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United States Senate

October 24, 2022

“The Honorable Rochelle P. Walensky, M.D.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30329

Director Walensky:
1 write concerning recent reporting that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
contracted with the same public relations firm that represents Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.
This revelation raises serious questions about potential conflicts of interest related to CDC's.
(COVID-19 vaccine recommendations.

On September 28, 2020, CDC awarded a federal contract award to Weber Shandwick? to conduct
marketing consulting services for the National Center for Immunization andRespiratory
Diseases (NCIRD).* NCIRD is responsible for providing management and support services to
the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which issues recommendations to
CDC on vaceines including the COVID-19 vaccine.*

According to reports, Weber's work on behalf ofNCIRD includes promoting vaccines and
communicating the risks and recommended actions for outbreaks. Weber is responsible for
providing NCIRD with “10 on-site health communications staffers, seven health comms
specialists, two health research specialists and one social media specialist.” Weber's strategic
communications will include “generating story ideas, distributing articles and conducting
outreach to news, media and entertainment organizations.” Additionally, Weberis expected to

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! Luke Andrews,Revealed: PR firm that presentsPfizerandModernaalsositsonCDCvaccinedivision-sparking major
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ModernaandPfizer,WhileStaffing the CDC's Vaecine Office. The Disinformation Chronicle (Oct. 11,2020),

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* Thomas Moore.WeberShandwickwinspotential $50mCDCfluvaccinecommsaccount, MMM (Oct. 26, 2020),
“conduct target audience research” and “develop and implement a comms plan targeting
healthcare providers.”
According to, Weber's contract with CDC is worth up to $55.2 million and is
being paid in part using COVID-19 emergency funds.*Since the initial award, CDC extended
Weber's contract twice, including as recently as August 2022.9
‘Weber embedded staffwithin CDC to promote vaccines and provide communications services
related to COVID-19 while simultaneously representing the interestsof Pfizer-BioNTech and
Moderna, two pharmaceutical companies actively seeking federal approval oftheir respective
COVID-19 vaccines.? On December 12, 2020, ACIP recommended the useofthe Pizer-
BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in persons aged 16years and older.! On December 2020,
ACIP recommended the uscof the Moderna COVID-19 vaceine in persons aged 18 19, and
ACIP has since recommended the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vanes forolder.’ use in
the majorityofthe population, including children as young as six months.’ ACIP has also
recommended Pfizer-BioNTech and Modema’s COVID-19 boosters.
‘Weber's simultaneous work for the NCRID, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Moderna raises serious
concerns about the independence of CDC and ACIP’s vaccine recommendations. Americans
expect and deserve impartiality from the entities responsible for issuing recommendations on the
use ofCOVID-19 vaccines and boosters.
For this reason, I respectfully request additional information regarding the natureof Weber's
work for the NCIRD. Please provide the following information no later than 5:00PM on
November 7, 2022:
1. Unredacted copies ofCDC's contract award with Weber Shandwick!* (PID
75D30120F08104) and all associated documentation, including but not limited to, records
relating to the exerciseof options.
2. Unredacted copiesofall offers received for Solicitation ID 75D301-20-Q-71331,
including all corresponding documentation.

SUSASpending, tps:wwwsaspending.goviawardCONTAWD,75D30120F08104_7523_HHSD200201SMSI618._7523 (a
stvisiod Oct. 3, 2022).
1 Pal Thacker,Whe ShandickProvidesPRforModernaandPlz,Whi Staffing theCDC's VainOfc The
DistnformatonConic (Oct. , 2020), hip disinformati substac.compvcber shandviceprovidesefo
onchro niler
TheAdvisory Commits on Immunization Practices’
Vaccine,avalable a ips:www cde sovimmwnr Ed
Recommendationfo Useof PlierBioNTech COVID-19
mm9S0e2s him
The Advisory Commies on Immunization Practice’ Ini Recommendation for UseofModerna COVID-19 Vane,
alae arips:www dsgovimmwiolumes9mmG9S153e1 hn,
1 ntti Recommendationsofth Advisory Commitee on Immunization Practice or UseofModena andPierBioNTech
(COVID-I9Vacines in Criren Aged 6 Month:Years, alaeat
Ioips:wwn.cdegovimmivolumes71 im262 im,
14 COVID19 ACTP Vaccine Recommendations, valable a tps:wcgovaceincs recsspcifice
heplcip oid-
Als refered 10s CMGRY, INC. and IPG DXTRA, INC.
3. Unredacted copies of records relating to any conflict of interest evaluation of Weber
‘Shandwick'® as it relates to (PIID 75D30120F08104), including but not limited to,
communications with Weber Shandwick!? o its representatives.
4. The namesofal individuals performing work for NCRID under the Weber Shandwick'®
contract award (PIID 75D30120F08104) and their placeofperformance;
5. Unredacted copiesofany records relating to work performed under the Weber
Shandwick contract award (PIID 75D30120F08104) for ACIP, including
communications, talking points, memorandum, and background material.
For any documents that are responsive to this request but not produced, please include a
justification and citationofthe legal authority that authorizes the withholdingof the document
from Congress.
‘The American people have a right 0 a transparent and open government, | appreciate your
attention to this critical matter.


Rand Paul, M.D.

U.S. Senator

14 Also refered 35CMGREP. INC. nd IPG DXTRA, INC.

7 Also efed to asCMIGRF, INC. and IPG DXTRA. INC.
4 Also refered 102s CMRP, INC. and IPG DXTRA, INC.

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