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Extreme Programming for Safire Solutions

1) Actors:

• Project Manager
• Product Owner
• Team Lead
• Developer
• Tester
• QA Lead
• QA Engineer
• UI Designer

2) Activities from the prespective of the roles:

1. PROJECT MANAGER Works on a higher level of abstraction and is responsible for a budget, risk,
schedule, and contract management.

2. PRODUCT OWNER is a person is close to that of an analyst and concentrates on a product and its
features. Their primary role is to take care of business value maximisation (suitability of the product
to use). Product owners are focused on constant changes because they are using agile methodology.

3. TEAM LEAD Typically, such a role is given to one of the developers. This person should have
leadership qualities which allow for maintaining communication between remote development teams
and for example – clients. Team leads ensure that the team has sufficient performance levels and is
also responsible for conflict prevention and resolution.

4. DEVELOPER is a programmer having broad range of knowledge and skills over any technology that
related to the project.

5. QA LEAD Quality Assurance Lead is responsible for building the QA team and its management. One
of their most crucial responsibilities is to ensure a proper relationship level between persons
accountable for areas of the system under construction. QA Lead, similarly, to a Team Lead, is a person
accountable for proper relations between QA team members, mitigation of conflicts, praising good
work, and motivating to further self-development.

6. QA ENGINEER It’s a person responsible for preparing tools that allow for automating processes
which verify software quality. Such a form of software testing makes it possible to check if regression
errors occur.
7. TESTER: They are responsible mainly for conducting manual tests, that is system verification by
using it analogically, as opposed to how end users will operate it.
8. UI DESIGNER The primary duty of the UI designer is to prepare, or design, the user interface. This
means transferring content, style, graphics connected with a client or product to a system presentation

3) Design a tracker to design the tasks, subtasks.

Primary Resources Total Scheduled Scheduled Milestone Iteration

Task Required effort Start End Required
Allow the Product 30 hours 20-April-2022 30-April-2022 Milestone to 1
users to export Owner be Completed
their personal
into an Excel

Map out Team Lead 20 hours 1-May-2022 2-May-2022 Milestone to 2

functional be completed
and users
Configure the Developer, 100 hours 4-May-2022 9-May-2022 Milestone to 4
system and Associate be completed
design the Developer
Testing QA Lead, 90 hours 9-May-2022 13-May-2022 Milestone to 3
interface in Tester, QA be completed
iterations Engineer

Design the UI 48 hours 13-May-2022 15-May-2022 Milestone to 3

requirements Designer be completed
for interfaces
4) Design user stories that indicate what each roles in the system will do and receive
from the system.

As a Project Manager, I want to add Project Details to the system so that all the members involved in the
project should know and understand the project.

As a Product Owner, I want to give the details that are needed to include in the product by sending the details
to the manager before starting the project development.

As a Team Lead, I want to take responsibility about the team in the development process in all departments
like programming, testing. I must take care of the relations between the team members so that the team
performance increases.

As a Developer, I must take care of the project development phase and implement a product where it is easy
to understand and improve the performance over a period.

QA Lead: My role in the team is to take care of the testing department and improve the performance the tester
and engineers. We must test the product multiple times in various ways so that it can perform well in real time

Tester: Tester test the product and check if any bugs or errors present in the code by implementing various
bug tests and performance tests.

UI Designer: UI Designer design the platform that is suitable for the given code and check the usage before
sending to the on field.

5) An Agile based Requirement Analysis Sheet

Epic User User Story Story Tasks Team total Analyst/ Development QA
Project Story Name Details user story Preparation
Name Role Work
Charlie Project Charlie Project is 12 t 40 5 30 5
software manager junior to develop member
Industry a website team is
for their required

National Resource National Project is 10 100 5 85 5

Archaeology Archaeology to be members
need to developed team is
develop a in java required
website for only
6) Design a Test Document

Test name Description Test PreCondition Test Data Priority Expected Result
(Action- # (High/
Steps) Low/
Verify the Enter Valid T1 Need an valid <valid High Successful Login
login of Username and Gmail Account username>
Gmail Valid to do login <valid
Password password>
Verify the Enter Valid T2 Need an valid <valid High A Message "The email
login of Username and Gmail Account username> and password you
Gmail Invalid to do login <Invalid entered don’t match" is
Password password> shown

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