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Sheet Metal

Sheet Metal Design -- Top Ten Rules

Sheet Metal Part Characteristics Starting A Sheet Metal Part

Bend Tables Flat Pattern And Flat State
Drawing Of Sheet Metal Part/Assembly Redefining Attachment Edge Of A Wall
Common Geometry Problems Converting Solid Part Geometry Into She
Form Features Pattern Table
Model Shop Stamp Instructions Self Clinching Fasteners

Drawing Standards General Drafting Guidelines
Release/Prototype/Concept/Quick Turnaround Guideline
Mild Steel Raw Material Drawing Procedure

Tolerances: English And Metric Forming: Bend Radii

Bend Tables
Features: Holes Fastener Self Clinching
Squares Hole Clearance
Rectangles Sizes: Threaded
Oblongs Nominal
Corner Radii

Sheet Metal Design Top Ten Rules

1. Use the Diebold Sheet Metal part templates and assemble
the part into an assembly created with the proper (English or 9/22/2004
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Metric) assembly template.

All designed Sheet Metal parts have to exist in an assembly of the same name.

2. Add the assembly model to the drawing, never the Sheet

Metal base part alone.
If you added the part alone and started dimensioning, you cannot later replace it
with the assembly without having to re-dimension every single view. That' why it's
important for you to always add the assembly--even if it contains only the base part.

3. Create the part in the As Designed (a.k.a. Formed, Bent)

state whenever possible.
The formed part will be unbend to yield the flattened state. Designing the part in its
flattened state defeats many of the advantages of a 3-D solid model, and can cause
problems when modifying the part later on.

4. Multiple bends may now be sketched in a single feature.

Part bend tables are now the only bend tables used to develop sheet metal parts.

5. Properly dimension to inside radius of extruded wall using

the Thicken command when using extrude wall, no radius
In order to dimension all radii to the inside you can, in Sketcher, thicken a section
of a wall to be extruded. First sketch, dimension, and regenerate the section. Then
thicken (right mouse click, select Thicken on menu), delete dimension on outside
radii, and add dimensions to inside radius.

6. Make sure your part can be flattened, and has no Geometry

Check warnings.
Manufacturing requires that a flat pattern of your Sheet Metal design can be
created. Every part needs to be unbent by Engineering (after verification that part
can be unfolded, delete the unbend feature) before sending to manufacturing
processing to:

- assure that the construction method will not prevent the unfolding of the part.
- check for notching and feature distortion variation caused by unfolding.
- check for potential geometry problems related to tiny edges/surfaces (Geometry

7. It is no longer necessary for the Engineer to create a Flat

State instance for your part (see # 6 above).
Manufacturing will create the flat pattern to be used for processing.

8. Sheet metal cuts should be used, especially when creating a

cut that goes across bends. A solid cut may be used to create a 9/22/2004
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cut that changes metal thickness in a defined area (example - a

countersink on a hole).
You specify the feature's class (Solid or Sheet Metal) when creating a feature (with
Sheet Metal being the default.)

9. Use the Sheet Metal UDFs when possible. They are quickly
placed and carry important information for Manufacturing
10. The Rip feature is not to be used.

Sheet Metal Part Characteristics

In Sheet Metal mode you create thin features of uniform thickness. This mode
offers a set of features unique to Sheet Metal design tasks, such as walls,
bends and unbends, punches, and forms. Once created, Sheet Metal parts can
have certain solid features added, but if they add material, they, too, will be of
constant thickness.

Sheet Metal parts have bend tables associated with them. Bend tables define
how the Sheet Metal behaves when bent or flattened. Pro/ENGINEER, using
pre-defined bend tables, will take into account Sheet Metal behavior to yield
an accurate flat pattern. For more detail concerning bend tables, go to Sheet
Metal Bend Tables.

Every Sheet Metal part appears with a green and a white surface. The white
surface is created by offsetting the green surface. If you assign a color to the
part, only the white surface will assume the new color. (In shaded display, the
entire part shows the assigned color.)

Both solid and Sheet Metal parts have the same .prt extension, but
Pro/ENGINEER internally recognizes the proper mode. When you retrieve a
Sheet Metal part into Part mode, Pro/ENGINEER automatically switches to
Sheet Metal mode.

Often, PEM fasteners, etc. will be added to your Sheet Metal part. They are
parts in their own right (complete with part number) and need to be accounted
for as individual components. Hence, you must create an assembly, consisting
of your base Sheet Metal part plus any PEMs. Do not attempt to model
PEMs as protrusions in the Sheet Metal part. PEMs and other
hardware/purchased parts are available to you through Pro/IntraLink. You
have to check them out to your Workspace, then assemble them in the sheet
metal assembly file.

The Diebold reference BOM Table will automatically filter out the (base) part 9/22/2004
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when part and assembly files of the same name are encountered.
Having an assembly also allows you to add additional items such as stock,
finishes, and specs in form of "bulk items." These special files are also stored
in Pro/IntraLink and must be checked out to your workspace before they can
be assembled in the sheet metal assembly file.
In so doing, a complete BOM can be extracted from your design

To this end, create an assembly and assemble the part as its first component.
The Sheet Metal assembly name should be the same as the Sheet Metal part

Starting a Sheet Metal Part

To create a Pro/ENGINEER sheet Metal part, follow the instructions below:
1. Select File, New, a dialog box will activate. Select Part, and the
Sheetmetal radio button
2. Type in a part number in the highlighted Name box at the bottom of the
dialog box. Select OK. A second dialog box is activated.
3. Select the desired (English or metric) sheet metal template from the top
box in the dialog area. In the box below, enter a part description (in
capital letters). The description follows the standard Diebold
conventions (31 characters max.). Select OK. The part file will activate.
4. Select File, New, a dialog box will activate. Select Assembly, and
the Design radio button .
5. Type in the same name for the assembly as you did for the part in the
high lighted Name box. Select OK. A second dialog box is activated.
6. Select the desired (English or metric) assembly template from the top
box in the dialog area. In the box below, enter a part description (in
capital letters). This description will appear as the BOM description and
the drawing title. Enter a description following the standard Diebold
conventions (31 characters max.). Select OK. The assembly file will
activate. Assemble the sheet metal part file into the assembly using the
Automatic, at default location option. Save the assembly file.
7. Activate the sheet metal part file. You are now ready to design/create
your sheet Metal part.

Sheet metal design thicknesses

Bend Tables
In order to yield the correct developed lengths of bends, you assign Bend
Tables to parts and/or features.
Bend tables store formulas or tabulated values used to determine the proper 9/22/2004
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A number of Diebold bend tables have been set up for you to use. The bend
table assigned ensures that the flat pattern’s geometry is accurate. Part bend
tables are now only used in sheet metal parts.

The default sheet metal bend table is set to 14 gauge mild.

If you wish to use another part bend table for a thickness or type of steel other
than 14 gauge mild, select the desired bend table from the bend table icons.
They are located on the flyout icon menu on the right hand side of the Pro/E

{ The bend table information is not stored with the part. Diebold's bend
tables are located on the O: drive (the Standards server.)
z If a bend table is modified, all parts referencing the table will

update upon regeneration. (Just retrieving a part in

Pro/ENGINEER will not update the geometry.)
z If a bend table assigned to a part is missing or removed, when you

regenerate the part, all features will update based on the default
equation. The missing bend table, however, is still listed as the
part’s bend table (e.g. select Info, Model Info).
z You can assign new bend tables to a part in a Pro/ENGINEER

session. That will then regenerate your part.

z If a bend table gets renamed, the parts assigned to it won’t update;

the new name would have to be explicitly assigned to the part.

To query a part with regards to its bend tables:

Select Info, Model Info, or Feature Info, respectively. You'll see entries
similar to the following example:


14 Ga. Mild
14 Ga. Stn <= These tables are linked to the
part. If not used, they can be deleted.


14 Ga. Mild <= This bend table is the one
currently in use

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Flat Pattern
The Pro/ENGINEER Sheet Metal module allows you to create a part in its
formed (As Designed) state, and then quickly unbend (flatten) selected, or all,
bends. It does not matter whether you have used Wall or Bend features when
designing your part. The formed part will always have to be flattened in order
for Manufacturing to gain the geometry needed for programming the
machining operations.

It is your responsibility as the design engineer to make

sure that your Sheet Metal part can be flattened. To test
whether your design can be flattened successfully, you should attempt
unbending it at times during the design session. This can be easily
accomplished by adding an Unbend (Unbend All) feature.
Once the part has unbent successfully and you have checked the model, delete
the Unbend feature. Do not negate with a Bend Back feature. See also the
section on Flat States below for a technique to automate the flattening
process. This technique may be used occasionally for special circumstances.

Reasons why a part cannot be unbend anymore are, for example, certain
geometry conditions when a solid feature is added to a wall, insufficient
accuracy, or creating tweaked geometry. If you notice that your part cannot be
unbent, investigate and resolve the problem.

For an Unbend feature, a wall (or edge) to remain fixed needs to be specified.
It can be selected each time you create an Unbend feature, or set once by
selecting Set Up, Sheet Metal, Fixed Geom, Select. If you define a reference
this way, you won’t be prompted when creating an Unbend feature. Select
Clear to turn it off again.

Note: It is good practice to always select the same wall or edge to remain
fixed; this will keep the part in a consistent orientation.

Flat State
Pro/ENGINEER's "Flat State" functionality allows you to permanently set up
a flattened "instance" of your part. This instance is stored with in your Sheet
Metal part, and can be used for checking whether the part can be unbent, for
drawings, and in Manufacturing.
Note that the formed and flattened states are merely two representations of the
same model.
Even with a Flat State feature there still is only one Sheet Metal part.

To Create the Flat State

1. Select Set Up from the PART menu, then select Flat State, Create. 9/22/2004
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2. You are being prompted for a name for the flat pattern. Accept the
default name which is the part's name with _flat1 appended. For
example, the flat pattern for part 49-123456-000A.prt would be 49-
123456-000A_FLAT1.prt. Note that additional instances will have
_flat2, _flat3,... appended.
3. Define the current part state.
- If your model is in its formed state, choose Fully Formed and then
select a plane or an edge to remain fixed when the part is unbent.
Pro/ENGINEER now creates an Unbend (All) feature. Select OK in the
dialog box.
- If you previously added an Unbend feature, and your part is currently
in its flat state, choose Fully Flat. Then select the Unbend feature. When
prompted "Do you want to put the generic part in fully
formed state?", choose Yes.

Note that Pro/ENGINEER uses family table functionality to create and

maintain the flat pattern. You do not, however, have to know family
tables in order to use Flat State.

To Show the Flat State

z With the (generic) formed part in an active window, select Set Up, Flat
State, Show and pick the instance from the list.
z When the Sheet Metal part is being retrieved, select either the generic or
the flat instance.
z In the same drawing it is possible to show views of both the formed and
the flattened part.

Advanced Notes:

z If the model has Form features they must be flattened. Select Set Up,
Flat State, Show, select the instance, then select Feature, Create, Flatten
Form, and select the desired items from the dialog box.
z Any features added to a Flat State instance are automatically placed in
the generic model's family table and will only show in that instance.
z If the flat state instance has suppressed Flat Protrusion or Unbend
features, they will not resume using Resume, All. These features will
have to be resumed individually using Resume, Feat ID or Resume, By
Table menu options.
z If you add geometry features to the Flat State instance, they will be
added after the Unbend. Also, these features will only reside in that
instance, they will not be displayed (resumed) in the generic model.

Redefining the Attachment Edge of a Wall

When redefining the attachment edge of a Wall feature, after you picked a
new edge, you are then placed in Sketcher mode to define the section. The
wall's current section, however, does not show. Often, though, you do want to 9/22/2004
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hang on to the current section.

Here's a trick allowing you to reuse the existing wall section when changing
the attachment edge:

1. Select Feature, Redefine. Pick the feature.

2. In the Feature Redefine dialog box, select Sketch, then press the Define
3. When in Sketcher mode, select File, Save, type a descriptive name for
the section and then press the enter key.
(Sections are stored with the extension .sec)
4. Select Quit, Confirm to exit Sketcher.
5. In the Feature Redefine dialog box, select Attach Edge, press the Define
button, and select the new edge.
6. Once in Sketcher mode, select Sec Tools, Place Section, type ? or the
section's name, and add it to Sketcher.
(You can rotate the section, scale it, then drop it into Sketcher.)
7. To move some or all entities of the copied section, use select tool and
highlight the entity and drag to the new location.
8. You have to re-dimension the section.

Drawing of Sheet Metal Model

Diebold drawings show the fully formed Sheet Metal model.
When creating a drawing, at the prompt for the model to assign, pick the
assembly, not the Sheet Metal base part alone.
If you type the name rather than picking from the list be sure to include the
extension .asm .

If you added the part alone and started dimensioning, you cannot later replace
it with the assembly without having to re-dimension every single view. That'
why it's important for you to always add the assembly -- even if it contains
only the base part.

Click here for information on Diebold display Standards for Bends, Bend
lines, etc.

If needed, you can show both the formed and the flat states of your Sheet
Metal model on the same drawing.
Simply add the Flat State instance to your drawing, and place views of it.

To add the flat pattern to your drawing:

Select Views, Dwg Models, Add Model, select your Sheet Metal part.
When prompted, pick the Flat State instance (<part_name>_flat1).
The newly added instance automatically becomes the active model. 9/22/2004
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The currently active model is displayed in white text on the bottom of the
graphics window (see the TYPE: and NAME: entries.)
To change the currently active model, select Views, Dwg Models, Set Model.

Common Geometry Problems

Check your design frequently for geometry warnings (a.k.a. Geometry
Checks,) which indicate potential problems with overlapping geometry,
misalignments, etc. (e.g. tiny edges that are perhaps not your design intent,
and very difficult to manufacture.) Review Geometry checks when flagged by
Pro/ENGINEER and take corrective action. All Geometry Checks have to be
resolved by the design engineer prior to releasing the design to manufacturing.
Misalignments, for example, create tiny edges or surfaces that are very
troublesome to the manufacturing software which will attempt to machine
each and every one.

When Pro/ENGINEER detects a problem with geometry during regeneration,

a message Warning: Design intent is unclear. Use
Info/Geometry Check menu for details. will pop up. Select Info,
Geometry Check.
All features with a potential geometry problem will conveniently list under the
GEOMETRY CHECK menu, where you can access tools that help you rectify
the problems. Geometry Checks are resolved when the Geometry Check
command in the Info menu is grayed out, and the warning message does not
appear anymore.

The Geometry Check option allows you to view the feature that has the
possible error, then revise its definition to eliminate the potential problem.
The system displays the GEOMETRY CHECK menu, which provides a name
list of problem features and a Restore command. If you choose a feature, the
system displays the SHOW ERRORS menu. This menu lets you highlight the
entities that cause the geometry check. The system provides corresponding
messages in the Information Window, including suggested workarounds (Item

With Sheet Metal parts, first look at the part's accuracy to remedy geometry
In a nutshell, the accuracy of parts in Pro/ENGINEER is the ratio between the
smallest and the longest edge. Any entity with a length below the accuracy
cannot be "seen" by Pro/ENGINEER. Creating a relatively large piece of
Sheet Metal with small wall thickness will quickly reach the default accuracy
limit, causing Geometry/Check warnings and even regeneration failures. In
that case, increase the part's accuracy in steps, until Geometry/Check errors
vanish and no feature is failing anymore.
To change the accuracy for your part, select Set Up, Accuracy. 9/22/2004
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The default setting is .0012. The smaller the number the higher the accuracy.
Try increasingly smaller values such as .0006, .0003, .0001. Changing
accuracy will cause a full regeneration of your part. With increased accuracy
the regeneration time will increase also, thus please go in small steps, and
only as low as you have to.

Converting Solid Geometry into Sheet Metal

Parts created in Part mode (solid models) can be converted into a Sheet Metal
part. The basic requirement is for the geometry to be of constant thickness.
This can be accomplished by having a protrusion with the same thickness, or
by shelling the part.

Both solid and Sheet Metal parts have the same .prt extension, but
Pro/ENGINEER internally recognizes the proper mode. When you retrieve a
solid part into Sheet Metal mode, Pro/ENGINEER will automatically initiate
conversion procedures.

You are prompted to either specify a driving surface (works only if all
geometry has the same thickness, and there are no protruding elements,) or
specify surfaces to be removed for a Shell feature.
Once successfully converted, the part shows green and white sides. Notice
how the original feature(s) are now parents of you first wall.
Lastly, use the Conversion feature to convert sharp edges to bends and define
rips so that the part can be flattened. This process adds only one feature to the

As a rule of thumb, all Sheet Metal parts have to be

designed in Sheet Metal mode.
Converting Sheet Metal geometry into a Solid
Sheet Metal parts cannot be converted into a solid part.

Both solid and Sheet Metal parts have the same .prt extension, but
Pro/ENGINEER internally recognizes the proper mode. When you retrieve a
Sheet Metal part into Part mode, Pro/ENGINEER will automatically switch to
Sheet Metal mode.

Sheet Metal geometry, however, can be brought into a solid part using a
Merge feature.

Form Features 9/22/2004
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Under Construction

Dies and Punches are the two methods to create form features in

The Die form is very straight forward. For the following example the
Pro/ENGINEER model used to Die form the sheet metal part will be called
the "Die part". A model used for a Die part would consist of a flat block with
the geometry of the form protruding from the center of the flat surface. The
"geometry of the form" is the shape you want to form into the metal. The flat
surface is called the boundary plane because is completely surrounds the
geometry of the form.

The Die is then placed on the sheet metal part using normal assembly
constraints. One of the constraints must be a MATE between the boundary
plane of the die part and the back side of the sheet metal wall you want to

Once the Die is positioned Pro/ENGINEER will query you to select the
boundary plane and seed surface. The seed surface is any surface of the form
geometry that touches the boundary plane.

The name Punch is somewhat misleading. A Punch form is basically a form

that does not use a boundary plane. For the following example the
Pro/ENGINEER model used to Punch form the sheet metal part will be called
the "Punch part". A Punch part can consist of just the geometry of the form.
Pro/ENGINEER calculates how a Punch part forms the sheet metal by how
the Punch part is placed.

Unlike a Die, a Punch part may be placed with a MATE constraint but is not
required. After the Punch part is placed Pro/ENGINEER displays an arrow
and asks you to "select the surfaces of the punch to be used to create form".
Because a Punch part does not have a boundary plane you must select which
surface will be used to deform the sheet metal.

Main Index
April 30, 2003 9/22/2004

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