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 Analyse your time & routine and strategically pick subjects as

per this roadmap provided.
 As per this strategy, you will be able to put in your efforts in the
right direction of preparation
 Up to eight hours of regular study should be the goal.
 Try not to divert from your GATE Preparation Plan
 Create doubts and queries for us.
 Previous Year Questions are the snippets to create success in

Day 1 What is compiler + Subject motivation + Gate weightage + Subject syllabus +
Background preparation: NFA + DFA + Types of grammars
Checking ambiguity in grammar + Conversion from ambiguous grammar to unambiguous grammar
Understanding associativity and precedence in grammar
Recursive grammars + Types of recursive grammars + Elimination of Left recursion + Left factoring
+ elimination of left factoring
Day 2 Working of programming languages + compilers from point of view of platform independence +
Types of compilers + Introduction to compiler phases +
Lexical analyzer + Gate questions on Lexical analyzer
Day 3 Parsers - Introduction to parsers + Type of parsers with example +
Recursive Descent Parser - Introduction to TDP + Recursive descent parser Algorithm +
How Recursive Descent Parser Works
Recursive descent parser with Left recursive & Left factored grammar +
LL(1) Parser - Introduction to LL(1) parser + LL(1) parsing algorithm + working of LL(1) parser
Day 4 First() – Introduction to first() function + Rules of first() with examples
Follow() function - Introduction to follow() function + Rules of follow() with examples
Day 5 LL(1) parsing table construction - LL(1) Parsing Table Structure LL(1) Parsing Table Construction
algorithm + Examples of parsing table construction +
Checking a Grammar LL(1) or not? - Checking a Grammar LL(1) or not by LL(1) Table + Checking
a Grammar LL(1) or not by Shortcut
How much powerful is LL() parser- Power of LL() Parser
+ Why LL(1) don’t support ambiguity, left recursion and left factoring with example
Day 6 Bottom-up parsers - Introduction to Bottom-up parser + Classification +
LR(0) parser - LR parser algorithm + working of LR(0) parser
Understanding Goto() and Closure functions + Augmented grammar + LR(0) item
LR(0) parsing table construction + LR(0) parser DFA construction
Day 7 Problem solving with LR(0) parser - Checking grammar LR(0) or not?
Types of conflicts in LR(0) and SLR(1) - SR conflict + RR conflict
Handling Left Recursive grammar with LR(0) parser - Checking left recursive grammar LR(0) or not
SLR(1) parsing table construction - Conversion from LR(0) parsing table to SLR(1) +
Problem solving with SLR(1) parser – Part 1 - Checking Grammar SLR(1) or not
Problem solving with SLR(1) parser – Part 2 - Checking Grammar SLR(1) or not
Day 8 Closure / Goto functions with LR(1) item - Closure / Goto functions + LR(1) item +
CLR(1) parsing table construction
LALR(1) parsing table construction +
construct LALR(1) DFA from CLR(1) DFA

Day 9 Types of conflicts in CLR(1) and LALR(1) - SR conflict + RR conflict +

Problem solving with CLR(1) &LALR(1) parser – part 1 - Checking Grammar LALR(1) or not
Problem solving with CLR(1) &LALR(1) parser – part 2 - Checking Grammar LALR(1) or not
Day 10 Power comparison of parsers - LL(1) v/s LR(1) + Power comparison of all parsers + LR(1) v/s
LR(2) v/s……LR(k) + LL(1) v/s LL(2) v/s……LL(k)
+ Cost of Parsers
Operator Precedence Parser - Introduction to Operator Precedence Parser + Operator precedence
parsing algorithm + Working of operator precedence parser
Operator precedence parser table construction
Day 11 Syntax directed translation - Introduction + types of attributes + Types of SDT

Applications of SDT part 1 -
Constructing SDT for executing arithmetic expression + Constructing SDT for Converting infix to
Applications of SDT Part2 - Constructing SDT for Converting from infix to prefix + Constructing
SDT for Conversion from infix to infix +
Day 12 Applications of SDT Part3 - Constructing SDT to find to find number of reductions require to
evaluate the given arithmetic expression + Constructing SDT to convert binary to decimal number
Construct SDT based on S–attributed definition & L–attributed definition
Gate question1 based on SDT
+ Gate question2 based on SDT
Gate Question-3 on SDT
Day 13 Intermediator code generator - Representation of Intermediate code + Syntax tree + Directed acyclic
graph (DAG) + Postfix notation + 3-address code +
Examples-Intermediate code generation
Types of 3-address code - Types of 3-address code + Finding number of addresses
Conditional statement in 3-address code
+ Loop statement in 3-address code
Switch statement in 3-address code
Representation of 3-address code in memory -Types of 3-address code representation + Quadrapple
+ Tripple + Indirect Tripple+ Advantage/ Disadvantages
Day 14 Run time environment - Run time environment +Activation record +Activation tree
Symbol table - Introduction to Symbol table+Data structure for symbol table
Representing Scope Information - Scope of symbol+Type of scope+Broad classification of scope +
Error Detection & Recovery - Features of Good compiler + Type of error’s+Lexical phase
error+Syntax phase error+Sementic phase error
Storage Allocation - Storage allocation techniques+Static storage allocation+Stack storage
allocation+Heap storage allocation

Day 15 Code Optimization - Introduction to Code optimization+Machine Independent

Optimization+Machine dependent Optimization
+ Finding loop in code with Basic blocks & Leaders -Introduction to Basic blocks +Leaders+Control
flow graph
Data flow analysis - Introduction to Data flow analysis+Reaching definitions+Liveness+Data flow
analysis schema
Data flow analysis Example -

Day 1 Start top down or bottom up approach and introduction to the course
Day 2 Physical layer in detail
Day 3 Pyqs related to physical layer
Day 4 Data link layer flow control methods
Day 5 Data link layer error control methods
Day 6 Pyqs related to data link layer
Day 7 Network layer concepts Subnetting & supernetting
Day 8 Network layer concepts IPV4 header
Day 9 Pyqs related to network layer
Day 10 Transport layer Error and flow control methods
Day 11 Header format of transport layer
Day 12 Pyqs of transport layer
Day 13 Application layer protocols
Day 14 Pyqs related to application layer
Day 15 Miscellaneous pyqs..!

Introduction of Matrices
Types of Matrices
PYQ on symmetric matrix
Day 1 Inverse of Matrices
PYQ's on determinants
Properties of determinants
Row reduced echelon form of matrices
Rank of matrices
Properties of rank of matrices
Day 2
System of Linear Equation
Homogeneous System of Linear Equation
Non-Homogeneous System of Linear Equation
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Properties of Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Day 3 Cayley Hamilton Theorem
LU Decomposition
System of linear equations using LU Decomposition method
Introduction to discrete mathematics
Introduction to Propositional Logic
Day 4
Translating English Sentences
PYQ on Connectives
Special Conditional Statements
Day 5 Types of Proposition based on Truth Values

Propositional Equivalence
GATE PYQ's on Propositional Equivalence
Rules of Inference (Basic Terminology)
Rules of Inference
PYQ's on Rules of Inference
Predicate Logic
Translating English Sentences using Quantifiers
Day 6
PYQ's on Quantifiers
Logical Equivalences involving Predicate and Quantifiers
Quantifiers with restricted domains
Negating Quantified statements
Nested Quantifiers
Day 7 Negation of nested quantifiers
Inference Rules of Predicate Logic
Inference Rules of Predicate Logic (Continued)
Introduction to Set Theory
Introduction to Set Theory (Continued)
Set Operations
Day 8 PYQ's on Set Operations
Power Sets
Relations and their types
PYQ's on Relations
Composition of Relations
Equivalence Relations and Equivalence Classes
Closure of Relations
Day 9 Functions
Composite Functions and Increasing-Decreasing functions
Counting of functions
PYQ’s on Functions (Continued)
Partial Orders
Hasse Diagrams
Day 10
Important Terms in Posets
Important Groups
PYQ's on Groups
Day 11 Order of an element and a group
Cyclic Groups
PYQ's on Groups (Continued)
Graph Theory Basics
Handshaking Lemma
Some special simple graphs
Day 12
Walk in Graph Theory
Isomorphism in Graph Theory
PYQ's on Isomorphism
Day 13 Connected Graphs and Subgraphs
Connected Component
Euler Graph
Hamiltonian Graph

Planar Graphs
PYQ's on Planar Graphs
Graph Coloring
PYQ's on Graph Coloring
Independent Sets
Day 14
Graph Covering
Matching in Graph Theory
Matching in Graph Theory(Continued)
Combinatorics Basics
The Pigeonhole Principle
The Pigeonhole Principle strong form
Day 15
Binomial Theorem
Generalized PnC-1 (Permutation with repititions)
Generalized PnC-2 (Combination with repititions)
Generalized PnC-3
Generalized PnC-4
Day 16 Inclusion-Exclusion Principle
Generating Function
L'Hospital's rule
PYQ's on Limits
PYQ's on Limits (Continued)
Examples on Continuity
PYQ's on Continuity
Day 17 Differentiability
Examples on Differentiability
Difference between Continuity and Differentiability
PYQ's on Differentiability
Rolle's theorem
Lagrange Mean Value theorem
Cauchy Mean Value theorem
PYQ's on Mean Value Theorem
Indefinite Integrals
Integration by Substitution
Integration by Parts
Integration by Partial Fraction
Day 18
Examples on Indefinite Integration
Definite Integral
Properties of Definite Integral
Maxima and Minima
Day 19 Basics of Probability
Sample Space and Events
Different Types of Events
Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation
Conditional Probability
Introduction of Conditional Probabi
Law of Total Probability

Baye's Theorem
Random Variable
Bernoulli Distribution
Expectation of Bernoulli Distribution
Binomial Distribution
Expectation of Binomial Distribution
Poisson Distribution
Day 20 Expectation of Poisson Distribution
Exponential Distribution
Expectation of Exponential Distribution
Uniform Distribution
Expectation of Uniform Distribution
Normal Distribution
Expectation of Normal Distribution

Day 1 Number system and problem on Number series
Day 2 Concept of Percentage and application.
Day 3 Problem on Profit and Loss.
Day 4 Problem on Simple interest and Compound interest.
Day 5 Ratio and proportion.
Day 6 Concept of Speed, Time and Distance.
Day 7 Problem on Time and work, Problem on Pipe and cisterns.
Day 8 Average problem.
Day 9 Average problem.
Day 10 Problem on Blood relation concepts.
Day 11 Coding and decoding using normal series and alphanumeric series.
Day 12 Direction and sense test.
Day 13 Problem on Line graph and Bar graph.
Day 14 Problem on Tables.
Day 15 Problem on Bar graph.
Day 16 Figure based reasoning , analytical reasoning
Day 17 Paper cutting, Folding and mirror image.
Day 18 Surds, indices and logarithms.
Day 19 Concept of AP, GP, HP, AM, GM and HM.
Day 20 Problem on Set theory.

● Introduction to Number System ● Binary to Decimal and Decimal To Binary ●
Octal/Hex to Decimal and Decimal to Octal/Hex ● Generalized Base r to Decimal and
Day 1 Decimal to Base r ● Octal/Hex to Binary and Binary to Octal/Hex ● Fractional Number
Conversion ● Examples of Base r fractional number conversion ● Arithmetic of unsigned
numbers (All Number System) ● Previous year GATE questions of Base r arithmetic
● Introduction to Number System ● Binary to Decimal and Decimal To Binary ●
Octal/Hex to Decimal and Decimal to Octal/Hex ● Generalized Base r to Decimal and
Day 2 Decimal to Base r ● Octal/Hex to Binary and Binary to Octal/Hex ● Fractional Number
Conversion ● Examples of Base r fractional number conversion ● Arithmetic of unsigned
numbers (All Number System) ● Previous year GATE questions of Base r arithmetic
● Introduction to Number System ● Binary to Decimal and Decimal To Binary ●
Octal/Hex to Decimal and Decimal to Octal/Hex ● Generalized Base r to Decimal and
Day 3 Decimal to Base r ● Octal/Hex to Binary and Binary to Octal/Hex ● Fractional Number
Conversion ● Examples of Base r fractional number conversion ● Arithmetic of unsigned
numbers (All Number System) ● Previous year GATE questions of Base r arithmetic
● Introduction to Number System ● Binary to Decimal and Decimal To Binary ●
Octal/Hex to Decimal and Decimal to Octal/Hex ● Generalized Base r to Decimal and
Day 4 Decimal to Base r ● Octal/Hex to Binary and Binary to Octal/Hex ● Fractional Number
Conversion ● Examples of Base r fractional number conversion ● Arithmetic of unsigned
numbers (All Number System) ● Previous year GATE questions of Base r arithmetic
● Self Dual Functions: Definition● Converting Function into self Dual ● Self Dual
Day 5
Functions: No of self Dual functions for n variable
● Combining Functions having Don't cares ● Number of Minimal Expressions ● VEM:
Day 6
Variable Entrant Map ● Examples on VEM ● Previous year GATE questions
● Introduction to Logic Design ● AOR and OAR ● NAND-NAND realization ● Minimum
Day 7 No. of NAND Gates required ● NOR-NOR realization ● Minimum No. of NOR Gates
required ● EXOR-EXNOR implementation with NAND and NOR
● Half Adder ● Half Subtractor ● Full Adder ● Full Subtractor ● Binary Adder (Ripple
Day 8
Carry Adder) ● Binary Adder/ Subtractor (Ripple Carry Adder)
● Look Ahead Carry Adder ● Serial Adder ● BCD Adder ● Time Complexity of RCA ●
Day 9
Time Complexity of LACA ● Comparator ● 3,4 bit comparator
● Introduction to MUX ● MUX: Functionally complete? ● Implementing functions using
Day 10 MUX ● Multiplexer with Enable line ● Cascading Multiplexers ● Expansion of
● Introduction to Demultiplexer ● Introduction to Decoders ● Implementing functions
using Decoder CONTENTS SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS ● Implementation Example#1 ●
Day 11
Implementation Example#2 ● ROM implementation ● 4X32 Decoder using 2X4 Decoder ●
Example of Constructing Decoder using decoder
● Address Expansion of ROM ● Word Expansion of ROM ● Determining the address
Day 12 range ● Enabling a Device ● Introduction to Encoders ● Priority Encoders ● Code
Conversion ● Introduction to Hazards ● Test_Vectors
● Introduction to Sequential Circuits ● Latch and Flipflop ● Level Triggered and Edge
Day 13
Triggered ● SR Latch ● SR Flipflop ● D Flipflop ● JK Flipflop ● T Flipflop
● Flipflop Interconversion method ● Exampl of Flipflop conversion ● Introduction to
Day 14
Registers ● Introduction to Counters ● Asynchronous and Synchronous Counters
● Ring Counters ● Ring Counters:Mod 4 ● Johnson Counter ● Mod 4 Gray Counter ●
Day 15 Determining the Clock Frequency ● Introduction to Asynchronous Counters ● Questions
on FFs ● Questions on sequential circuits ● Questions on Mod N counter

 DBMS Syllabus
 Intro to DBMS
 File System vs DBMS
Day 1  DBMS architectures
 Schema and three schema Architecture
 What is Data Independence?
 Concept of Keys
 Candidate Keys and Super Keys
 Primary Key and Alternate Keys
 Model Questions on Number of Super Keys
 Foreign Keys
Day 2
 Referential Key Integrity Constraints
 Functional Dependency
 Attribute Closure
 How to find number of Candidate Keys
 Model Questions on Number of Candidate Keys
 Intro to ER Model
 Types of Attributes
 Relationships in ER diagram
Day 3
 Cardinality Ratio and Participating Constraints
 One to Many Mapping
 One to One Mapping
 Many to Many Mapping
 Model questions on min number of tables - I
Day 4  Self-Referential
 Weak Entity
 Model questions on min number of tables – II
 Canonical Cover
 Equivalence of FDs
 Armstrong Axioms
 Lossless Join Decomposition
 Dependency Preserving Decomposition
Day 5
 Normalization
 First Normal Form
 Second Normal Form
 Third Normal Form
 Boyce Codd Normal Form
 How to find Normal Form
Day 6  Model Question on Highest Normal Form
 Decomposition into Highest Normal Form
Day 7  Intro to Relational Algebra
 Selection and Projection Operation
 Cartesian Product or Cross Product
 Union Operator
 Set-Difference Operator
 Rename Operator

 Intersection Operator
 Intro to Joins
 Natural Join
 Conditional Join
 Outer Join
 "More/Less than Some" type of queries
 "More/Less than Every" type of queries
 "Maximum and Minimum" type of queries
 Queries on Set Operation
Day 8
 Division Operator
 Max and Min number of tuples on Join
 Tuple Relation Calculus
 Model Questions on TRC
 Intro to SQL
 Aliases
 Alter v/s Update
 Delete v/s Drop v/s Truncate
Day 9  Constraints in SQL
 Aggregate Function
 "Group By" Clause
 "Having" Clause
 "Order By" Clause
 Nested and Correlated Nested Query
 WITH Clause
 ANY & ALL Operators
Day 10
 IN & NOT IN Operators
 EXISTS and NOT EXIST Operators
 Set Operations
 Model SQL Queries - I
 Model SQL Queries - II
Day 11  "Kth MAX and MIN"
 SQL Query implementing Division Operator of RA
 Views
 File Organization
 Indexing //Dense Index and Sparse Indexing
 Primary Indexing
 Clustering Indexing
Day 12  Secondary Indexing over Key
 Secondary Indexing over Non Key
 Intro to B Tree
 Construction of B Tree
 Order of B Tree
 Intro to B+ Tree
 Construction of B+ Tree
 Order of B+ Tree
Day 13
 Min and Max Keys and Nodes in B/B+ Tree
 Bulk Loading in B+ Tree
 Join Algorithms

 Transactions
 ACID Properties
 Schedule
 Conflict
 Conflict Equivalent Schedules
Day 14
 Conflict Serializable Schedule
 View Serializable Schedule
 Concurrency Problems
 Recoverable and Irrecoverable Schedule
 Cascading and Cascade less Schedule
 Simple Lock based Protocol
 Basic 2PL Locking Protocol
 Model Questions on 2 PL
Day 15
 2 PL categories
 Basic Time Stamp Ordering Protocol
 Model Questions on Basic TO Protocol

Day 1 -Introduction to DFA with examples
Complementation of DFA and Examples of DFA
Day 2 -Introduction to NFA
-Minimization of DFA
-Introduction to Moore and Mealy Machine
-Conversion between Moore and Mealy Machine
-Epsilon NFA
Day 3 -Regular Language and Regular Expression
-Examples on Regular Expressions
-Regular Expression to Finite Automata
Day 4 -ExamplesonRegularLanguagePart1
Day 5 -Pumping Lemma for Regular Language
Day 6 -Introduction to Context Free Grammars
-Examples on Context Free Grammars
Day 7 Chomsky Classification of Grammars
-Eliminating NULL Production from CFG
-Eliminating Unit Production from CFG
-Eliminating Useless Symbols from CFG
Day 8 -Introduction to CNF and GNF
-Introduction to CYK Algorithm
Day 9 -Introduction to Push Down Automata
-Conversion to PDA from CFG
Day 10 -Examples on Context Free Language Part1
-Examples on Context Free Language Part2
Day 11 -Pumping Lemma for Context Free Language
Day 12 Introduction to Turing Machines with Examples

-Representation of Turing Machine
-Turing Thesis(Optional)
Different Types of Turing Machines
-Universal Turing Machine
Day 13 -Introduction to REL and RL
-Understanding CSL
Day 14 -Introduction to Countability
-Examples of Countability
-Different Properties on Countability
-Difference Between Computability and Decidability
-Turing Machine Halting Problem
-Post Correspondence Problem and Complexity Classes
Day 15 -Properties of CFL and PDA
-Properties of RL and FA
-Decidability Chart
-Closure Property Chart


Day 1 Loops, and Arrays
Day 2 Pointers and Pointer Arithmetic and Problems due to pointer
Day 3 Structure, Union and Pointers on Structure
Day 4 Queues and Stacks
Day 5 Linked List and its variations like CIRCULAR LL, Double LL, Circular Double LL
Day 6 Stacks and Queues using Linked List
Day 7 Binary Tree and some variations like ternary tree, n-ary tree
Day 8 AVL tree and its rotation
Day 9 Heaps
Day 10 Graphs representation using adjacency matrix and list
Day 11 BFS and DFS traversal and different edge classification
Day 12 Hash table
Day 13 Probing and Pruning in Hash
Day 14 PYQ1
Day 15 PYQ2


Day 1 -Introduction to COA
-Basics of Memory addressing
-Gate PYQ on endianess
Day 2 -Memory mapping
-Locality of reference
-Direct Memory mapping
Day 3 Complete memory management
Day 5 M/C ins and Addressing modes
Day 6 PYQS of M/C ins and Addressing modes

Day 7 ALU , datapath and control unit
Day 8 PYQs of ALU datapath and Control unit
Day 9 Instruction pipelining with hazard
Day 10 Instruction pipelining software and hardware methods
Day 11 Instruction pipelining PYQS
Day 12 Instruction pipelining PYQS
Day 13 I/0 Interface
Day 14 Secondary memory
Day 15 PYQS related to I/O interface and secondary

Operating System for GATE, Functions and GOAL of Operating System, Process,
Day 1 Process States, Process Control Block, Process state transition diagram, Multi
Programming, Multi Tasking, Context Switch
Introduction to CPU Scheduling, CPU and I/O Burst Cycle, Preemptive and
Nonpreemptive Scheduling, CPU Scheduling Performance criteria, First Come First
Day 2
Serve CPU scheduling, Convoy Effect, Priority CPU Scheduling | Non Preemptive,
Preemptive Priority Scheduling
Shortest Job First (SJF) CPU Scheduling, Shortest Remaining Time First Scheduling,
Longest Job First (LJF) CPU Scheduling, Longest remaining time first scheduling,
Day 3
Round-Robin CPU Scheduling, CPU Scheduling with CPU & I/O Burst Time, SJF with
CPU & I/O Burst Time, SRTF with CPU & I/O Burst Time
Shortest Job First CPU Scheduling with predicted burst time, Highest Response Ratio
Day 4
Next(HRRN), Multilevel Queue Scheduling, Multilevel Feedback-Queue Scheduling
Introduction of Process Synchronization, Critical Section & Race Condition, Critical
Day 5
Section Problem | Condition to process synchronization, Busy Wait and Spin Lock
Lock Variable Synchronization Mechanism, Test and Set Instruction, Turn Variable |
Strict Alteration Method, Interested variable, Peterson's Solution, Lock Variable
Day 6
Synchronization Mechanism, Test and Set Instruction, Turn Variable | Strict Alteration
Method, Interested variable, Peterson's Solution
Semaphores | Wait, Signal Operation, Binary Semaphore, Counting Semaphore,
Producer Consumer Problem, Printer-Spooler Problem, Readers-writers Problem, Dining
Day 7 philosophers Problem, Examples of Counting Semaphore Basic Wait and Signal,
Examples of Binary Semaphore, Examples of producer consumer problem with
Introduction to Deadlock, Deadlock Characteristics, Deadlock Example _Basic PYQ,
Resource Allocation Graph, Deadlocks Handling Methods, Deadlock Prevention,
Day 8
Deadlock Avoidance, Resource Allocation Graph Algorithm, Bankers Algorithm,
Deadlock Detection And Recovery
Memory Management, Degree of multiprogramming, Contiguous and nonContiguous
Day 9 Memory management, Fixed size Partitioning | Internal Fragmentation, Variable size
First Fit, Next Fit, Best Fit, Worst Fit Memory Allocation, Examples on First Fit,Best Fit
Day 10
and Worst fit, Overlays, Paging Part
Physical Address and Logical Address Space - Address Translation - Translation
Day 11
Lookaside Buffer - Paging : Numerical Session
Day 12 Page Table Entries, Multi-Level Paging, 2-Level Paging, Inverted Paging, Thrashing -

Segmentation - Segmented Paging
Day 13 Virtual Memory, Page Replacement, Page Fault, FIFO Page Replacement
Belady's Anomaly in FIFO page Replacement, Optimal Page Replacement algorithm,
Day 14 Least Recently Used Page Replacement Algorithm, Most recently used page
replacement Algorithm
Disk Access Time, Disk Scheduling, FCFS Disk scheduling, SSTF Disk scheduling,
Day 15 SCAN Disk Scheduling, C-Scan Disk Scheduling, LOOK Disk Scheduling, C-LOOK
Disk Scheduling

Day 1 Study Linear, Binary, Interpolation Search + Try to Solve different Questions related to
Binary Search. There are lot of application available + PYQ
Day 2 Try to complete basic sorting like Bubble, modified bubble, selection, insertion first +
PYQ on these sorting + time complexity of them.
Day 3 Go in depth of Sorting, study Merge Sort, Quick Sort and their asymptotic analysis
Day 4 Study Hashing and its different Variations + Solve PYQ on hashing
Day 5 Solve Asymptotic Time complexity using substitution , Tree Method and Master's
Day 6 Study Some Greedy Algorithms and try to understand the paradigm + PYQ on Greedy
Day 7 Study about Recursion (or revisit it) + Understand what is Optimal Substructure +
Memorisation + Top Down DP
Day 8 Solve DP questions from geekforgeeks website , try code some + solve PYQ
Day 9 Study Divide and conquer + revisit Merge and Quick Sort + Sudy MinMax Algorithm
Day 10 Start with Graph Traversal like BFS , DFS+ Edge Classification of BFS, DFS +
Traversal Tree
Day 11 Study Kosaraju Algorithm for Strongly Connected Component + Study Articulation
Point and Bridge\
Day 12 Study Prim's and Kruskal for MST finding + MST properties
Day 13 Study Djikstra, Bellman Ford Floyd Warshall
Day 14 PYQ on Graphs
Day 15 PYQ on Graphs


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