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Principle Welcome to a New Era in Vertical Transportation

Introducing the NEXIEZ...
Based on our policy, “Quality in Motion”,
we provide elevators and escalators that will … technologically advanced elevators that consume less power,
satisfy our customers with high levels of have minimal impact on the global environment and harmoniously serve people
comfort, efficiency, ecology and safety. and buildings with smooth, seamless operation. The refined design produces a
high-quality atmosphere that reassures passengers of the superior safety and
comfort synonymous with Mitsubishi Electric products. Regardless of the use or
purpose, the NEXIEZ is a best-match solution for virtually any elevator installation.

Main Features 3-4

Car Designs 5-8

Hall Designs 9-10

Features 11

Electrical Installation 12

Entrance Layout Drawing 13-14

Basic Specifications for Type MR 15-16

Basic Specifications for Type MRL 17-18

Application for Type MR


1.0 Type MR

450 550 700 750 (kg)

We strive to be green in all of

our business activities. Application for Type MRL
We take every action to reduce environmental
burden during each process of our elevators’ (m/sec)

and escalators’ lifecycle.

1.0 Type MRL

450 630 825 (kg)

1 2
Main Features

Using Energy Wisely Flexible Elevator Layout

Our long-term commitment to developing energy-efficient elevators has created systems and functions that NEXIEZ-GPX comes in two types: configurations with and without machine room (Type MR and Type MRL).
make intelligent use of power. Choose the configuration that is better suited for the space and other building conditions.

Milestones of Energy-saving Technologies in Elevator Development Type MR Type MRL

2010 (MR: Machine room) (MRL: Machine-room-less)
20 0 0
1970 1980 1990
t m o to r
Permanent magne
Motor I n d u c t i o n m o to r

Traction machine Worm geared G e ar l e ss

Motor drive AC2 control AC V V *1 control V V VF**22 control

Control circuit Relay
Power consumption / 100%
CO2 emissions*3 93% 74% The top machine room, All equipment is installed in
accommodating bulky the hoistway. Without the
30 %
equipment, allows simple machine room, the space

–70% and flexible equipment

layout to fit the hoistway
on the hoistway gives
architectures and interior
into a limited space in the designers greater freedom
building. in design.

Traction Machine with PM Motor Emergency Situations

(PM motor: Permanent magnet motor) Firefighters’ Emergency Operation (FE) (Optional) Fire Emergency Return (FER) (Optional)
When the fire operation switch is activated, the car When a key switch or a building’s fire alarm is activated,
The joint-lapped core built into the PM motor of the traction machine features flexible
immediately returns to a predetermined floor. all cars immediately return to a specified floor and open
joints. The iron core acts like a hinge, which allows coils to be wound around the The car then responds only to car calls which facilitate the doors to facilitate the safe evacuation of passengers.
core more densely, resulting in improved motor efficiency and compactness. firefighting and rescue operations.
A high-density magnetic field is produced, enabling lower use of energy and resources
and reduced CO2 emissions.
Motor Motor
Control Control
panel panel

Switch Switch
LED Lighting To a specified

Building’s fire alarm

Used for ceiling lights, LEDs boost the overall energy performance of the building. or return signal
from supervisory room
Furthermore, a long service life eliminates the need for frequent lamp replacement. Firefighter To a specified
Normal Normal floor
Emergency power Emergency power
power supply supply power supply supply

● Advantage of LEDs
Ceiling: L500 Earthquake Emergency Return (EER-S) (Optional)
Service life (hr) Power consumption (W) When a secondary wave seismic sensor is activated, Motor
all cars stop at the nearest floor and park there with the panel
LED 40000 LED 14.4 doors open to facilitate the safe evacuation of
2000 Incandescent passengers. Switch
lamp lamp 132
Approximately 20 times longer Approximately 88% reduction

Ceiling: L500 LED downlights Seismic

Normal To the nearest
power floor
power supply supply

3 4
Car Designs (1/2)

L500 N520
Ceiling: [Center] Brushed stainless-steel Ceiling: [Center] Painted steel sheet (Black)
[Sides] Painted steel sheet (Black) [Sides] Painted steel sheet (White)
Lighting: Downlights (LEDs) Lighting: [Center] Fluorescent lamp
[Sides] Downlights (LEDs)
with center fan type Car Design Example
Car Design Example
Walls - Brushed stainless-steel
Transom panel - Brushed stainless-steel Walls - Decorative plastic finish
Doors - Brushed stainless-steel : M2-D16 [Carvalho Cinza (TX)]
Front return panels - Brushed stainless-steel Transom panel - Brushed stainless-steel
Kickplate - Brushed stainless-steel Doors - Decorative plastic finish
Flooring - M2-F06 [Roca Grafito] : M2-D16 [Carvalho Cinza (TX)]
Car operating panel - Type LCD Front return panels - Brushed stainless-steel
Kickplate - Painted steel sheet
Flooring - M2-F03 [Terrazo Crema]
Car operating panel - Type LCD
The ceiling height of the car shown in this design image is 2600mm.

N510 N530
Ceiling: [Center] Milky white acrylic panel Ceiling: [Center] Brushed stainless-steel
[Sides] Painted steel sheet (Black) [Sides] Painted steel sheet (Black)
Lighting: [Center] Fluorescent lamp Lighting: Fluorescent lamp
[Sides] Downlights (LEDs) Downlights (LEDs)

Car Design Example Car Design Example

Walls - Decorative plastic finish Walls - Decorative plastic finish
: M2-D24 [Chang (RA)] : M2-D23 [Cherry (MC)]
Transom panel - Brushed stainless-steel Transom panel - Brushed stainless-steel
Doors - Decorative plastic finish Doors - Decorative plastic finish
: M2-D24 [Chang (RA)] : M2-D23 [Cherry (MC)]
Front return panels - Brushed stainless-steel Front return panels - Brushed stainless-steel
Kickplate - Brushed stainless-steel Kickplate - Brushed stainless-steel
Flooring - M2-F04 [Terrazo Blanco] Flooring - M2-F05 [Terrazo Humo]
Car operating panel - Type LED Car operating panel - Type LED

5 Actual colors may differ slightly from those shown. 6

Car Designs (2/2)
Car Operating Panels Materials and Colors Walls, doors and Transom panel

Buttons accented with LED halo illumination
Illuminated characters (CBV1), arrows (PIV1) and halos
attract user’s attention.
Brushed finish

Illumination Yellow-orange lighting Decorative plastic finish (only for Walls & doors)

Tactile M2-D05 M2-D04 M2-D16 M2-D19 M2-D20

Titan (TX) Silver Oak (MC) Carvalho Cinza (TX) Thuja (LG) American Oak (LG)

Stainless-steel with
non-directional brushed f inish
M2-D21 M2-D07 M2-D22 M2-D23 M2-D24
Walnut Minnesota (TX) Nogal (MC) Sucupira (TX) Cherry (MC) Chang (RA)
Configuration Flooring
Vinyl tile
Location of
Elevator type*1
Code No. *2 car operating panel M2-D25 M2-D17 M2-D18
Natura (TX) Taupe (TX) Almond (TX)
Front return
Type MR All panel M2-F01 M2-F02 M2-F03 M2-F04 Painted finish
Roca Caliza Roca Ceniza Terrazo Crema Terrazo Blanco

P08-2S Front return

P11-CO panel
Type MRL M2-P01 M2-P02 M2-P03 M2-P04 M2-P05
P06-2S Side wall M2-F05 M2-F06 Gris Moteado Gris Verdoso Almendra Marron Naranja
Terrazo Humo Roca Grafito Base C Moteado Gofrado Brillante Brillante
Rubber tile
*1: Appearing fixing method of face plate is slightly different in elevator type.
Please consult our local agents for more details.
M2-P06 M2-P07 M2-P08 M2-P09 M2-P10
Type LED Type LCD *2: The entrance width (JJ) shall be 800mm. For JJ=900mm, please consult our local agents.
Rojo Brillante Industrial Azul Brillante Verde Brillante Gris Nopal
M2-F09 M2-F10 Almendra Satinado Mate
Emeflex Rally Emeflex Rally
Negro Gris

Interior Finishes
Application Required Color No.
Brushed stainless-steel
Walls*1 Decorative plastic finish
Mirror Handrail Painted steel sheet
Brushed stainless-steel
Transom panel
Painted steel sheet
Brushed stainless-steel
Doors Decorative plastic finish
Painted steel sheet
Front return panel Brushed stainless-steel
Paint *2
Brushed stainless-steel
Durable vinyl tiles
Flooring Durable rubber tiles
Marble (Supplied by customer)
Sill Extruded hard aluminum

YZ-52A Notes: - Applicable - Please consult our local agents.

*1: A half-size mirror on the rear wall is available as an option.
*2: Only available in dark gray.
7 8
Hall Designs
E-102 Narrow Jamb E-302 Splayed Jamb Materials and Colors

Doors and jamb


Brushed finish

Painted finish

M2-P01 M2-P02 M2-P03 M2-P04 M2-P05

Gris Moteado Gris Verdoso Almendra Marron Naranja
Base C Moteado Gofrado Brillante Brillante

Jamb - Painted steel sheet Jamb - Brushed stainless-steel M2-P06 M2-P07 M2-P08 M2-P09 M2-P10
: M2-P08 [Azul Brillante] Doors - Brushed stainless-steel Rojo Brillante Industrial Azul Brillante Verde Brillante Gris Nopal
Doors - Painted steel sheet Hall position indicator Almendra Satinado Mate
: M2-P08 [Azul Brillante] and hall button - PIV1-C710
Hall position indicator
and hall button - PIV1-A710

Hall Position Indicators and Buttons Finishes

Application Required Color No.
Brushed stainless-steel
Painted steel sheet
Brushed stainless-steel
Doors Brushed stainless-steel with logo etching
Painted steel sheet
Sill Extruded hard aluminum
Note: - Applicable - Please consult our local agents.

PIV1-A710 PIV1-A720 PIV1-C710 PIV1-C720 PIV1-C766 PIV1-C776

9 10
Features Electrical Installation
Operational and Service Features Power Feeder Data
Feature Abbreviation 1C-2BC 2C-2BC Required
Backup Operation for Car Control Microprocessor CCBK - for Type MR
Backup Operation for Group Control Microprocessor GCBK - -
Capacity Rated Motor Current at 200V Capacity of NF size in Heat
Backup Operation for Hall Control Microprocessor HCBK - speed output power supply machine room emissions
(kg) FLU (A) FLAcc (A) (A)
Car Call Canceling CCC - (m/sec) (kW) (kVA) (W)
Car Fan Shut Off – Automatic CFO-A - 450 1.0 2.8 16 26 4 20 700
Car Light Shut Off – Automatic CLO-A - 1.0 3.4 19 31 5 30 850
Continuity of Service COS - - 1.75 5.9 30 52 7 40 1500
Elevator remote control – Car EVRC-C 1.0 4.3 23 39 5 30 1100
False Call Canceling – Car Button Type FCC-P
1.75 7.6 38 65 8 40 1900
1.0 4.6 24 41 6 30 1200
Independent Service IND - 750
1.75 8.1 40 70 9 50 2050
Next Landing NXL -
Non-service Temporary Release for Car Call – Card Reader Type NSCR-C
Non-service to Specific Floors – Switch #1
NS for Type MRL
Out-of-service by Hall Key Switch HOS
Overload Holding Stop OLH - Capacity Rated Motor Current at 200V Capacity of Breaker in Heat
Safe Landing (kg) speed output power supply control panel emissions
SFL - FLU (A) FLAcc (A)
(m/sec) (kW) (kVA) (A) (W)
450 1.0 2.8 15 25 4 20 740
Group Control Features
1.0 3.7 20 34 5 30 960
Feature Abbreviation 1C-2BC 2C-2BC Required
1.75 6.5 33 58 7 40 1520
Forced Floor Stop FFS 1.0 5.1 25 44 6 30 1190
Main Floor Changeover Operation TFS
1.75 8.9 42 75 9 50 1930
Main Floor Parking MFP
FLU: current during upward operation with full load at power supply voltage of 200V.
Strategic Overall Spotting SOHS - - FLAcc: current while accelerating with full load at power supply voltage of 200V.

Door Operation Features Note: If power supply voltage (E) is a value other than 200V, FLU current and FLAcc current are obtained via the following formula.
(FLU/FLAcc current (A) at E (V)) = (Current at 200V) × (200/E (V))
Feature Abbreviation 1C-2BC 2C-2BC Required
Automatic Door Speed Control DSAC -
Door Load Detector DLD -
Door Nudging Feature – With Buzzer NDG -
Door Sensor Self-diagnosis DODA - Feeder Size Calculation
Multi-beam Door Sensor - -
Reopen with Hall Button ROHB -
Repeated Door-close RDC - ● The feeder must be able to withstand continuous flow of the following current at an ambient temperature of 40°C.
1.25 (Note) × FLU (A)
Signal and Display Features (FLU (A): current during upward operation with full load at power supply voltage of 200V)
Feature Abbreviation 1C-2BC 2C-2BC Required Note: For Type MR, the value is 1.05 for the elevator with the rated capacity 700kg or more and the rated speed 1.75m/sec.
Car Arrival Chime – Car AECC
The wire length for the feeder size must be calculated via the following formula.
Car LCD Position Indicator CID-S
Car Top Buzzer
Wire length (m) <= Coefficient* × E (V)/FLAcc (A)
Emergency Alarm Bell #3 - -
(E: power supply voltage (V))
Hall LCD Position Indicator PIM-C
(FLAcc (A): current while accelerating with full load at power supply voltage of 200V)
Inter-communication System #3 ITP
*Refer to the table below for coefficients.
Voice Guidance System AAN-G
● When power is supplied to multiple elevators in a group through a common feeder, the capacity of the power supply
Emergency Operations and Features transformer, the size of the feeder, and the current rating of the no-fuse (NF) breaker for one elevator are each multiplied
Feature Abbreviation 1C-2BC 2C-2BC Required by the corresponding diversity factor below.
Earthquake Emergency Return EER-S
Emergency Car Lighting ECL - No. of elevators/group 2
Fire Emergency Return FER
Diversity factor 2.0
Firefighters’ Emergency Operation FE
Mitsubishi Emergency Landing Device MELD
Operation by Emergency Power Source – Automatic only OEPS-SA ● The current size of the grounding wire is determined according to the current rating of the NF breaker on the power source side.
● The current rating of the NF breaker on the power source side should be one level larger than that on the receiving box side
Notes: • 1C-2BC (1-car selective collective), 2C-2BC (2-car group control)
• = Standard = Optional = Not applicable in the elevator machine room or hoistway.
• #1: NS for 1C-2BC: Up to 20 stops, NS for 2C-2BC: Up to 16 stops
• #2: Cannot be combined with ITP, EMB. *
• #3: When ITP is applied, Emergency Alarm Bell is  . Feeder size (mm2) 3.5 5.5 8 14 22 30 38 50 60 80 100 125 150 200 250 325
Coefficient 6.3 9.7 13.8 23.9 35.9 46.4 57.6 71.3 85 105 126 146 166 192 218 244

11 12
Entrance Layout Drawing
CO (Center Opening) 2S (Side Opening)

E-102 E-102 E-302 E-102 E-102 E-302

(Min. clearance)

(Min. clearance)

(Min. clearance)

(Min. clearance)

Sill support
(by owner)

30 91
Sill support

(by owner)





Finished wall


10 (by owner) 10
100 Entrance width: JJ 100



Entrance width: JJ


150 100 100 5
5 150




Entrance height: 2100

Entrance height: 2100

(by owner)

Entrance height: 2100

Entrance height: 2100


E-302 E-302


Sill support
(by owner)

Sill support
(by owner)





Jamb depth:

min. 130
min. 130


140 60


140 60

140 60
° 90 30 30 150 30
25 150 30


25 150 Entrance width: JJ


Finished 150 Entrance width: JJ 150

wall Finished Min. 50
(by owner) 30° 30° wall 30° 30°
(by owner) 91
55 55

Door plan (section B-B) Door elevation (section A-A) Door plan (section B-B) Door elevation (section A-A)

E-102 E-302 E-102 E-302

Keyhole Keyhole Keyhole Keyhole



120 120 100

Entrance height: 2100

Entrance height: 2100

Entrance height: 2100

Entrance height: 2100

Entrance Entrance Entrance Entrance
width: 150 width: 150 width: 150 width: 150


Finished Finished Finished Finished
floor level floor level floor level floor level


Hoistway entrance Hoistway entrance

13 14
Basic Specifications for Type MR
Horizontal Dimensions
Hoistway Plan Machine Room Plan Hoistway Section
Machine room clear width: AM
Required R1 R3
Hoistway width: AH

Machine room clear height: HM

CO 800 *1 1400×850 Rear 1750×1400 1850×2700 □

Machine room depth: BM


Hoistway depth: BH
P6 6 450 1.0 Rear*2 1600×1750 1800×2980
2S 800 1100×1100
Side*2 1800×1530 1850×2050 □

Car internal

depth: BB

CO Rear 1750×1590 1850×2900

800 *1 1400×1030 Ventilator

P8 8 550 Side 2100×1460 2100×2050 (by owner)
2S Rear*2 1600×2050 1800×3280 □
1.0 800 1100×1400 R2 R4

Height: 2000
Side*2 1800×1830 1850×2200

Access door
Width: 700
Rear 1750×1810 1850×3100 □
P10 10 700 CO 800 *1 1400×1250

Side 2100×1600 2100×2050 Entrance panel

P11 11 750 2S 800 1350×1400 Side 2050×1800 2050×2200 □ width: JJ

Car internal Lighting outlet (by owner)

[ Terms of the table] width: AA Power-receiving box
(by owner)
• This table shows standard specifications without the fireproof landing door and counterweight safety.

Overhead: OH
Please consult our local agents for other specifications. Power outlet (by owner)
• CO: 2-panel center opening doors, 2S: 2-panel side sliding doors.

Entrance height: HH
2100 (standard)

2300 (standard)
• Minimum hoistway dimensions (AH and BH) shown in the table are after waterproofing of the pit and do not include plumb tolerance.
Shown for CO doors

Ceiling height
*1: Entrance width(JJ) of 900mm is also applicable. For minimum hoistway dimensions, etc., please consult our local aqents for details. Counterweight rear drop
*2: This counterweight position or dimension is not available in some areas. Please consult our local agents for details.

Machine room clear width: AM

R3 R1

Vertical Dimensions

Machine room depth: BM

Travel: TR

Floor to floor height

R5 (by owner)

R4 R2

Height: 2000
Access door
Width: 700
1.0 450,
450, 550,
550, 700,
700, 750
750 60
60 4400
4400 1360
2200 20 2500*1*1
2500 Control
1.75 550,
550, 700,
700, 750
750 70
70 4630
4630 1410 panel
AA Lighting outlet (by owner)
[Terms of the table]
• This table shows standard specifications without counterweight safety. Power-receiving box
(by owner)

Pit depth: PD
Please consult our local agents for other specifications.
Power outlet (by owner)
*1: Some specifications require more than 2500mm as a minimum floor height. Please consult our local agents if the floor height is less than entrance height HH + 700mm. Shown for 2S doors
Counterweight rear drop
Reaction Loads
R5 R6
Machine room clear width: AM

Counter- Ventilation
Reaction loads(kN) AH grille Note: Hoistway section for counterweight side
weight    drop is slightly different from this figure.
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
1400×850 21 16 21 9

Machine room depth: BM

6 450 1.0 22 16 22 9 53 46 R6 R3 R4
1100×1100 R5
Side 20 14 22 11

Rear 24 19 24 10 R1 R2
1.0 61 51
Side 22 15 25 12 Lighting
1400×1030 outlet
Rear 25 17 24 10 (by owner)
1.75 61 52
Side 23 15 26 13
8 550 Power-
Rear 25 16 25 9 receiving box Control
1.0 61 51 JJ (by owner)
Side 22 15 24 12
1100×1400 AA Power outlet
Rear 25 17 25 9 Ventilator
1.75 61 52 (by owner)
(by owner)
Side 22 16 25 13
Rear 26 19 26 10 Access door
1.0 68 56 Width: 700
Side 26 19 26 11 Height: 2000
10 700 1400×1250
Rear 27 20 27 11 Shown for 2S doors
1.75 70 58
Side 28 21 29 12
Counterweight side drop
1.0 29 22 29 13
11 750 1350×1400 Side 77 64
1.75 29 23 30 13

15 16
Basic Specifications for Type MRL
Horizontal Dimensions
Hoistway Plan Hoistway Section

Hoistway width: AH

P6 6 450 1.0 2S 800 950×1300 1500×1740 □

CO 1800×1720 □ R4
P8 8 630 800 * 1100×1400
1.0 2S Side 1650×1800 □

Hoistway depth: BH
1.75 CO 2025×1720 □ Car internal
P11 11 825 800 * 1350×1400 R6
2S 1900×1800 □ width: AA

Car internal
depth: BB
[ Terms of the table] R3
R2 R5 R1
• This table shows standard specifications without the fireproof landing door and counterweight safety.
Please consult our local agents for other specifications.

Overhead: OH
• CO: 2-panel center opening doors, 2S: 2-panel side sliding doors.
• Minimum hoistway dimensions (AH and BH) shown in the table are after waterproofing of the pit and do not include plumb tolerance.
width: JJ

Entrance height: HH
*1: Entrance width(JJ) of 900mm is also applicable. For minimum hoistway dimensions, etc., please consult our local agents for details.

2100 (standard)

2300 (standard)
Ceiling height
*2: This counterweight position or dimension is not available in some areas. Please consult our local agents for details.

Shown for CO doors

Counterweight side drop
Vertical Dimensions

TR <
= 30 3850*1
450, 630 1300*1
30 < TR <
= 60 3900*1
TR <
= 30 3900
825 1350
30 < TR <
= 60 3950 20 2500*2
TR <
= 30 4050 1450
1.75 450, 630, 825 30 < TR <
= 60 4100 1500
60 < TR <
= 70 4150 1550 R6 AA

[ Terms of the table]

Travel: TR

• This table shows standard specifications without counterweight safety. R3
Please consult our local agents for other specifications. R2 R1
*1: If the capacity is 630kg and marble (supplied by customer) is selected for flooring finish, the dimension may be changed. Please consult our local agents for details.
*2: Some specifications require more than 2500mm as a minimum floor height. Please consult our local agents if the floor height is less than entrance height HH + 700mm.

Floor to floor height

Reaction Loads JJ

Reaction loads(kN) Shown for 2S doors

Counterweight side drop
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
6 450 950×1300 1.0 31 22 23 18 61 52

Pit depth: PD
8 630 1100×1400 1.0 43 32 33 26 80 68
11 825 1350×1400 1.75 48 35 35 28 92 76

R5 R6

17 18

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