Assist in more efficient and economical employment of guards.
5. Facilitate and improve the control of personnel and vehicular traffic.
Barriers are classified according to types?
1. Natural Barriers – includes bodies of waters, mountains, marshes, ravines, deserts or other
terrain that are difficult to traverse (across to the area).
2. Structural Barriers – are features constructed by man that would delay, impede (hinder access)
the intruder. Like walls, doors, window, locks, fences, safe, cabinets and containers.
3. Human Barriers – are persons used to providing guarding system by the nature of their
employment or function. Like guards, office personnel, and workers.
4. Animal Barriers – includes animals which can produce security and guarding capability. Like
dogs, goose and turkeys.
5. Energy Barriers – includes the employment of any mechanical, electrical, electronic devices that
would deter entry of potential intruder and initiate security warning to guard personnel. Like
protective lighting, alarm system and the like electronic devices.
What is Security Perimeter? How to maintain security on it?
It is the protection of the installation’s inner and immediate vicinity with the application of perimeter
barriers that would deny, impede access of exit of unauthorized.
Security Perimeter could be maintained by the application of the following protective methods of
security: Installation of fences, luminary devices, protective alarms, and employment of human guards.

What is Perimeter Barrier? What are its area concerns of application?

Any medium or structure which defines the physical the limits of an installation or area to restrict or
impede access thereto. Any physical barrier used to supplement the protection of an inside or outside
1. Inside Perimeter – a line protection adjacent to protected area and passing through points of
possible entry into the area, such as; doors, windows, skylights, tunnels or other points of access.

2. Outside Perimeter – a line protection surrounding but some what remote from a protected area,
like fence.
What are the types of industrial fences?
1. Solid Fence – a structure constructed which denies visual access over the premises of an
installation, equipment or movements and operation of the facility.
2. Full View Fence - a barrier which permit visual contact or access over the premises of an
installation, equipment or movements and operation of the facility.
Types of Full View Fence
a. Chain Link Fence
b. Barbed Wire Fence
c. Concertina Wire
Enumerate and identify each of the perimeter barrier openings and the additional protective
The following are the perimeter barrier openings:
1. Gates and Doors – this is usually controlled by human guards which should be lock and close
when not use and requires frequent inspection.
2. Side Walk Elevators – These provide access to areas within the perimeter barrier and should be
lock and guarded.
3. Utilities Opening – this includes air intakes, exhaust tunnels and other utility openings which
penetrate the barrier with cross sectional areas of 96 square inches or more be protected by bars,
grills, water filled traps of other structural means providing equivalent protection to that portion of
the perimeter barriers.
4. Clear Zones – an obstructed area or a clear zone should be maintained on both sides of the
perimeter barrier.
The following are the Additional Protective Measures:
1. Top – Guard – an additional overhang barbed wire place vertical perimeter fences upward and
outward with 45 degrees angle with 3 to 4 strand barbed
wires attached and spaced 6 inches apart.
2. Sentry – is usually provided at main entrances to secure areas located out of doors and manned
by guards on full time basis.
3. Tower Guard – is a house like structure above the perimeter barriers which provides visibility on
the perimeter area.
4. Barrier Maintenance – deals with the routine inspection and survey of the protective barriers done
by security personnel to insure their operational and defective conditions.
5. Protection in Depth – is applicable in huge and large open areas or grounds where warning signs
are mounted in lieu of fencing or walling and can be supported with guards, animals and intrusion
alarm devices.
6. Signs and Notices – the perimeter is safeguarded though mounting of plainly visible and legible
control signs from any approach in understood languages, to manage unauthorized entry.
Protective lighting involves the mounting of luminaries that provides illumination to areas of security
The Purpose of Protective Lighting are as follows:
1. It provides sufficient illumination to the areas during hours of darkness.
2. It can improve visibility to potential intruders, which may lead to their identity and apprehension.
3. It provides psychological deterrent factor to protection intruders and thieves.
These are the types of Protective Lighting:
1. Stationary or Continuous Lighting – It consists of 2 classifications: the Glare Projection Type
and Controlled Lighting. This lighting system is consist of a series fixed luminaries at range to flood
a given continuously during hours of darkness.
a. Glare Projection Type – is commonly used in prison houses and correctional institutions to
illuminate walls and outside barriers. The intensity is focused on the subject while the guard
remained in darkness. Commonly installed in the approach entrance of the installation.
b. Controlled Lighting – are commonly mounted to illuminate piled objects or on depots rather
than the background. The width and light strip can be controlled or adjusted.
2. Standby Lighting – is usually designed as reserve or to illuminate a particular on occasional
basis. This can operated manual or automatically.
3. Movable or Portable Lighting - this system is manually operated that made up of movable
search lights or floodlights that can be located in selected areas or special locations which will
require lighting for a short period of time.
4. Emergency Lighting – this system is used in times of power failure, local or commercial or when
the other system is inoperative.
The types of Lighting Equipment: and the
1. Floodlights – these can accommodate most of the outdoor lighting needs, like fences, buildings or
to give emphasis on vital areas or particular building.
2. Street Lights - this lighting equipment is in most widespread of usage in easing crimes in places
of concern during darkness.
3. Search lights – these are highly focused incandescent lamp and are designed to pinpoint
potential trouble spots.
4. Fresnel Lights – lights with wide beam units used to project illumination in long horizontal strips at
about 180 degrees and 15 to 30 degrees in vertical plane.
Areas to be Lighted
1. Perimeter fence
2. Building face p[perimeter
3. Pedestrian and Vehicle entrance
4. Parking Area
5. Storage, large opened working areas, piers, docks and other sensitive areas.
Are barriers that can alert security threats when there is tampering on the circuitry iand at the same
time raise signal to security personnel for any attempt or intrusion into a protected area, building or
Alarm devices activates through the subsequent chain of reaction of the main parts of the system.
These are the basic Part of the Alarm System.
1. Sensor or Trigger Device – it emits the aural or visual signal or both.
2. Converter – a circuit that will transform the input energy into electrical one and transmit it to
amplifying circuit.
3. Amplifier – part of the system responsible for boosting –up transmitted electrical energy from the
4. Enunciator/Annunciator (denotes signals) – it is the signaling system that activates the alarm.
The Protective Alarm System has different detection types, and these are the:
1. Central Station System – a type of alarm where the control station is located outside the
installation, when it sounded or actuated the central station raise the alarm to the police and other
public safety agencies.
2. Proprietary System – the alarm system is located and operated inside the installation with a duty
operator who is then responsible to raise assistance to the authorities.
3. Local Alarm – this consist of visual and or an audible alarm near the object being protected.
4. Auxiliary Alarm – a company owed alarm system with a unit in the nearest police station which can
provides immediate access for an emergency call.
Kinds of Alarm Devices
1. Audio Detection Device – this activates when it has detected any sound made by forcible entry
through a supersonic microphone speaker sensor attached in walls, ceiling and floors being
2. Vibration Detection Device – actuated when it detects vibration cause by attempted force entry
through a vibration sensitive sensor attached on walls, ceilings, and floors of protected area.
3. Metallic Foil or Wire – it detects any action that moves the foil or wire used in doors, windows, or
glass surfaces of the protected area.
4. Laser Beam Alarm – a laser emitter floods a wall, or fencing with a beam so that when it is disturb
by a physical object the alarm is activated.
5. Photoelectric or Electric Eye Device – activates when the visible or invisible beam is disturbed or
when the intruder breaks the beam.
6. Motion Detection Device – it consist of tranreceiver, amplifier and the control unit. Any motion
within the protected area causes an activation of alarm signal. This is very effective in protecting
interior areas.
7. Capacitance or Electrostatic Detection Device – the body capacitance of the any intruder who
enters the field unbalances the electrostatic energy of the field which in turn activates the system.
Commonly installed on safe, walls or openings.

Other types of Protective Alarms (Bank Alarm)

1. Foot rail activator
2. Bill Traps
3. Knee or thigh button
4. Foot button
5. Double squeeze button
Refers to the regular communications facility of a plant adequate for protective security purposes.
Security needs a special communication system that will vary in size type, nomenclature and cost
commensurate with the importance, vulnerability, size, location, radio propagation and other factors
affecting the security of the installation.
Equipment Used in Communication
1. Local Telephone Exchange
2. Commercial Telephone Service
3. Intercommunication
4. Two – way Radios
5. Paging and Recall System
6. Bullhorns or Megaphones
7. Amplifier or Loud Speakers
8. Cellular or Mobile Phones
What is Lock?
Is any mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or electronic device designed to prevent entry into a building,
room, container, of hiding place.
Types of Locks
1. Key Operated Mechanical Lock – it uses some sort of arrangement of internal physical barriers
which prevent the lock from operating unless properly aligned. The key device used to align these
internal barriers so that the may be operated.
2. Padlock – a portable and detachable lock having a sliding hasp which passes through a staple ring
and is then fasten or secured.

3. Combination Lock – this locking mechanism uses numbers, letters or other symbols as reference
point which enables an operator to align them manually.
4. Code-Operated Lock – a type of lock that can be opened by pressing a series of numbered button
in the proper sequence.
5. Electrical Lock – a type of lock that can be opened and closed remotely electrical means.
6. Card –Operated Lock – a type of lock operated by a coded card.
The Master Keying System
A system use in big installation whereby keys can open groups of locks. This is possible by the use
of interchangeable cylinder cores in the lock.

Types of Keys
1. Change Key – a specific key, which operates the lock and has a particular combination of cuts
which match the arrangement of the tumblers (a movable obstruction in a lock (as a lever, latch,
wheel, slide, or pin) that must be adjusted to a particular position (as by a key) before the bolt can be
thrown) in a lock.
2. Sub-Master Key – a key that will open all the lock within the particular area or grouping in a given
3. Master Key – a special key capable of opening a series of lock.
4. Grand master Key – a key that will open everything in a system involving two or more master key
The Key Control Methods
Some incidents of possible compromises over or access on locks, is the absence or poor system on
key control. The following are the suggested means of achieving effective control over keys.
1. Key Cabinet – a container or hiding place where keys are place which should always be secured at
all times.
2. the Key Record – a systematic means of key control where keys code numbers are kept and
recorded properly and also indicates to whom keys to specific have been issued.
3. Inventories – periodic inventories of all key duplicates and original keys in the hands of the
employees whom they have been issued.
4. Audits – a member of the management should conduct unannounced audit on all key control
records and procedures.
5. Daily Report – a report on key control authorities in charge in a department indicating all persons
who has left or will be leaving the company the company.
The final line of defense at any facility is in the high security, storage where papers, records, plants
or cashable instrument, precious or other especially valuable assets are protected. These security
containers will be of a size and quantity, which the nature of the business dictates.
In protecting property, it is essential to recognize that protective containers are designed to secure
against burglary or fire. Each type of equipment has a specialized function and it will depend on the owner
of the facility which type has is going to use.
The (3) Types of Security Cabinet
1. Safe – a metallic container used for the safekeeping of documents or small items
in an office or installation. Safe can be classified as either robbery or burglary resistance depending
upon the use and need.
 its weight must be at least 750 lbs. and should be anchored to a building structure.
 its body should be at least one inch thick steel.
2. Vault – heavily constructed fire and burglar resistance usually a part of the building structure used to
keep and protect cash, documents and negotiable instruments. Vaults are bigger than safe but
smaller than a file room.
 The vault door should be made of steel at least 6 inches thickness
 Its walls, ceiling, floor reinforce concrete at least 12 inches in thickness.
 It must be resistive up to six (6) hours.
3. File room – a cubicle in a building constructed a little lighter than a vault but of bigger size to
accommodate limited people to work on the records inside.
 It should be at least 12 feet high
 It must have a water tight door and at least fire proof for one hour.
2 Types of Personnel Identification
1. Personal recognition
2. Artificial recognition – identification cards, passes, passwords, etc.
The Use of Pass System
1. Single pass system – the badge of pass coded for authorization to enter specific areas is issued to
an employee who keeps it in his possession until his authorized is terminates.
2. Pass exchange system – an exchange take place at the entrance of each controlled area. Upon
leaving the personnel surrenders his badge or passes and retrieve back his basic identification.
3. Multiple pass system – this provides an extra measure of security by requiring that an exchange
take place at the entrance of each restricted area.
Visitors Movement Control
Security should establish proper methods of establishing the authority for admission of visitors as well
as the limitation thereat. This security measure would depend on the sensibility of the installation, but could
include the following:
1. Visitor’s logbook – All visitors to any facility should be required to identify them selves and should
be given a visitor’s ID by the security. Visitor’s logbook should be
filled up with the named of visitors, nature and duration of visit.
2. Photograph – taking of photographs should also be considered. Extreme caution must be exercised
in areas where classified information is displayed to preclude unauthorized taking of pictures of the
installation. If a visitor has camera and it is prohibited to take picture, said camera should be left in
the care of security with corresponding receipt.
3. Escort – If possible visitors should be escorted by the security to monitor their activity within the
establishment and guide them where to go.
4. Visitor entrances – separate access for visitors and employees of the establishment should be
5. Time traveled – If there is a long delay or time lapse between the departure and arrival, the visitors
maybe required to show cause for the delay.

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