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850 Professional IC

Anion – 2.850.2010

8.850.8045EN / 2019-10-10
Metrohm AG
CH-9100 Herisau
Phone +41 71 353 85 85
Fax +41 71 353 89 01
[email protected]

850 Professional IC
Anion – 2.850.2010


8.850.8045EN / 2019-10-10
Technical Communication
Metrohm AG
CH-9100 Herisau
[email protected]

This documentation is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

This documentation has been prepared with great care. However, errors
can never be entirely ruled out. Please send comments regarding possible
errors to the address above.
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Instrument description ......................................................... 1
1.2 Intended use ......................................................................... 4
1.3 About the documentation ................................................... 4
1.3.1 Symbols and conventions ........................................................ 5
1.4 Safety instructions ................................................................ 6
1.4.1 General notes on safety ........................................................... 6
1.4.2 Electrical safety ........................................................................ 6
1.4.3 Tubing and capillary connections ............................................. 7
1.4.4 Flammable solvents and chemicals ........................................... 7
1.4.5 Recycling and disposal ............................................................. 7

2 Installation 9
2.1 About this chapter ................................................................ 9
2.2 Initial installation .................................................................. 9
2.3 Flow diagram ...................................................................... 10
2.4 Setting up the instrument .................................................. 12
2.4.1 Packaging .............................................................................. 12
2.4.2 Checks .................................................................................. 12
2.4.3 Location ................................................................................ 12
2.5 Capillary connections in the IC system ............................. 13
2.6 Rear of the instrument ....................................................... 15
2.6.1 Rollers and handle ................................................................. 15
2.6.2 Positioning and connecting the detector ................................ 18
2.6.3 Transport locking screws ........................................................ 18
2.6.4 Leak sensor ........................................................................... 18
2.6.5 Drainage tubings ................................................................... 19
2.7 Capillary and cable feed-throughs .................................... 21
2.8 Eluent ................................................................................... 24
2.8.1 Connecting the eluent bottle ................................................. 24
2.9 Eluent degasser .................................................................. 28
2.10 High pressure pump ........................................................... 30
2.10.1 Capillary connections high pressure pump/purge valve ........... 30
2.10.2 Deaerating the high pressure pump ....................................... 32
2.11 Inline filter ........................................................................... 34
2.12 Pulsation absorber ............................................................. 35
2.13 Sample degasser ................................................................. 36

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ III

Table of contents ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

2.14 Injection valve ..................................................................... 38

2.14.1 Connecting the injection valve ............................................... 38
2.14.2 Mode of operation of the injection valve ............................... 39
2.14.3 Selecting the sample loop ...................................................... 40
2.15 Column thermostat ............................................................ 40
2.16 Metrohm Suppressor Module (MSM) ............................... 43
2.16.1 General information on the MSM .......................................... 43
2.16.2 Connecting the MSM ............................................................ 43
2.17 Peristaltic pump .................................................................. 46
2.17.1 Principle of the peristaltic pump ............................................. 46
2.17.2 Installing the peristaltic pump ................................................ 47
2.18 Conductivity detector ......................................................... 51
2.19 Connecting the instrument to a computer ....................... 53
2.20 Connecting the instrument to the power grid ................. 54
2.21 Guard column ..................................................................... 55
2.22 Separation column ............................................................. 56

3 Start-up 59
3.1 Initial start-up ..................................................................... 59
3.2 Conditioning ........................................................................ 60

4 Operation and maintenance 62

4.1 General notes ...................................................................... 62
4.1.1 Care ...................................................................................... 62
4.1.2 Maintenance by Metrohm Service .......................................... 62
4.1.3 Operation .............................................................................. 63
4.1.4 Shutting down ...................................................................... 63
4.2 Capillary connections ......................................................... 63
4.2.1 Operation .............................................................................. 63
4.3 Door ..................................................................................... 64
4.4 Eluent ................................................................................... 64
4.4.1 Production ............................................................................. 64
4.4.2 Operation .............................................................................. 65
4.5 High pressure pump ........................................................... 65
4.5.1 Protection .............................................................................. 65
4.5.2 Maintenance ......................................................................... 66
4.6 Inline filter ........................................................................... 76
4.6.1 Maintenance ......................................................................... 76
4.7 Inline sample preparation .................................................. 78
4.8 Rinsing the sample path .................................................... 78

IV ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Table of contents

4.9 Sample degasser ................................................................. 80

4.9.1 Operation .............................................................................. 80
4.10 Injection valve .................................................................... 80
4.10.1 Protection .............................................................................. 80
4.11 Metrohm Suppressor Module (MSM) ............................... 80
4.11.1 Protection .............................................................................. 80
4.11.2 Operation .............................................................................. 80
4.11.3 Maintenance ......................................................................... 81
4.12 Peristaltic pump .................................................................. 86
4.12.1 Operation .............................................................................. 86
4.12.2 Maintenance ......................................................................... 87
4.13 Servicing the detector ........................................................ 89
4.14 Separation column ............................................................. 89
4.14.1 Separating efficiency .............................................................. 89
4.14.2 Protection .............................................................................. 89
4.14.3 Storage .................................................................................. 90
4.14.4 Regeneration ......................................................................... 90

5 Troubleshooting 91
5.1 Problems and their solutions ............................................. 91

6 Technical specifications 96
6.1 Reference conditions .......................................................... 96
6.2 Device .................................................................................. 96
6.3 Leak sensor ......................................................................... 96
6.4 Ambient conditions ............................................................ 96
6.5 Housing ............................................................................... 97
6.6 Eluent degasser .................................................................. 97
6.7 High pressure pump ........................................................... 97
6.8 Sample degasser ................................................................. 98
6.9 Injection valve ..................................................................... 98
6.10 Column thermostat ............................................................ 99
6.11 Metrohm Suppressor Module (MSM) ............................... 99
6.12 Peristaltic pump .................................................................. 99
6.13 Detector ............................................................................ 100
6.14 Power connection ............................................................. 100
6.15 Interfaces .......................................................................... 100
6.16 Weight ............................................................................... 101

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ V

Table of contents ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

7 Accessories 102
Index 103

VI ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Table of figures

Table of figures
Figure 1 Front view of the instrument ............................................................. 2
Figure 2 Flow diagram with chemical suppression ......................................... 11
Figure 3 Connection of capillaries with pressure screws ................................ 13
Figure 4 Rollers and handle ........................................................................... 16
Figure 5 Handle as MPak holder .................................................................... 17
Figure 6 Connection of the leak sensor on the rear of the instrument ............ 19
Figure 7 Drainage tubings ............................................................................. 20
Figure 8 Capillary feed-throughs on the door ................................................ 22
Figure 9 Capillary feed-throughs base tray/flask holder .................................. 23
Figure 10 Installing the eluent bottle cap ........................................................ 25
Figure 11 Mounting the aspiration filter .......................................................... 25
Figure 12 Installing the tubing weighting and aspiration filter .......................... 26
Figure 13 Eluent aspiration tubing fully equipped ............................................ 26
Figure 14 Eluent bottle – connected ............................................................... 27
Figure 15 Eluent degasser ............................................................................... 29
Figure 16 Capillary connections high pressure pump/purge valve ..................... 30
Figure 17 High pressure pump – Connect inlet ................................................ 31
Figure 18 Deaerate the high pressure pump .................................................... 33
Figure 19 Connecting the inline filter .............................................................. 35
Figure 20 Pulsation absorber – Connection ..................................................... 36
Figure 21 Sample degasser ............................................................................. 37
Figure 22 Injection valve – connected ............................................................. 38
Figure 23 Injection valve – Positions ................................................................ 39
Figure 24 Column thermostat ......................................................................... 41
Figure 25 MSM – connections ........................................................................ 44
Figure 26 Peristaltic pump ............................................................................... 46
Figure 27 Installing the pump tubing .............................................................. 47
Figure 28 Install pump tubing connection with filter ....................................... 48
Figure 29 Install pump tubing connection without filter .................................. 49
Figure 30 Front of conductivity detector ......................................................... 51
Figure 31 Rear of conductivity detector ........................................................... 52
Figure 32 Connection detector–MSM ............................................................. 53
Figure 33 Pump head – removing the piston ................................................... 67
Figure 34 Components of the piston cartridge ................................................ 68
Figure 35 Tool for piston seal .......................................................................... 69
Figure 36 Removing the piston seal ................................................................. 70
Figure 37 Inserting the piston seal into the tool ............................................... 70
Figure 38 Inserting the piston seal into the pump head ................................... 71
Figure 39 Removing valves .............................................................................. 72
Figure 40 Dismantling valve ............................................................................ 73
Figure 41 Components of the inlet valve and outlet valve ................................ 74
Figure 42 Change filters (of the inline filter) ..................................................... 76
Figure 43 MSM – Components ....................................................................... 83
Figure 44 Pump tubing connection – Changing the filter ................................. 88

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ VII

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Instrument description

The instrument 850 Professional IC – Anion (2.850.2010) is one of the
model versions of the Professional IC line of instruments manufactured by
the Metrohm Company. The Professional IC line of instruments is distin-
guished by
■ the intelligence of its components, which are able to monitor and
optimize all functions and to provide documentation according to FDA
■ its compactness.
■ its flexibility. A suitable model version exists for every application.
Individual instruments can be converted, expanded or modified to cre-
ate a different instrument as needed.
■ its transparency. All components are easily accessible and arranged in
a clear manner.
■ its safety. Chemicals and electronics are separated and a leak sensor is
integrated in the wet end.
■ its environmental compatibility.
■ low noise emission.
The instrument is operated with MagIC Net software. It is connected via
a USB connection to a PC on which MagIC Net is installed. The software
automatically recognizes the instrument and checks its functional readi-
ness. MagIC Net controls and monitors the instrument, evaluates the mea-
sured data and administers it in a database. The operation of MagIC Net is
described in the online help or in the tutorial for MagIC Net.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 1

1.1 Instrument description ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


8 9 10 11
Figure 1 Front view of the instrument

1 Conductivity detector 2 Peristaltic pump

See Chapter 2.18. See Chapter 2.17.

3 MSM 4 Injection valve

See Chapter 2.16. See Chapter 2.14.

5 Eluent degasser 6 High pressure pump

See Chapter 2.9. See Chapter 2.10.

7 Purge valve 8 Pulsation damper

See Chapter 2.10.1. See Chapter 2.12.

9 Sample degasser 10 Separation column

See Chapter 2.13. See Chapter 2.22. Use optional.

11 Column thermostat
See Chapter 2.15.

The instrument contains the following components:

2 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1 Introduction

Eluent degasser
The eluent degasser removes gas bubbles and dissolved gases from the
eluent. For degassing, the eluent flows into a vacuum chamber through a
special fluoropolymer capillary.

High pressure pump

The intelligent and low pulsation high pressure pump pumps the eluent
through the system. It is equipped with a chip on which its technical spec-
ifications and "life history" (operating hours, service data, … ) are saved.

Inline filter
Inline filters protect the separation column securely against possible con-
tamination from the eluent. Inline filters can however also just as well be
used for the purpose of protecting other sensitive components against
contaminations in the solutions used. The filter platelets with a pore size
of 2 µm can be replaced quickly and easily. They remove particles like e. g.
bacteria and algae from the solutions.

Pulsation absorber
The pulsation absorber protects the separation column from damage
caused by pressure fluctuations when switching the injection valve, and
reduces interfering pulsations during highly sensitive measurements.

Sample degasser
The sample degasser removes gas bubbles and dissolved gases from the
sample. For degassing, the sample flows into a vacuum chamber through
a special fluoropolymer capillary.

Injection valve
The injection valve connects the eluent and sample path through rapid
and precise valve switchover. A precisely measured amount of sample
solution is injected and rinsed with eluent onto the separation column.

Column thermostat
The column thermostat controls the temperature of the column and elu-
ent channel and thus ensures stable measuring conditions. It provides
space for 2 separation columns.

Metrohm Suppressor Module (MSM)

The MSM is used for chemical suppression during anion analysis. It is pres-
sure-stable, robust and resistant to solvents.

Peristaltic pump
The Peristaltic pump is used for pumping sample and auxiliary solutions. It
can rotate in both directions.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 3

1.2 Intended use ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Conductivity detector
The conductivity detector continuously measures the conductivity of the
liquid passing through and outputs these signals in digital form (DSP –
Digital Signal Processing). The conductivity detector exhibits outstanding
thermal stability and thus guarantees reproducible measuring conditions.

Separation column
The intelligent separation column is the heart of the ion chromatographic
analysis. It separates the different components corresponding to their
interactions with the column. Metrohm separation columns are equipped
with a chip on which their technical specifications and their history (first
use / setting up, operating hours, injections, …) are saved.

1.2 Intended use

The instrument 850 Professional IC – Anion is used for the ion chroma-
tographic determination of anions or polar substances with chemical sup-
pression by the Metrohm Suppressor Module (MSM) (see chapter 2.16,
page 43).
If required, it can also be used for the determination of cations or anions
without chemical suppression.
The present instrument is suitable for processing chemicals and flammable
samples. The usage of the 850 Professional IC – Anion therefore requires
that the user has basic knowledge and experience in the handling of toxic
and caustic substances. Knowledge with respect to the application of the
fire prevention measures prescribed for laboratories is also mandatory.

1.3 About the documentation


Please read through this documentation carefully before putting the

instrument into operation. The documentation contains information
and warnings which have to be followed by the user in order to ensure
safe operation of the instrument.

4 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1 Introduction

1.3.1 Symbols and conventions

The following symbols and styles are used in this documentation:

Cross-reference to figure legend

The first number refers to the figure number, the sec-
ond to the instrument part in the figure.
Instruction step
Carry out these steps in the sequence shown.
This symbol draws attention to a possible life hazard
or risk of injury.
This symbol draws attention to a possible hazard due
to electrical current.
This symbol draws attention to a possible hazard due
to heat or hot instrument parts.
This symbol draws attention to a possible biological
This symbol draws attention to a possible damage of
instruments or instrument parts.
This symbol marks additional information and tips.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 5

1.4 Safety instructions ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

1.4 Safety instructions

1.4.1 General notes on safety


Operate this instrument only according to the information contained in

this documentation.

This instrument left the factory in a flawless state in terms of technical

safety. To maintain this state and ensure non-hazardous operation of the
instrument, the following instructions must be observed carefully.

1.4.2 Electrical safety

The electrical safety when working with the instrument is ensured as part
of the international standard IEC 61010.


Only personnel qualified by Metrohm are authorized to carry out service

work on electronic components.


Never open the housing of the instrument. The instrument could be

damaged by this. There is also a risk of serious injury if live components
are touched.
There are no parts inside the housing which can be serviced or replaced
by the user.

Supply voltage


An incorrect supply voltage can damage the instrument.

Only operate this instrument with a supply voltage specified for it (see
rear panel of the instrument).

6 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1 Introduction

Protection against electrostatic charges


Electronic components are sensitive to electrostatic charges and can be

destroyed by discharges.
Do not fail to pull the power cord out of the power socket before you
set up or disconnect electrical plug connections at the rear of the

1.4.3 Tubing and capillary connections


Leaks in tubing and capillary connections are a safety risk. Tighten all
connections well by hand. Avoid applying excessive force to tubing con-
nections. Damaged tubing ends lead to leakage. Appropriate tools can
be used to loosen connections.
Check the connections regularly for leakage. If the instrument is used
mainly in unattended operation, then weekly inspections are manda-

1.4.4 Flammable solvents and chemicals


All relevant safety measures are to be observed when working with

flammable solvents and chemicals.
■ Set up the instrument in a well-ventilated location (e.g. fume cup-
■ Keep all sources of flame far from the workplace.
■ Clean up spilled liquids and solids immediately.
■ Follow the safety instructions of the chemical manufacturer.

1.4.5 Recycling and disposal

This product is covered by European Directive 2012/19/EU, WEEE – Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
The correct disposal of your old instrument will help to prevent negative
effects on the environment and public health.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 7

1.4 Safety instructions ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

More details about the disposal of your old instrument can be obtained
from your local authorities, from waste disposal companies or from your
local dealer.

8 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

2 Installation

2.1 About this chapter

The Installation chapter contains
■ a list of all the steps to be carried out during the initial installation (see
chapter 2.2, page 9).
■ a schematic overview of the flow paths (see chapter 2.3, page 10).
■ a description of the construction, connections and functionality of the
■ step-by-step installation instructions. A part of these installation tasks
has already been carried out before delivery. They are nevertheless
described here in case they need to be carried out once again some
time in the future (e.g. after maintenance of the high pressure pump).

2.2 Initial installation


A large number of the capillary connections are already connected at

the time the instrument is delivered.

The following steps still have to be carried out after delivery:

1 Setting up the instrument (see chapter 2.4, page 12).

2 Remove handle and rollers (see chapter 2.6.1, page 15).

3 Place the detectors in the instrument and connect them (see chapter
2.6.2, page 18).

4 Remove transport locking screws (see chapter 2.6.3, page 18).

5 Connect the leak sensor (see chapter 2.6.4, page 18).

6 Connect drainage tubings (see chapter 2.6.5, page 19).

7 Connect the eluent bottle (see chapter 2.8.1, page 24).

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 9

2.3 Flow diagram ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

8 Install sample path connections.

■ Connect the sample degasser (if required) (see chapter 2.13, page
■ Connect sample path connections to the injection valve (see
chapter 2.14.2, page 39).

9 Installing the MSM (see chapter 2.16, page 43) – with associated
peristaltic pump (see chapter 2.17, page 46).

10 Connect detector capillaries .

11 Mains connection .

12 Connect the instrument to the PC .

13 Initial start-up (see chapter 3.1, page 59).

14 Install the guard column (if used) (see chapter 2.21, page 55).

15 Install the separation column (see chapter 2.22, page 56).

2.3 Flow diagram

Figure 2 Flow diagram with chemical suppression shows the flow paths
with the application of chemical suppression (MSM (2-9)). The arrange-
ment of the parts corresponds to the front view of the instrument. Liquid
containers (eluent bottle, sample vessel, waste container) and guard col-
umn (see chapter 2.21, page 55) are not shown in the diagram. Which
pressure screws, connections and couplings are used, is described in the
installation chapters of the individual modules.

10 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

Eluent 11
Sample optional
Rinsing solution
Regeneration solution 10

15 8
16 17
18 19

2 12 13
1 14



Figure 2 Flow diagram with chemical suppression

1 Eluent input 2 Eluent degasser

Connection to the eluent bottle (see chapter See Chapter 2.9.
2.8.1, page 24).

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 11

2.4 Setting up the instrument ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

3 High pressure pump 4 Purge valve

See Chapter 2.10. See Chapter 2.10.1.

5 Inline filter 6 Pulsation damper

See Chapter 2.11. See Chapter 2.12.

7 Injection valve 8 Separation column

See Chapter 2.14. See Chapter 2.22.
When a guard column (see chapter 2.21,
page 55) is used, it is installed between
injection valve and separation column.

9 MSM 10 Detector
See Chapter 2.16. See Chapter 2.18.

11 Eluent output 12 Sample input

Connection to the waste container. Connection to the sample vessel (single ves-
sel or sample changer).

13 Sample degasser 14 Sample output

See Chapter 2.13. Use optional.

15 Peristaltic pump 16 Regeneration solution input

See Chapter 2.17. Connection to the regeneration solution

17 Regeneration solution output 18 Rinsing solution input

Connection to the waste container. Connection to the rinsing solution bottle.

19 Rinsing solution output

Connection to the waste container.

2.4 Setting up the instrument

2.4.1 Packaging
The instrument is supplied in protective packaging together with the sepa-
rately packed accessories. Keep this packaging, as only this ensures safe
transportation of the instrument.

2.4.2 Checks
Immediately after receipt, check whether the shipment has arrived com-
plete and without damage by comparing it with the delivery note.

2.4.3 Location
The instrument has been developed for operation indoors and may not be
used in explosive environments.
Place the instrument in a location of the laboratory which is suitable for
operation and free of vibrations and which provides protection against
corrosive atmosphere and contamination by chemicals.

12 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

The instrument should be protected against excessive temperature fluctua-

tions and direct sunlight.

2.5 Capillary connections in the IC system

This chapter contains general information concerning the capillary connec-
tions in the IC instruments and systems.
Generally speaking, capillary connections between two components of an
IC system are made up of one connection capillary and two pressure
screws with which the capillary is connected to the respective compo-

Pressure screws

1 2 3
Figure 3 Connection of capillaries with pressure screws

1 PEEK pressure screw (6.2744.014) 2 Connection capillary

Use on the injection valve.

3 PEEK pressure screw, short 4 PEEK pressure screw, long

(6.2744.070) (6.2744.090)
For use on the high pressure pump, the Use on special components. Is not used on
purge valve, the inline filter, the pulsation all instruments.
absorber, the guard column and the separa-
tion column.


In order to keep the dead volume as low as possible, capillary connec-

tions should generally be as short as possible.


For an improved overview, capillary and tubing connections can be bun-

dled with the 6.1815.010 spiral band.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 13

2.5 Capillary connections in the IC system ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Connection capillaries
PEEK capillaries and PTFE capillaries are used in the IC system.
PEEK capillaries (poly- PEEK capillaries are temperature-resistant up to 100°C, stable under pres-
etheretherketone) sure up to 400 bar, flexible, chemically inert and exhibit an extremely
smooth surface. They can be readily cut down to the desired length with
the 6.2621.080 capillary cutter.
■ PEEK capillaries (6.1831.010) with an internal diameter of 0.25 mm for
the entire high-pressure section.
■ PEEK capillaries (6.1831.030) with an internal diameter of 0.75 mm for
sample handling in the ultratrace range.


For the capillary connections between the injection valve and detector ,
PEEK capillaries with an internal diameter of 0.25 mm must be used.
These are already connected to a newly delivered instrument.

PTFE capillaries (poly- PTFE capillaries are transparent and enable visual tracing of the liquids to
tetrafluoroethylene) be pumped. They are chemically inert, flexible and temperature-resistant
up to 80°C.
PTFE capillaries (6.1803.0x0) are used for the low-pressure section.
■ PTFE capillaries with internal diameter of 0.5 mm for sample handling.
■ PTFE capillaries with internal diameter of 0.97 mm for sample handling
as well as for rinsing solutions (they do not have to be in the scope of
delivery of the instrument).

Capillary connections
In order to achieve optimum analysis results, capillary connections in an IC
system must be absolutely tight and free of dead volume. Dead volume
occurs if two capillary ends connected to each other do not fit exactly,
thus allowing liquid to escape. There are two possible reasons for this:
■ The capillaries do not have exactly cut edges.
■ The two capillary ends do not completely meet.
One prerequisite for dead volume free capillary connection is, that both
capillary ends are cut exactly plane. Therefore we recommend only to cut
PEEK capillaries with the capillary cutter (6.2621.080).

14 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

Creating dead volume free capillary connections

To create dead volume free capillary connections, proceed as follows:

1 Slide the pressure screw over the capillary. Ensure that the capillary
protrudes 1–2 mm from the tip of the pressure screw.

2 Plug the capillary all the way into the connection or coupling until
the stop.

3 Only then start turning the pressure screw, while keeping the capil-
lary pressed in space.

Colored sleeves for PEEK capillaries

The enclosed set of varicolored sleeves for PEEK capillaries (6.2251.000)
serves to easily differentiate the various flows of liquid in the system
through color coding. Each capillary leading a given liquid (e. g. eluent)
can be highlighted with sleeves of the same color.
To highlight a capillary, proceed as follows:

1 Slide a sleeve of a selected color over a capillary an move it to an

easily visible position.
If the capillary heats up, the sleeve shrinks and adapts to the form of
the capillary.

2.6 Rear of the instrument

2.6.1 Rollers and handle
In order to make transport easier, the instrument is equipped with rollers
and a handle.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 15

2.6 Rear of the instrument ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Figure 4 Rollers and handle

1 Knurled screws 2 Handle

For fastening the handle (4-2) and the rear
panel of the detector chamber.

3 Knurled screws 4 Rollers

For fastening the roller holder (4-5).

5 Roller holder

Removing handle

1 Loosen knurled screws (4-1) and remove handle (4-2).

Removing rollers

Proceed as follows to remove the rollers:

1 Remove knurled screws (4-3).

2 Remove roller holder (4-5).

16 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

Mounting handle as MPak holder


When extended, the handle (5-2) can also be used for hanging up
MPaks (eluent bags).

1 Move handle (5-2) upwards and screw in the knurled screws (5-1)

Figure 5 Handle as MPak holder

1 Knurled screws 2 Handle

For fastening the handle (5-2) and the rear Extended. As holder for MPaks (eluent bag).
panel of the detector chamber.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 17

2.6 Rear of the instrument ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

2.6.2 Positioning and connecting the detector

The instrument is delivered without detector. For information on how to
place and connect the detector, please refer to the manual of the detec-

2.6.3 Transport locking screws

To avoid damage to the high pressure pump and the vacuum pump dur-
ing transport, the pumps are secured with transport locking screws.
Remove these transport locking screws before the initial start-up.

Removing transport locking screws

1 Remove all of the transport locking screws with the 4 mm hexagon

key (6.2621.030) and keep them in a safe place.


In order to avoid damage to the pumps, the transport locking screws

must be remounted each time the instrument undergoes major trans-

2.6.4 Leak sensor

The leak sensor detects escaping liquid which collects in the base tray of
the instrument.
To activate the leak sensor, the leak sensor connector plug (6-2) must be
connected, the instrument switched on and the leak sensor switched to
active in the software.

Connecting the leak sensor

1 Plug the leak sensor connector plug (6-2) into the leak sensor con-
nection socket (6-1) on the rear of the instrument (see figure 6, page

18 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

1 2 3

Figure 6 Connection of the leak sensor on the rear of the instrument

1 Leak sensor connection socket 2 Leak sensor connector plug

Is labeled with "Leak Sensor".

3 Leak sensor connection cable

Is firmly mounted on the rear of the instru-

2.6.5 Drainage tubings

Liquid that escapes in the flask holder or in the detector chamber is direc-
ted through the drainage tubings into the base tray, past the leak sensor
into the waste container. This ensures that any leaks in the system will be
detected by the leak sensor.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 19

2.6 Rear of the instrument ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


8 9
Figure 7 Drainage tubings

1 Drainage tubing connector 2 Drainage tubing

For draining escaped liquid from the flask Section of the 6.1816.020 silicon tubing. For
holder. draining escaped liquid from the flask

3 Drainage tubing connector 4 Drainage tubing

For draining escaped liquid from the detec- Section of the 6.1816.020 silicon tubing. For
tor chamber. draining escaped liquid from the detector

5 Y connector 6.1807.010 6 Drainage tubing

For connecting the two drainage tubings Section of the 6.1816.020 silicon tubing.
(7-2) and (7-4). Guides escaped liquid to the leak sensor.

20 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

7 Drainage tubing 8 Drainage tubing connector

Section of the 6.1816.020 silicon tubing. For draining the escaped liquid from the
Guides escaped liquid into a waste con- base tray through the connected drainage
tainer. tubing.

9 Drainage tubing connector

For supplying escaped liquid through the
connected drainage tubing to the leak sen-

Proceed as follows to install the drainage tubings:

Installing drainage tubings

1 Plug drainage tubing (7-2) into the drainage tubing connector (7-1)
of the flask holder and shorten to required length.

2 Plug drainage tubing (7-4) into the drainage tubing connector (7-3)
of the detector chamber and shorten to required length.

3 Connect drainage tubing (7-2) from the flask holder and drainage
tubing (7-4) from the detector chamber to the Y connector (7-5).

4 Connect drainage tubing (7-6) to the Y connector (7-5), shorten to

required length and plug the other end of the drainage tubing into
the drainage tubing connector (7-9) of the base tray.

5 Plug drainage tubing (7-7) into the drainage tubing connector (7-8)
of the base tray and guide the other end into a waste container.

2.7 Capillary and cable feed-throughs

Several openings have been integrated for feeding through capillaries and
cables. They are located on the doors (see figure 8, page 22), on the rear
panel or below the flask holder or above the base tray (see Figure 9, Page

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 21

2.7 Capillary and cable feed-throughs ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

1 3


Figure 8 Capillary feed-throughs on the door

1 Luer connectors 2 Capillary feed-through

For connecting a 6.2816.020 syringe. For
manual sample feeding.

3 PEEK pressure screws, short 4 Door


Do not feed capillaries through the Luer connectors (8-1). The capillaries
are fastened with PEEK pressure screws (8-3) from inside to the Luer con-
nector. From outside, liquid can be aspirated or injected with a syringe.

22 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5

Rear Front
1 2

3 4

9 10 11 12 12 11 10 9
Figure 9 Capillary feed-throughs base tray/flask holder

1 Side panel (right) 2 Rear of the instrument

Right panel.

3 Side panel (left) 4 Front of the instrument

Left panel.

5 Capillary feed-through 6 Capillary feed-through

Upper. From front to right. Upper. From front to back.

7 Capillary feed-through 8 Capillary feed-through

Upper. From front to back. Upper. From front to left.

9 Capillary feed-through 10 Capillary feed-through

Lower. From front to right. Lower. From front to back.

11 Capillary feed-through 12 Capillary feed-through

Lower. From front to back. Lower. From front to left.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 23

2.8 Eluent ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

2.8 Eluent
2.8.1 Connecting the eluent bottle
The eluent is aspirated out of the eluent bottle via the eluent aspiration
tubing (10-1).
The eluent aspiration tubing is connected to the eluent degasser (see
chapter 2.9, page 28). The tubing must be threaded through a suitable
capillary feed-through (see chapter 2.7, page 21) of the instrument before
the other end can be equipped.
The following accessories are needed for equipping the eluent aspiration
■ 6.1602.160 eluent bottle cap GL 45
■ 6.2744.210 tubing adapter for aspiration filter
■ 6.2821.090 aspiration filter
Proceed as follows for equipping the eluent aspiration tubing:

Assembling eluent aspiration tubing

1 Guide the free end of the eluent aspiration tubing (10-1) out of the
instrument through a suitable capillary feed-through.

2 Installing the eluent bottle cap (6.1602.160)

■ Slide tubing nipple (10-2) and O-ring (10-3) onto the eluent aspi-
ration tubing (10-1).
■ Push eluent aspiration tubing (10-1) through the bottle cap (10-4)
and screw tight.

24 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

1 2 3 4

Figure 10 Installing the eluent bottle cap

1 Eluent aspiration tubing (6.1834.080) 2 Tubing nipple

From accessory set (6.1602.160).

3 O-ring 4 Bottle cap

From accessory set (6.1602.160). From accessory set (6.1602.160).

3 Mounting the aspiration filter

■ Insert the filter holder (11-1) into the aspiration filter (11-2) and
screw it tightly.
1 2

Figure 11 Mounting the aspiration filter

1 Filter holder 2 Aspiration filter (6.2821.090)

From accessory set (6.2744.210).

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 25

2.8 Eluent ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

4 Installing the tubing weighting and aspiration filter

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 12 Installing the tubing weighting and aspiration filter

1 Eluent aspiration tubing (6.1834.080) 2 Eluent bottle cap (6.1602.160)

3 Tubing weighting 4 Clamping screw

From accessory set (6.2744.210). From accessory set (6.2744.210).

5 Aspiration filter (6.2821.090)

With filter holder from accessory set

■ Slide the tubing weighting (12-3) onto the eluent aspiration tub-
ing (12-1).
■ Slide the clamping screw (12-4) onto the eluent aspiration tubing
■ Insert eluent aspiration tubing (12-1) into the aspiration filter
(12-5). The end of the tubing should reach approximately to the
center of the aspiration filter.
■ Screw the clamping screw (12-4) to the filter holder (11-1).

Figure 13 Eluent aspiration tubing fully equipped

5 Mounting the eluent aspiration tubing to the eluent bottle

■ Insert the eluent aspiration tubing into the eluent bottle (14-10).

26 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

■ Tighten the fully equipped bottle cap to the eluent bottle (14-10).
The aspiration filter (14-6) must rest on the base of the eluent
■ Close the remaining small opening on the bottle cap with a
threaded stopper (14-14) from the accessory set.

6 Mounting the adsorber tube


If alkaline eluents or eluents with lower buffer capacity are used,

the eluent bottle must be equipped with an adsorber tube filled
with CO2 adsorber (14-4).

■ First, place a piece of cotton (14-3), then the CO2 adsorber (14-4)
in the large opening of the adsorber tube (14-2) and close with
the plastic cover.
■ Fasten the adsorber tube (14-2) on the bottle cap (14-11) using
the SGJ clip (14-12).

14 1
4 11


9 8 7 6
Figure 14 Eluent bottle – connected

1 Eluent aspiration tubing (6.1834.080) 2 Adsorber tube (6.1609.000)

For aspirating the eluent. Pre-installed.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 27

2.9 Eluent degasser ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

3 Cotton 4 CO2 adsorber

Adsorbs CO2 from the air (e.g. Merck soda
lime with indicator, no. 6839.1000).

5 Eluent 6 Aspiration filter (6.2821.090)

7 Filter holder 8 Clamping screw

From accessory set (6.2744.210). From accessory set (6.2744.210).

9 Tubing weighting 10 Eluent bottle (6.1608.070)

From accessory set (6.2744.210).

11 Bottle cap (6.1602.160) 12 SGJ clip (6.2023.020)

13 Tubing nipple 14 Threaded stopper

2.9 Eluent degasser

Gas bubbles in the eluent lead to an unstable baseline, as high pressure
pumps can transport liquids, but not gases. This is why the eluent must be
degassed before it reaches the high-pressure pump.
The eluent degasser removes gas bubbles and dissolved gases from the
eluent. For degassing, the eluent flows into a vacuum chamber through a
special fluoropolymer capillary.


The eluent degasser is already installed in the newly delivered instru-

ment. The following installation instructions must only be followed, if
the connections to the degasser had to be disconnected for mainte-

28 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

Connecting the eluent degasser


3 4

Figure 15 Eluent degasser

1 Eluent degasser input 2 Eluent degasser output

3 Tubing flare 4 Clamping screw

With tubing nipple.

5 Eluent aspiration tubing (6.1834.080) 6 Connection tubing (6.1834.090)

For aspirating the eluent. The clamping Connection from the eluent degasser to the
screw (15-4) is firmly mounted. high-pressure pump (see chapter 2.10, page
30). The clamping screw (15-4) is firmly


The clamping screws (15-4) must be tightened carefully. Use the

wrench (6.2621.050) to do this.

■ Insert the eluent aspiration tubing (15-5) into the eluent degasser
input (15-1).
■ Carefully tighten the clamping screw (15-4).

2 ■ Insert connection tubing (15-6) (the end with the longer clamping
screw (15-4)) into the eluent degasser output (15-2).
■ Carefully tighten the clamping screw (15-4).
■ Connect the other end of the connection capillary (15-6) (with
the shorter clamping screw ) to the high-pressure pump (16-9)
(see "Connecting inlet to the high pressure pump", page 31).

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 29

2.10 High pressure pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

2.10 High pressure pump

The intelligent and low pulsation high pressure pump pumps the eluent
through the system. It is equipped with a chip on which its technical spec-
ifications and "life history" (operating hours, service data, … ) are saved.
The purge valve is used for deaerating (see chapter 2.10.2, page 32) the
high pressure pump.

2.10.1 Capillary connections high pressure pump/purge valve


All of the capillary connections of the high pressure pump and the
purge valve are already installed in the newly delivered instrument.

2 13




6 2

8 9 10 2 2
Figure 16 Capillary connections high pressure pump/purge valve

1 Connection capillary 2 PEEK pressure screw, short

PEEK capillary, connects main piston and (6.2744.070)
auxiliary piston.

3 Outlet valve holder 4 Pump head (6.2824.110)

30 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

5 Fastening screws 6 Inlet valve holder

For fastening the pump head.

7 Pump head inlet capillary 8 Pressure screw

PEEK capillary at the input of the pump For connecting a PEEK capillary to the cou-
head. pling (16-9).

9 Coupling 10 Deaerating capillary

For the connection of the eluent path at the For aspirating the eluent when deaerating
input of the high pressure pump. Can be the high pressure pump (see chapter 2.10.2,
ordered together with the pressure screw page 32).
(16-8) under the number (6.2744.230).

11 Purge valve 12 Connection capillary

For deaerating the high pressure pump. For connecting the inline filter (see chapter
With rotary knob in the center and pressure 2.11, page 34).

13 Connection capillary
Connects the output of the pump head with
the purge valve.


The eluent aspiration capillary is already installed in the newly delivered

instrument. The following installation instructions need not be carried
out at the time of initial installation.

Connecting inlet to the high pressure pump

1 2 3 4
Figure 17 High pressure pump – Connect inlet

1 Pressure screw 2 Coupling (6.2744.230)

For connecting the coupling (17-2) to the For connecting the eluent connection capil-
pump head inlet capillary (16-7). lary (17-4) to the input of the high pressure
Can be ordered together with the coupling pump.
under the number (6.2744.230).

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 31

2.10 High pressure pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

3 Clamping screw 4 Eluent aspiration tubing

Eluent aspiration tubing (6.1834.080) or

5 Backup ring

1 Connecting coupling
Fasten the coupling (17-2) with a pressure screw (17-1) on the pump
head inlet capillary (16-7).

2 Connecting eluent aspiration tubing


The clamping screws must be tightened carefully. To tighten, grip

the coupling (17-2) with the key (6.2739.000) and grip the clamp-
ing screw (17-3) with the wrench (6.2621.050).

■ Plug the eluent aspiration tubing (17-4) into the coupling (17-2).
■ Tighten the clamping screw (17-3).

2.10.2 Deaerating the high pressure pump

The high pressure pump will only operate perfectly if the pump head con-
tains no more air bubbles. Therefore it must be deaerated during initial
start-up and after every change of eluent.


The high pressure pump must not be deaerated before the initial start-
up (see chapter 3.1, page 59).

Deaerate the high pressure pump as follows (see figure 18, page 33):

Deaerate the high pressure pump

The instrument must be connected to the PC and switched on to deaerate

the high pressure pump.

32 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

4 5

3 7
1 5

Figure 18 Deaerate the high pressure pump

1 Syringe 10 mL (6.2816.020) 2 Luer connector

For aspirating the eluent. Part of the purging needle (6.2816.040)

3 Purging needle (6.2816.040) 4 Deaerating capillary

5 PEEK pressure screws, short 6 Purge valve


7 Purge valve rotary knob

1 Connecting the purging needle

■ Push the end of the purging needle (18-3) over the end of the
deaerating capillary (18-4) on the purge valve.

2 Connecting the syringe

■ Insert syringe (18-1) in the Luer connector (18-2) of the purging
needle (see figure 18, page 33).

3 Opening purge valve

■ Open the rotary knob (18-7) by approx. ½ rotation counterclock-

4 Setting the flow rate

■ Start MagIC Net™ (if not yet started).
■ Ensure that the eluent aspiration tubing is immersed sufficiently in
the eluent.
■ Let the high pressure pump run.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 33

2.11 Inline filter ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

5 Aspirating eluent
■ Aspirate with the syringe (18-1) until bubble-free eluent flows into
the syringe.

6 Completing deaerating
■ Switch off high pressure pump.
■ Close rotary knob (18-7).
■ Remove syringe (18-1) from the Luer connector (18-2).
■ Pull the purging needle (18-3) out of the deaerating capillary

2.11 Inline filter

Between the purge valve and the pulsation absorber the inline filter
(6.2821.120) is installed as protection against particles.
Inline filters protect the separation column securely against possible con-
tamination from the eluent. Inline filters can however also just as well be
used for the purpose of protecting the suppressor against contaminations
in the regeneration or rinsing solutions. The filter platelets with a pore size
of 2 µm can be replaced quickly and easily. They remove particles like e. g.
bacteria and algae from the solutions.


The inline filter is already installed in the newly delivered instrument.

The following installation instructions need not be carried out at the
time of initial installation.

Installing the inline filter


Observe the flow direction marked on the filter housing for the connec-
tion of the inline filter.

34 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

1 2 3 2 4
Figure 19 Connecting the inline filter

1 Connection capillary 2 PEEK pressure screws, short

Connects the purge valve with the inline fil- (6.2744.070)

3 Inline filter (6.2821.120) 4 Connection capillary

Protects against particles. Connects the inline filter with the pulsation

1 Screw on the connection capillary running from the purge valve to

the input side of the inline filter using a pressure screw (6.2744.070).

2 Screw on the connection capillary running to the pulsation absorber

to the output side of the inline filter using a pressure screw

2.12 Pulsation absorber


The pulsation absorber is already installed in the newly delivered instru-



The pulsation absorber is maintenance-free and may not be opened.

The pulsation absorber protects the separation column from damage

caused by pressure fluctuations when switching the injection valve, and
reduces interfering pulsations during highly sensitive measurements. In
order to ensure these functionalities, it must be connected between the
high pressure pump (see chapter 2.10, page 30) and injection valve (see
chapter 2.14, page 38).
The pulsation absorber can be operated in both directions.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 35

2.13 Sample degasser ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

2 3


Figure 20 Pulsation absorber – Connection

1 Connection capillary 2 Fastening screws

Connection to the inline filter.

3 PEEK pressure screws, short 4 Holder for pulsation absorber


5 Pulsation absorber (6.2620.150) 6 Connection capillary

Connection to the injection valve.

2.13 Sample degasser

The sample degasser removes gas bubbles and dissolved gases from the
sample. For degassing, the sample flows into a vacuum chamber through
a special fluoropolymer capillary.
Gas bubbles in the sample lead to poor reproducibility, as the amount of
sample in the sample loop would not always be the same. This is why
samples (containing gas) should be degassed prior to injection. The sam-
ple is drawn in through a degassing chamber prior to injection and any
gas bubbles are automatically removed.


The rinsing time increases by at least 2 minutes when the sample

degasser is used.

36 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

3 4

Figure 21 Sample degasser

1 Sample degasser input 2 Sample degasser output

3 PEEK pressure screw, long 4 Connection capillaries (6.1803.040)


Connecting the sample degasser

1 Remove and keep the threaded stoppers (6.2744.220) from the inlet
and outlet of the sample degasser.

2 Connect the end of the sample aspiration capillary (6.1803.040) con-

nected to the injection valve to the output of the sample degasser
(21-2), using a long PEEK pressure screw (21-3).

3 Connect the connection capillary (6.1803.040) to the input of the

sample degasser (21-1), using a long PEEK pressure screw (21-3).

4 Guide the other end of the connection capillary out of the instrument
through a capillary feed-through and connect it with the Sample Pro-
cessor, if applicable.


If the sample degasser is not used, the input and output must be
sealed with the threaded stoppers (6.2744.220).

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 37

2.14 Injection valve ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

2.14 Injection valve

The injection valve connects the eluent and sample path. Through rapid
and precise valve switchover a precise amount of sample solution defined
by the size of the sample loop is injected and rinsed with eluent onto the
separation column.

2.14.1 Connecting the injection valve

The injection valve has six connectors: two for the sample path (connec-
tors 1 and 2), two for the eluent path (connectors 4 and 5) and two for
the sample loop (connectors 3 and 6).


The capillaries of the eluent path and the sample path and the sample
loop are already installed in the newly delivered instrument.

6 5

7 7
2 1
3 6 2
4 5

3 4
Figure 22 Injection valve – connected

1 Injection valve 2 Sample loop

Connected to connectors 3 and 6.

3 Connection capillary 4 Connection capillary (column inlet

Connected to connector 4. Carries eluent to capillary)
the injection valve. Connected to connector 5. Carries eluent to
the separation column.

5 Connection capillary 6 Connection capillary

Connected to connector 1. Carries sample to Connected to connector 2. Carries sample to
the injection valve. the waste container.

7 PEEK pressure screw 6.2744.010

38 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

Replacing the sample loop

The sample loop can be replaced, depending on requirements. For addi-
tional information concerning selection of the appropriate sample loop,
see Chapter 2.14.3, page 40.


Use only 6.2744.010 PEEK pressure screws for connecting capillaries

and sample loop to the injection valve.

1 Removing existing sample loop

■ Loosen 6.2744.010 pressure screws at connector 3 and connector
■ Remove sample loop.

2 Mounting new sample loop

■ Fasten one end of the sample loop (22-2) with a 6.2744.010
PEEK pressure screw (22-7) to connector 3.
■ Fasten the other end of the sample loop (22-2) with a second
6.2744.010 PEEK pressure screw (22-7) to connector 6.

2.14.2 Mode of operation of the injection valve

The injection valve (see figure 23, page 39) can adopt two valve posi-
tions - FILL and INJECT. Switching back and forth between the two valve
positions determines whether the sample path or the eluent path is gui-
ded through the sample loop. The following figure provides a schematic
display of the flow paths of the two valve positions.

4 3 4 3

2 1 2 1

3 6 3 6

4 5 4 5

1 2 1 2
Figure 23 Injection valve – Positions

A Position FILL B Position INJECT

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 39

2.15 Column thermostat ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

1 Eluent input 2 Eluent output

Capillary coming from the high pressure Capillary to the column.

3 Sample input 4 Sample output

Sample aspirating capillary. Capillary to waste container.

5 Sample loop

Position A In the position FILL, the sample solution flows

through the sample loop to the waste container.
The eluent flows directly to the separation col-
umn at the same time.
Position B In the position INJECT, the eluent flows through
the sample loop to the separation column. If
sample solution is to be found in the sample
loop at the time of the valve switchover, then
this will be conveyed along with the eluent, thus
making its way to the separation column. The
flow in the sample path is either stopped or the
sample flows directly to the waste container.

2.14.3 Selecting the sample loop

The amount of sample solution injected depends on the volume of the
sample loop. The choice is made on the basis of the application. The fol-
lowing sample loops are normally used:

Cation determination 10 µL
Anion determination with suppression 20 µL
Anion determination without suppression 100 µL

2.15 Column thermostat

The column thermostat controls the temperature of the column and elu-
ent channel and thus ensures stable measuring conditions. It provides
space for 2 separation columns.

40 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

3 1

2 2

Figure 24 Column thermostat

1 Capillary feed-throughs 2 Capillary recesses

For guiding the capillaries in and out. For controlling the temperature of the elu-
Preheating capillary already pre-installed.

3 Column holder
For fastening the columns.
With column recognition.

The column thermostat contains two column holders (24-3) equipped

with chip recognition. The separation columns can be clicked into the col-
umn holder with the chip.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 41

2.15 Column thermostat ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


The column input capillary is already threaded into the capillary recesses
of the column thermostat at the time the instrument is first delivered.
The following installation instructions need not be carried out at the
time of initial installation.

Threading capillaries

1 Introduce column input capillary into the column thermostat via a

suitable capillary feed-through (24-1).

2 Slide the column input capillary from below into the outer of the two
capillary recesses (24-2). Slide it through under the holder plate until
it emerges again at the top.

3 Carefully bend the column input capillary downward and slide from
from above to below through the inner capillary recess until it
emerges at the lower edge of the holder plate.


The columns (guard column and separation column) may only be

installed after the initial start-up (see chapter 3.1, page 59).

■ Before initial start-up:

Fasten the 6.2744.040 coupling with a 6.2744.010 pressure
screw to the end of the column input capillary.
■ After initial start-up:
Fasten the guard column (if used) or the separation column with a
6.2744.010 pressure screw to the end of the column input capil-

42 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

2.16 Metrohm Suppressor Module (MSM)

2.16.1 General information on the MSM
The MSM is used for chemical suppression during anion analysis. It is pres-
sure-stable, robust and resistant to solvents. It consists of 3 suppressor
units in total, which are used for suppression, regenerated with sulfuric
acid or rinsed with ultra pure water in rotation.

Suppression reaction in the MSM

When using a carbonate eluent, the following reaction (amongst others)
occur in the MSM:
R-SO3-H+ + NaHCO3/Na2CO3➙ R-SO3-Na+ + H2O + CO2

2.16.2 Connecting the MSM


To protect the MSM against foreign particles or bacterial growth, a

6.2744.180 pump tubing connection with filter (28-3) must be moun-
ted between the peristaltic pump and the input capillaries of the MSM.

The three inputs and outputs of the suppressor units numbered 1..3 on
the MSM each have 2 fixed mounted PTFE capillaries (see figure 25, page

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 43

2.16 Metrohm Suppressor Module (MSM) ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

8 4

2 2

7 5

Figure 25 MSM – connections

1 Union nut 2 MSM connecting piece 6.2832.010

3 Eluent input capillary 4 Eluent output capillary

Labeled with Eluent. Labeled with Detector.

5 Rinsing solution input capillary 6 Rinsing solution output capillary

Labeled with H2O. Labeled with Waste.

7 Regeneration solution output capillary 8 Regeneration solution input capillary

Labeled with Waste. Labeled with H2SO4.

The PTFE capillaries firmly mounted on the MSM are connected to the
other components of the IC system as follows:


As the PTFE capillaries are very soft, the pressure screws should not be
Flattened capillaries must be shortened with the help of a 6.2621.080
capillary cutter.

44 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

Connecting the capillaries of the MSM

1 Connecting the eluent input capillary

■ Fasten the end of the input capillary labeled with Eluent with a
6.2744.070 short PEEK pressure screw to the output of the col-

2 Connecting the eluent output capillary

■ Fasten the end of the output capillary labeled with Detector with
a 6.2744.090 long PEEK pressure screw to the input of the MCS
(insofar as an MCS is being used).
Connect the end of the output capillary labeled with Detector and
the detector input capillary with a 6.2744.040 coupling and two
6.2744.070 short pressure screws.

3 Connecting the rinsing solution input capillary

■ Fasten the end of the input capillary labeled with H2O with a
6.2744.070 short PEEK pressure screw to the pump tubing con-
nection of the pump tubing which carries the rinsing solution.

4 Connecting the rinsing solution output capillary

■ Guide the end of the output capillary labeled with Waste into a
sufficiently large waste container and fasten it there.

5 Connecting the regeneration solution input capillary

■ Fasten the end of the input capillary labeled with H2SO4 with a
6.2744.070 short PEEK pressure screw to the pump tubing con-
nection of the pump tubing which carries the regeneration solu-

6 Connecting the regeneration solution output capillary

■ Guide the end of the output capillary labeled with Waste into a
sufficiently large waste container and fasten it there.

The rinsing and regeneration solutions are pumped with a peristaltic pump
(see chapter 2.17, page 46).

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 45

2.17 Peristaltic pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

2.17 Peristaltic pump

2.17.1 Principle of the peristaltic pump
The Peristaltic pump is used for pumping sample and auxiliary solutions. It
can rotate in both directions.
The peristaltic pump pumps liquids according to the principle of displace-
ment. The pump tubing is clamped between the rollers (26-3) and the
tubing cartridge (26-5). During operation, the peristaltic pump drive
rotates the roller hub (26-2), so that the rollers (26-3) push the liquid for-
ward in the pump tubing.

1 4


Figure 26 Peristaltic pump

1 Knurled screw in the mounting pin 2 Roller hub

3 Rollers 4 Cartridge holder

5 Tubing cartridges 6.2755.000 6 Contact pressure lever

7 Snap-action lever

46 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

2.17.2 Installing the peristaltic pump

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1



9 10 3 6 7 8
Figure 27 Installing the pump tubing

1 PEEK pressure screws, short 2 Tubing olive (6.2744.034)


3 Stopper 4 Tubing cartridge (6.2755.000)

The colors of the stopper indicate the inner
diameter of the pump tubing.

5 Contact pressure lever 6 Union nut

7 Adapter 8 Tubing olive

Either with filter holder (6.2744.180) or
without filter holder (6.2744.160).

9 Pump tubing (6.1826.xx0) 10 Snap-action lever

Mount the pump tubing as follows:

1 Removing the tubing cartridge

Release the tubing cartridge from the cartridge holder by pressing
the snap-action lever and unhooking from the mounting pins (26-1).

2 Connecting the aspiration side

Place a 6.2744.034 tubing olive (27-2) on the aspiration side of the
pump tubing.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 47

2.17 Peristaltic pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

3 Connecting the pressure side


Depending on the use of the peristaltic pump, on the pressure side

you can either connect:
■ Case A: a 6.2744.180 pump tubing connection with filter
(see figure 28, page 48) or
■ Case B: a 6.2744.160 pump tubing connection without filter
(see figure 29, page 49).
For pumping the auxiliary solutions to the MSM or to the SPM, a
6.2744.180 pump tubing connection with filter must be used.

Case A: 6.2744.180 pump tubing connection with filter:

1 2 3

Figure 28 Install pump tubing connection with filter

1 Union nut 2 Adapter

3 Tubing olive with filter holder

■ Slide union nut (28-1) onto the pump tubing.

■ Select a suitable adapter (28-2) and slide it onto the pump tubing.
The type of adapter depends on the pump tubing (see table 1,
page 49).
■ Place the tubing olive with filter holder (28-3) onto the pump tub-
■ Screw the union nut (28-1) onto the tubing olive (28-3).
Case B: 6.2744.160 pump tubing connection without filter:

48 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

1 2 3

Figure 29 Install pump tubing connection without filter

1 Union nut 2 Adapter

3 Tubing olive

■ Slide union nut (29-1) onto the pump tubing.

■ Select a suitable adapter (29-2) and slide it onto the pump tubing.
The type of adapter depends on the pump tubing (see table 1,
page 49).
■ Place the tubing olive (29-3) onto the pump tubing.
■ Screw the union nut (29-1) onto the tubing olive (29-3).

4 Inserting the pump tubing

■ Press the contact pressure lever all the way down.
■ Place the pump tubing in the tubing cartridge. The stoppers
(27-3) must snap into the corresponding holders of the tubing

5 Inserting the tubing cartridge

■ Hang the tubing cartridge in the mounting pin and press in the
cartridge holder until the snap-action lever snaps in.

6 Connecting the capillaries

■ Screw the respective capillaries tightly to the two tubing olives
with PEEK pressure screws (27-1).

Table 1 Pump tubings and suitable adapters

Pump tubing Adapter
6.1826.020 (blue/blue)

6.1826.310 (orange/green)

6.1826.320 (orange/yellow)

6.1826.330 (orange/white)

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 49

2.17 Peristaltic pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Pump tubing Adapter

6.1826.340 (black/black)

6.1826.360 (white/white)

6.1826.380 (gray/gray)

6.1826.390 (yellow/yellow)

Set flow rate

The contact pressure of the tubing cartridge must be adjusted in order to
regulate the flow rate. Proceed as follows:

Set the contact pressure

1 ■ Fully loosen the contact pressure lever (27-5), i.e. press it all the
way down.
■ Switch on the peristaltic pump.
■ Raise the contact pressure lever one step at a time until liquid
■ When liquid starts flowing, raise the contact pressure lever by an
additional 2 ratchet increments.
The contact pressure is now set optimally.
The delivery rate depends not only on the correct contact pressure
but also on the interior diameter of the pump tubing and the rota-
tional speed of the drive.


Pump tubings are consumable material. The service life of the pump
tubings depends on the contact pressure amongst other factors.

50 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

2.18 Conductivity detector

The conductivity detector continuously measures the conductivity of the
liquid passing through and outputs these signals in digital form (DSP –
Digital Signal Processing). The conductivity detector exhibits outstanding
thermal stability and thus guarantees reproducible measuring conditions.

Figure 30 Front of conductivity detector

1 IC detector 2.850.9010 2 Opening for temperature sensor

3 Detector input capillary

Permanently installed.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 51

2.18 Conductivity detector ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


Figure 31 Rear of conductivity detector

1 Detector cable 2 Detector output capillary

With installed plug. Permanently installed.

3 Type plate
With serial number.


In order to prevent unnecessary peak widening after separation, the

connection between the outlet of the separation column and the inlet
to the detector should be kept as short as possible.

Connecting the detector input capillary to the suppressor

1 ■ Connect the detector input capillary (32-1) and the capillary of

the MSM labeled out (32-2) to each other using a coupling
(6.2744.040) (32-3) and two short pressure screws (6.2744.070)

52 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

1 3 2

Figure 32 Connection detector–MSM

1 Detector input capillary 2 MSM output capillary

Labeled out.

3 Coupling (6.2744.040) 4 Pressure screws, short (6.2744.070)

2.19 Connecting the instrument to a computer


If the instrument is connected to the computer, then it must be

switched off.

Accessories For this step, you need the following accessories:

■ USB connecting cable (6.2151.020)

Connecting the USB cable

1 Insert the USB cable into the computer connection socket on the rear
of the instrument labeled PC.

2 Insert the other end into a USB port on the computer.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 53

2.20 Connecting the instrument to the power grid ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

2.20 Connecting the instrument to the power grid


Electric shock from electrical potential

Risk of injury by touching live components or through moisture on live
■ Never open the housing of the instrument while the power cord is
still connected.
■ Protect live parts (e.g. power supply unit, power cord, connection
sockets) against moisture.
■ Unplug the power plug immediately if you suspect that moisture has
gotten inside the instrument.
■ Only personnel who have been issued Metrohm qualifications may
perform service and repair work on electrical and electronic parts.

Connecting the power cord

Accessories Power cord with the following specifications:

■ Length: max. 2 m
■ Number of cores: 3, with protective conductor
■ Instrument plug: IEC 60320 type C13
■ Conductor cross-section 3x min. 0.75 mm2 / 18 AWG
■ Power plug:
– according to customer requirement (6.2122.XX0)
– min. 10 A


Do not use a not permitted power cord!

1 Plugging in the power cord

■ Plug the power cord into the instrument's power socket.
■ Connect the power cord to the power grid.

54 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation

2.21 Guard column

The use of guard columns serves for protecting the separation columns
and increasing their service life considerably. The guard columns available
from Metrohm represent either actual guard columns or are so-called
guard column cartridges which are used together with a cartridge holder.
The installation of a guard column cartridge in the associated holder is
described in the leaflet of the guard columns.


Information regarding which guard column is suitable for your separa-

tion column can be found in the Metrohm IC Column Program
(which is available from your Metrohm agent), the leaflet provided
along with your separation column, the product information on the
separation column at (product area Ion
Chromatography), or obtained directly from your agent.


New guard columns are filled with solution and are sealed on both
sides with stoppers or caps, respectively. Before using the guard col-
umn, you need to ensure that this solution is miscible with the eluents
used (observe manufacturer's data).


The guard column may only be installed after the initial start-up (see
chapter 3.1, page 59) of the instrument. Until then, use the coupling
(6.2744.040) instead of the guard and separation column.


Metrohm recommends, always to work with guard columns. These pro-

tect the separation column and can be exchanged regularly.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 55

2.22 Separation column ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Connecting and rinsing the guard column

1 Connecting the guard column


When inserting the guard column, always ensure that it is inserted

correctly corresponding to the flow direction (if indicated).

■ Remove sealing caps and/or stoppers from the guard column.

■ Fasten the input of the guard column to the column inlet capillary
using a short PEEK pressure screw (6.2744.070).
■ In case the guard column is mounted on the separation column
with a connecting capillary, connect the included connection
capillary, which is included with the guard column, to the output
of the guard column using the PEEK pressure screw, which is .also

2 Rinsing the guard column

■ Place beaker under the outlet capillary of the guard column.
■ Set the flow rate of the high pressure pump according to the data
given in the leaflet of the separation column.
■ Start the high pressure pump and rinse the guard column approx.
5 minutes with eluent.
■ Switch off the high pressure pump again.

2.22 Separation column

The intelligent separation column (iColumn) is the heart of the ion chro-
matographic analysis. It separates the different components correspond-
ing to their interactions with the column. Metrohm separation columns
are equipped with a chip on which their technical specifications and their
history (first use / setting up, operating hours, injections, …) are saved.


Information regarding which separation column is suitable for your

application can be found in the Metrohm IC Column Program, the
product information for your separation column at http:// in the product area ion chromatography, or
obtained directly from your agent.

56 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Installation


New separation columns are filled with solution and are sealed on both
sides with stoppers. Before using the column, you need to ensure that
this solution is miscible with the eluents used (observe manufacturer's

You can find the separation columns and guard columns currently avail-
able from Metrohm in the Metrohm IC Column Program, or in the Internet
at in the product area Ion Chromatography. A
test chromatogram and an leaflet are provided along with each column.
You can request detailed information on special IC applications in the cor-
responding "Application Bulletins" or "Application Notes", available
in the Internet at in the Applications area or via
the Metrohm agent responsible free of charge.


The separation column may only be installed after the initial start-up
(see chapter 3.1, page 59) of the instrument. Until then, use the cou-
pling (6.2744.040) instead of the guard and separation column.

Connecting and rinsing the separation column

1 Connect the separation column


When inserting the columns, always ensure that these are correctly
inserted corresponding to the flow direction indicated.

■ Remove stoppers from the separation column.

■ Attach the guard column to the input of the separation column.
Connect the input of the separation column to the outlet capillary
of the guard column, using the PEEK pressure screw (6.2744.070)
If no guard column is used (not recommended), connect the col-
umn input capillary to the input of the separation column, using a
PEEK pressure screw (6.2744.070).

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 57

2.22 Separation column ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

2 Rinsing the separation column

■ Place beaker under the outlet end of the separation column.
■ Set the flow rate of the high pressure pump according to the data
given in the leaflet of the separation column.
■ Start the high pressure pump and rinse the separation column
approx. 10 minutes with eluent.
■ Switch off the high pressure pump again.

3 Mounting the separation column

■ Fasten the column output capillary to the output of the separation
column using a PEEK pressure screw (6.2744.070).
■ Hang separation column with chip into the column holder.


The iColumns are equipped with a chip on which their operating data is
saved. The chip has to be hooked into the chip holder provided for this
so that the column recognition can function.

58 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Start-up

3 Start-up
The chapter Start-up is divided into 2 sections:
Initial start-up The initial start-up is carried out during the ini-
tial installation.
Conditioning Conditioning is carried out as a final installation
step and each time after the system is started.

3.1 Initial start-up

The initial start-up is carried out during the initial installation. The entire
system is rinsed before guard column and separation column are installed.


The separation column and guard column may not be installed for the
initial start-up.
Make sure that the coupling (6.2744.040) is being used instead of the

Perform the following steps during the initial start-up:

1 Preparing the software

■ Start the PC program MagIC Net™.
■ Open the Equilibration tab in MagIC Net™.
■ Select (or create) a suitable method.

2 Preparing the instrument

■ Ensure that the eluent aspiration tubing is immersed in the eluent
and that there is enough eluent in the eluent bottle.
■ Ensure that the aspiration tubings for the auxiliary solutions
(regeneration solution and rinsing solution) are immersed into the
respective solutions and that the is enough solution in the bottles.
■ Switch on the instrument.

3 Starting equilibration
■ In MagIC Net™, start the equilibration.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 59

3.2 Conditioning ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

4 Deaerate the high pressure pump

■ Deaerate the high pressure pump(s) via the purge valve (see chap-
ter 2.10.2, page 32).

5 Set the contact pressure of the peristaltic pump


This work step needs to be performed only if a peristaltic pump is

being used.

■ If peristaltic pumps are used, set the contact pressure (see "Set
flow rate", page 50).

6 Rinsing the instrument without columns

■ Rinse the instrument (without columns) with eluent for 5 minutes.

The instrument is now ready for the installation of the columns (see chap-
ter 2.21, page 55).

3.2 Conditioning
After the installation and after switching on the instrument, the system
must be conditioned with eluent until a stable baseline is reached.


After a change of eluent (see chapter, page 65), the condi-
tioning time can lengthen considerably.

Conditioning the system

1 Preparing the software


Ensure that the flow set is not higher than the flow permissible for
the corresponding column (see column leaflet and chip data set).

■ Start the PC program MagIC Net™.

■ Open the Equilibration tab in MagIC Net™.

60 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Start-up

■ Select (or create) a suitable method.

2 Preparing the instrument

■ Ensure that the column is correctly mounted according to the
flow direction indicated on the label (arrow must point in the
direction of flow).
■ Ensure that the eluent aspiration tubing is immersed in the eluent
and that there is enough eluent in the eluent bottle.
■ Ensure that the aspiration tubings for the auxiliary solutions
(regeneration solution and rinsing solution) are immersed into the
respective solutions and that the is enough solution in the bottles.

3 Checking leak-tightness
■ In MagIC Net™, start the equilibration.
■ Check all capillaries and their connections from the high pressure
pump to the detector for signs of liquid escaping.
If eluent escapes anywhere, tighten the corresponding pressure
screw or loosen the connection, check the end of the capillary,
shorten it with a capillary cutter if necessary, and restore the con-

4 Conditioning the system

Rinse the system with eluent until the required stability of the base-
line is attained (normally 30 minutes).
During this time, step the MSM to the next position every 10

The instrument is now ready for measuring samples.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 61

4.1 General notes ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

4 Operation and maintenance

4.1 General notes

4.1.1 Care


The instrument housing must not be opened by untrained personnel.

The instrument requires appropriate care. Excess contamination of the

instrument may result in functional disruptions and a reduction in the ser-
vice life of the sturdy mechanics and electronics.


Although this is prevented to a great extent by design measures, the

mains plug should be unplugged immediately if aggressive media has
penetrated the inside of the instrument, so as to avoid serious damage
to the instrument electronics. In such cases, the Metrohm Service must
be informed.

On the rear of the instrument, the drainage tubings must be mounted and
the leak sensor must be plugged in and activated as protection against
escaping liquids.
Spillages of chemicals and solvents should be cleaned up immediately. In
particular, the plug connections on the rear panel of the instrument (espe-
cially the mains plug) should be protected from contamination.

4.1.2 Maintenance by Metrohm Service

Maintenance of the instrument is best carried out as part of an annual ser-
vice, which is performed by specialist personnel from Metrohm. If working
frequently with caustic and corrosive chemicals, a shorter maintenance
interval is recommended. The Metrohm service department offers every
form of technical advice for maintenance and service of all Metrohm

62 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Operation and maintenance

4.1.3 Operation


In order to avoid disturbing temperature influences, the entire system

including the eluent bottle must be protected against direct sunlight.

4.1.4 Shutting down

If the instrument is not used for a longer period, the whole IC system
(except the columns) must be rinsed salt free with methanol/ultrapure
water (1:4), in order to prevent eluent salts from forming crystals which
may cause subsequent damage.

Rinsing salt free the IC system

To rinse the system, proceed as follows:

1 Remove the separation column from the eluent path. Connect the
connection capillaries directly with each other using a coupling

2 Rinse the IC system with methanol/ultrapure water (1:4) for 15


Rinse with eluent for at least 15 minutes at starting up again and before
connecting the guard column and separation column.

4.2 Capillary connections

4.2.1 Operation
All connections between injection valve, separation column and detector
must be as short as possible, have a low dead volume and be completely
leak-tight. The PEEK capillary after the detector must be free of blockages.
Only use PEEK capillaries with an internal diameter of 0.25 mm in the
high-pressure section between the high pressure pump and the detector.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 63

4.3 Door ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

4.3 Door


The door is made of PMMA (polymethylmetacrylate). It must never be

cleaned with abrasive media or solvents.


Never use the door as a handle.

4.4 Eluent
4.4.1 Production
Chemicals used for manufacturing eluents must have a purity grade of at
least "p.a.". Only ultrapure water (resistance > 18.2 MΩ*cm) may be used
for dilution (this generally applies for reagents which are used in ion chro-
Newly manufactured eluents always have to be microfiltered (0.45 µm fil-
The composition of the eluent plays a critical role in chromatographic ana-
Concentration An increase in the concentration generally leads
to shorter retention times and faster separation,
but also to a higher background conductivity sig-
pH pH changes lead to shifts in dissociation equili-
bria and thus to changes in retention times.
Organic solvents Adding an organic solvent (e.g. methanol, ace-
tone or acetonitrile) to watery eluents generally
speeds up lipophilic ions.

64 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Operation and maintenance

4.4.2 Operation Supply bottle
The supply bottle with the eluent must be connected as indicated in chap-
ter 2.8.1, page 24. This is particularly important for eluents with volatile
solvents (e.g. acetone).
Condensation in the eluent bottle must be avoided. Drop formation can
change the concentration ratio in the eluent.
In the case of very sensitive measurements, we recommend that the elu-
ent be stirred constantly with a magnetic stirrer (e. g. the 2.801.0010 with
6.2070.000). Aspiration filter

To protect the IC system from foreign particles, we recommend aspirating
the eluent via an aspiration filter (6.2821.090) (11-2). This aspiration filter
must be replaced if it takes on a yellowish discoloration, and at least every
3 months. Changing the eluent

Prevent any precipitations when changing the eluent. Immediately succes-
sive solutions must always be miscible. If the system has to be rinsed with
organic solvents, use several solvents with rising or falling lipophilicity.

4.5 High pressure pump

4.5.1 Protection


The pump head is filled ex works with methanol/ultrapure water. It

must be ensured that the eluent used is freely miscible with the solvent
remaining in the pump head.

To protect the high pressure pump against foreign particles, we recom-

mend that the eluent undergoes a microfiltration (filter 0.45 µm) before
being aspirated via a 6.2821.090 aspiration filter (see "Assembling eluent
aspiration tubing", page 24).
Salt crystals between the piston and seal cause abrasion particles which
can find their way into the eluent. These lead to contaminated valves, a
rise in pressure and in extreme cases scratched pistons. It is therefore
essential to ensure that no precipitates can occur (see chapter,
page 65).

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 65

4.5 High pressure pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


In order to spare the pump seals, the pump should not be operated dry.
Therefore ensure that the eluent supply is correctly connected and that
there is enough eluent in the eluent bottle each time before switching
on the pump.

4.5.2 Maintenance


Maintenance work on the high pressure pump may not be carried out
unless the instrument is switched off.

Pump head maintenance

An unstable baseline (pulsation, flow fluctuations) is in many cases the
result of contaminated valves (39-2), (39-3) or defective, leaking piston
seals on the high pressure pump. Proceed as follows for cleaning contami-
nated valves and/or replacing worn parts such as pistons, piston seal and
This maintenance work should be carried out at least once a year.

Removing the pump head

1 Switch off high pressure pump and wait until pressure is released.

2 Loosen the pressure screw on the inlet valve holder (16-6) and
unscrew the pump head input capillary (16-7), the coupling (16-9),
and the eluent aspiration tubing from the pump head.
In the process, eluent will spill. Hold the eluent aspiration tubing up
high and allow the eluent to flow back into the eluent bottle.

3 Unscrew the pump head outlet capillary (16-13) from the pump

4 Remove pump head from the pump housing by loosening the 4 fas-
tening screws (16-5) using the hexagon key (6.2621.030). The main
piston is on the left (viewed from the front), and the auxiliary piston
is on the right.

66 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Operation and maintenance

Cleaning/replacing the zirconium oxide piston

Clean one piston after the other as follows:

1 Removing the piston cartridge from the pump head

Loosen the piston cartridge with a wrench and unscrew from the
pump head by hand.

Figure 33 Pump head – removing the piston

1 Pump head 2 Piston cartridge

2 Dismantling the piston


On the inside of the piston cartridge there is a taut spring than can
jump out of the piston cartridge if suddenly loosing tension.
When opening the piston cartridge, hold pressure towards the
spring and unscrew carefully.

■ Loosen the screw of the piston cartridge with a wrench and

unscrew carefully by hand and by holding pressure towards the
taut spring.
■ Remove the zirconium oxide piston and lay on a tissue.
■ Remove the spring retainer, spring and the inner plastic sleeve
from the piston cartridge and lay by.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 67

4.5 High pressure pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

■ Remove the backup ring from the pump head and lay to the other

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 34 Components of the piston cartridge

1 Piston cartridge screw 2 Retaining washer

3 Zirconium oxide piston with piston 4 Spring retainer

Order number: 6.2824.070

5 Spring 6 Inner plastic sleeve

Order number: 6.2824.060 Protects from metallic abrasion.

7 Piston cartridge 8 Backup ring

3 Cleaning the components of the piston

■ Clean zirconium oxide pistons contaminated by abrasion or
deposits with fine abrasive cleaning powder, rinse particle free
with ultrapure water and dry.
Replace highly contaminated or scratched zirconium oxide pistons
(spare part: 6.2824.070 zirconium oxide piston).
■ Rinse the other parts of the piston and dry with a lint-free cloth.

4 Assembling the piston

■ Insert the inner plastic sleeve, spring and spring retainer into the
piston cartridge.
■ Slide the zirconium oxide piston carefully into the piston cartridge
until its tip emerges from the small opening of the piston car-
■ Attach screw and tighten by hand.

Replacing the piston seal

The special tool (6.2617.010) (see figure 35, page 69) is necessary to
remove the piston seal from the pump head. It consists of two parts: a tip

68 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Operation and maintenance

for removing the old piston seal and a sleeve for inserting the new piston

Figure 35 Tool for piston seal

1 Pin 2 Sleeve
Tip for removing the old piston seal. Sleeve for inserting the new piston seal.


Screwing the special tool for the piston seal (6.2617.010) into the pis-
ton seal destroys this completely!

1 Removing the piston seal


Avoid touching the sealing surface in the pump head (16-4) with
the tool.

Screw the special tool for the piston seal (35-1) with the narrow side
just as far into the piston seal as the same can be removed.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 69

4.5 High pressure pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Figure 36 Removing the piston seal

1 Piston seal 2 Tool for piston seal

Pin of the tool.

2 Inserting the new piston seal into the tool

Insert the new piston seal tightly by hand into the recess of the
sleeve of the tool for the piston seal (35-2). The sealing springs must
be visible from the outside.

Figure 37 Inserting the piston seal into the tool

1 Tool for piston seal (6.2617.010) 2 Piston seal

Sleeve for inserting the new piston seal. Order number: 6.2741.020

3 Inserting the new piston seal into the pump head

Guide the sleeve of the tool for the piston seal (35-2) with inserted
piston seal into the pump head and press the seal with the wide end
of the tool for the piston seal (35-1) into the pump head recess.

70 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Operation and maintenance

Figure 38 Inserting the piston seal into the pump head

4 Replacing the piston cartridge

Screw the assembled piston cartridge back into the pump head and
tighten, first by hand, then additionally by approx. 15° with a

Cleaning the inlet valve and outlet valve

1 Removing valves
■ Unscrew the connection capillary for the auxiliary piston (16-1)
from the outlet valve holder.
■ Unscrew the holders for the inlet and outlet valves and remove
the valves (39-3) and (39-2).

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 71

4.5 High pressure pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


Figure 39 Removing valves

1 Outlet valve holder 2 Outlet valve

Order number: 6.2824.160

3 Inlet valve 4 Inlet valve holder

Order number: 6.2824.170

2 Cleaning undissected valve

Clean contaminated or blocked valves initially without dismantling
them completely.
■ Rinse the valve in eluent flow and counterflow direction using a
spray bottle filled with ultrapure water, RBS solution or acetone.
■ The rinsing effect is further increased through a short treatment
(lasting for a maximum of 20 s) in an ultrasonic bath.


Longer lasting ultrasonic baths can damage the ruby ball of the

Only if this cleaning is useless, dismantle the valves separately and

clean the components.

3 Dismantling valve
Dismantle every valve separately.


For dismantling the valve the tool for valve cartridges (6.2617.020)
is required.

72 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Operation and maintenance

■ Place the valve with the seal faced downwards above the recess in
the holder.
■ Push the valve components out of the valve housing using the
needle of the tool.

Figure 40 Dismantling valve

1 Needle 2 valve
For pushing the valve components out of
the valve housing.

3 Recess 4 Holder
For collecting the valve components.

The components of the valve are collected in the recess of the holder.


The components of the valve are very small. In order not to lose
them, put the components into a dish.

■ The inlet valve and the outlet valve consist of the same, just differ-
ently arranged components (see figure 41, page 74).

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 73

4.5 High pressure pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

1 2

3 4

5 5

6 6

7 9

8 8

9 7

10 10
Figure 41 Components of the inlet valve and outlet valve

1 Inlet valve (6.2824.170) 2 Outlet valve (6.2824.160)

3 Inlet valve housing 4 Outlet valve housing

5 Sealing ring (black) 6 Sleeve

7 Sapphire sleeve 8 Ruby ball

The shiny side must point to ruby ball.

9 Ceramic holder for ruby ball 10 Seal

The larger opening must point outwards.

4 Cleaning the components of the valve

Rinse the valve components with ultrapure water and/or acetone and
dry with a lint-free cloth.

5 Reassembling the valve

Reassemble valve components according to figure 41, page 74.
■ Insert the seal with the larger opening faced downwards into the
recess of the tool.
■ Lay the other valve components above another in the correct
sequence (see figure 41, page 74).

74 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Operation and maintenance

■ Place over the valve housing and hold it tightly.

■ By tilting the tool, the valve components slide into the valve hous-
■ Press the seal by hand well on the valve housing.

6 Checking the flow direction

Rinse the valve in the direction of the arrow on the valve housing and
check wether liquid is escaping on the other end.
If this is not the case, the valve has to be dismantled again and be
reassembled correctly (see figure 41, page 74).

7 Inserting the valves back into the pump head


If by mistake, the inlet valve is mounted instead of the outlet valve,

an extreme pressure builds up within the working cylinder, which
can destroy the piston seal!
When inserting the valves, please take into account that the liquid
is being pumped through the pump head from bottom to top.

■ Insert the inlet valve into the inlet valve holder the way the seal is
■ Screw the inlet valve holder into the bottom of the pump head
and tighten with a wrench (39-4).
■ Insert the outlet valve into the outlet valve holder the way the seal
is visible.
■ Screw the outlet valve holder into the top of the pump head and
tighten with a wrench (39-1).

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 75

4.6 Inline filter ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Mounting the pump head


To prevent the pump head from being positioned the wrong way, it is
provided with different bore hole depths for the fastening bolts, i. e. a
fastening bolt is longer than all others. The bore hole with the greatest
depth must therefore be assigned to the longest bolt. If this is not the
case, the pump will not function perfectly.

1 Mount the pump head on the pump again using the four fastening
screws (16-5). Firmly tighten the screws with the hexagon key

2 Screw connection capillaries (16-1), (16-7) and (16-13) onto the

pump head again.

4.6 Inline filter

4.6.1 Maintenance
The inline filter (6.2821.120) comprises the filter housing (42-2), the filter
screw (42-4) and the filter (42-3). New filters (42-3) are available under
the order number 6.2821.130 (10 items).
The filters (6.2821.130) (42-3) should be changed every 3 months (more
frequently at higher backpressure).

5 1 2 3 4 1 5
Figure 42 Change filters (of the inline filter)

1 PEEK pressure screws, short 2 Filter housing

(6.2744.070) Housing of the inline filter. Part of the
6.2821.120 accessories.

3 Filter (6.2821.130) 4 Filter housing

Packaging contains 10 items. Screw of the inline filter. Part of the
6.2821.120 accessories.

5 Connection capillaries

76 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Operation and maintenance

Changing the filter

The flow must be stopped before changing the filter.

1 Removing the inline filter

■ Unscrew the pressure screws (42-1) from the inline filter.

2 Unscrewing the filter screw

■ Screw the filter screw (42-4) out of the filter housing (42-2) with
the aid of two adjustable wrenches (6.2621.000).

3 Inserting the filter

■ Remove the old filter (42-3) using tweezers.
■ Place the new filter (42-3) flat in the filter housing (42-2) using

4 Mounting filter screw

■ Screw the filter screw (42-4) back into the filter housing (42-2)
and tighten by hand. Then additionally tighten slightly with two
adjustable wrenches (6.2621.000).

5 Remounting the inline filter

■ Screw pressure screws (42-1) back onto the inline filter.

6 Rinsing the inline filter

■ Dismantle the guard column (if present) and the separation col-
umn and replace with a coupling (6.2744.040).
■ Rinse the instrument with eluent.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 77

4.7 Inline sample preparation ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

4.7 Inline sample preparation

To protect the separation column (see chapter 2.22, page 56) against for-
eign particles which can affect the separating efficiency, we recommend
that all samples undergo a microfiltration (filter 0.45 µm). The ultrafiltra-
tion cell can be used for filtration (see manual of the IC Equipment for
Samples containing significant amounts of gas should be degassed. The
sample degasser (see chapter 2.13, page 36) is used for degassing.
Matrix-loaded samples (e.g. blood, oil) should be prepared for the mea-
surement by means of dialysis (see manual on the IC Equipment for Dialy-
If the concentration of the sample is too high, the sample should be
diluted before feeding (see documentation on the IC Equipment for Sam-
ple Dilution).
For the sample preparation methods Neutralization (replacement of e.g.
Na+ with H+) and cation exchange (replacement of e.g. heavy metals
with H+), a sample preparation module (SPM) is used.
For an overview of all Metrohm inline sample preparation methods go to
the following website:

4.8 Rinsing the sample path

Before a new sample can be measured, the sample path must be rinsed
with it so that the measuring result is not falsified by the previous sample
(Sample carry-over).
In the case of automated sample feeding, the rinsing time should be at
least 3 times the transfer time.
The transfer time is the time required by the sample to flow from the sam-
ple vessel to the end of the sample loop. The transfer time depends on the
pump capacity of the peristaltic pump or the Dosino used, the total capil-
lary volume and the volume of the gas removed by the sample degasser (if
used) - in other words the amount of gas in the sample.

78 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Operation and maintenance

Ascertaining the transfer time

To ascertain the transfer time, proceed as follows:

1 Emptying the sample path

Pump air through the sample path (pump tubing, tubing connec-
tions, capillary in the degasser, sample loop) for several minutes until
all liquid is displaced by the air.

2 Aspirating the sample and measuring time

Aspirate a sample typical for the later application and use a stop
watch to measure the time required by the sample to travel from the
sample vessel to the end of the sample loop.
The time measured corresponds to the "transfer time". The rinsing
time should be at least 3 times the transfer time.

Checking the rinsing time

It is possible to determine whether the rinsing time is adequate via a direct

measurement of the sample carry-over. Proceed as follows:

1 Preparing two samples

■ Sample A: A typical sample for the application.
■ Sample sample B: Ultrapure water.

2 Determining "Sample A"

Let "Sample A" pass through the sample path for the duration of the
rinsing time, then inject and measure.

3 Determining "Sample B"

Let "Sample B" pass through the sample path for the duration of the
rinsing time, then inject and measure.

4 Calculating the sample carry-over

The degree of the sample carry-over corresponds to the ratio of the
peak areas of the measurement for sample B to the measurement for
sample A. The lower the ratio, the lower the sample carry-over. This
ratio can be modified by varying the rinsing time – thus allowing the
rinsing time required for the application to be ascertained.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 79

4.9 Sample degasser ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

4.9 Sample degasser

4.9.1 Operation
If you are working with sample degassing, the longer "transfer time" (see
Ascertaining the transfer time, page 79) means that it is also necessary to
rinse for longer (with the subsequent sample). The rinsing time should be
at least 3 times the "transfer time" so as to minimize the carry-over
effects. The "transfer time" depends on the pump capacity, the total capil-
lary volume and the volume of the removed gas (i.e. the gas amount in
the sample).


The rinsing time increases by at least 2 minutes when the sample

degasser is used.

4.10 Injection valve

4.10.1 Protection
To prevent contamination of the injection valve, a 6.2821.120 inline filter
(see chapter 2.11, page 34) should be mounted between the high pres-
sure pump and the pulsation damper.

4.11 Metrohm Suppressor Module (MSM)

4.11.1 Protection
To protect the MSM against foreign particles or bacterial growth, a pump
tubing connection with filter must be mounted between the peristaltic
pump (see chapter 2.17, page 46) and the input capillaries of the MSM
(see figure 28, page 48).

4.11.2 Operation


The suppressor units must never be regenerated in the same flow direc-
tion in which the eluent is pumped. Therefore always mount the input
and output capillaries according to diagram outlined in Figure 25, Page

The MSM consists of 3 suppressor units, which are used for suppression,
regenerated with sulfuric acid or rinsed with ultra pure water in rotation.

80 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Operation and maintenance

In order to record every new chromatogram under comparable conditions,

you should normally work with a freshly regenerated suppressor.


The MSM must never be switched over in a dry state, as there is a risk
of jamming. If the MSM is in a dry state, the MSM must be rinsed for at
least 5 minutes before it may be switched over.


In the case of reduced capacity or high backpressure, the MSM must be

regenerated (see chapter, page 81), cleaned (see chapter, page 82) or replaced (see chapter, page 85).

4.11.3 Maintenance Regenerating the MSM
If the suppressor units are loaded for a longer period with certain heavy
metals (e.g. iron) or organic impurities, these can no longer be completely
removed with the regeneration solution (50 mmol/L H2SO4) normally used.
The capacity of the suppressor units is consequently affected, which can
result in reduced phosphate sensitivity in less serious cases and a signifi-
cant rise in the baseline in more serious cases. If such capacity problems
occur at one or more positions, the suppressor units must be regenerated:

Regenerating the MSM

Regenerate the MSM as follows:

1 Disconnecting the MSM from the IC system

■ Disconnect the MSM from the separation column and detector.

2 Regenerating the MSM


The pump tubing made of PVC must not be used for rinsing with
solutions containing organic solvents. In this case, other pump
tubing must be used for rinsing.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 81

4.11 Metrohm Suppressor Module (MSM) ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


The high pressure pump can be used for regeneration. For this,
remove the guard column and separation column and connect the
capillary directly to the MSM (regenerate in opposite direction).

■ Rinse the 3 suppressor units with the following solutions for

about 15 minutes each:
– Contamination with heavy metals:
1 mol/L H2SO4 + 0.1 mol/L oxalic acid
– Contamination with organic cationic complexing
0.1 mol/L H2SO4 / 0.1 mol/L oxalic acid / acetone 5%
– Severe contamination with organic substances:
0.2 mol/L H2SO4 / acetone≥ 20%

3 Connecting the MSM to the IC system

■ Reconnect the MSM to the IC system. If the capacity problems
remain, MSM rotor A must be replaced (see chapter,
page 85). Cleaning the MSM

It may be necessary to clean the MSM in the following cases:
■ Increased backpressure onto the output capillaries of the MSM.
■ Blockage of the MSM which cannot be eliminated (solutions can no
longer be pumped through the MSM).
■ Jamming of the MSM which cannot be eliminated (MSM can no longer
be switched over).

82 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Operation and maintenance

1 2 3 4

Figure 43 MSM – Components

1 Union nut 2 MSM connecting piece 6.2832.010

3 MSM rotor A 6.2832.000 4 MSM housing

5 Slot in the MSM housing

Cleaning the MSM

Clean the MSM as follows:

1 Disconnecting the MSM from the IC system

■ Switch off the instrument.
■ Disconnect the MSM from the separation column, peristaltic
pump and detector.

2 Dismantling the MSM

■ Unscrew union nut (43-1) from the MSM housing (43-4).
■ Pull MSM connecting piece (43-2) and MSM rotor A (43-3) out of
the MSM housing (43-4). The MSM connecting piece and MSM
rotor A normally stick to one another - if this is not the case: Take
a sharp object, insert into the slot (43-5) in the MSM housing,
and pull out MSM rotor A (43-3) in this way.
■ Detach the MSM connecting piece (43-2) from MSM rotor A

3 Cleaning the supply and discharge lines

■ Connect in turn each of the 6 capillary tubings fastened on the
MSM connecting piece (43-2) on the high pressure pump (see
chapter 2.10, page 30) and pump through ultra pure water.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 83

4.11 Metrohm Suppressor Module (MSM) ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

■ Check whether solution emerges at the MSM connecting piece

(43-2). If one of the supply or discharge lines remained blocked,
the SPM connecting piece (43-2) must be replaced (order number

4 Cleaning the MSM rotor A

■ Clean sealing surface of the MSM rotor A (43-3) with ethanol
using a lint-free cloth.

5 Inserting the MSM rotor A


An incorrectly inserted MSM rotor A (43-3) can be destroyed dur-

ing start-up.

■ Insert the MSM rotor A (43-3) into the MSM housing (43-4) in
such a way that the tubing connections on the rear of MSM rotor
A fit into the corresponding recesses inside the MSM housing and
one of the three holes of the MSM rotor A is visible from below in
the slot of the MSM housing (43-5).
■ If the MSM rotor A (43-3) is correctly inserted, its sealing area will
be approx. 4 mm within the MSM housing (43-4). If this is not the
case, MSM rotor A must be moved into the right position from
below using a sharp object (e.g. screwdriver).

6 Cleaning the MSM connecting piece

■ Clean sealing surface of the MSM connecting piece (43-2) with
ethanol using a lint-free cloth.

7 Inserting the MSM connecting piece

■ Insert the MSM conencting piece (43-2) into the MSM housing
(43-4) in such a way that the connector 1 is on top and the three
pins of the MSM connecting piece fit into the corresponding
recesses on the MSM housing (43-4).

8 Connecting and conditioning the MSM

■ Reconnect the MSM to the IC system.
■ Before switching the MSM over for the first time, rinse the three
suppressor units with solution for 5 minutes.

84 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Operation and maintenance Replacing parts of the MSM

It may be necessary to replace parts of the MSM in the following cases:
■ Loss of suppression capacity which cannot be eliminated (reduced
phosphate sensitivity and/or significant rise in the baseline).
■ Blockage of the MSM which cannot be eliminated (solutions can no
longer be pumped through the suppressor).
Both the MSM rotor A (43-3) and the MSM connecting piece (43-2) with
its supply and discharge lines can be replaced.

Replacing parts of the MSM

Replace parts of the MSM as follows (see figure 43, page 83):

1 Disconnecting the MSM from the IC system

■ Switch off the instrument.
■ Disconnect the MSM from the separation column, peristaltic
pump and detector.

2 Dismantling the MSM

■ Unscrew union nut (43-1) from the MSM housing (43-4).
■ Pull MSM connecting piece (43-2) and MSM rotor A (43-3) out of
the MSM housing (43-4). The MSM connecting piece and MSM
rotor A normally stick to one another - if this is not the case: Take
a sharp object, insert into the slot (43-5) in the MSM housing,
and pull out MSM rotor A (43-3) in this way.
■ Detach the MSM connecting piece (43-2) from MSM rotor A

3 Cleaning the new MSM rotor A

■ Clean the sealing surface of the new MSM rotor A (43-3) with
ethanol using a lint-free cloth.

4 Inserting the new MSM rotor A


An incorrectly inserted MSM rotor A (43-3) can be destroyed dur-

ing start-up.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 85

4.12 Peristaltic pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

■ Insert the new MSM rotor A (43-3) in the MSM housing (43-4) in
such a way that the tubing connections on the rear of MSM rotor
A fit into the corresponding recesses inside the MSM housing and
one of the three holes of MSM rotor A is visible from below in the
slot (43-5) of the MSM housing.
■ If the MSM rotor A (43-3) is correctly inserted, its sealing area will
be approx. 4 mm within the MSM housing (43-4). If this is not the
case, MSM rotor A must be moved into the right position from
below using a sharp object (e.g. screwdriver).

5 Cleaning the MSM connecting piece

■ Clean the sealing surface of the MSM connecting piece (43-2)
with ethanol using a lint-free cloth.

6 Inserting the new MSM connecting piece

■ Insert the MSM conencting piece (43-2) into the MSM housing
(43-4) in such a way that the connector 1 is on top and the three
pins of the MSM connecting piece fit into the corresponding
recesses on the MSM housing (43-4).

7 Connecting and conditioning the MSM

■ Reconnect the MSM to the IC system.
■ Before switching the MSM over for the first time, rinse the three
suppressor units with solution for 5 minutes.

4.12 Peristaltic pump

4.12.1 Operation
The pumping capacity of the peristaltic pump depends on the drive speed
(set via software), the contact pressure and, above all, the internal diame-
ter of the pump tubing. Depending on the application, different pump
tubings are used.


The service life of the pump tubings also depends on the contact pres-
sure. Therefore fully lift the tubing cartridges by loosening the snap-
action lever (27-10) on the right-hand side if the peristaltic pump is to
be turned off for a longer period. Once set, the contact pressure
remains unaffected.

86 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Operation and maintenance


The pump tubings consist of PVC or PP and therefore must

not be used for rinsing with solutions containing acetone. In this case,
use other pump tubings or use another pump for rinsing.

4.12.2 Maintenance Pump tubings
Pump tubings used for the peristaltic pump are consumables with a lim-
ited lifetime.
LFL pump tubings with three stoppers are inserted into the tubing car-
tridge in such a way that the cartridge is located between two stoppers.
This results in two possible positions for the tubing cartridge. If the pump
tubing was to show pronounced signs of wear, you can insert it a second
time in the other position.
Replace the pump tubings periodically, approx. every four weeks if used

Pump tubing selection

Pump tubing can differ in terms of material, diameter and thus flow rate.
Different pump tubing is used depending on the application.
The following table shows the properties and areas of application of the
pump tubings:

Table 2 Pump tubings

Order Name Material Inner Use
number diameter
6.1826.020 Pump tubing (blue/ PVC 1.65 mm Pump tubing for online IC
blue), 2 stoppers (Tygon® ST) instruments and automa-
tion in voltammetry.
6.1826.310 Pump tubing LFL PVC 0.38 mm Pump tubing for bromate
(orange/green), 3 (Tygon®) determination using the
stoppers triiodide method.
6.1826.320 Pump tubing LFL PVC 0.48 mm For acceptor solutions for
(orange/yellow), 3 (Tygon®) Inline Dialysis and for Inline
stoppers Ultrafiltration.
6.1826.330 Pump tubing LFL PVC 0.64 mm No special applications.
(orange/white), 3 (Tygon®)

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 87

4.12 Peristaltic pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Order Name Material Inner Use

number diameter
6.1826.340 Pump tubing LFL PVC 0.76 mm For sample solution in
(black/black), 3 stop- (Tygon®) Inline Dialysis.
6.1826.360 Pump tubing LFL PVC 1.02 mm For sample transfer.
(white/white), 3 stop- (Tygon®)
6.1826.380 Pump tubing LFL PVC 1.25 mm For Inline Dilution.
(gray/gray), 3 stoppers (Tygon®)
6.1826.390 Pump tubing LFL (yel- PVC 1.37 mm For sample solution in
low/yellow), 3 stop- (Tygon®) Inline Ultrafiltration.
pers Pump tubing connection with filter

The 6.2821.130 filters (44-2) should be changed every 3 months, more
frequently at higher backpressure.
1 2 3

Figure 44 Pump tubing connection – Changing the filter

1 Tubing olive 2 Filter 6.2821.130

Packaging contains 10 items.

3 Filter housing

Replacing the filter

1 Unscrewing filter screw

■ Screw the filter screw (44-3) out of the tubing olive (44-1) with
the aid of two 6.2621.000 adjustable wrenches.

2 Replacing the filter

■ Remove the old filter (44-2) with tweezers.
■ Place the new filter (44-2) flat in the tubing olive (44-1) with

88 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Operation and maintenance

3 Mounting filter screw

■ Screw the filter screw (44-3) back into the tubing olive (44-1) and
tighten by hand. Then additionally tighten with two 6.2621.000
adjustable wrenches.

4.13 Servicing the detector

Follow the maintenance instructions in the the detector's manual.

4.14 Separation column

4.14.1 Separating efficiency
Which analysis quality can be attained, depends to a great extent on the
separating efficiency of the separation column used. The separating effi-
ciency of the selected separation column must be sufficient for the analy-
sis problems present. If difficulties occur, you should always first check the
quality of the separation column by recording a standard chromatogram.
You can find detailed information on the separation columns available
from Metrohm in the leaflet provided along with your separation column,
in the Metrohm IC-Column Program (available via your Metrohm
agent) or in the Internet at in the product area
Ion chromatography. You can request free information on special IC appli-
cations in the corresponding "Application Bulletins" or "Application
Notes", which are available in the Internet at
in the Applications area or via the Metrohm agent responsible.

4.14.2 Protection
To protect the separation column against foreign particles, which can
affect the separating efficiency, we recommend that both the eluent and
the samples undergo a microfiltration (filter 0.45 µm) before being aspira-
ted via the aspiration filter (6.2821.090).
We recommend always to use a guard column (see chapter 2.21, page
55). This protects the separation column and considerably increases its ser-
vice life. Information regarding which guard column is suitable for your
separation column can be found in the Metrohm IC Column Program
(which is available from your Metrohm agent), the leaflet provided along
with your separation column, the product information on the separation
column at (product area Ion Chromatography)
or obtained directly from your agent.
The pulsation absorber (see chapter 2.12, page 35) must be installed in
order to protect the column material from pressure concussion caused by

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 89

4.14 Separation column ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

4.14.3 Storage
Always store the separation columns sealed and filled according to the
data of the column manufacturer when not using them.

4.14.4 Regeneration


The regeneration is considered as the last measure, and not to be car-

ried out regularly.

If the separating properties of the column have deteriorated, the column

can be regenerated according to the specifications of the column manu-
facturer. In the case of separation columns available from Metrohm, the
specification for regeneration can be found on the leaflet provided along
with each column.

90 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 5 Troubleshooting

5 Troubleshooting
5.1 Problems and their solutions
Problem Cause Remedy
Marked drop in Leak in the system. Check all capillary connections and seal leaks,
pressure. if necessary (see chapter 2.5, page 13).

The baseline has a High pressure pump – con- Clean pump valves (see chapter 4.5.2, page
large amount of taminated pump valves. 66).
Eluent – Leakage in eluent Check eluent path.

Eluent – Blockage in eluent Check eluent path.


High pressure pump – Replace (see chapter 4.5.2, page 66) piston
defective piston seals. seals .

Pulsation damper not con- Connect the pulsation damper (see Chapter
nected. 2.12, Page 35).

Pulsation absorber not Connect pulsation absorber (see chapter 2.12,

connected. or defective. page 35). or replace it.

The baseline is drift- Thermal equilibrium not yet Condition instrument with the column thermo-
ing. attained. stat (see Chapter 2.15, Page 40) switched on .

Leak in the system. Check all capillary connections and seal leaks,
if necessary (see chapter 2.5, page 13).

Eluent – Evaporation of ■ Check the eluent bottle cap (see figure 12,
organic solvent in eluent. page 26).
■ Stir the eluent.

The pressure in the Inline filter (6.2821.120) Replace the filter (6.2821.130) (see chapter
system markedly blocked. 4.6, page 76).
MSM – blocked. ■ Regenerate the MSM (see chapter, page 81).

Note: 6.2821.180 pump tubing connection

with filter must be used (28-3).

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 91

5.1 Problems and their solutions ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Problem Cause Remedy

The conductivity detector is ■ Shorten the capillary ends by a few millime-
blocked. ters .
■ Rinse the detector opposite the normal
flow direction .

Guard column – blocked. Replace guard column (see chapter 2.21, page

Separation column – ■ Regenerate separation column (see chapter

blocked. 4.14.4, page 90).
■ Replace separation column (see "Connect-
ing and rinsing the separation column",
page 57).

Note: Samples should always be microfiltered

(see chapter 4.7, page 78).

Injection valve – valve Have the valve cleaned (by Metrohm service
blocked. technicians).

The retention times Separation column – ■ Regenerate separation column (see chapter
in the chromato- diminished separating effi- 4.14.4, page 90).
gram have changed ciency. ■ Replace separation column (see "Connect-
unexpectedly. ing and rinsing the separation column",
page 57).

Eluent – Gas bubbles in ■ Check the connectors of the eluent degas-

eluent. ser (see chapter 2.9, page 28).
■ Deaerate high-pressure pump (see chapter
2.10.2, page 32).

High pressure pump – Request Metrohm Service.


Peak areas are lower Sample – leak in the sam- Check the sample path.
than expected. ple path.

Sample – blockage in the Check the sample path.

sample path.

Sample – sample loop not Prolong the sample transfer time.

(completely) filled.

Sample – gas bubbles in Use sample degasser (see chapter 2.13, page
the sample. 36).

The peristaltic pump Peristaltic pump – contact Correctly set contact pressure (see "Set flow
is pumping too little. pressure too weak. rate", page 50).

92 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 5 Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Remedy

Peristaltic pump – filter Replace the filter (see chapter, page
blocked. 88).

Peristaltic pump – pump Replace pump tubing (see chapter,

tubing defective. page 87).

Data of the separa- Column chip contami- Clean the contact surfaces of the column chip
tion column cannot nated. (with alcohol).
be read.
Column chip defective. 1. Save column configuration in MagIC Net™.
2. Notify Metrohm Service.

Individual peaks are Sample – carry-over of the Rinse system longer between two samples.
greater than samples from previous
expected. measurement.

MSM – No (or insuf- Leak in the system. Check connections.

ficient) pumping of
regeneration or rins- Peristaltic pump – contact Correctly set contact pressure (see "Set flow
ing solution pressure too weak. rate", page 50).

Peristaltic pump – filter Replace the filter (see "Replacing the filter",
blocked (see figure 28, page 88).
page 48).

MSM – backpressure too Clean the MSM (see chapter, page
high. 82) or replace parts (see chapter,
page 85).

Peristaltic pump – pump Replace pump tubing (see figure 27, page 47).
tubing defective.

The background MSM – not connected. Connect the MSM (see chapter 2.16, page
conductivity is too 43).
Wrong eluent. Change the eluent (see chapter, page

MSM – regeneration or Check the flow of the regeneration and rinsing

rinsing solution flow prob- solution (see chapter 2.16.2, page 43).

The retention times Eluent – Leakage in eluent Check eluent path.

are poorly reprodu- path.
Eluent – Blockage in eluent Check eluent path.

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 93

5.1 Problems and their solutions ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Problem Cause Remedy

Eluent – Gas bubbles in ■ Check the connectors of the eluent degas-
eluent. ser (see chapter 2.9, page 28).
■ Deaerate high-pressure pump (see chapter
2.10.2, page 32).

Chromatograms Separation column – ■ Regenerate separation column (see chapter

have poor resolution diminished separating effi- 4.14.4, page 90).
ciency. ■ Replace separation column (see "Connect-
ing and rinsing the separation column",
page 57).

Conductivity detec- No connection to the ■ Check the cable connection (31-1).

tor is not recognized detector. ■ Switch the instrument off and (after 15 sec-
in the software onds) on again.

Extreme spread of Capillary connections – Check connections (see chapter 2.5, page 13)
the peaks in the dead volume in the system. (use PEEK capillaries with an internal diameter
chromatogram. of 0.25 mm between the injection valve and
Splitting (dual detector).
Guard column – diminished ■ Replace guard column (see chapter 2.21,
performance. page 55).

Separation column – dead ■ Install the separation column in reverse

volume at column head. flow direction (if permitted by the leaflet)
and rinse into a beaker.
■ Replace separation column (see "Connect-
ing and rinsing the separation column",
page 57).

Greater rise in the MSM – reduced capacity. Regenerate the MSM (see chapter,
baseline page 81).

Precision problems - Sample – gas bubbles in Use sample degasser (see chapter 2.13, page
the measured values the sample. 36).
are highly scattered.
Injection valve – sample Check installation of the sample loop (see
loop. chapter 2.14.1, page 38).

Sample – rinsing volume Increase rinsing time (see chapter 4.8, page
too low. 78).

Injection valve – defective. Request Metrohm Service.

94 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 5 Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Remedy

Vacuum is not being Eluent degasser – Vacuum ■ Seal the Vacuum connector tightly with a
built connector on the rear of threaded stopper (6.1446.040).
the instrument not (tightly)

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 95

6.1 Reference conditions ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

6 Technical specifications

6.1 Reference conditions

The technical specifications listed in this chapter refers to the following
reference conditions:
Ambient tempera- +25 °C (±3 °C)
Instrument status > 40 minutes in operation (equilibrated)

6.2 Device
IC system ■ Metal-free IC system
■ Compact system with modular design
■ Up to two complete chromatographic systems in one housing
Material Painted polyurethane hard foam without CFCs, fire class V0
Operating pres- ■ 0…50 MPa (500 bar) high pressure pump
sure range ■ 0…35 MPa (350 bar) standard-PEEK system
Intelligent com- iPump, iDetector, iColumn, MagIC Net

6.3 Leak sensor

Type Electronic, no calibration necessary

6.4 Ambient conditions

Ambient tem- +5…+45 °C
Humidity 20…80 % relative humidity

Ambient tem- –20…+70 °C

Ambient tem- –40…+70 °C

96 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 6 Technical specifications

6.5 Housing
Width 365 mm
Height 642 mm
Depth 380 mm

Material of base Polyurethane hard foam (PUR) with flame retardation for fire class V0,
tray, housing and CFC-free, painted
flask holder
Operating ele-
Indicators LED for power display
On/Off switch On the rear of the instrument

6.6 Eluent degasser

Material Fluoropolymer
Resistance to sol- No restriction (except PFC)
Time to establish < 60 s

6.7 High pressure pump

Type ■ Serial dual-piston pump
■ Intelligent pump head recognition
■ Chemically inert
■ Metal-free pump heads
■ Materials in contact with the eluent: PEEK, ZrO2, PTFE/PE
■ Self-optimizing flow and pressure
Flow rate
Adjustable flow 0.001…20.0 mL/min
Flow increment 1 µL/min
Reproducibility < 0.1 % deviation
of the eluent

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 97

6.8 Sample degasser ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Pressure range
Pump 0…50.0 MPa (0…500 bar)
Pump head 0…35.0 MPa (0…350 bar) (applies for the standard PEEK pump head)
Residual pulsa- <1%

Safety shutdown
Function Automatic shutdown upon reaching the pressure limit values
Maximum pres- ■ Adjustable from 0.1…50 MPa (1…500 bar)
sure limit ■ The pump is automatically shut down at the first piston stroke
above the maximum limit value
Minimum pres- ■ Adjustable from 0…49 MPa (0…490 bar)
sure limit ■ The shutdown mechanism is inactive at 0 MPa
■ The shutdown mechanism only becomes active 2 minutes after sys-
tem start
■ The pump is automatically shut down after 3 piston strokes below
the minimum pressure limit

Gradient capacity Isocratic or gradient (extendable to quaternary)

Profile Step, linear, convex and concave
Resolution < 1 nL/min flow increments

6.8 Sample degasser

Material Fluoropolymer
Resistance to sol- No restriction (except PFC)
Time to establish < 60 s

6.9 Injection valve

Actuator time typ.100 ms
Max. operating 35 MPa (350 bar)
Material PEEK

98 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 6 Technical specifications

6.10 Column thermostat

Type Peltier technique thermostat for two intelligent separation columns
Adjustable tem- 0…+ 80 °C, in increments of 0.1 °C
perature range
Heating Ambient temperature +50 °C
Cooling Ambient temperature –20 °C

Temperature ± 0.2 °C
Stability < 0.05 °C
Heating up time < 30 minutes from 20 to 50 °C
Cooling time < 40 minutes from 50 to 20 °C

6.11 Metrohm Suppressor Module (MSM)

Resistance to sol- No restriction
Switching duration typ.100 ms
Operating pres- 2.5 MPa (25 bar), valve function prevents damage at overpressure

6.12 Peristaltic pump

Type 2-channel peristaltic pump
Rotating direction Counterclockwise/Clockwise rotation
Rotational speed 0…42 rpm in 7 stages at 6 rpm.
Pumping proper- 0.3 mL/min at 18 rpm; with 6.1826.320 standard pump tubing.
Material of pump recommended: Tygon Long Flex Life

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 99

6.13 Detector ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

6.13 Detector
You can find the technical specifications for the detector in the manual for
the detector.

6.14 Power connection

Required supply 100 - 240 V ± 10% (autosensing)
Required fre- 50 - 60 Hz ± 3 Hz (autosensing)
Power consump- ■ 65 W for typical analysis application
tion ■ 25 W standby (conductivity detector to 40 °C)
Power supply unit ■ Up to 300 W maximum, electronically monitored
■ Internal fuse 3.15 A

6.15 Interfaces
Entry 1 USB upstream, type B (for connection to the PC)
Exit 2 USB downstream, type A

MSB 2 MSB 8-pin Mini DIN (female) (for Dosino, stirrer, remote lines, etc.)


When connecting an instrument to the MSB connector you must

switch off the 850 Professional IC .

Detector 2 15-pin high-density DSUB (female)

Column recogni- 3 (including 2 in the column thermostat (see chapter 2.15, page 40))
Leak sensor 1 jack plug
Further connec- ■ 1 15-pin DSUB (female)

100 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 6 Technical specifications

6.16 Weight
1.850.2010 28.3 kg (without accessories)
1.850.9010 (con- 2.3 kg (with accessories)
ductivity detector)
Transport carriage 1.8 kg
(rollers and han-

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 101


7 Accessories
Up-to-date information on the scope of delivery and optional accessories
for your product can be found on the Internet. You can download this
information using the article number as follows:

Downloading the accessories list

1 Enter into your Internet browser.

2 Enter the article number (e.g. 2.850.2010) into the search field.
The search result is displayed.

3 Click on the product.

Detailed information regarding the product is shown on various tabs.

4 On the Included parts tab, click on Download the PDF.

The PDF file with the accessories data is created.


Once you have received your new product, we recommend download-

ing the accessories list from the Internet, printing it out and keeping it
together with the manual for reference purposes.

102 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Index

(6.2821.130) Filter .................... 76 D Flow rate .................................. 97
6.2821.090 aspiration filter ...... 65 Deaerating Frequency .............................. 100
High pressure pump ........... 32
A Purge valve ......................... 30 G
Ambient conditions .................. 96 Degasser Gas .................................... 28, 36
Aspiration filter 6.2821.090 ...... 65 Eluent degasser .................. 28 Guard column
Aspiration tubing for eluent ...... 24 Sample degasser ................. 36 Installation ......................... 55
Degassing Rinsing ............................... 56
B Eluent ................................. 28
Baseline Detector H
Conditioning ...................... 61 Cable connector ................. 18 Handle ..................................... 15
Unstable ............................. 66 Conductivity detector ......... 51 Heating
Blood ....................................... 78 Interface ........................... 100 see also "Column thermostat"
Positioning ......................... 18 ........................................... 40
C Diagram ................................... 10 Heavy metals
Cable feed-throughs ................. 21 Dilution .................................... 78 Contamination of the MSM 81
Capillaries Dimensions .............................. 97 High pressure pump
Installation ......................... 13 Door ........................................ 64 Installation ......................... 30
Capillary feed-throughs ............. 21 Drainage tubings Maintenance ...................... 65
Carry-over ................................ 78 Installation ......................... 19 Protection .................... 18, 65
Cleaning Technical specifications ....... 97
MSM .................................. 83 E Tubing connection .............. 30
Valves of the high pressure Electrostatic charge .................... 7 Valves ................................. 74
pump ................................. 71 Eluent Housing ................................... 97
Column Aspirate .............................. 24 Humidity .................................. 96
see also "Separation column" Change .............................. 65
........................................... 56 Production .......................... 64 I
Column recognition ................ 100 Eluent bottle IC column
Column thermostat Figure ................................. 27 see also "Separation column"
Column thermostat ............ 99 Installation ......................... 24 ........................................... 56
Installation ......................... 40 Operation ........................... 65 Impurity MSM
Computer connection ............... 53 Eluent degasser Organic .............................. 81
Conditioning ............................ 61 Installation ......................... 28 Initial installation ........................ 9
Conductivity detector Technical specifications ....... 97 Inject
Capillary connection ........... 51 Equilibration ....................... 59, 61 Injection valve .................... 40
Connect Injection valve ............................ 3
Power grid .......................... 54 F Fill ...................................... 40
To computer ....................... 53 Feed-throughs Inject .................................. 40
Connection Capillaries ........................... 21 Installation ................... 38, 98
Mains ............................... 100 Fill Maintenance ...................... 80
Connections Injection valve .................... 40 Protection .......................... 80
Installation ......................... 13 Filter Inline filter ................................ 34
Contamination see also "inline filter" .......... 34 Inline sample preparation ......... 78
High pressure pump ........... 65 Filter (6.2821.130) .................... 76 Installation
Valves in the high pressure Filter 6.2821.090 Column thermostat ............ 40
pump ................................. 66 Aspiration filter ................... 65 Conductivity detector ......... 51
Contamination MSM Flow diagram ........................... 10 Connections ....................... 13
Heavy metals ...................... 81 Flow fluctuations ...................... 66 Drainage tubings ................ 19
Crystallization Flow increment ........................ 97 Eluent bottle ....................... 24
High pressure pump ........... 65 Flow range ............................... 97 Eluent degasser .................. 28

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 103

Index ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Guard column .................... 55 Peristaltic pump .................. 86 Sample

High pressure pump ........... 30 Sample degasser ................. 80 Carry-over .......................... 78
Initial installation .................. 9 Organic impurities Sample loop ....................... 40
Injection valve .............. 38, 98 MSM .................................. 81 Transfer time ...................... 79
Leak sensor ........................ 18 Sample degasser
MSM .................................. 43 P Installation ......................... 36
Peristaltic pump .................. 47 Peristaltic pump Operation ........................... 80
Pulsation absorber .............. 35 Installation ......................... 47 Technical specifications ....... 98
Pump tubings ..................... 47 Maintenance ...................... 86 Sample loop ............................. 40
Sample degasser ................. 36 Operation ........................... 86 Sample path
Separation column ............. 56 Principle ............................. 46 Rinsing ............................... 78
Interface Technical specifications ....... 99 Sample preparation .................. 78
MSB ................................. 100 Piston seal ................................ 66 Screws
USB .................................. 100 Pistons of the high pressure pump Connection ........................ 13
Interfaces ............................... 100 ................................................. 66 Separation column
Further connections .......... 100 Power connection ............ 54, 100 Installation ......................... 56
Leak sensor ...................... 100 Power consumption ............... 100 Protection ................ 3, 35, 89
Power supply unit ................... 100 Regeneration ...................... 90
L Precipitates ............................... 65 Rinsing ............................... 58
Leak ......................................... 66 Pressure limit ............................ 98 Separating efficiency ........... 89
Leak sensor Pressure range .......................... 98 Storage .............................. 90
Installation ......................... 18 Pressure screws Service ................................. 6, 62
Interface ........................... 100 Connection ........................ 13 Shutting down ......................... 63
Technical specifications ....... 96 Protection Start-up .................................... 59
Leak-tightness .................... 60, 61 Injection valve .................... 80 Storage .................................... 96
Leaking piston seals .................. 66 Inline filter .......................... 34 Supply voltage .................... 6, 100
Loop MSM .................................. 80 Suppressor
see also "Sample loop" ....... 40 Pulsation .................................. 66 Maintenance ...................... 80
Pulsation absorber Operation ........................... 80
M Installation ......................... 35 see also "MSM" .................. 43
Maintenance Pump head
High pressure pump ........... 65 Maintenance ...................... 66 T
Injection valve .................... 80 Pump tubings Technical data
MSM .................................. 80 Installing ............................. 47 Column thermostat ............ 99
Peristaltic pump .................. 86 Overview ............................ 87 MSM .................................. 99
Pump head ......................... 66 Service life .......................... 86 Technical specifications
Material .................................... 97 Purge valve ............................... 30 Detector ........................... 100
MPak Eluent degasser .................. 97
Holder ................................ 17 R High pressure pump ........... 97
MSB ....................................... 100 Reference conditions ................ 96 Interfaces ......................... 100
MSM Regeneration ............................ 62 Leak sensor ........................ 96
Cleaning ............................. 83 MSM .................................. 81 Peristaltic pump .................. 99
Installation ......................... 43 Rinsing Reference conditions .......... 96
Maintenance ...................... 80 Guard column .................... 56 Sample degasser ................. 98
Operation ........................... 80 Pump tubings ..................... 87 Temperature ............................. 96
Protection .......................... 80 Sample path ....................... 78 Thermostat
Regeneration ...................... 81 Separation column ............. 58 see also "Column thermostat"
Replacing parts ................... 85 Rinsing time ............................. 79 ........................................... 40
Switchover ......................... 81 Rise in pressure ......................... 65 Transfer time ............................ 79
Technical data .................... 99 Rollers ...................................... 15 Transport .................................. 96
Rollers ................................ 15
O S Transport locking screws ........... 18
Oil ............................................ 78 Safety instructions ...................... 6 Tubing ...................................... 10
Operation Safety shutdown ...................... 98
MSM .................................. 80

104 ■■■■■■■■ 850 Professional IC – Anion

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Index

Tubing pump U Valve

See also "Peristaltic pump" . 46 USB ........................................ 100 see also "Injection valve" .... 38
Tubings Valves of the high pressure pump
Installation ......................... 13 V ................................................. 74
Vacuum pump
Protection .......................... 18

850 Professional IC – Anion ■■■■■■■■ 105

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