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Department of Computing

Laboratory Manual
CS-100: Fundamentals of ICT
Fall 2018
Class: BS(CS)-8ABC
Zunera Zahid
Mehwish Kiran
Lab Manual

Microsoft Word 2013

(Part 2)
List of Experiments

Table of Contents
Lab Manual............................................................................................................................................... 2
Microsoft Word 2013.............................................................................................................................. 2
(Part 2)....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction:.......................................................................................................................................... 4
Module 6: Finding and Replacing Content...................................................................................4
Learning Goal and Objective...................................................................................................................... 4
Task 6: Replace and Edit Text................................................................................................................... 4
Module 7: Creating and Modifying Lists........................................................................................ 5
Learning Goals and Objectives.................................................................................................................. 5
Task 7: Creating and Modifying Lists...................................................................................................... 6
Module 8: Creating and Modifying Tables.................................................................................... 7
Learning Goals and Objectives.................................................................................................................. 7
Task 8: Creating and Modifying Tables.......................................................................................................... 7

Module 9: Creating Links................................................................................................................... 9

Learning Goals and Objectives.................................................................................................................. 9
Task 9: Creating Bookmarks..................................................................................................................... 9
Module 10: Formatting Documents............................................................................................. 10
Learning Goals and Objectives............................................................................................................... 10
Task 10: Formatting Documents........................................................................................................... 10
End of MS Word Part 1.............................................................................................................................. 12

[CS-100]: [Fundamentals of ICT] Page 3

Lab 3: Microsoft Word Part 2
The lab will introduce you to the basics of Microsoft Word

This lab is about the different basic features of Microsoft Word

Module 6: Finding and Replacing Content

Learning Goal and Objective

The goal of this lesson is for students to successfully find and replace text and special
This lesson supports students in preparing for tasks they might have to demonstrate to meet
the following objective of Microsoft Office Specialist exam 77-418: Exam Title: Microsoft Word
 Objective 1.2: Navigate through a document
On completion of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate the following skills
associated with the exam objectives:
 Search for text
 Move to specific locations and elements

Task 6: Replace and Edit Text

This project provides an opportunity to practice skills taught in the following lessons:
 Lesson 16: Finding content
 Lesson 17: Replacing content
 Lesson 18: Replacing formatting and special characters

[CS-100]: [Fundamentals of ICT] Page 4

In this project, you will practice replacing formatted content in a document.
The following practice file is required to complete this exercise:
 ITA-70158-06-Practice.docx

Follow these steps:

1. Open the ITA-70158-06-Practice document. The document contains a collection of
nursery rhymes, formatted with a variety of fonts, sizes, colors, and spacing. Each
nursery rhyme ends with a Section character (§).
2. Use only the Find And Replace function to complete the tasks in this project.
3. Format the document content to meet the following standards:
o Ensure that each nursery rhyme is contained in its own paragraph, with no forced
line breaks.
o Remove any extra (blank paragraphs).
o Ensure that there is exactly one space after each comma or period, and between
o Remove spaces before a comma or period, or at the beginning or end of a
o Format all text as black, other than the following exceptions:
 Format every instance of the word apple as 12-point red text, in its original font.
 Format every form of the verbs send and eat as 16-point italic text, in its original
4. Save the document as My-06-Practice.docx.

Module 7: Creating and Modifying Lists

Learning Goals and Objectives

The goal of this lesson is for students to successfully create bulleted, numbered, and multilevel

[CS-100]: [Fundamentals of ICT] Page 5

On completion of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate the following skills
associated with the exam objectives:
 Create bulleted lists
 Create numbered lists
 Create multilevel lists

Task 7: Creating and Modifying Lists

This project provides an opportunity to practice skills taught in the following lessons:
 Lesson 19: Creating lists
 Lesson 20: Modifying lists
In this project, you will practice creating lists and modifying list elements.
The following practice files are required to complete this exercise:
 ITA-70158-07-Practice1.docx
 ITA-70158-07-Practice2.docx
Follow these steps:
1. Open the ITA-70158-07-Practice1 document. The document contains a grocery
shopping list. Grocery store departments are mixed in with the grocery items.
2. Read through the list of items. Select the items that represent categories of groceries,
and move them to below the “Shopping list” title. (Extra points if you move them all at
one time!) Style the categories as a first-level bulleted list.
3. Place the grocery items below the categories in which each item belongs, and style the
grocery items in each category as second-level lists. Use a different technique than you
used when moving and styling the categories.
4. Change the symbol and font color of the first-level list bullet to something you like, and
set the bullet font size to 12 points.
5. Choose a complementary symbol and font color for the second-level list bullet, and set
the bullet font size to 10 points.
6. Save the completed document as My-07-Practice1.docx.

[CS-100]: [Fundamentals of ICT] Page 6

7. Open the ITA-70158-07-Practice2 document. The document contains instructions and
ingredients for making spaghetti. Some of the instructions are divided into multiple

Module 8: Creating and Modifying Tables

Learning Goals and Objectives

The goal of this lesson is for students to successfully learn how to create basic tables and
convert text to tables.
On completion of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate the following skills
associated with the exam objectives:
 Create basic tables
 Convert text to tables
 Set AutoFit options
 Insert preformatted tables

Task 8: Creating and Modifying Tables

This project provides an opportunity to practice skills taught in the following lessons:
 Lesson 21: Creating tables
 Lesson 22: Formatting tables
 Lesson 23: Modifying tables
 Lesson 24: Performing calculations in tables
In this project, you will create, populate, and format a table, and create a formula in a table.
Follow these steps:
1. Create a new, blank document, and set the page orientation to Landscape.
2. Insert a three-column, five-row table.
3. Set the table style options to include only a header row, and apply a list table style that
you like.
4. Display gridlines to differentiate between the empty table cells.
5. In the header row, enter the headings Subject, Assignment, and Assignment status.

[CS-100]: [Fundamentals of ICT] Page 7

6. Insert a new column between the Assignment and Assignment status columns. Enter the
heading Due date.
7. Insert a new column after the Assignment status column, and enter the heading
Estimated hours to complete.
8. In the Subject column, enter the following:
9. English In the Assignment column, enter the following:
Pages 12-20
Elements chart
State capitals
Chapters 2-4
10. In the Due date column, enter the following:
September 18
September 16
September 20
September 17
11. In the Assignment status column, enter the following:
Just started
Almost done
Not started
12. In the Estimated hours to complete column, enter the following:
13. Sort the table entries by subject in ascending alphabetical order.
14. Insert a new row at the end of the table. In the last cell in the Assignment status
column, enter Total, and right-align it in the cell.
15. Modify the table style options to include a total row.

[CS-100]: [Fundamentals of ICT] Page 8

16. In the last cell in the Estimated hours to complete column, create a formula that enters
the total of the preceding numbers in the column.
17. Format the table columns so they fit the width of the longest cell in each column.
18. Wrap the Estimated hours to complete header onto a second line beginning with the
word to, and then resize the column to fit the wrapped text.
19. Paste a copy of the table below the original, with a blank line between the two tables.
20. Convert the second table to tabbed text.
21. Save the completed document as My-08-Practice.docx.

Module 9: Creating Links

Learning Goals and Objectives

The goal of this lesson is for students to successfully create bookmarks inside a Word 2013
On completion of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate the following skills
associated with the exam objectives:
 Create bookmarks

Task 9: Creating Bookmarks

This project provides an opportunity to practice skills taught in the following lessons:
 Lesson 25: Creating internal links
 Lesson 26: Linking to internal and external content
In this project, you will practice creating links and linking to internal and external content.
The following practice files are required to complete this exercise.
 ITA-70158-09-Practice1.docx
 ITA-70158-09-Practice2.docx
 ITA-70158-09-Practice3.pptx

[CS-100]: [Fundamentals of ICT] Page 9

 ITA-70158-09-Practice4.docx
Follow these steps:
1. Open the ITA-70158-09-Practice1 document. The document contains information about a
local orchestra.
2. In the first paragraph, select the name of the orchestra, and link the selected text to the
ITA-70158-09-Practice2 document. Add a ScreenTip that displays Visit the orchestra
website when a reader points to the hyperlink. Test the hyperlink.
3. In the last line of the last paragraph, select website, and link the text to a webpage of your
choice. Add a ScreenTip that helps identify the website you chose. Test the hyperlink.
4. Position the cursor at the beginning of the third paragraph (Since its inception…).
5. Embed the ITA-70158-09-Practice3 presentation content at the cursor.
6. Save the document as My-09-Practice1.docx.
7. Open the ITA-70158-09-Practice4 document.
8. Go to page 5 of the document. At the left end of the “10. Building Maintenance” heading,
add a bookmark named Maintenance.
9. In section 10.3, select the six bulleted list items. Then add a bookmark named
10. Display the hidden bookmarks.
11. Go to the beginning of the document, and use the Go To function to return to the
Maintenance bookmark.

12. Save the document as My-09-Practice4.docx.

Module 10: Formatting Documents

Learning Goals and Objectives

The goal of this lesson is for students to successfully apply and change themes in a document.
On completion of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate the following skills
associated with the exam objectives:
 Change document themes

Task 10: Formatting Documents

This project provides an opportunity to practice skills taught in the following lessons:
[CS-100]: [Fundamentals of ICT] Page 10
 Lesson 27: Working with themes
 Lesson 28: Working with style sets
 Lesson 29: Adding page elements
 Lesson 30: Formatting page backgrounds
 Lesson 31: Managing page setup
 Lesson 32: Managing document layout
In this project, you will practice modifying the content and appearance of a document.

The following practice file is required to complete this exercise:

 ITA-70158-10-Practice.docx

Follow these steps:

1. Open the ITA-70158-10-Practice document and display the Navigation pane and the
Styles pane. The document contains headings, text, and graphics. The visual appearance
of the content is controlled by the document template.
2. Insert a header that contains only the document title and page number, and does not
display on the first page of the document.
3. Insert a footer that displays only the page number and an accent bar, and displays only
on the first page of the document.
4. Apply a theme of your choice, other than the Office theme, to the document.
5. Add a page background color.
6. Add a custom picture watermark.
7. Apply a different style set to the document.

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8. Set the left and right margins to 1.5”, and the top and bottom margins to 1.25”.
9. Ensure that the “Staying Healthy” and “Keeping Bugs at Bay” sections are on separate
10. Save the document as My-10-Practice.docx.

End of MS Word Part 2

[CS-100]: [Fundamentals of ICT] Page 12

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