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Solar Philippines aims to secure their company’s performance between the

employer and the company as well through securing the implementation of the
company’s rules .Solar Philippines ,commits to promote a harmonious and
healthy working environment among its employees and between employees and
the Company's customers. Every employee, regardless of rank and/or position,
is expected to meet acceptable standards of conduct and performance. In cases
where an employee's acts prove detrimental to the well-being of other
employees, the Company, and/or its clients, the Company shall exercise its
prerogative to enforce discipline and impose the appropriate and necessary
sanctions and/or penalties.

This Code is meant to instill discipline in the company by clarifying the
acceptable and expected behavior of its employees as well as the proper
management of deviations therefrom. The guidelines set by this policy are based
on the following objectives:
• To promote effective behavior and performance based on SPNEC’s Mission,
Vision, and Corporate Values;
• To promote consistency in the administration of corrective measures
forunacceptable behavior and/or performance;
• To use progressive discipline to rehabilitate behavior and enhance employee
performance and conduct; and
• To promote accountability of all employees toward adherence to this Code.

The provisions of this Code shall apply to all employees of SPNEC and its
affiliate companies.
This Code is without prejudice to the promulgation of additional, special or
supplementary rules applicable to SPNEC and/ or its affiliates, or of any
department/ division of the Company for specific application to its operations.

The responsibility of ensuring discipline within the Company collectively
upon the Immediate Superiors, the Department Heads and the Human
Resources Department.
Immediate Superior
• Maintains discipline and promotes efficiency among the staff in order to
achieve the desired goals of his/her group or department;
• Ensures that policies and guidelines prescribed in this Code are followed in so
far as his/her group or department is concerned;
• In cases of deviation from the Company's rules and regulations by any of
his/her subordinates, he/she conducts initial investigation and documents the
incident and observes due process in accordance with the provisions and
guidelines set in this policy; and
• Implements the approved and appropriate disciplinary action notice.

Department Head
• Ensures that his/her manager/s are fully aware of their responsibilities in
promoting and maintaining discipline and understands all relevant provisions
and rules stipulatedin this policy; and
• Reviews and approves, in consultation with HR, disciplinary actions
recommended by his/her manager/s to ensure objectivity.

Human Resources Department

• Monitors and ensures proper implementation of the policies/guidelines
contained in this policy;
• Convenes the Discipline Panel (DP) if and when necessary, especially when
sanction will lead to an employee’s suspension;
• Advises other managers as to how policies and guidelines should be
implemented and explains the meaning and applicability to specific causes of
each disciplinary incident if needed;
• Recommends appropriate measures and/or controls to prevent the recurrence
of a specific infraction;
• Updates policies, rules and regulations based on the needs of the organization.
This shall be done in close consultation with the ManCom;
• Advises managers in handling progressive discipline, and in cases involving
dismissal and preventive suspension, to ensure that labor laws, rules, and
regulations are adhered to; and
• Files all records in the respective employee's 201 file for future reference.

The provisions of this Code shall be made known to all employees through
whatever appropriate means and manner that provide wider dissemination and
understanding. An appropriate manner of acknowledging the communication or
receipt of a copy of the Code and its updates, if any, and responsibility over its
understanding shall be made by the employee. Any revision of this Code shall
be properly communicated to the organization.The Company reserves the right
to amend, modify, repeal, suspend or otherwise change from time to time, any
or all provisions of this Code, through issuances of memoranda or management
resolutions, as when circumstances or prevailing conditions and exigencies
of the business necessitate such changes. Any amendment shall be announced to
the employees.
When a violation results in injury of person or damage of property or both,
the offender may be required to pay in full/in part the amount of damage caused
by his/her act or omission, without prejudice to the sanction specified in the
Code. Implementation of Disciplinary Action (DA) shall not prevent the
Company from filing the appropriate criminal, civil or administrative charges in
accordance with applicable Philippine laws. The Company reserves the right to
terminate employment for serious offenses consistent with the Company Code
or the specified just causes of the Labor Code, without going through a
progressive discipline process.

• The Company commits to observe the requirement of due process in handling

disciplinary cases.
• If any provision of this Code of Conduct is made invalid by any law or decree,
such law or decree shall not invalidate the remaining portions of this Code.
• In cases where an employee is not meeting the required performance, a
Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) shall be instituted by the immediate
manager. This is further referred to in a separate guideline on PIP.

It shall be the responsibility of every immediate superior to ensure that
discipline, work performance and ethics are maintained within his/her area of
responsibility. Correspondingly, every immediate superior is given authority
and power to:
• Ensure that all his/her subordinates are aware of and shall comply with all
provisions of this Code, as well as amendments or supplements thereto; and
• Resort to the appropriate disciplinary and/or corrective measure necessary to
effectively discharge such responsibility. Depending on the seriousness of an
act or omission, the employee’s immediate superior
may administer the following:
1. Counselling Log (CL) – In the event of any evident changes in disciplinary
actions such as behavior towards internal and external stakeholders and business
ethics, the Manager can use the CL (see Appendix C) to keep track of his / her
team’s actions.
This may also be used as a tool to guide managers even on menial
observations of unparalleled behavior of their subordinated from their normal
interactions. Note that logging in the Counselling Log does not necessarily
mean an offense has been committed by an employee. This is for records
keeping purposes that there had been 4 noticeable changes in discipline, though
not necessarily an offense has been made. So that if a sanction might be
imposed to an employee, management is able to keep track of even the menial
observations prior to an incident. In cases that lead to suspension, the CL will be
utilized by the immediate manager to assure that the employee has been
debriefed prior to work resumption.
2. Oral Reminder (OR) - The Oral Reminder (OR) is a conversation between the
immediate manager and an employee concerning light infractions pertaining to
behavior or performance. This must be documented in the OR Log (Appendix
D) and submitted for filing in the employee’s 201 file.
3. Written Reprimand (WR) - A Written Reprimand (Appendix E) is a written
notice issued to the erring employee in accordance with the progressive
disciplinary action.This step shall be documented and filed in the employee's
201 file. The WR shall serve as a stern warning and reminder to an erring
employee that a repetition of the same or similar offense, will be dealt with
more severely.
4. Suspension - If an employee fails to respond favorably to the oral reminder
and written reprimand, the manager may take another corrective action by
suspending the employee from his/her work without pay, after observance of the
administrative due process.
Suspension shall serve as a disciplinary action depriving the erring
of his/her work, benefits and corresponding wages for a definite period,
depending upon the gravity of the offense in accordance with penalties
4.1 table.
. Where warranted, suspensions can be warranted as light suspension (1-
days), medium suspension (8-16 days), grave suspension (17-30 days).
The employee is not allowed to enter the Company's premises during
suspension period. Likewise, the Company assets; ID, company issued laptop
and mobile phone, pedestal key shall be surrendered. Access to network and
systems shall be suspended. HR shall initiate the temporary restriction to
mentioned access rights.
The employee shall be informed in writing of his/her suspension and will be
required to acknowledge receipt of the letter by affixing his/her signature and
indicating the date of receipt. In case of refusal of the employee to receive the
written suspension notice, the contents of the same shall be read and explained
to him/her by his/her immediate superior and/or manager, and/or department
head, in the presence of a witness, who shall sign and attest to such reading. A
note saying, "employee refused to receive and acknowledge" shall be written in
the notice. This notification process will also apply in cases of Preventive
Suspension, Dismissal, and written Notice to Explain of this policy.
Preventive suspension shall not serve as a penalty, but an interim measure
imposed during the formal investigation of a reported violation. The Company
may place an employee under preventive suspension in appropriate
circumstances, such as but not necessarily limited to any of the following
• The employee’s continued employment poses a serious and imminent threat to
the welfare, safety, or life of his/her co-employees, such as but not limited to:
- Threat of or actually inflicting physical harm on others;
- Provoking fights or commotion in the workplace;
- Making grave threats to co-employees; or
- Any other act that would endanger the safety of any co-employee.
• The employee’s continued employment poses a serious and/or imminent threat
to the Company’s property and security, such as but not limited to:
- Theft or destruction of company property;
- Allowing persons to access confidential information; or
- Embezzlement or fraudulent schemes to convert, misappropriate, or use
company property; or
- Any other act that would endanger the property or security of any Company
• The period of preventive suspension shall not exceed thirty (30) calendar days,
during which time the suspended employee shall not be entitled to be paid
his/her salary/wages and other applicable benefits, except for availing of HMO;
• S/he shall not be allowed to enter Company premises except to attend the
disciplinary investigation proceedings. The Company ID and all other issued
access cards, keys and Company property shall be surrendered temporarily to
HR for safekeeping;
• After the expiration of the said thirty (30)-day period, the employee shall be
reinstated to his/her former position. The period of preventive suspension may
be extended as necessary. During the period of extension, the employee shall be
reinstated to the payroll and be paid his/her wages/salaries and other applicable
benefits. The employee shall not be bound to reimburse the amount paid to
him/her during the extension if the Company, after completion of the
disciplinary proceedings, decides to dismiss the employee for cause. The
intention of this procedure is to restore the status quo in the workplace until the
issues have been finally resolved; and
• If, however, the investigation determines that the concerned employee is
innocent and/or should be absolved of the charge/s, the employee shall be duly
notified in writing to report back to work and will be appropriately remunerated
his/her wages/salary and other applicable benefits for the days spent on
preventive suspension.
Dismissal shall be deemed as the appropriate sanction for grave offenses or
repeated commission of offenses as provided in this Code's schedule of
penalties. Such sanction shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Code
and the Labor Code of the Philippines.


Simultaneous Offenses is defined when a single act constitutes two (2) or

more offenses, the penalty for the more serious offense shall be imposed, at the
discretion of the Company. Multiple violations for each offense shall be treated
wholly. Each violation shall be considered as an aggravating circumstance and
will compound the disciplinary action to be imposed.
The Deactivation and Prescription Period refers to the duration in which the
disciplinary action shall be considered in computing the frequency of violations.
If disciplinary actions are to be imposed, the penalties shall be progressively
applied depending on the gravity of the offense and to ensure the efficacy, as
well as the impact of the corrective action. A prescription period is set such that
grounds for succeeding penalties for the same offense will be based on the last
penalty imposed and will be cumulative over a certain period. The prescriptive
period for offenses shall be counted from the date of issuance of the decision
to the employee, either personally or through other means of written
notification. After such prescription period, the employee's disciplinary
action/penalty cycle shall be reset to null, and the subject violation shall no
longer be counted.
A "year" is defined to be twelve (12) calendar months. While a "month" is
defined to be thirty (30) calendar days.

Example: Employee A has the following disciplinary records: 1st Offense:

February 1, 2014,
2nd Offense: March 1, 2014, 3rd Offense: July 1, 2014
If until July 1, 2015, the employee does not commit any similar violation,
his/her last record of seven (7) days suspension will be deleted from his/her 201
file, leaving written reprimand as his/her outstanding DA record. If he did not
incur further similar offense/s until January 1, 2016, his/her DA record of WR
will be deleted. After six (6) months or on
July 1, 2016, his/her DA memo of OR will be pulled out from his/her 201 file,
which will completely clean his/her DA record This is the deactivation process.
However, if he commits the same offense, anytime within the prescription
period, corresponding penalty will still apply.


Filing of Incident Report

Immediately upon breach of rules and regulations or any irregularities, a co-
employee, immediate superior, manager, department head, security or building
personnel, or any knowledgeable person (from within or outside the
organization) may file an Incident Report (IR) against the employee. When a
complaint is raised, the complainant shall present a duly signed written report to
document his/her complaint. Only work-related issues, including those which
stems from personal issues, are covered in the filing of IR. All complaints and
resulting IRs must cite the specific incident/s as basis for the complaint.
The Incident Report (IR) shall be prepared using the Company's official
Incident Report Form (Appendix F) or a comprehensive written statement can
be submitted to an authorized company representative, immediate superior, or
HR. The Incident Report (IR) shall be the basis for initiating an investigation.
An exact chronological narration of events including the date, time, place and
people involved shall be covered. Documents, pieces of evidence, and/or
witness' statements relevant to the incident shall be submitted as well by the
affected employee, together with the accomplished IRs. Note that the filing of
the IR shall be done within a 15-day period from the incident.

Data Gathering & Investigation

HR will conduct the initial investigation. The initial investigation can go as far
as the gathering of statements from witnesses, documents, and other material
evidence. In case HR finds insufficient evidence or no probable cause to pursue
the case to the next level, this will be discussed with the immediate
superior/manager/department head for his/her concurrence to discontinue the
investigation and dismiss the IR. HR shall prepare a Memorandum addressed to
the complainant, and to the respondent whose participation was required in the
preliminary investigation (copy furnished to the respective immediate
managers), statingthe lack of convincing factors/issues to pursue the case.
Notice to Explain
HR properly receives the Incident Report and other pertinent documents. An
NTE shall be prepared by the immediate manager to the erring employee, to be
reviewed by HR accordingly. The NTE shall contain the following:
• Specific grounds and detailed narration of the facts and circumstances that
serve as basis for the charge/s against the employee;
• The company rules and/or the grounds under the Labor Code being charged
against the employee and the applicable sanction per the penalty schedule;8
• The NTE shall advise the employee that he is given the opportunity to submit
his/her written explanation to the immediate superior/manager/department
head/HRD within five (5) calendar days from receipt of the NTE;
• The NTE shall include the warning that failure on the part of the subject
employee to respond shall be construed as a waiver of his/her right to be heard
and a Decision shall be rendered based on the available evidence/documents
• The NTE may also contain a directive placing the subject employee on
Preventive Suspension (PS), as warranted, in accordance with the provisions on
• If at this point, the subject employee admits through his/her written
explanation the alleged violation/s, an administrative hearing will continue to be
facilitated. Based on the outcomes, the corresponding Notice of Decision
(NOD) containing the appropriate disciplinary action will be served by the
immediate manager and forwarded to HR for 201 filing. In case of dismissal,
the issuance of the NOD will be done in the presence of the HR Manager or HR

Discipline Panel (DP)

Upon receipt of the IR/NTE for review, and there is no admission of
commission of the infraction by the employee, HR may form a Discipline Panel
(DP). The DP may be composed of the HR Manager, manager/s from other
departments, a resource person (technically knowledgeable with the details of
the case at hand), a team leader or manager. The DP composition should at least
be three (3) people and may change as the situation warrants. DP shall be
responsible for the fair, objective, and speedy resolution of the case. HR may
schedule a case deliberation, aside from the case proceedings. The HR Business
Partner and/or Labor Relations Officer shall assume the role of a presiding
officer. Issues raised for argument shall be resolved through consensus or
collegially. The decision of the DP shall be final and executory. The DP
proceeding will only take place for offenses where the imposable penalty is
suspension until dismissal. An administrative hearing shall be conducted
wherein the employee will be given the opportunity to explain and clarify
defenses to the charge/s against him/her; present evidence in support of his/her
defense; and rebut the evidence presented against him/her. The administrative
hearing shall take place at least three (3) working days after the receipt of the
erring employee’s Reply. A Notice of Administrative Hearing shall be duly
issued (see Annex H). This may also be used by the parties as an opportunity to
reach an amicable settlement.
Case Proceedings
The DP convenes to review and deliberate the case at hand. Notices of DP
meetings maybe served upon the complainant/s, respondent/s, witness/es, and
IR author/s to shed light on the case. Substantial evidence shall be required in
rendering a final decision Case Resolution . The DP shall arrive at a decision
within a reasonable time from the date of the administrative hearing. An NOD
shall discuss the merits of the case, as well as mitigating and aggravating
circumstances affecting the decision. A copy of the NOD shall be released by
the immediate manager to the respondent and IR author. It will form part of the
records for future DPs.
• The DP may, at its own discretion, dismiss the case if facts about the case fail
to substantiate the charge(s) against the respondent.
• The DP will take into consideration the mitigating and aggravating
circumstances in determining the appropriate case resolution.
• Mitigating circumstances are those that tend to lessen the seriousness/gravity
of the offense and merit decreasing the disciplinary action (DA) such as but not
limited to the following:
- Employee's action has not caused substantial loss or damage to the Company.
- Absence of malicious intent;
- Employee admitted guilt spontaneously before the filing of incident report;
- Employee followed a wrong order from a superior in good faith or under
threat, intimidation, or duress;
- Employee was provoked to commit the offense;
- Employment history; or
- Other similar or analogous circumstances.
On the other hand, aggravating circumstances are those that tend to increase the
seriousness and gravity of the offense and merit increasing the disciplinary
action (DA).
Examples of which are as follows:
• Employee has shown multiple or habitual misconduct;
• Has been given a total of four (4) disciplinary actions in 12 months, one of
which involves suspension from work;
• Has been given a total of five (5) disciplinary actions in 12 months, regardless
of offense or corrective action;
• Has been on at least 2 consecutive Performance Improvement Plans (PIP) and
has consistently failed to meet the goals set;
• Employee's action has caused serious damage or loss to the Company;
• Employee has benefited from the offense;
• Employee has premeditated the commission of the offense;
• Other similar or analogous circumstances; and
• HR shall file all the records of the case accordingly.
Should there be a determination that dismissal is justified, the NOD shall
indicate that (1) all circumstances involving the charge/s against the employee
have been considered and (2) grounds have been established to justify the
severance of their employment.10
Implementation of NOD
NOD implementation is a shared responsibility of the immediate manager and
HR. The implementation and service of the NOD shall be done by the
immediate manager and in cases of dismissal, the NOD shall be served in the
presence of an HR representative. In case of dismissal, the HR Head shall be
consulted for review and approval before implementation. The HR Head and the
Legal team have the discretion whether to commute the penalty of dismissal to a
lower penalty due to mitigating circumstances. If and when resignation of the
respondent pre-empts the implementation of the decision or case resolution, all
pertinent documents shall form part of the respondent employee’s 201 file for
record purposes. Depending on the seriousness of the allegations, the
resignation of a respondent can be held without prejudice to the ongoing

Other violations that are not listed in Appendix B but directly or indirectly
affect the interests of the Company and its employees will be dealt with by
Management on a caseto-case basis. The same due process will be conducted in
accordance with the Philippine Labor Law and Company Policy. Any act
analogous to the offenses enumerated in this Code of Conduct shall be subject
to penalty as determined by the Company. The Company reserves the right to
determine classification of an offense and its corresponding penalty. An offense
may be classified under one or more headings or sections.
Appeals Process

• If an employee is not satisfied with the decision of corrective action, s/he

could appeal to the next higher level of authority over the manager who is
meting out the discipline.
• The appeal should be formalized in writing and submitted within three (3)
days from the date the decision is received. All decisions involving termination
of employment must be reviewed and approved by the Department Head of the
concerned employee together with Human Resources, and the Legal Affairs


A conversation between the
immediate manager
and an employee concerning
1 Oral Reprimand
light infractions
pertaining to behavior or
A written notice issued to
the erring employee in
accordance with the
2 Written Reprimand
progressive discipline /
3 Light Suspension (1-7 days) Action has low but evident
impact to cost,
reputation, operations, and
Action has significant
Medium Suspension (8-16
4 impact to cost, reputation,
operations, and people.
May result in serious
Grave Suspension (17-30
5 damage to life, property,
operations, and reputation.
The sanction for grave or
6 Dismissal
repeated offenses.


The process will begin with the technology provider. The solar
cells that make up each solar panel do the heavy lifting when it comes
to actually generating electricity. Through the photovoltaic effect,
your solar panels produce an electrical current. Solar technologies
convert sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic
(PV) panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. Solar
energy is generated by nuclear reaction within the body of the sun.
This energy reaches the surface of the earth in the form of
electromagnetic radiation.
The composition of this radiation as it travels through space
towards the earth is around 56% infrared,36% visible radiation and
7% ultraviolet with the remainder belonging to regions of the
electromagnetic specrum outside the energy ranges covered by these
Solar manufacturer or the Equipment Manufacturer is in charge
with the fabrication and assembly of material across the solar value
chain. A solar panel contains a set of solar cells whose function is to
convert the sunlight into electricity. The primary material in solar
panel manufacturing is silicon. Once the system has been designed,
the engineer would submit the design it to the city for approval and
getting the permits to install the system. The solar company would
begin installation of the solar panels after the permits are approved by
the city .Solar dealers these are the companies had to sell certain
manufacturers solar product and services on behalf of the company.
After the dealers or retailer had a customer, the solar installer or the
service provider will take over. Installers are the companies that will
come out to your property and fit the solar energy system on your
rooftop, solar farm, or carport. Installing solar panels involves is the
fixing of multiple frames to the roof, and then the fixing of the panels
to the frames. If you have a flat roof, then installing the panels will
take a little bit longer as they will need to be mounted at an angle. The
installation usually takes one or two days, depending on the scope of
the panels you have had installed.


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