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Your receipt

12 September 2022, 21h 44m

Reference #: 40674696
Money sent
Transfer amount: 400.00 USD
Transfer fees: 5.00 USD
Transfer taxes: 0.00 USD

Total: 405.00 USD

Money received
Estimated exchange rate: 1 USD = 55.8666 PHP
Estimated transfer amount: 22346.64 PHP
Other estimated fees: 0.00 PHP
Other estimated taxes: 0.00 PHP

Estimated total received: 22346.64 PHP

Recipient may receive less due to fees charged by the recipient's bank and foreign taxes.

Your details
Sender information: Edzel Aberia

Receiver information: Albert Villagomez


Service Provider: MoneyGram

Service type: 10 minute service

Date available in receive 13 September 2022

Funds sent using some services may be available sooner

MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc.

1550 Utica Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55416

You have a right to dispute errors in your transaction. If you think there is an error, contact us within 180 days at
1(800)926-9400 or You can also contact us for a written explanation of your rights.
You can cancel for a full refund within 60 minutes of payment, unless the funds have been picked up or deposited./
Puede efectuar una cancelación para obtener un reembolso completo dentro de los 60 minutos posteriores al pago,
a menos que los fondos ya se hayan retirado o depositado.
For questions or complaints about us contact:

Delaware Department of State , Office of the State Bank Commissioner


Consumer Financial Protection Bureau:

1-855-729-21372 (TYY/TDD)

CURRENCY EXCHANGE: In addition to applicable Fees, MoneyGram also makes money when it changes your
dollars to foreign currency. Currency is converted at an exchange rate set by MoneyGram or its Agents. Please see
the terms and conditions or call MoneyGram at 1(800)926-9400 for more information regarding currency exchange.

Privacy Notice. Our Privacy Statement has not changed in ways that require additional notice, and you may review
our Privacy Statement and practices with respect to your personal information at
notice or we will mail you a free copy upon request.

Photo ID expiration Month, Day and Year is required on Send, Receive and Bill Payment transactions at $3000 and
higher. In Arizona, New Mexico, and Oklahoma, this is required at $1000 and higher.

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