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Prologue Legends

Romance Dawn: Gain 500+ KOs or 250 (!) in a single battle. Effortlessly done when
going for an S ranking.

Chapter 1 Legends
Orange Town
Clear the stage with no allies retreating. Self-explanatory

Syrup Village
Clear the stage with no allies retreating. Again, self-explanatory

Defeat Mihawk. Treasure mission already makes this manditory

Arlong Park
Clear the stage with no allies retreating. Again, self-explanatory

Defeat Tashigi in a Kizuna Rush finisher. Unique because she's the only non-final
boss enemy in the game that requires this

Chapter 2 Legends
Drum Island
Clear the stage with no allies retreating. Again, self-explanatory

Defeat Crocodile twice. Missable if you spend too much time in the lower
territories trying to get an Z ranking. He first appears in the central territory
beyond Mr 1 and Mr 2.

Mock Town
Gain 1500 KOs or 750 (!). Again, effortless when going for an S ranking

Quickly defeat Wiper. Easy to get without trying.

Chapter 3 Legends
Water 7
Okay this is where the descriptions start to get vague. ShonenGamez has it as
"finish the stage before construction worker reinforcements arrive" which is both
wrong and vague. What you really need to do is time the battle on Iceburg's mansion
in a way that Nami sneaks through the back door just as the final wave of enemies
at the front entrance are being deployed. Mid-battle saves are a must here because
there are several ways this can go wrong. There are a total of 10 waves at the
front entrance and you must defeat the first 9 and have the 10th deployed as Nami
opens the door. It's possible that you can do this with an earlier wave by clearing
it out, then facing Blueno. But frankly it was so annoying and time consuming that
I haven't bothered to test other variants.

Enies Lobby
All Strawhat strategies succeed. Another vague one, but easier to figure out. When
you cross the bridge and get Franky, go to Jyabura's territory and clear it &
defeat him. Then head further to the corridor leading to Lucci and destroy the
switch. This will block Spandam temporarily. From then on, capture territories in a
counter-clockwise fashion until they are all captured, saving Kaku's for last. Only
then proceed to Lucci. This way, Sanji get's the Jyabura area, Sogeking gets the
bridge, Franky get's the pantry and Zoro gets the garden. Strategy successful. Then
just beat Lucci, save Robin and escape ASAP.
Water 7 Departure
1. Do not let the pirate with Franky's pants retreat. Easily done going for S or
even just your first time through

2. Defeat Coby twice. Not difficult. Just remember to get him the 2nd time in the
SW corner of the map and not just go straight for Garp/Aokiji at the end.

Thriller Bark
Yet again, don't allow any retreats in the stage.

Chapter 4 Legends
Sabaody Archepelago
Kizuna Rush KO Kizaru when he first appears then do it again when he's the boss.
Missable, but easy to get without trying.

Impel Down
Defeat Minotaurus 4 times. Easy to miss if you don't keep an eye on him, as the
stage tends to reach the boss event by the time it's necessary to put him down the
3rd time.

Marineford Part 1
Defeat all bosses. Important to note you cannot complete this with Luffy because
Hancock refuses to fight you. Also, it's important to go for Hancock & Kuma before
defeating Smoker because there'sa good chance the next phase of the stage will
start and they will retreat. Also, be sure not to accidentally activate the final
boss event at the end.

Marineford Part 2
Defeat all bosses. Important to note you cannot do this with Luffy or Whitebeard
because you cannot take part in the final phases of the stage, namely fighting
dual-fruit Blackbeard. Early on save Garp and Kizaru for last. Also be sure to
defeat Sentamarou when possible because he tends to stay at the sidelines minding
his business. Challenging because most of the characters at your disposal will
likely be under-levelled (though can be fixed with beli) and likely unfamiliar to
play as.

Final Chapter Legends

Return to Sabaody
Do not allow Perona or Hancock to retreat. Not difficult at all.

Fishman Island
Escape from Ryugu Palace. Sounds easy, but the trick is to know which characters
allow this. You can only do this with Zoro, Usopp or Brook. They will begin locked
in a room until Brook uses his soul powers to scare an enemy into opening the gate.

Punk Hazard
The last one that requires no retreating allies. This includes not allowing any
marine captains to be abandoned in the Shinokuni contaminated areas.

All strawhat strategies are successful. This one is rather vague but not too hard
to figure out. The most difficult portion is early on. Your goal is to get Ceasar
Clown to the drop point, but also prevent Bellamy's group from taking advantage
while your're gone. So take care of the mission-based captains in the town, all the
while spending a bit of time supporting Law. All 4 captains in town must be
defeated before Bellamy appears, and he must be defeated before he retreats. If you
succeed, you will get a green "objective success" message jsut before Doflamingo
appears. If not, you will get a red "objective failed" message instead.
A few other actions that may affect this Dressrosa mission:

Going into the collosseum with Law

Preventing all allies from retreating (against their will). This includes
Bellamy who appears aftter Fujitora & Doflamingo appear on Green Bit
Preventing the Blackbeard captains from taking the territory to the south
When Kuzan becomes a support, use him to destroy all underground entranceways
(they look like phone booths) marked with a (!).
Help conquer the Smile Factory before beating Fujitora and Kizaru
Conquer the Territory where Fujitora starts
Conquer the Territory where Burgess starts
Conquer the Territory where Blackbeard starts
When Bellamy returns as an ally, make sure he doesn't get defeated early on
When facing Doflamingo (final boss), make sure to deliver the finishing blow on
the real Mingo, not the puppets.

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